HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-11-20, Page 5BUSINESS BARDS, WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND !WEB OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee In the Post *Mee, Ethel. 90.4 0i41s11111e0e march 1 DR. R. Ft FARKER LISTOWEL., ONT. Onteopetil, Eye Spealnlist, Food Soler flet Chronic and Norman Olseasee. At Mrit, 8. T. 8 m,a(tlRR.eoseoien ifionlly7fitted, m' to 11 1 JAS ANDERSON, JNO. SUTHERLAND fie SONS' VETERINARY SI/RGEOIV, LIMITED dueooasor to hf, H. Moore, 01110e at Ander. sou Bros. Livery etable, Brussels, Telephone No. 29, AUCTIONEERS, 1..l41 8. SCOTT AB AN AUOTION- • nun, will yell for better prices, to bettor men, In lees time and loss charges than any other Auotloneet in Nast Huron or he won't charge anything, Caton end orders. can always be arranged at Me o191oe or 1,1 p ereunal application. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. xx`''/r M..liINOLAIR- 7. • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, deo, Office -Stewarts Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, pIIOVDFOOT, HAYS & XILLORAN BARRISTERS,, SOL�C1`O RCS, NOTARIES PUBLIW. 1.11.e0DFo0T, R.0, B 0. Hate 3, L. KILLORAN O01oo8-921.1080 formerly occupied by Messrs • Cameron h Holt, GODNIt10B, ONTAl10. ALLAN DR. T. T, M'RAE deitholor of Medicine, university of Toronto Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Pio, Selene end Surgeons, Ont. • Poet.graduate JhI08go Eye, star, Nose end Throat HHospital, Jhion9(�o, Ilvi, Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mich- ael's Hospital 'lora nto. 019100 over It R. Smith's Drug Score, Tele - o110110 eonnectlon 191018 Urar1bl•OOk at all hours. DR. F T. BRYANS 88011010/ of Medicine, Univanity of Toronto ; Lluentlnteof College of Physicians and aur, 00108, Ontario ; ex.beufor Route Surgeon of Western Hoapltal, Toronto. Moen of loth Dr, A, MuKaveyy Smith Block, Bruaeels. l0ur8l phone 40, ALEX. D. M'KELVEY M.13., M C.P.&S. O. 100 Blear street Rust, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Jlillionl assistant in Eel. Nose and 7 Most de - pertinent New General Hospital. Toronto ; east Graduate Harvard Medical School, Boa. tan • late Senior Resident Surgeon Moss, Eye & Ear Infirmary ; late Clini0nt aneiateut an Nose and Throat de ertmout Bitten (81 0. Hoe. h.te Rse 3raytalHo0pitaam 1uoo lappoi oinoat DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London (Eng), New York mud Chicago Hos- pitals. Special attention todlnoes° of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. DR. WARDLAW Honor 91011q00�01/ of the Ontario Veterinary L N E• 100118lour lfll�7lttleld night colla. Oftioe opposftt Runt MAIL For beautiful booklets showing the luxury of the large Allan Liner., apply agents, or write us direct. 10 LIVERPOOL-GLAS ONDON-HAVRE 95Kicg St.W manta W. H, KERR. Agent Allan Line, 13ru00010. • hy..1 t.+,1,Artydvumly vmA4'ixAvuvbvSr 14 SCHOOL NROTNERCOMMERCIAL Yl / ovor had a008truerthan among r Y �, graduates 4han the popular ?� 4 TORONTO, ONT. Mori devious work for the students pihas been en native agent in the up - budding of this College. This school p V. offers the hest advantages. Students 4 n187enter atany 0111,0, 90007 a'e send r 7001 oar Hnnd8onlo Catalogon P .ft Cor. Young 181001 9 W. J. ELLIOT, 66 Alexmtdor Sts. f PrincTipal. rt�vim� ' V�t'0� YI Oil R:a'P1iVlftta-'P�^a s:'a r sm. ts-STIMY 1a-ra`K a's soMti VeAri^a.'A rs10 CENTRAL // STRATFORD. ONT.. rStudents may enter classes at any time. Therm who enter now will have an advantage over those who cannot enter till the New Yen•: Our courses Sn Commercial, Shorthand end Tele• a practical, tm offen er are advagh and practical, Weoffar ott ndvmnknges not offered elsewhere in tho Province, Gut our free ontelogne and see If it • interests you. D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. ��,ray.;yhvuW4'4,y>v,;r,(y+v'GruyDvurbvRY v�isy.0g 5 rI y..vuytworatlmw...4.w.w � anter � r Listowel Business College Ariy time AND 1. Grow with us. For particulars address- EDWIN O. MATT HEWS, . Prin. r� � 1s['aV[sa'4,cII� .>�� 'Rvi,GlmaP��ii, � THE MISS ANNIE J. WREN Pupil o1 Dr. Dickinson, of Toronto Conserv° tory of Music, is prepared to give music les - 0n8 to n limited number of pupils. Phone No. 18 or cell at Methodist Parsonage, Brim. sets. 17•tf MAUDE 0, BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal crudest° Department of Opphthal- 8018gy, eloCormiok medical College, Chicago, ill., is prepared to test eyes and fit glae080 at her office over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. OBlee hours 1to 0.p. m. Forenoons by appointment. Phone 1219. T. R. BENNETT . Will give better entiefnctionto both buyer and ;miler than any other Auctioneer and only charge what to reasonable. Sale, conducted anywhere In Ontario. Pure bred stock salmi a specialty. Write or 'phone 2B Wroxeter. Best Brains ip Canada ltave participated 18 the Pre. ' 99,aratlon of oltr splendid Home Study Cuourses 11113miking, 1001118108,90)91101 Amounting, Commercial Art. Show Card Writing, Photography,Journal- ism, Short Story Writing; Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Select the work which most interests you and write us for partlaalers. Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391-7 Tonga St., Toronto .int -f d•4 -ini-.;.4.4,4,4.4,4 7.'6.4,.;,.;,,):ri,.i,.l *++ chines J;eiwing �a �. REPAIRED .I. a+ K M Sewing Machines Repaired .I, + and Cleaned, idly -logo, any Make 1. 4' -Canadian, American, English ,I. r or Getman. References willing- 4. • ly given. 4. 1)1,op tt card or Call at D. gist'sboardin' + II g house, Brussels. °° Farmers bring In MaohtnoHeads i^ . F. H. Smith +0-1.4444+++++++++++++++41 oxa.l ittb m Puns GUELPH Winter Fair will be held at Guelph from Dec. 9th to t2th, Now is the time to renew for next year and take advantage ot our Club hingRates. With most of the papers quoted in our list on another page the balance of 1913 will be given free. A young theologian named Fiddle Refused to accept his degree. 'For," said he. "itis enough to be Fiddle "Without being Fiddle, D. D." Hilton hunter, whose home is in Brussels, but who has been connected with • the printing a bu iness fur over P fifteen years in offices of Canada and the States has taken a position with the commercial department of the Listowel Banner Publishing company. Harry Johnston, brakeman on the train running from Palmerston to Kin. cardiae, has been very ill with typhoid fever. Mr. Johnston is a brother of Mrs. Allen Atkinson, of Palmerston His many friends are greatly interested in him, and are looking for an early recovery. THE Mirror (Alta.) Journal speaks of a former Brusselite a follows ;-W. J. Good, editor of this Journal is taking a well earned vacation at his home in Saskatoon. "Willie" will be away a- bout two weeks and it the subscribers survive the issuesduring that period it will be up to its standard upon his re- turn, MORNING ADVERTISER. -The London Advertiser, a Liberal evening paper, which celebrated its fiftieth anniversary last month, has announced editorially that it will publish a morning edition. The Morning Advertiser will, it is ex- pected, make its first appearance early in January of the new year. A MILD WINTER.- The ,oldest in- habitant predicts a mild Winter, and gives as a reason for the faith that is in him, the failure of the nut crop. "Nature invariably, he adds, "bounti- fully supplies the want&of the squirrel tribe, and be like !Muer just as the wind is tempered to the shorn lamb. It certainly made a good bogitding,. but time alone will tell whether the "nut" idea, the "goose boo" talk, or the muskrats failure t0 build have any- thing in them, WOMEN's INSTITUTE, -'file next meet 9115 ot Brosaobs Women's Institute will be held on Monday, 24th inst., at 2 o'clock, in the audience room of the Public Library., Miss E. Robson, of Ilderton, will address the meeting on one of the followigg to ics -'Ben Keeping out the Farm ''P "PoullttV out the Farm ;" "Economieproblems of the country girl ;" "Literature and Life." She will also give an address at the Farmers' Institute Ineetiug in the even- ing vening in the 'Town Hall. HARRY DINNING Is DEAD,- Neat, dapper, honest, thoughttul, generous - dila is a personal description of a young memo r Hehad t is SOW 15111 a y man who a fluency P of speech h an d a humorous way of expressing himself and many 013 his sayings are treasured by his friends as epigrammatic g i manic :ams. Henu mbored his companions among all classes of people and took pleasure in conversing with them, He was always beat in personal appeearance animated in con- versatiol, generous to his ft•iends and devoted to his sister, With Wborn he lived, His life story is soon told. He died in the same ,town where he Was born -Kincardine. He was edecated in our schools, was a teacher its Hgrop 'I p „ then telegrapb operator on the G 'I°. R. and for 25 years a member 00 the hallway mail service, He was q)+ Ways strohglau:robust Until A yakre ago when he began; to,,show Signs of 111 - health, Pernicious specials Was tile cause ot his death, K1001NET11) CAMLxON realized this year from ins orchard a harvestofpractically 68o barrels of apples, Of these, about 8o per cent were first class. The entire pack was purchased by 1. G. Anderson of Lucknow. The seller is A brother to • J. 11. Cameron, formerly of town. 1rA109 AGENT,—The local !Mice have received word of a men supposed to be working in Western Ontario taking subscriptions for the Ladies' World and People's Horne Journal of New York City, without authority from tate company, People are asked to be aware of any such person. THE Ray. IRI R limo r914 AL- MANAC. -The Rev, Irl R. Hicks 1914 Almanac is now ready and will be mail ed prepaid for only 39c Professor Hicks' fine Magazine, Word and Works, for oue year, RIO a copy of this Al- manac for only one dollar, This plain n lesso c o astronomy n trono h and the correct forecasts of storms, drouths, blizzards and tornadoes makes these publications a necessity in every home in America, Send to Word and Works Publishing Company, 3401 Franklin Avenue St, Louis, Mo, EAST HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE, Me regular meetings for the dis, cession of subjects of interest to the farming community will be held at Brussels on Monday, Nov, 24th and at Corrie 'Tuesday 05th inst. Addresses are expected from Gavin Barbour, Crosshill, and L. D. Harkin - son, of Aylmer. Miss E. Robson, of 'Merton, will attend the Womeu's Institutes and will be one of the' speak- ers at the evening meetings when a program of music will also be presented. Meetings will open at 2 and 7.30 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody. ' GOLDEN WEDDING.- In the Sheldon Progress, of November 9191, appears an account of the Golden Wedding of W. C. and Mrs. Smith, once residents of Seaforth, and no doubt still remember- ed by the Alder residents. Mr. Smith went to Seaforth. in 98.95 being 16 years of age at the time. Mrs. Smith was born in Seaforth being the eldest daughter of Robert McLean, a prom'. nent farmer living near that town Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to North Dakota in 1881 and settled on a home. stead there, where they remained until 1891 when they and their family moved into Sheldon. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were married on the 3ot1 of October 1863 and were blessed with a large family, 3 daughters and 3 sons being at their Golden Wedding. Mr. Smith is aSco tchman and was the founder and first elder of the Presbyterian church in Sheldon. They were the recipients of many golden presents and acquaintances of the old couple sent congratulations. Mrs. Archibald, Egmondville, is a sister of Mr. Smith and Robert, Hul. lett, and Alexander, of Brussels, are brothers. We extend congratulations. Helps Mon To Work Hard. That's what Ferrozoue does ; it supplies the additional strength that enables a man to' maintain health tinder difficulties. "Last spring I was so completely fagged oat I could not work" writes J. W. McNichol of Turn= bull, Man. "In the morning I was tired -limbs ached all over. Had no appetite, was sleepless, nervous and unhappy. Ferrozone put new life in- to ale. Now I eat heartily, nerves are strong, I sleep well. I know the joy of health." It's by supplying nolah- lt ientand good biord that Ferr zone builds up ; try it -60c per box at all dealers. Ooderich Mrs. I. B. Wallwin, of Torun to, was a visitor in town. A commercial night school has been opened in the rooms over Dun- lop's Drug Stove. Voting on the By-law to guarantee the bonds of American Road Machine Co. takes place on the. 29111. The Ladies' Aid of Victoria street Methodist church agreed unanimously to install electric lights in the parson- age. C. III. Thompson, who for the `past 3,months hats been a member of the pest office stall' here, has received an appointment, as railway nail clerk. Clothesline thieves are abroad in our town. The reel that does duty at the home of the editor of the air of pp Signal as visited and nine hosiery stole,,, two pairs belonging to the editor himself. Mrs, A. E. Bradwin and children arrived in town a few clays ago and the editor of the Signal is once 1)10)40 n , hapPYt){n. item. Theyhave taken F. J Pridham's'fortnes' home on Newgate street and are now busy getting settled. Clinton Many citizens of Clinton and farm- ers nearby town are complaining that many of their chickens are being stolen. Art a result of a motion passed at Clinton Council, the Conseil Chamber in. Clinton will be kept heated an be re Ude comfortable clueing the cold months for the acnoornodation of far- met:4' wives and daughters while in town shopping. Rev. 0. 199. Jenkins, who has been Rector of St. Paul's chnteh for the Cast two years, ltn mmifietl that he had decided to accept the Bishop's in- vitation to go to St. Jude's church, Brantford, Mid will leave Clinton about the end of December. The Hockey Olub has organized withfollowing officers :-President, 0. 1+',. Dowding let Vice, Dr. Shaw 211d Vice, G. D. McTaggart; Srd Vice,' Sec -114 a a Wm. W. R Counter , r f Jackson n M 1 :Too. g g ane in Committee, 1 tt I _. Suitet, Carl Diaper, 1)911 J. E. Doherty, H Twitchell and Ray Rutnbti1. Coach, I)iclt Tasker. Clinton Horticultural Society will he officered oto follows 1 -President, M. D. 90hoTaggart: 1st Vice, 0, Ii, David ; 2nr1 Vico, J, Wheatley Sec.-Treas., T. Cottle. Directors --- E .Munroe, A. Cudmore, 3. Conning- ham, nnning-ham, T. Cottle, 14, W. Watts, Ars. T. Cottle, Mrs, G. H. David, Mia. D. W. Fair and Miss Rate Mc 74tggart, Delegates to Provincial Convention -Mrs. W Dc Fair, Mr'e. 0. H. David J. Cunningham and the 'alternatives M, D, McTaggart and 0, Ii. DeNid, SUFFFF1 5? flP•+t49au1lthar; EVERYTHING For Years, Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkhann's Veg. etable Compound. Canadian women are continually writ- ing us such letters as the two following, which are heartfelt expressions of grati- tude for restored health:. Glanford Station, Ont. —"I have ta- ken Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- P;r`na,;, it;,,nrirr•' f,, ;..., pound and never Will Y.' �f' j found any medicine f to compare with it. tc"' gIy' I had ulcers and fall- * ing of womb and ; doctors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully for years until I began taking your medicine. I al- so recommend it for nervousness and in- digestion. " — Mrs. HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont. Cheoterville, Ont. — " I heard your medicines highly praised, and ayear ago I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble. " My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful,it would be worse. To sit down caused me pain and suffer- ing and I would be so nervous some- times that I could not bear to see any one or hear any one speak. Little specks would float before my eyes and I was always constipated. "I cannot say too much for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, for there are no medicines like them. I have taken them and I recommend them to all women. You may publish this testimonial." - Mrs. STE- PHEN J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario, Canada. Annual meeting of the Huron County Bee Association was held in the Council Chamber and was fairly Well attended. The minutes and re- ports were read and adopted and the following officers were elected ;- President, Isaac Dodds, 01111101 Vice Pres, H. McNaught, Mooerieff, Sec. Treas., Jacob Habener, Zurich, Directors -A. McPherson, Exeter ; L. Beatty, Varna ; Alfred B. 0arr, Blyth ; Geo. Cottle, Whitechurch ; Noble W. Forbes, Wal ton • . Brethauer, Wroxeter ; and 1•I, B. Brown, Port Albert. FL McNaught, A. McPherson With H. Livermore, Clinton, were elected delegates to at- tend the Ontario Convention at Tor- onto this month. Like A Now Disease. Now to the man who never had torus IS the pain relieved by Putnam's Corn Extractor. Old corns and new ones cured quickly by "Putnam's." Sold everywhere. Moncrieff •o !tl'nnlld hereQ Quite a number from were away 1018• u deer hunt upNorth.North. A beef ring meeting ' . was het 1n the 6 v Ring house Tuesday evening Nov. 11th, Mrs. F. A. Harrison, of West Mont- rose, is visiting relatives in this vicini- ty... A chopping mill is being erected here by J. Rhein. It will soon be ready for use, Miss Lily Har,'ieon bas returned home fitful an enjoyable visit 'with friends in Stratford. We ate glad to hear that Mrs. Robertson, who has undergone an operation in Guelph hospital, is able to.be home again. Qnite a number attended the At Home give» under the auspices of the social committee of the Young People's Society on Monday evening. Papers were given on "Hone Life" by Misses 0. R,nlhwell and M. Rich- mond, of Union, and Mrs. D. Mc- Taggart, c- „t art and E. Fulton by thee home Society. All, the papers, were fully enjoyed. . Seaforth sons of + &h s. Harry Beattie and two Winnipeg, have come to town to visit All's. Turner, who is suffering from a broken Corm. Arch. Scott and F. liolnlstead 110ve sold their Electric Light building to Robt. Johnstone and C. A. Barber, of Woodstock, who will start 0cream- ery. Mrs. E. E. Hallett received word last week, that her brother J. Mac- Ewen, of Baitilnnre, was struck on the head by a falling plank, and severeley injured. lkiies Kate Killoran, Toronto, is tL visitor at home .of .1. 0. and Mrs. Greig. Miss Kitimat) has been spend - No More Headaches For Me This can be your experience if you use Chamber- lain's lains - ' Tab lets they cure head- aches by remov- ing the cause--' not by smothering the symp toms --cabman's apre8t cure for Woman's most common ailments. Try diem, 256, a bottle. Druggists and Dealers, or by mall, Chamberlain Medicine Co, Toronto2 '4 I BF��,'AINS "i.TABLE1'5:,,., jug It Mandl With ties' b*'nthet'l J. L. ilf4G Killnla uderich, and seized the opportunity to visit het' Wally Sea - forth friends, Little .tlexeltdar Finnigan, the 4 olrluniga fyeearGuutlosaihliafhiWh estubd11Mra. nin 191 191 ing struck the hood box breaking his at'nl, A very pretty and quiet wedding WAS celebrated at the home of Fred. and Ml's, Robinson, High View, Eg- mondvillc, 011 Wednesday evening Nov. 1211t, when their eidestdaughter, Beatrice May, because the bride of William D. Bright, jr,, of Seaforth. The marriage ceremony yvas, perform- ed by Rey, A, W. Barker, assisted by Rev. Mr. Argo hl the 'presence of the immediate friends of the young couple. �teol. Knit� in Tho Flesh.That'd the eeheation alaperienoed by Robert Price of Beaton, Ont, lie knew it was sciatica and of Coarse used "Nerviline." As usual it cured and he 'Jaya; "No liniment can excel . PGleo:ea Nerviline, Severe pains made my side Irene. It was like a steel kutfe running through the flesh. I rubbed in lots of Nerviline and Was completely cured." A regular snap for Nerviline to ease Sciatica and rheumatism. 11 sinus into the core of the pain, cures it in short order. Large 25c bottles at all dealers. Atwood H. Richmond was at Stratford last week attending the Fall assizes, Rev. W. A. Autos, Vice -President attended the Library lustitnte at Stratford as representative of this Library. A nntober of me: in the village be - lunging to the Masonic order went. to London Nridap to nitend t0 speelai 11184'1 ing held In that city. Wnl. Inglis, of eon, 8. 131,110, grew font. Swede Lumina that weighed 51 pounds. They were grown along with his other turnips in tt Int con- sisting of 21 Mores. At the meeting of the Ti'tlstPe BOAT d 0f the Methodist chinch, the question of rebuil119ng the ellill•ch wits discuss- ed, but not fully decided ou until further information is eeetu'wl. Ehna Cheese.' & Butter Mfg. Co., Ltd.. shipped their make of.eheese for the last part of October to McLangh- lin & Sort, Owen Sound, on Monday of last week. Numb -u• of cheese 224. A mount realized 82887.74. The election of officers resulted as follows in connection with the Liter- ary Society :-Hon.-Presidents-De. Hussey, Rev, Mr. Shaw, Rev. W. A. Amos, President -W, R. Erskine. Vice,--President-Jno. Ballantyne. Sec.-Treas.-M. R. Morrison. The Executive consist of the officers, W. Donaldson and A. R. Newbigging. The Society have the laudable object beligl'or htse. themof purchasing street Blyth E. Moser, a former resident of 131vth, who has been located in the West for some years has been visiting his sister, Ml's. F. Carr. R. H. Robinson received notice to vacate the block now occupied -by him by the 1st of January as the same had been leased for a terra of years. He will move into the block now occupi- ed by G. M. Ohambers,lwhich he pur- chased some time ago from T. W. Scott. Luxton Hill will again put his saw operation his Winter the mill in t 0 on McDonald him and J lin MeD a deal between of Walton, having fallen through. Arrangements will likely be made with Council at its next sitting for the supplying of power to the mill on the same conditions as last season. Wm. Begley received word from his son Miller, who has been conduct- ing a gent's furnishing business at No'th Bnttleford Sask. in which he advises his father that lie had dispos- ed of the business and was going far then West in company with a couple of young gentlemen to investigate a coal property held by them. a�w For B king Success —This Oven Test. Success on some baking days can be expected no matter what flour you use. But con- stant success is rarer. It can be assured in only one way. The miller must select . his wheat by oven test. So from each shipment of wheat we take ten pounds as a sample. We grind this into flour. Bread is baked from the flour. If this bread is high in quality, large in quantity, we use the shipment from which it came. Otherwise we sell it. 0 Constant baking success comes e as a matter of course from i ao ii bearing this name "More Brtad and Better Bread "Bet e%,astr;/l'oo't `4 • A. W. Sloan received a letter from i his son, Dr. John, of Nome, Alaska. He describes the hardships prevalent' there this Winter, due to the great; fire Which took place there just as navigation closed burning up a large portion of the city, causing dire .dis tress amongst the poor people on ac- count of prices on the necessities of life soaring to an exorbitant height. 1 He states that the American Govern- meat have taken hold of the situation and are forcing in supplies. Wrnaham A. L, Posliff was appointed a men- bcr of the Public Library Board. Mrs. D. Perrie attended the funeral of the late D. B. Moore in Brussels. Miss 14 laud Davis, who has spent the last four months in British Columbia, has returned home, Chas. •. and Mrs. VanNorman have purchased afine residence in the city of Hamilton and have moved there. Miss Mabel McDonald, who has been teaehing in Zetland school for the past 21 years, has resigned and has accepted the Principalship of the Public School at Bartonville, near Hamilton. Miss Reynolds, milliner, met with a serious accident on Tuesday after- noon of last week, In walking in in front of Mason's store she fell on the slippery walk and dislocated her 918001der. Anniversary services will be held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church Sunday, November 28rd, Rev. D. C. McGregor, Toronto, who is a member of the Board of Social Service and Evangelism of the Presbyterian church in Canada, will preach at both taingh ala HockeyClub was re- organized for the coming season. Officers were elected as follows :- Honorary President, Dr. J. P. Kennedy ; President, L. F. Hinkley; Vice President, B. J. Doyle ; Secre- tary, R. A. Currie ; Treasurer, Robt. Brooke ; Manager, Ted. Elliott ; Captain, M. Telfer ; Executive Com- mittee W. A. Miller' W. H. Gurney, Frank McLean, Geo,Jacques, H. Mc- Lean. Delegates to annual oneeting of Northern League Executive at Palmerston are Mr. Telfer and Robt." Brooks. and 526 r•1100.111••••1110 It Ringo In Your Nara That. saute cough is everywhere you go, deep and hollow becauseconsulnp- tive, First it was catarrh which could have been cured by Catarrh ozone. It's Instant death to colds, cures them in a few minutes. Throat trouble and catarrh disappear as by magic. Oatarrhozone is the gTeat throat, nose and bronchial remedy to- day. Thousands use it, doctors pre- scribe it,—why, because it does relieve quickly and cure thoroughly. Two sizes, 26o and $1,00 at all dealers Allan Parkinson, who graduated at Osgoode Hall last Spring and - -t119)9' latercalled to the Ontario bar, will hang up4,isshingle in his native. town, St. Marys, as soon as he ORD ... locate a suitable office. ESSIMEMIIINIS Thea+ Regina Watch watch ?. Is it not giving satisfaction ? How about that old I Have it exchanged for a REGINA and you will always be sure of the right time. They are sold at the following' prices : 7 -jewelled 20 -year Banner (#old -filled Oase - - $11.75 15 -jewelled 20 -year Banner Gold-filled Oase - - 18.75 d 20‘ year Banner 17-;jewelle ea y Gold-filled Case - - 18.75 7 - jewelled Waterproof Nickel Case - - 8.20 15 - jewelled Waterproof Nickel Case - ' - - 10.20 17- jewelled Waterproof Nickel Case - - 13.20 These Watches are all guaran- teed for three years ®.dt. L. BLAKE Walton - Ontario earmitormairsmegassai In• .01110•111111111•00.11.1111M10111...1•11=0. a ♦AAA rAAAA♦ s•♦♦ ♦ AAA ♦♦A♦♦A♦O♦4 ♦♦O♦A♦O A 0 4.A < �` .e;IMEI?ICJ1'S GREATEST TEST + t „ , HAIR = GOODS ARTIST • O knv .-dee. • . PROF. PR F ®� �E N WE ND ♦♦0 ♦ OF TORONTO o i is ®B ®R' gdAt to the American Hotel, Bru5seis9 • • ® t Fri 9 O ft. 4rl ;, iS3h'nr,/��� / �/}F>ry `'�" on Freda November ° a0,✓ �! 7th• to replace hair on the heads of Ladies and Gentlemen, who have lost their hair. By his beautiful, natural hair constructions, which are known all over the world, Every Woman and Man can be made to look Houn el• and have the natural9 f'r l' protection to the head, which means ealth Comfort and God Appearance. • LADIES • 0 A ♦ ♦ A • Ar, -i A • • do not miss the opportunity. See his Transformations, Switches, Wave- t�'`p.; y ''• • • lets, Pompadours, Full Wigs, Curl -Etc.• ;• "The L orerrwend Sanitary Patent Toupee" s A A • ♦ ♦ e ♦ ♦ • • ••A Free Demonstration is extended to all A Come anti bring your 1Priends to e • The American Hotel,Brussels, on Fridays November 28th ♦A4oAe***AAs♦♦♦♦♦A♦♦♦44.44♦®♦♦♦4♦♦♦e♦♦♦444♦ ►4+leA+i's♦*40.0.♦+at,►'♦♦♦eN' .44444ehNM♦4+1► 1Q\ \ l order to lisle. In t n u bald. head with. human adorn.t � pretest andy have a coneeptlon of the Wonderful achfevetnent in the art of hair• .•=t. oouatrgqtlon, every bald roan should call and see .the large sample stock of "HAIR TOUPEES 101101 FULL •WIGS whibh PROF. P,M 4�4`a ii' 1A,�r+. DORI0INWEND will be showing. 1 a seat ce the• �► :� 'these wonderful coverings -err so natural in appearance t , detection is impossible, They are adjusted so securely, 90 any head, that they caultot come off, except at the wearer's wish. They They will give a young and softening expression to the face. Gentlemen (rho are bald)