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The Brussels Post, 1913-11-20, Page 8
Tooth. Brushes New Lot Just Reooived We have just passed into stack a fine new lot of Tooth Brushes. On one emitter we now have a small show case containing samples of the best Tooth Brushes going, The Brushes themselves are put up in sealed cartons and in this way you do not have to take a brush that has been handled many times. These come at 250 and 35e each. Other Brush- es we have at roc and r5c each. Clean Teeth To keep the Teeth clean use Rexall Tooth Paste, 250—ribbon end lies flat on the brush ; or Rexall Antiseptic Tooth Powder—gives a pearly lustre to the teeth. . The constant use of either of tbese preparations will keep the teeth beautiful and clean and arrest decay, Toilet Creams Are needed at this time of year when the colder winds are more than likely to make the bands and face rough and sore, Among those of merit are : Dream of Violets Lemon and Witch Hazel Cream Parisian Balm Montholine Balm These are recommended as aids in keeping the skin smooth and soft. and will relieve the inflammation of chapped hand or face. Tbey are priced. at 250 per bottle. In bulk we have Cream of Roses, 5c per ounce Cream of Witch Hazel 5c per ounce .1....da .stare F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. Prat geb3s g±tUT BAD roads. A few weddings are on the tapis. THE POST telephones are Nos. 31 ani • READ the local news on page 5 of this issue, THE sleighing was well used while it lasted. SOME talk of a hustling industry lo- cating in Brussels. R. 'PHoMPsoN made a large shipment of dressed poultry this week. CHRISTMAS Day is only 5 weeks away from Thursday of this week. Time to get busy. CATTLE and hog market holds up well and poultry, eggs and butter are on the top shelf. FARMERS' Institute regular meeting in Brussels Town Hall Monday afternoon and evening of next week. Attend. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday, De- cember 5•h. This should be a great day in town and the business men should get ready for it. THE apple Evaporator has closed down for this season after a lively run for about two months, during which a great many bushels of apples were handled. ALT, going well the Electric light system is expected to resume operations in Brussels by Saturday evening of this week. Every user hopes the prophecy will prove true. THE morning edition of the Toronto ' Daily Globe is given to subscribers on Rural Mail Routes at $3 0o per year. Quite a number are accepting this liberal offer. THE PosT returns thanks to the subscribers in arrears who are squaring off arrearages and getting a start on sere. There are scores whom we are expecting will do the same. POSTMASTER Scott was re-elected on the Executive Committee of the Inde- pendeat Telephone Association of Ont- ario at the annual meeting held last week. Brussels Rural system is one of the largest companies in the list. JANUARY 29th is said to be the date for polling on the Canadian.Temper- ance Act in Huron County. Can't be sure however, as somebody may whisper in the ear of the Governmenf for some other date. WOMEN'S Institute meeting next Monday afternoon to be addressed by Miss Robson, on. Public meet- ing to the evening Ildertening in the Town Hall when three addresses and a musical program will be given. CURLERS,—A meeting for the pur- pose of re -organizing Brussels Curlin Club for the coming season. will be held Board room Monday the Library in Y B evening next, at 8 o'clock It you are interested in this old fashioned Winter sport dont fail to be present. HURON County Council will convene at the Court House, Goderioh, on Tues- day, December and, at 3 p. m. One item of interest at this session will be the presentation of the Engineer's re• port relative to the proposed radial electric railway in Huron Co. A consignment of new books are being selected this week for Brussels Public Library and will be ready for distribution to members in the course of a week. The latest and beat books are included in the purchase. Those who are not patrons should take advantage of this excellent Library, MARRIEn,— A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday evening of this week at the Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, when William Ames and Miss Lydia Thibadeau, both; of Brus- sels joined hand and heart. The cere- mony was performed by Rev, . A. ren M. A. May' their future be happy and successful. Goon ADDRESS.— Monday evening Rev. S. Johnston, of Pine River, gave a very interesting and instructive ad - dregs to the Epworth Leagueonthe subject of •Cauadiap Missionary Problems.' He dealt with 6 of them . viz : - Racial, Economic, Social, Language, Political, and Religious, The speaker covered] the. wide field and his fine address will do good. Miss 7 1 solo. e Minn to•Wal ker ren choice rendered a clo The chair was occupied by Rev. Mr, Wren, the pastor. Mr, Johnston is cot..missto❑ed by the Wingham District Executive to visit the Leagues. T170 toms Annex A company of Youths were out Friday night and after raiding some hen hooses distributed the boys into theright channel, The Boy • ek in to make seeking 1s g resi- _ Scout 'movement ' of a few es hall doors inthe poultry rid also visited the 'town Hell manly boys, to make then courteous and dances and Guess°akind, Observant, obedient and deeply party'oywas the program. Q3ttess�the boys thought it was fun but religious, It's up to the boys to play they no doubt overlooked the fact that the game end live ustO the rules of the Boy Stouts, act g , LOYAL Legion will meet Friday after noon of this week in the Carnegie Library audience room at the usual hour. Miss Belle Henderson will give a paper on Temperance. I. T. WooD's visit to Winnipeg was a business bringer in the way of good orders for his output. They are behind in their work despite steady running. Joust Luaus, Brussels, is prepared to attend to the wants of the public in painting, paper hanging, &c. He satisfaction with every ob. u fa t guarantees sa s 3 • lv n & Co. will be here Fri- day EN da of next week, 28th inst., and may beconsultedat the American Hotel. See their advt, on page 5 of this week's issue of THE POET. 0 Pon BALE, comfortable dwelling, acres land, fruit trees and stable. I. C. Richards, 18 pigs for sale.8 weeks old. Lot 28. 4th Don. Morris township. ROBT. Manus. Phone 1214. tt. LoaT from a buggy last Monday night, an umbrella. Pinder will much oblige the loser by leaving it at Tan Posm at an early date, POULTRY.—The following prices will be paid for choice dressed poultry delivered at the Bast Huron Produce Emporium :—Turkeys 18e ; Geese 110 ; Ducks 18c ; Chickens 180 ; Heavy Fow110o ; Light Powl 80. Romm. TIIoMSON. M. H. MOOaE'9 AOoovaTs.—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to me for veterinary services are asked to call at 8. 0. Wilson's store, Brussels and settle the same, he having authority to give receipts. Eindly call and Battle. M. H. M0082, V. 8. BUno51LL & Co. having closed the Evapor- ator, will continue to pay 50 cash for Dried Apples at Jas. Ballantyne's Grocery. BOY wanted to learn.AplyetoaGEo T❑nmaON. Oakley, COMFORTABLE house to rent. Apply to W. Goon building lot for sale, corner Queen and Albert streets, Brussels. containing acre.- Will be sold at reasonable figure. Ap• ply to Bert Lott, or TH2 POST. Will am, Set and file circular or any saw now with the latest saw tools. Tom McGreg- or, Brussels, Ont. ---0 SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNTS.—This week a number of subscription accounts due THE Pon' are being sent out. Many of them are small but in aggregate repre- sent hundreds of dollars to the pro prietor. If everybody will lend a hand it will not be a difficuit task to clear them off. Kindly do so as it takes many a dollar to keep a newspaper office run- ning. Soma OUT.—Cleve. Denbow hes dis- posed of his barbering business to Joseph Nicholson, who is now in charge. The former will continue to aid in the We are not S rt a ho until next sg P pp Mr. Denbow 's s plans with acquainted w for the future. We welcome Mr. Nicholson to Brussels. NEw officers of the District Library Institute, held at Stratford last week, are as follows ;— President, J. Barnett Vice President, Rev. Davis s • �Secre Andrew McNabb, Underwood, tary, Miss Louise Johnston Executive John McNaught, Monkton , W. H Kerr Brussels, Miss McCallum, Paisley ; W. E. Saunders, Ethel I John Clancy, and H. E. Huston, of Exeter. SOME THINGS THE POST SUGGESTS. — Putting the road grader under cover before Winter sets in. Property owners be made keep the sidewalks clear of snow on the Main street. A tighter rein by the home folk on some lads in the evenings. Petty thieving from store fronts put a stop to. Merchants are perhaps a trifle lax in these short days in allowing goods out too late. The thorough re -organization of the Local Board of Health. SCOUTS or BRUSSELS.— The second meeting of the boys who desired to join the troop being organized was held f the class Tuesday at q p, m. in one o rooms of the school Business was the formation of patrols ,, Election of Patrol leaders and their assistants ; Choice of names of the Patrols ; Consideration of appointment of Chaplain and few words from Scout Master. There were four seniority:— patrols formed names in The Hound," "Owl," "Ram," and "Cat." Patrol leaders and assistant are :—The Hound—Fred. j Wood, J. Ballantyne ; Owl— Cardiff Best, Alex, Fox; Ram— Ward Buchanan, Amos Attwood ; Cat Harry Lott, Byron Rev. Wright. It was decided to ask Mr, Mann to act as Chaplain and he has accepted, The Patrol leaders and as- sistants met at the Rectory for further iustruction. We hope that in our en• deavors to guide the energies of the they were liable to arrest for theft, 8m:101010h tests 0u a 0ertain few and if sufficient proof call be secured they Will be asked to appear before the Magistrate to give an accOnnt of their doings, It might not be amiss for a few parnnta to salt the question 'Where is sty wandering boy toeight 7 as a thane petit is ahead of some ot the the boys cttn meet together, play games People o uwill they .mend their Ways. and hays a good. tittle together twice a trink4 will dot put Up with those nervy week. J 1phftrd E. Page, tricks, straight, live decent, to aid and nt to harm, to remeruber all are brothers, that people may favor end not condemn the movement. Men ere wanted to inetruct the boys in bugle playing, first aid, carpentry, etc, and another young men is wanted to old as an assistant Scout Master. An empty room with a fete chairs is wanted where The Metropolitan Bank Capital Pald up • Reeorve Fund - Undividod Profits - - 81,000,000.00 1,280,000.00 ,181,868,26 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $f.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER BRUssxt.s W. C, T. U.—The regular meeting of Brussels Branch ot the W, C. T. U. will be held iu the audience room of the Public Library Friday after- noon, 28th lust„ at 3 o'clock. Topic will be "The purpose of life" and will he taken by Mrs. (Rev ) Mann. Visitors will be cordially welcomed. ADAM SINCLAIR DECEASED.— Monday of this week a letter was received by Mrs, Adam Sinclair, Mill street, from a lady in Vancouver, B. C., stating that Adam Sinclair, formerly of this locality,. had died in the hospital In that city and was buried on the 7th inst. The writer stated telegrams had been sent Mrs. Sinclair concerning her husband's death but no replies had come to hand. Mrs. Sinclair did not receive any mes- sages and hence could not reply No particulars were given as to cause of 'o death but further information is expect- ed ed as Mrs. Sinclair has written to Van- couver. couver. It is about rs years since de- ceased was here. He was about 73 years of age and bad seen a good deal of the world. James Sinclair, of Grey township. is a brother and Mrs. Adam Turnbull, of the same township, and Mrs. Earl, of Ethel, are sisters. Other brothers and sisters are Jesse and William, in the West, and Mrs. Brown in B. C., and Mrs. Byron, ot Montana. People We Talk About Eli Smith was away short trip to Buffalo. Miss Daisy Wilson, of Wroxeter, was visiting under the parental roof last Suudey. Mrs. Jessie Kerr was visiting her sister. Mrs. R. McAlpine, at St. Marys for a few days Inspector Field is making his regular visit to the various departments of Brussels school this week. Mrs P. Scott is at Toronto this week representing Brussels Women's Institute at the Provincial meeting convening in that city. Ivirs. T. Haycroft, John street, has not been very well during the past week. Miss Mabel Haycroft, of Port Arthur, is hone to look after her for a time. We hope the patient will speedily recuper- ate. Mrs. Hugh Carr. of Rudyard, Mich., is here on a visit with her parents and other relatives. She is a daughter of Richard and Mrs. Roe. The latter is considerably better we are pleased to state. Harry James, proprietor of the Amer. ican Hotel, who has been very danger- ously i11 during the past two weeks, is showing considerable improvement and it is to be hoped be will soon be restor- ed to good health. Ben. Edwards, who accompanied W. Baillie, ie of Mo ncrieff locality, and Fred. g Lon foot, of Strafford, on a nunting ex; edition to the Northlandhas arrived home bringing his quota of venison. They had a fine time. Miss Violet McKenzie, of Guelph, daughter of Jno. and Mrs. McKenzie, formerly of Brussels was married Y recently to W T. Holyman,a resident of the Royal city. We rustmany happy years, marked with prosperity, Will come to them. Lorne Stevenson, who has been in charge of the Butter Factory of W. W. Harris, Brussels, during the past season, left for his home at Cathcart, Ontario, on Wednesday of this week, having completed bis season's work. He thinks Brussels is a very fine spot. Charlie Zilliax, ofToronto, wasreuew- ing old friendships in Brussels this week. He is the oldest son of Chris. Milne, It Is about 22 years since the family removed from town. Charlie has been in Calgary for the past 2 years but thinks he will remain in the Queen's city for the present at least. this week on a Bailiff Thos. Newsom who was mak- ing fairly good progress from a health standpoint, )las hardly been as well dur- ing the past week. George Lott, bas been off duty for the past two weeks owing to illness. He does not get many .holidays for such a reason very often. Postmaster Scott. Peter Scott and Alfred Seeker were at Listowel Wednes- day afternoon attending the funeral of the late W, Kidd, a well known horse- man. We are sorry to state that Wm. Mar- tin, our old well known townsman has been on the sick list -but scores of old friends hope he will soon be able to lee about once more. . William Gordon, who has been at Niagara Falls for the past few months, was here this week. Mrs. Gordon is still atthe Fa11 here her niece,Mrs. Mc- Donald and her husband 5Nreside, Church Chimes Tuesday at 8 p. in. in St. John's church vestry, Teacher's Training Class. Next Sunday Bible Class and Sunday School in St. John's church at so a. m. A short talk on "Chine" by the rector. sr a, m. morning prayer, "The field, the world," 7 p. m, Evensong, One talent, "Time." Rev. A, J. Mann, B. A., tools as his theme last Sabbath morning in Mel- ville church. "Divine Worship" from which a practical discourse was pre- sented. The subject in the evening was "Sampson." Rev. Mr. Rowena. pastor of St. Andrew's church, Stratford, has tender- ed his resignation and purposes taking a year's rest, spending the Winter in the South. H e 11AS been pastor for' about three years. Service w as held last Sunday night in St. John's church under adverse circumstances. There being no electric light. lamps and . lan- terns were requisitioned and shed a sufficient light to overcome the darkness. The service last Sunday evening in connection with the Methodist citu'cli was held fa the_ Sabbath School owing to the electric light not being iu work- ing order. A rplendid temperance ser- mon was preached by Rev Mr Wren, ou the subject "Shall the mountain be removed 1" Next Sunday will be the final sum- ming up of the Missionary campaign for this year in the Methodist church as far as addresses are concerned. The pastor will speak in the morning on "Day gleams from afar," and in the evening on "The Horne Base," 5 teams of 2 each, have been appointed to canvass the congregation next week for financial contributions to the cause, Friday evening the Sunday School children of St. john's church met in the baaement for o good time together. Cher. The teachers had provided refresh- ments. Games were played and a solo sung by Miss Marjorie Campbell, tater in the evening Rev. Mr, Page showed about 72 slides with the lantern, the pictures being selected from reptiles and i losed' at o The social c and animals. 9 3 with the singing of the Natioual An them. The A. Y, P. A, held theirusual weekly meeting after the Sun- dae evening service. Rector presided and a paper was read by Miss Ina Bryans, on "God's Temple, the heart." Paper was thoughtful, and earnest, It led up to the conclusion that life was meant to be attuned to praise and unless the heart was the temple of God, the life of man, woman or child was but discord. Retnarks were also made by the chairman, J, G Jones, Miss Wilson and Miss Colvin, Discussion was more evident than i❑ previous meetings. Next Sunday paper by J. G. Jones ou "Hymns we all love." Rector presid- ing. All are invited. • ••••••••••4.•+•÷•+.+44•14+0 +•+•+•.t-.4.0+40+44•440.1•••••••• ••r0•N.+a'Fa•t•e•r•4.+Y+i+.1'.+0+.+..1•.•t-.4.0+40+!'•1•.•1•o•W'14+.+0 • • s 1 •1 + Cold Weather Goods Fine range of well made Horse Blankets at various prioes Comfortable Rugs and Robes Sleigh Bells . e s in variety. Halters, Currg Combs, gushes, &o. Trunks, Valises and Hand Bags if got intend travelling Our large stook gives customers a good r:hoice, PRICES ARE RIGHT, 43al1 In and see our goods, Illness Repairing B. F. CARR, brussels a Specialty, On San. let, 1914, the Oaslt System of doing business will be adopted, ilialiM4444i444444+.410+4+0+04•04.4 t'a4•i+•+,'14+e't•od•e'1••44+,+ ESTABLISHED 1875 CIF EAMAIDA 4,p,D OrrJOL, TORONTO BRUSSEL J. F. Rowland, AVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. S BRANCH, Itlin Manager. 444 pastorOSt Rev. Dr. Ross, f. Andrew's Presbyterian chi Teri n rch Loudon,was 1 killed by an auto in New York city on Tuesday evening. While crossing the street he was struck and only lived one hour. never returning t0 consciousness. 1 Dr Ross was born itiScotland and was 62 years of age and had t ecu pastor of St. Andrew's since 1904. His wife. g soils and a clanghter survive. Stratford Presbytery sustained the call of Lucau and Fraser churches to Rev. R. aluDerment, M, A.. of Oakville, in Chatham Presbytery, at $85o stipend, ,and December 16 was set for lila indite - ion. The resignation of Rev. W. L H. Rowan as pastor of St. Andrew's church Stratford was read, and will be dealt with at a epeelal meeting of Presbytery on December 2. LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE.—Gratifying 10 the members of the Board of the Lord's Da Alliance was a report of . Secretary Y P W. M. Rochester presented at the an- nual meeting in Toronto. The, report indicated that many incidents of viola- tion of law • came under review during the sear and in almost every instance satih factory results were secured. Ill addition to the reduction of construction work on the Lord's Day throughout the Province were incidents of office work, constructing buildings and unnecessary repairs in all of which instances the employees were given liberty on their rest day. Satistactiou was expressed at the fact that there was a growing demand for .literalure.of an appropriate charac- ter dealing with the legal questions en- gngiug the attention of the Alliance. It was stated that if all the ice cream parlors and soda -water stands were closed in one city in Caueda on the Lord's Day, 2,500 men and women would be given their liberty. The Bishop of Toronto, presided and with all the other officers was re-elected for. the coming year. The Treasurer's re- port showed an increaseof receipts over last year of $2.50x. Simon Kaplan, of Montreal, ispetition- ing for an annulment of his marriage, alleging contravention of certain pre- scriptions of Hebrew ritual law. London is to have natural gas tram the Tilbury field, theagreement between the Southern Gas Company and the Cay Gas Company for distribution having been eonfirr'ed. The losses by fires in Vancouver through the fire of Sunday aggregate about $300,000. A second cargo ot Irish corn was im• ported from Belfast, being brought to Montreal by the Pengore Head, Mrs. N. W. Rowell was re.eleeted President of the Dominion Council of the Youug Women's Christian Asso elation at Winnipeg. Hon. George E. Foster, Minister of Trade and Commerce expects sample grain markets to be opened at Winni- peg and Fort William by December 15, Justice T. C. Johnatoue, of the Supreme Court of. Saskatchewan, has tendered his resignation to the Minister of Justice ou account of ill -health. He will be retired on superannuation Welland Public School Bovrd have in- structed their Secretary to advertise for plans foreight-room school to cost au Ward t Five $3o,oro in t1 u ou a site which was perchased some time ago. With two years ends sentence still to serve, William R. Travers, ex -Manager of the clefunet Farmers Bank. has ap- plied tor parole, Alleging ill -health, Mr. Travers has certainly failed to a marked degree during the pest year, Upon complaint of '1'. J. Briggs, Game and Fish Inspector, Bridge1urg, three young inen, Fted, Willick and Arthur Spider, Chippewa, and George Willick, Willoughby, Clad their guns confiscated and were each fined $20 for shooting grey squirrels out of season, WORLD'S PRIZE FOR WHEAT.—Paul Gerlach, whose sample cf wheat from his farm at Allau, Saskatchewan, on the liue of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way. won the world's prize for the best wheat at the Dry Farming Exhibition recently held at Pulse, Oklahoma; has been the recipient of a handsome- clock trom M. Donaldson, Vice-Presideut and general manager of the Grand frank Pacific • as a testimouial of his interestaud that of the Grand Trunk in Mr. Gerlack's achievement iu raising the best wheat in the world. BORN RUSBBLL,—I11 Morrie township, on November The Council or the Corporation of the Conn - 14th, to Mr, and Mrs. Almx, Russell, n ty of Enron will meet in the Council Chain- daughter—Mar gore t Gor. her, in the Town of Goderioh, on Tuesday, Wnnsa. In Ethel on November 12th to Mr. December the Ind, at 8 o'clock. All accounts and Bra, S. 'I. Walsh, a son— Reeve against the County roust be placed with the Irwin. Clerk before this date, YUTLT..—In Morris, on Oat. 80th, to Mr, and W. LANE, Clerk. Mrs. Joseph Tulil, a sen. Dated at Goderioh, Nov, 18111, 1018. e i11 a a o• e U 0 41 o co as a o 4ronblcs 111 it i e • ptowpt tthol } a ®M r old reliable 0 • 1 a e e a e BD LIp Ill IL full 8, bottle e co (8and otll i>etsn b e o I 1' ti t tae a o a asa a 1 he incl cos ip Cough Re sly 1 (, oral 0 ® satisfaOLtmr t G 18 t 00 0 0 e 0 49 6 e o e 0 7 ��,��` e rt e o • • 1 :gid R of Cough Cure When its a rough or mild that you you w find ii o and permanent satisfaction in un reined y Mg HUUT CUUGU CURE This is our owls preparation put size uunce nal guarantee with every package, en re satisfac- tion tion or you money refunded. 'J in clerltand for our Remedy and the ren that i gives is the best recommendation that we can give for i, 25c per bottle AT tR a 0 t9 •om©oo¢see000aoo©oaoeeoeeer DRUG STORE MARRIED Par - nonage, 0 a November the hMethodist y Wrou, on ,, 511, .D A i by Rewsa Wren, 111, A:,: Mr. Win. Ames, to Miss Lydia Thibadeau, rill or Brussels. RATR WALL-0AR1.INO,—At Castor, Alta., in the Methodist church, by Rev. 11, L. Mac-. Donald, Miss Myrtle Sperling, daughter of Mrs. G. Sperling, Oranbrook, .Ont.; to Mr. 11, Curtis Ratltwell, bout of Castor, Alta, DIED $tDai a Sunday, November 16th, at his late rba, f , W 0. Ridd beloved husbandor AgnesHay 8idd, aged 84 yanks. 1vIo]1;AY: In Ethel, on. November 12th. Mary Chrystal; relict of the late Alexander Mo• Nay, aged 71 years, 1 month and 20 days. AUCTION SALES WIDN2sDAY, Daommnne loin.—Farm stoalc, implements, etc., Lot 84, Con, 8, Grey. Bale unreserved at 1 p. m. ZA0I1. MOCALLUti, Prop. P. 8. Booms!, Aue, BRUSSEI-S MARKET et 8 88 ats112 8 94 Barley 50 52 Butter 24 26 Bogss 8 60 82 60 18 , 208 Wool washed20 Wool unwashed. BN ACRES O8' 8OFT TIMBER for sale. Lot 20, bon. 16, Grey township, Apply to Phone 208. R. McTAGGART• e ARM FOR SALE.—The Southwest part of Lot 25, 0011.5, Morrie township. Apply to bI118. J08, OLEGG, Belgravia P. O. 20-11 Meeting of Huron CountyCouncil, eseeos5000caveo%one06864.999860eeeeeaoceeosoemeartie000eesa9aea®eeaeeemeeeeoeseeeoaea0 0 e , ,,, Itl'Id4A9d'1'�114. �h919h'lll'•ll, lIde'lljlb'Ib'lIA1V'IV'h"11,A'4d'li it,'hPAPe�hPh.'ll'hl�.9b'pAl'411 LII,,el,llli dloOl.ap,u1,'ll,'.'IIPpI'plipall,lt'rlJlli IL'lli Ili 11,'I'tu'IIPL�4i'ib'1114�1 I,I'b�tl'll, IU.III III III I,C19 e e EffikSe s m a e e co° Brussels Daylight Stere G. N. McLaren 0 • O •i.Ladies' Fur Stoles a We want you to see our stock of Fur Ruffs, Stoles and Muffs for Ladies, Misses and Children. The largest stocks we have ever had. You will be well pleased with the Styles and Prices. See them. G • a a a a 0 e 5, e e e e e R e g e 8 0 w to a G to 0 0 02 0 02 0 e 0 J t a f Lia Fur as ur rr� dri ne pa s : oo e We want you to see our fttlirts' Fur Linedand Fur Trimmed ° 0 Coats—Correct Styles, Perfect Fitting, Large Well Furred Collars, w a Good Designs ; all Sizes and Patterns in stock now, and the prices 0 ra at 11.95, 13.50, 15.00, 17.00 and $20.00 are the avery Lowest. We want you to call and see themre a e en's FurTrimm . Crais s 3 „... . . We have a splendid stock of Men's Fur Trimmed Coats on hand— : 67 C9 m Well Furred Collars, Good Wearing Cloths, Rubber Interlined, a 0 Storm Sleeves and the Prices are the Lowest at 11.95, 13.50, e s 1.5.00, 17.50 and $20.00. We want }ran to see theta; 0 a. - e e W : eAll Sizes snurnul1s Underclothing srenano f e tif e R0 taii Sizes in the Celebrated tGranbYubers e 49 m Always the Highest 0Y g 0 m Prices for Produce.-�' w r G. ie o 1 i/waren®eaaoesyoaoaAMiiE.•ied••i•ra►od•itlr••hall•••A,`E0i.r•idl•e.tsei•••oelleoli fi