HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-10-9, Page 8Hers Layii
At this time of year hens need every
aid they can get to bring them into
good condition and keep them lay -
Hess' Poultry Panacea
enables lens to get the very most of
egg -making material from the stuff
fed, It also keeps fowl healthy, re-
lieves disease and makes a flock
strong and vigorous,
35c a: package
Large 5 Ib. package 11350
Goes a long ways because the dose
is small.
Water Glass Egg Preserver
Eggs put in a solutiou of Water
Giese will keep fresh for months. A
tin at esc will do about nine dozen
eggs. Tbis is the time to put then
Thanksgiving Post Cards and Novelties
The Ea/,X Store
The Metropolitan Bank
Lieut Fad
Post Cards
Panels and
Hand Coloring
We have just received a nice assoltment
of these and anyone, who has any taste
at all for this art, should start at hand
coloring as it promises to be the most
popular pastime of the season,
Designs by Arcbie Gunn, each 25c
Designs by Harrison Fisher 2oc
Designs by Lillian Walker rye
Small Panels each 5e
Color Boxes each 151
Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Dat, 20th
armal Baas Melts
BOOST- Brussels.
LOCAL news on page 2.
THE stork is busy these days.
APPLE picking is on the program.
BOWLERS still stick to the green in the
SCHOOL Board Friday evening of
this week.
CHICAGO Quartette this (Thursday)
SOME of these days remind us of the
good old Summer time.
AUc'reox sales are livening up.
Consult THE POST for dates.
BRUssEL5 tax rate for 1813 will be 20
mills on the dollar, the same as last
BRUSSELS Fall Fair Prize list may be
read on page 4 and Blyth Fair on list
page 3.
BRUSSELS Evaporator wants your
apples and are ready to take any
A NUMBER of Brusselites attended the
Teeswater Fall Fair on Wednesday of
this week.
Doer forget the Women's Institute
Bakery Competition to be held Friday
afternoon of next week at the Carnegie
Library buildiue,
25 CENTS a bag paid for apples at
Brussels evaporator, none to be small-
er than 2:E inches through. Now is a
good time to rush them in.
ONE of these days Brusselites will go
to Bayfield or the County town per
electric radial railway. Can't set the
date this week however.
THE front of the Baeker block, ten-
anted by Barrister Sinclair, ,. G. Jones
and S C. Wilson, has been improved
by a new dress of paint.
CHICAGO Quartette Brussels Town
Hall this (Thursday) evening under
the auspices of Brussels Public Library.
They come highly recommended.
RATxs for meals and liquid refresh
monis have advanced at the Queen's
and Central hotels, Brussels, in keep.
ing with an advance in many other
THE: bell and hose tower is being
sheeted this week by Gerry & Walker
with galvanized iron It should be a
permanent piece of work when complet-
VACATION in East Huron Inspector-
ate in connection with the Schools
Thursday and Friday of this week.
The Convection for teachers is on the
program at Clinton.
TEE fine roadster prize winning foal
belongioe to Alfred Baeker, from "Cup
bearer" has been sold to D. M. Scott,
of town, for er5o.00. It should be a
"comer" all right.
A new verandah and platform is
being built at the Pryne Milling
Company's mill which will add to the
convenience of customers and the
emyloyees of the mill as well,
FOUND.—A Locket and necklet Was.
found in the rink the night of the
Concert. Owner may have same by
proving property and paying for this
notice by applying to THE POST.
Dr, Alex, McKelvey, who removes to
Toronto this week, purposes to make
professional visits to Brussels and
locality en dates to be named. He
specializes on ear, nose and throat and
has been busy since his return from
Boston but is due now at Toronto,
where he has opened an office in a most
eligible location See professional card,
MILVERTON.—Matinee races under the
auspices of the Sporting Association
will be bald at Milverton on Thanks.
giving Day, Monday, October zoth,
when the following program will be run
oft :-2.25 trot or pace, purse $8o ; 2.40
trot or pace, purse $75 ; 3.00 trot or
pace, purse $5o. It is expected that a
large string of horses will be entered
and a good afternoon's sport provided.
CLIMBING TO THE TOP.—The people of
Brussels and locality were well pleased
last week to learn that Dr, Alex. D.
McKelvey, of this place, had received
the university appointment to the
visiting staff of the new General
Hospital, Toronto, in the department
of ear, nose and throat. His associate
will be Dr, Edmund Boyd, son of
Judge Boyd. Dr. McKelvey is well
equipped for his new honors as he
spent 31- years in Boston where he
demonstrated in Harverd Medical
School and as 550101 resident surgeon
of the Massachusetts Charitable Eye
and Ear infirmary, the largest institu-
tion of the kind in the world. He was
also a member of the visiting staff in
the Mass. General Hospital. The Dr,
left en Thursday for Toronto where he
opens practice et his new home, 193
Bloor street, East. He begins this
duties in the hospital at once, Mrs,
McKelvey, his mother, and Miss
Barbera McKelvey, B. A„ will remove
to the Queen city next week where
they; Will take up residence. Many
good wishes will accompany the family
for years of happiness and prosperity,
THE POST subscription list continues
to grow very nicely. Are you on it 1
PUBLIC Library will not be open
Thursday evening of this week owing
to the Concert iu the Town Hall,
Regular hours in the afternoon.
THANKFUL.— We are grateful t0 a
number of our patrons for settling up
old accounts due THE POST and will be
glad to hear from scores of others.
rant bushes are putting out blossoms
fora second crop in the garden of N.
McCauley. This part of the country is
about as good as the old time Eden
of this week THE Pos'r was presented
with a spray from a raspberry bosh cot
in the garden of D. Raise on which
was a number of ripe berries, the second
growth. If we could increase the
quantity it would be delightful.
AaoLoaY. T hereby apologize to Miss Hazel
Bozell for atatementa defamatory to her
character made by one to various persons as
well as those contained in anonymous letters.
written by me. I regret exceedingly the
wrong I did Mies Rozell in making the said
statementsq. There was no truth In therm and
I hereby withdraw them. (Signed)
CELERY for sale. Apply to R. Locking, Lot
22, Con. 12, Grey Twp. Oranbrook P. 0.
Phone 5515.
A PINE young Jersey cow for Bale,
G. A. i)EAnMAN.
KINDLY SETTLE.—All accounts due the un-
dersigned not settled by November lst will
have to be handed into other hands for collec-
tion. M. _H. MOORE, P. 5, Listowel.
Goon building lot for sale, corner Queen
and Albert streets, Brussels containing X
sore. Will be sold at reasonable figure. Ap-
ply to Bert Lott, or Tan POST.
ODIUM ladder for sale, 22 feet long with iron
stooks on one end. Will be sold at a bargain.
Enquire at THE POET.
SEE T. McGregor abort saws when you have
wood to out. Brussels Ont.
WAesnraoos coat lost between A. Bishop's
and W. Wilkinssn's. Pinder will much oblige
by leaving it at Tan Poem. Geo. Crooks,
70050 collie dog strayed, tan in Dolor with
white breast and narrow white strip on face.
Any information concerningr, the dog will be
thankfully reeeived. HAMMY BRYANs,
Brrissels, Telephone 75.
FOR SALE.—A roadster filly rising 8 years,
broken to harness, cheap or exchanged for a
miloh cow as part pay. R. HENDERsoN,
REPAnte for the Fleury, Oliver, Prost &
Wood and Oookahutt Plows sold by E. G.
Plum, Brussels.
Gotta wanted Immediately to work in Brus-
sels Evaporator. Apply to Burchill & Co.
Phone 00.
Juo. Sangster has accepted a situation
at Monktun and he and Mrs. Sangster
will be moving next week, While
sorry to see them removing from town
we wish them prosperity and can
heartily recommend them to the people
of Monkton and locality as first-class
Stewart Wren had a close call on
Tuesday. He was out with his father
making pastoral calls and was seated in
the buggy. When Rev. Mr. Wren got
in the rig the horse was keen to go and
in bolding it up until all were ready a
little jolt slid the laddie.off the seat and
to the ground between the wheels.
The back wheel ran over him across the
thighs but outside of a little stiffness no
apparent damage was done and the
young gentleman is about, as well as
ever. It might easily have been worse.
following from Bayfield refers to Bars.
seta vary own William Campbell Smith,
brush and paint artist :—We would al-
so like to speak of a feat of bravery
performed by one Mr. Smith, the
gentleman who painted the steel bridge
who on coming into town openly de.
clared himself to be a Scottish Liberal.
Perhaps it is because he was Scotch
that he had the courage to disturb such
a hornet's nest of 'Dories but let us
recommend that the name of Mr. Smith
be placed on the Carnegie Medal list.
PRIZE Cooluso.—At the next meet-
ing ot Brussels Women's Institute, to
be held Friday, October i7tb, at 2.3o
p. m„ prizes will be awarded by the
Institute for baking as follows :—
let and
Butter r ib 300 25
Loaf bread white 15 Io
Brown bread 55 10
Buns dos 15 50
Plain biscuits 15 xo
Fruit cake . 25 15
Dark layer cake .. 20 15
White cake 15 10
Groep cookies light, dark and
oatmeal doz. each 25 55
Graham gems, ' doz. le 10
Cornmeal gems i doz. ...... .,15 10
Scones doz 15 xo
:Tarts ,, dos.,.... .., 15 xo
Short cake bread 15 10
Cream puffs iitdos 15 10
Apple ;lie .15 Io
Pumpkin pie 20 x0
Competition will not be confined to
members of the Institute blit ladies of
Brussels and locality will be welcome.
There will be no entrance fee but one
exhibit from each competitor will be.I part. We hope he will enjoy life in the,
QOM the property of the lnatithte, Chisel° City,
Capital Paid up -
Undivided Profits
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
Oue prize exhibit, .will also go to In-
stitute, excepting the fruit cake, to be
sold at close of meeting and funds ap-
plied to Institute work. Entries are to
be placed by 2 o'clock so as to permit
of judging at 2. so p. m.
People We Talk About
G. A. Deadman is away to Merlin for
a few days.
Miss Lizzie Downing was a Gerrie
visitor on Saturday,
Miss Robb, of Bluevale, spent Fair
day with Miss Annie Forsyth.
Mrs. Ross, of Blyth, spent Friday and
Saturday with Brussels friends,
The Drage family is back to town
atter an absence of a few months.
Miss Kemp. of Listowel, was the
guest of Miss Isabel Strachan last week,
Mrs, S. Cade, of Goderich, spent
Friday with her aunt, Mrs. J. Down-
Mrs. R. McKelvey, of Listowel,
visited her brother, A. Lamont, last
Miss Myrtle Wilson is visiting rela-
tives and lriends in Toronto fur a few
M. Y. McLean, of The Huron
Expositor, Seaford], Was iu town last
Mrs. Mason, of Merlin, is a visitor at
the parental borne with Councillor and
Mrs. McGuire.
Mrs. Duncan, of Atwood, was a visit-
or with Mrs. Wm. Mtulin for a few
days last week.
A. C. and Mrs. Dame. left Tuesday
for the West on a trip, combining
business and pleasure.
Mrs, (Dr.) Coyne, of Bothwell, is
holidaying with her sister, Mrs, Leckie.
She was a former resident,
Mrs. Alex. Cameron and son Harold,
of Listowel, were visitors with N. and
Mrs. lvlcCaulay last week.
H. L. lackson is spending a holiday
with relatives and friends at Hamilton, The 1'hanksgivine services in St.
Buffalo, N. Y., and other cities. John's church last Sunday were well at.
Willie Harkness had the misfortune tended. Church was very nicely rec-
to cut the forefinger of his right baud orated and special music provided.
Rector Page gave two good sermons
and a liberal offering was placed upon
the plates although uo special plea was
Next Sabbath morning Rev, D.
Wren, M. A , will commence a series
of five discourses on 'Building the
Clouse of Jehovah"—the topic of first
sermon being "'rhe house itself, its
piens and specifications." These ser-
mons are preparatory to Missionary
Day. Eveuing subject will be "Some-
thing we all might practice bat dont "
A Mission Study class will be organiz
ed next Wednesday evening ie Melville
church, at the close of the regular pray-
er meeting. The book to be studied is
a most interesting one entitled "Across
5 Republics on horseback." by Dr. Ray,
a medical missionary. All intelested
are asked to attend on Wednesday
BILle Class For adults next Sunday
morning at to a. m. in St. John's church
and Sunday School at the same hour in-
stead of in the afternoo',. Next Sunday
regular service at r1 a. m. subject.
"Thou art. the man" 7 p. m. "A
sorrowfuil young man." After even-
ing set vice meeting of the Anglican
YoungPeople's Association, Miss Ina
Brvans presiding, Paper on "Church
attendance" by Mrs. W. W. Harris.
S. S. CONVENTION — Instead of a
Central Convention for the Provincial
S. S. Association there will this year be
two, one at Owen Sound Oct, 28-3o
the other at Ottawa 22-24, Those
who attend Owen Sound will be
privileged to hear the celebrated
Marion Lawrence, General Secretory
International and World's S. S. Aso
elation, Prof. Excel,. of Chicago and
Prof, Roper will have charge of the
music. Single Fare on all railroads.
There will likely be a large delegation
from Huron County,
Thos. and Mrs. Bradnock,o®ie,
attended the Brussels Fair on Friday,
Miss Irene Sheriff, who is teaching in
Brussels returned with them for a few
day's visit.
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and
son, of Stratford, came to Brussels in
their car and were accompanied by
Misses Farrant, Elgie, Copp, Hazel
Lowry and Kathleen Wilton, a
quintette;of Normalites, the two latter
being Brusselites, The company spent
a jolly time and while in town visited
at the homes of A. J. Lowry and S.
Wilton, They returned Sunday to be
ready for Monday's exercises.
Rev. Andrew Scott, ot Hoopeston,
Ill„ was a welcome visitor with his
sister, Mrs. P. Watson and old friends.
He is a son ot the late Adan] Scott,
4th line, Morris townsliip, and left hero
over 25 years ago. Mr. Scott has done
well in the ministry of the Christian
church and was 7 yea's in Dauville,
III., before accepting his present
pastorate, The revereud gentleman
had been attending the great Convention
of the Disciple denomination at Tor-
onto and called at Brussels while en
route to inc hotne. His work evidently
agrees well with him. THE PosT was
glad to have a call from him.
Church Chimes
Next Tuesday Confirmation Class
will be started in St. John's vestry at 8
p. m.
Congregational meeting of St. John's
church will be held in the basement of
the elrureh Friday evening, Oct, loth,
at 8 o'clock.
Sabbath next Communion will be ob-
served in Melville church, Preparatory
service Friday at 2.30 p m. will be ad-
dressed by Rev. D Perrie, Wingham, a
well known reverend gentleman to the
on a saw in the Ameut factory.
Miss Margaret Scott, of London, is
spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs, Peter Watson, Queen street,
Jas. and Mrs. Dunford, Clinton, and
Miss Mabel Dunford, Strafford, visited
at the home of A Lamont last week.
J. Leslie and Mrs. Kerr. of the Clin
ton New Era, were here on Friday
visiting relatives and taking in the Fair.
Mrs. W. H. Willis, of Wingham,
was visiting Mrs. N. F. Gerry for a few
days, The former was a one time
Earnest Lott is away to the Brantford
Institute, entering on his third ,term
He is making favorable progress. We
wish him well, .
Mrs, R. Francis and daughter, ot
Woodstock, were holidaying here dur-
ing the' past week, They were 'former
residents of Brussels.
Miss Maud Mallory. of Belleville, who
has spent the past month with her
sister, Mrs (Rev,) Wren, returned to
her home last Monday.
J. F. Rowland inflicted a nasty cut on
his right wrist, injuring a tendon, Ly
the slipping of a kuife. His good
right hand was disabled for a time,
Will. Lowry, of London, is enjoying
a short vacation with his mother and
other relatives iu town. He looks as if
he had 3 square meals a day. if not 4,
Reeve Leckie attended a meeting of
the Criminal Board of Audit of which
he is 8 member, at Goderich this week.
The County Publicity Committee also
J. and Mrs. Laudesboro, of Winni-
peg, who spent the past couple of
months in On'ario, left for their home
this week, 'Mrs. Landesboro is a sister
of R. Leatherdale,. of Brussels.
S. C Wilson was laid up during the
past week with congestion of the lungs.
He also suffered from a broken rib oc-
casioned by a. jerk from a horse's foot
while being clipped. We hope he will
soon be O. K. I ADDRESS ON INDIA.—The large audi-
M. and Mrs. Yolleck and children . ence in Melville church school room
went to Toronto last weep to attend the Tuesday evening was well repaid in the
Jewish New Year festival. A short' splendid address delivered on "India"
account of the memorable anniversary by Dr. Margaret Paterson, of Toronto,
may be read 0n page 5 of this who spent eo years in that wonderful
issue, land as a medical missionary, She is a
Duncan and Mrs. McMartin, of Hen- bright, ready speaker and as she related
salt, former residents, were here for the personal experiences and clearly pointed
Fall Fair. Their daughter, Mrs. Win. out the need of the gospel In India,
Hoskins and grand daughter, Miss Doro- especially as it relates to girlhood and
thy, accompanied them, Dunc, is a womanhood, the call was pressed close
young looking grand dad. home on her auditors and will bear
Mrs. Leckie arrived home from fruit. 'Mrs, Paterson's story is full of
Thessalon, Algoma, where she was at- interest, pathos and optimism and her
tending her mother during her illness urgent desire for united prayer for the
and subsequent demise. Mrs. P. D great work needed in that dense popula-
McKinnon, of Winnipeg, sister to Mrs. tion was well directed, Mrs. G. A.
Leckie. accompanied her to town and Deadman presided and conclucted the
will epend a short holiday visiting devotional exercises. A choice solo was
former old friends, well sting by Mrs. A. 13. MacDonald, of
Rev, Mr, Page went to Toronto Tues- Craibrook 13, 0, The offering dedicat-
day to meet Mrs. Pogo and sop and oly prayer was given by Mrs. (Rev.)
Miss Veda Benoit, Itis sister-in-law, of Mann, Standing vote of thanks was
Montreal, They arrived in Brussels passed to the eloquent lecturer and
Wednesday and have taken tip home after ab appropriate hymn Rev, A, i.
making in St. John's church comfortable Mann, pastor, closed with prayer. A
rectory, We bid them a hearty wel- lunch wee served before the a eople left
come to Brussels. for their respective homes. Mrs. Pat -
Charles McMillan, commonly known ergot] will be welcome back any time to
as "Chad," left this week for Stratford Brussels. The offering amounted to
where he has accepted a position in the over $5t oo. Mrs'. Paterson went from
store of Duncan Ferguson, formerly of here to Sarnia where she addressed
Brussels. The Hockey team and Base similar gatherings on Wednesday, Her
Ball club will greatly miss him as he wee address to the 'Little Stara" Mission
a good player and ever ready 10 do his Band hero Tuesday afternoon was i's-
plete with choice things of value to the
yotlhg folk,
Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 92
Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN
PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Tank has
been declared for the quarter ending 31st of October, 1918, and that
the same will be payable at the Bead Office in this city and its
Branches on and after Saturday, the first day of November, 1913,
to shareholders of record of 23rd of October, 1918.
By order of the Board,
Toronto, 16th September, 1918,
General Manager.
Contingent of ladies from Melville
church interested in Missionary work
attended a Convention of workers in
Duff's church, Walton, Wednesday
afternoon of this week.
Rev. D. Wren's two addresses last
Sabbath in the Methodist church
(5onnexional Day) fitted the occasion
admirably, dealing with the funds in
the morning and the question of Edu-
cation at the evening service. R.
A, Pryne, the Treasurer, reported
about $Ioo.00 in pledges toward
$15o.00 required with a goodly cumber
of envelopes to come in yet. A hearty
and united rally will supply tire needs.
Canadian News
James Daly, one of the oldest citizens
of Napanee. died at the age eighty-six.
Two Stratford women were sentenced
to Mercer and their daughters were
fined for shoplifting.
The new oil pipe line between the
Imperial Oil Works ir, Sarnia and the
Lima, Ohio. oil field has been completed.
James Wilson, of Warren Out.. was
accidently shot and instantly killed by
his bunting companion, Joseph Vincent.
Prof. Cecil F. Lovell, late of Queeu's
faculty of education has accepted the
chair of the history of education in the
University of Ohio at Columbus.
Richard Strong, a prorninent resident
of Galt, director for 50 years and
manager for more than thirty of the
Gore District Mutoal Fire Insurance
Company, died in hi- 89111 year.
Commission Price in his report on the
Vancouver Island labor troubles,
recommends that there should
be a forbidding of discrimination a-
gainst employees for joining a labor
The first shipment of cattle to the
American market since the passing of
the new tariff bill Has made to Buffalo
from Listowel ou Saturday consisting
of four carloads of 89 head, valued at
l3raudon County Orange Lodge
recently sent a cable, to the Old Country
intimating that Orangemen were willing
and ready with men and money if their
ex -Reeve George Ingle of Lindsay Is
Winnipeg established a free emyloy-
inell t bureau.
Eugene O'Keefe. of Torott°, died
after a long illness,.
Filthy conditions were found at Mimi -
co by the health authorities.
Smoke from a fire clid$2o,o0o damage
in a shirt waste factory, Toronto.
Robt, MoWhinuie a prominent citizen
cf Peterboro dropped dead while dress-
Complaint was made ata meeting of
the York Township Council that some
graves in a Jewish cemetery were too
Am08,—At the manse. Atwood, on Sept. 22nd'
to Rev, and Mrs. W. A, Amos, a son.
OONOuATI.—At Holyrood, Bruce Co., on Sept.
80th, to Mr, and Mrs. Ohba.. Oongrant, a
B:or,—In Walton, on October 4th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Hoy, a son,
HEUTHEn.—In Grey township, on October
4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Reuther, a
HUNTEN,—At Dungannon on October 2nd, to
Rev, .Sas. E. and Mrs. Hunter, a daughter,
MODONALn.—In Brussels, on October 2nd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald, a daugh-
SF,LLSina —In Toronto, on September 80111, to
Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Sellers, a daugh-
ter, (Myrna Auldene,)
Wmuunr0ON. In Grey township, on October
8rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. Williamson,
n daughter,
LOUNe0175Y—OA0trBEtT.—At Craven. Sask.,
on Sept. 24th, by Rev. Mr. Russell, kin',
Asa B Lounsbnry, of Oeema, Bask., to
Miss Charlotte A., daughter of Mr. and.
Mrs. D. Campbell, Sraubrook, Ont.
0001.11108.—Near Moosejaw,Sask.,on Septem-
ber 2011i, Win. Goo. Uocmbes, formerly of
Jamestown, Ont., In his 66th year.
LEEoa—Iu Penetanguishene Hospital, on Sept.
22nd, Martha Ann Ayleeworth, beloved
wife of Rev. W. W. Leech, aged 08 years.
assistance should be required. So far sggs
as can he learned no reply has been re- $cgs
p y Wool washed
ceived to this cable. Wool unwashed
Pure 11111 Delicious
For years the name "Nytlls"
has stood for all that is purest and
b st in family remedies, Within
the past year this well known
firm has commenced the manu-
facture of the now well known
line of "Nylo Chocolftes" and are
constari try growing in popularity
because of their dainty r. 'loge
mud delicious flavor,
We reuew our %tock quite fre-
quently so that their freshness is
assueed. Put up in packages
from 100 'to $1.00.
FRIDAY, 009,0111111 1705,—Far2. stook, im-
plements, household furniture, deo., Lot 6,
t,on. 16, in Grey township.
Prop.BP. S. Sunrcott Aus.d l
p T025DAY, 00001555 2160.-1(arm stook, int.
plemente, atm, Lot 0, Cot. 2, Greytownship.
Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. Eifah Jaoklin,
Prop. P. 0, Scott, Aun.
WEDNESDAY 00501350 22ND.—Farm stock,
hnplttsents, eta., N3Lot 15, Con. 8, Morris.
Sale unreserved at 1 p. 1n. Jno, Selly, P100.
11'. S Scott, Auo.
TauRBDAY 000. 1055,— HOusellaldturaIfnrlti-
THOS. MOEWart, Prop It P. S. Sao50, Aue lock,
M.B., M.C.P.&S. 0.
108 Bloor street East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Noee and Throat
Olinical nsalstant in Ear Nose and Throat de-
partnnent New General Hospital, Toronto 1
oil Glate Se iouResidervard nt Surgeo 1 MesSchoole, Eye
& Ear Infirmary ; late Clinical assistant in
pital; ated lroat Souse department
TorontoGen. General
Hospital. i 'IIn Brussels by appointment.
pLestsims, &o.—lf. S. Soo*,Auctioneer,
has received instructions from te undersign-
ed to sell by public auction attp N. Half Lot 19,
pp. in. the Morris, on
valuablect. 22nd property at 11
heavy draft mare in foal 6 yenr0 old, 1 heavy
draft horses years old, 1 05055 draft mare
rising 5 years is foal, 1 heavy draft gelding
rising 2 years,1 cow auppneed 11n calf, 2heifers
rising 1 year, 1 steer rising 1 year, 8. steers
rising 8 years, number of poultry, 1 top buggy
1 cutter, 1 lumber wagon, 1 set bob•aleighs, 1
sub double harness, 1 set single harness, 1
binder, 1 mown', 1 seed drill, 1 hay forts, ropes
and pulleys, 1 set slings, 1 narrow plow, I set
iron harrows 1 fanning miij,; 1 grindstone 1
hay rank, 1 pig box, 10 tona,,,timothy lay, 500
5 85 bushels oats, 100 bushal7 oarloy, quantity of
54 straw, sot whifiletrees and neck yoke, scythes,
89 forks, rakes and nuaner0115 other artislee.
66 Sale without reserve as the proprietor le
22 giving up farming. Terms:—All sums of 50.00
20 andnnder rash • over that amount 12 months
8 40 credit will be given on furnishing approved
20 amounts sJNOBBELLY Proprietors credit
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NewWinter Coats
®tl811 888802168,
Men's and `= oys'
Winter Overcoats
We have just reneived one Winter stock of
Meet's and Boys' Overcoats, Heavy Ulsters,
with Shawl and Notch Dollars : the newest
Cloths ; "Progress” make, The best lot we
have ever had. Special prices— ,
Boys' from 3.50 to 9.00
Men's 6.50 to 17.50
.Also ,lien's Overcoats with Pur Collars ; heavy
Unci Cloth Lining ; Rubber Interlined ; all
Sizes. Special prices—
11.95 13.50 15.50 17.50
The New Furs
are here
We ave showing the largest stock we have
ever had of Ladies' and Misses' Fur Setts in
Mink Slltrtnlite, Bltte Opposulns, and West-
ern Sables ; also odd Raffs and Mulls ; and
are offttriog Special Prices --e
• Call and see them
and Compare Prices
Extra Special in
Ladies' Cloth Coats
This season's beat styles in Ladies' Cloth.
Coats ; the very newest Cloths ; we have
all sizes for Ladies, Misses and •
Extra Special -
15 ga„t less than regular
Ladies' Coats with
Fur Collars
All sizes in Ladies' Heavy Winter Coate ;
Quilted Lilting with For dollars ; splendid.
Fitting lines—
These are worth while.
Call and see them.
12.60 15.00 1.6.00 20.00
Boots and Shoes
We have a complete stock of Fall I3oots in
stook, Best makes ; best styles—
Prices the L.owest
Always the Highest
Prices for Produce.
G. N.
• w•