HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-10-16, Page 4erg
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TUITHUR 3DAY, OCTOBER 16, x9(3 Pafi;ttan sage is tiie eroparttldei that
^ I Grows Hair, 8tdps Dandruff Arid Makes Hair QIOrlausly Radiant
"SAFETY First" ie a movement among Money back sags Jae. Fox if Pat is -
railway ion Sage does not eradicate all den.
des aloe the right line, i•atlway employees g druff, stop splitting !lair, falling hair
and scalp {full and put life and lustre
into the dull, faded hair of auy man,
women or ebile
Parisian Sage is pleasant and re-
freshing. No cheap perfumery odor,
no disagreeable concoction, but a
daintily perfumed tonic-oue that is
not sticky or greasy -that proves its
goodness the first time you use it,
Baldness and faded hair are both
caused by dandruff germs, Parisiau
Sage kills the germs and causes the
hair to grow u bundently.
Large bottle at Jas. Fox's and drug-
gists everywhere. Regular price 50e.
Placing a higher premium on )Moat!
• life and limb is the ideal aimed ut.
Tan fox industry is growing "like
sixty" and the prices are soaring b. auti-
folly so that Rayeard has a valuation to•
clay that was unthought of a few years
ago. There are lines of business not so
highly perfumed but a fellow can over-
come that by wearing a clothes pin on
bis nose,
s sent -a -trip motor busses are said to be
revolutionizing passenger traffic in
York city. One Company is putting
104.0 Electric power busses into service
Instead of the usual conductor ladies
are in charge and are designated AS
cashiers; Proprietors claim women are
more ortnrteous and trustworthy than
man, hence their employment,
MONDAY of next week will he Thanks-
giving Day and will be observed as n
general holiday, Canadiaus have good
reason for a National giving of thanks
for blessings received ; disasters averted
freedom from war and pestilence ;
bountiful harvest and a healthy con.
dition of financial and commercial af-
fairs, Others, perhaps not as fortunate
as we are, should share in our willing-
ness to express our gratitude iu little
PEEL County will have a bye election
on November 3rd owing to the fact that
Bro. Sam. Charters M. P. P•, has been
put next the Government crib as
Registrar, In our opinion the Govern-
ment had no right to haul a member out
of bis seat and thereby put the country
to the expecte of a needless election,
Hundreds of men in Peel would have
accepted the office now filled and there-
by saved the turmoil and expense of au
Is' some of the new costumes for
women are true to the pictorial il-
lustrations then they are dandies. A
gentleman's castoff suit, too long and
too loose for the wearer, would repre
seut one of the outlandish outfits, worn
by some of the ladies who are bound to
be in the fashion no matter what kind
of gear they don to set the pace. The
old fashioned scarecrow in somebody's
corn field was not in it with what is
said to be the most fashionable outfits
placed upon the market today
Tres customery 'initiation" exercises
over the freshmen at tbe melons
schools and colleges have been ou the
program as of yore and the usual tom
foolery and rough -house tactics practic
ed with more than ordinary emphasis.
Why such fights are permitted by the
authorities iS a marvel. If a good sharp
lesson were taught, the offenders
brought before the beak charged with
t and if case were proven well
fined it 'likelywork its own cure.
Why such rowdyism, accompanied by
destruction of property and danger to
life and limb, is tolerated is a puzz'e
but it Is no credit to the young man-
hood of the loth century.
AGRICULTUSAL Societies are not the
easiest managed institutions in the laud,
especially as it relates to the finances.
Kincardine Fall Fair Directors, with a
good day,find themselves "in the bole"
this year to the tune of Someo and
this la not a solitary case. One trouble
is so many people Who ought ;to be in.
terested in such organizations stand
aloof and neither by word or deed lend
and If the Societyis financial)
ah .
ombarassed they say Poor manage-
ment" but dont attend an annual meet-
ing to hear the reports on hand over a
dollar membership fee, THE Posr is
pleased that East Huron Society has
kept cleat of the rocks and, barring bad
weather and a law suit,has al.
ways been able to square off
each year with ledger showing a credit
balance. Nevertheless there are many
in this locality who have never helped
to make it go better who might to. A
membership al Soo is a figure that weld
easily be attainedifthere was the rally
that s fine agriculturel country like that
Surrounding Brussels should be able to
get in motion. While tbe Gevefoment
grant is not now erased on membership
there is much to he desired in a solid
;Maim garx eemleg 'to directorate
and pspula ,z?cY, en anz'tytiou calcu-
lased to 4v g -4 v e .'Pnmuuily. A
gond fere rig(; ..tort! Fair is one of
the befit a.4veie set <er, a t teighb• {hood
Can hese andd',e5 a work !bat wield a
wider nZ?nenoe Ilan is .sometimes
imagireed. Tee writer could elle many
Inetantea uowll to bin' of business done
by raer!toriolas.ezbi%;its at Fairs, partic-
ularly en live ttoti.. grain, fruit, esti•
cultural fentelernents b egg.ea, tatters,
etc., and fist aefre teotly the 12017.
Supporter tit ttse I -:'err is one who
profile by else efforts of rias neighbor.
'!(here's prover in eeh egete'd e• ern hence
every good farntet or teeeteetebetl who
adds his unit tit Aiding'.0 tiro Well being
of an agency capable
of great good.
Cheer up tbe Directorate by giving the
Aerlcultural Society a boost,
A loan shark in New York has been
sent eci
penitentiary for for 6 months for
viol. g the law against usury. He
bad the nerve to exact as high as 200 per
cent for short date loans, so can well
afford now to take an enforced holiday,
His name was Tolman and years ago
did business in Montreal and Winnipeg.
He must be a near relative to old Mr.
Shylock and deserves snore than he re.
ceived in his imprisonment. Instead of
being called a shark he perhaps should
be designated as a whale.
We like the "get up" of the Japs in
their hustle for trade and commerce.
It they meet with obstacles they ap
pear to have the old Napoleonic as-
sertiveness and say, metaphorically,
"there shall be uo Alps." lust now
the flowery Kingdom is planning for a
Hue of ships to New York frim Yoko
llama, via the Panama canal. 'there
will be history making by Japan and
China in the coming years that will be
little short of marvellous we verily be-
lieve. Canada will require to be
wideawake and optimistic so that no
opportunities of broadening and in.
creasing our trade will be thrown a,vay.
We are long past our infancy as a
Dominion and the world expects us to
pink and act like wee developed adults,
What About Your Kidneys?
Your back aches and fairly groans
with the distress of kidney trouble.
You're discouraged, but you mustn't
give up. The battle can be quickly
won when Dr. Hamilton's Pills get to
work. These Kidney specialists
bring new health and vitality to
young and old alike. Even one box
proves their marvelous power.
Oontinue this great healer, and your
kidneys will become as strong, as
vigorous, as able to work as new ones.
Remember this Dr, Hamilton's Pills
are purely vegetable ; they do cure
liver, bladder and kidney trouble.
They will cure you, or your money
back. Price 25c. per box, at all
to Find Money
office Branch ofh
The a
" e o ce of the Ontario r
the Dominion Alliance is a busy
place at the present time. The Fall
and Winter Fleld Day Campaign has
begun. The Alliance is supplying
speakers for an average of 100 Sunday
services at which the movement for
the suppression of the liquor traffic
is forcefully advocated.
The staff, of more than 30 clerks,
is kept busy attending to corres-
pondence and other details, in ad-
dition to the men who constitute the
office staff and Field Secretary staff.
No effort or expense is beingspared
battle beingfor
In the great ba a waged ed
Lhe extinction of the bar rooms in
Local Option voting to take place in
the beginning of 1914.
a itime campaigns
Up to the presentns a p g
looking toward voting on January
5th have been launched in 48 muni -
h s on is a
cipalities. Of them lace e
city, 13 are towers, 14 are incorporated
villages e and the remainder are town
ships. There are 11 of the 48 which
have not before voted upon the
question of Local Option ; there are
10 in majorities were
against Local Option in former con-
teste; there are 20 in which Local
Option by-laws were defeated by the
three-fifths requirement and tier e is
one in which a Local Option by-law
r isubsequentlyrash-
waa ca (ted and gnash-
ed 4
d t ontechnicality.he list of
e t a T
the places in these rspective posi-
tions is as follows :-
Flame npt before voting, Towns -
Brockville, Prescott and Wiarton.
Villages -Jarvis, Matnsota and
Springfield, Townahips- Dunn,
Marmora and Dake, Ross, Russell and
Places giving majorities against
1x,eat Optlmn. Towns- Tillsmnbueg.
Vil}algete -Delhi, 1rerrickville, Morris-
burg and Woodbridge. Townships-
Ainwick, Baynam, Bexley, Mara and
Defeated by three-fifths. City
Senit (Ste. "alas{ T A i
AylmeAylmer, Barrie
e. owns- raps or,
, Cehourg, eleaford,
salon, V
ton. Grand Valley, Ii:ernptville, Port
Perry, Port Rowan and Sutton W.
1'ownehipt- Albermarle, Flambee()
W. Floe, t:r"eotgine, Gloucester,
Kitif y, ituslinch, Scarboro and Tay,
The quashed by -Taw, The muni-
eipallty in which a Local Option by-
law wee carried and subsequently
quashed, Is Etaetard and Burgess.
All these contests have been'
brought On by the ten'tperance party.
Others may be promoted, as the snb-
tnissian of e hy.Taw in a municipality
May be compelled by a petition of 25
per rant Of the eiectorrs flied with the
Oakville, Pictnn and `L'heg•
illu es -Bradford, Burling -
Is where you lost it. I am go-
ing to try and find some of
what I have lost iu Brussels
by giving YOU Photographs
at a little over half price for
Thirty days from October 5th,
Come early and get choice of
Mounts and Folders.
G. F. Maitland
municipal clerk on or before Novem-
ber lat.
The liquor men may also, by similar
action bring on an appeal contest in
any munici tility iu which a Local
i • ` 'f 3 years
p force t
Option -law is By
tvoteon the
since ahst
v elapsed ir tc h
question. It is therefore probable
that the total number of contests will
he much in excess of the 48 set out in
the foregoing list. There is going
to be a lively fight.
Ohronic Dyspepsia
The following unsolicited testimoni-
al should certainly be sumoieut to
give hope and courage to persons
afflicted with chronic dyspepsia : "I
have been a olhronia dyspeptic for
years, and of all the medicine I have
taken Ohemberlain's Tablets have
done me more good than anything
else," says W. G. Mattison, No. 7,
Sherman St„ Hornellsville; N. Y.
For sale by all dealers.
Heavy Draft. -Teats• John Wilkin -
MP. 3 D Campbell ; gelding or filly 3
years, J D Campbell, Alex Yuill ;
gelding or fitly 2 years, Chalmers
Bros, Alex Yuill ; gelding or filly,
year old, D Campbell, Chalmers Bros;
brood mare, Harry Ahrens, Chalmers
Bros ; foal, John G Cogltlin, Harry
Agricultural. - Team, Andrew
Schmidt, Alex Yuill ; gelding or filly,
3 year's, Win. Brown sr, 1st & 2 ; geid-
iug 01 filly 2 years, Clittlinet•s Bros,
Andrew Schmidt ; gelding or filly 1
year, Thos Bt•adnock, Win Brown ar ;
brood mare, Andrew Schmidt, Geo
Brown ; foal, Geo Brown, 13 F Otter,
Roadsters. -Team, Bet 1. Fatlis, Scott
Bros ; horses gelding or mare, B F
Calm, John Wilkinson; elding or
filliy" 8 years, John McLeod, Jas
Downey ; gelding or filly 2 years,
Newton Bros, Ohulmers Bros ; geld-
ing or filly 1 year, John Dinsmore ;
foal, 3 & D Wilkin, 1st & 2nd.
Carriage.- Team, Robt. McMane,
Ohme Welker; horse, gelding or mare,
H Youin, Alex Hamilton gelding or
filly, years, John Winter, 'fins Har-
rison & Songelding or filly, 2 years,
Russel Guthrie, Abram Johnston ;
gelding or filly 1 year, Wrn Rayson
& Son ; brood mare, Wtn Lambkin, J
& D Wilkin,; foal, J & D \Vilkin, Wm
Lam bki n,
Bnggy horse, Wm I•Ieutittgway, 0
Walter ; saddle horse, J & D Wilkin,
Wm Armstrong ; lady driver, Robt
McMane, Thos Harrison & Son, Louis
Pridhant ; beat horse agricultural and
heavy draft, Alex Yuill ; best horse
in road and carriage, Robt McMane.
r ' 1 liUrns• {Write, ;b 16.'ohn' 1?
at►oh; Bh t, , ,
c ks 1 Strdh
Stroh ;lug tarn width htr ,
\Vni At'titslt'otti • wyatitiut6es, \\t to
Armstrong 1 & 2 ; wyaudulle chicks,
\Yat ,\rieetrntrg 1 & 21 tttinoretts, l'Vni l
Bt'o•v a SI' 1 tuitiurea rU cks, Rrnt
Bt'ovu sl ; Jelin Dinsmore ; bantams,
\Vnr Armstrong & 2; bantam chicks,
Wtn Armstrong J & 2 ; pigeons
tuil, P Stroh \\"1n Arulstrong ;
pigeons any other kind, \\(tit Aral- t
`-" A1tDi FOR SA I,ID,^`L'be undorolgtiad lora
To.fifoiliiiitt01,lotgoeLsrjee. 'boor tact) use111,1tti,tla to 1i
5 uo•en
aonais i
11afi u
• ale, The
g m R
O n
tin, P
v, of 17
nd obtiuN-tin to t
j '
Iola 11 use bnn0lt barn, driv•
ew' ole
Alld1'etr'9 College, 5)ltO1 fl t(a Noor! sUotu nY cultivation and Ba,s
00odbufldnlgs'br ,051, 1)mta,tivulYnov.
lug house, pig pen, eta., I
A lhst•clase your orchard. oast ehttng all
T91$-04 Made of fruits and oleo small fruits, Pio
form la Weil folioed and drolnmi and iso, very
--- tlostroble hone. For fur then purtiottm'B apply
tyopram(soe m• ndcL•esa
28.11 JOHN'10hL1A11C10,Clinton,
'.int e PoS'i' has made lo 1'aUgeUkell 18
0 ulub with the fuliowing paper's stud
vitt be sent 10 any adds Iso (except. the
United States 50 cents even) at the
following subscription prices: --
POST and Toronto G lube 81 60
" Mail and Euipire,,,, ,1 00
" Loudon Advertiser.,,, 1110
" Loudon Ft05 Ple55 1 80
'" Fatally Herald and Star 1 80
Montreal Witness 1 SU
Nttrmets' Advocate 2 85
" Northern Messenger,,1 85
POST and Toronto Star $2 85
'' Toronto News 2 85
" Toronto Globe 4 50
loronto 4
„ Toronto World,.,-•• 3 50
" London Advertiser...,2 80
Call at the office or remit the
amount by P• 0. Order, Express Older
or Registered Letter addressing -
Brussels, Ont.
strung, Jas Downey, e
Red Winter wheat, Andrew
Schmidt, T; Krohn ; white Whiter
wheat, Andrew Schmiclt, Gen Haines ;
spring wheat any kind, E Kr'olnt ;
barley, Andrew Schmidt, Geo Haines ;
large peas, Geo RainesE Krohn ;
small pens, Andrew 'Schmidt), E
Krohn ; white oats, Andrew Schmidt,
B Krohn ; black oats, Andrew
Schmidt, E Krohn ; collection of
grain Tn straw, E !Crohn ; sheaf ex-
hibit ;-The best sheaf of grain taken
from the fields entered by the Society
in Standing Field Crop Oompetition,
1918, E Krohn, Harvey Sperling, J
100 bs, flour by manufaetnrer, 3
Steinmillel' ; packed butter 20 lbs, \fir
Armstrong, CO Walter i packed butter
10 lbs, Wtn Armstrong, el McMillan ;
5 pound butter in rolls, Alex.Yuill, J
W Edgar ; three prints butter 1 lb
each, R J Sanderson, Win Arm-
strong ; two loaves bread homemade,
A Schmidt, August Keil ; loaf bread,
halt dozen plain buns and a pie, any
kind made by gill under 14, A
Schmidt ; pie apple, Albert Toner,
Mrs Jas 13ruo'u ; pie pumpkin, Mrs
Wm Wherry, Wm Rayson & Son ;
buns, J W Edear, A Schmidt ; oat-
meal cakes. Mrs Jas Beswitbei'iek, 3
& D Wilkie ; tea biscuits, W H
Gregg, August Keil ; fruit rake, H
Sperling, Mrs Wm \Vherley ; jelly
cake, Geo Haines, J W Edgar ; comb
honey, le Stroh ; strained honey, P
Stroh, G Haines ; pickles vegetable,
A Schmidt, Mts G '1` \Vheeley;
pickles fruit, P Stroh, Miss Tughau ;
maple syrup, 0 Walter, Adam Reis ;
jelly named, Alex Yuill, Hy Bay-
lor ; collection of canned fruit, H
Sperling, P Stroh, Alex. Yuill ; best
collection of jelly, Alex Yuill, 13
Spading, Miss Tnghan.
18 and 14 years old, Ruby Watters,
Alice Sohaefee ; 11 and 12 years old,
Jane Vines, Aloha Hustle ; 10 years or
under, Elsie RJeDermid, L Gedcke ;
Business ' College specials, Ruby
Watters, A,iceSheerer, Vera 11aase..
Fanning mill, Oole & Welsh, Ethel.
(Continued on page 1)
Durhams-Ball, under 2 years, John
Walters,JasConnell • bull calf nudes
1 year, ohn Watters,
Jas Connell ;
female any age, R J Sanderson ; cow
4 years old or over, John Waters ;
cow under 4 years, John Watters ;
heifer 2 years, R J Sanderson ; year-
ling heifer, J B Menzies, Jas Connell ;
heifer calf under 1 year, RJ Sander-
son, John Watters; herd, John Wat-
Grade. -Cow, Ed Lambkin, R J
Sanderson ; yearling heiier, R J San-
derson John Watters ; heifer calf,
led Lambkin 1st & 2nd Milch cow,
Wm Lambkin • village cow,
kin,Alex Hamilton.
2 years,Wtn
Yostn - at sBall under
Lambkin cow 4 yeass old a
ud over,
Wm Lambkin let & 2nd cow under 4
years, Wm Latebkimist & 2nd ; heir.
et`,4years old, Wm Lambkin lst &
2nd ; yearling heifer, Wm Lambkin
Win Lambkin •
if L
lst & 2nd • ball ca
Lambkin 1st and
heifer call', Wm Lnmb
c ,
refardsBulI under 2 years, Jas
Downey; cow 4 yeare or over, Jas
Downny 1st & 2nd ; cow under 4 years,
1 let & 2nd ; heifer 2 ears
Jas Downey s
21 yearling heif-
Downey 1st & id ; y i t i
d ; hall calf,
er, Jae Downey,1st & 211
Jas Downey ; heifer calf, Jas Downny
let & 2nd ; bull any age or breed,
John Watters.
Leieesters,-Aged ram, R J Sander-
son ; shearling rata; R J Sanderson,
Jas Downey ; ram lamb, R T Saucier --
son, Wtn Brown sr ; pair ewes having
raised lambs in 1918, R 3 Sanderson.
Wm 13rowtt'0 ; pair shearling ewes,
R J Sandei•acn, Wm Brown sr; pair
ewe lambs, R .1 Sanderson, Wm
Brown sr ;;ien, R J Sanderson.
Oxford Downs.-- Shearling ram,
MoEwon Bros ; rain ltttub, Jas Con-
nell, McEwen Bios pair ewes having
raised lambs in 1918, McEwen Woe,
Jas Connell ; pair shearing ewes, .las
Onnnell, Ivl°Ewen Bros ; pair ewe
lambs, McEwen Bros, Jas Connell ;
pen, elaEtven Bros.
Grades. --Best motto; sheep, R J
Yorkshire White. -Boar 0 months
and under 12, 5 Krohn 1 & 2; brood
sots, E Krohn; sow 6 months and
under 12, E Krohn 1 & 2.
Geese, 3? Stroh 1 & 2 ; turkeys, P
Stroh, Wm Armstrong; ducks, Pekin,
P Stroh 1 & 2; dunks any other kind,
Wm, Brown er, 30,8 Downey ; ply-
lymouth reeks batted, T' Stroh, Wm
thrown at' ; plymouth rocks any other
kind, Wm Artniltrotig plymoeth
rook ebioks eby °thee kind, Wila Arta.
Comfort Your Stomach
We pay for this treatment if it
fails to promptly relieve Indiges-
tion and Dyspepsia.
Recoil Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
etomaoll troubles because they con-
tain the proper proportion of Pepsin
and Bismuth and rho necessary ear-
minatives that help nature to supply
the elements the absence of which
in the gastric juices pauses indiges-
tion and dyspepsia. They aid the
stomach to digest food and to quickly
convert it into rich red blood and
'notarial necessary for overcoming
natural body waste.
Carry a package of Rexall Dys-
pepsia Tablets in your vest pocket,
or keep them in your room. Take
one after each heavy meal and prove
our assertion that they will keep indi-
gestion from bothering you.
Wo know what Roxall Dyspepsia
Tablets are and what they will do.
We guarantee them to relieve indi-
gestion and
or to
your money, if they ail to so.
can't it stand to reason a
wouldn't that we
wuldn't assume this money risk were
we not certain Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets will satisfy you? Three sixes,
25 cents, 50 cents 51.00.
You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
in this community only at our store:
Bruaselse &ore Ontario
There is a Rexall Store in nearly every town
and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. There is a different Remit
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human i11-
eaah eseppeoially designed for the particular ill
for whloh it Is recommended.
America's tea
ores aro A
SHOT IN THE FOOT. -While out
shooting muskrats, Lawrence McCrae,
son of James M00rae, Trowbridge,
accident that his
tinct with a peroral t L c
ant-s91t 4
going about, with the
1 �' La load-
aid of cradles. L2
a 82 rifle when in Gonne 'mower it
discharged, the bollen going through
hv r
foot. Hes condition is lao
19 left f,
aisle however and he has so recovered
to neldeltirm oilt onetla last. week
t g g Y
to the scene of the accident where he
located the bullet fully 6 inches in the
Writs are out for t r he South Bruce by-
election, Nomination will be held on
Oct, 23, and polling. on Oct 3o,
Late Thursday night a very heavy
thunder storm struck Lucicuow and
vicinity. During the height of the
storm the barn of Jack McNamara, who
lives near Kinteil, was streak and burn -
ed to the ground, with alt is contents
including the threshing machine, which
was still in the barn after threshing.
The damage was partially covered by in.
suranne. The storm WAS severe and
lasted for two hours, heavy rain and hall
falling during the time it lasted,
Avoid Sedative Cough Medioino6
11 you want to 'contribute directly
to the ocaurrencee of capillary bron-
chitis and pneumonia, use cough
medicines that contain cotline, 1010r-
phlrle, heroin and other sedatives
teflon you have a cough Or colts. An
expectorant like Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy Is what is needed. That
cleans ant the etiltuee beds or breed-
ing places for the germs of peeinnahia
and other getin diseases. Thai is
Why pnenmonia never results from a
cold when Chernberlain's Uateg�h
RetnedyTs used, It has a world wide
reputation for its mires. 11 eonteinh
no morphine or other sedative. For
pale by alt dealers,
For )Flair {Health
If Rexall ""93" Hair Tank does
not improve the health of your
scalp and hair, we will pay for
what you use during the trial.
We could not so strongly endorse
Rexall "93" Hair Tonle and continuo
to sell it.to the same people if it did
not do all we claim. Should it not
prove entirely satisfactory our cus-
tomers would lose faith in us, lve
would lose their patronage, and onr
business would suffer.
If your hair is fulling out or you
. suffer any scalp trouble, we believe
Roxall "93" Har Tonle will do morn
to eradicate the dandruff, give health
to the scalp, stimulate new hair
growth and prevent premature bald-
ness than any other human agency.
We want you to make us prove
this. Wo ask you to risk no money
whatever. Buy a bottle of Roxall
"03" Hair Tonna, use it according to
directions for thirty days; thea if
• you are not entirely satisfied, come
and tell us and we will promptly band
back the money you paid us for it,
We won't ask you to sign any-
thing, nor oven to bring the bottle
back. We won't obligate you in
any way. We will take your utero
word. Could anything be more fair?
Could we do anything more to prove
our belief in Rexall "93" Heir Touno,
and our honesty of purpose in recom-
mending it to you?
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is as pleas-
ant to use as spring water and has
but a faint, pleasing odor. It comes
in two sizes of bottles, 500 and 51.00.
You can buy Rexall "93" Nair Tonic
in this community only at our store:
Brussels he 311, ROM Ontario
There is a Rexall Store in nearly every town
and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. There is a different Rexall
Remedy for neatly every ordinary human M-
eath espeoially designed for the particular ill
for which it is recommended.
Tho ResellStores are America's Greatest
Drug Stores
The People's Oolumn
eM 0Lune'nli• term, belay 11, l 8,0r57 Iattars
fur rental, Poi0o55lon 0000
.lets 1019,p privilege or plowing
FuU..P01. further
tile, 3081001 02tseAt/n,
tr. LnelnlOW.
( F,FOUSl2 and lot for sale, Brussels South.
Umnfoetnblo home good etnbl5, cellar
ole„ and � ao•aof !midi lel nedhrte pwOesaton
can he glven A bargain for somebody. FM.Lnrther particulit rsapply t0 1 0018.512(1 120E,
John Street, Brunets.
- �Prodnoe waroltonee t Brussels
$talion G, 1 R lror pertioulnrs 1777 pb• ro
__�.._....._._ ___._ .:l I aaata, 19(110)010....^
{ w parU•t Lot 24, FARM
n,FORL1rey 18, 01 ilefeH, till
cleared and well underdralued, Frnmo house
' and bank barn, well watered, Tltere le also
offered for sale 100 pores bring :IT 82, 0th
hieh are cleared.
0 o of le o 1 50 of wile
properties to be cold to close out senate.
t D. 01 W.
DI It ILL IDtl el P,
ho D1hta, r e G
D1. $rNaLAIR, Barrister, Bruesole, Onb, 1'P,
made provision for employment dur-
ing the Fn11 and Winter menthe or do
you wish eteady remnnerative work
the year through. Write us mrd secure
our ngent's terms. We offer the best
in the business. Pay weekly, free out.
186, exclusive territory.
under cultivation. Established over
869e years Areputation f •
high grade
stock and
fair dealing. Belmont'man
n fox -. s. We
tmakemon( selling ,u
onlg -
want Is energetic reliable man for
Brussels end vicinity. For terms write
Toronto, Ont.
Free oat»lo
on roueet
N. H eue o 4
• 1
e eler
e •
I -lave your Watch,
Clock and Jewel-
e\\ el-ry Repaired at
Wroxeter, and you
Will get ' satisfac-
o �.
a!� Work Guaranteed a
• • ,
+ +
i J. R. Wendt •.
• s oiler' and Engrave!.
• 3ry x
dersigned will sell the South Half of
Farm Lot No, 18, in the ash Concession of the
Township of Morris, at n bargain, to the first
buyer. On the farm is a. good modern brink
house and first•otase bank barn and is a well
fenced farm, consists of 100 acres and ie well
situated for markets, Owner now ill West Is
the reason for sale. Apply for further par•
tioulans to F. 8• SCOTT, Brueaels,
STRAYED from Lot 02, 0011.0., Rowlett, 7
yearling naives. Among them one 1107
h eifer, 1 red steer with white spots, the others
chiefly red in Dolor. No horns. Anyone find -
sag them please notify R. GRAINGER,
C The undersigned offers for sale his fine
100 acre farm, being North Half Lot 20, Oom 8,
Morris township, Huron Oo. Farm is Ina good
state of cultivation, well fenced, and has on it
a fine.briak house that soot $5,000. Good lawn
surrotnded by cedar hedge. Barn 62 x 00 feet
on Atone foundation, Good orchard and 10
floras of hardwood bush Fenn is only a mile
from the splendid market town of Brussels
and is 113 tell es from school, Good minimum
sty, Poaee8e1on at once. For further particu-
lars, price, terms, &a:. apply on the premises
ar to JOHN MOONEY', Proprietor, Brussels
P. 0.
Auction Sales
▪ 20 00508 Mire W000, -F• 0. Scott, Auc-
tioneer, hue received instructions from the
undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot
10, Con. 18, Grey Twp., on Friday, Oct. 81, at 1
o'clock, the following valuable property: -1
aged draft mare, 1 carriage horse 10 rears old,
I draft horse rising 6 years, 1dreft Masa rise
ing 9 years, 1 draft mare rising 5 years, l
draft horse rising"L years, 2Sprfng col t0, 1 cozy
due to calve December 2nd, 5 cows supposed
to be in oalf, I Hereford Bull Tieing 8 years, 0
steers rising 2 veers, 0 Spring calves, about 20
oords 20 inch stove wood. Sale without re-
serve as the proprietor ie over-stookod.
Termst-Alfenme of 225.00 and ender cosh;
00er that amount 10 menthe credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint notes 9
per cent off for cash on credit emonnts,
Wood to be cash. ROHT. HOUSTON,
7n56151478, .ao.-F, B. Scott Auotioneer,
has received instructions front the miderelgn-
ed to sell byublic auction at N. Half Lot 18,
0on.. 8, Morrie, on Wednesday, Oct. 22nd at 1
p m. the following valuable property: -1
heavy draft mare In foal !years old, 1 heavy
draft horse years old,. 1 Heavy draft mare
rising 0 ye0re in font, 1 )envy draft gelding
rising 2 yeans,1 cow supposed in oelf, 2ireilers
rising 1 year, 1 steer rising 1 year, 8 steers
rising 8 years, number of poultry, 1 top buggy
1 cutter, 1 lumber wagon, '1 set bob•aleiahs, 1
B et double harness, 1 set eing le hal nen, 1
binder, 1 mower, 1 Beed drill, 1 hey fork, ropes
and pulleys, r set slings, I nerrow plow, 1 set
iron narrows 1 fanning mill 1 grindstone 1
hay rack, 1 pia box, 15 tone timothy hay, 1100
bushels este, 10U bushels barley, quantity of
straw, set whiffietreea and neck yoke, scythes,
forks, raises and numerous other ertioles.
Sale without resolve as the proprietor 1s
giving up fanning Terme:-All emus of 15.00
and under 55511• over that amount 12 months
credit will be given on furnishing approved
joint notes. 6 percent off for cash on credit
amounts, 3170. KELLY, Proprietor.
elements, &o. P. S. Scott, Auctioneer,
has received instructions from the under-
signed to sell by Public Auction at rot 0, con.
2, Grey on Tueedny, Oct. 2latnt 1 o'elook, the
following valuable property :-1 driving mare
rising 0 years, 1 heavy drift colt rising 4
yoers,2 heavy draft colla riaing8 years 1
driving colt( sing 8 years ;!heavy draft mine
rising 5 years in foal to Drtmlburle, 1 horse
risin g 9 years, 1 filly rising 8 years, 2 oows sup•
posed in °elf, !heifer 1 year old, 1 steer 1 year
015, 2 calves 12 good elves, 1 wagon, 1 roller,
1 sot of dlso harrows, 1 seed drill, 1 set of 2000
lb settle,' too buggy, 1 open buggy,. 1 cutter
nearly new, 1 rnbber•lined rug, 2 eats single
harness, 2 fanning mills, churn, 2 water tanks,
dozen chairs,die]crooks mid limner.
tate other ACti0lae Fala without receive as
the Proprietor is giving
,t farming.
sum• of $5,A0 and underb over that
nmonnt 12 menthe creditwill
hegiven nn
furnishing Approved Toiet Noted 9 nor rent
nIS P5' °A=lt on eredlb motets. ELIJAH
JACKLIN, Proprietor,
•�.J►.�d►La� �®a,►s�I►e
1-1, LOVE
Funeral Director
AUCTION •rs, Sto -F, S, Snott, neetioreer,
has received instnnOnh/9 t0 sell by Public
urtion 01Lott',
It(1 (on 10, Grey township,nsh1p
Friday, 0otoUa17th at 1 p.nr the following
• 0 e gown]. ptspensmare
0001old s1ppna 1 5andral lone
hone ,yrar,,4coes snppnaed incalf tone
to emue ear&'fn November,
1 ferrate sow, 6
helfererising 2ywoa 2Pulingcalves, 21uin•
bei. wagons 1 set bob sleighs, l einale baggy,
1 oattet 1 Rot double harness, 1 RnoteyRn relit
binder, 1 Massey Anrris mower, 1 hay tondo,'
neurty new, I luny rake IO foot, 1 Reed drill, 2
set iron harrows, 1low, 1 gang plow, 1 straw
cutter, 1 fanning mill, 1 Ret scales, 1 root jnnp-
err I sickle grind m', 1 hey t'oolg,0 11011)501 of
grRbn bees.s, 1 ladder 22 feet lon •
pfurniture, ounntlb? of thepane
pails. 50. .eYer reaocl Tneny other •uI1
article.. _Sale without
vo-°rvo as prnprieim'
has sold his term. Terms :-A 11 aunm of 81.00
endunder00011, over that amount 12 manilla
credit on Approved joint Sotos, 5 percent off
Por molt on credit amounts. F. S. Scott, Auc.
Wm. Terrwh, Proprietor,
Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be
held in Brussels this season as follows t
THURSDAY, NOV, 00, 1918
Elea, 4Lhi, 1018
JAN, 8tr, 1914
Fn11, oth,'1914
t11AR. 511, 1014
APIC. 21nef, 1914
Lecat and Outside Buyers
Will be preaeftt,
Orders promptly and care•
fully attended to night or
dayPhone 228.
SA. E OF 17.51207 TOR, IR-
Brick and
At Henfryn
Yards in abundance.
Guaranteed to be First-
class. All Sizes from 3-
inch to 7 -inch on hand,
8 and 10 -inch made to
S. 8. Cole
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033 Brandon Man.,
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, bolt and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fillings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &e.
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give ale a call,
A. HAMANN, brook
s of ambitious young peo-
ple are fast preparing in their own
homes to occupy lucrative posit{cna 00
stenographers, bookkeeeeie, (elegem
phare, civil servants, In fact every
sphere of activities, You may $nleh nt
college if you so wish. Positions gem,
anteed, Enter college any day. Iudl-
vidual instruction.. Expert teachers.
Thirty years' experience. Largest
trainers its Canada. Seven colleges,
eoiel oo re 01 n e•
S u e f to 011 s,
Affiliated w1t 1r cornala sal Educe.
to•'eAsaoainLion o1 Cannda, Stitt mer
School at famous $port n Business Col.
lege. London,
Winghem Business College
350, 5700'105, W. T. 1110085,
Proeidont. Princh,nl.
Cu red
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will' core ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is,
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rap-
• lure becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait fill in coupon
Agee Time Rup
Single or Doable ......................•
Name i
and return to
J. SY SN11"TF"i
es Caledonia Ht.
,131pt.. A • StratttfOrti- 0044