The Brussels Post, 1913-11-13, Page 5BUSINESS CAOWW. WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Inpe le the Post 011Ico, Ethel, 30.4 JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED 011PaPRI &mum) AUCTIONEERS. . 141 B. SCOTT AS AN .AUCTIOly• better,ueu, legel timeandoleesnth prima' than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or na w05'6 charge auything, Detail and orders ORB alwaysbo arranged at thle office or by p enema! application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, M. SiNULAIR- • Barrister, Solloltor, Oouveyaueer, Notary Nubile, &a, Who e -Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. pISOUDFO0T, HAYS & SILLOBAN BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, .ETU, W, I'aoonroom, K. C. R, C. HAYS 1, L. KzSLonLN OMeas-Those formerly 000apied by Messrs Cameron &• Holt, Gonantoa, Onweaco, QQa.49D T VMS learzfrar BRUSSELS DR. WARDLAW Passim's, Curtis DR. R. F, PARKER LiSTCWEL, oNT, Osteopath, Eye Speolallst, rood Solon Met PlutChronic and Bruce 1xvWedDoodeye'7. 0aural'to 1I a. in. , Waimea eule)ttiReally fitted. JAB ANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON. Bueoeaeov to M. H. Moore, Office at Ander. sou Bros, Livery stable, Brueoela, Telephone No. till, DA. T, T, NV RAE Bachelor of Medloine, U01Veroity of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the. ()allege of Phy • slciar rN and burgeons, Ont. kola-gg1•aduate Chico go Rye, liar, iousens and 'conhroet lion Aral, Uhiongo,Ill. Toronto, Surgeon to St. Mich. nel'N Hospital Toronto, Oilier) over 11', R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone connection with U)•anbrook at all hours. DR. F T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Ll0entlote of College of Physicians and Sur. 30014, Ontario ; ex -Suncor House Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Offioee of late Dr. A. MuKeyey, Snaith Block, Brussels. Rural phone 45. ALEX. 0, M'KELVEY M. B., M, O,P. 4 S. O. 198 Bloor street Rapt, Toronto Dleoasee Ear, Nose and Throat Clinical assistant In Ear, Nose and Throat de. pertinent NW General Hospital, 'Toronto ; Post Graduate Harvard Medioul School, Bole ton ; lute Senior Resident Surgeon class, Eye &Ear Infirmary • late Clinloa) niiiMM nt In Noce and Throat depnrl went Mass. tarn, Hos- pltal ; late House Surgeon Toronto Gmterul Hospital. tm'In Brussels by appointment. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physlolan and Surgeon ;.Post Graduate coarses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- pitals. Special attention to disease of eye. ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. MailGoioo SOUTH GOING NORTa 1 Honor grndnate of the Ontario Veterinary Express 17:06 a m Mail ens 11 6 p in 1 College. Das and night calls. Office opposite Express 2:55 ti m I Express .....,... 8:52 p m Flour M711, Ethel. �"seTslfaf?Zs¢dlf Pactple WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7:52 a m I Express 12116 a m Express 2:47 p in Expreos 8:88 p WROXETER Going Hest - 1:05 n. in. and 8;55 p.m. Going West - 12:46 and 9:47 p. m' All trains going East connect with. C. P. R. et Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent, ALLAN UNE R0 P.L MAIL 9TEAMSjW'3, o LIVERPOOL 1SG0WLOi DON+1A Largest and fastest steamers on the St. Lawrence route, For information apply 13 agents, or the Allan' line ONON W. H. KERR. Agent Alan Line, Brnosels. 1 NO OTHER COMMERCIAL SCHOOL over had truer frhonde among its Y .J _graduates than rho popular 1. ELLIOTT • TORONTO, ONT. • •S Meriliorious work for the students t Imo (8000 nn native agent is the up - '8 building of this Onllrge. Tits school 4 6 offers the best advantages. Studeote 1. may enter at any time. May we send you our Inndaotne Catalogue 7 '' Oor. Toting and? W. J. ELLIOTT, y� Alexander ate. r Principal. tVAtte,'Okt,riege.V.lEfATADVAOrAtig 07a14 3o-• . taStitileitMfteetesalesaarsrersterier- 1 CENTRAL TRATFORD„ ONT. Students may enter classes at any time. '1'hntl0 who enter now will have anadvantage Rd V Rf t fl over er those who o n o n ot carettill Ghe New Year, Our courses l�Shorthand and Polo• graik9 departmentsare thoroughand Prnotlonl We offer you advantages not offered elsewhere to the Province, Get nI ice catalogue and see It It y lntereatxttr you. 0 D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal., 64...4zooyo yto, Icrga ayva Oetv?l,apbrv+Awav59•monawap224.. Enter Listowel Buslness0 College f Any time AND Grow with u . s � For psrtteulnrs nddrese- /a�c� EDWIN Q. MATTHEWS, Prin. j. y ! �®ilm4�a ' s ,ma'7,ft'r'F,Iy4,YFta icv4'0%s2V�VA4a�4�i onistsimismosim THE Best Brains 111 Canada have participated in the pro. paration of our splendid Home Study 0061,00, in Ranking, eoh odes, Higher Amounting,Uoem•clnl Art, Show Oard Writing, Photography, odrnol• • Hint, Short Story wrItft'g, Shorthand mad BOoktceeeleg.. soleet the. work which meat tatereatn roe and write ne Por ertimll00 , Address p s THE SHAW COflRESP0 flENCS SCNOOL 391+7 Tonga 9t.t Toronto, MISS ANNIE J. WREN Pupil of Dr. Dickllneou, of Toronto Conserve- tory of ohattllinited number to Wye uaPhone No. 58 or call a t Methodist Parsonage, Brea - eels. 17.tf MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthsl• urology, Mo0ormick Medical College, Chicago, 511,, is prepared to test eyes and 1(4 glasses at her office over Grawai,'s Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours Ito 6 p, m, Forenoons by appointment, Phone 1219. T. R. BENNETT will give better satisfaction to both buyer gild seller than any other Auctioneer and ontyy(Marge what is reasonable. Sales conducted nnywhare in Onterlo. Pure bredstook saes a OPeelalty, Write or 'phone 2B Wroxeter, '.araI Reba Items READ THE POST Clubbing rates ou Pnge 4. ROBERT GORDON, of McKillop, who races the serious charge of killing his father, worked for several months au the barber shop of Councillor Jno. Hewitt, Brussels, and was a quiet, well behaved young man while in town. Do You Fool Tho Pinch 4 Not of poverty, but of corns, aching corns, that can be cured by Putnam's Corn Extractor ? Don't suffer, use "Putnam's"-sold everywhere in 25o bottles. OBITUARY POETRY. -Freta time to time we have to decline obituary verses that are sent to us for insertion, For various reasons they are not a form of contribution that is encouraged by most newspapers however much the editor might sympathise with the bereaved. Some publishers will not insert them at all. Others charge the advertising rate of ten cents, (which is nearly! rohibitive), and we belong to the latter class. GOOD MOVE -'rhe order has gone forth at Strathroy that no longer will merchants be permitted to display roots, vegetables or any kind of produce in front of their stores, unless it is covered and placed above high water mark. In case the new regulation is not observed, the Inspector will cause the tardy to suffer the penalty of the law under the Public Health Act, and in case of in formation beingreceived of env produce being ce being damaged by dogs or any other animal, he would immediately order the same to be destroyed. PAY CAR GOES -Among the relics of antiquity will !Wetly be placed the "pay car" on the Grand.Trnuk Railway It is stat edt a the. T. headquarters G nd cart g es that. checksill be w forwarded to the ticket agents at the various nus Point son tie system, and passed out by him to the authorized heads of the different des)artnteuts for distribution among the employees. A receipt wire attached to each check. Each et>iployee will be required to append his signature: also that of a witness will be required, and the chock returned ne to Montreal, STRATFORD gays the bump" to the proposal to guarantee the bonds of the Avon Hosiery factory's extension. D. M. Ferguson, who is one of the promot• era of this bustling industry, spent his early days fu Brussels and if Stratford does not play fair with him we'll have to bring him bacir home. By-law was defeated by 70 00 the necessary* majori- ty required, Mr. Ferguson says the Company will q not likely go on with th P Ys Y extension w 0 1. Ferguson, of Bras sets is a stockholder c holder in theai S ne con ter n NOTICE. . -For the benefit of ladies in russels ai )d vicinity who were pre• opted tvituessiug tate demonstrations iven by me of a simple labor-saving evice in the forth of a "Vacuum ashen" I wish to state that although not remain o e natn loui or in Brussels resent the "device" rerhiains and can e seen and proven to your own satin• erica by applying to Mrs. Jesele I{err, the Public Library, or by letter. I ave several orders for Brussels which am holding over until next week so as give you an opportunity of placing tie orders so that as many as possible an be sent at one shipment. You do t take any risk in piecing your order r the reason that if you are not setis- d niter a month's trial o s r al tlso Cotnpal:y manioc t0 take back the washer Mill fund your money, Kindly piece Tour der with Mrs, Keir as soon as poseihle not thls,weok ttien:as soonl as 1d 00tt- nMontr y fod,N,IGtldA. B g d W P b fa at to yo c no fo fie g u re or if V Rey, H. W, AVISoN. Of Guelph, for .. erly of this locality, preaehed last Su day ith Stratford, fens Peen, who has been at Coch rano, New Ontario, all Summer super' vlsing building operations, has returne to his home at Mitchell for the Winter He says building contracts were quit bfislc le that country this year. Mr, Pugh was n former Brusselite and usually pays a visit to town at least once a year. CLEANING UP CesiemoN.-'1'ns 'Pose has entered upon a cleaning up campaign of back subscriptions and long' 1 accounts which will bo pushed past due Italy, even if we have 10 resort togtl e emote III an acme cases, to get what is due us. With the rapid rise of . el most everything about a printing officewaiting years for Shoo a subscription and for small accounts of 5oc up can no longer be permitted. We have to pay cash every week for wages, paper, ink, freight, postage, etc , and to keep thisup we must get what legitimately be- longs to us. If you are in arrears kindly give this matter your immediate at- tention. ". GIRL SUFFERED E T RUigLY LOCAL OPTION rN_LUCI{NOW.+F6ont a prominent Lucknow citizen comes the following article concerning Local Op- tion in that place that should carry weight :- Without prejudice I say Local Option has been a blessing to Lucknow. Drunkeoess has been reduced to a min- imum. Law and order prevail. Hotel accommodation is better titan for years past, and is available at rates no higher than are generally charged by good licensed hotels. Ina year of agricultur- al depression, business Has been up to the average, and in some cases much above it. Good dwelling houses are at a premium. 'there is among the people a new feeling of hopefulness and buoy- ancy ahnost pathetic,. compared with nearby places where license still prevails. Lucknow is not only more desirable as a business and residental centre because of Local Option, but is now generally recognized as such by many people who formerly doubted. These are the facts verified by any unprejudiced inquirer. Doctors Change Their Mothoda Years ago they fought ctttatrh by internal dosing, 1'lley saw this ruin- ed the stomach and changed to ()zon- ated air 'cure, better known as "Uat- arrhoz(mle." This 'treatment is sure tai cure. It goes to the source of the disease ; it destroys tie causes that maintain camel) and even in the worst cases permanent cure is guaran- teed, Failure with Catarrhozone is impossible. Antiseptic, healing and far-reaching, its bound to cure every tittle. Endorsed by more than twenty thousand physicians in America, alone one and sold in 25e and $1.00 sizes by all dealer's. Ethel SCHOOL REPORT, -The following is the report of Ethel School for October, names in order of merit. Those mark- ed with an asterisk missed one or more eXanllllat101Ja. Number enroll- ed 54, average attendatice 45. Sr. IV. Stuart McDonald, Jr IV.-Oeci1 Bate- man, Archie McDonald, Dave McKee, 1lyrtle Lemont, Jas. Lucas. St. III. -•. k, K1'auter. Jr. III. -Bernice Cole, 0. Ferguson, George McGee, Mat. Vodden, George Rowland, Quest Dob- son, Willie Dane, Vernal 11icCall, Will Rowland, Bertha Cole, Irene McKel- Goar elicPollatd*,Mlinnie Pearl al1 Love*, Sr. lI.-Margaret McDonald, Leslie Pollard, Milton Flood, Isola Mitchell, (thea McLelland*, Blake Howlett*, Edwin Kramter", Jr. II. -Ella Mitch- ell, Lily Sanders, Lloyd Dunbar, Viola Mitchell, Willie Woods, Olaremce Flood. First. -Myrtle lylcKee, Ruby Cleaver, Willie Mitchell, Mervyn Ealcinier*. Primer. -caulker Mitch- ell, Muriel Welsh, Susie Rowlond, Ev- erett Wright, Edwin Gill*, Everett \Wight. Jr Primer. -Jennie McKee, Edith Dane, Ralph Rowland, Annie Woods, Alice Davidson, Hanley Eck - infer, Carl Lamont, prolene Gibson*. . E. S. Daubrook, Teacher, Blue Pills No Longer Use d, When your stomach needs cleans- ing, the bowels increased activity, the liver additional power, don't use 01e1' u1'11 c L l• hila Gc Dr. pills, Hamilton's. y Vegetable in composition, extremely mild et ears Lo flush . Y out all inn ori, ties and wastes, no remedy is so well adopted for family use, 'Positively cure for biliousness and sick headache, nnfaflhlg in constipation and bowel trouble, exceptionally good for in- digestion, 00 medicine is so un iversal IY needed 'mevery home Is De. Munn- ton's au-ton'a Pills.G o t c (1 tor theyn , g l , L 1 the 01d. the sick and .the well ones, the benefits of De. Hamilton's Pills are manifold.. Sold everywhere in 25c bottles. Goderlch Mrs T. (Rev.) J.P Lo ear of Lnns • g cul*, 16110)1., is visiting het sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Whitely, the Oreseent,• Ater being approved of by the special committee and eatifie(1 by the town Council, the American Road Manhim.e Oo. bylaw will be voted on in Gnderich on November 29L11. Sunday afternoon hist the Metho- dist, Baptist and Presbyterian Sunday schools united in Knox church for the observance of World's Temperan- ce Sunday. Y Miss Ella atone of B sanghah . d who has been vlsatanl, bee cansins, the Misses Bellaeuy, at Dnngarnlon spent at part of lust week with Arthur and Mrs. 13eavers and friends in Godeeich. The police are after a bunch of boys. who committed some depredations on Hallowe'en, and when the Bet is com- pleted the youngsters will have to face the1• P. i h and exP lain Utah. e oon- duct, P1111 Assizes will open in Golleeich on Tuesday, Nov. 25th, Justice Britton presiding. Dudley Holmes, K.' C., of Witlghahn, has been ap- pointed to conduct the et'own buss-• mess. The only ease 011 the criminal docket is the liitrg vs. Robert Gor- don, of McKiliop, charged with kill- ing his father. Annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society; for the County, twill be held in C the 1 0t1rL• Howe on Monday evening, Nov. 17th. J. Kelso, Prov. Shpt. of Neglected 0)1114ren, has kindly premised to at- tend and tlelivot' an a dies0, and this, At. Regular Intervals ---Says Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound com- pletely cured her. Adrian, Texas. -"I take pleasure in adding my testimonial to the `great list and hope that !twill be of interest toted- feting oau&fering women. For four years I suffered untold agonies at regular intervals. Such pains and crampa,severe chills andsicknessatstom- ach, then finally hem- orrhages until I would be nearly blind. I had five doctors and none of them could do more than relieve me for a time. "I saw your advertisement in a pa- per and decided to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. I took seven boxes of it and used two bottles of the Sanative Wash, and I am com- pletely cured of my trouble. When I began taking the Compound I only weighed ninety-six pounds and now I weigh one hundred and twenty-six pounds. If anyone wishes to address me in person I will cheerfully answer all letters, as I cannot speak too highly of the Pinkham remedies." -Miss JEs- SIR MARSH, Adrian, Texas. Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound has accom- plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicilte Co. (cont. deutial) Lynn, i)Iass. Pour letter will be opened, read and answered by a Woman and held in strict confidence. 1II1ij iiiii`iktl 110illeinilllisa !iii:..' •with the report of County Agent G. M. Elliott, will wake a Most interest- ing and instructive evening for all W110 attend, Morris SOHOOI. REPORT. -Following is the report of S. S. No. 9 Morris for the mouth of October :- Examined in Arithmetic, Selling and History. Sr. IV. George McArthue52X. Jr, IV. Lily Jackson 48. Jr. II1. Edna McCall 00,' Cora Skelton 40, Glen !Selly 28, Earl Watson 27. Sr. 1I. Vina Wyatt 03. For general work, Jr. II. Bert Kelly 299 Pt. II. Itilu•y Readmam 178, Joe Readwau 149, Ross Button 128. Printer, May \Vetsou, Kali Headman. Margaret Cowan, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT, -The following is the t'eport for S. S. No. 1, Morris for October -Sr'.: IV. -R. Laidlaw 92, W. Phelan 72, L. Regent -et 62, I. Wal- lace 00. Jr. 1V. -.Hall 60, B. Brown 68, 11, Nivins 55, Sr. IIL-T. Rogerson 75. Jr. IIh-L, Phelan 77, D. Wallace 75, 11. Baines 15. Sr, II. -N. Kelly 79, 111, Brown 76, M. Heal- ey 75, E, Healey 72, I. Pease 44, 3, Craig 18. Jt'. IL -L. Pear 82, R. L. Laidlaw 77, E. Nivino 05, W. Kelly 48, 0. Cunningham 4, A. Kirk 20. Part I. -B. Pease fair. Sr. Primer. - S. Cunningham, Perfect attendance, D. Wallace, L. Fear, N. Kelly, M. Healey. Number on roll 30. Aver- age attendance 25. M. E. FEAR, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the •sport for the month of October of 8. No, 8, Morris Dnt. Class. - George Agar 340, ***Luella Brewer 4, Sr. M. -Ernestine Sellers 429, George Brewer 248, *Lorne 'Purvey 14, ***Florence Kerney 100, ***Charlie ouch 00. Jr. III, -Elva Warwick 41, Cameron 145200ard 837, Cora ouch 322, Charlie Bosnian 315, Sr. L -Frank 01613)iae 548, *Ethel Ger- des **George 401 n•*Harvey Get e Fell g amiss 244, ****'Wilmer 815,erney 1 r. II. -Ehler Forbes 550, *Marjorie realty 394. Pt. 1L -Alfred John - tan 178, May Winwick 184, Fred newer 105, Jim 'Purvey 71. Pt, ].- anet AI ucVel i • t 222 Fewer 11l Y natal d Bertha Son l ct303 808,•W alter Sellers 88,Charlie Warwick 103 Lillian amiss 155, Adella Tntvey� 129• umbar of examinations n nat.i Dna pupil was bsent, Average attendance 22. MAUDE FRY.FOC+LE, Teacher, 0 S 9 2 5 3 5 t 3 G B J 2l19 1 n IL 44444444444444444444444444 4'•1'4.4'4'•h4.4• •4'•4•'4•'4• 4..t,4..i.4.4..}4. Order your 4• 4• 4• 4. 4• 4' 4' 4• 4. 4• ABLY AND I n: AVOID I THE RUSH - 4 4' 1- Fits Right, i torkmanship Right gt and Price Right g f 4• Merchant' Tailor 4• Good Values in Para aura ' m Rain Coats Oall and see theme. W. P ■ Fraser IfENNIirY -- BBIMA0onia.--.. Theoybui•m (Sisk,) Review gives the following note of interest to the poo.ple of t ilis0191lmunity :-"A very pr'et• tip house wedding was celebrated on 1 :lhurSday, October 10th, ill the VOW* dente of Robe. and Mrs, Mooney, when two of SVeybuti8'2 popular young people, namely Miss Clara Eliza Mooney and Jatnee Kennedy Brilnaconlbe, D. D. S„ L. D. S,, were united. In marriage. Owing to the recent death of Lhe bride's father, Henry Mooney, the wedding Wee a quiet, only the Immediate fele Lives of the contracting parties being present. alt. ' lh ceremony I e 0 e Icon was l tv ePor I by Rev. J. Ii. Toole,ypaetor of the Methodist church and the subscribing witnesses were Miss Minnie Mooney, sister of the bride and 3, K. Keister, M. D., of 0 erna, After a weclding lunch had been served the party motored to the 0. P. R, depot where the young couple took the train for a abort wedding tour to pointe in the U. S„ followed by the hearty good wishes of a very large circle of friends." The many old friends of the bride in this locality wish her and her husband a long and happy life." Listowel W. McLauchlin hoe sold his Milk business to A. E. \Vakeford, who is 110ty !n pleaeeslon. Ladies of the Methodist ('(lurch are giving a Bazaar fn Mc'Donald's hall on Nov. 20th and 21st.. The ftll'nitnl e factory commenced night work last week in under to catch up witil their work. A nnlnl)06 of gentlemen fermi the VaLr'inue churches in town attended the Laymen's Missionary Conven- tion in Stratford. The electric motor has been instal- led in the 14146(ing mill and the ma- chinery has been set in place. Alb. Becker 01wnleneed operations Mon- day 0101 nimg. Maurice A. MsLelluud, Ethel, and Arthur \V. Vaudeiek, of town. have p11000(1 their Jntlrur 130016kceping examinations at Listowel Business College, They twill go on with their intermediate department wink, 101el, Robb, fol'uheely a stndel,t of the Listowel High School and a valu- ed member of the Hough Cup and Intermediate W. F. A. clhampinn• si)ip football teams, is pitying on the Vansil y Senior soccer team. Microbes in Your Scalp Authorities say that a microbe causes baldness. If you are losing hair try our remedy at our risk. Professor Unna, of Germany, and Dr. Sabouraud, the great L'rench Dermatologist, - claim that a 1ni- crobe causes baldness and their theory has been verified by eminent scientists. This microbe destroys the hair follicles, in time causing the scalp pores to close and the scalp to become shiny. Then, it is believed nothing tv91 revive the growth. 1f treated before this occurs, baldness may be overcome. Wo know of nothing that has given such universal satisfaction in treating the scalp and hair as Resell "93" Hair Tonic. It has been de- signed after long study to overcome the cause of falling hair as discovered botherrrscalp and hair Sabouraud and we believe it will do more than any- ff and stop6fillelse g hair; and if any n to remove human agency can promote a new growth of hair it will do that, too. We want you to make us prove it. We will pay for a month's treatment of Rexall "93" Hair Tmtic used dun•• lug a trial, if you will use it ac- cording to directions, and are not thoroughly satisfied. when the will do this, you surely should not hesitate to at least try it. Start the treatment today. Your mere request will got your money back if you want it. Two sizes, 50e and 81.00. You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonic in this community only at our store: F. R. �S�MITH. Brussels Ther v���atm Ontario Thom is a Rozell Store in nearly o town and city In the- United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Resell Remedy for nearly every ordinary human M- eech especially designed for the Particular in for which it is recommended. The Resell Stores are America's Greatest lerug Stores Blyth Wm. Jackson ltas a hen that laid an egg Sx0I inches in circumference. Mrs. It. B. McGowan left last week on a visit to relatives at Denfield. De. W. Sloan, of Toronto, t0 visited , his brother r ,A.\\.Sio Sloan, during g past week John Denholm who has been in tihe West for lite past nhnnth on a collect- ing trip, has arrived home, Alts, (Rev.) Jewitt entertained the adult bible class, and the officers and teachers of the Methodist Sunday School. Miss G. Laundy has taken a posi- tion as teacher In a school at Seskeni- lea, New Ontario, and left to com- mence her duties. Win, Bart has received the contract of carrying the mail on the Blyth -Westfield rural route and will 00111 - thence duty shorty. The family of Adam McKenzie have moved to.Olinton, where they will re- side. Mr. Strutrvill move they. nto the house t vacated bY 14 1 xs AIoKeu zle N Outran has installed el ditto g e lights w his new tv house o yy Sreet, and when he gets the verandah built he will have It vety comfortable home. John Emig)) arrived home from a few 100111lhs visit with his sou Will, at Whitewood Sask„ and his daugh- ter, Mrs. (Judge) Jackson, at Leth- bridg e 1 Alta. Joseph as ih Ononbs Toronto, Ln, was re- newing acquaintances in Blyth dur- ing the past week, He was employed during the Summer at railroad con- tracting in New Ontario, Following officers of the W. F. M. S. of St, Andrew's church were elect- for lect• edfortl ) to ensuing Mts. 1 year ;--Preaidenty McKellar ' g , let Vice -Pres., Mrs.earns ; 2nd Vico-P1'es., Mrs. W. D. Turner Treasurer, Mrs. R. B. Ma - Gowan ; Secretary, Mis, W, D. Turn- er • Organist,M • s, Jas . ho u chicTidha a Secret xyr Mrs, R. M. Mc- Kay, Delegates to Haroth 'Presbyters• al Convention at Exeter, Mrs, A. Tay, lor, Mrs, Turner, Mrs. Mal ellar, Mtn. Qttrtie and Miss kxoc+d, Your Oven Gains by Our Oven Test p Your oven becomes a certain producer -of more bread and better bread. - We can promise that, Fs For from _each .shipment rJ111 1 PURITY� neat 1 of wheat delivered at our mills we take a ten pound sample, We grind it into flour. We bake the flour into bread. If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity, we use the shipment. Other- wise we sell it. There is no guess -work about our ;promise of more bread and better bread from flour bearing this name. a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 Tare 41tread and Better Bread" and 10 "Better Pastry Too" 525 Alex, McOreight had excellent suc- eea this year in raising onions. From $ of an acre he raised over 1140 pounds which he shipped last week to F. Swallconbe, Hensali, receiving 5 cents per pound. Atwood Elmla Council will meet on Dec. 191. Following composed party from here for the deer hunt; John San- derson, David Graham, Stan. Ford, Melvyn Struthers, Jack Quipp, Sam. Hiles, John Vallance, Chas. Vallance, Hugh Walker, Wm. Kendal, Chas. Ritter, Milverton, Mrssiouary Campaign in the Strat- ford District of the Methodist church c0mmeneed Sunday. Bev. E. A. Moorehouse, Monkton, represented the work here and preached morning and evening and at Donegal in the afternoon. Rev. Dr. Hisser conduct- ed siuhilar services on 1lioukton 046. curt, Annual meeting of Maple Leaf Beef Ring was held at the residence of W. G. Inglis. There was a large repre- sentation of the ^members present. There were 22 beeves killed, aggregat- ing 10,000 pounds of beef. After the business of the, year was finished the President, F. J. Curtis, asked if any- body wishes to pull out of the ring and there being no response the elec- tion of officers for 1914 was proceeded with. The following officers were elected :- President, F. J. Cur tis Secretary, R. T. Farrell ; Treasurer, Wm. Vipond ; Butcher, W. G. In- glis ; Inspector's, Abraham Baker and Walter Inglis. After the business was concluded, Mr. and Mrs. Inglis treated the members to a sumptuous repast in their usual excellent style. A vote of thanks to the host and host- ess brought a very successful meeting to a close. The Government steamer Acadia is on the way to hunt for the new island re. ported off Sable Island. Lillian Waterman, of Ottawa, was killed and nine others persons were in- jured in a accident on the C. P. R. at Moose Jaw, Sask, Premier Borden has gone south for six weeks' rest, on the order of his physic- ian, Hon. Geo. E. Foster is to be acting Premier in his absence. The first section of the National Trans. continental Railway completed and ready for traffic is a fifty -mile stretch West from the Quebec bridge, Arrangements are about completed on London Street Railway Iwo to use Hydro power, the agreement being for 1,000 h. p 01 $36. 60 6110 for twelve years. Sick Hea►dasci,.es-- are not caused u d bY anything thing wrong in the head, a both const! a ' Y trop biliouta P nese and indigestion. d cation. Headacheg powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure them. Dr• Mwawa'e Indian Root Pills do cure sick head- ache in the sensible way by removing the constipation or sick stomach which caused them. Dr. Morse's Indian Rooti P lis are purely re!p , table, free from anyharmful drug,safe and sure. When you fed the headache coming take Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Police Constable John L. McNerney tvas electrocuted, at Vancouver, Satur- day night while attempting to release a crossed wire from a street lamp. Me- Nemoy was 35 years of age, and a native of Inkerman, Ont. While alighting from a car Sunday evening in Weslmouut, Montreal, Mrs, J. Rothschild fell and wise crushed to death beneath the wheels of the cat. Mrs. Rothschiid's headwas completely severed from tier body. WhyChestChest Colds Aro Bangers:re- • 1' . They lead to pleurisy and pneumon- ia. Follow the advice of W. H. Powles of Powle's Corner, Ont., who says : "I used to be subject t0 attacks and although I used most everything nothrnp relieved quickly till I die-' covers P 4P.T' Ill N v ne. i have used it for pleurisy and sore chest and found it just the proper thing, For Lumbago or. Neuralgia it's quick as if htning. I cheerfully recommend Nerviline," Strongest, cleanest, most pain de- stroying liniment on earth is Poison's Nerviline, 25c bottles sold everywhere. 0, stamemememearemmemermsemagmee The yR Regina Watch How about that old. watch P Is it not giving satisfaction P Have it exchanged' -for a . REGINA and yon will always be sure of the right time. They. are sold at the following prices : 7 -jewelled 20 -year Banner Gold-filled Case - -811.75 15 -jewelled 20 -year Banner. Gold-filled Case - 13.75 17 -jewelled 20 -year Banner old -filled Case • - - 18.75 '7 - jewelled Waterproof. Nickel Case - -. _ 8.20 15 -jewelled Waterproof Nickel Case - - •- 10.20 17 - jewelled Waterproof Nickel Case - - - 18.20 These Watches are all guaran- teed for three years. 46.416. L. BLAKE Walton - Ontario imuseememmuimmiii 41.JLAIISA`4116416r`®J - HAVE AVE Y O U madeProvieion for employment der - hi g the Fall aui Wintermon5110 or do you wish ateady remunerative work the year thrugh. Write us andeesnrd our agent's terms. We offer the best in the business. Pity weekly, free out- fit, exclusive territory. OVER 600 ACRES under o lti u vstion, EntprhIged over 85 years. A reputation for high grade stook and fair dealing, A salesman can make money selling for us•.. We i want an an al otic reliable e a mt for Brussels end vicinity, Far tame writs PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. N. B. Free catalogue on request. Apples Wanted AT THE BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR On or after September T5511. 1. The highest st market prices will be paid according to quality. Apples may be shaken off trees. Packers' culls, windfalls, etc., will be taken. Small or Soft Apples will not be Accepted p d BURCDIOE {7[ GO., Brussels 'PHONE 38x,