HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-10-2, Page 4isitussti# lost
'i`HU1 DAY, OCTOBER e, 19,3
El nut ran Show field in Atwood,
x r tda:y, Sept, 10th, was, a success in
o el y particular. Outside depart-
tncnt was full with the exceptiou of
beep sd, pigs. Large exhibit of
I and poultry was axrelleuG.
firees there was a fine showing, some
1 the county
of the best stookp Y being
in the ring. Inside depaettnent was
nut np to last year in the number of
exhibits but Lhe quality was good.
Listowel handl enlivened the proceed -
'Inge with their music during after-
noon. Gate receipts $110, Colleen
given in the music hall was of high
order, seating capacity which is over
400 was all taken up. Geo. Lochhead,
Clock of Blom township, occupied the
chair and following artists gave pro-
gram.—Robert `
\il of ,
gram.—Robert \ s t , comedian
Flora McIvo• Craig, soprano ; Belie
Thompson, elocutionist, of Toronto.
Mrs. J. A. Mcl3ain acted as accompan-
ist. Receipts for concert 3133.00.
Following are prize winners
Horses—Agricultural foal, J Robb,
John Ballantyne; btood mare, Jas
• Robb, Chas. Vallance; year old, A
Robb, Jas Nichol •, 2 year old, H
Robb, Geo Gropp ; 3 year old, IJobt
Carson, Wm Inglis ; span, Geo Gropp,
Alex Yuill ; sweepstakes, H Rabb.
Heavy Draft.—Foal, Dickson Bros.,
John Ballantyne • brood mare, Dick-
son Bros, J B
allant ne •
Robt Carson, Jas Robb ; 2 yeare
oldear old,
Jas Robb, 11 Robb ; 3 year. old, Alex
i -'Stu
il, span,
son B
Sas Babb •
awes stales, James Dickson.
Is_' General Purpose.—Foal, J RiacU,
-1,W A Gray ; brood mare, John Hoban-
tyne, Jas Nichol ; year old, F Fisher,
H Ronnenberg ; 2 year old, Wm
Inglis ; span, Jas. Mayberry, Jas.
Nichol ; sweepstakes, Jas. Mayberry.
Jas. Henderson, Judge.
Roadsters.—Pony, Grills & Son, F
•Bender ; foal, H Robb, A Simpson ;
brood mare, A Simpson, 11 Robb ;
y . year old, John B Hanna ; 2 year old,
Geo Gropp, Henry Zinn ; single road-
ster, T L Hamilton, Ne. Hamilton ;
span, Geo. Hiles ; sweepstakes, Geo.
GCaprriage.-Boat, John Coghlin, Tay
Zinn ; brood mare, 13 Zinn ; year old,
H Richmond.; 2 year old, John Cogh-
lin, Hy Zinn ; 3 year old, A Steven-
son ; single horse. Chas Vallance, W
A Gray • span, John Roger ; sweep-
stakes, Chas Vallance.
Specials.— Watson trophy, Neb
Hamilton ; W Shera special, Neb
Hamilton •Nesbit Hamilton special,
H Robb. Joseph Carter, Judge.
TTLE.— Shot Horns Bull one
year and over, Fred Fisher ; milk
cow, Chas Kerr ; heifer two year old,
ChasKerr ; heifer 1 year old, Win
Struthers, \Vui Gilmer ; bull calf, Jas
Nichol, Max Smith ; heifer calf, Chas
Jerseys.—Milk cow, A Simpson.
Holstetn—Bull 1 year or over, R
Carson, Wm Inglis ; milk caw, Thos
Newbigging ; heifer 2 year old, Thos
Newbigging ; heifer 1 year old, Thus
Grades.—Milk cow, Chas Kerr, Alex
Struthers ; heifer 2 year old, Wm
Struthers, las Robb ; heifer 1 year
old, Alex Struthers, Drax SCiith
bailer calf, .liax Smith, Chas Herr ;
steer calf, Chas Kerr, Max Smith ;
steer 1 veer old, Wm Struthers,
Andrew Robb ; steel 2 year old, Chas
Kerr ; fatted bovine, Wm Gilmer, Jas
Robb ; Hamilton's special, Andrew
SEEM— Leicesters. Aged ram
David G McLellan ; shearling ram,
David Roy ; ram lamb, D Roy t aged
ewe, D Roy ; shearling ewe, Roy,
D G McLellan ; ewe iamb, D Roy.
Oxfords,—A Stevenson took the en-
tire class.
Sheopshires.—T Newbigging wort
everything excepting fat sheep which
went to D Ro and D G McLellan.
Boos.— Be kshires, All prizes
went to J S Cowan.
Tamworths,—Prizes taken by Doug-
las & Sons, except bacon hogs that
was won by W Morrison and J S
' Cowan. The latter took herd prize.
POULTRY. — White rocks,
Douglas & Sons, W,n. Struthers ;
white leghorns, Douglas & Sons, Wm
Struthers ; brown leghorns,l3 R Dan -
brook, Wm Struthers ; $amber s.
J R Richards ; rnitroreas. J Richards,
Henr'yRonuenbeg • buff'. legborns, J
12 Richards ; Rhode Island Reds, D
Rov, H Ronnenberg ; bantams, J 11
Richards; geese, Dangles & Sons. Jas
Hamilton ; docks, Douglas & Sons ;
turkeys, David Roy ; pigeons, Wm.
S hers t
rocks H
C tcks Batted plymouth,
Ranne her + white pl
mouth rocks,
'Win Struthers; white leghorns,
Douglas & Sons, Wm, Struthers ;
brown leghnrns 14 11. Daubrook, Hy
Ronnenberg; hatnbnrgs, J Richards ;
black spanish, Douglas & Sons ;
mino'eas J Richards ; games, Wen
Struthers, J3' Danbrook ; buff leg -
hark, .J Richards t Rhode Islrthd
Reds, David Roy ; &ticks, Douglas &
Sons ; turkeys, David Roy.
ManY People haves A Simple wayet' I
Stepping. it—They Uwo parleian nage
It was Dr. Sangerbondt of Paris,
who first d
verel that Dandruff
and Wilms hate were caused by a
now that litan Sage, the
eged that
kills the dandruff
is old
in every town in Canada, the
people of this country have awakened
to the fact that dandruff is unneces.
saty ; that falling hair and itching
scalp can he stopped, attd that tite
people who use Parisian Sage will
never avow bald.
To every reader of 'Tse BRvesnLs
POST whu wishes to eradicate offen-
sive dandruff, stop fulling hair and
have an inrultcculalely clean scalp,
free from itchiness, Jas. Pox says he
will sell Parisian Sage in a large fifty
cent bottle with a guarantee to re-
fund the money if not satisfactory,
It is an ideal daintily perfumed hair
dressing, free from grease and sticki-
t and beautyinto
will pot life a
1a a
drill faded hair and cause it to grow
lustrous and luxuriant.
144++++4,"4,04,44+0+4,01.+4,i, Htmq TROUBLE
I Urger your
+ ..
• i
I. Fits Right, i.
74 Workmanship Right ,
4.and Prices Right $
Good Values
▪ Paramatta Dain Coats
t Call and see theta.
crochet work in cotton, Mary Stew-
art Nin Ward ; t'roehet work in wool,
Mary Stewart, Grills & Son ; tray
cloth, 0 W Harvey, Annie Menzies ;
five o'clock tea covet, Mrs H Porter,
Diary Stewart; fancy pin onahnn,
Mary Stewart, W J Tughen ; fancy
pillow covers, Annie Menzies, \V J
Toghen, fancy work bag, W J l'ughee
Mrs A Terry ; set table mats, Mary
Stewart, Griifs & Sons ; sofa pillow,
Annie Menzies, W Tughen ; centre 1
piece in silk, Mary Stewart, Grills &
• w cotton Mrs 1
Son •centre
Son ; embroidery • Grills & fi y in
cotton, Mary Stewart, \V Tugiten ;
embroidery in silk, Mary Stewart, VI
Struthers ; embroidered shirt waist,
Mary Stewart ; fancy towels, 0 W
Harvey, Grills & Sou ; embroidery
foe girls, Lilian Struthers, Mina
Morrison ; battteuberg, Dlrs H Porter,
Grills & Sou ; point lace, Grills & Son ;
tatting. Mrs H Pot ter ; netting, Gulls
& San, Ales F Fisher ; drawn work,
Mrs A Terry, Grills & Son ; tea cosy,
Annie Menzies, Alex Yuill ; dresser
scarf, W Tugiten, Alex Yuill ; fancy
handkerchief, Mary Stewart, Mrs If
Porter ; initials on linen, Mary
Stewart, Annie Menzies; coronation
braid work, C W Harvey, W Tug-
betl; damask hemming, Mary
Stewart, Mrs A Terry; burnt wood.
C \V Harvey, Grills & Son ; collection
of fancy wock, W Tughen, Mary
FINE ASIS.—Best animal, Thos
Dickson, 0 W Harvey ; landscape
painting, W J Tughen, 0 W Harvey t
Harvey, panel P W
painted. C
n ; flowers in oil, W Tughen,hen
`.1.'1105 Dickson ; o'apon Mrs John
Roger; lead pencil drawing, 0 W
Harvey ; pen and ink sketches, W
Tughen ; collection of pictures, W
Children's Competition, Hemmed
handkerchiefs, Grace Cowan. Lizzie
Cowan ; darning on socks or stockings,
Marion Robb ; crochet work in wool,
Marion Robb ; crochet work in cotton,
Marion Robb ; pencil drawing, Lizzie
Cowan ; dressed doll, Marion Robb
button holes, Mina Morrison, Lizzie
Cowan ; hemstitched apron, Grace
Cow.m ; writing for girls, Cora Parker,
Mina Morrison ; E. H. Swing's s;.ee.
ial, best specimen pencil drawing, Mary
Morrison, Grace Cowan ; R. A, Thomp-
son'sspecials, end class writing, Cora
Hiles, Loretta Grubber ; 3rd class writ-
ing, Luella Hiles, Ada Kitchen ; 4111
class writing, Jessie Anderson, Clarissa
Hors.—Mrs. G. R. Muldoon, Miss A.
B. Ross, Brussels, judges.
LADIES' Wont— Domestic work,
Quilted quilt, Edith Hammond, Mrs
A Cameron ; quilted patched work
sills, Alex Yuill, Mary Stewart, quilt-
ed work cotton
ed patched, Mrs John
Seelhofi, Grills & San ; quilted patch
work woollen, Mary Stewart, Grins &
Sot; crochet counterpane, Edith
Hammond, Mary Stewart ; knitted
counterpane, Mrs Ivy Smith, Airs A
Perry, quilt sewn on cotton, Mary
Stewart, Mrs A Terry ; sltimber robe,
Alex Yaill, Mrs A Terry ; gents'
coarse shirt, Wtn Struthers, \V J
Tughen, home laundered shirt, Mary
Stewart, Win Struthers; woollen
r socks, Mrs. Alex Cameron, W J Tug
hen ; woollen stockings, Mary Stew-
art, •
W J Tugben ;• Woollen mitts,
Mary Stewart, W Tughen pair of
blankets, Mary Stewart, John Seel-
}rofi, woollen yarn Wm Struthers ;
lag carpet, Win Struthers ; rag mat
honked, Annie Menzies, Mary Stew-
; plain sewing for girls, Bernice
Thins, collection nf. domestic work,
fa,alls & Son, W J Tttghen.
Fanny Wot•k.—Wallachaifr embroi-
d •,'y, Gralts & Sons; eyelet embroi-
d' y, gars, Stewart, Annie Menzies;
isttnoh work on linen, Meas A Terry
S• ,1. W. P. Fraser 1
VlsGETABLEs.—Beets long, Geo. Chap.
man, I. R. Richards; beets round, J
Richards, S. H. Mitchell ; radish sum-
mer, Geo. Chapman ; radish Winter.
Geo: Chapman ; cabbage red, Geo.
Chapman, Wm. Struthers ; cabbage
Winter, Geo. Chapman, W. C, Hewitt ;
onions yellow, Geo. Chapman, Wm.
C. Hewitt ; onions yellow danvers. 3
R. Richards, Wm. Milne ; onions large
red, J. R. Richards, W. C. Hewitt ;
onions from Dutch sets, Nin Ward.
Wm. Milne; garden carrots, loo
Cowan, Geo, Chapman ; parsnips, 3. R.
Richards, Geo. Chapman ; Dutch sets,
Wm. Struthers, G. Chapman ; eucum«
bers, Geo. Chapman, Mary Morrison ;
celery, John Roger, Geo. Gordon;
cauliflowers, Geo. Chapman ; ears of
table corn, Angus Dickson, Wm.
Struthers ; ears field corn, Angus Dick-
son. W. Hewi't ; black beans, Angus
Dickson, Win. Struthers ; white beans,
Angus Dickson, Wm. Struthers ; beans
any other kind, W. C. Hewitt, Wm
Struthers ; pumpkins, J Richards, Ger,
Chapman ; squash, Geo. Chapman ;
cittons,W. Struthers
Wm. Jas. Hamilton,
tomatoes, I
ohs Cowan,
mlb melons, Wm. Mlne Jas. Harrill
ton water melons, Wm, Milne Jas.
Hamilton. James Henderson, Judge.
GRAIN AND RooTs.—Fall wheat red,
A. Stevenson ; fait wheat white, Wm.
Struthers, Alex, Struthers; barley
white, W. A. Gray oats white, Wm.
Struthers, Jos. Horn ; peas large, W.
A. Gray ; peas slne'1, H. Ronnenberg,
jos. Hor•, ; clover seed, J. Horn ; sheaf
flint corn, Thos. Dickson, Angus Dick
son ; sheaf any other kind corn, Angus
Dickson, W. A. Gray ; collection of
grain, W. A, Gray.
Roots,—Potatoes Empire State, W.
Struthers; late potatoes, J. Richards,
Wm. Struthers; early potatoes, Wm.
Struthers, j, Richards; rural new
Yorkers, Wm. Struthers, John Seelhoff ;
swede turnips, Geo. Chapman, Wm.
Inglis ; turnips any other kind, Wm.
Inglis, Geo, Chapman ; mangolds long
red, j. R. Richards, Geo, Chapmeu 1
mangolds yellow intermediate, Geo,
Chapman, J, Richards; marigolds any
other kind, Geo. Chapman, Angus
Dickson ; field carrots, j. Richards,
Geo. Chapman ; collection of roets,
Angus Dickson ; Geo, Chapman ; col.
lection of potatoes. Wm. Struthers.
FRtier,--Apples Alexanders, J Hamil-
G. Hiles ; culverts, W. - C. Hewitt,
Chas. Valiance ; St, Lawrence, Wm,
Milne, lobo Seelhoff ; snows, Nin
Ward, john Seelhoft ; northern spy,
Wm. Milne, Nin Ward ; king of tomp-
kin's ca„ 1. S. Cowan, Alex, Yuill ;
grevensteins, Dtitt Ward ; bafdwins, W.
Milne, W. C. Hewitt ; russets, W, C.
Hewitt, Chao. Valiance ; Canada red,
Wro. Morrison; ben davlee. Mery
Merchant Tailor
++• +++++++++++++++++4•4144444
Matt uric avid is dissolved In the
blood it thitkt'tw the blood rtiutast to
a jelly ; this le what causes the heart
to til
ml A.tIn 10 Nl
a t bortixe
is weakened by the strain title acid
puts on it, Anti-llritt Kidney Pills
drive out;Ill t
ilt acid poisons
the system. They are quick and safe
and guaranteed by Jas. Fox, See
that the name B. V, Marion is on the
who thought they were getting too
big for any of these departments.
He also pointed out that Man was a
social being and as tetany were com-
ing into Canada front England and
elsewhere we were to oo-operate attd
help thein and in order to help them
socially, mentally and spiritually, we
must bring them in touch with God,
Uuouglt the League, etc.
Rev. J. F. Knight, ()having Cross,
Loudon Conference L. L. Secretary,
was an able speaker and certainly au
His i ti iLirnt to Convention. Hb stb-
jecti wan "The Hill Difmcnity:' He
pointed out that many difficulties
were men-macle, yet God permitted
certain difficulties to come in order
that His love and power tnigltt be
seen, by liftiug men above theta and
thus roan became a victor, Referring
to We work of the Leagues, the tlist
difficulty was leadership, and a lead,
er's qualitications were tact, optiutism
foresight, persistence and conse-
scratiom. He mast become the
pastor's assistant. Backwardness to
prayee.and lack of attendance were
other "Hills•" He gave from his own
experience many striking illustrations
of the begiuuings in Christian service,
Methodist Ladies' R
t nt to
gave e a
splendid selection.
Rev. F. H. Langford, 13. A., Final
Secretary of the Methodist Church
addressed the Convention on the sub-
ject of "God and L" Speaking of
resources, be declared there tire 00011•
that are tuu•enetvable, re the coal
fields where millions of toes or coal
have been taken out and cannot be
replaced, also the forests and possi-
bility of their being denuded. renin
this he !went on to point out the lin-
renewable of human life—how came
lost can never be replaoed and so re-
vealed the dangers of slum life and
war and urged for clean living itnd
spread of Peace movement.
lion. President, Rev. J. W. Hfh-
bet t presided over the evening session
and after the devotional exercises
and been gone through, the uontilte-
timg of new officers was proceeded
with and the following appointed for
the ensuing year :—Presicleut, E. A.
Hammond ; 1st vice Pres., Rev. G.
W. Rivets, B. A. 13. D. ; Sind vice
Pies., Rev. D. Mee ;3rd vice Pres„
vita Pres,,
• 4th
Harrington ,
Miss J. H,
F. Howson ; 5t11 vire Pres„ Dlrs. Rev.
A. J. Langford ; Secretary and
Treasurer, M. J. Sleuuuot ; Uo+
fereloe Representative, Rev. J. B.
After a few timely remarks by Mr.
Haunnond, relative to the honor and
ees ansibility of the League, Rev.
J. E. Knight, B, A., spoke on the sub-
ject of—"The Oall to one Home Field."
Our brother spoke very ably on the
subject and urged the manifestation
ofa national spirit in the service of
God, for the well-being of others ; re-
ferred to the call of the home ]and
through individual effort, through the
League, the Sunday School and the
home, by our standard of moral
purity, aid sympathetic spirit seek
ing to win others for the Master.
Rev. IP. Langford, B. A, gave tt
splendid address on "Our 0011 to the
Foreign Field." In the closing ses-
sion of the League convention the
chair was taken by Rev. J. W.
Andrews, Fordwich, after which it
paper Was read by (Mrs.) Rev, J. W.
Hibbert in the absence of D,lissRands,
on the subject of "Our unworked
mine," pointing out the fact that our
junior League was the unworked
tnine and speaking of the great possi-
bilities that lay before us, amongst
the rising generation ; the Junior
League was the training school for
our Senior League Sulci that 50 per
cent of our children were lost to the
church between the ages of 11 and 18
years, lienee the need of pastors and
teachers to care for the young. The
comtnitment service was ably presid-
ed over by Rev, J. W. Hibbert, assist,
ed by brother pastors, the service was
preceded by an tale and touching
Wm. Milne, Alex, Yuill ; winter any
other kind, W. Hewitt, I. S Cowan •
fall any o,her kind. W. Hewitt G. Chap-
man ; crab apples, 11. R. Danbrook, J.
S. Cowan• coilecuo
n 4
apples, W. C
Hewitt, fall peers, Win. Milne,Nin
Ward; winter pears, W. C. Hewitt,
Alex. Struthers; plums, John Coghlin,
A. Stevenson ; grapes dark, Wm.
Milne, )os. L. Horn ; grapes white,
Wm, Milne. Thos. Curry, judge.
DAIRY,—Crock butter, A. Yuill, A.
Robb ; butter in lb. prints, A. Robb. A.
Yuill ; ten ib. roll butter, A. Yuill ;
home made bread, i, Seelhoff. Wm.
Struthers; bites, Mrs, W. Morrison,
Mrs S, Mitchell ; scones, Mrs. S.'
Mitchell. E. Hammond ; layer cake,
Angus Dickson, Minnie Cowan ; apple
pie, ias. Hamilton, A Wilt ; collection
ofcanned Ernie E. Hammond, Mrs. P,
Fisher, tomato catsup. Mary Morrison,
W. Tughen ; bottle of pickles, Jas.
Hamilton, Wm, Struthers ; hone made
soap, Wm. . Struthers. J. Seelhoff ;
honey extracted, Wm, Struthers ; home
made biscuits, Mrs. Inc. Gray, Mrs.
Wm. Morrison ; working tnaa's supper,
Minnie Cowan, Jas. Hamilton ; Black -
well's special, Mary Morrison ; factory
cheese, Geo, Empey, B. Howes, equal.
Dickson .
— Foliage, Thos.
ban bouquet
d ou ue
t cut
Fisher, collection of leaves, Mrs.
es, Helen
Lochhead. Grace Cowan ; highly recom-
mended Bernice Hiles ; collection of
seeds, W. McBain, collection of butter-
flies, higbly recommeuded, W. MCBain,
System Requires Frequent Cleansing.
Not only outside tut inside as well,
your body must befrequently cleaned
otherwise it becomes loaded with
wastes that clog up the wheels of
health. Much better to act in time.
Use Dr. Hamilton's Pilis ; they
strengthen and regulate the bowels,
assist digestion, enrich the blood and
t heteby fortify tite nerves and lay the
foundation of lasting good health.
Dr'. Hamilton's Pills bring vim and
vitality so tnnclr sought for today ;
they infuse a feeling of freshness and
spirit in those who have been ailing
for years. Really no medicine is so
potent. Price 25c at all dealers.
Wing ham District Epworth
league Convention
17th Annual Convention of Ep-
worth Leagues of Wingbam District
was held in the Methodist clink:11,
\Vingham, Wed uesday,and Thursday,
Sept. 17th, and 1811, Convention was
preceded by Financial District Sleet-
ing, when about 30 laymen and
ministers assembled. District meet-
ing ORB presided over by Rev. 7. W.
Hibbert, Chairman of the District,
with Rev. A. E. Reliant as Secretary,
in place of Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. D.,
who was unavoidably detained front
the session.
President, Rev. A. J. Langford,
opened the Convention, Regret was
expressed by the Hou. President, Rev.
J. W. t3ibbert, and the Convention in
general on account or the absence and
resignation of John Herr. Sec-Treas.
for the District, who 1111,8 ,roved a-
way from f\'Vizi hang to Palmerston.
suitable resolution wus passed,
expressing thanks to ale. Rem. for
past services and extending good
wishes. M. J. Slemmon, Ethel, was
appointed Sec -Trees., pro tem.
Mr, Langford in his Presidential ad-
dress, gave an excellent speech, dwell-
ing upon Life, the essential thing,
pointing nut that we had no life apart
from Gad, that God is our Father and
we are His children and that to know
what Life is, we must know God
experitnentalty, apart from whom we
can do nothing, Life, said the speak-
er, invariably manifests itself accord-
ing to Law, both in the uaturid and
spiritual world. Itis not enough to
generate steam for that expends itself
in nothing, unless it works according
to Law, It is not enough to have Lire
miens it is haenessed and active and
accomplishing its purpose, in other
fvnrds, the Law of God operating
thrntt g_h the Ohorch, Epnvarth League
and the Sunday School, One Ivan
said to Smithey, 'Gott had no need of
his learning." Reply carne, "Much
less has He meed of you• i , notarwe,',
God can use knowledge. Hence the
keynote was —Life with God, "Witlt-
ont me ye can do-nothing," John 15 ;6
—meaning power and ability to do
service for others,
D. Andrews gave an inspiring mes-
sage on the "Needs of the eontntuni-
ty and "How the League ntay re -
snood." lie pointed out that by
looking up to God in faith and lifting
up those who are in need, in practice
and through the medium of the
Loa Ire and Sunday School, get in
Morrison, 'Alex. Yuill ; Ullman sweet, torte with young men and women,
address by the Ttev, A, Reliant, nr
Ripley, atter tvhid; a good utunbtr`.
Lpartook of Lite sacrament of the I Oct.2-3
ord's Supper' and re -dedicated them-' Allietot
selves to God. This was a fitting . Arthur ,
close to 011e of the best Con vent imts! Brussels Oct, 1-3
n ha ut, '1'luwks trete l.lutvttle
1 \\ +
ever held u
V I ;;
given to the LrusLees of the church for }3'tcishevton.,..,....
i, no
7 0 3
tohe "(\it '(;lir.
- n,l Oen t (s„
ii., friends fb ntx I Ocl. 4
hospitality in xult
• their f
1 • for 41 r Y
1 I
]am ft P
r —2L
)c t. l
kindness to the visiting delegates and Grand \alley C
frieuds to the Convention, Simla -tale ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, , ...Oct, 14-15
(liven Suwtd Ort. 7-'8
loeen arae•. .,.. Ort.
Fall Fairs
malt Ai )f(1It H A Lai, befog Mouth half Let 26,
00a. 4, Morris township Huron Co., eon.
tainting 100 sores more or lass On the prone
tees is at frame hoose, tallot hare.
, l,tttAiird,
well, wiadndll,
Gct,B—S nn acro, Huho011j mllesdt4tttt4. Only•aa
Odl.2--3 miles 11.0111 Brt sN ls. 0 aoros
dowf Fellroihhil tt
and about 50 no on the
terms and outer htfo•numtlu11 erplt•
+. O. I'
1 lil'uxxulx L
• f writing 'vendetta
or v g
,1 ,
n r :`ort ll
Or l
.M. Mt
i..9, u r,
tl t
11•tf A. L• KERB, P
q w A. ,w A. 46.-416,A.tt 4e .48.41►416.
Funeral Director
The Peoples Column
Orders promptly and cave.
&E and lot for stile, Brussels houth' Wilt,' attended to night c,i'
utnfurLable Hume good stable, collet? Phone 225,
I It)u
oleo more or land, immedinte possession day,
somebody, For
fanhegpt,rti AlrsaPlit for Sou. ,}
further vet, Brussels,
Joint Street, Brussels.
No. 1, Produce warehouse at Brussels -'� ��®
Station G. T. R. For.perticitlatts Berne cis. `.A"��'�A.��� s,
and Embalmer
Considered to have the most luxu
New York
riant and beautiful hair in
Miss Rector says ;-('I find a certtsit
pleasure in recommending Sageine uv
know Sageine l
ei re to be real benefit ti
women. e.n. 1 hod a very Hurd Gime 11y
t w
Mg to dress my bair nice before I
used Sageine. It didn't matter whu
style the hair was dieing worn mY
hair was alwaysatoo dry and Lifeless
to dress properly. I suffered with
dlindrull more 01' less and my hair fell.
out until it was thin and ragged.
My mother urged the to Ilse Sageine
its a number of persons had rec00-
utended it to her. I used it finally
and was outs, sorry that I had lot
leetttea of it long before. Sageine
has made my loth- just as nice and
soft and thick its you see it, I have
been commended very touch at; its
unusual beauty. Sageine is now sold
in Brussels, Ont. and costs only 50c
ti large bottle. Be sure to go to Jas.
Fox drug store—other stores don't
have Sttge'tne._�
Isaac Hord, of Mitchell, was knock-
ed down with 1.1 bicycle its Toronto,
but escaped injury,
the Ontario
The tt
school at
rthe Separate bt
ur to 5
Sal c
Deb -
lilt is 3170.
eral took place look place to Walkerton
Cemetery on Sept. nod of Mrs. Margaret
Cargill, witlowof the late Henry Cargill,
M. le. She died at her home in Cargill
village on Saturday evening from
throat trouble. front which she had long
been ailing. Deceased, whose maiden
name was Margaret Davidson, was mar-
ried in Halton in x874 to the late Henry
Cargill. She came to Bruce in 1879•
She is survived by one son, W. D. Car-
gill, and two daughters, Mrs, W. H.,
Bennett, of Midland, wife of the Con-
servative member for East Simcoe, and
Mrs. H. M. Southern, wife of the own-
er of the Ottawa Citizen. She was in
her pat year.
Must You lie Bald?
What have you done to stop your
hair, from falling? tiave you tried
want you to tryit at ottr rv e
e dandruff; if your hair
If you have
is not
n your p
out and lin 5
is falling
glazed sari shiny, if You use 1Lexnll
93" Hair Tonle according to three -
tions for thirty days, and at the end
of that time you are not thoroughly
satisfied with the results and will tell
us so, we will immediately hand back
your money. We won't ask you to
promise anything. � W won't even
quostloa you. Wo will take your
mere word and return your money,
Doesn't it stand to reason that
Retain "03" hair Tonic must be r..
mighty good remedy and have given
great satisfaction to our customers if
we endorse It liks this? We know of
no shnilar remedy that is as good. It
is because of what itexnll 03" Hair
Tonic has date for others that we
baok it with our own money.
Why suffer scalp and heir trouble
or be bald, when Rexall 93 Weir
Tonic will remove dandruff, make
your scalp comfortable and healthy,
promote hair growth and tend to
Prevent baldnoss—when we will
pay for the treatment should it, fail
to please you?
We don't obligate you to any-
thing. Youeimply buy the treat-
ment; use t, and if not pleased
come back to us empty-handed sad
we will hand batik what you paid us,
Two sizes, e0c and 01.00 a bottle,
You out Huy Rexall "93" Heir Tonic
In tide community only at our store:
Brunetti no Ston' Ontario
There is a Rexail Store is nosily every town
and City in the United "States, Canada And'
(hest Britain. 'There is n different Rexell
Romedy far nearly Ivory ordinar3 human ft1
oaoh eipoelaliy dealgnld fcr rho particular Irl
forwhioh itis recommended,
The ReOlI Starts are America's Oteatest
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
cure many common ailments which
are very different, but which all arise
from the same cause—a system
dogged with impurities. The Pills
cause the bowels to move regularly,
strengthen and stimulate the kidneys
and open up the pores of the skta
These organs immediately throw off
the accumulated impurities, and BIB-
ousness, lndiggeesstion,LiverComplaint,
Kidney Trouhles,Headaches, Rheum-
atism and similar ailments vanish.
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills a
Save Doctors' Bills
port Lot 24, Lon.
10 A
•eN 011
olenred and well undererained, Frame house
and bank bermtm well watered. There IN nano
offered for sale 100 acres being Lot 82, 0th
O n, of Grey. 60 of wlneh are cleared. Both
properties to be sold to close out estate
x1'1611501.510 Barrister, Brusslele Ontt. tf, W.
derttgnett will sell the South Half of
Farm Lot No. 10, in the 0th Oenceseiolt of the
To wnslip of Morrie, at,1 bargain, to the first
buyer, On the farm is a good moder',, brink
(101100 and first-class bank born and is a well
fenced farm, consists of 100 aeras and is well
situated for markets. Owner now in West is
the reason for sale. Apply for further par -
Menhirs to F. S. &Cont, Brussels,
TRAYED from l.ot 22, Oon. C., Howiclq 7
yearling calves. Among thein one 51e3
heifer 1 rad steer
With whitepots,
the o
chiefly in so. No horns.anyoneand-
them please RGRAINNER
COR SA LB—atThe undersign offers for
• sale, what 18 kool'n ns the Jnu,estown
Hotel. Rouse is In good repair and th. re is n
large stable and open shed with hail npeinire.
There is one mere of laud attached upon which
IA a good well, fruit trees and small fruits.
Building will be sold separate from laud if it
suits purchaser better 'timber frame
in stable and driving shed. Possession ' in the
p4-tfe. farther
ar At toe
remiss or write to 31108, 110SWN''
P. 0.
I anlle.uNG 2 with COWSin
s at foot aod nd others f to
come in soon. ALm several head of )leer,
44 t1 ALLA13'SPLEIt20, Brussels, P.O. Phone,
100 acre farm, being North Bnlf Lot 20, Come, ,8.
hlorris township, Huron Co. Farm is Ina good John E. Smith i Lh
state of cultivation, well fenced, and has W1 it (Owner)
n flue brick house that coat (0,800. Good Inwn
The undersigned offers for sale Ids fine
Brick and Tile
At Henfryn
Yards in abundance. I*
Guaranteed to be First-
class... .A11 Sizes from 3-
inch to 0. 7 -inch on hand.
8 and Io -inch made t0
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars t0
surrounded by cedar hedge. Barn 82 x 80 feet Box 1033
on Atone foundation. Good orchard and 10
woes of hardwood bush. Farm TA only a ]rile
from the splendid market town of Brussels
n' n-
and1s1 eased at o sc. F. firth cum, u
•t er a
n For further >
sty. price, terms,
at once. F
ar rico terms, &o.. , pry on the pre P
1 s.
p o rietor B1
or 0. JOHN xf0 p
P. 0.
FARTS FOR SALE.—Tile undersigned offers
his fine farm consisting of about 186 acres
adjoining the town of Clinton, for sale. The
good buildings, brink h hof ouse, bank barnn,l dd rivg
ing house, pig pen, eta, all comparatively new,
A first.olass young orchard containing all.
kinds of fruits and also small fruits. The
form is well fenced and drained and is n very
desirable home. For further portionless apply
on theremises or address
, 28-t1' JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Thomas
Davidson, late of the Township of
McRillop, in the County of Huron,
Farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to see, se,
Chap. 28, of the Statutes of Ontario. I George
V„ that all oreditore and others having olefins
against the estate of the said Themes David-
son, Lute of the Township of McRittop, to the
Township of Melilllop �in the County of Ett ur
00,.ol or about the twenty-eixtb day of stay,
1918, are regnlred on or before the eighth day
of October, 1018, to send by poet prepntd or
deliver to the undersigned full ppartionlaro
of their claim., clot), verified by affidavit, and
the nature of the security, if any held by ,
And further take notioethataftr such last
mentioned date the assets of the estate of the
said deceased will be dietrlbnted among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims of which notice ehail then have
been given.
Dated this 17111 day of September, A. D.1018.
Solicitor for Exeputol•s.
Sarco Yc�u Marry i.
Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures
tair No Names or Testimonials used without written consent
Case No.
ptom$ when the
started reatoment:—A o21,
Bulged InImmoral habits several Yar-,
Vartooee Veins on both aides—pimples
on rho face, etc. After two months'
treatment he writes as follows:—"Your
welcome letter to hand andnm very
glad to say that I think myself cured,
My Varicose Veins have completely dts- I
appeared for quite a_ while and it seems
a cure. I work harder and fool less
tired. I have no desire for that habit
whatever and If I etay like th1s, which
I have every mason to believe I will,
Thanking you for your kind attention,"
Patient No, 13522. This patient (aged
Gal had n chronic case et Nervous De-
nity and Sexual Weakness and teas run
down in vigor and vitality, After one
month's treatment he reports as fol-
lows:—"I am fueling very well, I have
gained 14 pounds In one month so that
I will have to eongratutato you." Later
roport:•—"I am beginning to feet more
like a man. I feel my condition Is
getting better every week." I•Iis last 00-
port:—"Dear Doctors—As I reel this Is
the last month's treatment that I will
have to get, I thought at one lime I
would never be cured but 1 put eon-
ndenee in you Prem the start and you
leave tired mo,"
k e all
"The spots 8474. T P
Patient No. I o
gone loom my legeand arms and I feel.
good now. I am very grateful to you
and shall never forget the favor your
medicines have dons for me. You can
use nay name in recommending it to
any sufferer. I am going to get mar-
ried soon, Thanking you once: more,
Patient No. 18765, Age 23. Single.
Indulged in humoral halts 4 yours. De«
posit in urine and drains at night,
Variooee Veins on both sides, 1103011 14
back, weak sexually. He writes; --"1
received your letter of recent date and
In reply I ain pleased to say that atter
taking two mooths' treatment I would
eoneldsr. ntysotf completely cured, ns I
have arca no signs of them coming
baoh (one year).
Patient No. 16928. "I have net hod
O. regular prnlselon I don't know when
and am feeling fine. The world seams
altogether different to ma and I thank
God bean for
honest directing me
with m have
peculiar to moa.
CONSULTATION piYEE. 6100283 FREE. 1f unable to call Write for a Question
Blank for Homo Treatment.
����.--„�/ryi"/'1I/'►�e All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Can.
l9La�' V • V sultan Co espendenee Department se follows r
Cot. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
Brandon Man.
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stack, &c.
4epairs to Pumps, promptly
attended to. -
Give me a cal),
Ae HAVMANNr Cranbrook
ynun gp
Thousands of embattlesembattles00-
Pie are fast preparing in their own
homes to occupy htur,,t ve pundit Its as
stenographers, beoleke opers, tuhgra-
pliers, civil se1vneta, in fact every
sphere of activities. You nuty finish at
college if you 00 wish, Positions gt.nr-
nnteed. Enter college any day. Indi-
vidual instruotion, Expert t achres.
Thirty years' experience. Largest
trainers in Canada. Seven eollegts.
Specht course for touchers.
Atnllnted with Conuterolnl Educe.
tor's Assoniotim, of Uannda. Sall mer
School at femorae Spotton Businesv Col-
lege, London.
Wingham Rosiness College
Geo. 131,09m011, W. T. Mo100,
President. Prttwipal.
At your home without
paiu, clanger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless
p-parentlyhopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your yup-
turebecomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait - I:iii in coupon
Age.,,,., Time Rep
Siegle or Double •.......•,.•„
Nems.... ..,.,... , . ..... „
Addresit .
and return to
4.1. S. SMITH
8e Caledonia 86.
Dept, A Stsatfowd, Ont.