HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-10-9, Page 4Brussel6 Fall Fa
a Splendid Success
Prize List
Heavy Dtafr-•Brood mare Canadian
bred having raised foal in ler 3, Dickson
Bros, A. Baker, P McEwan ; imported
brood mare, having raised. foal .in r913,
0 Hemingway, R Scott, R Nichol ;
horse colt, Juo Ewan, R Scott 2 & 3 ;
snare colt, A Baker, T Bolger, P Mc -
Ewan ; two year filly. Robb Bros, R
Scott, C B Wilkinson ; two year gelding
W R. Broadfoot, Jas Speir ; year': g
filly, R Scott, Robb Brus, Walter Yu'.!I ;
draft team, J W King, Robb Bros ;
sweepstakes, Dieksou Bros,
Agricultural -Brood snare having
raised a foal in 1913, A Lamont, Robb,
Bras, W Thuell ; horse colt, W Th
A & L, Dennis.I Pierce mare colt, T
e v
Bolger,W Cameron.J Pierce • two year
filly, Dale Bros, W Cameron, ] W Ed.
gar; two year gelding, 1) McKinnon,
Jas Speir ; one year filly, R Nichol ; one
year gelding, A Yuill ; agricultural
team, A Yuill, Dickson Bros, Robb
Bros ; sweepstakes, Dickson Bros,
Judge -T. English.
Roadsters -Brood mare having raised
foal 113 1913, Jas Jackson, A. Seeker. A
Stevenson ; horse or mare colt, Robb
Bros, A G Bishop, A Stevenson ; two
year filly or geldiug, J H Attridge, W
Bannerman ; one year filly or gelding,
W Bannerman, ERuzell, A & L Dennis;
buggy horse r5} hands high or over, 13
F Carr, W Bannerman, 0 Hemingway
buggy horse under r5? bands high, E
Rozell, W Hemingway, D McLeod ;
pony 121 hands or under, H Ament,
Mrs J H Galbraith, Jas Fox ; roadster
team, Geo Hiles, Scott Bros ; sweep-
stakes, B F Catr.
Standard Bank special for best road.
ster, hitched to a buggy, owned and
driven by a farmer or farmer's son, M
McVittie, W McKiver, R L McDonald,
Carriage -Brood mare r6 bands high
having raised foal in rer3, Robb Bros,
W Bannermau, P Rutledge ; two year
filly or gelding, Jno Crerar, Dale Bros ;
cue year filly or gelding, Dale Bros ;
horse or mare colt, W Bannerman, P
Rutledge, Dale Bros ; carriage team, R
MoMane, C Wilker, R Beattie; sweep
stakes. R McMane.
Judge -j, S. A. McPhatter.
Durhams (with Registered Pedigrees).
Bull, three years and over, Jas Speir ;
buil, two years old, Tao. Crerar; bull.
one year old, Jas Speir 1 & 2 ; milcb
co 5, 4 years or over, W Hemingway,
Jas Speir 2 & 3 ; Milch cow under 4
years, A Lamout ; two year old heifer,
ias Speireir z 2 &3r
one year old heifer,
Jas Speir ; bull calf T Pierce • heifer
calf,A Lamont,I
as Speir, W Arm
strng ; herd of Dnrhams, 1 ale and 4
females, has Speir ; best female any
age. Jas Speir ; best male, any age, Jas
Jerseys (with Registered Pedigrees)
bull any age, Hugh Smith, A Simp.ru ;
much cow, A Simpson, L Steiss, G A
Deadman ; two year old heifer, A
Simpson 1 & 2 ; heifer calf, G A. Head-
man ; A C Danes special prize of ..$aro
to boys t6 years or under for judging
cattle, Harold Work, Wm Harris,
Harry Fox. Fred Wood, Wilber Arm-
strong, Met yin Miller, Reynald
Grade cattle. - Milch cow, Walter
Yuill, E Rozell, W Yuill ; two year old
heifer, W R Broadfoot, Jas Speir 2 & 3
year old heifer, W R Broadfoot 12 & 3 ;
two year old steer, W Bryans r 2 & 3 ;
year old steer, W Bryans, Jno Crerar
2 & 3 ; steer calf, W R Broadfoot ;
heifer calf, T Miller, W R Broadfoot ;
fat cow or heifer, W R Broadfoot ; fat
steer, A C Dames I& z, W R Broad -
Judge, H. Hammond.
Leicesters.-Aged ram, W R Broad -
foot, R J Sanderson ; shearling ram, R
1 Sanderson r& 2; ram lamb, R J
Sanderson ; I & 2, A G Bishop i ewe,
two shear and over, R 1 Sanderson 1 &
2, W R Broadfoot ; shearling ewe, R j
Sanderson 1 2& 3; ewe lamb, R J
Sanderson I & 2, W I, Broadfoot ; pen,
R j Sanderson, W R Broadfoot,
Downs -Aged ram, A Stevenson r &
z ; shearling ram, McEwen Bros, A
Stevenson ; ram lamb, McEwen Bres,
A Stevenson, McEwen Bros ; ewe, two
shear and over, A Stevenson, McEwen
Bros, A Stevenson ; shearling ewe, Mc
Ewen Bros z & 2, A Stevenson ; ewe
lamb, MoEweu Bros 1 & 2. A Steven-
son ; pen, A Stevenson, McEwen Bros.
Judge, H. Hammond.
Berkshire. -Boar, under one year, h
S Cowan r
a&3 u sow o e year and
over, S Cowan& o
2 a W under one
.J ,
ear, S Cowan I & 2; pen,Sy
J nJ
Cowan ; Yorkshire. -Sow under one
year, J SCowan r & 2.
Judge, H. Hammond.
cock, Haggitt,
Haggitt ; light brahms cock, Jas
Speir, hen, Jas Speir, cockerel, Jas
eir ; barred trock cock, J J Haggitt,
, J Spate, Haggitt. cockerel, J J Haggitt,
Jas Spa , Ed Garvin ; pullet, J 1 Hag-
gitt I & 5, Ed Garvin ; white rock
cock, J J Haggitt, cockerel. J J Hag-
gitt ; white leghorn cockerel, Jas
Speir t & 2, W Armstrong, pullet. Jas.
Speir z & 2, W Armstrong ; brown
leghorn hen, J Haggitt, Jas Speir, A
E Bishop, cockerel, J J Haggitt 1& 2
pullet, J J Haggitt x & 2: rhode island
red cockerel, T J Haggitt ; hen, J J
Haggitt-; buff wyandotte Cock, Wm
Aimeteor] g, hen, Wal Armstrong,
cockerel, Wrn Armstrong t & 2 ; white
wvandotte cock,,W W Harris I & 2,
heti, W W Harris 1& 2, cockerel, D C
Ross, 1& 2, N F Gerry, pullet, D 0
Ross 3 2 & 3 ; black minorca cockerel,
� 1: Haggitt N 3' Gerry, A G Bishop,
ten,Ha its
i T gg N F Gerry, A G
Bhahop, pullet, Jas. Speir, r & 2, N P
Gerry i aticoun pullet and cockerel, N
F Gerry,
jag Spate turkeys, W
strong, Alex , geese, G Chepman
pelzirt ducks, W Armstrong, Jas Speir
rotten ducks, J J Haggitt, 'r Miller, W
Arms:reug; eylesbury ducks J J Haggitt,
genie fowl Cook, J J Heggitt, hen, 1 He*
git ; fowl, any other named breed cock
J 3 Haggitt 1& s, hen, 1 J Haggitt, W
W Harris; collection of fancy pigeons,
JJIIxggtit,JP Wood,
GeoMuldoon ;
pigs. W W Harris r & 2. J '1'
fudge, Chas. Crossfield.
White Fall wheat, \\' R Broadfoot
Jas Burgess 3 K Wise ; red Fall
wheat, G W Addy, Elston Cardiff ;
barley 6 rnwed, J K Wise,
R J Hoover, Jas Burgess;
black oats, 3 A Edgar, J K Wise ;
white oats, Jas Speir, Sas Burgess,
SV R Btoaclfont ; small peas, Jas
Speir, Jas Butgess, 3 K Wise ; large
peas, Jas
Spells J K Wise ; tim
send. J K Wiseclover seed red,Jas
Speir ; clover ;lsike� Thos •
threesheavesof wheat, oats and
barley, one of each, Jiro. Cterar.
Judge, Win. Ptyne, Brussels.
Baldwins, R R Sloan, W Arm-
strong ; fanniese, Jean Moore, E Car-
diff ; king of tompkins Co., R
Sloan, Jas Speir ; Manu, R R Sloan,
Geo Chapman ; northern spies, Wm
Armstrong, Jas Burgess ; It 1 green-
ings, Win Armstrong, R R Sloan ;
golden russets, R R Sloan, R Coch-
rane ; stark, R R Sloan ; blenheim
pippins, (Fall) R R Sloan, Geo Chap-
man ; toluran sweets, Geo Chapman,
A Yuill ; Ontario, Win Armstrong,
R Broadfoot ; wealthy, A, Yutill,
W R Broadfoot ; alexander, J Jack-
son, Al Tughan ; ribstcn pippins, R.
R Sloan, E Cardiff ; colverts, W Arm-
strong, Jane Kelly ; roltbury russets,
IS R Sloan ; Canada reds, E Cardiff,
Jas Speir ; Cayuga redstreaks, A
Bishop, E Cardiff ; fallawatet•, R R
Sloan, 3 Crerar; gravenstein, E Car-
diff, J Cterar ; maiden's blush, R
Cochrane, R R Sloan ; pewaukee, W
R Broadfoot, R R Sloan ; ben davia,
R R Sloan, Geo Chapman ; crabs,
Jennie Sellers, Jas Burgess ; varieties'
of Winter apples, R R Sloan, Jas
Speir ; varieties of Fall apples, R R
Sloan ; apples, any named vat'iely,
N S Mc auchlin, R R Sloan ; Fall
pears, R K Sloan Mrs A. R Currie ;
Winter pears, R Cochrane, bliss
Tughan ; plains, any variety, M
Arent, Airs A R Ouerie ; varieties of
plums, Mrs A. R Currie, R R Sloan ;
grapes, E Garvin, 0 H Knight ;
peaches, R R Sloan ; Metropoli-
tan Bank Special, best collection of
Winter apples, R R Sloan, J A
Edgar, Jas Speir.
Judge' Thos. Curry, i s Brussels.
Early potatoes, N S MoLauchlin,
Jno Crerar, RJ Hoover, Jno Orerar ;
late potatoes. G Chapman, \V Arm-
strong, J Crerar, RJ Hoover ; collec-
tion of potatoes, E Garvin ; swede
turnips, R J Hoover, G Chapman ;
turnips any other variety, J Burgess,
G Chapman ; white field carrots, J
Burgess, G Chapman ; altringham
carrots, T Miller, G Ohapman ; scarlet
nitrates, Cx Chapman ; early horn car-
rots, Mrs A. Cameron, A Forsyth;
long blood beets, Geo Chapman, T
Miller ; blood tutnip beets, 141 M Stew-
art, Jas Burgess ; sugar beets for fac-
tory, Jas Jackson, Jas Burgess ; pars-
nips, M DI Stewart, Jas Jackson
Winter radishes, Geo Chapman, N S
McLauchlin ; sugar marigolds, R
Nichol, Jas Jackson ; mange' wurzels
long red, Jas Jackson, Geo Chapman ;
long yellow mangolds, R Nichol, T
Miller ; yellow globe mangolds, G
Chapman, T Miller,
Vegetables. -Onions from seed red,
Jennie Sellers • onions from seed
giant rocca, G Chapman, Jennie Sel-
lers ; onions from top sets, G Chap-
man ; onions from dutch sets, W
Armstrong, M Tughan potato onions,
Jennie Sellars, Mrs A McDonald ; corn
yellow Canada, Jas Speir ; corn yellow
dent, Jas Speir 1 & 2 ; stalks fodder
corn, Geo Chapman, Jas Speir ; curled
savoy, Geo Chapman ; Winter cab-
bage, Geo Chapman, 3,1es W Alder-
son ; red pickling cabbage, Geo Chap-
man ; cauliflower, Mt's A Cameron,
Jae largess ; pumpkin yellow field,
Gen Chapman, Jennie Sellers ; pump-
kin mammoth, E Garvin 1 & 2;
squash, G Chapman ; tomatoes large,
0 H Knight, Bob Wat'wick ; plum or
cherry tomatoes, R Dark, J Burgess ;
butter beans, Jennie Sellers, W R
Broadfoot ; white beans, W R Broad -
foot, R J Hoover ; other variety of
beans, E Garvin, T Miller ; citrons
round striped, G Chapman, Jas Jack-
son ; citrons long california, Jas Jack-
son ; watermelons, L+' Garvin ; cocun-
wbehris e ,Jas Jackson,
J Creme ar ; celery y
G Chapman, 111 Stewart
Celpt 1
y pink, , G Chapman ; sunflower,
A Stewart jr, W Armstrong ; collec-
tion of garden produce, Jas Jackson,
T Miller.
Judge -Rich. Armstrong.
Tub butter, W Armstrong, A Yuill,
M AI Stewart ; table butter, W Arm-
strong, A Simpson, A Yuill, Bob War-
wick, J A Edgar ; factory cheese, J K
Judge -'W ,Stevenson.
3'. Leckie, specials for tub butter, W
Armstrong ; and table butter. WArin-
strong ; W .H Kerr, specials for two
loaves home made bread, Mrs T Whit-
field ; and 8 pounds butter, A Yuill.
Ten yards flannel, M M Stewart;
pair blankets, lbs M Stewart ; counter-
pane, J T Wood, Mrs Aft Currie
skein yarn, Mrs P Zollner ; maple
sugga�r, 0 H Knight ; maple molasses,
0Jd Knight, 'W Armstrong; honey
comb, G A Deadman ; honey extract-
ed, G A Deadman, Wm Armstrong ;
one bottle grape wine• Mrs A R Cur-
rie, 3 K Wise ; rhubarb wine, Mrs A
R Currie. Bob Warwick ; strawberry
wine, Mrs A R Currie, J K Wise ;
'•e lwfne, J K Wise, Mrs A R
Curr( ; elderberry wine, Mee A R
Currie, .7 K Wise ; cherry wine, Mrs
A R Currie, M'Tughan ; tomato cat-'
sup, Mrs A R Currie, Hugh Smith t
apple jelly, Mrs W Alderson, "Win
Armstrong ; grape jelly, 31 Tughan,
Mee A Oallievol T raspberry jelly, Trlull
111Ill HINTS
Wa►thWieh„ to Pioaerve ThooHair
Always have your own brush and
(tomb et home or at hair dresser's.
I Never use a brush or comb forted in
public places, they are usually covered
with dandruff genus,,
Wash your hair brush weekly with
soapand t
warm water to ‘whish may
be added an antiseptic,
Shampoo the hair. every 'week or
so with pure soap and water.
Use Parisian Sage every day, rub
bing thoroughly lute the scalp.
Pariaiau Sage, which comes ill a
large 50 cant battle, Is guaranteed by
Jas, Fox to destroy dandruff genus
and abolish dandruff -to atop hair
from f falling and scalp from itching or
money back.
To put life and beauty into dull, dry
or faded hair aid make it soft and
fluffy surely Parisian Sage -it is one
of the quickest acting hair tonics
WT Alderson, Bob Warwick ; paluns
jelly, Alex Ynill, Bob Warwick ; jelly
from any other fruit, P J Patrick,
Alex Yuji' ; home made bread white,
J W Edgar, P J Patrick ; home Made
bread brown, Mrs A Oatnerou, 3 SV
Edgar; home made bread currant, Mrs
T Whitfield, Alex Yuill ; buns, Mrs T
Whitfield, Mrs J Galbraith • tea bis-
cuits, J SV Edgar•, R Dark ; dark fruit
cake without icing, Alex Yuill, Hugh
Smith; white fruit coke without icing,
Alex Yuill, Mrs T Whitfield ; jelly
cake, Ruby Plum, Mrs A Cameron ;
oatmeal cakes, Mrs A 11 Currie, It
Warwick ; cookies, Mrs A R Currie,
Mary Coates ; short bread, Mrs A Be
Currie, Marjorie Strachan; apple pie,
Geo Muldoon, P J Patrick ; lemon pie,
0 H Knight, P J Patrick ; tart pie,
Mrs W Alderson, Alex Yuill ; collec-
tion of canned fruits, Dies A McDon-
ald, Alex Yuill.
Judges -Mrs. P. Scott and Mrs. P.
Tea cosy in silk, L Livingston, Mrs
Zollner ; cosy in eyelet, 0 Heming-
way. Amide Menzies; five o'clock
cloth in silk, M 1S1 Stewart, Mrs
Zollner ;fiveo'clock cloth in cotton,
Mrs. Zollner, M Al Stewart ; tray
cloth in silk, Mrs, Zollner, 141 DI
Stewart ; tray cloth in cotton, 0
Hemingway, L Livingston ; centre
piece in silk, L Livingston, Mrs
Zollner ; centre piece in cotton, Mrs
Zollner, L Livingston ; centre piece
on dark linen, Mary Coat es, A Yuill,
table set, Annie Menzies, Mary
Coates ; mount ruellick work, Mrs
Zollner ; L Livingtou ; Roman em-
broidery, L Livingston, L Livingston
M •
hedu o embroidery, M Ament,
Stewart ; wallachain embroidery, 0.
Hemingway, M. Coates ; embroidery
lrardauger, Mrs Zollner, DI. Anent ;
embroidery French bending, G A.
Deadman, A 0 Dames ; embroidery
shadow, 0 Hemingway, Mrs A
Cameron ; embroidery cross stitch,
Mrs H W Tanrlyn, 11I Auleut ; em-
broidery punch, 0 Hemingway, Mrs
Zollner ; ribbon work, Al Arent, L
Livington ; Irish crochet, Geo. Mut-
doomG A •
Deadman ; crochet work
cotton, G A Deadman, Ill Si Stewart ;
crochet work, wool M Brooks, Alts
Zollner ; crochet work in silk, Al
Brooks, L Livingston; Irish crochet
bag, ]Urs Zollner, Geo Muldoon ; Irish
crochet novelty, Mrs Zollner, Geo
Muldoon ; crochet table mats, DS M
Stewart, NI Brooks ; sofa pillow, eon•
broidered in silk, M 111 Stewart,
Annie Menzies ; sofa pillow, shadow
embroidery, L Livingston, Airs
Tanrlyn ; sofa pillow, embroidered on
dark linen, Al Ament Mrs A R Currie;
sofa pillow, eyelet embroidery, Mrs
Bob \Varwick ; sofa,
Zollner, B b
battenburg, L Livingston, M Tuhan ;
sofa pillow, drawn work, L Living-
ston, al Tughan ; sofa pillow, bolting
cloth, Mrs Zollner, L Livingston ;
sofa pillow, hand painted, Mrs J
Galbraith, Ruby Pliny ; coronationbraid work, ill. Amara, Mrs 'Tamlyn ;
drawn work cloth, Mrs. Zollner, Mrs
Tanrlyn ; battenburg cloth, L Living-
ston, Geo Muldoon ; lace point, Mrs
Zollner, Mrs Tamlyu ; lace honiton,
Mrs Tanrlyn, Mrs Zollner ; lace
teneritfe, Bob "Warwick, Mary
Coates ; fancy knitting in cotton, 31
NI Stewart, Marjory Strachan ; fancy
pin cushion, Mrs Tatnlyn, 0 Heming-
way ; bedroom slippers, L Livingtou,
Mrs Tamlyn ; fancy photo frame, NI
M Stewart, 0 Hemingway ; uilts,
crochet, DI NI Stewart, Bob -War.
wick ; quilts, patchwork, Mrs.
Tanrlyn, AI Brooks ;quilts, log cabin,
al NI Stewart, Airs Tanrlyn quilts,
fancy, A3 111 Stewart, A Yuill ;
guilts, knitted, G A Deadman, Mrs
]amtYu .quilts knotted or tufted,
\I wart Jane Kelly; ku' •d it
1 Ste 1114 pa
sockswoollen,L Livingston, r A
Cameron ; kntted };_air' woollen mitts,
NI M Stewart, Mrs W Alderson ; mat
hooked, Annie Menzies, DI Al Stewart ;
laundry bag,
L Livingston, 0 Reining-
vay • child s fart' dress, hand made,
AI M Stewart, Mrs Zollner ; lady's
fancy apron, Mrs Zollner, Mrs
Taullyn ; fancy towels, L Livingston,
0 Hemingway ; fancy pillow cases,
L Livingston, 0 Hemingway ; fancy
work bag, Jean Moore, Mary oares
Italian cut woe's, Al AI Stewart, Mrs
'l'runlyn ; fancy shirt waist, Airs
Zollner, A Yuill ; best idea kitchen
apron, Mrs Tanrlyn, M Brooks ; fancy
collar and cuffs, Geo Muldoon, Mrs
Zollner ; tatting, L Livingston, Geo
Muldoon ; balder embroidery, Mary
It is frequently supposed that rheu-
matistn is brought on by cold and
damp effects on the surtaxes of the
body, but this theory is wrong. Cold
and damp only excites the disease
that is settled in the blood, Rheumo
is guaranteed to remove the cause and
enrich the blood so that uric acid can-
not exist, Rheurno is a wonderful
rheumatic cure, If you have rheuma-
tiem in anyfnrin don't delay going to
James Fox's drug store and eta bot-
tle of Rheemo today, $1.00 a large
bottle, Be sure to go to James Fax
other stores Cannot supply you.
The Place
to Find Money
Js where you later, it. 1 nut go-
ing to try and Hud some of
what I have Inst. in Brussels
by giving YOU Photographs
ata little over half price for
Thirty ,y daysm t from October 6th,
Conte early and get choice of
Motvnts and Folders,
G. F. Maitland
Coates, Alex Yuill • set of nnder-
tvetu', three pieces, Airs Zollner, M
Tughan ; fancy nndetwaist, Mrs
Zeliuer, L Livingston ; bed set of
pillow cases and sheet, Mrs Tanrlyn,
A 0 Dauies ; table runners of (lark
linen, ill Ament, A 0 Dames ; initial
table napkins, Mrs amt n Geo
P T y ,
uldo a bean and wood embroidery,
collection of ladies' fancy
work, Mrs Zollner, Miss Livingston,
Mrs G Muldoon.
Judges, Mrs, H,L, Jackson and Mrs.
J, T. Wood.
Professional photographs, J T
Wood ; amateur photos, F R Smith,
Mrs H •
\V Tannlyn ; hand painted
china six pieces, J H Bryans ; single
piece Mord painted china, Mrs 3 Gal-
braith, L Liviugslou ; hand painted
tea set 4 piece", Mis J Galbraith;
hand painted vase, Mrs J Galbraith,
L Livingston ; collection six pictures
(nils or water colors), M Tughan, L
Livingston ; nil painting, landscape tn.
marine (from nature), L Livingston,
al Tughan ; oil painting study from
still life, 11 Tughan, L Livingston
nil painting any other, Ruby Plum, L
Livingston ; water color landscape or
marine, L Livingston, Ruby Plum ;
portraits in either oils or water. colors,
L Livingston ; pictures in sepia, L
Livingston, G •
A Deadman.; animals
in either oils or water colors. L
Livingston, Ruby Plum ; crayon.
drawing black and white, Mrs Tarnlyu,
L Livingston ; pen and ink or pencil
sketch, G A Deadman, Mrs Tatnlyn ;
pyrography, 313 Arent, 1'f. Tughan ;
pierced brass collection, L Livingston,
31 Ament.
Judge -Miss Rilla Hunter, • -
Table briquet, G A Deadman, Airs A
Cameron ; hand boquet, \Pru Arm-
strong, Jane Kelly ; collection of ant
flowers, Jane Kelly, Jennie Sellers ;
pansies, Al 111 Stewart ; phlox ileuut-
moutli, Jennie Sellers, Jane Kelly;
asters, Jane Kelly, Bub Warwick ;
Mrs A torr Jennie stocks , R C e
lers petunias, G A Deadman, Jane
Kellediaithis Jane Kelly balsams
JanKelly, W Armstrong;verbenas,
Jane Kelly ; perennial phlox, Jennie
Sellers, Jane Kelly • cockscombs, W
Armstrong ; collection of sweet peas,
\V Armstrong ; collection of nasturti-
ums, A4 Ament, Bob Warwick ; cells°
tion of ornamental grasses, Bob Way -
wick ; collection of ornamental fruits,
Bob Warwick ; collection of roses,
Jane Kelly ; out door flowers, Jane
Kelly, Mrs A R Currie ; best floral
novelty, Jane Kelly ; ger<ium, Jas
Fox, W Armstrong ; tnberous begon-
ia, Jane Kelly ; collection of dahlias.
Jean Moore, Jane Kelly ; best collec-
tiol foliage ;plants, Jane Kelly ; best
collection of ferns, Jane Kelly,
Judges -Grace Stewart and Kate
Sin ith.
Boy's penmanship, Earl Elliott,
Archie Currie, Jno Currie; girl's
penmanship, G A Deadman, Inez Mc-
Nichol, Gertie McKenzie ; collection
of weeds, Bob Warwick ; collection of
seeds of common .weeds, Win Arm-
strong, Bob Warwick, Mrs 0 Turn-
bull ; nature study collection belong-
ing to a school, J T Wood ; three
button holes, N S McLaughlin ; hem-
stitching, N S MoLauchliu ; plain
hemming, Jas Burgess, NS McLanah-
Owen Sound Business College, -Fur
best specimen of writing by any boy
nrgirl attending public school in the
Townships of Grey and Morris, a
sterling silver medal and case, Hazel
Judge -H. Henderson.
Downing Bros, -Special for heaviest
dozen of hen eggs, A G Bishop.
There were three speeding events,
mile heats, beat 2 in 3 and as there
were numerous competitors and the
mile Lrat:k in good shape the lovers
of speedy
equines were well satisfied.tisfied.
The results were as follows
2:80 class, 'topples allowed
, -
Hard Luck, Adams ........,..
Pearl Hunter, Alulvey
Star Bright, Mason
2.40 trot
Widower Peter, Grosch
Fugit Bars, Coulter. -
King Sherman, Fawn
Stella G, Groscit
Little Diek, Kral.' ter ..................
2.30 trot or pace, hopples barred
Widower Peter, Gi'oselr
J D Kaplan, Muller ,
Stella G, Grosoh.............
Herd Luck, Adams .
1 I
2 2
3 3
2 2
4 4
5 clr
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 d
George E. Henderson, of Seaforth,
was the starter, and A. O. Danree• and
P, Scott Were in the judge's stand.
No dine was given although some
watches caught some good going at
A peogrlttn of ttthetic sports was
held as announced and the winners
w.13" 4:' -s
s race under 14 years. -Stewart
Ma: uarrie, Grrovert Inglis, Harold
Gerry and Cecil Somers.
Boys under 10 years. -Cecil Sorners,
Jets, Armstrong, Andrew Tulnrbull
and Slur Lowry,
Girl's race under 15 years.-.. Vivian
Harris' °Grace Thompson, Irene'
Wilkinson, Mary Bowrrutn and
Gertie Bone:
Girl's under 10 years,..Gladys
Bolger, Heine Burgese, Cassie Tholm-
son, L dia Stelse and 8a1a11 h3'.
1'aae o4 horseback,- Get>.
Timmer and Harold Lowry, 'There
were 4 entries,
Running retie, hoselnic•k.-
Lawry and SV, (lawns, Std entry
did not finish.
The Fax Concert Company is . "till
nigh t,"
There was no shortage of refresh-
ment stands.
Brussels Fall Fair retains ice old
time popularity.
A land office business was Clone h1
the sale of grapes.
Friday's immense crowd at the Con-
cert was an orderly one.
There were many very . pleasant re-
unions of old friends at the fair,
1f entries were marls artier Secre-
tary Black would have stn easier. dine.
There was considerable rivalry
among the juvenile pen wielders in
the penmanship exhibit,
President Leckie bad a toilsome day
mi Fridaybut the success attending
the Fair was a good cheer -up.
g p
There were 70entriee in light horses.
18 of them in the buggy classes and 11
for the Standard Bank special,
The day was a trifle cool for the
Highland costume of Kincardine
Band, They looked very natty.
Sallies Jackson's display of r'oote
and vegetables attracted no small at-
tention. I1 was very tastefully ar-
The grand stand needs an overhaul-
ing, the fence around the mile track
renewing and new sheep pens ate a
Many complimentary words were
spoken of the Agricnitlral Hall.
There is not a cent of debt on the'
property either.
The address on Bees by 311'. Agar
interested a good many in the
"palace" and was made very practical
by object lessons.
Some folk were disappointed at the
non-appearance of contestants for the
school fancy drill. In past years very
nice work was done in this line.
Directors will meet Saturday of this
week at 2 n, m, to square up the
business. Person's having accounts
are asked to present then( by 1 o'clock.
Treasurer Black will commence the
payment of prize money on Friday,
October 1711i, at his office, Walker
& Black's store, from 10 a. m, to 6
p, D1.
Automobiles were largely in evi-
dence and somewhat relieved the
pressure on stable accommodation. A
few motor cycles also put in an ap-
All the judging was done by local
people excepting the three govern-
menh a oin in hors cattle sheep
d es c i
PP � P
an hogs. Some think the home gown
d g
EN improvement but others "bank"
on the outsiders. No one seems able
to please all.
Thos. Miller and Jno. Ferguson
were ticket sellers and had a busy
time for several hours. Geo. Robb,
of St. Catharines, bobbed up Thurs-
day afternoon and was heartily greet-
ed by many old friends at his accus-
tomed place at the gate as ticket
Tasty besiness displays were made
by E. 0. Dunford. W. P. Fraser, Wil-
ton & Gillespie, Gerry &'Walker, S.
Ottrter, N. S. McLauchlin and Cole &
Welsh. The latter are manufacturers
of a new pattern fanning mill, THE
Pos' believes there is tint half enough
demonstrating done at Bi nssels Fair
and thinks it would pay the Society
to arrange for power to run the
Brussels original Fall Fair was held
on Victoria Park with the inside de•
partment hnused in the hall at the
Armstrong Hotel where the American
now stands. That was before the old
re Braurh rounds (plus enough
Grey g (P g
land to make 10 acres) was bought
where present Show is held. The late
W. G. 13ingston and :lames Ferguson
were Presidents for many years and
the late Donald Stewart, Secretary -
Treasurer. Fair was instituted about
50 years ago on a very modest scale.
It has grown very nicely in the pass-
ing years.
Celebration of New Year and
Day of Atonement.
'L'he Jewish New Year's Day, Rosh
Hashanah. began with S\lednesdny
Oct 1, tied the eel'bration ronneoted
herewi111 will extend Io the Feast of
1 o evening. of Oct 23
ln-po> l t et' n
Cn414 on the
Li na 8 6u4 t reform lir sS ,
o Rush Hasha-
nah i eel from the sunset of
Oetolier 1st I ti sunset of Gaither 2pt1
11 lhndrix emiglegatrons continuing
its obset i71,11,10 nottl thesuuset of Oct-
ober 3rd.
,l'ewislt tradition tuts always regard-
ed this holiday, as tutu'Iting the an-
niversary of the world's creation,
6,074 years ago, consequently this
New Year's Day will begin the year
6,074. It ie bite of 111e holiest days i
the Hebrew eitlelldel'. Self-examin-
ation is the purpose of the celebrat-
ion, anti its satnv'll character, is
tthotvn in tin guttas by which the day
is known. The Day of Memorial of
Remembrance anti the Day of the
(flowing of 'J!rumpets, the first
signifying recollectionni' the divine
purposes or til'', and the second,
rousing Israel from eelf-stttisfitctintl
anti calling hill] to nobler life:
n.\ Y
Or J U I >14MENT.
Rosh lltt.;hnnah is .also know as
the Day of Jndgnrt til, in which, mer;
weigh 1llennselyes in - the balance,
always finds themselves wanting, ac-
cording to the Biblical S111141051 t, 1
' Lhete 1s no rightecns Man upon 1
earth that docth good always and Sit1-
tient not." In this festival is scan, '
the preparation for the Day of
Al oilmen!, which falls this year on,
Saturday, °'totter 11th. 'Phis is the
holiest day in the Jewish calender
end fs one of the holidays instituted
by Moses. fps importatnce in the,
hearts or the Jewish people le
iudictttetl by the fact tlntt it survived.
after the destruction of the temple int
the veer 70 and the abolishing ol'the
saet•iflees which aIle described in the
book of Numbers. As in the Bible
ceremonial, conlcaehnn le;LII int poria»»•
Part. of the survive and fasting from
the eve of Atonement to the following
evening is always obsei tett. At the
eve of Atonment Day, all t newels are
supposed to be settled, so that the (nl- -
Jttwine clay is known as the Sabbath
f Ibt mum Irl are n San (the, rpnu tvhicl men u t
peace with all the world,,
1;105 01s ATONEMENT.
Sort'ie's I'or ihis.ltoliday begin with
the Kil 'Mitre on the eve of Atonement
and con t'ue throughout
the following
day, prayers in the synagogue being
intoned 1n plaintive penetential tones.
For the prophetical portion of Lite
mot flings reading, Isaiah lull. will he
road and its spirit will dominate the
entire holiday.
Pay More And Got The Bost,
A oheap flesh burningcorn remedy
is never satisfactory the best is
Putnam's Painless Corn LxLraclor,
costs but a quarter, and is guaranteed
la cure thoroughly. Use only
Putnam's. ' • • •
The People's Column
FARM TO RENT,—Undersigned offers her
farm, lteh1g Lot 15, Con 8, Grey towitehip
Huron Oo , for rental, Possession given
March tet, 1814, with privilege of plowing this
Fall. For further particulars write
Mite. ,TOssPn RA.yNARn,
11. Luoknow.
MOUSE and lot for sale, Brussels South.
Comfortable home good stable, cellar
etc„ and 4 acre of hind, immediate possession
can be given A bargain for somebody. For
further particulars apply to RICHARD ROE,
John Street, Bruesels,
No, 1, 1, Produce warehouse at Brussels
Station G, T. R. For particulars apply to
J. Lrcocnr, Brussels,
pari l.01 24, Oou, 5,r Gray, 0 nares, alt
cleared and well underdrsined, Freida house
and bask barn, well watered, There is afro
offered for sale 100 acres being Lot 82, Otto
C. 11. or Grey. 50 of which are cleared, Both
properties l0 be sold to el00e out estate.
Apply to Mea, MARY GILL, Ethel P. 0: or W.
81. SINCLAIR, Bnrrleter, Brussels, Ont. tf,
dorsigned well sell the South Half of
Farm Lot No.10, in the 0111 Concession of the
Township of Morris, of a bargain, to the first
buyer. On thefarnt is n good modern brick
house and first•clnss bank barn and is a well
fenced farin, consists of 100 acres and is wall
situated for markets. Owner now in West is
the reason for thin Apply for fnrther per -
Maulers to F. S. Some, Brussels.
SIPRAYED from 1.ot 22, Con, 0„ Howiclr, 7
ns yearling calves. Among them one grey
heifer, 1 red steer with white spots, the others
chiefly red in color. No horns. Anyone ane Il
Mg them please notify R. GRAINGER,
The undersigned offers for sale his fine
100 acre farm, being North Half Lot 26, Oen. 0,
Morris township, Huron Co. Farm is ina good
state of cultivation, well fenced, and hes on it
a Sue brick house that cost 55,500. Good lawn
surrounded by cedar hedge. Barn 52 x 00 feet
on stone foundation. Good orchard and 10
acres of hardwood bush. Farm is only a utile
from the splendid market town of .imamate
and is 44 from school. Good commun-
ity. Possession at once. For further particu-
lars. price, terms, &a.. apply on the premises
or to JOHN MOONEY, Proprietor, Bruasele
P. O.
FARM FOR SALE, The undersigned offers
his fine farm consisting of about 195 aarea
adjoining the town of Clinton, for sale. The
farm la In a good state of cultivation, and has
good buildings, brick house, bank barn, driv-
ing house, pig pen, etc., all comparatively new.
A dret•cless young orchard containing ell
kinds of fruits and also small fruits. The
farm is well fenced and drained and is a very
desirable home. For further particulars apply
on the premises or add rnNe
28.12 JOHN TOR12AN05, Clinton.
Auction Sales
plements, 85. F. S. Scott, Auctioneer,
has received Instructions from the under-
signed to sell by Public Auction at Lot 9, con,
2, Grey on Tuesday, Oot. 21st at I o'clock, the
following vahmbte property :-1 di•lvhtg mare
risking 0 years, 1 heavy draft colt rising 4
years, 2 heat' draft colts rising 8 years, 1
driving colt tieing 0 years 11 heavy draft mare
rising 5 years in foal to Drnmbut•le, 1 horse
rtsin g 4 years, 1 filly rising 8 years, 2 cows sup-
posed in calf, 1 heifer 1 year old, 1 steer 1 year
old.2 ealvee, 19 good ewes, 1 wagon, 1 roller,
1 set of disc farrows, 1 seed drill, 1 set of 2000
1b.. scale, too buggy,I open boggy, 1 cutter
nearly now, 1 rabbet -lined rug, 2 sets single
harness, 2 fanning mills, churn, 2 water tanks,
half dozen chairs, dishes, crocks and timer -
one other nrtiules. Palo without reserve as
the Proprietor is giving up farming, Terms :
-01100100 0f 56,00 and 511(151.0RA. ; over that
amount 12 menthe credit will be given ,,it
furnishing approved Joint Notes. .1 nee cent
off Por cash on credit =manta. ELIJAH
JAORLIN, Proprietor.
rwtu nsa,a, &c -F, S. Seat, anatibneue,
has received btetruotions to sell by Public
Auction etLot tl,Con. 10, Grey township, on
Friday October 17th, at 1 p. m., the following
valuable property: -1 general purpose mai e7
vein's old supposed in Coal 1general
»11• oe
1 n
]fol se colt year
4n p
} 5FPd i
1 cu]P
oneto naive early 'November, farrow cow, 0
heifers rising 2yemo, 2 Spring 5gls,
bernalelgbe,1sinepuggy1cutt, 1 sot double len, 1Hsyfl buggy,
r binder, blasaey-Rnrris mower, 1 hey (cinder
nearly new, l hay rah a 10 foot, 1 Need drill, 2
set Iron harrow'', 1 plow, 1 gang >1 1 ul
cutter, lfnnl j t
' 6
Ri lit w
1111 '111111 Net et Reales,1 '
root ml -
or, 1 sickle grinder, 1 mill,
rack, 1number nP
grain bugs; 1 ladder 7.2 feet long, quantity of
household furniture, qumntity of milk pens,
pails, 84c,'chain,, forks end many otherNo11111
artioleo. Sato without rece,ve Ss proprietor
has sold Ito Minn. Terms: -A11 sums of 90.00
and under cash, over that moonlit 12monthscredit on approved joint note., 5 per cent off
for onsb on credit amounts, F. S. Scott, Awe.
WM. Tar,eER, Proprietor,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of 'Phonies
Dav,dson, late of the 't'nvoslup o;'
Mc$illop, in the County of Huron.
Fernier, deceased,
NotkeIohereby givou,purannnt to Soo, 00,
ahem 25, of the Statutes off Ontario. I George
V., that all or•oditore nod others hevin g clamps
agninet the estate of the said Thoman.• Dntsid-
eon,1515 of the Township of 501(111np, in the
OountyoM$urorn Farmer, who died at the
Township of MOI(hlop, in the County or Har.
en, on or abort the twenty-sixth day of 151017,
1910, are required on or before the eighth day
of October, '1918, to sand. by 1o't prepaid or
deliver to the undersigned 'fall t>artio ler(
of their 0lalmt, drily verified. by nitidnvit,end
nhttire of tile merrily, If any held by
thoyd,fur•ther take notice that after nth last
tnmrtianed date the esestn of tin notntt 02. 11»'
sold d5e0dand 0111 be tlistrliutcd nmohg. the
parties untitled thereto, having regard
to the claims ofwhich notice Shull thou bnye
b50d givt,n,
Dated tide 17th day of Septambor, uf, I> 1115
iRt. HAYS;•
axon t
Alibi FO1l. SALE, being South half Lot 55,
Con. 4, Morrie township Huron Om, erne
tall) ng 100 acres more pe lees On the presto-
hum e a frautt McCrae, Minh tarn, •gn5d'oreli,rtf
well, windmill, &a. A II (ilex tl except nbotti
'1211,11 11oru. Suhuot Iii udtus dINWu1l, Ouly'5
l, frma nrtts 'Is. Itnrres cY 10 11 whom in
1(114 abott90110110N seeded down. h'or noun,
teems and other lrrturnmttolt apply on the
7 roiniees er i1'' writing eruieels P- u, :Mama
120, Or 1Y, N. Seott, 13rnssets.
11.11 A, 1,.1((21)118 Proprlelo•,
.4 Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Ceders promptly and care-
fully al tended • to night 'or
Phone 228.
Brick and Tile
At Menfryn '
Yards in abundance;
Guaranteedtobe First-
class. A]1 Sizes from 3 -
inch to 7 -inch 011 hand.
8 and IO -inch made t�
S. S. Cole
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033 Brandon Man,
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &a.
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call,
A. HAYMOW, Cralthr
Thousands of ambitious young peon
ppie are fast preparing in their own
homes to 000upy 111011dlva posltient' as
stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra-
phers, civil servants in fact every
sphere of activities, You may finish at
aollogo if you so wish. Positions guar-
anteed. Bitter college toy day, Indi-
vidual instruction. Expert teachers.
Thirty years' eRperienoe, Largest
trainers in Canada. Seven colleges.
Special course for Mealto•s.
A.inliated with Commercial Edura-•
tor's Aesoolation of Oaneda, Suu.nter
Saheb! at famous Spotton Business Col-
lege, London.
Wingham Business College
Geo,Sronmox, W. T. Atones,
President. Principal.
At your home without
pails, danger or operation,
My method will cure ap- '
patently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until -our rup-
turebecomes strangulated
' when you' can be cured ?.
Do not wait Fill in coupon
AgeTime Rup.,,.,,., ..,
Single or Double '.....,. .,, .,,.,
Nemo . ,.,1,., , .,
Address ,
and rerun to
, +.R,. A. SMITH
88 Oalodonta St,
Dept, A Stratford? On