HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-10-16, Page 5ROSINESS CARDS, WM. SPENCE 'CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Sloe is the Post Since, Ethel. 90.1 iJNO. SUTHERLAND 80 SONS LIMITED mrsrmG r ll es AUCTIONEERS. 1 i3. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- -L.'• nen, will Hell for better prices, to better mon In less time and less obarges )ban any ether Auotiouoer In 100st Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. r� M. SINOLAIE- V • Harrleter, 80110140x, .Oouveysueer, Notaryl'ablie, &o. Ulnae -H tewsrl's Block. 1 door Nor 411 of Ueutral Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. ptIOUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLORAN BM41418TEIRS SOLICITORS, NOTARIj8 PUBLIC, ETC. W. EnounaooT, K.0, 10. 0, Hess J. L. KILLORAN Odiooe-Those formerly 000upled by Messrs Cameron & Holt, OoDsaron, ONTARIO. BRUSSELS Gomm SOMA GOING NORIA Mail 7:07 a In Express 10:06 a m Expreoo 11:26 0 in Mail 1:69 p m Express 2:50 o In Express 9:52 0 m CdXdOL N PacterJC WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7:52n m I Express 12:I6 a m Express 2:47 p m Express 8:66 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. in. and 9:65 p. m. Going Weal - 12:48 and 9:47 p. m. All trains going East connect with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elors and T D. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. • ALLAN ae.� LINE _ o LIVERPOOL. ASCO Largest and fastest steamers on the St. Lawrence route. For information apply 13 agents, or the Allan Line rx 000N aew',`alfr STEAMSHIPS i< W. 11. KERR. Agent Allen Line, Brussels, Which Scheel Shall I Attend ? An lmportnnt question. All bust- g neeeoollegoe ere not alike. OAn000L 1,. J0n01IRN'I' 1e A11fiOLUTIILI' NAMPA IIY. r6 Write today for the Catalogue of the 1.G: ELLIOTT 0' a TORONTO, ONT. ct This school is conducted on the highest oi plane of 00Rnieney . We are proud of its remind, Btndetta admitted at any time. Cor. Young aid tt W. J, EUJOTT, Alexander Bte. S Principal. coat s+avia'rg 4 )eves earsslrAvarAt2`lVt. CENTRAL $TRATFORD ONTe One registration again exceeds that of any 5reviou0 veer, The boy or. girl tyhq lids net received our free cata- logue dies. not know the great oppor- theeedepaatmeiits,,,Cotmmereia She b Short- hand and Telegraphy and we offer you advantages not offered elsewhere in Ontario, you limy enter at any 11me. Write for our free m1010018 at m100. D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. c rp izas+A;Gmtm7M:vfayAvaYAvl✓Ara %LIAO .+ �vAraydwyAen,�vtYlYtvAl;�Aravd�s, First Lista ei Husiuess College 11 F.our first step toward eueees0. i all term opens September 2, Bend for now free eetaicgae to At EDWIN R. MATTHEWS, Prin. rl ry . rAtal' ��tii'A� �R4a ..,ctZa`t A9SORvaV�vA"PA2a .'�� eimmiwtressiammems Yet ri - leteeenelimanteneteRentleennteeel THE Best Brains Ili Canada have participated is the pre• pUa'atlolt of our splendid Hone Study Courses 1n thinking, Economics, Higher Accounting, OomMere1I1 Art now (lard Wafting, photography, ,tournhd• Isni, Short Story Writing, sho•tilalal and Bookkeeping, Select the Wok Which most interests you and write us for pal•tlonia'0, Addre0s THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 8li1.7 Vongo 8t., 'Toronto Business Oarda DR. R. F, PARKER LISTOWEL, oNT. Ooteopntlt, Nye Speoalist, Food Scientist Olu'ualo end Nervous Memos. At nasi, B. T. Mimeo, OrmoluW odnesdaya 7.90 0, in. to I 0, in, Gleesoe scientifically fitted. 1.JPS ANDEPSON. VETERINAiRY L..URGEON. Suooeasor to M. H. Moore, (Mae at Ander- Bal Bros, Livery arabic, Brussels, Telephone No, 29, AR. T. T. M' RAE Bachelor of Mmlolne, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Greduotu of the College of Pity. Muffins and Surgeons, Ont. • Post -graduate Chicago Eve, )Sar, Noon and Throat Hospital, Ohmage, Ill. Ex•liooso Surgeon to St. Mich. eel's Hoepicul Toronto. Office over F. R, Smith's I rug Store, Tele- phone conoeotton with Urenbrook at all hours. DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Liomninte of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of Western Hospital, 1'a onto. OMoos of late Dr, A, M:Kvoy, Sine U Black, Brussels, Rural phone 46, ALEX. D. M'KELVEY M.B., M.O.P.d S. O. 198 Blom• street Fa -t, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat 01]nleal aosistant hi Ear, Nose and Throatde- rorLyo,t Now General liuopltnl, Toronto ; Poet Graduate Harvard Medical School, Boa. ton • Ia to Senior Resit' ant tin moon MUSH, Eye 14 I Nr Infirmary ; hate Ull,110al ao,i,ta,t in Nose and Throat department Mass. Goa. 0000• pitol ; lute House Sargeon 'Toronto General Hosp[Gnl. t.:Y In Brussels by appointment. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ON7'. Physician and Surgeon ; Post. Gradunto courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos. pitals, Specie) attention to disease of eye, ear, 11000 and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Dayand night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ehel. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department t ol Ophthol. urology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, Ill., is prepared to test eyes and fit glasses at her ofaoe over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. OMMoe hours 1 to 8 p, m. Forenoons by appointment, Phone 1219. T. R. BENNETT Will give bettor satisfaction to both buyer and seller that any other Auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable. Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. Pure bred stock sales a specialty. Write or 'phone 28 Wroxeter. ram' Items You can't tall by the number of flags tied to au auto the distance it 1190 toured or the number of cities it has visited. All the flags may have been purchased at the same ten -cent store. THE game and fishing laws )recently issued present the foliowing open seasons, which will doubtless be of in- terest to local hunters: Quail, wild turkey, black and greysquirrels, Nov- ember )5th to December 1st • ducks Se )ember reth to December 1st' , P grouse, pheesants and partridge, October 15th to November rsth-i geese, Sept. 15th to April Isth. That Dry Rough It Bronchitis, If neglected it will weaken the throat and finally reach the' lungs. Nothing simpler than inhaling the healing vapour of Oatarrhozone. It's action is like magic, so helpful, so easy to apply. Be done with Beonnhial trouble for till timet Catar- rhozone does cure the worse oases, will cure you, too. Sold everywhere, 25c. and $L00, under absolute guarantee of satisfaction. • WE believe we arewithin the limit when we say that folly 95 per cent of those who use the public highway are of the 0710100 that it is the duty 'of the pedestrian to get out of the way of any conveyance which should happen to be rising the highway at the same time or else take the consequence, The fact of the matter is just exactly the opposite - the pedestrian has the right of the way and all conveyauees whether horse- drawn, motor -driven or pedalled 'by a ridermust avoid the pedestrian or become respousible for any accident width might occur. Why Romain Thin And Pale 7 Paleen le have ale blood p p p The stomachs is wrong, assimilation is poor and food is not changed into blood. The system lacks vitality and reconstructive power which clip be supplied by Pei'rozone. It braces the appetite, digestion is stimulated, what you eat is trausfort#1ed into the hind of nutriment your system re- gnires. Vital life-giving blood that makes rosy cheeks, strength that defies Wearinesss, spirit and ambition all corse from Fert'ozone. Nothing in the annals of medicine so sure to build up and strengthen ars Ferroz0ne. Try a 50c. box. Sold everywhere. Plum COOKING. -At the next meet- ing of Brussels Women's Institute, to be held Friday, October 170, at 2 3o ppm, prizes will be awarded by the Institute for baking as follows :- 1st end 3oc 25 t5 to 15 10 15 10 15 10 25 15 .2o 15 to Butter alb. Loaf bread white Brown bread Buns } doz Plain biscuits Fruit cake Dark layer cake White cake 15 Groh cookies light, dark and oatmeal doz. each 25 15 Graham gains, doz 15 10 Cornmeal gents doz. 5 rE Soon es •k doz 1 T5 . 'lo ')'arts 7 doz .. ...... .......+is to Short cake bread....,.. 15 to Orem puff%} doe. I n11,.......+„+r5 r0 Apple pie .15 to Plmlpkin pie 20 10 Competition will not be confined to members of the Institute but ladies ail Brussels and locality will, be welcome, There will be 110 entrance fee but one exhibit from each competitor will be. come the property of the Institute One prise exhibit will also go to In. elitute, excepting thefruit cake, to be sold at close of meeting and funds ap. riled to Institute work. Entries are to o placed by a o'clock so as to permit of judging et A, pp. S'1'AL tint INai'5071ON 1t0R 1914, --At a meeting of the Ontario Stallion En- rolment Board, recently held in'1'orento it was decided to melee only one in., spettion of stallions during the year ending July I g jty S1s1, 19)4, the inspection to beglu February 17th, 1914, end the ni Invaders rs will visit each stallion owner at his stable, providing that he makes Application for inspection to the secre- tary ou or before February 1st, 1914, The Board now that stallion inspection and enrolment is better understood did not deem it necessary to make more than one inspection during the en- rolment year, two having been found necessary in the beginning. Stallion owners should make applications early to R. W. Wade, Secretary of the Board, Peelie:mut buildings, Toronto, A Marvelous Escape "My little boy had a =Livelong escape," writes 1'. G, Bastian] ,s of PE'ince Albert, Cape of Gond Hope. "It 000uered in thelmiddle of the night. Ile got a very severe attack of croup. Ashok would have it, I had a large bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Reme- dy in the house, After following the dieeotious for an hour and twenty minutes he was through all danger," Sold by all dealers, THE Independent Order of Foresters have been notified by the Dominion Goverument that 1110 rates must be increased and insists that the financial condition of the order be brought up to the standard demanded by the actuaries and have given the order until January tet, 1917, to reach go per cent. of actu- arial solvency. Unless they could show a clear 5 per cent. progress towelds the goal annually the government would refuse to renew the licenses. To show that it is possible to meet the govern- ment's demands, 16,159 members held policies of the face value of $21.957,021, which would mature in ten years. Under the present rates the policy- holders olicyholders would pay in $3,263,618 during that period. The order would have to pay out $16,687,335 or $13,413.717 more than was received. Tee Domiulon Posto5lce Department has issued the following warning "Letters from the Spanish prisoner are actively circulating in Canada. 'these letters are mailed at Madrid. In the latest case is a Russian ranker who is In prison. At other times it is either a French or Spanish character, but the essential part of the fraud is the same, viz., that 111e prisoner has an immense sum of money in hiding and generally an interesting daughter. Ott certaiu conditions he is willing to share his treasure with and entrust his daughter to the person in whom he is confiding, As an evidence of good faith a certain sum of money must be put up by the correspondent. A gentleman in Prince Edward Island was induced to part with $700 in this way. The case in 8 pure fraud and the public are warned." • Fordwich . Miss Cora Patteitoe has returned from visiting friends in Toronto and the Soo' Anniversary at Newbridge Metho- dist church last, Sunday and 1 loula . Mayne Methodist chtrotwill be aid on Sunday,Oct.. 19111. 9 . Fred. and Mrs. Adams and Will. and Miss Edith motored up from Forest and 100k in the Fair and called on friends on Sunday. - Mrs. J. W. Mahood and two daughters, Etta and Ruth of Evan- ston, I11,, Sire visiting at Mrs. E. Mahood's and with 01,1101' relatives. Goldemitil English, Provincial Horse Judge' of Windsor, an old school -male of the Gibson Bros. and Win. Montgomery, of this place, visited Alex. Gibsou's and with other friends. Seaforth • Miss Grace Walker visited with. )fiends in Brussels and Stratford. - Miss Beryl Orich, Clinton, spent a few days with her brother, W. A. Crich. Mrs. Broadfoot and daughter, Miss May, left for a visit with friends in Toronto and Hamilton, Miss Norma Dickson, who has spent" some time in Fort Saskatehe• wan, has returned home. The young people of the First. Presbyterian church are putting on a Mock Trial op the 5141 of Nov. .The Rebecca Lodgef n OddFe tlowe wet at the new hone of J. and Mrs, Sclater and presented thele with a handsome casserole. -- Walter Watt, who Inas been ac- countant in the Dominion Bank here 1'o' several year's has been ap- whited Manager of a bra11014 batik, 111 Maritima, and went to that town Monday. Anniversary services In connection with Seaforth Methodist church will be held Sunday, October 19th, and will he conchint.ed by Rev. A. K. 00181)8, 13. A., who will atiso deliver an address Monday evening, Listowel T. L. Hamilton left last week for rYll>Iltnlr Alta. tel. Jas. Pelton IefL farpail last week to taste a. position as photogra p her. Aunnal field tidy sports of the Listowel High School will be held on Friday, October ]5, Rev. A,] Te'l err r s ion R, tyb y PeL coudnctedI.he services in the Slett,o- dist church 00 Sanday, Niro. T. L. 111tn01110 l (14101 .Mrs. A. A. . {Mimic. attended the alunutil meeting m b of the W. C. T. U. In Stratford. J. M. Otuuppbell, luanagee of the Bank of Hamilton, went to Toronto last week and uudet'tvellt tin operation' for appendicitis. • Atlhivoear'y services \viii be held in the Listowel Peesbytcritut 0hnrch Sunday, Oct. 19. flee. John Neil, D, D., Totem to, ,will preach. A. St. Oleo, liatvkios, Dominion Immigration Agellt ' foe Northern Oettaw0, who hats betel spending ai, few ditys in town. left for Winnipeg 00 Monday of fest Week. W, Smith, an employee at the shah' factory had the iniefo11.lt(1e to badly cut his right hand. He was opt:eating the sip sate when hie hand acmdelitelly calve In contact With the saw milting the hand from the wrist down oyer the thenlb, neceesitat}ng 11 etitphes to eluse the OW, WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. Cape Wolfe, Canada,-" Last March I was a complete wreck. I had given up all hope of getting better or living any length of time, as I was such a sufferer from female troubles, But I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and today I am in good health and have a pair of twin boys two months old and growing finely. I surprised doctors and neighbors for they all know what a wreck I was. "Now I =healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies. You may publish this letter if you like. I think if more women Used your remedies they would have better health." -Mrs. J. T. Coot, Lot No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.I., Canada. Because your case is a difficult one,and doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many cases of female ills, such as inflamma- tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you need. The Pinkham record is a proud and peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over the ob- stinateillsof women -ills that deal out despair. It is an es- tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has restored health IY°11 a NKHnM to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need such a nedicine ? The partnership heretofore existing between V. 0. F. Bamford and B. L. H. Bamford as proprietors of the Listowel Standard has been dissolved. They make You Feel Rood The pleasant purgative effect pro- duced by Chaniherlain's Tablets and the healthy condition of the body and hind which they create slake one feel joyful. For sale by all dealers. Blyth Miss Pearl Ceiclley has returned from a trip to the Pacific Coast. Richard Somers )vas appointed Collector of Laxes for present year, Adam McKenzie left on a business trip to Edmonton t nc utou ud a other p points iu the West. Russell and Mas Richmond and D. D and Mea Ortttendeu motored to Exeter to visit Mende. Mrs, A. Taylor attended the Provincial Convention of the W. 0. T. U. in Stratford as the delegate from Blyth Union. Mrs. J. 13, Chellew and daughter, Miss Muriel, left last week for Oal}- f07•uiat where they expect to reside, They have been residents of .Blyth for many years and their departure -from our midst is tobe regretted. The second Silver Medal Contest in elocution will be held in the Methodist church, Blyth, Friday evening, ..October 17th, at 8 o'clock, tinder the auspices of the VVornan's Christian Temperance Union. Fol- lowing contestants will take part for the Silver Oratorical prize f -Eolith Morris, Rena Bete, Fern Johnston, Olive Parrott,, Oharlie Haggitt and Harold 'Vallate, DISTRICT MEETING. -A meeting, of the Methodist tntuistees in the Gode- rich district was held at Blyth on Wednesday of last week. The matter of county missionary conferences was discussed and each circuit was urged to appoint two delegates to each con- ference.. l'nesday Morning Rev, R. Miller E VH Stu o l address r "Our Our Fintu101ttg(11 Obligations and the Ian. poltanceof Their Discharge." Rev. W K. Hager B. A., spoke on "The Spiritual iLife, Oharactet' and Work of Men." Rev. S. C. Edmunds, B. D.,;conducted the religious devotions. A conversation on the religions de- votional use of the Bible and hymn book )vats led by Rev. 8, J. Alitu, Rev. W. T.,. Rutledge, D, D„ led a similar conveesetinn on pastoral visiting. Other splendid addressee on The v Regina Watch I1097 about That old watch P Is it not giving satisfaction P 1{ave it exchanged for a REGINA. and yon will always be sure of the right lisle. They are sold, et the following prices :, 7 -jewelled 20 -year Banner ., Gold-filled Case - -$11,76 15 -jewelled 20 -year .Banner Gntcl•flllsd 01100 18.75 17 -jewelled 20 -year 'Banner Gnld'filled 0,108 10.75 7 • jewelled 'Waterproof Nickel Otte° - • . 8.20 15 jewelled Waterproof Nickel Cave - - 10.20 17 jewelled Waterproof Nickel Case - 18.20. These Watches are all guaran- teed for three years, L. BLAKE Walton Ontario iiisommareureommesmessommmis f+ THE SIIGEINE CIHI Is always noticeable because of he • hair, Sageine is the life of coarse dry unattractive hair and brings beauty into the hair by supplying the es- sential qualities that have been rob- bed from the bath by dandruff and other diseases of the scalp. Sageine in the only dressing of its kind and is free from the disagreeable oils, etc., so common in 111111' Lollies. We guarantee Sageine and Joiner, Fox says : IP Sageine wont stop itching of the scalp and stop hair falling or or 1,7111 not beautify the hair bring the bottle back and get your money. Be sure to go to .lames Fox fop Sageine-other stores can't supply church work were given by Rev. T. J. Snowden, Ph. B., Rev. J. E. Ford, Rev. J. H. Osterilout, Rev, A. W. Barker, B. D., Rev. Harold Williams and Rev. R. J. M9COrmhok, M. A, The officers of the District are :- Rev. James L', Ford, Chairman Rev. R. A. Miller, Financial Secretary Rev, George Jowitt, Secretary of Temperance and Moral Reform ; Rev. A. W. Barker, President of Epworth Leagues ; Rev. 3. E. Hunter, Secretary of Sunday Schools ; J. A. Irwin, Missionary Secretary, An important decision was given art Osgoode Tial], Toronto. About a mouth ago Constable \Vhitestdos summoned T. M. HaInilt•.on (brother of J. M. Hauniltou, Blyth) a merchant of Staffa, OD a charge that he was committing a breach of the hawkers' and pedlars' by-law of Hnron Co. in selling from his wagon on the bound- ary between Huron and Perth. The magistrate x0(4910 ed Mr. Hamilton and fined him $25. Case was ap- pealed to Toronto and the conviction quashed with costs against Huron County. ' Help Near At Hand. Is what you want when sickness happens at night. Oau you possibly Y Rud the equal of Nea villue o No, for it stands unequalled 111 outing pain, in tenet or local, Earache, toothache and neuralgia disappear in a jiffy. Rub it on and away flies the pain. Foro'amps, vomiting nr indigestion, all you need is ten drops in sweetened water.'. Sick or well you'll find Poison's Nerviline invaluable in your house. Get a large 25c bottle today. Wingham Mrs. I7. B. Elliott was the guest of friends in Michigan. \Vingharn Oitizeue Band furnished the music foe Teeswater Fair. De Witt i 0111100 solo} bis house in Lower Wingharn to Mr. Turner, of Detroit. Wan. Fryfogle has been appointed as inspector of the work on the post. office. - Dr. Margaret Calder, and Miss Ethel King were on a ten days' visit with Toronto friends. E. D. Bolton, 0. L. S., Listowel was in town surveying for the new Roman Oatholic cemetery here. John Ritchie and H, 13. Elliott at- tended the Canadian Ticket Asso- etaLion.Annual Meeting at Cleveland, Ohio. 11i '. Lillie to Tr the Dverett on the com- plaint 'of Inspector. "Mitchell, was fined $24.25 01 15 days in jail for being found intoxicated in a Local OpLiou municipality. SHOOTING, -A0 other el:Mi nie or 011101natl carelessness in .the hauhtlling of firearms happened on Monday afternoon, of last week,. when Andrew Hardie, Ttirnberry, was shot while on lois wary home. 1t appears that a young lard was plowing in a field adjoining the road, when he was jollied by two other boys who had a 22 calibre rifle. Ale. Hardie happened to be driving past at the time when one of the lads discharged the rifle in the direction of the road, The bullet struck Mr. Hardie in the nape of the ;leek rendering him unconscious for a shorttime. A. Ile tu neighbor hbon who was (hiving. behind Mr { tudir noticed his condition and tagetho they carne batik to town where the injure man 1t d V17119 attended to by at dnet0l', who foiled that the woaud itself %vas nob of at very serious ealtlr0, and unless complications set in nano was no immediate dltngel Tuesday Nh•, Naidis was saffeeing considerable pain Itetu' his shonlrlo' avid an un- snocedsful attempt t e t WAS made at h 1, the hospital to locate the bullet wi1b the -racy. Me, herdic is not feeling well at all, and it is to be hoped that he, will soon get over the effects of his tryieg experience. This is the se0ontl tinge in his life ).Oita. Mr. Hard - 1e has been shot, 110 '110 Still curries in his body, a bullet he received 40 DROPSICAL SWELLINGS ale doe stalely to a diseased condition of the Ieidlnoys, Photo is a quirk, epeedv cure in Anti Uric Kidney Pills, Jag. Fox sells 1115111 a11(1 gttall'aliteee 44110111. to give the desieecl lesrilte.: Come back and get yollr 0(01(0y if you are not, perfectly satisfied., Be sure you get ANP( -URIC PILLS. B. V. MARION; on every 1)aoksge, years) ego, 1'ViLli bail grunted, Cheerer Stappletup, John Hughes and George Dalgielsch, the forme)' two 14 years of age, and the latter 10, )vel' o rem/ended fah' at tveelc by. 5lttgisteete Mackenzie in connection with I e t11e shooting h otinq of Andrew Hardie, The boys, who had been hunting, claim 11 was ail accident, although 1?atlgieisch admitted he and Hardie were not on the best of terms, Look Out Per Thle Man, If he offers you something "better' than Putualu's 001,1 Extractor, It's the additional profit or inferior goods that tempts hila. Pulnam's is the one sure and 1>1111(109e mire, Use no other. Goderich The local tax (1417 IS80 wills on the $ Ellie year. Pe1.011 fishing iv pr/'vldiug good spent at. the harbor, and anyone with at hook and line can get any quantity in short order. Applications for the position of caretaker of 054111al School were re- ceived and John Cult was appointed at a salt0'y of $8550 per aunyrn. Following are the officers of the ]lackey club: -Hon. Presidents, 147, (9, Oanerou, K. 0., and W. E. Kelly, 1'. 141', ; President., 14401(y Edwards ; Secretary, E. R. Wigle ; Treasure)', A. G. Nisbet ; Manager, Jack Wig. gins ; Executive Committee, James Wiggins, Harry Belcher, W. H. Robertson. On the eve of his departure from Calgary, F. E. Holt, Mus. Bac„ was pi esenl ed vecen •ly with a handsome gold watch by the choir and clergy of the Pen -Cathedral, and with a gold fob by the choir -boys. Mr, Holt was most successful to his work there, his choir of )nen and boys only, being nue of the best in Western Canada. He 1s now m'gaulist and choirmaster Of Holy Trinity church, Toronto. Will Vi'nornan, at Sheppardton, has certainly 390(1 a red ticket and sweep- stakes diploma with a crop of potatoes he has just harvested, fIe planted S rotes of about 40 )'ods long with a potato called Delaware, and from 7 of these rows be to6k up 52 bags of potatoes which are a wonder for size and of a quality that could not be' excelled. Several of them, and not' specially selected samples either, weigh from 1e to 2i lbs. 0Ou ooT RADIAL SCHEME,- P110 Goclerich Star says ;-A. meeting was held in the Board of Trade rooms on Tuesday evening last of several citizens who have been taking an active interest in the promotion of the County radial railway scheme, Reeves R. 'W. Livingstone, of Grey, told John Leckie, of Brussels, who were in town, attended the meeting, 1110 p1l1'pOse- 01' which was to discuss +44d'+ +++1'+N{•+✓r•4'•h•b•I•'i'+'1'{••11.9.4 •P+3 + Order your •I• r .4,.: in a 1 Fa11 t d• Suit EARLY AND AVOID I THE RUSH Fits Right, +Worklnanohip Right M and Prioes Right T Paramatte Hain Coats 4. + Call and see them. - +l -Fie- .). n . astir .I• a Merchant Tailor 2 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •g.{'.g,.y.•l,.y.•i..F..i'.;.{.+p-l++F Good Values in 4. the best way to inform the citizens of the County geuetally as to the pas- eib]e route, progress of the survey, told any and all information which would be of interest to the citizens. It was agreed that this should be 0714t1011 up and sent to the County press with a request for its publi- cation, so that their readers may be kept -fully informed regarding the scheme and its progress. - Biliousness is certainly one of the most disagree- able ailments which flesh is heir to. Coated tongue -bitter taste in the mouth- nausea --- dizziness - these combine to make life a burden. The cause is a disordered liver -the cure Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. They go straight to the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanse the stom- ach and bowels, clear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the first sign of bilious- ness take Dr. Morsti's '0 Indian Root Pills Apples Wanted AT THE BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR On or after September 15th. The highest market prices will be paid according to quality. Apples may be shaken off trees. Packers' culls, windfalls, etc., will be taken. Small or Soft Apples will not be Accepted BUIICHILL & C+., Brussels 'PHONE 38x, • YOU PAY WHEN CURED Cured by the Neto Method Treatment t3HT NO NAMES 08.HO P TO SSE U D WITHOUT WRITTEN W EN CONSENT -ell NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middle-aged men ere annually swept to a premature grave through Early o s consult us befare 14 and *e D1119 70. If you have any k, the fol- lowing denI0 s gloomy, consult bs ore th (t is too late. Aro you nervous and weak, kehack, dent an gloomy, and mon s doles before g y, fo the eye,, Ohl dark os and under sedi weak bank, pimples on irritable, colp0700 sunken of the heart, bcheeks Carew rnd losses, n, poor ittm mory, lifmpso, to the tees 0 es g7, hollow cheeks, careworn r mFess ni poor memory, m000e, weak iadii progyanrl strength, one tired halt' moss nights, throat, et e mood,, weak manhood; prounnture decay, hone paha' rlln(r loose, sore alrroat, etc. YOU WILL BE A 'WRECK Our New. 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All letters fron yr -NOTICE 1 COnadamndbee Depae, to our'Canadian Cortes ouderic p e Depart imposimitmossi utent In 'Windsor, Ont, If you deem 40 sec us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as e'' see no patients in our Winder off] to h �' s awl treat c s which are for Correapondeuce and Laboratory for Canadian busieese only. Address ell letters ns ,follows DRS. KENNIGDY & KENNED'Y', Wind*or, OM. Write for our privateaddreoa. . - -