HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-11-6, Page 4b t 11'1 ars: e o?post 'WHAT A GREAT MAN SAID TO THE .•O••."."••..••.••.•• GREAT CANADIAN PEOPLE THUR;iSAX, NOVEMBER 6, z gr 3 f Parisian Sage is a discovery or a •0 i I 2 • O DAYS hnva shortened up. best years of Ills life perfecting this • 2 "Tam Laud of the Maple is the land for rue," l oasis in Tx rue the Libal a , Sap B e f5 a the desert but since the Snell is broken there may be more oasia. AMONG other places that will vote 00 hotel license reduction next January will be the city of Windsor. The latter has a population of over 25,000. BROssers Public Library affords a splendid opportunity to those who are desirous to follow up a course of good reading during the coming Winter. Now is a good time to make a com- menoement. A. movement is on foot to stir up an increased interest in apple eating both for health sake and improving the apple market, Some people would draw the line on dried apples. There need be no kick over a good baked apple. ti(I18,000 is being offered in prizes 111 the coming Provincial Winter Fair to be held at Guelph December gth to retb inclusive. This will be the 3ot11 Ex. hibition of this well known Fair. Plan to spend at least a day at Guelph. Every farmer's son should go. "Whams is my wandering boy to- night" might be an appropriate selection of music to be sung by the Railway Commission in the absence of J. W. Moyes, the much wished for wituess in the West Shore Railway examination, It could be changed from one sharp to 5 flats to suit the occasion. WE are glad to notice a revival of the old time plowing =Mlles. The Provin- cial plowing match of the Plowman's Association will be held on the rah lust., at Eglinton. Why should not the various Farmers' Institutes and Farm- ers' Clubs arrange for such competitions for next year ? It's along practical lines. THERE are now about 60,000 sub. scribers in Canada for ruralmail de liverout Ontario has nearly.00c u Y45 of the number mentioned and in mitis respect sort of sets the pace for the other provinces, It also illustrates the up-to•dateness of this fair province who is ever ready to lead in the van of progress. IT looks as if the bigamy busiuess is being overdone in Canada. There has possibly been a little laxity about the issuance of licenses to strangers and too ready an acquiescence ou the part of the clergy to tie the knot, In a good many instances a sbortness of gray matter is probably the cause but "Old Clouty" sometimes has a hand in •'giv• ing the bride away." The marriage law today is tightened up a little and may shut off plural negotiations. Wxo is more to blame. a political party who sends out their satelites to corrupt the electorate or the voters who willingly accept the brice instead of knocking the fellow down who proposes to purchase the . man's tranchise ? It's time a halt was called in the business as there must be fire where both parties see so much smoke. Surely it is no credit to those who do the boodling. The chances are the trusted agent is usuallygood to himself and his close e s s friends. AT the next National Egg laying Com. petition to be bell at Mountain Grove, Missouri, the Canadian hen will be a competitor. M010(11 Bros of Stoney willSnow Oat., send so St ow White Wyandottes to the contest begins Y whichg December rst sere and concludes Nov. 3oth, 2924. A pen belonging to the above mentioned poultrymen holda reeordof an average of 2l4 eggs per hen in r2 months. their highest in- dividual score being 247 iu the same period. We hope our Canadian biddies when away irons home will conduct themselves so well that they will carry off the laurels. Great is the Canadian hen. "CANADA'S eeoaot tic position is quite strong" hes a good ring about it and was the heading of a page of the Mon- treal Daily Telegraph. !`here's an optimism that should be engendered in the breast of every Canuck when we come to consider the greatness and gboduess of our heritage,stretching as it does front the Atlantic to the Pacific. Let to say for Csuacla "There's not a land however greed can win my heart from tbee" anti seek by every meaus possible to build up the right and as resolutely strive to dethroue everything that has a tendency to ,oar or frustrate tate onward march of Christian citizen- ship. Editor R. Rogers, Toronto, pleaded guilty at Hamilton Assizes 10 defam- atory libel, Premier Bordeu was confronted with his pre-election promise to hand over to the Prairie Provinces the control of their resotlroes, celebrated scientist, whp spent the 2 great hair toile. In giving his recipe to the Canadian people he stud : 'Parisian Sage is the most delightful hair dressing in the world," It curse dandruff by killing the germs that infest the roots of the hair ; lt stops falling hair; it gives vigor turd strength to the hair roots. Jas. Fox sells Parisian Sage in large fifty cent bottle—and guarantees it to do all that is claimed for it, or your money is refunded. It stops falling hair, dandruff, itching scalp and re- stores life and beauty to dull faded hair iu two weeks. The Marine and Fisheries Department contradicts the report of loss to the sal- mon industry in British Columbia. The conference of Provincial rep• reseutatives at Ottawa concluded with- out agreeing about the Maritime rep- resentation. REMINISCENCES OF EARLY DAYS Notes Used By Miss Spence In Her Address On Oct. 16th At The Ethel Branch. Women's Instituto In the absence of my mother, who was expected to have been present today, (told I assure you it is quite unexpectedly she is absent.) I will try to give you some idea of what she would have told you of the reminiscences or her early days. I have heard her tell of many things and have picked up a little that she jotted down intending to speak abort it. 1 know that she was born in England and came with. her mother to this country when she was about? years of age, her father having come to this country before them. I re- member her saying that they were 0 weeks on the vessel crossing the ocean, which is usually clone now in 0 days. I suppose there were no ocean liners in those clays as at present for it was a sailing vessel that they came in and they would be tossed abort with the wind for days thus snaking it difficult for them to make any headway. However they settled near Toronto where she lived nutil her nlartiage. I might say I have heard my snother say she was 011 the first street car that was started out in Toronto which was drawn by 1 or perhaps 2 horses. Cars were only running on the plain streets. 1 can imagine they thought those cars were something great. She was also at inthe Queen •s Exhibition held the fleet D d tellyou nothingas city of that I can Y Ido not remember just what I have heard her say about it. But you see the vast improvement in those things since then. My mother and father came to this place 47 years ago this month. They did not intend when they came here, to locate as they only came on a visit to my father's parents who were living here then. My father was a potter by trade and as there was no business of that kind around these parts they prevailed 00 him•to remain. So they did my fath- er building a past of the house we are living in and a lottery on the Nest corner of our lot. Some dere will likely remember it though not many. When they came to Ethel there were only 5 or 0 houses and that included the farm houses near by. Most of them were log houses brit mother says she thinks the people had better times in those clays than at present, as they was snore true friendships and all were ou an equal. They could put on a print dress, clean apron and sun- bonnet and go to spend the afternoon with a neighbor without litst sending them word or waiting for a special invitation as they generally do at the present time. Mother says when they drove to Ethel they casae by way of Seaforth and iron there to Brussels (which was at that time called Ainlayville.) Father went to hire a rig to bring them over here and the only conveyance he could get was a team of horses and a heavy wagon as buggies e t ere few and far between e v in .those days. Note the difference now in the way of getting about There were no gravel roads between here and Brussels at that time just mud and corduroy road so you see the inlprovenient in the roads as well as many other things. There was a saw grist and still here when mother crone. The Tomer was o11 this side of the elver where a Mr, Henry now lives (urc1 the Fust rnill on the other side of the river. There was also a bridge across the river just opposite the street running from the corner where Mr. Mc- Lelland lives which was the main road apart from the concession road. These mills were both run by water power and owned by the Cater family, who lived in the house which stood where the village weigh scales now are. Many of you will remem- ber the house. It may be interesting to you to know that in that building the first Post Office consisted of at old fashioned writing desk with a- bout half dozen pigeon holes to con - taro the moll and there was only one trail a week. It was increased to two mails weekly and after a time to three. Thee were no daily papers coming. It remained at 3 mails per week until the railway came through then there was daily service. One mail 8clay was the rule until the year 1800 When we got two mails and now we have three and Rural Mlai1 delivery besides so there is surely great improvements in (Mal service. My grandfather Spence, who was the only storekeeper here in the early days, was appointed Posh Master about the time the railway Crone through and my father in 1879. There was no church of any denomi- nation here when mother carne but after awhile there was What was called the Bible Christian who used to 001110 and preach every third Sun- day in the houses or any plane they would get .for service. After that a Presbyterian minister came from Bruasela every second Sunday and preached in the house where Mrs. Flood ie how living. It Was just We have on hand 0 good stools of No. 1 Tile, all sizes, Chill tip Phone 855 and yon will find the •prices are lower than anywhale 1' 1 I e se, Qua lay guaranteed , • • • o • • 0 • • • 0 2 Also have a4 number of Climax 2 • Fanning Mills ready. Anyone • 2 wonting the best Mill made 2 • should ring up phone 354. • ••, agrHave a lot of small accounts 2 • some of them 3 oe 4 years • • old, and would like them • 2• settled at once. 2 ;S. So Cole! • 0 0.00•••• 2 2 Climax Mills built but not finished and that is where toy father started the first Sunday Scholl in Ethel, There were' only tt. few families here but he didnt like to see the children playing a- round on Sunday. After a school house was built the Sunday School and preaching was held there until the best church—Presby let ian—was built. Then it was a Union Sunday School. All the children no matter what denomination went there \112111 the Methodist church was built. Now I have told you at least some, of the reminiscences of xray mother's early days in this place but not as much nor in as interesting a way as she could have lad she been here. She had two children, Mrs. Hemsworth and Mrs. Davies when she came to Ethel and all the rest of the family were born here so you -clan imagine she has an unusual interest in this place and its slu•rouxdings and feels she could not be at home elsewhere. She is now, I think, the oldest resi- dent of the place. Health For Run -Down Women. Fronk the experience of Mrs. Jim. Parke, Saskatoon, nothing compares with Ferrozone. "At. Limes I was confined to Iny bed and couldn't do any work. I was rue clown in flesh, lost strength, toy appetite failed, my color wits pallid. Wesly and cast - down, it seemed I couldn't tench up. Ferrozcue started a new kind of lite in my blood, built me up, vitalized and strengthened my nerves, and finally cured my heart 1111(1 stomach pains.' Ferrozone is a .Thunder that {{ virtue female ailments. has special vihtu int P Sold everywhereiu 500 boxes • tr , Y Ferrozone. The World's Temperance Sunday Nou. 9th Throughout the world, wherever the International S. S. lessons are studied e. uniform temperance lesson will be studied and also from thousands of pulpits sermons will be preached ou this vital topi'l, Below we give the comments 'of a celebrated scholar 00 the scripture selection to be used on Nov. 9th, "The weak and 1110 Strong," by the. Rev. Prof. \V. 51, Clow, D. D., Glasgow, Scotland. Here a strong and patient oiled ad- dresses itself, the inspiration of God's Spirit to the perennial questions of °thistial responsibility' in things in- different. This question close among the Christians of Roane hl regatd to eating flesh, drinking wine and ob- serving special and appointed days of devotion. It was not made so thorny and vexing ars it was in the 011111oh of Corinth by the additional perplexity of eating meat which had been offer- ed to idols. Here it is merely the as- sertion of and demand for au ascetic ideal of the Christian life. To set it down in modern speech, some declared that Christian men should be vege- tarians rattans, other called upon hem to abstain from wine. Others insisted that the keeping of certain days, es- pecially the weekly Sabbath —was an essential and imperative of Christian conduct. Not only did they feel them- selves safe in such a rigour but they were pesuaded that all Christian men should mind the same nule, These men vette "the weak" in Paul's language n um and lie 15 d )nbtless quoting a tor which was in common use, , But oth- ers did not see that such asceticism was any part of a Ohtlstlau s duty. They assented the demand as an in- vasion of Obviation liberty. These were "the etrong' and they repelled the claims of the weak in a scarnfnl contempt with which we ale all fauniliar to -clay. Paul, in principle, stands with the strong. He does not agree that to eat no meat or to drink no wine, or to ob- serve set days are imperatives 0f Ohristan conduct "Nothing is unclean of itself" (V 14), But in practice he differs clearly and firmly from them. He line their minds above the Thoughts of rights or liberty, to that of responsibility. He sets his position in the emphatic words' "It is good not to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor to Declares War on Colds A crusade of ednca ion high (aims L width „that 00111)110)1 colds may e un- common t t Y betm e common within the next gehet'ation" has been begun by prominent New York 511781010ns. Here is a list of the ''don'ts" which the doctors say will prevent the annual visitation of the cold :— "Don't sit in a draughty oar'." "Don't sleep in hot rooms," "Don't void the fresh air," "Don't stuff yourself at meal' time. Over -eating reduces your resistance." To which we would add—when you take a cold get rid of it as quickly as possible. o anon n liSh i T r p that you will find Chamberlain's Clough Remedy most, excellent. Sold by all healers. BEAUTEOUS HAIR Olean and free from dtuldrnfi and possessing all the valenceor perfect hate. This is just what Sageine meads to those a ho suffer with itch- ing scalp, dandru61, coarse, dry nr :onmon looking hair. S1)g;,eiue is new life to faded unattractive hair. Sage- ine feeds the hair root with the necessary food for promoting a healthy growth. Sageine is the daintiest tonic you could wish for. 1t is nota dye lied is not sticky oe greasy. A large shakes -top bottle costs only 50c and l?dr. Fox gives his personal guarantee to refund the money if you are not entirely satis- fied. Be sure to go to Jas. Fox's drug store as other stores cannot supply you. 61n anything whereby thy brother stunlbleth," The four in which this question meets us to -day is that of abstinence from alcoholicliquore. We must tithe our stand with Paul in the mainten- ance of a great principle. We cannot say that unless a Man abstains front alcohol 11e is act a 0htistian at all, But if Paul called upon men to be vegetarians and abstinent in view of the eespons' bi I i ty of every' Christian *11)1(1 tCwal'ds the moral and spiritual well-being of his weaker brother, meet] more must the feel ourselves culled upon to be total abstainers from from alcohol. The tt\vful curse of in- temperance, the i11,iney to the health and strength not only of the Wren and woven who walk our streets but or the unborn babe, the waste and con- sequent impoverishment both of the family and 1110 nation. the misery and degradation which ue Its close at - s— I t above all1 'n n lemlll, a I 1 t e the l u( l the souls' of 10012, iuslensify and urge Paul's atgentents and give his ap- peals a poignancy greater than we could feel. These arguments are 3 in numbs•. The first is the Christian man's re- sponsibility to himself (vs 7-12). "None of us ltve611 to himself" Paul is not setting down here that, understood truth that a, nma1's actions go out from him like the ciroles frons a stone - splash 111 la pool, ne a cry front a man's lips to effect the lives of others. He means that our first regard, our supreme duly, is towards Ohrist "We live unto the Lo'tl." The interests of Jesus, the well being of Itis kingdom, lite care and concern f.n tviu his 0p prove), should be nue ruling thought. Whether we live by clay, or whether IVO live in the ]Hour and article of death, "We are the Lovas." When that solemn thought fills a man's mind he will not of the one hand, judge his brother; that is, "the weak" will not be censorious and Pharisaic as the weak so often are and will 'not be so quick to condemn the elan who goes on eating and drinking. Nor of the other hand, will the strong set at 4-+40+ ' <+i•0.1.0 -t•4 j Jewel r +0+0 't - 0 k 0 • '1- 0 jRcpairin 0 2 * I • Have your Watch, o 2 Clock and Jewel- i • • ry Repaired at 0 J. R. WENDT'S, 2 io, 2 will get satisfac- 2 • • tint), O .•1. 2 •1- • . . All Work Guaranteed 0 2 • 2, i • • • • Jeweler and Est reaver • Wroxeter • .2 2 • 3 dt CtvInij List 1913-14 Title POST hers made utrauganlwtls to club with the Following totem and will be sent to anv nddl ess (except the United Stato.1 51) rents exalt) at the h)) 1t1 ,1 pelves ani i 1 uc , following i t Weeklies PGs'. and Toronto (globi ... ,y11 00 " ala11 null Eau pipe ,....., 1 60 " London Advertiser 1 00 " London nee Press 1 81) " Family Herald and Star 1 80 " ltuntee, 1 Witness . 1 SO " . dlaalels' Advocate 2 35 " Northern pressen ger,1 36 Dailies POST and Toronto Star 912 35 " 'Toronto News. 2 311 Toronto Globe 4 50 " Toronto Mail -Empire4 50 Toronto World 8 50 " Loudon Advertiser. ..... 2 80 Call at the office oe reunit the amount by P. 0. Order, Express 01 dei or Registered Letter addressing THE POST, Brussels, Ont. nought ; that is scorn and meek as the strong so often do the weak and over- scrupulous. "We shall all stand be- fore the judgment seat, of Christ," when men realize that, their conduct shall be set in its awful light and that every ratan 1111181 justify himself the( e, questions of liberty and 1111101) mors questions of taste and liking, pale and tulle before one responsibility. The second is the argulnent of the Christian man's responsibility for his brother (13,9) Having lifted our eyes to the judgment throne, Paul bids us now look around upon our brethren, awl especially upon the weak, the easily tempted, the unenlightened in conscience, the troubled in mind. No. man would put, to ease or please him- self, or to assert his liberty. et stumbling -bloats in the vay of the feeble limping along with difficulty. No man, who remembers Ids re- epousibiliLy, would dig a pit, "an occasion to fall," in the road whole a little child wallas. But that is what sten do who eat and drink what ggreeves the ]hind, oe weakens the faith, or seduces the will of the weals brother. "I do not say," Paul again i 0 terpolates, "that eating and drink- ing are wrong in themselves." 131(1 he declares in 0 sentence of noble pas- sion, ''Destroys not with thy meat him for whom Christ died." Then he adds In 0 0141)1101. tile, "The king- dom o' c drink- ing, tGol is not eating told cut g in but righteousness told peace and g, !, 'o • in the liol • Spirit." These nterel enema.' alts are pot thevitalthings upon which a deeply Christian Ulan will take his stand. Then his plead- ing, "to follow after things which maize for peace," is the soft note on which he closes. The third tu'gument•, is the Olt nlau's eesponsibility foe the world of God. "For treat destroys not the woe]: of God." Paul lifts his eyes to look 0bnoa(1, and to remind these 511 ong believers how certainly their assertions of liberty had their refusal to deny themselves in things indifferent will blast men's faith ail hinder the coming of elle kingdom, He drives that home with iris fin- pas -loved personal testimony. 'l'Ileu with 111 appeal to the nnu) of strong. haw) not to flaunt it it'a wilful pride I I n '. � 1 t + 1 fl.,t d 1 1 .1 1Htl 11 illi( V1 1 alt !4 ( 111 $ 1 AI•i(hnes v0'0011111 eating, hill Lo (111; uh(y 1 hu ,Lula 111) rho 1011(110 duty et the 91rnng. "Now um that are strong ought to beet. the in- ilrurili0s ur rho 051111, anti not to ple05eonlwelyes. Should not 5(301y null who Huts wore upon bis table 1'e -examine 1118 ('nndttet i0 the Tight of It le 15ap(11 sihitty. London's population is (1(1,v 55.026. Hamilton wards are to be Iearrnngetl, Three small boys (litceed a6Grand 'l'rnulc engine by opening a switch, Mr. Morris, Conservative, elected in Chateauguay, said he replied favorably to the questions of the Dominion Milan. ce, New and sepa'n a aetionsa•esaid to be contemplated (1n behalf of Miss Gladys Meredith against Brantford police officers. Belleville Cheese Board passed strong resolution declaring the need of coid- storage plants on steamers end at term - eels. RNEUMO CURES RHEUMATISM No maLtee how long standing your case may be, don't despoil. get a bot- tle of Rheum() today, Jas. Fox sells ib with it guarantee 10 benefit you, Rheuum> is wonderful in its quick action, Lhe pait1 ceases, the muscles and bones are rid of soreness and stiffness and very soon 0 Rheum) patient is able to have the same strength and vitality of youth. 1Lheu- mo builds blood so rich and thick that uric acid clannot possibly exist. Rheum) costs only 81.00 for 0 large bone from Jas, Fax or direct, 011 charges prepaid from B. V, Marion Co., Beidgeburg, Ont. The People's Column � OUS6 and lot for sale, Brussels South. Comfortable home good stable, cellar ate., and E acre of land, immediate ptseesxiot can thergpar inn araapply to 1n for (IOIARI) ROB, For John Street, Brussels. STOREHOUSE FOR SALE 016 TO RENT: No. 1, Produce warehouse at Brussels Station G, T. R. For particulars apply to 2. 1 000111, Brussels. V'ALQABI,E tulles FOR SALE. -The South part fait 24, Cal. 0, Grey, f0 acres, all cleared and well nnderdrained, Frame itouee and bank barn, welt watered, There is al.o offered for sale 100 sores being Lot 52, 0111 0 u. of trey. 50 of which are cleared. Bonk properties to be sold to close out estate, Apply t0 2108, MARY 1811.1., Ethel P. 0. or W. M. S1rtor,mit, Barrister, Bruesels, Ont. tf, I05TCLASS FARM FOR SALE,—Teletin• r •n d will Holl the Smith half of do e Form Lot No. 10, bl01) 8518 Concession el the Townshipof Morris, rat a bnrgn in, to the first buyer. On the farm is u good modern trick house and fleet -class bank barn and is a well fenced farm, eonalats of 100 acres (MEI is well situated for markets. Owner now in West is the reason for sale. 161,01y for further par. Oculars to F. S. S002T, Brossets, s6"E1)AR LAWN FARM" FOR SALE.- The undersigned offers for sale hie role 100 acro farm, being North If Lot'' 20, Con. 0, Morris township, Buret Oo, Farm Is inn good state of cultivation, well fonsad, and has on it a fine brick house that cost 58,500. Good lawn surrounded by ender hedge. Bern 62 x 00 feet o0 stole fottndetion.. Good orchard and 15 norms of hardwood bush. Farm 10 only n mile from the splendid market town of Brussels and le 1% nliIoa from Behold, Good commun- ity. PUTSUeai011 et once. For further portico. lore, price, terms,,@o.. apply on the premises or to JOBN" MON BY, Proprietor, Brussels P. 0. ••0♦0•♦00000.0.0.00..00•.•••••••...0.00000...>9ens'.006 • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • • 0 O • 0 0 0 • •••••••••••00 ..... 00004,06 8 •••.4•.•••••••00000.0.0.0. O 33 SUCCESSFUL YEARS Guarantee the thorough amuses of Canada's leading School of Business The florthern Buness Cfflge 35 Scrape street, Owen Sound Llu'ge staff of specialists, out. own building. ? of an acre of floor space, Only School with Practical Department. POSITIONS GUARANTEED TO GRADUATES CATALOGUE FREE 0. A. FLE\:IING, F. 0. A„ G. D. FLEMING, Peinci ill for S3 ears. Secreta' • p Y 3• • 0 • • O 0 0 • • • 2 • 2 • • • 0 0 9 ake Us Prove It We dare not exaggerate to you. We are dependent upon your patronage. To get it we must have your trust and ct7nfi. dente, Wtl make the following state Pelt, ..with a full under,. standing of what they mean to us. ' ,safe when you believe in these statements. For the Bowels 1f you only knew as much as we and those who have used them know about Rexall Orderlies, you would be as enthusiastic about recommend- ing them as we are. They taste just like candy. They sot so easily and so pleasantly that the taking of them 15 a pleasure, Even children like Rexall Order- lies; and you know that if a medi- cine edicine appeals to a child, it will appeal to grown-ups. Spat &A' help' chase gloom, dispel blues and make you feel happy by their splen- did tonic, cleansing and strengthen- ing effect upon the bowels. - They act to free the system •-- and keep it free— from the distress and ill feeling that naturally results from irregular and intuslive bowels. Rexall Orderlies do this quietly, without griping or causing nausea, purging or exeel3sit•010000i1055, They neti;a'lvercomo and remove the cause of bowel ills and is a short time usually make unneeteoary the con- tinued use of physics and purgatives, . thus tending to stop such unlheelthy habits ea may have boon formed. Make us Prove This Wo do not ask you to take our word for this, Wo want you to make us prove it, and at no cost to you. Buy a box of Resell Orderlies et our storo. Use them once, or use up the whole box. Then, if you are not thoroughly satisfied, lust cone back emptyhanded and tell us. Without obgating you or question- ing you we will return Lho money you paid us for them. Doesn't that indicate that Rexall Orderlies moat least worthy of trial? Doesn't it prove our faith in them? Doesn't it merit your confidence? Could any 0ffe s bo more fair to you? We oticUlael l reaomme d Rexall l Orderlies for children, delicate ,and tiger]. persons, Roxall Orderlies come fn corn/mica Vest-pockot size tin boxes. 12 tablets, 100; 30 tablets, 26o; 80 tablets, 60e. CAUTION: Please boar in mind thatResellOrderlies arc not sold by all drug. gists. You clan buy Remit Orderlies only at the Itoxall ytores, You can buy Bezel! Orderlies in thia community only at our store: Brussels r R. SMITH The excel Store Ontario There le e ,'Resell Store in nearly oJery town and city In the United Mateo, Canada and Great Britain, There is a different Noxell Remedy for nearly every outlaw human Canada, each especially designed for 005partioular 111 for which itis recommended, The Resell Stores tee Americas Greatest Drug Stores A)1)11 010 stAf,tr,-•7!hn nndet'slgllud offers Chla llny)9(('iu uonnlxttllt; of about 101 m:rex nd101111ns 6.00100,1 of 0lh11ml, fur anlo. 1'118 60110 txin n n00110tntuul se, hank b, and has 1 barn, driv , hank n ooh milds s b1 (tr !loose, n 1 g i n ive' now. ( la l t , r ll inn 1 nolo 1 pee, sta., Y L 1 1, 1 t pig sp A lands11 nines sono losorchard. small Suits, g. all fl;nia e11!st and nlao aineondlo, The farm ill well fenced lord drained lout n vary desirable homy. roe knether particule('rs apply 011 t2hJSetPr (""'H5aJ01110,11;817,12 It NOB, 011uton, • 40 j,.ri4.46.46-Its - s ..46.46-4 011 W,I-l,LOVE FI.ineral Director and Embalmer Orders pr 10511y and clu'e- i'ully attended to night or day, Phone 228, 1 ETHEL, ONT. MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Ilorse Fairs will be held in Brussels this season as follows : THURSDAY, NOV. 0th, 1913 . 0E0. 4111, 1013 JAN. Sth, 1914 FEB. 5111, 1914. MA.II. 5th, 1014 APR, 2,01, 1914 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be present. Manitob Improved Farms For sale an easy terms or will' rent to desirable tenants. Write for par- ticulars to John E. Smith (Owner) Box 1033 Brandon Matt: U1MANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Woolen Pimps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stuck, Cc. 1;epait's to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call, 1 A. HAYM N l Cranblook ISISCIEBRIBIBEI COLLEGE AT 11 • E Thousands of ambitious young poo• 3 ple are fast preparing in their own hooses to occupy lucrative positioma ns stenographers, bookkeepers, telegrn- i p11010, civil servants, in fact every sphere of activities, You may Ahab. at college if yyou so wish, Positions, guar- anteed, Enter college any day. Indi- vidual lnstruotion. Expert teachers. Thirty yenrx' experience. Largest trainers in Canada, Seven colleges, Special course for tenohere. A Minted Cmum .nmol te's Association tSun m ei. School at famous Spoltmn Business Cub Lege, Lmndon, Wingham Business College Gam, SPO1'TOs, W. T. 11/01180.Prosidettt. Principal. Fit tlieLeNNSIGISMSSMIllmsr 'scam Cu red At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless pparentlyhopeless cases no natter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup ture becomes strangulated when 1 ? you can be cured . Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age Time :Rap Single or Double ........ ........ •...., Name . ............ ..... .... .... „ Ailthess,.....: ......... .... end return to J. S.. SMITH '88 Caledonia 8t. Dept. A Stratford, Onit.