HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-10-23, Page 1VOL. 42 NO. 17
W. R. KERR, ProMaar
New Advertisements
Looal-Geo. Thomson.
(card -Miss A nate J. Wren,
Strayed -Austin Rayhard.
Douse to rent -W. Oakley.
Wall paper Malo -F. R, Sinn.
Hoots and Shoos -T, 0. Richards,
ai istr'iit Cths
While passing Torn. Gundry with
hie little pony and cart when driving
out to his father's faun, J. W. Smith
and John Newcomb's horse took
fright at the pony and bolted into
the ditch, throwing the occupants of
the rig out. Mr. Newcmrib's shoulder
was broken and Mr. South received a
bad shaking up. The horse ran to-
wards town, dashing the buggy a-
gainst a pole. Mr. Newcomb was
taken to the hospital
Medals awarded by the Royal
Canadian Humane Association for
bravery were presented at a pnhlie
gathering Thursday night to Graham
and James Ross, sons of Rev. Geo. E.
Ross, in recognition of their courage-
ous action in rescuing Ralph Pearce,
of Toronto, from drowning in Lake
Huron at Bayfield in Jelly last.
Mayor Reid made the pi esentatiot.
Margaret McTaggart, the young
daughter of George McTaggart, of
Clinton, who assisted the Thus boys
in the rescue, is to be similarity honor-
ed by a presentation at Clinton.
D. AicTavish is spending to few
holidays hi Toronto.
Mrs. Henry Armstrong is the guest
0!' ielp1)!yes it Wiartoo,
Miss Kitchen visited over the holi-
days with friends in Detroit.
Redmond McGlynn, of Turuberry,
returned to Toronto this week.
Miss Alice Ooopee, of 'Toronto, is
visiting her uncle, Ams Gofton.
Miss M. Duncan visited her home
in Drayton for several days recently.
Hisses Jeanette Ritchie and Sophie
Robinson are visitots in Toronto this
Benj. Ringlet., of Hespeler, spent
Thanksgiving Day at his horse in
T. Mercer returned from Alarkdale
on Thursday where he had spent at
few clays at lois hone,
Misses Clara Rutherford and Alva
Hunter, of Stratford Normal School,
were visitors at their homes herethis
Chas. Maxwell and Thos. Grant had
a shooting snatch in the latter's iin-
pletnent show room on Thanksgiving
Miss Victoria Simruons left for Bur-
ford on Saturday, where she will
spend some months with her brother.
Rev. Byron Simmons.
Miss Cassie McDougall, of Owen
Sound BusineSs College, was the guest
of her parents here this week.
Rev, Mr. Andrews, of i!ordwioh,
occupied the pulpit in the Methodist
ehm'eh here on Sunday evening,
D. M. ancl Mts. Walker returned to
Wade home at Niagara Falls on Mon-
day after spending a few days with
relatives here,
Fred. Smith visited at Montrose
last week.
Mr. Hanley spent Thanksgiving at
his parental horse Line.
A large number oP cattle are being
sold hereto A modicum buyers fur the
U. S. mru•icets.
Airs. Robinson sr. is very poorly at
present, Her truu1}• friends Hope she
will soon regain better health.
Many are returning home from the
\Vest and they say the West may be
all right but there is no place so good
as old Ontario.
The rural mail delivery is giving
great satisfaction. Along with the
rural telephone it is making happy
our rural term life.
Thanksgiving Day passed off quiet-
ly here. The fall of suniv will hustle
the farmers In getting in the roots
and finishing the Fall tileughing.
The Young People's Society met 013
Sunday night to plan foe the best
year yet In their work. They agreed
10:han "At Iiotue in November
and to invite the young people of
Union and Monkton.
A very large congregation was
present last, Sunday at Knoz church
Slotcriett, to enjoy the special thanks-
giving service. Three view Elders
were ordained, viz. -William Patter -
eon, Neil MoTaggart, and William
Fiat vey. The Thank -Offering amount-
ed to $163.15.
Turnberry Township met Council
here on Wednesday of this week.
Thanksgiving brought to this
locality a large number of visitors.
Airs. A. Bruce was visiting her
brother, Mr. Gross, of Palmerston,
over the Thanksgiving time.
Miss Cora Messer is doing good
work in Bluevale school as teacher
and we wish her continuedsuccess.
BRUOE-BASTER• 'The marriage of
Miss Alpine Baxter, of Parkdale, to
Dr. Warren Bruce took place Wed-
nesday evening, October 8th, in the
Church of the Epiphany, the Rev.
Canon Bryan officiating. The bride
was given away by her cousin, Wit-
frid Henderson, and was attended by
Miss 'Thelma Bruce, sister of the
groom. Ernest Bruce supported his
brother, Inanediately after the
ceremony the young couple left for a
trip to the West Indies via New
York, the bride wearing a cream
suit with hat to match. On their re-
For 60 Days
1 Lasa
t Beginning Saturday, Nov.
I will offer for sale nearly $3,000 worth
of Boots and Shoes, up-to-date, good,
durable goods. Also to accommodate . • -
our customers a new stock of
of all kinds will be kept on hand. They
will be offered in my old stand, having
made arrangements with Mr. Carr for
that .privilege,
As this Sale will last only 6o days all
goods must go in that time, so
gains will be the order
of the
Terms Strictly Cash.
e. •
1 accounts due me nio tbe ai�on - ♦
A l c s p d or before
Nov. 1 th or they will,without further notice, be
put in other bands for collection,
♦ . .•1i
��ii� `i'ii+�ii�4i +(1(1'11 ?♦Iri+i'.iii'+Yi�i�i!'trf•+Y'
��'► 4 i•11•i•i•
turn Dr, and Mrs. Bruce will reside
at their new borne at 77 Hogarth ave,
Parkdale. The groom is a son of
Schou Lhspector L. W. Bruce, of
Toroeto, a femme old boy of this
locality, hue faLhet' being the late
Alex. Bruce, of Bluevale, Old friends
In t1118 vicinity wish Air. Bruce and
bride many happy, prosperous years,
Thos. But•;c was visiting at Ripley
over Thanksgiving.
7vllss Fern Ecicinier• was home from
the Normal School, Stratford, for
Sties Nina Patterson, of Toronto,
spent her Thaulcsgiving holidays with
firs. Benson Wheeler.
Nelson Hayden arrived hone from
the West last week, His little son
who was ill is impLoving nicely we
are pleased to state.
The Auction Sale at Elijah Jack-
lin's came off Tuesday afternoon.
,Mr. and Mrs. Jacklin, who are old
residents of Grey, will remove to
CARD Oy THANKS. -We wish to ex-
press our sincere gratitude to the
many kind friends in the time (Amu.
bereavenlent and loss of our baby.
The animal meeting of Victoria
Hall will be held Friday evening of
this week, at 8 o'cloelc. All interested
are asked to attend so that the
necessary business may be attended
Women's Inatitt
te will
hnlcl their next meeting in Victoria
Hall Thursday, October 80th. The
subject "Poultry and Eggs" will be
taken by several of the members.
Meetingl, commences at 2.80.
The Goderich Signal of last week
says :-Jno. and Mrs. Ontt• and J. J.
McElwee were at Jamestown yester-
day attending the sale of effects of
Thomas anti Mrs. McEwan, who are
removing to Goderich. The new
residents are the parents of J. J. Me -
Ewan. They have taken one of Mrs.
Edward's houses on South street and
will arrive here next week. The
Signal welcomes theta to Goderich.
CALLED AwA.Y.- Early Tuesday
morning of last week Norman Leslie,
infant son of Benson and Mrs.
Wheeler, passed away, aged 2 menthe
and 23 days. Convulsions'was the
rause of his death. Funeral was held
Thursday afternoon, Rev. Mr, Wren,
ofBrussels, conducting the service,
Pallbearers were :- Charlie and
Willie Smith, Bertie Lake and Willie
MacDonald. Leslie was an exception-
ally bright little fellow and will be
greatly missed in the home. The
bereaved parents share in the sym-
pathy of the community.
Township Council will be held nn
Monday Nov. 3rd, in the Township
Sydney Armstrong, 10th con., was
home for Thanksgiving from Cones-
Mrs. Duncan Mollallum, HuUett
township, was a visitor at the parent.
al home, 9th con,
Alfred Salter, of London, was here
for Thanksgiving visiting his nieces
and nephews at the Rozell home.
Miss Agnes Duncanson has returned
to Brantford after a visit here with
relatives and old friends for several
Robert e1t0a rr'
1 con.,sen Thanks-
giving. spent anks-
i a t the home of 0 melon
e P '
pen, at Wh,gharn. Mrs. Phippen is
Mr. Carts daughter,
Owing to wet weather Friday of
last week the Auction Sale of Wm.
9'elfer, 10th con., was postponed until
afternoon nn oP this week.
The Sunday School in
with Roe's bite
a o ch will discontinue its
regular sessions after next Sabbath
morning until the coming of next
Misses 011a Armstrong and Lizzie
Dickson and Harvey Hoover, who are
attending'N,ormal School at Stratford,
took advantage of the Thanksgiving
holiday to take a run borne.
Miss Annie, daughter of Wm.
S01111111011, 10th colt., who has been
seriously ill and Was operated upon
last week, is snmeivhat better and we
hope will soon be frilly, restored.
Wednesday afternoon of this week
Wm. and Mrs. Armstrong, 9th con.,
attended the wedding of a niece, Mise
Armstrong at the home of M. Arm-
strong, of Thillett township, to Mr,
Price, of McKillop.
-It is with sincere regret that we
record the clemise of Mrs, Luke C.
Speiran, whn passed away at her
home, Lot 28, Con, 15, at about 4
o'clock lyioudey morning, aged '81
years, 9 months and 27 clays. She had
been ill for the past 5 weeks with
typhoid fever and other complica-
tions arising nothing could be done to
prolong iter life,. Deceased, whose
rnai1ett mupeyyas Irene $. B. Baker,
was the eldest daughter of Jno. IL
and Mrs. Baker, was born on the 9th
con. and S
1 was married to bee now be-
reft partner 9 years ago, who took het
to his ootnfoetable home on 16th con.
Three daughters wore born to them
and are now left at the age of 7, 5 and
8 years respectively, to the eare of the
fattier. Mrs. Speiran took an active
interest in the week of the Methodist
church and before her marriage was
one of the Vice -Presidents. of the
London Onnf
77w League.th
She passed leace n 1 aweYnc conscious
I:0 the last t is Lit 1 her Saviour,
The funertt g n al tools place 'Wednesday
afternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev.
I. A. McKelvey, het. pastor, aontlndLed
a very Su table set'viee. The bereaved
will be deeply sY rpa
ised with in
the removal of their dear one. De-
ceased w Le a fine s tit iLed, ha
1 P v
faced yothig voment who enjoyed the e
friendship of a wide circle of relatve8
and frletlds,
We are glad to hear that Charles From the shipping department Mr,
Love, 11th coll.,. who has a farm in Miobie has been promoted to the post
the West Iiit it good this year and of stock keeper, He is one of, the
hoe about 1200 bushels prime wheat men 11110 run "as steady as a clock,"
and about the sane quantity of other 0111 friends here wish hint well.
grain. It'wa8 a good crop in this
Toole 64 Plilzlts.-At three Fall
Fairs Alex, and Mrs. S:uill, 8th con,
captured 64 awards, They took 12 at
Atwood ; 20 at Brussels and 22 at
Gorrle. This should stir up other
people to get busy along the saute
line. It is more 111 makiug up your
mind to start thud anything else.
Men are busy digging out a cell'at at
the manse to put a furnace in.
Mies A. Forrest and Jessie Menzies
were ]some from Normal for Thanlcs-
Miss M. Perri8 spent the Thanks-
giving holidays at the manse in
Wi ngham,
Mts. Sperling visited with friends
in Varna and Clinton at the begining
of the week.
A. and 114 re, McDonald and Aylmer
arrived 1lotne. Saturday alter spend-
ing the Summer in the West.
Mies Urquhart, of Owen Sound,
who is attending Normal School at
Stratford, spent Thanksgiving at the
Mr, and Mrs. Walker, ofBurlington,
Miss Irene Ouri'ie, of Galt, and Mrs.
Jas. Brown spent Thanksgiving with
Mrs. A. Brown.
The Misses Black spent. Thanksgiv-
ing holiday with relatives tet Owen
A:iiss Sperling of Oranbrook, was a
visitor with her sister, Mrs, Ray Fear,
8th line.
Sliss Grace Robb was home on
Thanksgiving from her school at
Mrs. Anson Shaw and son Frank
were visiting at Dungannon for
George Jordan, of Metropolitan
130011, Toronto, was here for a holiday
visit at the parental home, 5th line.
The Auction sale of Jno. Kelly, 71,h
line. was held on Wednesday after-
noon. F. S. Scott of Brussels, was
A. and Mrs. Speir, 4th line, spent
Thanksgiving at the home of D. and
Mrs. Denhohn, near Blyth. The lat-
ter is a daughter.
Miss Lila Wilkinson, 4th line is at
tending the Spotton Business College
at Wingham, taking up stenography
and typewriting. She is enjoying the
course and should do well.
FINE TEAM. -Alex. ItrcLauchl)u,
East gravel road, has disposed of his
fine matched draft team of blacks to
Mr. Allan, Goderich. Price was about
$500. This is the third sale of match-
ed teams by Mr. McLanchlin in a few
years at top notch prices. He is not
out of the business yet.
Last weals George and Mrs. Jackson
arrived back from an enjoyable trip
oP 6 or 8 weeks to the West. The la I-
ter stopped off at Limehouse to see
Miss Aitkin, a cousin, who bad been
i11, but found on arrival that she had
passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson
found things looking very well in the
Wenstds. and met many relatives and old
Jno. Wheeler, of London, was here
attending the funeral of his brother
Charles. On the sane sad errand
vette e Alvin 1 Hat'sm andElia
Mise El a
Wheeler and d n it .
e e .Alma. ma. In
referring to Mr, Wheeler's family ]est
week it was stated there were 4 sons
and 4 daughters when there are6boys
and 8 girls. The mistake was made
by the mispe]]ing of Jessie for Jesse.
Ho sE DIED.- Henry
Bone, , i• d line, received r ved wo d from
Prince 3e Albert. Sask., that his import.
ed heavy draft stallion, "Maybnrn",
had died. The horse was a good 'one
and valued at $2,500. Mr. Bone
bought him in the Old Land and
brnught him back along with a t dozen
choice mares. This week Mr. Bone
left for the West and will be absent
for a month of so.
ober 15th as Wilmer E. Ledgat'woncl,
was unloading coal at Melville, Sask.,
re stepped on a trap door which gave
way allowing 1111n to fall 15 feet and
a quantity of coal Palling upon hitn
caused 1115 death. He was 21 years
and 4 months old and was a son of
Alex, Ledgerwood, of Eden Grove,
BI`llbe Cn., and a nephew of Ml's,
rhos. Bernard,
6 t lino Newels „-
-hi , The o renhteins were brought to
he Starkvale cemetery at Paisley,
and intetred there oh Tuesday. Be
n8 a fine young roan and it waa a
ad case, Mrs. Bernard attended the
SotrooL REPORT. -Following is the
School Report foe S. S. No. 10, Morris.
Examined in Arith., Oornp., Geog,.
pelt., and Drawing Entrances --
pima 'Purvey 00, Viola MacLeod 79.
levy Miller 56. Sr. 111.- Addison
eraser 71, hazel Rtibb 64. Jr. 111. -
i .
1'o e
tr s 8
t7 Elva
,ms X 78,
'Bettie TnrVey 72, Melissa Jobnstnn
0. Verna Johnston 46, Tv IL -
parting Tnhnstota 68, Margaret
Miller 48. Pt. II.--Gertie Robertson,
orlon Moffatt, Janet Miller, Laura
nlvlston, Pt. I. sr. -Louisa Fraser,
tarty Robb Mar aret
% n
cssie Messer,eDuncan t can.McDougall,�
t. t•.. ti .
I, lfalel john toh.
Bassets Mo8E9, Teacher.
o ri the 0.hanit i bt 1 0
S v vett ra
ho visitedT
g g
Norris to i
wneh , during
re cast week sero
10. and Mrs.
Michie, who came for a short visit at
to f u
nor are,
o s parental Homs. t
non be 15 y ars since Mt'. Mietl i�e
ent to Hespeler and entered the em -
in of the well 1 known obs
Y Forbes
ninpany. They are a big concern 14
0r69 of floor space being
I liliz'ed to
t g
to ' e n
1 ala se f mann'ac r
tut in am
oth, knitted goods, t'xa. About 700
ertlployees are on the pay.. eheei4 gittarde the better Off it Would be, .
Lead bu ry
I4h. Bert Tyler le at present visit -
in friends in Mitchell.
W. R. and Mrs. Stewart vleited at
Mitchell over Sunday.
Albert Dundas has returned from a
trip through the Western provinces.
Mrs, Henry Nesbitt and little daugh-
ter visited at Mrs, J. Kinney's home
1'ece1) tly.
Airs. D. McLaughlin, of Fordwich,
is visiting
at the home of Thos. and
Mrs. Yoong.
Miss Minnie Dundee returned to
Toionto last week after a two weeks
visit with friends in the neighborhood.
The Misses Sturdy, of Goderich
Township, were guests "t' hire Jennie
Ktiech I yl the lathe part of last week.
The Stevenson dredge is about half-
way down the :Unfitly dt•ain and when
completed will be navigable: for quite
large ar,Lft.
Ri ctt>iirds Robi1154111'6 sale was guile
aL 511(16196 last Friday, especially ill 1.118
cattle line. calves sidling at $42 a pair
and roles at (WP' 580
Airs. L. Al1Ewen who disposed of
her property here is al present having
a elearanre sate of lust. stuck at fi.rnl1S
below most fur 1)111 next thirty days.
A. and Mrs. McGtog o, of Bruce -
field, comber resident./ of Leadbnry,
have been renewing 1,11 nrgnitintattees
in this vicinity during the past. week.
Miss Jennie )lc1Zibleu who lues been
attending the Forest. city the: mess
College, Lninloo, 'mete. her Thanks-
giving with het aunt, bras. 13. Mc-
The Leadbut'y Post Office, which
has served a large number of the
locality for many a long year, is a
thing of the past. All traces of
pioneer days aro fast passing away
and we doubt if the ;Resent age has
the contentment and genuine happi-
ness of the past.
The Collector's Roll for the Munici-
pality of McKillop for 1913 is complet-
ed. Total assessment, $2254290.00;
total taxes, $26,191,36 as follows :-
County, $5,092 68 •, Township. $6,198.-
01; drains, $3,865.85; D. & W., $4-7.00;
Statute Labor, $40.50; dogs, $338,00 ;
railway, $441.01 • telephone, $1828.38 ;
Schools, $8831.90 ; fenceviowers fees,
MCKILLOP OoUyolt.-On Monday,
0th inst., the township Council met
at Seaforth, all the members being
present. Minutes of previous meet -
1 ngs were read and sustained. By-law
No. 10 of 1913 was finally passed.
Adam Dickson was appointed Oo11ec-
tor of taxes for 1913, The Clerk's time
for completing the Collector's roll was
extended to the 15th inst. Reeve and
Oleek were appointed a committee to
receive the Collector's bonds and if
satisfactory to hand over the roll.
By-law No, 1 of 1913 was amended by
changing the salary to be paid the
Deflector to $100 instead of $85. Peti-
tion of John Orozier and others for a
Municipal drain was entertained by
the Council and a Dopy forwarded to
the Engineer. The requisition of M.
Rowland for improvements on the
McCallum drain was left over for fur-
ther consideration.. Petition of .Tas.
Nolan for a Union School Section, be-
ing insufficiently signed, no action
was taken. . Next meeting of Council
will be held at the Queen's Hotel, Sea -
forth, on Nov. 10th, at 10 a. 01
M. Muanxx, Clerk.
G ce Eckmiel '
was visiting tm at
Luekuow for Thanksgiving.
Miss Bateman was a visitor with
Miss Tyndall, of Listowel, over
Mrs. R. McKelvey, Listowel, visit-
ed at the home of Mrs, Chris. Eck -
tiller over the holiday.
Mrs. Geo, Colvin and Mies Emma,
of Brussels, were visitors at the home
of Geo. and Mrs, Mitchell for Thanks-
gi ring.
The regular meeting of the Ethel
Canadian Club will be held in the
Dilworth Hall on Friday evening,
November lth.
Melvin J. Slemmon, attended
a meeting of the District Epworth
League Executive, of which he is
Secretary -Treasurer, at Witlgllanl,
,t.. --
a,, few fromth 1
E e alta 1
attended t raE
tvorbh League At Home at Sensuals
on the evening of Thanksgiving Day.
The stormy weatheeprevented others.
After a tossed about period of 11 or
12 weeks from typhoid fever away
from hone Mrs. D. Sanders was able
to get back to her family last week
and is regaining her old time vigor.
'Mr, Sanders was also on the "shelf"
but is about all right again.
The many friends of Rev. Dr. 3.
T. LeGear, formerly of I3thel, will be
pleased to learn that he has been ap-
Psi ed astor of the
e Central tho-
dist• Episcopal Church. of Lansing,
Mich , for the 7th year. Dr. LeGeav
ie certainly a very pn pular` pastor.
A Fowl Supper tuber the amspices
of .Ethel L. 0..L. will be held Wednes-
day Nov. 5th, Supper will be served
in the Dilworth Hall from 8 to 8, after
a ,good
ram ofspeeches,
singing and 'r i i
ee tall ons will beivett
in the Township Hall. All will be
At Goderichon r'
F ]da 10th iu L•.
h s
Y, 1
Edward Schaefer, w e ofin
W item aone
time Ethelite, was fomtd guilty by
judge e Doyle of indecently assaulting
13511)1, Nixon last December, and was
sentenced to 15 tnnnths in the Central
Prison, On ftnnsI
sentence Judge
Doyle severely reprimanded the
tri800 n, saying that such h seomd
ought toInt, and the sooner the
eoinmunity was rid of such black.
lir Wilfrid at Teeswater,
Tuesday afternoon of next week
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hon. Geo, 1'.
Graham and other well known
politicians will address a public.
meeting in Teeswater, itt the in-
terests of Me. Truax the Liberal
Candidate in the bye election in
South Bruce, If weather and
roads ai'e favorable a number will
attend from this locality.
We are ve•
ty sorry Wheat. of the Bud-
den death of a son of Rev. E. F. ancl
Mrs. Armstrong, of Chatham, former-
ly ni the Methodist pttl'sonage Ethel,
Diphtheria wa8 the cause only a few
hours elapsing front the time he was
playing outdoors until the vital spark
had fled. Old friends in this locality
wilt accord tenure sympathy to Rev.
and Mrs. Armstrong in their unlook-
ed for bereavement, •
Last Sunday evening an Armenian
student, nattier] Dyer, occupied the
pulpit itt the Methodist church and
discoursed in a very interesting man-
ner on Tuckey and its needs.
Wednesday evening he delivered a
lecture covering a wide field of Turk-
ish history and revealing a condition
of affairs far from desirable from a
Ohristian standpoint. The speaker
expects to have a hand in assisting to
better the presentsituation.
Holy Oolumuniou next Sunday
afternoon at 8 p, 101, in St, George's
visit her son.
Next Sabbath Oornmunion will b
Mrs. Black has gone to Detroit toe
observed in the Presbyterian church.
Preparatory service Friday afternoon
at 2.30 o'clock.
Many of the faithful ones will again
avail themselves of another opportuni-
ty of hearing Sir Wilfrid and Hon.
Geo. P. Graham at Teeswater next
The meeting of the Farmers' Club,
that was announced for Tuesday
evening last, was indefinitely post-
poned owing to the Hall being occu-
pied by a moving picture show.
WonrBN's,;INsvITtrrE•-The regular
meeting of theBelgrave Branch of the
Women's Institute was held in the
Foresters' Hall, Tuesday 21st inst.,
Blyth Branch being invited to visit
Belgrave Branch. A good represen-
tation of the visitors was present and
supplied an excellent program which
was carried out with neatness and
dispatch. Mrs. Will. Procter, Presi-
dent of Belgrave Branoh, called the
meeting to order and introduced Mrs.
Gardiner, President of the Blyth
Branch, who presided over the meet-
ing. Program consisted of a paper
prepared by Mrs. Bender and read by
Mrs. Wighttnan on "Courtesy and
manners in the home" paper prepar-
ed by Mrs, Young and read by Mrs.
Gidley on the value of work for our
plhyeicial development, which was
followed by another paper prepared
by Mrs. Poplestone and read by Mrs.
Crittenden on "Injudicious methods
of buying," Each of these papers
were brimfull of
g practical
thought which
appeal to the m ivl
sympathies of those Present and
we are sure were of an uplifting in-
fluence. Papers were interspersed by
readings and vocal selections by Mrs.
Parrot and Madams Wightman and
Burling. The meeting wa
s brought
t a close
the National
Anthem. A pleasant social hour was
enjoyed over a refreshing sup of tea,
Belgrave ladies serving refreshments.
All dispersed to their homes expres-
sing appreciation of the interchange
of meetings. Belgrave Branch tie
lookidg forward with pleasure to visit-
ing Blyth in the near future.
Huron County.
The temperance people of Huron
have received word that pressure
has been brought to bear upon the
Borden Government by the liquor
interests to have the Governor-
General postpone the vote on the
Scott Act until December or January,
so that if' carried it cannot come in
force until the first of May, I915. The
law requires five 411l months between
the dayi'
O voting
all the first d
May. iltany leading Conservatives
are up in 1111115 over the .matter and
if such an attempt is made will, they
declare., show the party that such
action is not to be tolerated. ,s.
Geo. W, Neely, M. P. P. for East
Middlesex, died at his home, North
Dorchester, of arterio•ScieIOsis end heart
Rev, Mr. Grant, Presbyterian ?Meis-
ter, at Clinton, has stated to his con-
gregation that he purposee resigning in
g g
the near future, 'There has been a lank
Of harmony and the pester is probably
adopting a wise coarse.
A burglar who visited West Lorne
had an .exciting time before he got
through with a series of thefts he had
Maimed. Al T.
W. i
1 ras' place he
$7 in cash t and helped himself
ton very tine supper ter f
in the pantry. At W. A. Becker's l he
sect r
, edWatch
ft and $z He left
pocketknife belenging to Mr. Sims it
Mr, Beaker's trousers pocket. At
Dougald Turner's he secured $5 in
cash, but while getting out aroused Mr.
Turner, who at once gave chase, The
Man in ilia hurry mieee11 his way in the
darkn tfell
a t downstairs, rs, He dropped
the watch he had stolen from Mr,
Becker' n
s and also in
St his, lsat. FioW•
ever, he made his escape in the derit-
noss, and all efforts to locate him so far
have failed.
Great 1'egret is felt by l080 of both
political parties at the'death of George
M. Neely, member of the Legislature
for Last Middlesex, Mr, NeeIey was
well 111811 and respected not only by.
his colleagues on the Government
side, but also by the members of the
Opposition, Hie death leaves the
coustiteeney of East Middlesex in the
Local House open oece more, and
gives the people of this riding an.
other bye -election following the
Dominion contest, Itis only a year
ago that Mr, Neely defeated the
Liberal candidate for the Local
House, 'William Sutherland, at the
bye•election whieb was caused by the
death of Robert Sutherland.
The umbel' of bye -elections for the,
Ontario House in the last 12 or 13
months 9 in ail, "including Peel and
this second contest in East Middle-
sex, has kept Provincial politics
active during the whole year.
A, H. Milner, the Liberal candidate
for Peel in the impending bye -
election, is admitted to be a first-
class man, and one who is rallying
around him enthusiastic support.
He is quite a young man who [11105dy
has made a mark for himself in muni-
cipal government and at present
holds the position of Reeve of Bramp-
ram -
ton. P
Mr. Milner's position on the Tem-
perance question is perfectlyplain
and frank. lie admits that in the
first Local Option contest in his
neighborhood he voted against it, but
that between this and the second
Local Option vote he re -considered
his decision after. a careful survey of
the whole problem and voted in
favor of Local. Option. In this bye -
election he has cone out definitely in
favor of the "Abolish the Bar" policy,
and will support it with enthusiasms.
An epoch-martcing dinner con-
ducted wholly by young men is rather
a novelty in Ontario politics. For
this reason the Liberal Club Feder-
ation of Ontario which in Hamilton
of Novenrber 26th is to entertain the
Right Hon Sir Wilfrid Laurier and
N. W. Rowell, K, 0., M. P. P., de-
serves all the more credit. There
will be covers laid for 500 guests and
delegations are expected from each
of the 44 Federation Clubs through-
out the Province. The speakers of
the evening will address themselves
to the young men, and will discuss
public questions from the young man's
The present position of the move-
ment roe the suppression of the
liquor traffic in the Province of
Ontario may to some extent be learn-
ed from the following tables. A
ntanicipalityy is an independent self=
governing community. It may be
eititer a town, an incorporated vil-
lage, or a township. There are a
total of 837 municipalities in the
Province each of which has its own
municipal council and manages to
some extent its own local affairs.
Municipalities ander probibition....602
Municipalities under licenses, .....883
Total liquor licenses granted in
1875 .... -.6185
Total liquor licensee granted. in
1913 .....
The number of "wet" and "dry"
municipalities 1u each of the last
seven years has been as follows :-
year wet dry year wet dry
1900 5522
21 1910 407 405
1907 508 286 1911 880 440
1908 492 312 1912 365 483
1900 475 382 1912 338' '602
The foregoing figures do not Show
what has been the extent of the
fighting, inasmuch as there have been
many contests in which the temper-
ante party have not been victorious.
All the changes from "wet" to "dry"
indicated in the foregoing table were
won by the polling of a fifty percent
majority in favor of prohibition hi
each municipality. Under the
Ontario Law a municipality cannot
carry prohibition unless the vote for
prohibition is fifty per cent more than.
the vote against it. During the
seven years in question, the tem-
perance patty had majorities less than
the necessary ea y fifty per sent in 236
During these seven years from 1907
to 1913 inclusive, the total number
of contests was 585. The liquor party
had majorities in 147 cases, and the
tem perance party had majorities in
There were also some contests
brought on by the liquor party in
"dry" territory with the Acpe of
turning it over to "wet." This
movement was a sad failure. The
following tables show the nu e
mb r of
places in tyhieh the last.' five years,
tire number of places in which they
actnally did succeed in bringing on
repeal contests, and the number of
oases in Witich they won in the con•
tests they brought on :--
` r
year dry places dry plaees,dty places
Invite did voted
voted vote wet
1900 07
20 2
12 2
1912 178 16 0
1918 240 22 1
And stilt the cause moves steadily
Itcau cannot long fora the
liquor traffic is wiped out of the,
Province>f 0 a•
c nt
do altogether.
bythe le to -
florane8 party are now going on iti
ft 0310 more "Wet" municipalities
which tyiil vote on J'anuarq 5th next,