HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-10-2, Page 7m
Fashion Hints
What Te and Will Be Popular.
etallia laces are to be, mord
ashiouttble than ever this winter,
so unpack your erunk8 full of heir-
looms and unearth any pieces, big
or little, that you may possess of
gold or silver lace. One use for
very small pieces of the lace is to
make bows for the toes of satin
slippers with them, The slippers
can be embroidered in metallic
thread to match the laic, if you
wish to have them elaborate. prompt In building np young woman 80
Set is increasingly popular, and his vegetable pills of Mandrake and But -
ib forms a fitting trimming for vel- ternut.
vet. It is heavy enough to uphold
'Fright, Ruddy Cheeks
Fol, Pale Girls
No Longer Any Need to Be Pale,
Weak or Apeemle.
Hy Following the Melee of Mies MoEWon
you can comedy necome
Strong Again.
The pallid .girl always lacks appetite.
What 11410 elle oat le badly'digeeto'd.
At night elle is reeticeo, oho dozes, but
doom', sleep soundly,
Vital force must be increased, new
blood must be supplied anda general re-
building take place before. the will feel
like she ought.
Dr. Hamilton has invaluable experi-
ence in these armee and found nothing eo
its own character even in the pre-
sence of anything so imposing and
heavy as volveb. Moreover it pulls
the velvet down, and so may be sat-
isfactorily used in the form of
fringe on velvet sash ends. No
more striking gown could be made
than one of binck velvet, tr-unmed
with glittering cut jet fringe and
corsage ornaments.
White ratine is used now fox lit-
tle boys' Russian blouse suits.
There is a good deal of warmth in
Dr. Hamilton's Pilie begin by cleansing
the -system and purifying the blood; they
also improve digestion and render food
ready for absorption, Additional nonr-
tnbment is aleo supplied and tho patient
le fast etrengthoned and invigorated.
Pull of spirit, ruddy and strong le the
girl that assists her eystem by the use
of Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
The following recent letter from Mise
Etta MolIwon, of Haliburton, speaks for
"In tieing. Dr. Hamilton's Pills I find
my system is wonderfully built up, It
this Material—as filo possessors of
is certainly the moat effective remedy
ever need. I have now a good appetite,
ratine coat suits or dna-piece sloop mors soundly, and awaken in the
frocks found to their sorrow this ,corning fooling quite refreshed.
summer—and ratine suits can be "Formerly I reit tired and depreeoed.
used until after 1i'ost. Of course, I looked as if a severe !Duces were hang.
they can be won in the Boase all' mg over any head,
winter. They have a big advantage
over linen suits, as they do not
show wrinkles and creases as linen
The majority of skirts will be
short, in fact, very short. Cos-
tumes for dressy occasions will
have skirts as short as those for
tailored suits, and such a thing as
a street dress. with a skirt that
touches the ground will be ridicu-
All skirts will be narrow, or at
least narrow in effect, and most of
them will have the uplifted drap-
ery at the front,
Draperies will follow the outlines
of the body and skirts, and whether
pleated or plain will keep to close
lines. There will be many flounced
skirts, but even these will be
mounted on snug foundations.
Trains, when used, will be very
slender, some of them even seed-
Lace is used to trim handbags;
just as leather is now used to trim
•hats. A dainty handbag of tan
suesde is edged about the top with
a narrow frilling of deep cream va-
lenciennes lace, fulled well around
the corners.
The kimono form will be retained
in dressy effects, but usually the
forearm will be closely fitted, this,
is combination with the kimono out,
neoessitating the retention of a
very large embalm This cut will
be much used in transparent bo-
dices and in evening wraps. Gen-
. eraily speaking, day dresses and.
separate blouses will have long
sleeves, with frills or laoe falling
over the hands.
Costume, suit and wrap fashions
for the coining season will be char-
acterized not so much by novelty
of form as by novelty and beauty of
materials and colorings. The Or-
iental form is eti11 maintained, but
the Eastern influence is lessening
considerably, and is already on the
decline from a novelty standpoint.
Women_ of good taste are demand-
ing liberation from too uniform a
dress, and there will be more indi-
viduality than heretofore from the
Paris dressmakers.' Eact big mak-
er will stand for what is his con-
ception of the proper dreas for the
"Nothing could give quieter reeulte
than Dr. Hamilton's Pelle and I strongly
advtea every young woman to use thein;'
All dealere eell Dr. Hamilton's Pills,
26e, per box or five boxes for $1.00 by
rea11 from The Catat•rhozone 00„ Buffalo,
N.Y., and Kingeton, Ont.
It Is Costly, But the Results Are
Said to Be Wonderful.
All Germany ie obsessed with the
idea of procuring misothorium as
a panacea for cancer. It is stated
to have .power emanating in rays
similar to ,but much snore effective
than radium. The cost seems al -
meet as great.
The substance is derived from
thorium waste in the manufacture
of gas mantles, and is used in a
tiny portion enclosed in a silver
covering, in whish extreon'ely small
holes are pierced. The silver box
is then placed upon the part affect-
ed by cancerous growth, and, it is
said, will slowly but effectually re-
move all traces of the disease.
There is hardly an important
town in the country which diel not
vote a large sum from the public
funds for the purpose of purchas-
ing some of the costly maternal•.
Where public funds are not forth-
coming, concerts, bazaars and such
like are the moans adopted for
raising the (money for the purpose.
Too Gentlemanly.
Father—I want to tell you this,
my son: The secret of success- is
hard work. Son If it's a secret,
dad, you shouldn't have mentioned
it. Fortunately, I'm too much of
a gentleman to take, advantage of
information gained in that way.
A ``Bone" Wished For.
"Pa, what is a wishbone l"`
"The dollar let my sone" -
Most Likely to Follow Propor Eat-
, ing.
Ae old age adye-noes we require
fashionable woman of ever,
4. e- lobe food to replace waste, and food
spas this variety, huweverl there that will not overtax the digesibive
is k s show
Thus, while some organs while supplying true nour-
makers show long coats and others ysliunsrlt
short jackets, the two eeemingly Snort an ideal Pooch is found in
opposed forms are brought into .
harmony through the fact that in Grape -Nuts made of whale wheat
the long coabs there is nearly al- and barley by long baking and se -
ways a break at the waistline, tion of diaebase in ]the barley which
brought about by a girdle, the cut changes the friaroh intoa most di -
of the vest, to. gestive sugar,
,f-- The phosphates also•, placed tip
Sweet Sally Sinned. under the outer coat of the wheat,
• included in Grape -Nuts, but axe
S 1 aching in whits flour because tele
swimming. Suddenly she seamed outer coat oe the wheat darkens the
sinking. Sir Samuel stood stunned. ;your and is left ant by the miller.
Striding seaward, spurning ]those natural iii l phosphates
aro, '
Sir Samuel Sims saw sweet era i. 1
ate ne-
seething surf, Sir Samuel swiftly oessatry to the well-balanced build -
swam Sarah-warcls. Sir Samuel ing of muscle, brain and nerve
t d swooning
S have used Grape -Nuts,"
�t L1teS a W4Ste1
BABY TOVE' Hurrah, No More
Lame Backs!
This Case Proves That The Best
and Strongest Liniment Ever
Made Is Norviliue.
Prinee Willfain of Wied, .
who has been designated to -rule
Longest Siege ori Record.
Crete endured the longest siege
on record, beside which Troy's ten
ears seem but a skirmish. In
648 the Turks, attempting to con-
uer the island, laid siege to the
apital city of Candia, which, how -
ver, dict not surrender unti•I Sep -
ember, 1699, after 21 years, Again
n 1821, when the Cretans revolted,
ho defeated `lurks were able, to
old the fortified cities against all
attacks, and many of these were Corp., Dopt. 211', nomas, n. s, A.
still =captured when the powers 1
intervened nine years later.
skilfully supper a oaltls,
Sarah; swimmin shorewards, Sir ,,1
Samuel. � Y
1N O
No other keeps the skin and scalp
so clean and clear, so sweet and
healtI . Used with Cuticura Oint-
ment, it soothes irritations which
often prevent sleep and if neglected
become chronic disfigurements.
Millions of mothers use these pure,
sweet and gentle emollients for
every purpose of the toilet, bath
and nursery.
Outloura Soap and Ointment are said throughout
the world. A liberal sample of mob, with 32 -page
b151101 on the earn and treatment of the elan and
ovalp,,sent post-free. Address Potter Drug 4' Chem.
t uccessfu 1 saveshaky, h, n Mall'"for eight
Seeming pled 50111 piriby, Sir years and feel as good and ani
Samuel sampled some spirits sae stronger than I was ten years ago.
ciS Sam, "Among my oustomal's I most a
'Sir ass. S ah sweet Sarahs man every day who is well along in
sweetness, Sarah sew Sir Samuel's . ea•rs and attributes his good
self-saarihwing spirit.
Sir Samuel soon soughttvluah lie ides used for the last five
Sarah, striding slowly. Sarah sigh- veers. lie mixes Grape-l\7tr..- with
scl; Bit ometthl seemed speechless. rusk= and says they go Ano to -
"Say something,. Sir Samuel, ' gather.
said Sarah. " "For. many year:: before I began
Say Sam, Sarall l said ,sir to eat Grape -Shuts, T could nob slay
Sarah, smiling softly, -Haid that, 1 enjoyed ]ifs or ]clew what it
"Sump P was to be able to say `I sou. wolf.'
"Sarah—Sally," stammered Sir 1 suffered greatly with oonetipa-
Samuel. "Sweet Sarah sweat- bion, but now my habits aro as
heart!" regular as ever in my life.
Sarah smilingly surrendered. "Whenever I make extra effoi1t
, a I depend on Grape -Nuts food and
Throe clothing stores ars In the it juste f111s the bill. X eau 'think
Mime block, One morning thomid. and write a great deal easier."
s m
die )>L•tiprstor sow to the right of "Th,aro's, a reason. Nemo given
him a big sign, "Closing
Bale, bay Canadian Postum Co,, Windsor,
and to the left, •Closing Out et 'Ont. Read The Road to Well -
Cora," end minutiae later there villa,,' in lege,
Lost, Twenty
alrpsared over his stun door, in Eoarread
ririrslio ldfejnaf ATihow ens holly y "'1 suppose so; bet �it'a aw-
An eminent scientist, the other day,
gave his opinion that the most won-
derful discovery of recent years was
the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just
think! As soon as a single thin Payor
of Zam,Buk is applied to a wound or
a sore, such injury is insured against
blood poison 1 Not one species of
microbe has been found that Zam-Buk
does not''ktll 1
Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk
is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to
skin disease, it stops the smarting,
That is why children are such friends
of Zam-Buk. They care nothing for
the science of the thing. All they
know is that Zam-Buk stops their
pain. !Mothers should never forget
,Again. As soon as Zam-Buk is ap-
plied to a wound or to. a diseased
part, the cells beneath the skin's sur-
face are so stimulated that naw
healthy tissue is quickly formed. This
forming. of fresh healthy tissue from
below is Zam-Buk's secret of healing.
The tissue thus fanned 'is worked up
to the: surface and literally casts off
the diseased tissue above it. This is
why Zam-Buk cures are permanent.
- Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of
101 •Delorimier .Ave., Montreal, called
upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them
that for over 'twenty -Ave years he
had. been a martyr to eczema, His
hands were at one time 'so covered
with sores that he had to sleep in
glovea Four years ago Zam-Buk was
introduced to him, and in a few
months it cured him. To-day—over
three years after his cure of a disease
he 'had for twenty -Sue years—he is
still cured, and has had no trace of
any return of the eczema!
JO11 druggists sell Zam,Buk at 500.
box, or we will send free trial box if
you send this advertisement and a in
stamp (to pay return postage). Ad-
dross Zara-Buk Go., Toronto,
In Canal Zone—Steel . Rails Used
for Telephone Poles.
In the telephone system of the
Canal Zone steal rails are used as
poles on account of ants. It. is said
that they will cub into a wooden
pole and in a very •abort time kali
nothing but the eholl. Creosote
cross -areas are used as a proteotio
a'gein.sb these pests, according to
correspondent of The Telepho
"They bored. through the bellbo
into the interior of the desk an
had removed praobicall:y the enter
pine wood of the interior, when th
desk suddenly fell to pieces.
"These busy ants, in .their opera
tions, when they feel that thei
presence alight be discovered, son
Mallet a kind of tunnel of mud ex
tending along the floor beams fo
the entire length. of the,buildin
and come and go through this con
e eal•ed passage.
"One of the ooristruction dithou
ties encountered has been the main
taining of the pole lite throug
• of the swampy regions. I
eeveral insts:wee the pules .of rai
road iron have gradually 'sunk i
health to. Grape -Nuts and Pot um
the ground nnthil it beoamue neoes-
sitly to splice on 0n additional rail,'
and in some places three such see -
'Lions of rail have been found to
sink down In the owamp while only
twenty or thirty feet renwtinted
above the surface."
Grains of Gold.
At war with ourselves means the
truest happiness we can ,have.—
The true way to mourn the dead
is to take care of the living who be-
long to them.—Burke.
The working man is expected to
be very devout on Sundays, but the
rich need their rest wed recreation.
—Mr, J. Thomas.
If you think you can achieve any-
thing great or 'small by doing it
only by fits and .'starts, put that
erroneus idea out of your head at
once.—Charles Dickens.
It is always. a pleasure to me
when two of my friends like each
other, just as I atm always glad
when two of my. enemies take to
fighting with each othev,—Heine.
London General Omnibus Decision.
Perhaps the most striking tribute
the Knigiht Motor has received is
contained in the' following item of
news pebliished in the "Automo-
bils" of August 7th, as follows:
"According to definite news pub-
lished to -day, the big London Gen-
era] Omnibus Co., which has 2,600
motor omnibuses on the London
streets, has been so thoroughly sat-
isfied with the service given by the
300 Knight rigged Daimler 'bulges
which have been running for twelve
months past that they have decided,
to replace gradually all the poppet
engines in their 2,800 'bases with
Knight Motors. The 'buses in ques-
tion are greatly favored by the
publio on a000-unt of their silence
and •smooth -running qualities, while
the. great power of acceleration. en-
ables. the driver to pink his way
through traffic tree very best advan-
tage, with the result that the
Knight Motor has now been select-
ed as standard for future work. In
view of the fact that the daily run
of a London 'bus is 110 miles of very
strenuous work, it must be admit-
ted tilat the success achieved here
is very notable indeed."
The London General Omnibus
Ck npany is ono of the meet effi-
ciently managed commercial car
companies in the world. It' has
spent hundreds of thousands of
pounds in developing a type of
motor 'bus most suitable to. London
traffic, and its adoption of the
Knight, not only as a standard for
future new 'buses, but to replace the
poppet valve motors in the 'buses
on the streets, is the most striking
feature the Knight Engine has ever
When it Pomo» to determining the real a feature of up -to -•date Itictioe. At
merit of a mediate°, no weight of eve- p '
donee 1e mors cavemen than the Swindon experiments were first
straightforward atatomout of HOMO re- mauls on two or three coaches' OA -
liable and well-lrsown person who baa }
been cured. For thie reason we print the ter whish it was decided to extend
verbatim statement of Juan E. Powell, the principle to practically all new
written from ]els home in Carleton. "1,00awhes; consequently the coaches
am a strong, powerful mon, 01x feat tall, I
and weigh nearly two hundred. I have now under cone�4ruction at Swindon
been accustomed all my life to lift groat . have fireproof 1100r4. The base of
weights, but one day I overdid it, and the floors is formed of sheets of
wreathed by back badly. Every tendon galvanized corrugated 'steel, rivet -
and muscle WWI sore. 'To stoop or bond ed together and secured to ,the low -
wee agony. I had a whole bottle of Nowt.'
British Railways Taking 1.'.reeane
tion Against Fire.
For ,some time past attention has
been given in railway circles in Bri-
tain to the question of fire -proofing
ooaehes, and such coaches are noW
»olnestle A.inentties.
He was mumbling tough steak
and oold coffee and making himself
generally disagreeable.
Dont growl so over your. food,
Xelin," said ,his wife, . "nobody is
going to balte it away. Ervin you.".
Madge 1 "Don't you thinit a girl
should marry an economical man 1
lino rubbed on in ono say, and by piglet. est member of the side framing of
I was wolf again, 1 know sof no liniment' the each. On the top of.this are
pceoetstng one-linlf the DPnatratlon and fastened expanded :metal sheets,
pain.eubduiug properties of Nervillne, and on the bed thus formed the fire -
invaluable I urge its use strongly as anv proof flooring is laid to an average
liniment and household cure for all depth of ono inch. When dry the
material farms a hard fire resisting
substance through which it will be
impossible for flames to penetrate.
As a further precaution against fire
the coaches arc oared with galvan-
ized steel sheets at the sides and
ends, screwed on to the wooden
minor ailments, such us etraine, sprains,
owalllags, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago,
rheumatism, and muscular pain."
No bettor medicine for eurlrg pain was
ever put in a 'bottle than Nerviline—rub
it on and rub it In—that rube out all
aches, pains, and eorenns5. Large rat•
Hy size, 50o., trial eine 25o,. ail dealers,
or The Catarrhozone Co,. Buffalo. N,Y.,
and Kingston, Ont,
Guard Themselves at the Ontario
Prison Farm.
Three years ago, says Robson
Black in the Wide World magazine,
the authorities of the Province of
Ontario cautiously commenced to
reverse a system that had been in
operation with little variation for
about twenty centuries. They took
four hundred men from behind the -
high walls and steel. bars of the
Central Prion, Toronto, and
placed 'them on a farm, where their
words of honor were the only bas-
tions and a common --sense notion
of;`co-operation" their only lock
and key. The authorities moved
with care they did not choose des-
perate criminals for suoh unpanal-
le1.led leniency of treatment; they
did not take inurderere or dynami.t-
ards. Many of them, however, are
practised •burglars, forgers, pick-
pockets and the like, and about
ninety per cent of them are the pre-
cincts of drink.
This experiment has been success-
ful almost beyond belief. Four hun-
dred convicted men, mostly young,
live the year round.on twelve hun-
dred acres of farm Land, with no
more. repression or surveillance
than is imposed on any frim labor-
er on, the Canadian prairie. Do they
escape 1 Four in three years out of
a transient population of perhaps a
thousand. "But does not the sea -
tem make prison life so attractive
as to place a premium on ciimel"
asks the skeptic. So far is this
from being the fact that not one-
half the percentage of "repeaters"
come back for•further sentenees to
the Prison Farm, as is the case with
the old-fashioned jells.
Manslaughter in Second Degree.
a b
"Wouldn't you promise to obey
e man of whom you thought enough
to marry 4""I might," replied
Miss Cayenne. "But I should un-
doubtedly have a few things to say
if ho were ever so impolite as to
remind me of my promise"
largo letters 1,`*Mani If •trance," dei ln tree elle fail Of hmnnn Inlsras i fur being engaged to ou . ll
SUE, 09---'l3.
Ailments suoh es co•natipaftion,
colic, colds, vomiting, etc., seize
children of all ages, and the mother
should be on her guard against
these troubles by keeping a box of
Baby's Own Tablets in the house.
If any of these troubles owns on
suddenly the Tablets will cure
them, or if the little one is given
an occasional dose of tho Tablets
he will escape these troubles. The
Tablets are sold by medicine 'deal-
ers or by mail et 25c a box from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co ,
Brookville, Ont.
Cutting corns with a razor is danger-
ous and useless. The only remedy is
Putnam's Corn Extractor, which removes
corns and warts in one day. Because
painless and safe, use only "Putnam's,"
25e. per battle at all dealers.
Too Good to Lose.
"Will you. be my 'Wife l" asked
the sitar. boarder.
"Let me sae," mused the land-
lady. "You've boarded with me
four years.You have never grum-
bled at the food. You have always
paid promptly. No, 1 can't accept
you; you are too good a boarder to
be put on the free list t
Minard's Liniment Cares Windmill.
"Lysander," said the wife sweet-
ly. "do you know what day this
WI" "Of course," said hubby,
pretending to have remembered' all
the time, "it's the anniversary of
our wedding day, dear," "No such
thing!" frigidly answered the wife,
"It's the day you promised to nail
the leg on that old kitchen table."
Not Leap Year Either.
Ethel—This craze for gold seems
to me very foolish; now a very lit-
tle would make me perfectly happy.
Jack—How much?
Ethel --Just enough to reach
around my finger. -
is the moat benefloent medical discovery
el the ppresent century. The chane in
our methods of living has deprived the
system of some of its most necessary in-
gredients. Our grandmothers gave up
SULPHUR, but tho doctors laughed. It
did not assimilate with the blood. The
discovery of liquifying SIILPEtR has
changed the doctor's. opinion. LIQUID
SULPHUR assimilates readily with the
blood. Leading physicians are recom-
mending L14,11 SULPHUR for all blood
troubles. LIQUID SULPHUR is a posi-
tive .cure for ECZEMA. Hundreds are
willing to testify to the benefit it hoe
been to them. A few -drops three times
111 cure the most acute ease of
For sale by all druggist). 50cente Dor
Try Murine Eye Reaped'.
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated B elids. Dgesn't Smart
--Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Lye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25c, 50c. Eye Books Pree by Mall.
An. Lys Tonto noon for All Eyoe that Need Car.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
llistorio Bat fie grail nd.
Greeks and Bulgarians have been
coming into conflict in the noutrttl
zone and the spot is.assoeiated with
more faanou:s ilalnes than almost
any other even in the Balkans.
Hero Bacchus avenged himself on
the Thracian King Lyeurgus, who
had banished him and his worship
by driving the king sand, so that he
out off his own legs, thinking they
were vice branches, and was torn
to pieces by his subjcote, who wane;•
ed to have, Baoohns (and wine)
again. Seated = this monntaill
Orpheus charmed the trees and
boasts, On the southwest it. leeks
toward Arnphipolis, fur which Atli•
miens and Spartans shrupgled
(Thiteedides was banished Frani
Athens for losing it as general);
arid on the northeast Philippi,
where the earthquake released
Paul and Silas in prison, and lieu -
lets sad Caesar's ghosb aged again.
A Sympathizer.
A clergyman was being shaved
by a barber who had evidently be-
come unnerved by the previous
night's dissipation. Finally, he
out the clergyman's chin. The lat-
ter looked up at the artist re-
proachfully and said:
"You see, my man, what comes
of hard drinking."
"Yes, sir," replied the barber,
consolingly. "It makes the akin
Oarterhalt, Nfld.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,—While in the country last
summer, I was badly bitten by mosqui-
toee, so badly that I thought I would be
disfigured for a coupleof weeks. 1 wren
advised to try your • ldniteent . to allay
the irritation, and did to. The effect was
more than I expected a Yew applications
completely curing the irritation, and
preventing the bites from becoming sore.
a bole tog keep oo0? lbs •mosquitoes good
Yours truly. A. Y. &
Choose your variety and
ask your grocer for,
"Clark's". ,
Clerlie'M fent.;
1 id e
i ane said th
ifs a an
w angel,"
"How long has she been dead i"
asked the Grouch,
Minard's Liniment. Cures Burns, Eta
It's Nature.
"That sold seems to have a
strong hold on you,"
"Yves; it has a great deal of
hoarse power."
Low Colonist Rates to Pulite Ooaet..
Via Ohioago and .North Western Rail•
way. On vale .daily Sept. 25th to Oct.
lath inclusive, from all pointe in Oanade,
to Leg Angeles, San Prano180o, Portland.
Salt Lake Oily, Seattle, victoria, Van-
couver, Nelson, Roseland. and many other
points. Throughtourist sleeper's and
free reclining ehair ears from Chicago.
Variable routes. Liberal stop prom, For
full information as to rates, routes.: and
literature, write or Pall on B. H. Bennett,.
General Agent, 46 Tonga Street, Toronto.
Everybody knows that Methuse- --
lah was the oldest man, but even
the Bible is reticent about the old-
est woman. -
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Mother—Now, children, I want
you to kiss Miss Lemon good-bye.
Elder Brother --•Come on, Billy, be
a sport. It'll bo over in a second.
"There ain't no ham in this here
sandwich," a man growled, seated
on a high stool before the marble
bar of an old-fashioned railway re-
staurant. "Olt, you ain't come to
the ham yob," the attendant an-
swered easily. The man ate on a
while longer, then growled again:
"There ain't no ham yet." "Oh,"
said the attendant, "you've bit
over it now."
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne street.
L $Fax e1nall section' a O GRAIN
Ontario., -
Bome snaps..
0. Railway trackage, In Toronto.
Brompton and other towne and dittos. .
It, Brampton end a dozen other towns.
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne- St., Toronto
ferent Foreign Stamps. Oatalogue,
Album. only Seven Cents. Marko Stamp
Company. .Toronto. -
Sale In good Ontario town. Excellent
Publishing company, Tman of orontoy. ,
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
tonin Then Rim 1511 More.
"So your uncle paid your debts;
that was very kind of hits. "
"Humph! I don't think so, He
might have given me the cash and
let me pay them."
• "What difference would that
make l
"It would have re-established
Dr. Morse's
Indian Moot Pmt
exactly meet the need which to often
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Not only are they effective in all
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greatly in breaking up a Cold or La
Grippe by cleaningoat the system
and purifying the bood. In the shine
way they relieve or cure Ililiotesnees,
Indigestion, Sick headaches, ltheum-
ahem and other common ailments.
In the fullest sense of the \fouls Ib.
Morse's Indian Root !'ills are 47
A MI *utsefitc tet ltd,ritlextst'1n^
you quickly, cheaply, thorenghir and
furnish .tools free. Wo give yon actual
(Up otu experience. Write
Queen for 8t. East.
lotus. Molar Oollege,
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out pain by our home treatment. Write
Co. before too Modica)
'Of dor Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel,
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
cured with the new German remedy,
Sanol,' pries 01.50. Another new remedy
for Diabetes-,lfellitue, and sure cure, ie
Sanol's Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 from
drungiste or direct. The Sanol M.anufao•
timing Company Mof (Meade, Limited..
and Telegraphy Courses of the most
complete and modern hied taught
right at your awn home by Shaw'.
Telegraph and Railroad School, s
Gerrard St, East, Toronto. Write
for particalaW aiii. Shaw 's,
moFREE ia and P ffiiahGi1
get your
popular of en
Coelboy, Rauh Rldarr
Scout, Baseball or
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Given absolutely FHEIE
for aellieg only 114 of one.
work beautiful andkervb1taan lsa 1
15< each. Your -friends
will gladly- -buy savors='
each. No money require
oda Wo trttet yon.
c5i1EC" MPG. 00.
100 Ohloe Bldg. - Eieobe+, P.Q.
Pufloys & Shafting
Sultoblo for 811115, Manatsoturinjf
Manta, PristIng 110353x, ate.
2 -Wood SplitPulleys, 124 x4,8
for 3 113/18 in, shaft ee
1 Wood Split Polley, 124 x 48 ih.
for 2 1510 in. shaft,
1 Wood Split Pulley, 124 x 23 ill.
for3 7110 in. shat,,
1 Wood Split PulleZy, 104 it 30 in.
for. 3 7118 in. nha.t.
Pulleys of smaller sizes and
Shafting of various icugths and
pleas to be mold at very 1011 figures.
Ilex 20,
i4'iIsoli I*nlili 311ng Co:, Toronto ..