HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-11-6, Page 2PIP CEYLON TEA 011 Anticipated with delight by all ,lie use it LEAD PACKETS ONLY. BLACK, MIXED OR GREEN. AT ALL GROCERS. UTGQEaT AWARD -167. LOm1o, 1e04. ark Shadow; Or, A Corning Vengeance CHAPTER XV, -(Continued). Mina wa0 ignorant of the ways of the world -how should elm beothorwiseP but oho know that Clive would be "marrying beneath him" in marrying her. She wish- ed that they had not met until she heel raised herself a Sitt:e higher. She would never, oh, never, be worthy of him • but perhaps if she had succeeded as a singer =a real concert singer -the difference be- tween them would not have been so great, But, if they had not met until that hour for which she wee working, and towards which she was looking so eagerly and earnestly, she would have missed so much: the memory of that night he had Raved her from the hooligans, the pre. 0i01113 timee they had spent together at "Oh, lor, yes," she retorted emphati- cally. "A man who can put away a couple of heggs in the flist-olaee 6710 as e did just now is strong enough to go rend -mending. Not, underetand me, hie. Clive, that 208 begrudges you the heggs; not by 110 means. We're well aware that but for you there wouldn't be any heggs at all." "Tiny 1" murmured Mina, flushing. Tibby looked over her shoulder at her. "Well, don't I say so!" sho exclaimed. "An', come to that, it seems to me that you've wasted quite enough time. There!" as M11108 eyes filled with tears, "when I sty wasted, I mean lost,. o' eouree. Pears to me that I'm the only cue in this falli- blythe picture gallery, the solemn experience as ever :speaks her mind; an when I do the Fa of having stood between him and that Fate tho fire. is That's all the howling Crowd at the meeting, and those thanks I get." ae eolemnty sweot moments by hie bed- Yau're right, Tibby;' said Clive re11a- aide, when, helpless as a babe, he had had cauoedly. 'I have loot you time, and to rely on her tender care. caused you too mach trouble not to feel Yee; let the future be ever so black, no- that the sooner I take myself off the bet- thing etthing could rob her of these happy ex- ter. I wish I could tell you how grate• periencee, of the subtle joy of his pre- fol I am. But you must let me come and hence. tell you in a day or two," Clive woke to And her eyes oh him, her Why not write?" she said as she open - hand in his; and her name sprang to his ed. the door. •'You can send four ounces lips at the first instant of his awakening. o knot gratitude for a penny, now, you ell you Mina! I've been asleep, and dreaming; a bad dream. I thought I'd lost you; Butt there is something else I want to that you had wandered away into a dark tell you and E..isha," he went on; wood, and that I was hunting for you, and could not find you. I was half -mad with fright and grief; and I fought my way through the bush -you know how things obstruct you in a dream, clinging about your arms and legs, and holding you back? -and all the time I could hear your voice crying to mo, 'Clive! Olivei'- Phew! It's nice to wake from such a nightmare and find you here, close to me, dearest.' She shook her head, though she blushed a rosy red. "You -you must not call me that!" she said in a low voice. "Remember lour promise." He frowned, and laughed up at her, hie eyes ardentand reproachful. "My promise: ah, yes! Forgive me, darl-Mina! I am to wait; yes; yes! How grave you look, child; as if I were out of my mind still! But I'11be good, Mina. I won't distress or worry you. $ut though you can prevent me telling in so many 'cords that I love you, you can't prevent me looking itl" No; ohs could not prevent that; and she tried to turn her eyes awa7 lest the love in them should tempt him to break his word; and she made a resolution, though it cost her a grievous pang, that she would not be alone with 11m more than she could help.' So Olive, much to his disappointment and regret, found that either Tibby or Elisha was now almost in constant at- tention on flim, and that only on very rare occasions did Mina permit herself to be alone with him. This self-denial of here, of eonrse, has- tened. hie recovery; and in a day or two he wile up and able to go out. If he had had doubts of hie capacity, to leave the house, Tibby would have dispelled them; .for though she had been kind enough while he was 111, something of her char - actor etio - mood had returned when he was. convalescent. I /suppose you're fretting to getback to your businese, Mr. Clive?' she said, as she tied on her bonnet and rolled up her work apron. "Well, that's natural enough: I felt like that when I 'ad the measles." "Do you think he's quip strong enough to go out; Tibbs" Elisha put in meekly. but Minh gave him a reproachful glance; and Tibby eyed him ungraciously, and Jerked her bead. "Put it in the same envelope," oho said sienifioantly. I'm devoured by curicsihy, o' course; but I can't stop now, or I shall be late. Good-bye, Mr. Clive." "You won't mind her, sir," pleaded Eli - she. It's only her way. She don'tmean art of what she says, don't Tibby-you won't go because of her barking at you, Mr. Clive?" "But Tibby's right," said Olive, as he got his hat. "But you must let me come back, ae I et/Ad.-Mina, I wonder whether of it eostreet?" with me as far as the end Mina hesitated, and turned her fade away, but Elisha exclaimed "0' course, she will, sir!" and she put on her hat and ,jacket, her hands trembling, her face Dale. Clivesaid hie good-bye to Elk:ha-re- fraiuing from wounding him by a single word of thanks -and Mina and he went down the stake and into the street in silence, and walked for some little dis- tance before either spoke; for they were too full at heart for words. At last, when they had reached a quiet etreet, he stop- ped and tools her hand and said: It was a hard promise, a hard task you set me, Mina, But I understand, dear- est, and I honor you for insisting on it. See now, I'll come back to -morrow. The day after," she murmured implor- ingly. He looked at her reproachfully,but yielded a reluctant assent. Well -the day after," he said; "but that ie the very longest I can. wait. Don't you understand -ah, ye0, you do, Mina1- how much I want to feel that youbelong to To know that you are mina, MY very own; that you aro pledged to me for my wife. Tb0 day after to-morrow1 After that I may come and see you, take Yell out -Mina, one of the Snit places we will go to shall be the Tate Gallery! And you will not be harrowed by eoruple0, 'will not want to run away, as if we were doing something wicked! And soon -it must be very soon, Minae -eve will be married! Don't ery, dearestl" I am not, I am not!" she murmured brokenly, as she event the tears from her Why doesn't she take NA -DRU -CO >r`;eadetehe Wallers They stop a (headache promptly, yet do not contain any of the dangerous drugs oommon In headache tablets. Ask your Druggist about them. 260, a box. NATIONAL DRUG AND CREMICAL co. Or CANADA, LIMITED. 1'22 h1Ec n a;w®scEaeGifle Gives quick, glowing warmth where and when you want it. Easily port- able. No smoke. No smell. Safe, 'clean, convenient. Steady heat for nine hours on a single gallon of oil, Stock carried at all chief points For best remelts use ROYALITE OIL THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limited . Toronto Montreal Ottawa Quebec Halifax St. John Winnipeg CGalgary Berlina 'Co el' !`171,1 thou*feeetu Vancotover bdmonbora $Wikatoon ease, and looked up at him. "But --but It seams ea unreal, BO- 00 linp0ssibl0," "Impossible!" He laughed andpressed hot' hand tightly. "Why should it be im- possible? And yet you're right, Mina! It (thee 0nem unreal that you should care for me, that you ehould be going to give Yourself to me for all your 11th, all your life!" Her eyrie were dim, her lipe moved, re. Pealing hie words, and though she trial not to do so, her hand returned the pr0s- sure of his. "Goodkyo, Mina," he Mad With the grav- ity ,of patting. "It's 4.1 a dream but it will. }est as 10x11 ae our lives, p1oa00 God, dearest. QWIt-b701--"till the day after to• my lessons' marrow." Still ho hesitated, What will Yen do In all that timet" he naked meet. fully. ' I shall have so much to occupy me, so many nrrear'e to 1401t up, to help me pass away the time. And you?" She mullet( through her tears. I shall prntis0 very hard; and I have Ile nodded. "Lessone1 What a ehild- wife you will be, Minae" he said with a tender smile, My little girl -wife! Ah, my child, may I etrivo to be worthy of Your love, to make You haply!" They were the last worde. As if ho could not trust (himself to say nuns,he it' 1 ht', raised her hand to hie lips, and waked not "lou 10 ?urAriseds silo sled, He did qu1cltly. But he turned and looked Yobs Alt,acre that li e.their way. bn These sahibs, they are fel alike. It was (leek before he had gone very far: for wrong, it was wicked of him." she was still standingthere looking after hila through a mist; but she moved weary Yeo marryaryou say that Mr. Clivi a got tgo11t117e 11011 torn Boma °Id 61 notmgpbb lc last hevvery lowy'bu1Lgo steady na walked on to the Embankment and Mood, her eyes. is it true?" leaningon the sono wall, and gazing It is quite true;' said Sara„ "Why should 1 say it if it were not? And why at the river. _ should it not be?' M y1 fearful -reverie awoke lad frhgha ther at ho time 'beautiful lady -oh, ho iBmost beautiful she had lost, turned home. thelia, had Ugly to ne the plower, she " Iler f clasped ° her t hands in a kind of raptu:a. "She is fair,' fair as a lily, with eyes like the sky, with hair like the 0un for gold' -Mina re.; membered 01iven: incoherent words, "Got -I den hair, golden heart," and another l palig eltot through her heart -"elle is as, graceful as a fawn, as a Nautoh girl; her voice ie like musts. She is peerless, lovely, beyond words, is my mistress, the Lady Edith. All men are in love with her; all men wart to marry her -why not Mr.I Clive Harvey?" Mina moistened her lip0; they were dry and burning. "And she -Che—?" she; Sara shrugged her shoulders. "She loves him, yea' she replied with an air of re0lgnatron, coudeseension, 'There are others more worthy, more wealthy, morel noble of rank, and as handsomo and as' straight of farm; but my mistress has fierce scrutiny that stu'tified the axed 0ust a favorable oye on him. She fs a smile which twisted the shall, full pipe, her ch ilk, the ret of us, and will a for "You are the girl called Mina? Yes? I ( his choice, It is a good marriage for anted to see you," she said in her broken him. Ho is Roar and -what you call itP•- great sahib, Lord Cllestorlelgh," said Nara as slowly, her *Yee watching the girl's face intently, Mina remembered the "Edith" which Clive had murmured in his delirium. She had thought of it, of //owe*, very often: it might have been just the name of friend or an eoquaintance, But nolo she repeated it meohnnfoally, with a sinking of the heart and a swift pang of jealousy -her first, But her oyes met 0teadlly the dark 01100 fixed au her, she allowed no nlgn of sudden feat', of the doubt that w'a0 creeping over her, CHAPTER PVI. Ther° WW1 a silence, during which Sara'e expreeslon changed 1n a subtle way, ne i1 elle had rondo a mietake In her eoti- mate of the girl, as if oho found it n0- 01'a0nr7 le change Iter mode of attaok; for elle knew now, the knowledge had been growing upon her convincingly overy moment, that, whatever Mr. Clive Har- v0y's iuoutlon0 were towards this uirl, hers were good and true. Tho^ dullest comprehension --and Sara wa0 ae quick nent0 as even a Hindoo can be -would not, fall to be Impreesed by Mina's innocence and purity, Nara'e tone changed to one of hersuaolon sad ever hu nt gone to his lessons; the rooms were empty and silent: 00 empty ea her heart. She sat down to the piano, end made an effort to concentrate tier attention on tho cam/ekes; but there were many pansies, her hands lying motionless on the keys, her eyes half-closed as she recalled his face, his voice, hie words, "I love you," She was 0o absorbed in the joy of re- collection, of dreaming, that she started guiltily ae a knock at the door broke the silence. She reefs and opened the door, and etood gazing with surprise at the Sgure of a Bindoo woman, with bronzed face, big gold rings in her ears, and her head enveloped in a white shawl, which, with her white hair, showed in (narked contrast to her swarthy, olive complexion: The woman had dark and piercing eyes, and she settled them on Mina with a 1 811011. Mira inclined her head. She was at first almost too mite/lithe(' to speak, "Will you come in?" she said at last. Sara glided in and stood, smiling still, but still scrutinizing her with those piercing eyes. "Won't yen sit down?" said Mina. "Is It me you }rant t0 see, 110t my sister - 'ribby, or Elleha?" "It is you I want," said Sara, ea she seated herself, still gazing at the girl. "You have a gentleman here, a sick gen- tleman, Is it not so?" The color r000 to Mina'° face, but she fought it down. "You mean Mr. Clive?" she replied. "He has been here; but he has gone." Sara nodded. 'That le well," elle said slimy. "He is better?' "Yes," said Mina, too engrossed in won- dering what this strange woman could want with her to feel confused any longer. "Yee; he left this morning. He has been volt' ill, but he1 1s better.' Sara looked round the room with a swift, all -embracing glance, then her dark oyes returned to Minae face. Tho sabib'a-LMR gentleman's friends have been anxious about him," she said .slowly, ae if she were choosing her words, feeling her way. "They have miss- ed him -it wee natural." Mina colored. "He did not wish them to be told," elle said. Sara shrugged her shou'ders. "Sol He wished to be hidden. Ah, yes. That is like these sahths, when utero is a pretty face. -You Nursed him, lleee Mina?" "I -rare. Why have you come, what is it you want?" demanded Mina, panting a little, but speaking calmly. In a little while I tell you," said Sara. She looked round again. "That is a fine piano. It cost a great deal of money. You buy it?" No," mid Mina; then she added. "Mr. Clive gave it to us." So? He gave it to you. Ho is very kind is the sahib. And he got you jewels -'why you not wear zeta?" Mina thee and staredat the woman. "Got me -jewels? Bol" sho said. "Why do you—?' "Wait: in a moment" said Sara. "Why yon 0o angry? How long you know the sahib?" she added, leaning her chin on her skinny hand with its big Indian Hugo. Mina was silent a moment. "Not - long,' she replied. "Not longi And you can him Mr. 'Clive! But that's of course, eh, my dear, eh P" I call him Mr. Clive, yes," said Mina with surpri06. 'That's 1118 name." A part of 1,ie mane, yea; (hie Christian name, ae they say," said Sara. "Do you tell 1110 that you did not know that he le Mr. Clive Harvey?" .lir. Clive Harvey?" repeated Mina. "You did not know? Ah, well, that ie the way of these sahibs. They hide their nam00 sometimes: it i0 very wise." Inde --'wise—?" echoed Mina. "Why should Ile hide 140 name? And why have Yon come to Holt me then° questions? Please answer me. I don't know who you are, what right you have, to say these thiuge, to question Inc." "I. will tell you, dearie," said .Sara with asoil°, a gesture of friendly confidence, I am the servant, the old nurse of the lady the sahib i0 going to marry." Mina's hand closed, and Pressed on the table, but she neither started nor called out. Dli', Clive -Mr, Harvey is goingto marry your mistress," she said slowy, in a dry voice. "Who is she? What le her 1lttme P' "She is Lady Edith, the daughter of the virmonivamornink Na-Driteo Laxatives are especially good for children because they are pleasant to take, gentle in 1 1c, action, do not irritate the bowels nor develop a need for continual or increased ,;.. doses. 25c. a box, at your Druggist's. a* National Drug and Chemical Co. r. of Canada, Limited, 177 11♦ M is a DYE that PtYON can use The Guaranteed 'ONIG DYG for All Hinds of (,loth nleen, Wanda, Na Chneoe 01 1‘11,Iron. TRY LTi Send Mr area C01arGard nal l.nohdct rhodobnoen.ltleaordnon Co. h.lmlted, 10aueei ambitions. a iviehee to be ono of the em, one of your great mon 1n public; and it will help him to got all he de- sires, if lie manias Lady Edith; for her father is a lofty nobleman, great andrioh and powerful. Ho has been a ruler, and! will be again when the tido turne, and , his friends come to power again. I do not understand these things, and cannot explain; but so it to. With such a greet man for hie fattier -in-law, Mr. Clive Her- vey will climb to a great height, and stand rich and powerful. You under-, Yetis; Mina understood. A heavy weight' was pressing on her heart, her breath came slowly and painfully. Sara paused and arranged her shawl; and then 10111 on in the same pereuaeive manner, "2 love my mistress; I love her better than life itself. Sho lay on my bosom when she was a little babe. She ]tae grown into my heart." She struck her bosom with her skinny hand. I have nursed her, watched over her, tended her all her life. I would die willingly to gain half an hour's happiness for her. I am like a mother to her: she is like my (Mild, I get everything for her elle wants, If she wants this Mr. Chive Harvey, she must have him• That ie why I 001110 to YOU. One day I eee him with a pretty girl, a very pretty young girl. It would not matter to me, if my mistress did not love him, if he did not love, were not going to marry her; but for my mietreee's sake I must see what this means. so I follow her." She paused again, and leaning forward smiled at Mina, who sat quite motionless, but Palo to the line. Those sahibs are all alike; it is the same here in England as it is in my country; they will all run after the young girls with the pretty faces. Ah, no; it is not you that is wicked, but the sahib. That makes 1117 work all the easier. I came to offer you money' -Mina's eyes flashed, and her hands clenched, and Sara }fastened on -"I came to offer you money, because if you had been the girl I thought you, you would have taken It" She shrugged her shoulders. "But I do not offer it to you now. Ab, not I wish to argue with you, to appeal to you. There is no doubt that Mr. Clive Harveylovas my mistress, and will marry her -if you do not /stand in the twat' I truly think that he has a fancy for you; but"-eho Weed out her }hands--"itis but a passing fancy,. He would not let it come between him and 1110 fortune, his real life. He will tire of you -oh, very quickly. He would not marry you. I know theeo eahibo." She leant back, and smiled and nodded her head sapiently. They will not marry beneath them. And you, my pretty e1111d, you are not of hie caste. You are graooful and beauti- ful. Ah, yes! But you aro of lower rank, of the people; while he is of noble birth and already a great man." Mina's lips moved, and at last she fal. tared in amazement; "Of noble birth? A great man!" Sara nodded again, and smiled. "Yee; it is so, Ho did not tell you, he has hid - don it from you Ah, yea, It is eaey to uud0retand. He did not 10011 you to ]snow, did not want to trouble him when - when ho had done with you." Mind rose, and stood looking down at the swarthy, smiling fade; but she said nothing, and saner into her chair again, her hands clasped tightly, her 070e axed on Sara, as- 0110 went on iu her soft broken English: You did not know that he ie the son of a lord, the son of an earl, that ho ie one of your English Parliament, a lawmaker, a ruler? He kept this from you: it is their way, the 'way they stalk their prey, these sahibs. Now, why should he hide all this from yon, if ho meant well by 7011, if he meant to marry. you? But he does not. He is going to marry my mio- trese, the Lady Edith; and he but anlueed himeelf-what you call 1t?-pooeed the time with a prr1ty girl." (T0 be continued.) BACTERIA IN EGGS. Shells Not Proof Against the En- trance of (terms. There is doubtless such a thing as a germproof wrapper, but ap- parently the egg shell ie not in this class. Fresh -laid eggs, it is tries, may be perfectly free from bacteria, but on the other hand, even when from undoubtedly healthy hens, they may contain many germs. In fact, rodent investigations by Itett- ger, of Yale, demonstrate that the organism causing some diseases of fowls is transmitted through the egg itself. Says a writer in the Journal of the American Medical Association; "The questions of how frequent- ly, where and in what manner eggs become containers of bacteria are of serious import in relation to the (food industry. On the knowledge( of these matters the success and the technique of the preservation of eggs for purposes of food milst ultimately rest. If organisms oom- Inonly enter the egg during its passage down the oviduct of the fowl, we �+ aro fano to face with a 5011700 of haeteriel contamination with which we cannot cope direct - Thi moment you 111 it you will 'wan! 111 ell the real ; vT ,. let fra y ranee The moment you smell this soap you will want it. In it we have captured that sweet elusive odor which has made the violet universally beloved. In it, too, we have caught the beautiful green of fresh violet leaves. This soap is so clear you can see through it when you hold it to the Light. Many soaps have been made to imitate it; be sure, therefore, 'to look for the name Jergens stamped on each cake. Your druggist has it. Ask him for it Smell it, hold it to the light. you will want it the moment you do. For salt by Canadian druggists from toast to coast including Newfoundland, LET I0c a cake. 3 for 25c Gl cerifte Write today for I� sample cake Fora 2e stamp we will send oi• ..Frtt you a generous sample cake -ad- dress the Andrew Iergcns Co., Ltd., 6 Sherbrooke Street, Perth, Ontario, y e. ul i I' 11 tf4h;l�i�llTn,II ly. If it be demonstrated, on the other hand, that the bacterial in- vasion of the shell takes place at the time of laying, or that the pene- tration by micro-organisms comes subsequently, preventive or pallia- tive measure's can be planned more intelligently and effectively. "Several years ago Dr. Penning- ton, of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, reported an elaborate study of fresh eggs of known history and examined from the bacteriologic point of view. Her findings indicate that organisms are usually to be discovered in both the yolk and white. Only 12 per cent, of all the eggs examined were sterile when tested. There were miner variations in respect to the incidence of season, breed and fer- tilized and unfertilized specimens which need not ooncoru us here. What is more significant is the great array of species to which the egg organisms belonged, thirty-six epecies in the hundred egos from which the varieties were isolated. Molds and yeasts were not missing. "Kossowicz, of Vienna, has not bean content with these findings, which he regards as unjust to the inherent sterility of really fresh hens' eggs. By -way of critique he remarks on the dangers of air con- tamination incident to the manipu- lations in investigations of this sorb, Such charges would have lit- tle weight except for the fact that the Austrian bacteriologist him- self has found that fresh eggs are, as a rule; free from bacteria. They are, however, very easily invaded by micro-organisms of the most objectionable character within com- paratively 'brief periods, Thin is tette despite the protective shell which encloses the putrescvble parts; it is particularly true under 'the conditions of careless handling and transportation in the tirade. Not merely bacteria, bub yeasts and molds as well, can find their way through the intact shell." RA The family were emigrating to Australia, and little Willie did not feel altogether at home in his new quarters aboard ship. "Mummie, I'se ever so sleepy. I want to go to bed," he exclaimed, piteously, sitting up in his bunk. "But you are in bed, dear," protested mum- mie. "I'se not in bed," was the 1'e - ply. "Pee in a chest o' drawers." FINE Gran 5 a; gar a1 110ahlnnlleof anti t ecoe cioe eaten , granulated White pure 08116 auger, g0t tgge 8t IA/nano in tin s�wlthredtsg-swlbe„glha„ ao lad, Gratin Inge of 8t, Lawrence 05 Orate -, blue' tone - EDIUM Gri 0v. ; raid it/choicest gqrraan11l"at0(1 sugar, about Mae o f a deed pearl, 02017 one pure eine' sugar, COAinE Grain Km n,y'1110�at p(0200erenc0 Orcen eT9 tel,° eaelt about the ln MeeSta a ams h d1Malinond, and 681mo11 ae bHgbt, bet quiekly molted Onto pure dweae'tneee• the 'Veer c3 A 1e you wholesaler hap q 4gillt opdyquautityy ell stn,': antoddvby 1b Lawrance Sugar Refiner*Limited. Montreal. 1 ar FOR DIbilGHTNESS BLACK I,Py. PASTES ! KKOWAsTlf' 1 THE LiGlel' l'IESg,US'E Ido ISIIST OtuT t, l'su I' 13AL1 EY0 LTD.i'1)a'M1!'rnal S2' v .. W.. •'t.,► .V0,j •On Mc Farm Marketing the Lamb Crop. Every fioalc Cli•ue1' 0110111d de tote particular attention to the . h;tnd- ling of his flock in such manner that his e1'op of lambs will be in proper condition to market when the price is right to sell. The man with a flock of high-class mutton sheep has et field of opera- tion all his own. To -day there is n steady demand £o1' all the lambs he can p001111ce at any season of the year and at prices that insure a fair margin of profit. It is simply a matter of having his lambs in good condition when the markets are not overloaded with the products from the large feed lots. In close proximity to the large cities there is a profitable field for the winter lamb"business. This is a branch of the sheep busi- ness that can aeve0 stiffer because of competition with the large feed lots. The consumers of this class of fancy mutton are the rich peo- ple who have money to pay for an article that pleases their palates and who will never accept the feed- lot lamb as a substitute for the ten- der, juicy and palatable lamb that possesses superior qualities. Another branch of mutton grow- ing that perhaps is better adapted to the average farmer is that of maturing spring lambs Sor the mar- ket. Such lambs are ready for mar- ket shortly after the winter Iambs are sold. As a general rule, suoh. lambs bring more money than those that are held back and finished along toward autumn. During late years there has been an increasing demand for the late summer and early fall lambs to supply the market for a few weeks in August and September: This class of mutton has been supplied largely from the farm flocks owing to the fact that many flock owners plan to dispose of their lamb crop at weaning time. In many respects this is an advantage- ous time to sell. The flocks require less attention, for the lambs are dropped during the warm weather, and if the ewes and lambs have good pasture they go through the summer in good, thrifty condition without supple- mental feeds. Provided a man has excellent pasture and lacks the equipment necessary to handle his ewes and lambs during the cold weather, this class of lambs will prove far mora profitable than those dropped ear- lier 1n the season. The lambs are dropped when the weather is favorable and the losses at this time are slight. The ewes and lambs are fed principally on pasture grass, the cheapest and best feed on the farm. Each branch of feeding and mar- keting the lamb crop possesses cer- tain advantages. The question of profits depends largely upon the quality of the mutton, the location of the farm and the ability of the owner. The production of winter lambs is a business that demands the skill of a master shepherd. The man who keeps sheep as a supplement to other branches of farming will. find early summer and fall lambs better adapted to his system of faiming than those that come ear- lier and require more painstaking care. The man who is nearby to a good market, who has good barns and plenty of time to look to every de- tail that will add to the comfort of hie sheep will find good profits in producing winter lambs. If a man has plenty of roughage .and grain, it is often best to hold his lambs over and condition them for a late winter market. Good, thrifty lambs will more than pay kr the feed required to put them in the best possible condition. If he holds his lambs for -a later market he should have plenty of forage and pasture to feed during the late summer and early fall. Pasture grass and forage crops are cheapest and best feeds for the lambs during this period of their • growth and development. Rape is an ideal forage crop for sheep pasture and can be grown at any time during the growing sea- son and brought to a condition of pasture in less than eight weeks- after eeksafter it is sown. By sowing it in successive sowings he can have an abundance of palat- able and nutritious forage from June until November. Look After Ilio .Fontes. Don't forget to fix the fences. A trip around the ,pasture and field fences now and then will often save trouble, strength and the time of having to drive the cattle back in- to the pasture, Animals are al- most human when it comes to go- ing where someone does nob want them. Remove the suggestion, therefore, by nob allowing any sags in the wire or any loose or decayed posts in the line. A well -kept fence is an indication of a good farmer. Mistress- "We generally have bl'Cnkfatst ltbotub el ht e civ ale. New Naini "A11 rig t --it I ain't down don't r