HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-11-6, Page 7LIFE'S SUNSHINE TRE SPIIGI'F OF TIM SHIP. weary h&ndn aft l arms timglrti
�- Whon the Englno Stops There Gocs wAmy 8U TEF trot ess '.'bows i 'r thfl oI-
o folks Gladdens Those Who Regain New , nt„pk and faQe vvera swgl
Out All Llxa, Changed to Vigor len and aflame. I buried myseelf in
Health and Strength To the er ar not the engines oP I T�� EY ITCHY
my blankets, but that only maria
` �° ®R ®Q That played r- the venom of the demons still more
any steamer aro noisy, tiresome, bs. yad out peeling Was :irritating; besidee, it wits so het
When the glow of health comes wildering. Anel yet every component, - -- - - Quleltly Ttottledled and and sultry that the lightest dover-
!'he Boys and the fipples. back to sallow cheeks; when lar- every note of that great harmony, has Between Fingers, • Spread to Tips, Health Restored,
Two appies went to eohoo] one guid weakness gives place to vigor ; a special meaningfor the engineer;ing was as mush as I could bear.
day, one in john's pocket, the other when you notice somepale,ex- Would Swell Up, Itch and Burn, story of a Merchant Who Almost Lost
Sounds of the (retreats of °there
in Tom's lunch basket, John's was moreover, he Can dated the smallest Did Not Dare Put Hands In Is euelnesa and MIs Health came to me; and there was asaris-
hattsted invalid restored to active dissonance at once, So finely attuned Throe h Ne lectin S Sym
big rosy ane, while Tom's was health -enquire. More than like! Water,g g g Early y p. faction, however feeble, in feeling
y to the mesio doss the ear become, de- CutlClira Soap and Ctft!- toms of Disease.
that I was not suffering in +solitude.
smaller, and not so handsome, That You will find the cure to have been
was not strange,
for Goa doesn't Yet another of the thousands al- elates the author of "Letters Prom an CUra Ointment----. fltar "MY ilia for y°ars has been of sa- Not before the brief twilight of
make all apples glow of the same ready wrought b Dr, Williams' Ocean Tramp," that the dropping of dentary character," writes T. B. dawn had announced the sun did
Y a hammer In the stoke -41e, the rat• botwaocn mp pncern°wan nhc ural troub e. t 1 Buukthghnm. of Nhsl hours ever thAt th t1 xt e
size, and they aro not painted all Pink Pills. Headache and neural- ry
alike. And Cud's plan must be a gin, St, Vitus dance and twitch- Cling of a chain on deck, the rocking was very 1tc11y and spread to my fingertips day r spent at oMve work and tools °next camping -place there
good plana Neither was John to ing of the limbs, indigestion and of a barrel in the stores makes the cifeco cethe ajle. bus toe exercl a the l Cyon Sunday,
y, i I disre- I Still, Ino was not 1permitted�to have
blame for having the larger apple, rheumatism, eczema and disfigur- engineer jump. if -
lf he had given Tom just as good a ing eruptions, and the ailments of It is the same with the eye,- ' a r and they were so intensely wttioh ware all too appalront to my, the restful night I desired, for no
y It is itchy X eef etched them and family, '1 gre* titin, than pale, and eoonsr lead I lain down than 1 war
'bbes a boy had Do an_ growing
ro ing girls and women all firs- even the same with the hand, Wo l %. let the water out mating before long I was jaundiced -eyes J serenaded by a playful kitten,
y appear when the veins are filled
°an tell in an instant 1Y a bearing has some. They aceta mon and skin were allow, my strength pie big or little, was very hungry with the new, rich blood Dr. Wil- warmed ever so slightly beyond its up, ltchandburnandfinally and nerve energy -were lowered, and Whether it was the mars desire for
when he saw the two eating theirs, Rants' Pink Pills actually make, legitimate temperature, And so ft is �^ thonutlewould loosen and I was quite unfitted lOr lowsbusiase, Id company that brought her out of "" ,WGfalilttl .i tit l� P'iial"c<<J'
difficult to know "whicht,'is the potter t tomo cit, I spent many the morning a lightness in the ]lead, the barley !sera to rte, or whether
It made his mouth water i Ile ask- Here is one instance among thous- and which is the pot," The rasa and
n1g te, I did not particularly when I bent over, made she was attracted by my hairy blan- �r® q� pie
ed John to give him abite-"just ands; Mr. F. Ashford, Hai eybury, the machine are inextricably assoofat-
dare to put my bands in water except to me very worried about my health, .kat', I know not. But she persisted LECTRIC RIC �'�1 1A O
a bite," he said. And when John Ont., says «Some years ago 1 oon- ed, and their reactions, one upon the wastithofn.
said no he begged for the "core." plated a lengthy term of service in other, are infinite, it is this extra "1 kept using efatmonW; --,1 found weakening and knowing that bnotdanoiandahout catching
y reoumbent
imaginary OR GENERATOR
But John said -"There isn't going India, the Last three years barn ordinary intimacy, thisyceasellevssay vigil.
Ointment, but was not cured. SOmotimes g imaginary FOR SALE
Most of g quos and proximity, that tboromedteativouldhol nUttlubutlwasnot I had to Ue at business every day I moths with fore paws, like slug-
to be any core."Then Billyasked spent in the beautifulbut gree°her- marine engineer such an advantage hircef,�Omsttttogothor, iwasWfatway!or neglected myself rather than 1 grewfligfiler with hie balls, a put hsr to
Tom for a bite. And When he had oua Poahawar Valle A ue and aver all other men, with whom en- tying ovofything. 1 hoard of that weakness, Of course T3{�
modestly taken a small one Tom dengue fever were rife, and al- durance and resource must accompany
Outlaws Soap and Ointment and sunt for tworse, but by a happy chance I began feu, a, but she only enjoyed the ij ICIN., 110 VOLTS, M. �� +i
said -"Bite ' bigger, Billy 1 bite though I was fortunate enough to responsibility, them and before I had used them half a fo use Dr. Iiafby t tp s P1115. I was fun, and returned to her capers as
bigger !" escape a savors attack el either,I remember arguing once with a dozen times T noticed an improvement, Fly Forcibly streak by file fast that they soon its I had lain down, She toyed 67 R. P. M.
The difference was in the boys, on my return home it soon became matter-of-fact apprentice 1n the shop
washing with the Outlmfra Soap and an-
seemed ins ing nge t11at a ills with my hair and °laved at my At a Very Reasonable Figure 102
you sae, more than in the apples. apparent that the enervatingeli- °onoerning the suburbs as suitable for plying the Outicura Ointment frequently I could tone, cleanse and regulate ptiie blanket, While the buggy whip was Immediate Sale,
such as he. Ire was not convinced. was cured in three months." (Signed) Miss system Without causing any unpteas- in my hand she kept a safe dis-
A selfish boy will gat all he Can and ratio Conditions had left their "There!" he said, slapping the shelf Florence E. Sanderson, May 20, 1013' in
only �, FRANK � W1LSflY
keep all he gets, and if he can help ravages on my oonstitutfon, In above his bench. "That's where I'd For marathon a generationCuticur•aSoap ant after effects, Dr, Hamilton's , Y to return with fresh �t u1iS�`rr
it he will give the other boys no short the reaction had set in, and like tar sleep. All yer and Ointment have afforded the most ere-
Pills noted with me )est as gentle as vigor just as I was passing off to ys Adeiaid0 St.West, TORONTO.
getter do at nomteat treatment for affections or the akin jiver, 8`they gave new life to my sleep. Ultimately, a more clasper-- =-"
lair Chance at the barrel. He is inexhorable nature was exacting a six o'clock is roll off and turn to,"- and scalp that torture, itch, burn, scale and , strengthened my stomach, and ate determination to et rid of the
always unhappy. The more he gets severe toll from years of strenuous Well, that is just what eher would get destroy g won me back to perfect good health,
the more he wants. And he is aura labor. Myfirst warningof the ins at sea, In most steamers the engi u urs Soap and C trice u otuamamnti sufficient.
p Peat possessed me. When ea very eek, told me to kiss her on either
My shin is clear, dizziness has ilea small bo I once with the beet in- rated And
neer walks out of the an alleyway
bath• by peered, and my appetite, strength,
you---," "I hast
But Tom tto have ill happy,bele th the other boys. Pending n the back of the head and either eidee of `the o engine 1aylat orm. F0"a Baru $r ea sample 01000h0 with Sa p. spirits are anything
t " tentionsaIn the world, attempted tolong time between them.
no matter Pdfated a ,
how small his apple is. He always eyes, insomnia, irritability, a gee- The heat of the engines becomes part book, send post -card to Potter Drag Refuse anything offered you In- wash a cat under the scullery tap.
gives the others a fair ehanae at the eral anaemia condition and an in- of his environment. Ile sleeps with
chem. Dept. D. Boston,U,s.d, stead of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which, That cat fled and never returned. LIQUID SULPHUR cures ECXEMA.
it pulsing are sure $ cure. Sold r 2gls boxes, The memory of the episode stirred
barrel; and the boys are glad when definable nervousness. Life had p sing in his ears, so that if she _ five for to cu .aori druggists and Assimilation,
Tom gets a big apple. They know lost its zest, work became impos-
mows ags point of honor aens mong us to CURIOUS HOTEL CUSTOMS. storekeepers,tarror postpaid from the me to make a final effort to Put this r
gets it fairly, and he 'will be sib's and companionshipintoler-N.Y" and one to flight with a bucket of cold "Do you assimilate your food,'
know every hank and crotchet of day- Is ngston, Canada. water, aunty?" "No, I don't soh, I buys
saying to some boy who has none- able. It really seemed that I was to -day working, If a joint starts Strange Rules Prevail in Some q But T could not catch her. She it open and honest, soh:"
"Bite bigger, Billy!" swiftly passing to that stage where "blowing" ever so little away up in
Do you know that grown men nervousness ends and insanity be-
obscure corner of our little king- Scarab Houses. A Good Tiling, had the light-hearted, wanton
sometimes quarrel over their ap- gins, when by chance T read an d°m, we know of !t Within an hour or In an Edinburgh hotel the bar noun- "You knew old Dempster, who spirit of a buttery, the sli Mlnard's Llnimertt Cpras Ramat In Cows,
two. One would think we were a ter contains a slot, into which eachnese of an eel. At len pperi;
pias? {Perhaps you have heard advertisement of Dr. Williams'was said to be so well off 7 ,As you gth however Father -`Z should like to know
Your father talk about "bigbeer- Pink Pills. 1 confess I was ska ti- le
mothto ers' meeting dlecueaing our ba. visitor who is heard to swear must know, he died the other day, and after a considerable time spank in the intentions of that youngman
noes." That's a man's big pple.} sal of them doing what doctors had concerning the inevitaar the ble weaknessve ttoY effect is displayed, These to
ostlare now the story goes that his one stalking, I managed to give her a who calls ea you se often.., au h -
Men's apples arc never all of a failed to do,bub concluded that engines that and only possession was an old fairly successful douche. But be- ter -"His intentions don't g,
size though some passes over the mess- th raft nds lof oneaofdthe and
tfnetitua grandfather's clock," "Ah, well, fore I had got comfortably settled dad I know what mine are."
B people say they the cost was small, and perhaps, room, table,
The propeller Is our religion, When tions, says London Tit -Bits, there's one good thing about that. again, she was back, and, perched
ought to be. But you and I know the chance in their favor, and so
that apples don't grow that Way decided to try tiler. TO my joy it drops away, as it' sometimes does, A curious custom prevails at an The trustees won't have much dif- on my shoulder, actually began to EDUCATION,
A man isn't a bad man just be- there was soon en improvement,there goes out from that ship all life, hotel in Dumfries. In one of the pub- $oulty, in winding up his estate." Irak herself with her longue, T was �t
! all motion. ]oven as the mass of metal HO rooms there is an armchair which LLIOT'P'P BUBINEBd COLLEGE, TO.
Dense he has a big apple ; and a and a Contihuanae of the treat- plunges downward, and as the frenzied was often occupied by Robert Burns, beaten. She had come as near to .1iL SO11 O. Canada's Popiitar Cummer•
small apple needn't make a man rent effected a complete cure. 1 engineer rushes through blinding the Scottish national poet. Any one my ear as she well could, to do her sial Bcheol. agUesnt Oataiegu0 tree.
unhappy, When there's trouble was now assfit and healthy as any steam and water to stop the maddened who enters the room and seats him- toilet; and as the night grew cold- AOENTs WANTED:
the Fault isn't with the apples, man and .am grateful that the engines in their panto rush, the spirit self in this °hair is expected to "stand ar, I dragged some folds of my tent
lucky perusal of an advertisement
Of the vessel goon out of her in a great treat" to all over myhead and final! went t0
sigh. With dampened ash -pits her ax present, when the mem- YWomen locally. salary and Oom-
George's Gift to Mother. brought to my notion the wonderfuly of the bard la drunlr, We believe MINARD•s LINIMENT is the Sleep to the monotonous tune of spare time
Make l,Five r, Ten nfree. . ,
Curative properties fires blacken and go out, the idle At Aberdeen, in a temperance hotel, Wit' that scraping, insistent tongue. spare
Co..a accepted. a' Torun Artie,o. 1.
Is Chore some little boy who , P potties of Dr. Wil-
steering -engine clanks and rattles as each visitor, on signing his nano in Mathias Foley, 011 City Ont,
wants to make a gift for his llama Pink pills, the useless rudder tugs at her chains, the hotel book, is desired also to ad- rO°oph anew. Norway, ilia. C+
mother? Sold by all medicine dealers or and the crew tell in whispers how it habit his signature to a card testifying B,ev. B 0 Armdo g, Mulgra a N.B, FADH, Ninety
This is what one little boy did. by mail at 50 dents a box or six happened just like that on the Gypsy that he is a teetotaller and will ynot akin dtsoasae yield to LIQUID SULPHUR, N. W, pAWSDN, Hlnety Colborne siraop
gboxes for $2.80 from The Dr, Wil-
Queen, out of Sunderland, or the Ger- bring any intoxicants into the hotel, Pietro Landers, sear., Pokemauaho, N B. Toronto.
George's mother is very fond o£ , old Dorr, out of Antwerp, All of Ina Glasgow note] it is the custom Thomas Wasson, 811ome1d' N.B.
Planta, and when she Headed to tie Name Medicine Co., Brockville, which le not to be learned in the Weekly, on Sundays, to go round theBoarder (on leaving) --"Madam, " RIIari STOOL, GRAIN AND DAi1tY
a plant to a stick because its stalk Ont, study at home. you are one of the moot honest der- .a- Farms In alt s¢atlona ut oatarte,
various rooms and take a aubserlp- sone I ever met." Landlady-"T'm atl1na ennpe
was not strong enough to hold it RING GEORGE'S ROME LIFE, ''�`"-^ tion on b°hali of one of the city char- glad to hearyou saythat air." ACTOR/ SITES, WITH On WITHOIIT
up straight she used to go to the ides. In another Glasgow hotel the + Railway trackage, In Tomato,
wood -shed and gut an old shingle , '-- Cramps at Night • Boarder -"Yes, your honesty is Rrampton and other town• end cities.
proprietor, religiously inclined, holds even apparent on the ver
and split a bit off a piece with the Great Britain's Ruler Described as divine service each Sunday at noon, "Don't go near that old fellow in your establishment, Yourransin 1111111 Ila Bampton halt PROPERTIES nneeter towns,
carvingeknife. This gave George Rest Father in England, Require Prompt Remedy At which
e eral o Mahe boarders
otelsiinitthe the pasture, sonny," the farmer says `Boarders taken in.' " g H. W. DAwsoN, Colborne St., Tororti.
bis idea.
The King's name life and testae warned the fresh air child. "lie's
He got a piece of soft wood and have been described in the Liver- north of Sootlend the guests are be-
splib it carefully into slender sticks,
of Daily1 Post by
writer of
Agonizing Pain Prevented OnIieep. gulled from noir the bagpipes, each
while terribly'�Ethe "I tried
replied, imroUt • Mlnard's nutmeat cures Distemper. TAXI, COLLECTORS-HUNDREDSTAnips Arita 003033
some a foot lou some lou er and Window." in NervilGno Bandferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue,
longer, n an hotel la Inverness a posthorn ain't ha f as fierce as an automobile Doctor -"You must be careful, IS Album, only Seven Cents Marke9tamp
a few very long for tall plants.
"In private life he is the simplest the Shelf. is employed Por this same 1 man. ,The influenza, is not so ver
With his jack-knife he sharpened and quickest of English gentlemen. -- purpose, in the city. Got any bears or lions Y cemrenv. Toronto.
one and to a long]3e is Cha most domosiia of men, A Case in Point Illustrated, around bare?" dangerous, but it may have ax-
ft would point, so that His Opportunity. tremely unpleasant mofisequences.,, NEWSPAPER FOR SALE.
go into the ground easily, the leafiest of fathers, and always Deadly cramps --the symptoms are "Well did hePatient-"I noticed that when I got Coin for
and rounded off all the corners the
happy in the bosom of his family. not to be Mistaken. Suddenly and ' pay you?" asked Try Murine Eye Remedy your bill the other day." opening fornmaat of Ontario
oo WritexWilson
whale length of the stick as wall as The ILing is the best father in Eng= without warning the patient expsrt80. the wife of a dentist who had been IP You have Red, 4Veatt, Watery Eyes Publishing Company, Toronto,
he could with his knife. land. Nest to his children, the
Ces such agony in the stomach as to to collect a bill for a full set of false °r Granulated Egelid�, Doesn't Smart LIQUID SULPHUR oteanaes the blood.
Then his patient little fingers rub-
best likes agriculture, but he contort the countenance and cause him teeth that he lied made for a man `Soothes Rye Dain, Druggists Sell MiSnatLANEOIIS
has x to cry aloud for help, almost a year Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 2$c, Tubes, Th0wi Wires.
bed each stick with stand -paper un- P aatiCally no time for this. Then it is that the wonderful power Y before. Pay ot �e?' Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic: Griggs wife has a hrubit o£ ii.. wise of 011 for bSIeat 'breeding to buy foo air
til every splinter was gone and the `His Majesty is a most abstem• of Nerviline can make itself felt -it her refuse to pay me, but )ie actually 2An lty 50e.5c, Eyeaoaa for All ay. that Mead Mail. g�o before she gets it d n nvrrosee, Granata
stick as smooth as glass. ions man, not fond of ahamipagne, curse so quickly.
a Murine Eye Remedy Co., Ohiceso spending
Briggs—J4iine is worse; she Br8140 N TUh10R9Is �attL01578. 470.,
When they were all done George but as a rule drinking a light wine "Last summer I was stricken with a had the effrontery to gnash at me
sorted the sticks into three little or whiskey well deleted with min-
attack of cramps. I feared `with my teeth.' "There spends it before I get is myself. internal and external, cures with:
bundles, according to their length, eral water, The Tung laves a .good the pain In my stomach would kill me. r is no gout in Sir Percy's bat pain by our nom° treatment, Write
My eyes bulged out and the veins family, is theta 7" "Ater now; Carlyle once .told of a lawsuit ns before too late. Dr. Beaman Medical
wrapped each bundle in White tis- English cheese -both at leash and Lords Day Alliance Active: there was formerly. It was intro- Co., Limited, cotungwood. Out.
gin my forehead et000 out like whip. pending is -Scotland affecting the. �ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND -BEAD-
sue -paper, and tied a bright ribbon when he is dining quietly, He likes cords, 7027 busy with the good work, but no duped into the familybySix Roland succession to a
round it. a choice, somewhat mild cigar, and "My cries attracted a neighbor, who more efficient than the :old reliable Put- +Highliyer, but theyhavebeen so which he had known something. ur ser thence, now trouble, reodGravel,
All through the year his mother it is not unusual for him to con_ came to my assistance, and 1n a mo- name Corn Extractor, which oyes corns
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
said that no present she had was sums a dozen a day. mo-
ment or two handed me half a tea- and warts in one day, Fifty years us° miserably poor for the last two The base depended upon a family sanor with 51.50. Anotherr new rem de
spoonful of Nerv111ne in some sweet-
the merit of Putnam's, .uso no hundreds years that they couldn't secret known onlyto one old ser-
for Diabotes.Melittus. and aura aura, to
more useful nor gave her greater "He has very little leisure for ened water, other, 15o. at all dealers, keep it up." ruggi't A r di ebetes. Price SMa0 from
pleasure than her plant sticks. reading beyond what lie devotes tokart, who refused sent reveal it. A twine or atreot. The senor Mimited.
"It seemed as if an angel had charm- `j' kirk minister was to tell her taring Company of Canada, Limned.
q`_ studying the,daily papers, but:when ed away the pain. In ten seconds 1 Mrs, Gabbleigh (nudging her bus- minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria. that she must speak on peril of her Winnipeg, bran.
he takes up a book it es neverpa was 'well. Nerviline has a wonderful band who is snoring) --William, if
-___4—_,,soul "Peril o£ my soul 1" she said.
A Cool Reply, novel but a volume of eo ra bi name in Chia locality, and is Consid- you kept your mouth shut you'd ADVENTURES OF A SLEEPER. Y put the honor of an
A young fellow who drank much cal exploxatioli, and he is fond of leaceb stomachs and bowelhdisordere, melte less noise, Husband Y half "And would e
more than was good for him Was ad- studying the reports of the Geo- I urge all my friends to use,Nerviline, awake) --Sod you. ( Tells His Experience of a Night with the Scottishu of aly poorcrreat competition .,
vieed by his friends to sign the graphical Society." "MANLHY Ful•. L711GAi0DIa, 6..-'. P e B with the soul of a t es
pledge, but he refused, "But,"
(1. " Rtinara's Liniment Cures eerie, da With itiosquftoes. like me ?"
���� ��,'
�ir� Williamsburg.'Piano Action
protested his friends, "your phyef Hls Own. No home !e safe or Can afford to Richard Brinsley Sheridan said a .• S er- :,t,i
clan says that if you keep on drink- "What's the baby crying for ng Nervi! nee ilonlhd ad-vantagesnof hay
- poo tedne win lovve is avoid
being mrry lsfor onawl ah he ones) slept been unani.
ing you will surely go blind, Now, now?" asked the head of the house dent or emergent sickness. Large money,
the question is simply this, Do yon from the depth of his paper. He family size bottles of Nerviline, 500.1 mous, they could easily have push -
prefer ,r
prefer being mored of the drink wants his own way," answered the trial size, 25o., all dealers, or The Ca- 81000 troubles yield o LIQUID SULPHUR
ed him out. Arthur T. Johnson,
habit and retaining ,your sight, or mother. °'Well, if it's his," said tarrhozono Co., Buffalo, N.Y.,and Who writes of a comping trip in his
do you prefer to keep on drinking the absent-minded man, "why don't Kingston, Canada, Why She Left Her Place. book, "California, An English -
and go blind? The young man you let him have it?" - 'F man's Impreseiona," says that had
pared the floor for some time, and ,� Mistress (engaging servant)the mosquitoes that streaked him
was in a brown study; Finally he r Perfectly Simple, "Why, did you leave your last one night been unanimous in their
turned to his friends with a BABY'S OWN TABLETS Gladstone, the Place?" Servant -"T couldn't put g
f and, '' , y great .English up with the wayone of the P perishes s, Mhf thinks he must have
resigned expression of eesee- — statesman always took a keen in- Dong Johnson continues:
anoei replied :- Well, I've aeon Baby s Own Tablets are the best tereat in everything that related to ladies sed to copy me, mum," , Mir- All that night did I lie awake
about everything." mediole onnee a mother can give hex rural life. The Tagliclte Bunds- tress-"What„do you mean?” Ser- the suffering prey of legions of these
s They are absolutely ahau tells of ons of the earliest ' Y, I had a private sol- long mous peet"Dopes" I had
Romano and Reality. safe, being guaranteed by a gov manifestations of that interest, mudius for do sweetheart, and what long ago given upas entire! im o -
Brown -"What's the matter, old °rumenb analyst to contain neither When stili a very small boy, fleetfor e 'but go and get CII of- tent to deal w h the foe;ythe
man? You look worried," Black- opiates, narcotics or other harm- ,Gladstone 'was visiting with his hers!, stronger the smell, the hatter they
+, fel drugs. They are good for all parents ata country estate, The Have Cause to. lilted a run to children from the newborn babe to owner of the estate allowed the bo u o ' ''� appearedheocloth
to like w With yards of
trees my pedigree`, Brown- Y . "t It Vit" oheiess-cloth I now endeavored to
"NV -ell, what's the !natter? ITasn't the growing child. They Huta colt the #arm -buildings and pastures. ^ ; r'- ui err
he been anct' ssful?" Btaclr--"Sita, stipation, indigestion, expel worms, 'The young Gladstone took a r rtr; ° : , . , pY their assaults, only to es -
h° bel I should thinkbreak ftp colds and make teething great interest in everything, �; ar4xap s• ' theold truth verified, that one nos-
ing him hush money."so I Int pay- easy. In fact they are a euro for partfoularly in a largo blame but
' nx . a, § .i. ; quite on the wrong side of the net
r f, Y1` a. is more venomous than a hundred
all the minor ills of little ones and "That ie a very fine, strong ba ti- ;� ° ' , when there is no net at all, I
J'ohn's Compliment. a box should always be kept in the mal, Master William, said the °� "�. ' .'Ix' ,T tt :A
house as a safeguard spinet cud- owner of the estate. "And' wr 1, smoked. until could smoke-mno
!kits. Newwed-"Men are too den at eek of
�1 • k; lff ,,i t . ; .
t s stomach or bowel only two oars old." he's ' longer. I remembered the midges
mean for au thilt ?' , • Y.: of Lakeport,1
y g Hee Friend broubles, Mrs, 7, P. Richard St, tow they 00 ob11g1ngly
"What's the trouble nor 1" Mrs, Norbert N,13,, " ' � ,how ban you tall his age?" t• h .€ 3 ; r`, ,, commieted surnide la caste! them -
"What's I have found asked the boy. selves into the flames g
(�` ewwet -"Wh°u 1 tt,tid Ieha that ,)3u y's Own Tab ets' ell that is "B Ms hor " s .., a, and /it a fifb,
• 1 would
° t y7 hY {l'. y 11 J. _ sw !?' in to
wo d s alt ell like if 1 had a mo- alarmed kor them. sty baby suffer= ",1 his horns?" the ladrepeat- h 5 ;. t1 vain hope .that the m oelat.
tor, he tiiel that i meat' content ed from his stomach and I y • N' i t� ' toes taia be equally 00°omportet-
e. bowels ed, In an inerodulons voice; Be t a _ `i is But a
"inyselff with the splendid carriage and the Tablets certainly dill bin continued to stare t i, •, , . ,,# i �'fa taste of imported
n „ thoughtfully lit , > y r4,. r . .:•, � ll(. blood WAS far too good kir them so
Mira! nature has given kne, good. They are sold by all meal, the bu11, thele suddenly hie Pace „', , ,' 1�''
cine dealers or b mail at 250 a box brightened. "Oh, new I tinder W:c�1J � ° dream of doing anytlting half so
Every failere teaches a mals -from The Dr. Miami? M'edi.oiee grant!," he said, "Tae horns-- foolish. The fire only attracted
>, two : "-- more. Far every one I eiew, a bun-.
twmr..thitg if Nit Will learn, f Co., )3eookvllie, Ont, years. ED, 4. ISSUE 44--' a. tired 47050 to avenge its death. My
A nourishing, teeth
ecottamleel meal.
A time and money
to strength producer,
The Heart ofa Piano 'stile
Action. Insist on the
Cannington Manor, Sask.,
Writes: -"My brother suf-
fered severely from eczema.
The sores were very exten-
sive, and burned like coals
into his flesh. Zam-Bek took
out all the fire, and quickly
gave him ease, Within three
weeks of commencing with
Zam-Duk treatment, every
sore had been cured."
This is but brie of the many
letters we are constantly receiving
front people who have proved the
hcalingpowers of Zorn -Bek. Per
eczema, piles, Sores, burns, outs
and all skin.. troubles there is
nothing like this wonderful balm,
14o skin disease should be con.
sidetod incurable until Zant-Bek
has been tried.
411 Druggists, .500• per fox.
Refuse Substitutes.
Why we pay more for your
We are the oldest RAW FUR HOUSE
as weft as the largest oolteetors et
Thal mans larger experlanoo,larger
Markets end a LARDER PRIGS ta'yen..
Ship diroat to us. Rettlrr.,-tnadesame
MO/ tuns are ,eeeleod.
Shipments- hold separate enrequest.
Fall price list now ready, Write for it.
494 at, Paul St.
Mads Dept. "O" Montreal.
Pulleys & Shafting
Suitable for Hills, Manufacturing
Plants, Printing Houses, E:te.
2 Wood Split Pulleys, 123+4 x 48 in.
for 3 15/16 1n. shaft,
1 Word Split Pulley, 121A x 48 In.
ter 2 15/16 in, shaft.
1 Wood Split Pulley, 1204 x 28 in.
for 3 7/16 M. shaft.
1 Wood Split Pulley, ':7.0% x 86 in.
for 3 7/18 In. shaft.
Pulleys of smaller sizes end Shaft-
ing of various lengths and sizes to be
sold at very low figures.
Sox 23,
Wilson oubliettes Ce.. sea:entre