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The Brussels Post, 1913-11-13, Page 4
Ebt ifIrussseis TFIU' R,` --'DAY, NOVEMBER re, mie Old Boys' Reunion in Brussels in tgt4? ANY lover of good poultry should not mise the exhibit at the Winter Fair at Guelph in December. It might be worth many dollars a year to attend one Fair and swore the possible pointers, De. MONTAGUE, well remembered in connection with Haldimand County Proviueinl politics years ago, 'is now taking a hand in Manitoba aft/sirs as Minister of Public Works. The Dr has the "nerve" all right. WHA•r do yon think about holding In EAST Middlesex Dominion bye election will be held on Thursday, Nov- ember 27th. The Liberais meet on Saturday to choose a candidate. The necessity for an election was occasioned by the death of the late member -Mr. Neely. He was a 'Conservative in politics. ABOUT a million dollars will come into the Provincial treasury this year through the Succession duties, the largest on record. For a law at which so many political brickbats were thrown when the present government was in Opposition, it has been a great revenue bringer to them. THE PosT believes in permanent streets and roadways. It's- high time Brussels got busy on the Main street and tested a few blocks with MacAdam instead of practically wasting time and money in hauling grave] for which there is little or nothing to show for the ex- pense a few months after. Turnberry street, North of the briJge, will never be right until it is properly drained. egr4 should see some permanent street making. ANYTHING that will guard or improve the health of a man or his family should not be allowed to pass by unimproved. A very light valuation is often put on bodily and mental vigor until one or both have failed and the building up process is often slow if not beyond restoration. Looking at the bright side, treedom froth worry, taking, proper exerbise and putting your crest in Providence are helpful elements in winning back failing powers. WHAT is your responsibility to our neighbor ? We dont mean perhaps the person who lives next you but in the broader sense of neighborliness. Is it our business to give him a "lift"? Have we anything to do in aiding in the directing of his course in life and help- ing smooth his path ? Are we re- sponsible •if he goes astray? The human family is bound by ties a good deal stronger and closer than many think. It is a question we should give considerable study to and then do our duty. Vornec on the Canadian Temperance Act will take place in Huron County on Monday November 24th, Women are not allowed to vote on the measure but any man possessing the right to vote at a parliamentary election will be able to mark a ballot. Polls will open from g a. m. to 5 p. m. in the usual polling sub -divisions for parliamentary coo - test. Peter W. Scott, of East Wa- wanosh, has received the appointment of Returning Officer for this County. 1912 Voters' List will be used. THERE are advantages in the Canada Temperance Act over Local Option law that penple should not overlook. One is the increased territory -a Count instead of one municipality Y ata time. Another point in its favor is a straight majority carries it or defeats it. A third advantage is the penalties are larger and should prove a deterrent to people who might be disposed to trans- .. grecs. It would be well for electors to read the Act for themselves and not be mislead by partial or incorrect quota- tions. ALREADY Nominees are being mention- ed for Huron Co. Wardenship for 5954. In the turnabout plan followed the occupant of the chair will be a Con- servative. , sva we. THE P ' osra h s heard the name of Reeve Livingston, of Grey township, proposed in several quarters. He is a man of wide experience in municipal work and would make an admirable Warden, It's a long time since Grey was honored with the posi. tion when Thos, Strachan occupied the ehair. NOME people are very touchy on what they call "interference with personal rights," but they lose sight of the fact that the main features and advsutages of any law are the prohibitions, No law would be worth the snap of your finger without them. We have to bow to the law in connection with the Public Heald Act, the Fire litnit law, the use of the highway and scores of others. Our liberties are much more circum- scribed that we sometimes imagine and just as soon as a matt says he will not be tied to re. t i co' s r ons just so soonwill the law step in and teach him the lesson he evidently has not !cattiest FAILING HAiR MANY People haya a $Imply WNW of Stgpping It-Thoy twig Parisian Sago It was Dh, SanSeebond, 0! Paris, who filet discovered that dandruff and falling hair were caused by .a microbe, And now that I'arislan Sage, the reruedy that kills the dandruff germ, is sold in every town its Canada, the people in One country have awakened to the fact that dandruff la unneces- sary that falling hair and itching scalp etut be quickly stopped and that the people who use Parisian Sage will never grow bald. To every reader of Ters POST who wishes to eradicate offensive dandruff stop failing hair and have ass immacu- lately clean scalp, free from itchiness, Jae, Fox says he will sell Parisian Sage in a large 500 bottle with a guarantee to refund the money if not satisfied. It is an ideal, daintily per- fumed hair dressing, free from grease or stickiness that will put life and beauty into dull, faded hair and cause It to grow lustrous and luxuriant, FFNNY bow many church members and Lodge members wish to enjoy the rights and privileges but dont seem to think there is any necessary work in carrying on these institutions that they should busy themselves ab•rut. As a result of this dilatorinessa eoinparatively few people hese to carry the load while those who should take a baud assume no responsibility. A little quiet think ing over this matter might result in the polishingOpof many an unused talent which would result in very marked im• provemen t. Is there are hundreds of idle men in some of the Canadian cities now what will the situation be three mouths hence? Too many people would rather sit down and practically starve than busy themselves at any employ- ment foreign to their special trade, if they have one, Blessed is the gift of "workability," whereby a person can turn their hand to some useful oe cupation if their particular avocation is blockaded for the time being. Care ful management and sobriety will tend often to help getting out of a tight corner, In the long Ago We publish a school repot t of Bens - sets Public School taken from THE POST of November 28th, 1875 and it will be an interesting reminder of the boys and girls in town 38 years ago, although many changes have taken place since then. Only 8 of the per- sons named are now residents of Brus- sels of the 88 whose names are given as follows :-Peter Stewat 1, Jas, and David Ross, David Walker, Miss Ella Kay (Ml's. W. H. Kerr), and Miss Mag- gie Walker. The Principal was John Shaw, who now resides in Clinton. Pupil's natues and class standing is as under: - Tice subject for the Friday after- noon examination was Geography. The papers were prepared by A. Dew- ar, P. S. I. All but the fifth class had the same paper. The following is the score ;- Class V. -John W. Shaw 96 per cent, John MOQI•ae 92, Joan Ross 88, John Stewart 85, John Scott 85, Daniel McOrae 88, Chas. Raven 83, Roderick Ross 82, Ellen Ross 90, Jane Cormack 79, Emily Armstrong 79, Maggie Scott 77, Robt. McCrae 76, Regina Kelner 73, Isabella Harris 78. Sr. IV. -James Ferguson 98, Adam Kay 97, Ann Bradwell 92, Ida Sheriff 92, Jessie Broadfoot 91, Frank Moore 91, Jas. Forsyth 88, Peter Stewart 88, Agnes Denny 87, Andrew Wilson 80, Samuel Beaton 71, Francis Hinds 89, John Cormack 55. Jr. IV. -John Moore 87, Mary Fer•- guson 88, Albert Gerry 85, William McDonald 85, Walter Scott 84, Sarah Armstrong 81, Lily Vainstone 79, Jas. MoCrae 78, James Hunter 78, David Rose 77, Frank White 72, Robert Kirkpatriek 73, James Roes 72, John Walker 71, Ernest Cooper r CO er 1.' Atilt Beaton 62, Charlotte Smale 66, Fred. Tait 64, Mary Hall 68, Jane Robb 58, Minnie McIntosh 58, David Walker, 55, Charles Cormack 41, Rebecca Belcher 42. ' Sr. III. -Julia Lynn 88, Ella Kay 71, P. Knechtel 69, Joseph Laird 59, Ina English 50, Seaman Laird 45, Sarah Harris 45, Melinda Kirkpatrick 33, Annie Knechtel 82, .Toseph Moore 30, John McOannell 22, Thomas Saun- ders 22, eL George M eau 17 g Salem Armsttong 11, Maggie Walker, 8, W. Terry 4. EFFECTS OF URIC ACID Indigestion, gout, neuralgia, nausea gravel, rheumatism, dropsy, lumbago, nervousness, heart disease, failing eyesight, sediment in urine, stone in the kidney, dizziness, headache, Anti - Uric Pills drive out all uric acid poi- sons hosts .the blood Jas. Fox sells them and guarantees them. Rasnetn- tsr She name Anti -Uric. B. V. Mar- ion on every package, HURON COUNTY LAYMEN HOLD A CONFERENCE The Huron County Conference, under the United Missionary Cam- paign now being conducted at various centres throughout the province, was held" at Goderich, and was most sue - easeful not only iu attendance, but Nom the enthusiaem which was shown on all sides, From all parts of the County came clergymen and lay delegates of the several %denotnina- tlons to the number of about two hundred, Them otnin session was held d in Northtt ee S t Methodist Church, at. which Rev. (J. ManningToronto), Mev, 0. E. Jeaking (Clinton), Rev. FL. , Langford (Listowel), anti the local at Ha• il Price millinery • Ile• • et We have on hand a good stook • of No, 1 Tile, all sizes, Call up Phone8255 and 1 2a sl yon will find the • 2 prime are lower than 4;,anywhere ♦ else, Quality guaranteed, • 1 CIimax Mills $' es • Also have a number of Climax ; t Fanning Mills ready, Anyone er • avtucting the best Mill made 2• • • • should ring up phone 854. • i teellave a lot of small accosting Z • some of there 8 or 4 year's old, and tvonld like them • settled at once.• S. S. Colez pastor took lhs topics. The chair was occupied by Principal Hunte, of Gode. rich Oollegiate Institute, The after- noon session was addressed by W. 0, Senior (Toronto), Rev. H. 0. Priest (General Secretary of the Missionary Edncaaticn Movement), Rev. J, 13, Fotheringham (Goderieh), Rev. A. E. Armstrong (Toyotas)), and Rev, Gillies Eadie (returned utissionttry from Hen- an, China). Friday evening a banquet was ten - tendered to the sten of the county, attended by about followed by speeches from those who had partici- pated in the day's work, assisted by Rev. Canon Gould, general secretary of the Missionary Society of the Ohurch of England in Canada. Con- ventions are to be held at other cen- tres during the next two weeks, cul- minating at Sault Ste. Maxie on Nov. 21. . Grey PATRONS OF RURAL MAIL ROtyTR No 2 G1trr.-Following are the hold- ers of boxes in connection with Rural Route, Nn. 2 Grey, Brussels being the distributing point: llrs. Edwil, Armstrong, Lorne Addle, Thos, Al - emir, Henry Alcock, Robert Cochrane, John Stevenson, Jas. Grant, Donald Stewart, Conrad Engel, Mark Cardiff, Nelson Askin, Thos. Learmont, David Clark, Robt. C. Campbell, John McNabb, Louis Steiss, Jas. Shiels, John McNair Jr., Daltcan McNabb, Neil D. McNair, Jas. D. McNair, Jas. A. McNair, Tesdale Whitfield, Lysin Evans, Donald McNeil, John Howard, Wesley Speiran, Geo. Speiran, Albert Whitfield, Wrn. J. Patterson, John W. Sanders, Luke O. Spcirau, Duncan McKay, Andrew Meclnun, Neil Me- 'l'aggart, Duncan McTaggart, Geo. 'McTaggart, Robe J. McTaggart, Donald McTaggart, Archie McLean, %Vrm, Forbes, Gen. H. Dun lap, Angus Carmichael, Jas. Fulton, Edwa id Fulton, Alex. Barron, Plank Woods, John Wortley, Wtn, Strath, Martin McNair, Robt. Houston, R. L. Taylor, The Place to Find Money to where you lost it. I atm go- ing to try and find sorne of what l have lost iN Brussels bt giving overhalf price o Thirty days from October 5th. Oorne early and get choice of Mounts and Folders. G. F. Maitland • ♦ • • 4 ♦ Now is the Time to Bu a Y Watch• • Here are Waltham, Elgin, • Region and other SUPER- • IOR WATCHES, priced h'ea- 'H sortabl , at from $8.00 up. Cases in Nickel, Silver, Gold • Filled anti Solid Gold, For • Ladies there is no way as convenient as the • Bracelet. Watch • sle We have a nice selection to choose from. Your watch- ,p,, ♦ buying opportunity is now. e) • Let ns allow gnu our line. • Every Watch is guaranteed •j, to give entire eattai action. • 4.1 J. R. Wendt • Jeweller and Engraver • Wroxeter • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• We are blearing out our eiahorote $tonic of Fall Jlilliuet•y at HALF PRICE AND LESS to ivake room for other goods. We are going to crake every Saturday our Bargain Day. Don't miss this sale of Mil- linery, contntsueing Friday. Nov. 7th, ae Ge Mhl Mitchell's Phone 2215 ETHEL John A. McNair, Alex. Stewart, John A. Stewart, Oliver restyles, Oliver Turnbull, Jas, J. Houston, Jas. Doug- las, David Cunningham, W11n, Woods, John Ewan, T. E. Nolan, Silas John- stone, Andrew Hislop!, Jas. ,llc Fadzean, and John Kir koonnel. The mail carrier is Edwin ii Pollard, of Brussels. Molesworth Mr, and Mrs. Steiss entertained a large nurnber of young people at their home here on a tenant evening. All report a most enjoyable tinie, The host and hostess and family have lately moved to our village. Mr, Steiss is engaged at the blacksmith shop, and ire and his family are wel• conned to, our village. Mrs. J. Brown Molesworth, happen- ed with a bad accident in Listowel on Monday of last week. While walk- ing along Main street she accidentally tripped on part of the sidewalk which was slightly elevated. This neces- sitated a fall with the resltltthat one arm was broken while the other one is badly sprained. This is not the first time that pedestrians have suf- fered seriously on acconnt of the broken walks, so something should be done that accidents will nob occur. Why the Youth's Companion Should Be In Every Family Because it is unusual and no other sonece can supply the same kind of reading. The fact and fiction are novel and every line is fit to read aloud. A year of the Youth's Own - pastiest as it is to -day is of inexhausti- ble entertainment and benefit to the family. Ls quantity it provides more than other American monthly periodical -and is the more appreciat- ed because it comes ffry-two times a year instead of twelve, The Companion as it is to -day, en- larged and broadened in scope, includ- ing the Fancily Page, the Boy's Page as departments, with eight splendid serials and 250 shorter stoties, its ac- curate and impartial editorials, Science and Current events, snakes a vnlume of matter that touches every genuine interest of the family. So carefully is it edited, so varied is its contents, that a family would be well supplied with enter taining fiction up-to-date information and whole- some fun, if no other periodical en- tered the home. If you are not familiar with The Companion as it is to -clay, let pa send you sample .copies containing chap- ters front Frank Lillie Pollock's great Canadian serial, "'the Timber Treas- ure," and the Announcement for 1914. New subsm•ibets win send $2,25 for the fifty-two issues of 1914 will receive free the remaining issues of 1918 and a copy of The Oompanion Practical Home Calendar in addition. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley St,, Boston, Mass. New subscriptions received at this Office. Does Your Heart Flutter ? You know heart, fluttering means that you're not as well as you should be. it's an evidence of impaired nerve and muscular power. To obtain cure, try Perrezone ; it has a special action oe the heart as seen in the ease of Thos. Grover, of Oole Harbor, N. S., who says : "If I exerted myself it would bring palpitation. To carry any heavy weight or go quickly com- pletely knocked me out, When bad attacks t aka ¢araeu n Ili salts fear of 1 sud- den death. Putt c zone gave my heart the very assistance it needed, and now I atm quite well." For heart or nerves it's hard to exceli Petrozone, 50c per box at all dealers, HICK'S NOVEMBER FORECASTS A regular storm period covering the first seven da Nnv days of ember bids t faui to be decidedly stormy and in- clement period It is central on the 4th, eonneidenb with the neutre of the Venus equinoctial o<.tnal period, The he bar- ometer will show the oncoming of these storms in Western extremes as earl act the 2u.d rain, tvit Y whirl, thunder will attend failing barometer and as these storms travel Eastward across .the country from about the 8rd to the 7th they will grow in intensity and extent, until most parts of the cone try will feel their influence and direct force. A reactionary storm period will bring a return of storm conditions-, falling barometer, change to warmer Southerly winds with probable'thun- der and rain on and touching the 0th, 100 and 11th. The noon being on the celestial equator on the 0th, storms of rain, wined and thunder will be natural on and touching that date, possibly past the full moon on the 18th and into the storm period soot' following. See that your "taters" twice and a hunched other good things are safely garnered before that, time. An earthquake period is frorn. the 1003 to the 10th, central on the. 18th. A regular storm period involves the 14th to 19th, having its centre.,on the 161h, The moon is at extreme Nertlt declination on . 18L•li which face'. t will tend to suppress tiro change to' colder, which would normally >ollow the storms of this period. 0 low barometric areas should cheer the Southern parts of the country, with NUTN HEM IN WINDOW Have you seen our window display of Sageine hair tonic. We are ex- clusive agents in Brussels, Ont„ Inc Sageine. We are giving our special attention to SAGEINE this week and the are anxious to have you try to bottle of Sageine at our tisk. We say -If Sageine won't please the most skeptical we will refund the money. Sageine comes to Brussels Ont., with a .great locoed of success and we were fortunate in securing the agency, Sageine is sold with a guarauttee to stop hair front falling and to promote a clean growth re- gardless of how long you have suf- fered with dandruff. Sageine is the favorite 'dressing with women of re- finement throughout the United States and Oanda and the price is only 50e a large beetle. Be sure to go to Jas. Fox, otter stores cannot sup- ply you with Sageinc. counter storms moving out of the Northwest at this tirrre, cold frosty weather will spread Southward after TRAYED from the premises of the under - this storm period, giving an early S signed, FJ3, Lot 29, Con 7, Morris, 4 ewes, smack Of Winter to States fat' toward ear marked. Any information lending to their the gulf, stay from the 17th to the lreaoverywillbesuitnblyrewnrdod. Phone 166 20th, S. WALKER, A1 reaotional•y storm period is cen- I Brussels P. 0. trql on the 22nd and 23rd. On and touching these clays, all who are ob- servant may note preceptible weather changes. These disturbances will be more pronounced from the fact that "'nu OBEs wonted Por 8. 8. No. 4, sere the moon is on the celestial equator township, Huron Uo., duties to cog on the 23rd, and in perigee on the 24th. Liey0ee next January,Normante desired. Snl• EIeotsical storms with rapid rise in alt up to 56111tt000rding50 gnalidantiwt. Ap- p cations received np to Nov. 15th. Sante the barometer foliotving will natural- qualification and experience. B. PAya, ly bring a sudden change from waren 44eoretary Jnmestow•n P. 0, to cold, lasting for two or three days behind the storms. An earthquake period being at its centre on the 27th, heavy shooks in many quarters of the globe need be no surprise as early as the 23rd and 24111. CIbbIij list 1913-14 THE Poser has unade Mtriurgetnents to chat with the following papers itud will be sent to tory address (except the United Slates 60 rents exist) sit the following subscription pieces :- Weeklies POST anti Toronto Globe ...,..... 51 60 " \hill tool Empire 1 00 " l.otldcu Advertiept 1 60 London Fire Press 1 80 Family tteealci and Stat' 1 80 .Montreal Witness , 1 80 Ferwe,s' Advocate 2 35 Northern Messenger1 85 Dailies POST and `Poron to Star .. ..... $2 85 it 'l'oronto News. 2 85 " Totem toGlobe 4 50 " 'Toyota° IYlail-Eutpise.. , 4 50 " Toronto World . 8 50 " London Advertiser . 2 80 Call at the office ar remit Lite amount by P. 0. Order, Express Older oe Registered Letter addressing TH.E. POST, Brussels, Out. A regular atom period covers the last week in November, having its astronomical centre on the 27th. The ,niton is also alt new or in con- junction with earth anti sun on Lhe 27115. The barometer will fall and other indications of brewing stnrme will appear Westward by the 25th and 2811, but decided Autumnal storms of rain and wind Westing to snow Northward, will traverse the coautry from West to East on stud touchieg the 2711e 28th and 20111. Watch for such developments at this time. The People's Column LA1r168 FOR BALE, -A number of good Ox- forddown Rom Lambs for sale. N(tLot 20. Con. 7, Morris. S. WALKER, 19.1f Phone 108 Brussels P. 0. Causes Much Disease Advice about Stomach Troubles and how to relieve them. Don't neglect indigestion, for it may lead to all sorts of ills and com- plications. An eminent physician once said that ninety-five per cent of all ills have their origin in a dis- ordered stomach. Our experience with Rexall Dys- tebeot believe them to eoneof leads dependableremedies known for indigestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredi- ents are soothing to the inflamed membranes of the stomach. Rich in Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the medic' e, st dthestreliefathey afford s known to very prompt. Used persistently and regularly for a short time, they tend to relieve pains caused by stomach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help insure healthy appetite, aid diges- - tion, and promote nutrition. As evidence of our faith in them, we ask you to try themat our risk. If they do not give entire satiafaetion, we will return the money you paid us without question formality. Three sizes, 25ces,5D cents,n$100. You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets in this community only at our store: F, R. SMITH. Brussels The %a!!e ,MYore Ontario Therm to a Rexall Store . - ae os r1 every tool ndnfa heTu oerteedie Stated ryCaat Ri Remedy 105 nearly every ordinary human ill - f especially designed for the particular i6 for which it re50mteeaded. The Boxall Stores aro America's Greatest Drug Stores Hog 'or ery Taw Com Bignell will peep for aervleu ctrl LOW, Oen, t0, Grey sweetie), a thorn' bred time eta service Tornrs, ,}1011 to hu paid alt time elutorvioo with privilege et returning 1f1 neoessnry, 10.61 p, S*.1, IIcNA1313, Proprietors} 1 - W. H. LOVE 1 Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night or day, Phone 228, ®®® ETHEL, OIVT, MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse baits will be held in Brussels this season as follows : THURSDAY, DEC. 41,h, 1018 IAN.• 8th, 1914 FEB. 5th, 1014 MAR, 5th, 1014 APR, 2nd, 1914 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be present. Manitoba Improved Farms For sale on easy terms or will rent to desirable tenants. Write for par- ticulars to' John E. Smith (Owner) Box 1033 Brandon Man: H07 88 and lot for Bale, Brussels South. Omnfortable and, good atabla, esllor qy eta„ and Se e note or lend, for ti into possession oar be given. A bargain for aomebosly. For farther treettottlw•eapply 10 RICHARu ROE, John Street; Brussols, STOREHOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT: No, 1, Produce warehouse at Brussels Station G, T. R. For particulars apply to J. MOIL Ca, Brussels. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, -The South part Lot 24, Con. % Grey, 70 acres, all cleared and well underrirnined, Frame house and bank barn, well watered. There Is also offered for sale 100 .acres being Lot 02, Ott 0 n, of Grey. 50 of which are cleared. Both properties to he sold to close out estate. Apply to bine MARY GILL, Ethel P. 0, or W. 51. Si3OLAIn, Barrister, Brussels, Ont. tr, is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &c. repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call, Ar HAVMANN Cranbrook FIRBT GLASS FARM FOR SALE, -The un- I derelgned will sell the South Half of Farm Lot No, 10, in the 0th Concession of the Township of Morris, at a bargain, to the first buyer. On thefarttn is a good modern brick !house and fir+t•class btutk barn and is a well fenced ta•an,conatsts of 100 acres and is well situated for markets. Owner now in West is the reason for sale. Apply for further par - Haulers to F. 8. SooTT, Brussels, F ARM FOR SALE, -The undersigned offers his fine'farm consisting of about 185 acres adjoining the town of Clinton, for sale. The farm is in a good state of cultivation, and has good buildings, brick ]roue, bang barn, driv- tag house, pigpen, etc., all comparatively new. A Srat•olape young orchard containing all kinds of fruits and also small fruits, The farm is well fenced and drained- and is a very desirable home, For further particulars apply on the premises or address 28-tf JOHN TORRANCE. Clinton, 55CBIDAR LAWN FARM" FOR SALE,- The undersigned offers for sale his fine 100 acre farm, being North Half Lot 05, Oon. 0, Morris township, Huron Co. Farm isinn good state of a cultivation, ous e fended, and doeomi t burrbrink house that cost $8,00 goadlawn o ndad by cedar hedge Barn 52xOD feet m1!+tone toundnt 0. Good orchard and 10 fr re« ofsplendid hardwood bush. Farm is only s Brussels le and the splendid ma•hot town of commun. and ie 1 mites from school. Good connnun• Hy. Possesy ee stomal none. For 0furthertarc mins ort, .705 terms. Ne.. apply le the pumices or to JOHN MOONEY, Proprietor, Brnasels P. O. You Get Bithbus Because Your Liver is Lazy You get a bilious attack when your liver refuses to do its work. The bile does not flow. Youbecome constipated. Food sours instead of digesting. You have that "bitter as gall" taste. The stomach becomes inflamed and inflated - turns sick-vomiting,and v n intent headache, -Tic bast preventative and cure for biliousness is Chamberlain's Tablets. They make the liver do its work -strengthen the digestive organs, and restore to perfect health. 25c. a bottle -All Dealers a:.d Druggists, or`by mail, Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. l %• Pt 3 m h• COLLEGE AT HOME ®v Thousands of ambitions young peo- ple are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions its stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra- phers, civil servants in fact every sphere of activities. You may flnieh at college if you so wish. Positions- goer- anteed. Enter college anyday. vidual instruction. Expert teaaIndiyears' experience. ollrgeattraine s in Canada, Sevencollegee.Speabiiesiortoota.A Affiliated with teachers.Thirty Educe- tor's Association of Ottnada. Stilt nor Schools tfan ons $ ottar Business a Ool toe Lon g , don. Wingham. Business College 9 Geo. BPOTTON, W. T..NIORee. President. Principal. RUPTURE Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. t b :a M Y method will cure d p- b °1 A a r .-„rt patently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes up-turebecomes strangulated when you can be cured ? b,.••••••♦♦•••••••••♦♦••••.. •••••••••• mere t+r' sea awc••e • • 33 SUCCESSFUL • YEAS• • Guarantee the thorough courses of °muscle's • a leadingSohonl of Business • usene • Co Ile 0 Do not wait - Fill in coupon pn l 11.E L'I ', ' Age • g • Tittle Rap r.. • • ® Snrglo or Double 35 9cropo street, oven sound © ii Nacrro', Liege staff of specialists, one own buiklilig, a of an acre of floor spsne, • Only School with leraO oceieal Department, ♦ Address POSITIONS GUARANTEED A U AN TEE D T aGaACTUATE& .,t. OATALOQU•E •FFEE' •• J. S. SMiTH 0, A, FLEMI'NG, F 0, A., G. D, FLEMING Principal for 38 years, Searetitry, ; as oaledonla st. •Dept A Stratford,O t Y ••• i 6 and return to •••♦•♦••N••••••••••Ct r1 AO* ♦•••4•••••••••••••••••••e•••••• • h _ A