HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-10-23, Page 4011.1.
the tr'xssels Voss
ARx you doing at t ing to help
Brussels progress? tomo people lifting
unitedly count for,mueh more than the
same number playing a role of their
own. !',good word or a helping hand
can often accomplish much.
PooreraY keeping is no longer "the
womeres job" on the Man that it used
to be, for with better prices and ready
sales for both eggs and fowl it is becom-
ing to many an important item and
claiming a wider attention than years
ago. Comfortable quarters and improv-
ed stock are lines of improvement al-
most everybody could follow with small
expenditure but largely increased
THE harnessing of Hon. W. S Field-
ing into editorial service in connection
with the Montreal Deily Telegraph (more
familiary known as the Montreal Daily
Witness) will give that journal a pres-
tige it is entitled to in the sphere it is
filling and the public character
of the newly selected editor, plus
his wide experience and sterling
nte ri-
will assure the future success of the
paper. Hon, Mr. Fielding will be
welcomed back to the ranks of news-
paperdom and will assume the position
before 3913 has fled.
MANY of the High and Public schools
have held very successful Field Days
this. Fall in connection with the putting
on of programs of athletic sports for the
pupils, in which both boys and girls
participate, We believe these sports
properly supervised can be made to con-
serve a good purpose and THE POST
would like to ser a clay similarly °bserv-
ed in Brussels next year. It should be
!napped out early in tyre so that pupils
would have an opportunity for practice.
What do the teachers and School Board
think about it ? What is known as a
"School Spirit" is worth while cultivat-
ing in play as well as hard work and we
believe a fine day's fun could be carried
through and would be heartily support.
ed by the residents of Brussels and
THE Pos-r wonders iEP arents are
aware that there is now a Provincial law
on the Sfatute book relating to the
roaming about of youngsters after night.
fall ? It is not a curtew bell story but
plainly sets out that no child under t6
years shall loiter in any public place, or
be found there, unaccompanie.l by par-
ent or guardian. Any parent may be
warned by constable or officer of Child-
, ren's Aid Society and after such notice
child msy be arrested if found on s'reet,
The parent permitting child to roam
is liable to penalty of :$t.00 for first
offence ; $z.00 for second and $5.00 for
third- Statute says, "Public place
shall mean a street, highway or lane,
whether a thoroughfare or not and a
tavern or other place of public resort,
&c." The enforcing of this law might
do a world of good in many a munici-
pality as no special good is gained by
prowling about at all hours by either
boys or girls, Parents may be saved
considerable trouble later by making
members of their home acquainted with
this comparatively new law. Wonder
bow it would effect Brussels ?
Do you purpose marking out a course
of good reading for the Fall and Win-
ter ? Now would be a fine time to
start, thereby getting in 5 or 6 months
at some helpful literature before the
arrival of Spring. A reading course
should not be all fiction but a program
covering a variety of subjects that
would prove instructive, editying and
of real value throughoutyour future life.
By arranging a hat vier choice is and
then drafting a timetable for as many
eveuings as you desire to employ, you
will find much more will be accomplish-
ed than to pursue a hit•andmiss plan.
Brussels Public Library has a fine range
of books on almost every subject and by
consulting Mrs. Jessie Kerr, the Librar
fan, bel fat hints might be secured that
P l:
would greatly assist in so laudible a
purpose. Mauya youth and adult al-
low the whole Winter season to slip by
without making any effort toward self.
culture or improvement. This is a
work no one can do for you but a little
energy, persistence and an embitter] to
exoell will win many a victory of genu-
ine worth. There's a pleasant field open
.al sag the tine ot pentnanship and draw-
ing that could be easily followed for a
few hoe's each week, What kind of a
baud are you able to write now? A
little faithful practice would surprise
yourself in your handwriting. Get busy
along some serviceable feature by em-
ploying and improving your talent.
Try your hand at a good recitation or
the preparation of a. short address or
paper on atopic of interest to yourself
Mid others. Too twiny people get the
idea that once school stays are over there
can be no marked progress but such is a
fellaey as has been proven by scores of
folk who were imbued with the idea of
success and advaticetneut, You may
win if you make up your mind to do see
Kill the Corms ; Nourish rho pair
Roots and You'll Never
Grow Bald -Oso
Parisian Gage
It's your own fault if you grow bald
at 35 as thousands of men do -yes 1
and women also, if yon have dan-
druff it is because the germs are al-
ready devolving the very life of the
hair at its roots.
Kill these germs with Parisian Sage
and stop dandruff, itching scalp and
falling hair in two weeks.
It's guaranteed, you know, tine de-
lightful and refreshing Parisian Sage
that is now sold all over Oauada and
better than n
t eve eft a
if it does not r b
°thee hair tonic you ever used, get
yoist' money back. It puts life and
beauty into dull, faded hair. Large
bottle at Jas. Fox's and druggists
everywhere. Regular price 50 rents.
THERE is a general awakening of
Bard of Health matter in Ontario since
the law relating to the operation of the
Act bas been alneeded and put into
effect, In many municipalities the
Board of Health was largely a do noth
ing body, unless pushed into work ow-
ing to threatened spread of infectious
diseases. Frequently the Sanitary In-
spector or the Medical Health Officer
carried the whole responsibility and
werethe Board. Under the
new amendments government appointed
officials will make visits to the various
municipalities and will meet the Council
and Board of Health. enquire as to
methods and work done and as far as
possible take an inspectorial survey
the situation, handing out a list of im-
provements suggested or demanded.
There is a laxity on the part of the
public over the Health Act and some
people are very "touchy" when their at-
tention is called to infractions of the
law and give considerable "sass" to the
local officer who attempts to carry out
the spirit of the Act. If the visiting
Commissioner does his duty tate local
officials will likely haus smoother sailing
after the initial lesson is taught. the
Board tf Health's business is wide
reaching and most important and should
be rigidly enforced.
JANE ELIZA, our domestc, is a damsel
tali, majestic, and she leaves a trail of
wreckage wheresoever she has tracked :
heedless of our prayers and wishes,
Jane Eliza a breaks the dishes, and she
says "Sine didn't mean to," when se
read the riot act, Jane Elizasitsa
dreaming while the coffee pot is steam-
ing, and the beverage resulting is a
thing to grey your hair; when •she
cooks a steak she fries it, so that
lluugry folks despise it, and she says
"She's awful sorry" when we rip around
and tare. Jane Eliza has a steady who
is knowu to fame as Freddie, and she
always wants the parlor when this you'h
is due to come ; and her loidy friends
in legions come Front alt surrounding
regions and tiny sit on out verandah.
in the eveuio •, ene,ving gum. Jane
Eliza is a daisy. though she is a trifle
lazy and inclined to waste the moments
writing yards of dippy verse ; from het
bonds we don't enlarge her, do not fire
her, don't discharge her, for we know
that her successor would be forty times
as worse. For an early death she's
itehio' and some day she'll leave our
kitchen midst the fragments ot the cook
stove and the stove pipes and their wire;
for she's always coal oil pouting in the
stove, and that means soaring to a fer
and famous country where she need not
coax the fire,
They make You Feel good
Tbe pleasant purgative effect pro-
duced by Chamberlain's Tablets and
the healthy condition of the body
and mind which they create nuke one
feel joyful. For sale by all dealers.
Canadian News
Thomas Stevenson, of Orangeville,
died of apoplexy at the age of 77.
A. T. Britton, one of the ;:ioneei
residents of Uxbridge, died at the age
of 93.
Tbe Dominion Women's Christian
Temperance Union held its 18th annual
session in London.
Eli Stout, 8o years ot age, was In-
stantly killed while walking on the G.
1. R. track near Rockwood.
W. N. Hossie, bursar for 40 years of
the tario School for the Blind died
suddenly at his home in Brantford aged
John Culliton, who came to Brampton
from Ireland three quarters of a century
ago, died in Logan township at the age
ot 102,
Thousands of dollars worth of loss b
fire was sustained by the Alabastine
Company and the Shirra Milling Com
pauy at Caledonia.
Janes Morris, Conservative, was
elected in Chateauguay Federal bye -
election by a majority of 144 over Hon.
Sydney Fisher, Liberal.
Charles Percy Agar, 2 years old, was
burned to death in a fire at St. 'Phomas
that consumed Albert and Mrs. Agar's
home Mariugitheir absence,
Emmerson Darragh, charged with
having pushed Charles Jones overboard
from a launch near Wiarton a.few weeks
ago was committed for trial on charge of
Hy, Pruett and Fred. Nelson were
sentenced at Windsor to 6 months et
hard labor in the Central Prison for
freight car robberies and'Herbert Browh
and Bert W. Merchant were wormed on
suspended sentence.
By an over -whelming majority the
Kbylaw to loan $Soo to the Perfect
nitting Mills Co., Limited, of Listo
weell passed Oct. rah, the vote being
328 for and 38 against, in other. words 9
to t, and 84 votes more than the require
ed two-thirds. Tbe plant is practically
ready for operation :host of the machin-
ery having been installed, '1`lte com-
pany will emptily probably 25 female
Wards, All day power is now being
furnished by the electric light plant.
Clubbing list
THE Posy has made at rangements
to club with the following papers and
will be sent to any address (except the
United States 50 cents extra) at the
following subscription prices ;-
Poe' and Toronto Globe - $1 W
Mail and Empire1 60
London Advertiser 1 00
London Free Pewits 1 80
Family Herald and Star 1 80
Alontreal Witness . 1 80
Farntete' Advocate 2 35
Northern Messenger1 35
Poem and Toronto Star... ...... 35
" Toronto News. 2 35
" Toronto Globe .,........ 4 50
" Toronto Muil•Empire4 50
Toronto World. 3 50
Loudon Advertiser 2 80
Call at the office or reknit the
amount by P. 0. Order, Express Older
or Registered Letter addressing
Brussels, Ont.
S. S. Cole had t
1 h a his ilrensa
uts at
lrass is Fair, "h
' beautiful plum-
rge attracted O 81411 attention.
They tree rare birds.
SCHOOL REPORT. -Following i8 the
report of S. S. No. 10, Grey for the
month of Septetober. Pupils were
examined in Arithmetic., Geography,
Spelling, Composition and Literature,
Honors 7
6° Pass 60%.Nantes are
arranged 'i
• • u ed iu order cif wet t. Sr. IV.-
Maggie Love 78, Leslie Lake 70. Jr.
IV.- Selwyn Baker 75, Colwell
Speiran 68, Lawrence Whitfield 64,
Jean Lave 45, Jr. III.- Charlie
Neabel 82, Alfred Neabel 65, Herman
Whitfield 68, Eddie Ward 57. Jr.
II.- Eric Whitfield 79, Valiance
Inglis 77, Mary Watd 76, Lenora
Patterson 75, Gladys Whitfield 67,
Bell Inglis 65, Margaret Stevenson 61,
Harold Neabel 52, Edgar Whitfield
47. Part II. Gorclon Speh'au, Roy
Patterson, Velma Michel. Part I. -
Gladys Neabel, Mervin Henry. Edith
Love, Walter Ward, Arthur Whit-
field, Mabel Cox, Evelyn EllacoLt,
Orville Whitfield, Myrtle Hollenbeck.
Primary- Laura Patterson, Myrtle
Ward, Bettie Neabel.
Joseph Bi'adwin picked blackberries
in his garden, large and ripe on Oct,
'9 h.
Rev. 0. L. McRoberts, 13. A. Kin-
tore, conducted anniversary services
in the Methodist church last Sunday.
A syndicate of Wingluun men have
acquired the Jaynes Angus property,
within the town limits and will pro-
ceed to survey it at once,
The young men's Bible class of the
Methodist church met in their lecture
room and after transacting the regu•
lar business they elected the officers :
-Honorary President, Ii.ev. J. W.
Hibbert ; Pt•esident, W. Gormley ;
Vice -President, Mr. Field ; Secretary,
0. R. Oopeland ; Teacher, G. R.
Smith ; Convenors.- Devotional -
Mr. Ferguson ; lookout, Mr. Graham ;
special, Mr. Marshall ; musical, J.
Mann. At the close speeches were
given by all the officers elected and
luncheon was served.
Shake Hands With Asthma.
Awfully distressing is asthma.
But worse if possible when combined
with Bronchitis. Relieved quicker by
Oatarrhozone than anything else -
cured so thorougly by "Oatarrltozone"
that itdoesu'treLurn. Oatarrhozoue's
healing vapor is breathed right into
the lungs, destroying tlf4 cause of
Asthma and succeeds in the most
chronic cases. Try it. - Two sizes,
25c. and $1.00, at all dealers.
Fred. W. Neelln, Buffalo, N. Y., is
spending the week with his parents,
F. G, and Mrs. Neeliu.
Large quantities of chickens and
ducks are being shipped by Stewart
Bros. and James G. McMichael.
John Dodds has sold his aerated
water manufacturing plant to Frank
Arnold, Guelph, for $13,000, the sale
including his handsome residence and
the land. Mr. Dodds and family in-
tend removing to Toronto.
Sten Wilson, foreutan at the Sea-
fo th News office, met with a very
painful accident. While removing a
sheet oPa r that l had slipped down
into the etdeeof the press his arta got
n n was badly
in the cogs and w
lacerated from the wrist to the elbow,
He managed to keep the arm fii'onl
being drawn so that no bones were
The annual Convention of the W.
FI. M. Society of the Presbytery of,
Huron was held in the first Presby-
terian church and delegates were in
attendance from all parts of the
county. Mrs. (Rev.) J. A. MacDonald
addressed the delegates in the after-
noon and Rev. Mr. Pickup, Toronto,
gave an address in the evening. The
officers and members of the Seaforth
Society entertained the delegates to
dinner in the basement and also serv-
ed a delightful tea.
When You Eat toe Fast.
you have indigestion, perhaps cramps,
or in any ease the system is overload-
ed with matter that should be e.rgest
eliminated, Breath gets bad, eyes
look dull, headaches are frequent.
Very often we meet an old friend
whose looks have changed so that we
hardly know theta. Some look better
and some look old and uncared for.
We always feel badly to see a friend
going down hill in appearance for
looks count for so much these days ;
and we enjoy seeing the person who
keeps young. Being cared for is the
secret of keepingyoungand
n e o aria for the ban.
Is the secret f c
Sageine cares dandruff, brings lite
and beauty coarse into dr and faded
L y
hair and makes the bait. luxuriant and
attractive. Sageine keeps men and
women young looking and why should
anyone allow themselves to become
old appearing when they can getSage-
and to
guarantee 50 find
toryresults. Sageine is sold at James
ox s it it don't c o all that is claim-
ed for it your money is refunded.
13e sure to go to James Fox for
Sageine as other stores cannot sup-
ply you. Dont' neglect you hair an-
other day. Sageine is only 50c a
large bottle.
Alf. Brown of Edmonton, returned
after spending a fortnight • with
friends in town. He was accotnpauied
by Miss Florence .Fowler, who will
spend the Winter with her aunt in
The funeral of Mrs. John T. Dick-
son, formerly of Oaastraotont Farm,
1'uckersmith, who died in Toronto
was held Thursday of last week from
the G. T. R. depot, interment being
made in the 1tlaitlatfdbank cemetery.
Deceased, who was a sister of Mrs.
Samuel Dickson, of this town, and
Mrs. M. Bates, of Goderich, had a
host of friends in this vicinity. She
t sons, James
leaves her husband, o t v
and John, of Toronto, and tlheee
daughters, Mamie, deputy registrar
of Toronto University ; Jean. teacher
in the Saskatoon Collegiate Institute,
and Irene, teacher in Edmonton Ool-
legiate institute.
Mothers, Here It lel
A friend and comforter, an un-
ceasing aid in every hoose for the
hundred and nue ailments that do
turn up. Nerviline is too valuable to
to be without. If some thing eaten
causes trouble, if it's clamps, indiges-
tion nr headache, Nerviline cures.
For cold on the chest, aching limbs or
lame back rah on Nerviline and get
ease at once. .As a family safeguard
nothing is known to excel Poison's
Nerviline. Get a large 26c. bottle
from your dealer.
Sound Times of October 9th contain-
ed the following :-"On Monday
morning Rev. A, M. Boyle, for the
last 8 years pastor of Kemble
Pees byterian elm' ch, lef tfor Belgrave,
Ont., where he is to -clay inducted as
pastor pleasant feature of the
leave taking of Rev. AJr. and Mrs.
Boyle was the presentation by the
11emble Ladies' Aid of a purse
containing a substantial sum .to Mrs.
Boyle. The token of esteem was
presented by Mrs, Will. AIcGr'egor
while the address was tend by Alla.
Jae, Gardner. Mrs. Boyle made
a suitable reply. On Monday morn-
ing Rev. Mr. Boyle set out on what is
probably the longest drive he has
ever taken -front Kemble to Belgrave
a distance of ahnost 100 miles, Be
expected to arrive on Teesday even-
ing. During his 6 years as pastor et
if emble, Lake Charles and Sarawak
Presbyteripu churches Rev. air. Boyle
has made no inconsiderable place for
himself ill the affection of his
congregations and it was with regret;
thealeainecof naudecision to fceuat
to new field of endeavor.Whii
Kemble the pastor labored untiringly
to promote the spiritual welfare of the
community, at the same time not
neglecting the more material when it
lead toward the spiritual, The
o°use19 indefatigable ndei'ati
1' able zeal
nienae of 1
has been that the churches which fell
to his charge have prospered and
their attendance grown greater. No
matter for epeoulation, then, that his
removal has caused regret. Rev.
Boyle came from Shallow Lake to
Why not cleanse and purify the BRUSSELS
whole system, why not stteugthen -- the stomach, enrich the blood and Regular Monthly Horse Fates will be
assist yore: overtaxed digestive held in Brussels this season as follows :
organs ? Easily clone with Dr. THURSDAY, NOV. 6th, 1913
Hamilton's Pills; their action is n
titost gratifying, Its every ease they
give the exact assistance the ailht
organs require. You'll feel fit and
fine, eat with a relish, sleep like a top,'
have a clear whir, and restful sleep if
you regulate your eyetem with pr,
Hamilton's Pills, Price Sc,0per boli;, 1-eadlnie
at all tleo,ie1 s,
DEC, 4th, 1.918
3AN, 8th, 191.4
FEB, 6th, 1914
MAR. 6th, 1914
A1?:it, 2ncl, 1914
Local and Outside ;Buyer&
011 lee prlycpt.
Theme In Tho Flesh.
Even nose is the agony or 001ts.
Why Buffet, Atli. '•I waiting i t eve'
W Y li el t(., 1 4Y
drugstore le the form of Pt0Ltlaln'e
Corn Extivuvor which relieved at
once, cures 1ltoroughly tend' without
rutin, For gond results use only
Pit t mutt's."
Rev, and Mrs. Dobson were in Tor-
onto last week.
Rev, Jesse Gibson, ,,r the J3ible
Society, Toronto, p1rttohed in the
Presbyterian chinch Suedes, morn.
Anniversary of the Mayne Metho-
1 dist church was held Sut.day,. Rev.
Mr, Leckland, of Wroxeter preached.
The following officers were elected
for the local Bible Society :-Pres.,
Sol. Strome ; Secretary, H. W.
Laird; Depository, J. R, .Richardson ;
Hit eaters, Messrs. R. Harding, John
Winter, -E. Fall's, W. Hainatnck, A.
0, Hutchison, J. W. Johnston, J. 11.
Rogers, Jas. Rowe, W. Goggin. Jos.
Williamson, F, Cooper, John Reich-
ard and W . F. ade. The con-
tributions for the year ending Dee.
31st, 1912, were $135.13, a slight in-
crease over previous year.
• Have your Watch,
Clock and Jewel-
ry Repaired at
• J. R. W E N DT'S,
Wroxeter, and you
will get satisfac-
• •
All Work Guaranteed
• J. R. Wendt
Jeweller' and Engraver
+ Wroxeter
Mrs. John Greenley, who lives near
Ltalwlet runt with a
peculiar rculint and
pal ul'nl accident. John Wolfe, a
neighbor, had entered the boost,
currying It loaded gun which was
pointed towards Llte door, In some
hvtty one of the uhiidl'ou pulled the
trigger and the gun 'went off, the
shot en tering lits Given ley's foot on
the onleide 110111' the instep and nam-
ing out On the 05110, tilde, The wound
WAS carePnlly attended to by a doctor',
Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines
11' you want to contribute directly
lo the occurrences of capillary 1)1.011-
chilis and puemnmliti use cough
medicines fluff contain cudine, mor-
phine, heroin and outer, RNdaliiy'es
when you ittave a cough o' cold. An
ex pectoral] t Ii lee Chain berm! nes Oougll
Remedy is what Is needed. That
deters 0111 the milt tire lards or' bt•eed-
he; places for the germs of pnemnonia
and other germ diseases, That is
why pneumonia never recall Ls 1,1121 a
colas when Oharnbeelaiu's Cough
Remedy is need. It has a world wide
reputation for its cures. It contains
no morphine or other sedative. For
sale by all dealers.
The People's Column
HOUSE and lot for sale; Brussels South,
Oomfortable home good stable, cellar
eta„ m1314 acre or land, immediate possession
can be given, A bargain for Somebody, Por
uo'tl h
ers apply to RICHARD ROE,
John StreetBrussels.
No. 1,, Produce warehouse at Brussels
Station G. T. R. For particulars apply to
J. Lacuna, Brussels.
part Lot 24, lion. 0 Grey, 70
, alt
cleared and well underdrained, Frazzle house
end bank born well watered. There is also
offered for este
100 notes being Lot 82 tlt
0 n. of Grey. 60 of which are dented. 'BaEh
properties to be sold to alma out estate.
Apply to 011(8. MART GILL, Ethel P. 0. or W.
M. SINCLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, Ont. tf,
deralgned will sell the South Halt of
Farm Lot No, 18, in the 5th Concession of the
Township of Morris, et a bargain, to the first
buyer. On the form is a good modern brink
house and firat-olass bank barn and is a well
P coned farm, consists of 100 Beres and is well
situated for markets. Owner now In West is
the reason for sale. Apply for further par -
Maulers to F. 0. SCOTT, Brussels,
10 The undersigned offers for sale his fine
100 acre farm, being North Half Lot 20, Con. 0,
Morris township, Huron Oo. Farm is in a good
state of cultivation, well fenced, and ]m8 on it
a fine briotc house that cost $8,500. Good lawn
surrounded by cedar badge. Barn 62 x 80 feet
on stone foundation. Good orchard and 10
acres of hardwood bush. Farm is only a mile
from thesplendid market town of Brussels
an s ne ea Prom sc loo , Goo
d i 1� 11 1 l d commun-
ity. Possession at once. For further partdau- Box 1033 Brandon
P. O, Man,
lays, price, terms, He,. apply on the premises
or to JOHN MOONEY, Proprietor, Brussels
FA1tet 1I'00 8A.145, -Tire nnderslgned oRer's
Ida lino ffarm equsisting Of abort 180 aortal
sale. The
1 ton for 041
t heu1letoP0la
adjoining t
a 1 g
'n ou old ms
Citi iI I 1
l Ante s a l Y
not k a
farm 1s u a
hood bulldh good
Urlak hones, hank Unrn, drly
nig !sonde, pig Pen, etc., ala centilitre lively now.
A ilrat•glnse your( orehard (retrtnining all
kinds of fruits and also south fruits, The
PIM in well. fenced and drained and is a very
desirable home. 11'x' nn iter partionlore apply
an the pronates ar address
28.kf JOHN TORRANCE, dllaton,
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Ceders promptly and acre-
fully attended to night or
Phone 228.
tiny, P
e�O �P1'T i"77 7Y�•
d Tile
At Henfryn
Yards in abundance.
Guaranteed to be First-
class. 1 Sizesfrom
cos. Al
3 -
inch to7-inch on hand.
8 a
nd to -inch made to
S. 8.Cole
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
_ Auction Sales
20 noane 9'POya WOOD. -FI 5, Scott, Auc-
tioneer, has received instructions from the
undersigned to sell by public, auction at Lot
18, OOn. 18, Grey Twp., on Friday, Oct 81, of 1
o'clock, the followh,g valuable property: -1
aged drat mar", I carriage ]corse 10 years old,
1 draft horse rtsiag 6 years, 1 draft home ris-
ing 4 years, 1 draft mare rising 8 yenre, 1
draft horse rising 2 years, 2Spring colts, 1 sow
due to calve December 2nd,,0 cows supposed
to be in calf, t Hereford Bull rising 8 years, 0
steers rising 2 veara, 9 Spring calves, about 20
cords 20 Moll stove wood, Sale Without re-
serve as tate proprietor is overstocked.
Terms: -All sums of 125 00 and under cash;
over that amount 10 months credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint notes 4
per cent off for cash on credit amounts.
Wood to be cash. ROBT. HOUSTON,
0••••••••♦•♦•••••••••••♦••••••••••••••••r'4•••••S••8 •e
• Guarantee the thorough courses of Canada's +
leading School of Business •
The NorthernBusinessCoIlsge •
street, Owen Sound •
Large staff of specialists, our own building, i of an acre of floor space,
Only' School with .Practical Department.
0. A. FLEMING, P. 0. A., • G. D. FLEMING,. 4.
Principal for 83 years.. Secretary. ♦
•444.4•••••♦•••••♦♦,•••••41 ••••••••♦•••♦••••••••••••♦ •
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