The Brussels Post, 1913-10-2, Page 5I e BUSINESS CARDS. WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES IRee In the Pest mace, Ethel. 80.4 JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED INSMRANVE AUCTIONEERS, .as S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • ERR, Will sell for better prloos, to better men, to lees time and leas charges tbau any other Auoticnee r in East Heron or be won't charge anything. Bathe and orders eau always be arranged at thle Moe or by normal applleation, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. IAT M. SINCLAIH- 7• Barrister, Solicitor, .0ouveyeneer, Notary rublio, Oto, Ulaoe-s tewart'e Block 1 door -North of Central Hotel, Bolioltor for the Metropolitan Barak, pLIOUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLORAN B814141BTEx8SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC W. 1'noonrooT, E. O, R 0, H►Ye T, L, HILLORAN 011ioee-Those formerly °coupled by Meeers Cameron & Bolt, • Gengolon, On'ARtc. LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON HAVRE Fine, modern •team - ere - equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, Or 14 the AIIan Line, Toronto W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels, TY ugtx<,rS AK74r4SW `ve.M.v,A Are= 5ids Which School Shall I Attend 7 An important question. All buss. P I neve 0011eg0, 81•e not alike. CARRB41, Y JunooiEeT 10AE60LUTOLYNE0a8s0lHY. Lt' / Write tedny for the Catalogue of the >_ -t TORONTO, ONT. r d ,Ig This oh 98 0011800nd noted on the hi dot g 9 titan() ofefficiency No ar rood o[ 1 �IY Ile t cord,Students admittedy nt any ylt time• J Cor. Yolmg mid ji W. J. ELLIOTT, Alexmtder Ste. S Principal. p R^A7ac'aO,tte,`OR2areA,tuA'9e.a�44,,,'4Rtei4'rag r vGa`PRt>a♦�4ii>aysvA 'S' Rtp'4aAVRtta`4'poffer CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Our registration again exceeds that D { of any00evious year•. The boy or girl who lute not received our freo oath- logue does not itpow the grant oppor. tunnies of Commercial e. We have thr e v roe de t• I l tme lit p p, yCommercial,ad weBhm•n , t. lurid and Telegraphy offered told we oiler yon advantages note eine nO elsewhere in e. Wrlteio. You may enter nt any time. Write Por om' free catnloguo nt once. 0,4„Wosessseszsesserweiss xesAervesesSetat !Wes 13. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. 1Y ,.„,,..„,,,..,,,.,,,,,,v.......,....„, 1 r First t Q R Listowel Business College ) Your first atop toward success, lrell tern) opens September 2, A I Send for new free eatnlogue to �{ EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Prin. g 7ri �Si , rea'O,lva'O��PirA� ctdtSsta'0RtaVEta`PRva,� THE ■ Best Brains !n Canada have ove participated l oto in the pre- paration oP our SplendfdHmite sttdy onaaes in Banking, Eoonondcs, nigher Accounting, Ceannerolat Art, Show Card Writing. Photography, journal- ism, S to1t b i n ry Writing, elting, and Bookkeeping. Select the work which most, hcareersoumid vritens for nuttoaI ma.Address • THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 361.7 Tonga at., Toronto e41....A.,uuil. •u,u11 HAVE YOU d - ovi tot for Winter employ((Mont dt p s 70( the wadh e and Winter months or do rut steady remunerative ie and work the yeartip 80811, Waited ntlrl.ran beet One agent's (Minsr t ea Weh g a t n offer the best in rho leslve t : Pny weekly, nice oat• Hi, exclusive territory', , muter OVER 600 ACRES 05yee outA reputation Estail'lilgll over stooke A it detnite, Ra grade stook and Pnii+ dealing. � A salesman Mtn make money selling for un. We Want an rotor etic relinbie man for Brussels and vicinit r y. Fo terms wafts PELHANi NURSERY CO.t, Toronte, Ont. N. B, Free ontgto uq e on request, _ 1 giIi$lnese narliln DR. R. F PARKER LISTOWgL, ONT. Osteopath, Eye Sneolnllst, ]rood 9olentlnt Chronic end Nervone Dleensee, At sire. 8, T. Plume, Breesels Wedneeduy07 B0 a, m, to 11 11,10, Gineeossoientlacally fitted, JAS ANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON. Suoceseov to M, H. Moore. Office at Ander, son Bros. Livery steble, Bruesela, Telephone No, 20, DR. T. T, M'RAE. Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy slofans and Surgeons, Ont,. • Pont -graduate 0811cagEar, Nose and Throat Hos b Eve, pp��htel, tlhiouge,1I(1, Ex -House burgeon to 81, Mioh. atnl's Hospital, Toronto, (Mee over F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tole• phone connection with Oraabrook at all houre, DR. F. T. BRYANS Baohelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Lioontinteof College of Physicians and Sur. 0001111, Ontario ; ox•Senior House Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto, Moen of late Dr, A. steltovoyy, smith Meek, Bruesela, Rural. phone 45, . DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL. ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London. (Eng,), New York and Ohlaago Hos• pitole. Speoinl attention todisease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. OMee opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department. of Opphthal• niotogy, Mo0ormiok Medica Collage, Ohionge, Ill., is prepared to teat eyes and lit glasses at her office over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every weelc. Office hours 1 to 9 p. m. Forenoons by appointment. Phone 1219. T. R. BENNETT Will give better satlefnetlon to both buyer and -eller than any other Auctioneer and only "hare° what is reasonable. Sales conducted my where in Ontario. Pure bred stook sales n 01100 ulty, Write or 'phone 213 Wroxeter. &WSWD Tama' B.I. irap BRUSSELS Gone° Borten Goaxa Norma 'Sail 7:07 a In I Express 10:55 a m ;express...,... 11:25a m aloin 1;59 9 in Express 2:55 n m Express 8:52 p QevdCJ!°. instar r,w,Fle WALTON To Toronto ToGoderleh Express......,., 7:52 n mExpress 12:10 a re Express 2:47 p m I .Express 5:BB p m WROXETER Going East - 7:05 e, m. and 8:55 p, m. Going West - 12:46 and 9:47 p. m• All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. et Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations, GEO. ALLAN, Loonl Agent, Prat � �z�l .elv Items GET ready for Fall. An incandescent lamp has been in. stalled at the junction of King and James streets and btigbtens up a dark corner very nicely. AsYem system of waterworks etas been ' 111- stalled Rt the poultry farm of A Butter, the motive power being supplied d by a windmill. D. EWAN. the well known carriage maker of Brussels. has sold upwards of too buggies during the past season and is getting a large supply of cutters ready now for the coming Winter. He does a Large trade. - Why Burn Your Toes? Stop using Acid Corn Salves use Putnam's Painless Extractor it costs .11 little 1110re, but it's far the a best. Use only Putnam' a', -26e at all dealers. APPLES 1N THE WEST.— Mrs. Will. Backer brought home with her from Cavalier, 'North Dakota, some fine specimens of Colvert apples, grown by Louis Baeker, a' brother to the late George Seeker, of Brussels. The fact of being able to grow and mature this classoff fruit rut will be a neat blessing g sem to the West and will cause many an ex. periment along the same line. Bee. DINGMAS, of the Stratford Herald, is a hero. He is engaged fu the herculean task of writing sweet little notices, without duplication, con- cerning scores of kiddies who are in the Herald's subscription padding contest and whose photogravures adorn the pages of that lively evening daily. Many of these sketches read Rs if the editor's pen had been dipped in honey or molasses. Just Whore The Danger Lies. In many catarrh snuffs, cocaine is the largely used ingredient ; in con- sequence the drug habit may be form- ed. 7.'o be really cared of catarrh, to do so quickly, safely and pleasantly, (Mantel say Cetarrhozone is superior to ally other remedy. I1 heals sore places, stops discharge, prevents hawking, spitting and bad breath - does this byfirst destroying the cause of thdisease. ' yCatarrll- ozone is no experiment, it is a tried and proved cure that is guaranteed for bronchial, throat, nose and lung catarrh. lr Two sizes, 2 6c and $ 1,Ub , at dealers. MrssIONARY Tile Methodist church• esof London Conference contributed $79.200 r4 during the past year fon missions, The total amount paid by he Methodist churches for this cause in Canada 5108 leached the splendid total of $637,256.30, With one exception British Columbia, there hasbeen en in- crease in the amount given by every Conference in the Dotniniou. Adding g the amount received from interest on legacies and dentitions the total reaches the um of 8 The returns s 5• 575 ,577 9 from the various Conferences are as follows 'roronto,($158.768.48 ; London, ; Hntnii'on 88 azo. o; Ba $79,290,14.$ 9 , V , of Quinte, $50,985.79 ; Montreal, 576,778.70 ; Nova ScotiR, 518.283 07 New Brunswick and Prince Edward island, $14,038.T3 ; Newfouucllrnd. $18,116 85 ; Manitoba, $46.944.54;. 1 tclrewnli t Alber A Sv.alt A 53 .933.94 ; n 1 ; British Columbia$27,80, ti z 2 $ 5, 5 : z5. Tend, $t637,256,30, The preates' increases are ie Toronto, $10,t Ma and Moutr►A1, $tt,grad.Sg, • Peon teueerocen (1085011 owing to the dry weather, W, C,'1>. U. -The 96111 annual Con- vention of the Ontario Wnttlan's Christ. I Ian '1'onlperatlee Union will be held in I the Central Methodist Church, Strut - lord, Oct, 6th to loth. Members of i the Executive Board, consisting pf the Executive Snperintendeets of Depart- menta and County Presidents are re• quiretl to reach Stratford in time fur a meeting of the Executive at 8 p. no.. Monday, the 6111 -matters of importance to the success of the Convention will be dismissed, The flat meeting of the Convention will open at 9 o'clock Tues- day morning. Your Wisest course if you are caught in the wet, get sore throat, neuralgia or muaeuiar pain, don't wait for worse troubles. Begin prompt treatment with Poison's Neivi)fne, I1 dei Yes away all trace of cold, eases rheumatism, neul'ttlgia and pain, 9aveiey0n front a lay-up in bed, No 25e purchase can In•ime more 7010(1or•t than 1a bottle of Palson's Weevil ine ; it's the cleanest, strongest liniment made. Sold everywhere, iu largo 25c bottles, FAILS Mu.L1NEgv,-The Autumn hats continue small and medium, the materials ranging I'roni the soft fine felts to the velours and plashes, in- cluding the new Duvitene and brocaded velvets. The new hat must have a roll somewhere either at the side dr back, the latter with uarrow point front being very 8(08108. A wide range is given in colors, everything rich and bright being good, the brique red and royal purple being perhaps the favorites, though closely followed by Ilame and all shades of y ellow. 'file ribbons are a strong feature in Autumn 'Minuerv, many of unusual width and rich • brocades. Wings loo are popular fur early tailored millinery, mourned high or formed Rs a buttel'AV and poised on the rim of ha's. The indications are fur a very strong ostrich season, bon in p'untes end el abornte Mounts yu all the popular shadrs. Greatest Female Strengthener on earth Thousands of wa111011 are wan, pal- lid, run clown and dispirited: What. they need is that nourishing tonic 'Ferrozone• Soon they regain those laughing eyes, bright spirits and rosy cheeks. Ferrozone does this and more as Mts. L, F. Adrianson of Wilitney Pier, C. B testifies. "My daughter wag very mach run down and had considerable troubles at times, Often I was at a loss to know what to do. I WM advised to give her Fer- rozone and I did so. Ferrozone cleared up all the trouble, made my daughter healthy and well. Fee. rozonegives good appetite, regulates. strengthens. I consider ita medicine every W0111111 should use regularly if she wants to feel her best," Rebuild tvitlt Ferrozosle, it is the zing of all cares. Price 50c per box at ail deal- ers. Listowel The Hough Cup football team tvill play Woodstock on Oct. 111.11. Miss Mae Elliott, of Milverton, is takinga stenography tour. ae iL Listowel t the v 1 Bustl Business College. E. Rev. L Osborne-agrauinate of Moody Institute has accepted a call to Listowel Baptist church. Rev. Osborne formerly preached in Porter, Ind. He has been in charge of the services at the chln'eli for the past few v { sake Rev. all Osborne will commence his duties at once. Lawrence ce Arnold, In w 1 has been employed at the local G. T. R. station, has been transferred to Palmerston, and has been appointed billing clerk, at a substantial increase in salary. His brother, Clarence Arnold, has taken his position at the Station here. Au enthusiastic sand Well attended meeting of the W. O. T. U. was ,held in the Presbyterian church. Officers foe the ensuing year are as follows President, Mrs. T. L. Hamilton ; 1st vice Pres., Mrs+ Purcell ; 2ndvice Pres,, Mrs. E. Hallman ; 3rd vice Pres,, Mrs. J. Riehin ; 4t11 vice Pres., Mrs, C. - Ross ; Treasurer, Airs. J. Bain ; Rec. Sec., Mrs, Adolph ; Sec., Mrs, R. A, Olimie ; Delegates to Provincial Convention at Stratford, Mrs, Cavell, Mrs. Purcell, Mrs.. J. J• Kemp, Miss Wherry ; Delegate to Dominion n Con venni on in London, Mrs. T. L. Hamilton, President of t Perth County W. 0. T. U. Henri, Orr, a student at the High School, had the misfortune to have a rather peculiar accident befall him at Milverton and is now confined to his home there, He had just got in- to the buggy to go to the station when a sudden stiffness in his knee prevented him sitting down. He was assisted from the buggy and when he attempted to stand alone be fell for- ward on his face. Thejoint has since. caused him a great deaof pain and it is feared he may have to undergo an operation. He is one of the best players on 111e Hough Cup team. The _- Regina Watch How {v abouti tl at old watch ? Is it no Llvtn satisfaction g g atwfnc tion ? Have 1t exchanged far a REGINA and you will always be sore of the right time. They are soli at the following pi•Ities : 7 -jewelled 20-yetar Banner • Gold-filled Case - $11.'75 16•jewelled 20 -year Balmer Gold-filled Case - - 18.76 17•iowelled 20 -year Bahner 601a -filled O1L9e. - • 18.76 7 - jewelled Waterproof - Nickel Carse $,20 10 jewelled Waterproof Nickel Case • • 10.20 17 - jewelled Waterproof Nickela Cse -13.20 'These Watches are all guaran- teed for three years. L. BLAKE E Walton - Ontario BLUE AND DISCOURAGED' Mrs. Hamilton Tells How She Finally Found Health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. etable Compound. Warren. Ind.- 'I was bothered ter- ribly with female veakness. I had pains 111 n; I ; and was not regular, ° ;I I xi1l f my head ached 11 ta 1:€'i tip!'a�rL4'a a a Ili the time,I had bear - II' �f. g down pains and my back hurt me the biggest part of the 11f1•II ' time, I was dizzy 1111 `= �J.lilil�ii{ and had weak feel-. ings when I would stoop over, it hurt me to walk any dis- tance and I felt blue and discouraged. "I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and am now' in good health: If it had not been for that medicine I would have been in my grave a long time ago. "-Mrs. Art Memo E. HAMILTON, R. F. D. No. 6. Warren, Ind. Another Case, Esmond, R.I.-"I write to tell you how much good your medicine has done me and to let other women know that there is help for them. I suffered with bearing down pains, headache, was ir- regular and felt blue and depressed all the time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and commenced to gain in a short time and I am a well wo- man today. I am on my feet from early morning until late at night running a boardinghouse and do all my own work. I hope that many suffering women will try your medicine,. It makes happier wives and mothers." -Mrs. ANNA HA i. 8EN, Esmond, Rhode Island. Following °niers were elected for the Curling Club for the 01150ing year :-President, E. D. Bolton ; vice Pres„ R. McMillan ; Sec. -Tresis„ Geo, Melrose Executive Committee, the President, vice -President and Sec., Tteas. ; Membership committee, J. NL Campbell, J. D. Boehmer, N. R. Bamford ; Property and ice Com- mittee, Gorge Melrose, J. E. Boeh- mer, J. M. Campbell and E. D. Bolton ; Skips, Messrs, Boehmer, Campbell, Melrose, Olimie, McMillan, Bolton, Morphy and J. N. Hay. The member- ship fee was placed at $3. Club own their sink and are having it put into good shape. They make You Fool Good Theleaasant purgative n ggaLtve effect pro- duced by Chamberlains Tablets and the healthy condition of Lhe body and mind which they create stake one feel joyful. For sale by all dealers. Blyth Joseph Garter was horse terse judge Atwood Fair. at Tuesday, October 7th, rat 10 a. in. Judge Doyle will hold Voters' List Court fn Industry Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Hardiety,• East Waw- anosll, have returned from a few mouths visit in the Old Countryy. Annivet envy services of the Metho- dist church will be conducted byRev. W. L. Rutledge, D. D,, of Cinton, Sunday, Oct. 1211t. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed Ili St• Andrew's church, on Sunday, Oet. 6851. Preparatory service on Thursday evening previous, Miss L. Livingstone took 16 first and 18 second prizes in fine cuts and ladies work at the Exeter Fair. Mrs. D. D. Crittenden captured 5 1st, and 82, Ida. ' Chris Johnston, . Jch atop, lnet with a serious accident. 1 t. A threshing outfit was at his place and he was working around the machine c 1 to when n stone -flew through striking him in the eye near- ly blinding hien. DEATH or Mats, (REv.)-OLY0DALE•- Sad was the Haws which was received" intc , wn on SAtn1` do Sept. t. 2 0th when it became known that Edith Mills, beloved wife of Rev. F. E. 01 sdale had departed ted thi s life after a lingering illness at hey home in Uat'Istade, Alberta, and that the re. mains were being brought to Blyth Cause for Alarm Loss of appetite or distress after eating -a symptom that should not be disregarded. Itis not what you eat but what you digest and assimilate that does you sod. Some of the strongest, esthealth- test 8 heap - 8 h re t a arsons p aro moderate eaters. Nothing wilt cause more trouble than a disordered stomach, and many people contract serious maladies through disregard or abuse of the stomach. We urge R offer from ui 'esti° dt 6 n or dyspepsia, o ata to y r p p , 4 Ito call Dyspepsia Tablets with taten oder stnndmg that we will refund the stoney paid tis without question or formality, if after use you are not Pettedly satisfied with results, Wo recommend Rexail Dyspepsia Teblois to eustomors every day, and have yet to hoar of ono who has not been benefited, We believe them to be without equal. They vo aom n relief, aiding to neutralize acidity, , stinndoto flow of gastric Juice etr0:1g1110(1 the digestive Organs, and 111W3 .1 i 1 o nolo perfect 1 r t 1 utritron and correct unhealthy symptoms. Theo sires, "5 cents, 60 cents, and 81.00, You can Y1ioxall Dyspepsia bttTa filets in this community only at our kora; F. R. SMITH. Brussels The ,hod Ontario There lea Boxall Store in nearly every town And olty in the linked States, On and ad Croat Mini's, There is a different Resell Remedy for nearly ovary ordinary human ill- eacfor i eitlely dammed for the particular ill for Whio�i it ie recommended. rho Rom Btorce ere Ameriea's orea*Ie$ , Drop Bt0M for initial. Deceased was born 1 1Iu11et1 township anal had spelt ptaoOcaily ]ler eutire lite in thi neighbnrl,nod• She wee of all amlab diepoeitiun and beloved by all wit knew her.. Particularly was lie worth valued for the lulstln tea. service she had always given the Work i connection with the Method's ied Rey, F. R. olysclale{von theat28811 o June, 191:1, and after their marriage they spent a year at Malden where 141r, Olysdale was 811Lioued. A. little over IL year ago, owing to IMO i11 health of tris wife, he requested -and was accepted by the Alberta Con- 1'erence where 1t was thought the climate would prove beneficial to her ailment and for a time after their re- moval West, she seemed to regain strength, bub her grip upon life speedily relaxed and she passed away of Thursday, 188h Mt, Al the tirne of her demise, her mother, Mrs. John Mills, and sister, Miss Florence, were visiting her. The reutaine arrived In Blyth on Tuesday, the funeral taking place to the Union cemetery, Be- sides her husband, there is left to mourn her loss, her mother, bars. John Mills, sisters Mee. (Rev.) Kaine' and Miss Florence and John and William, of Hullett, all of whom have the sympathy of the community at large in their bereavement. ni b l For le ri n' t 0 A Marvelous Escape "My little boy had a lrtarvelous escape," writes P. 0, Bastiams, of Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope. "It occurred in thelrniddle of the night. Ile got a very severe attack of croup. As luck would have it, I had a large bottle of Ohamberlain'e Cough Reme- dy in the house. After following the directions for an hour and twenty minutes he was through all danger." Sd1Y1 by all dealers. Seaforth Chas. and Mrs. Sool, left for Win- nipeg, where they will reside in future. Mrs. J. F. Parcell is recovering nice- ly frou the operation she had per- formed on Sept. 13th. Mrs. M. Broderick returned home after a 3 months' visit with relatives in Chicago and Denver, While driving in one of the races at Mitchell Fall Fair, William Gibbons had the mister tune to have an upset, sante had his arm broken. Fordwich Howiolc Fall Fair, Oct. 4111, at Gerrie. Miss Blythe yLh Wilson left here for Edmonton wheee she will join her parents and make her future home. Ml's. A. A. Dobson, of Montreal, spent 00001 al weeks with Rev. A. B. and Mrs. Dobson, at the manse here. Anniversary services of Newbridge Methn(ist church will be held Sunday, Oct 12th. Tea and program 011 Monday, Oct. 130h. Word was received here of the death feorn typhoid fever of Orlando Downey, eldest son of Isaac and Mrs, Downey, n f the Soo, o formerly of this place, and grandson of Wm. and Mrs. We de, sr . of this tOVi1 . The young gmsn visited here Winter. chronic Dyspepsia The following unsolicited testimoni- al should certainly be sufficient to give hope and couragee to Parsons afflicted 1 d withchi chronic dyspepsia s I have been a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of all the medicine I have taken Chamberlain's Tablets have done me more good than anything else," says W. G. Mattison, No. 7, Sherman St„ Hoenellsville, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Atwood Harry Ratcliffe and Melvyn Robb left on Monday for Toronto to attend University. Miss Annie Lochhead went to Strat- ford where she is attending Normal School. Lawrence M. Barr, of Done- gal, and Hannah Leslie, of the 8ti7 con. are also at same 8011001, Anrliveesafy services of Donegal Methodist church will be held Sunday OBC'. 12th, when Rev. T. Bennett, B. A. of Bengston, will 1l P rea ch, Mon- day evening a supper will be served. In the cheese competition at Ottawa Fair, R. E. Hastings, Silver °comets, received one 1st ; Gen. Empey, Newry, one 1st, one 2nd and loon the Gold Medal ; B. F. Howes, Atwood, one 3rd. Saturday night Sept. 20tH between 0.30 and 11 o'clock fire broke out in the driving shed on the farm of Thos. Hurst, 12011 con. Elutes which de- stroyed the y hu'll'og g al 017 with the farm. implements. The fire was caused by lime. - Goderich R. R. Bellows left on another West- ern trip in the interests of the Dominion immigration department. lie will spend several weeks taking photographs to be used in connection with the literature issued by the department. A saiitau`y drinking fountain has been placed iu the ha. ail l c a the t head t' Pof West 9 SLLeet In place IaLee d frau+ tap and Liu cup. The stand and bowl are made of cement and the cup, up through which the water flows, is made of porcelain. This fountain isa gee at at Ir q t'O Vet)le l g !t P oratii sold rusty unsanitary tin cup. . If it works satisfactory another one will be installed at tate` head of East street, DEATH of NES, R, W. MOKENZIE,- r1 life that was full of quiet, useful service was recalled to its Author when, on Wednesday itiornitig of lash tveelc, shortly after midnight, Mee. R. W. McKenzie passed away at her home in St. Vincent street. The deceased was a tnemba t of one of the oldest families of Iluron county and avae widely known, and Lhe news of leer death will be received with universal sorfow and' regret. Eliza- beth Holmes was tont at Holrnesville,1810,a Godes ich township, in March [laughter of the late John Holm, es, M, P., and condoned to live h1 110110105. vllIe 01(1851118010111(1501(80180 18(38 10 the late IL. W. McKenzie, ' e z1 e, flet \ , s than' marriage Mr. and M1s, McKenzie re- sided f017` a short Lima tat London and then came to Goderich, Where the dammed had tiuoeresicied'conLhlutms- ly. Mrs. McKenzie wag a very active member of Ilortlt 'treat Methodiot Baking Success —This Oven Test Success on some baking days can be expected no matter what flour you use. But con- stant success is rarer. rt can be assured in only one way. The miller must select his wheat by oven test. So from each shipment of wheat we take ten pounds as a sample. We grind this into flour. Bread is baked from Iftht flour. PURITY If thiss bread is high in quality, large in quantity, we use the shipment from which it came. e Otherwise we sell it. Constant baking success comes as a 'matter of course from kyr bearing this name "More Brad and Better Bread" and "Bet eitr astry roo tr 526 church, taking a leading and effective part in various departments of the church work, She was also greatly interested In the Wonlan'N Christian Temperance Union, taking aprom- inent part hi its activities, Withal she ,ysos possessed of cheerful kind- liness and benevolence of disposition which endeared her to all. Her husband predeceased her five years. Two children died in infancy, and one son, Everett Ii, McKenzie, a bright, clever young Ivan who gave promise of a splendid career, was cut off twelve years ago at the age of 28 yeais. The untimely death of her eon and the later bereavement by Iter husband's death were griefs which affected her deeply, but she continued her activities es until March of this year,her et last attendance at church service being on Easter Sunday. Since then her strength has beet) gradually failing. bars. McKenzie is survived by three brothers and three sisters -Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, of Goderich, treasurer of the county of Huron ;,John R. Holmes, of Hohnes- ville ; Dr. Thos. G. Holmes, of Detroit ; Mrs, Leech and Mrs. Howell, of Goderich and bliss D. A. Holmes, of flolmesville. The funeral took place Friday afternoon from the resi- dence, St. Vincent street, to 'Mait- land cemetery. tr. Y Tig Wood, Logan, exhibited eight head of Holstein cattle at the Toronto exhibition and all carried off prizes. Five of the same cattle carried off prizes in London. NU r RONI ES AT STRATFORD NORMAL There are 183 students enrolled at. Stratford Noma! School this term. Huron County sent the following Jean L. Armour, Wingham. 011a B. Armstrong, Brussels. Mabelle W. Ballagh, Behnore. Effie M. Bower, Wingharn. Hazel S. Campbell, Constance. Florence H. Oapli ri g,Blake, Florence A. Chapman, Ripley. Norall D. Cook, Fordwich. Christina P, Cowan, Lochalsh. Bridget H. Outnmius, St. Augustine. Viola 0. Currie, Wingham. Christina F. Dickson, Brussels. Fern Eckmier, Jamestown. Lillian J. Edgar, Fordwich. James 141. Finteon, St. Augustine. Robert R. Forbes, ot hes, Clinton. Annie E. Geddes, Bel rave. Ruth E. Gr enz gg abaci Dashwood. Win. H. Haines, Wingham. James V. Haines, Wingham, Robert H. Hoover, Brussels, Marguerite A. Horan, Seaforth, Elva D. Hupfer, Wroxeter. John E. Kelly, Goderich. Stella P. Kirke, Dungannon. Hazel 111 Lowry, Brussels. Isabel E. Matheson, Goderioli, Maud 0. McAllister, fcAllister, Ilensalll. Florence J. McKay, Seaforth. Wm. D. McLeod, Lochalsh. Jessie M. Menzies, Ortulbrook, Hazel M. Moore, Wingham. Violet 13. Morrison, Luuknow, Minnie V. Osborne, Ripley, Milton D. Oestt'eicher, Dashwood. Jean 0. Rutherford, Wroxeter, Pearl L. Schmidt, Blake, Susie 0. Shier, Kirkton, Ethel J. Stothers, Dungannon. Gladys' Thompson, Seaforth. Ethel M. tripling, Wingham, Robert J. Wiggins, Dungannon. Helen $. Wilson, Wingham. Kathleen Wilton, Brussels. Penelope F. Young, Carlow. There are. over 8 ladies to every gentleman in attendance, 168 to 25. Avoid Sedative Cough Medicine■ 1f you avant to contribute directly to the occurrences of capillary bran• an't's and pneumonia use cough medicines that contain Bodine, mor- phine, heroin and other sedatives when you have a eough or cold. An expectorant like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is what 18 needed. That cleans out the culture beds or breed- ing places for the germs of pneumonia and other germ diSe sees. That is why pneumonia never results from a cold when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. It has a world wide Leputatiou for its cures. It contains no morphine or other sedative. For sale by all dealers. • 0 s i Jewelery° ♦ • Repairing e • • • Have your Watch, Clock and Jewel- • ry - Repaired at J. R. WENDT'S, ♦ . Wroxeter, and you will get satisfac • • tion. + ♦ • • • • •v • t, • • • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ i • • • e• ® u° All Work Guaranteed -1' ♦ • • Jet R. �® ° Wendt Jeweller and Engraver ° Wroxeter + 4•♦+4+♦+404.0+4,+4+♦+♦+♦44+♦+. Apples. Wanted AT THE BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR On or after September 15tH, The highest market prices will be paid according to quality.Apples may be shaken n of trees, Packers' culls, windfalls, etc,, will be taken, Email or Soft Apples wall cot be Accepted 11-URCHILL & CO., Brussels 'PHONE Silx. '•y