The Brussels Post, 1913-9-25, Page 7l 1 Young °olks The Spite Mouse. "You're mean, Kitty PerIrina." "So are you, Patty Barker; and if you don't look out I shall take all my things out of this playhouse and have 'sin cumewhere else. Then laity would your old playhouse look?" To grandma, sitting on the -ver: nada, the cross voices were waft- ed luudly fruiu the corner play- house under the plum tree, and grandma looked troubled, "fiitty, patty !" she called, clearly. At first Kitty and Patty did not ilea;', their own voices were too loud, but when grandma came down across the lawn and stood in the doorway of the playhouse they both looked up just a little asham- ed. "Did you ever hear about the old Spite House in Marblehead?" ask- ed grandma, smiling, "Come up on the verandah and have a pepper- mint while I tell you about it." Kitty and Patty loved pepper- mints, and, moreover, they loved grandma's stories, so, without looking at each other, they walked stiffly beside 'grandma up to the veranda. "Down in the queer old town of Marblehead, on the Massachus- etts shore," began grandma when Kitty and Patty were settled on either side of her, munching the pink peppermints, "there is a very odd-looking house. Ib looks just as if some one hacl taken a big knife and sliced out a quarter of it, just as you cut a square corner out of a loaf of cake." "How funny I" cried Kitty, "What made it that way?" ask- ed Patty. "That's just what I'll tell you if you'll listen," said grandma. "There once were four brothers who lived together in that house when it was a whole house and not three-quarters of one. And then ono day the brothers had a quar- rel, and one of them said— "'If I oan't have my own way I'll go off, and I'll take my share of the house with me.' "But the brother did not give up, and the next day the other bro- ther come with workmen, and they measured the old house and divid- ed it into quarters. Then they sawed and chopped, and cut and took away one quarter to another place, and the fourth brother lived all alone. Every one in Marble- head knew about the quarrel; so the story has come down to this day; and if you go to Marblehead, following a little winding street to the water's edge, there you will see the 'Old ;Spite House,' ars it, has been named." Kitty and Patty were very quiet as grandma finished the story. Then Patty said slowly—"I guess we don't want our playhouse to be a spite house. Come on, Kitty— let's have dinner for the dolls." "All. right," said Kitty happily. "Anel there are some pink pep- permints for dessert," said grand- ma, as she kissed each little girl. '5 TESTI1NG MANNERS. Some Odd Expeelments Alleged to Httve Been Made. Lord Rosebery's recent lament of the decay of manners has led an in- vestigator to test the question by the laboratory method, and he has made the following report to the London Daily Express: "After a careful and prolonged examinational have great pleasure in certifying that the 'general civil- ity of London is well maintained, and might even be said to show a marl alt improvement over the fig- ures for the corresponding week last ,yoar. "Tho first Londoner subjected to observation was a :top -hatted city man in a Liverpool street omnibus. Applying the troacling_ on-'the-ioe test, the operator exerted a twenty- eight pound pressure ole this man's patent leather 'shoe s, and in re- epon'ee to the apology, 'Awfully sorry,' -was gratified to hear the subject eoine triumphantly out of the ordeal by his isnmediete ans- wer, 'Not at all, not at all' "On leaving the omnibus, the manners teeter increased the pres- sen* to forty pounds on the swot toe, but the eaporimiant could hard- ly be classed as successful, "Using the reverse test—that of al]owipg the toes to be ''trodden. upon—in ten cases of which routed was taken nine persons said `Awful- ly wary,' and the tenth declared that persons with feet like that ought to alt on the top of the omni - buss and -hang their legs over the rails, "The song test, as applied at eevaral Wast End restaurants, yielded egnally euccessful reset],te, the, percentage of noise bo''the quan- t,ity of eoup'oonaumad being Wight- ly under three per emit. These, Og- tires, laseevor, are only approxi - mete, es some diners evert eating soup in a, distinctly foreign aoeentt, and these caseic could not properly be ineladed ia the English betel, ( " ilssldren an all 1iarts of the city ehow e, well marked cio ire to bo polite, and there is ti, dietinebam- rt'nr.ent it the mauler eel asking armament eigarct! a ertaxia," HOW TO TREAT ALL SKIN TROUBLE Greasy Ointments No Use—Must Be Ouroa Through the Blooil. It is not a good thing for people with a tendency to have pimples and 'se blotchy complexion to smear themselves with gi'eaey ointments. In fact they couldn't do anything worse, bcea,use the grease clogs the pores of the skin, snaking the dis- ease worse. When there is an irri- tating rash .a soothing boraoie wash may help allay the. pain or itching,, but of course it doesn't cure the trouble. Skin complaints arise from, sen impure oondition of -the_ blood, and will persist until the blood is purified. Dr: Williams' Pink Pills have cured many cases of eczema and skin disease; because they make new, rich blood that drives out the impurities, clears the ekiri and imparts a glow of health. The following proof le of- fered., Mrs. Fred Tremble, Gunter, Ont., says: "For more than a year I was steadily afflicted with salt rheum or eczema. My hands were so sore that T could not put them in water without the skin cracking open. I tried all sorts of ointments recommended for the trouble, but they did 'not do me a, particle -of good. I was told Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would cure the trouble, and began taking -them. I took the Pills steadily for nix or eight weeks anti they completely oured the trouble. This was several years ago and I have never been bothered, with it since." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sok' by all medicine dealers or by mail at do cents a box or six boxes for $9.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. • NEW DETECTIVE METHODS. Criminals Are Now Divided Into Various Classes. The new system of detecting crim- inals is based upon the facts that the criminal elates is composed of many classes and sub -classes, and that each sub-classis Composed et last of, individual human beings each with a distinot and distin- guishable individuality of his own, says the London Times. The crim- inal is an artist in his own depart- ment and stamps his individuality on his crime. If this seems on the surface of it unlikely, it is easy to _show that certain crimes of widely . different nature never are and never could be committed by the same criminal. The tramp who snatches linen from a hedge, or the area snea-k who steals the milk cans, could not be a fraudulent trustee or company promoter, nor could the fraudulent trustee pink a pocket, nor would he steal the milk cans. The truth is manifest enough in the ease of crines sedifferent, but is still true of crimes much more alike. The murnping sailor with his false tale of shipwreck could not change places with the bogus parson or doctor with his false tele of having been robbed or lost his purse. The welcher and the race -course thief both carry on their operations on the turf, but they:.nover exchange parts; the man who passes base coin does nob pass flash banknotes; the railway thief is nob an hotel thief, and vice versa. Dobbins: "I say,, old fellow, you are getting thin since ,yon retired from business." T'obbins (ex -shop keeper); "That's right. You see, I don't weigh as much as I aid." The Canadian Breakf ^` st est Toasties and Crean?? Thin bits of choicest Indian •Corn, so skilfully cooked and toasted that they sire deliciously crisp and appetizing. Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve Sold by Grocers everywhere, Post Toastics Canadian lbatnm Cereal Oes. ted. Windsor, Ontario, One Was Enough. Robert Bridges, the new poet laureate, is a fastidious oribio, aazd hence seem little to admire in the eoinmlonplaco verses of Alfred Noyes. Noyes ones hrought to Mr. Bridges two very long odes that be proposed to 'submit, to the, English Review, "I'll react them both aloud," the young man seal, "and afterward you will tell me wbieh is, in your Mr. Alfred Noyes. opinion, the more likely to bo ac- eepted by the English Review." Poor Mr. Bridges sighed and set- tled himself in his chair, and Noyes, in his loud, harsh' voice, read the first ode. It was very long, and at its conclusion Mr. Bridges leaped to his feet and stud briskly : "Now, my young friend, 1 can advise you. Send the other ode to the Review." Are You Droopy, Tired, Worn Out? Here is Good Advice to All Who Feel as if Their Vigor and Life Had All Oozed Away. This Condition Can be Quickly Cured by a Good Cleansing Medicine. Tour experience is probably somewhat similar to that described by Mr. J. '1. Fleming in the following letter from ]els home in Lebanon: "I think I moot have the moat sluggish sort of a liver. In the morning my mouth was bitter, and that foul, soft feeling that tells you, 'No breakfast needed here tits morning.' A cup of coffee would sort of brace mo up. but in two hours I was disposed to quit work, all energy laving oozed out of me. Supper was my only good meal, but I guess I didn't digest very well, for I dreamt to beat the band. A friend of mind put me wise to Dr. IIamiltou's Pills. I think they must ,have totem hold of my livor, perhaps my stomach, too, became at the Very start they made things go right, Look at mo now -not sleepy in the day -time, bat hustling for the mighty dollar and-gettiug fun out of .life every minute. That's what Dr, Ifamilton's PDls have done for mo-thoy have re -built and rejuvenated my entire system." To keep free from headaches, to fool young and bright, to enjoy your eseale, to sleep sound aid look your best, no- thing can help like Dr. Hamilton Pills, 250. per box, five for 31,00 at all druggists and storekeepers or postpaid from Tho Oatarrhoaono Ole. Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingeten, Canada. BACILLI LIKE MEAT DIET. 11Letelhnilcoff Shows that Enemy of Sy'etent Shuns Vegetables. Metchnikoff, the eminent investi- gator and bacteriologist, appears tie be intsnt an bringing back to earth the widely soaring price of meat. In pursuing his inveefiga- tion of the pernicious little colon bacillus he has reached the conclu- sion that this busy and ungrateful parasite would not have such an on- joyable time in the human systems but for a maa:t diet. His recent ex- ploaatians into "the realms of bacilli led him to the celebrated conclusion that the sons' milk bacilli combatted the colon bacilli, but more lately he has concluded that the sour milk forces merely subtract from the nourishment of fila deadly colon bacilli, Abstinence from meat sub- tracts fueeher from the happy en- vircpnsas.t and bounteous commis- sary of man's principal enemy in the bacteriological field, An interesting experiment is re• ported by Metslnsikoff in support of this idea, He inoculated chapped neat and vegetables in separate cultuee tubes and imjeotedthe cul- tures into a .rabbit, Eroln'the vege- table oultliree the rabbit experi- enced oto inoonve,ni,anec Bub the colon bacilli in the meat culture had ` multiplied 'tor sac's an extent that the rabbit's demise followed quickly. Tito Singer. The Caller --Who is that aiegilag? Thestess-'That's our, new maid. e eliways siege at her work. !I i calla!• --•'What a: • harpy dis- tion. mercy, how loud she dugs. Tho hostess -oras. Wbon Abe sings laud ahs; breaking some- thing, SCALES, DIWDFIIJFF AND ITCG Head so itchy Could Hardly Stand It. Dandruff Showed on Goat Dol- lar. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured in Ono Month, 223 Ellze,botli St., Montreal, Que,—"Cult- curs Soap and Ointment cured me norma neatly from dandruff and scalp itch that I was nearing withslneo over a year. I had an inflammation of the lungs and a very strong fever. When I recovered, my head WAS covered with .eealesand .dandruff, and it was so Itchy I cotdd hardly stand it. Tho dandruff showed on my coat collar. I had Used various medicines without relief. I heard of Cuticula soap and Ointment and. decided to try them, and I am very glad of 11, beeauso I am perfectly cured. I used two boxes of Cuticula Ointment with the catmint, Soap. • It took one month to cure mo. I take pleasure In recommending £od- our& Soap and Ointment to anyone who 1s suffering with scalp or skin diseases.'; (Signed) hector Torras, Dee. 30, 1011. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF' Prevent falling hair, remove crusts and scales, and allay itching and irritation of the sealPt frequent shampoos oos with Ottticura P Soap, assisted by occasional dressings with Cuticura Ointment, afford the speediest and most economical treatment. They assist In promoting the growth and beauty of the hair by removing those conditions which tend to make it dry, thin, and lifeless, often leadtag to premature grayness and loss of Bair. Cuticura Soap and Outicura Ointment ere sold lay druggists and dealers throngbout the world, Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug s Chem. Corp., Dept, dilD, Boston, U. S. A. ,Bs Own Soap Leaves the skin—n o matter how ten der— soft —white--aromat- load. Perfect for nursery and toilet, 5.4.13 Albert Soaps Limitod, - Montreal, Nw WRY YOUNGSTERS HIDE. Game of Ride -and -Seek Is An In- born Characteristic. Not only in the home of the duke, but in the home of the workman, you will fail to find a more popular game with the children than ]ride• and -seek. Preeouioiis Talent. Tommy was fourteen, and Tom- my's father and mother -••+both seri- ous people --had decided that it 'was time to fix on a profession for him. Aeoardingly Tommy was led to a room in which were a knife, an apple, a fat theological book, and some small change. His fond parents bad decided to leave him alone with this assort - merit to discover wirieb he liked the best. 1f the book took his fancy, they intended to make a clergyman of him; if the knife, a surgeon ; 11 the apple, a farmer ; and if he chose the money, he was to go into a bank, At the end of half an hour the mother went to the room, but re- turned immediately—in teal's. "What's the matter, deur?" ask- ed papa, anxiously. "It's no good !" she sobbed. "Tommy is sitting on the book, with the knife in his hand. Ho he's eating the apple, and the money is in his p -pocket!" "Good!" said the father. "That settles it! He's evidently cut out for a lawyer !" Tight Money Pinching Many. Two of the first words babylips Thousands more are being squeezedby learn to lisp are "peep bo," 'Then; aching corn which can be cured quickly when the kiddies can toddle one of I with Pianism's Earn Extractor. Being the earliest games they play is`: free from oaustioe, Putnam', is painless. hide-and-seek. And don't they1L•sed successfully for fifty years. Ude no just love it! The little brain in its !calor, 25o. at all dealers. excitement is working at its highest `t`- pressnre. And the shouts of wild Her Reason. glee when the quarry is found! To, "T'd like to have an X-ray liho- hear them makes your sewn heartltogreph taken of Oholiy's brain." beat faster particularly if the Do you think theta is anything players are your own little ones. ttn ' the matter with it?" Scientists and doctors exp] i No ; but I d like to be sure he FOOD TILL TEST OF FIANCES, the popularity of hide-and-seek by has a brain before I marry him." the theory that hiding and seeking 1'reatt}h Writer Bids a Girl ;latch, are two of the inborn eharacteris- ties of every human being. We get the habit from our savage ances- tors. Then, the predatory Habits of the people led women and children to hide from strangers in fear of their lives. Hide-and-seek is mimic sear. .Scouberaft for .boys has developed it on scientific lines. So the next time yeti see your kiddies playing hide-and-seek reflect that it is the outward and visible sign of an in- stinct which has dwelt for count- less centuries in human beings. Her Iutouded Eat a Peach. "If you want to know the char - eater of the man you intend to mar- ry, watch him eat a peach," is the advice tendered by Elio,Dautrin, a well-known French writer. To girls in love he gives the warn- ing: "You should watch carefully at table the young man on whom your whole future, will depend. If he bend over his knife and fork and finish his roast in three gulps, be- ware! . - ware! He is not the man who will be able to submit to tender sym- pathy, and he is careless if he eats without enjoying what is put before him and cannot tell you the menu the minute after. It means dis- appointment for you. He will never appreciate, the hate you wear, nor the style of your dresses, and you will look pretty for nothing. "If he is immoderately fond of sweets he le of anervous disposi- tion and will nag. If it be cheese and roast he prefers, he will be muscular and placid. If he be a bread -eater at times; he is fond of the country. If a lover of fine old wine, he has the soul of a landed proprietor. "The best test of your future hus- band is to watch him at the moment of dessert. See how he handles a peach. Does he take it distracted - ]y or like a man in a Burry? Does he swallow it hastily? Then you say to yourself, 'He is not the bus - band for me.' But al he takes it slowly, tenderly, like a connoisseur.' tvho appreciates what he eats; if he does not swallow it at once but peels it with the air of an artist :and treats it with devotion, then don't hesitate to marry him as quick as you can." Appreciated No Less. Elsie—I didn't know he could af- ford to give you such an expensive engagement ring? Egeria--He couldn't—,but wasn't it dear of him? Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast.. Yia Chicago and North Western Roil - way. On sale daily Sept. 25th to 006, 10411 (nolueive, from all pointe .in Canada to Los Angeles, San Franieco. Portland, Salt Lake Citi, Seattle, Victoria, Van- e other points Nelson, Roseland, and may freer uing c h toariet sleepers and ago, free reeliuing chair Dare from Chicago, Variable routes. Liberalstop overs. For full information es to rates, routes and literature write or call on B. W. Bennett, General Agent, 45 Yotge Street, Toronto, Made U11. The teacher meant to convey a profound lesson. "You must for- give your enemies, boys," she said, "and then your enemies will for- give you. 1 want you all to try it." The next morning Johnny Jones came to wheel with e very black eye. Why, Johnny, : what's the mat- ter?" "Aw," repli.ecl Johnny. "I've been forO'ivin'Scrappy Gren, an' =akin' him forgive me," '1 No More Neuralgia; Headache Cured A Journalist Tolls of The Advan- tages of Keeping Nervilino . Handy On the Shelf. Fifty years ago Nervilino was need from coast to coast, and in thousands of houses this trusty liniment served the entire family, cured all their minor ills and kept the doctor's bill small. Today Nervilino still holds first rank In Can- ada among pain -relieving remediee— scarcely a home you can find that doee- n't use it, From Port Hope, Ont., Mr. W. T. Green. away, of the Guide newspaper etaff, writes: "For twenty years we have used Nervilino in our home, and not for the world would we be without ft. As a re- medy for all pain, earache, toothache, maniple headache, and disordered stom- ach I know of no preparation so uesful and mock to relieve as Nervilino." Lot every mother give Nerviline a trial; It's good for children, good for old folks —you can rub it on as a liniment or take it internally., Wherever there is pain, :terrifies will euro it. Refuse anything but Nervilino. Largo family bottles, 50e.; trial size, 25e., at all dealers, or The Catar'rhozone Co„ Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston. Ont. Wise Woman. "She sets an awfully poor table and yet she always manages to have plenty of boarders." "Well, she always engages the prettiest waitresses she can find." Felnard's Liniment Corns Dandruff. Tho Bends. .On a tree grew apples green. Little Willie, seeing them With a grin, came on the scene And was bent un eating them. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, 1Veale, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sell Murine );ye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50e. &imine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tetra, 25c, 50e. Eye Books Pres by Mail. Alt Eye Tonle goad for All Syse that Need. Cara Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Those Tomcats. "Each dog ]las his day," Is a proverb e'er trite. So we add, if we may, "Eads cat Iras his night." Mlnard's Liniment ter sate everywhere. aA Point of Resemblance. A woil-kmown'violinist adversely criticized his own portrait, which had been painted by •a eolebrated artist: The family had agreed upon this harsh verdict evithout a dissenting voice, until the artist appealed to the youngest o3 the household, a bright little boy; "Who is that, Dickl" he asked, isolating to the picture. ""Papa," was the immediate answer. "So it i5, lay deal "Yee see, Air, your son Is a better judge of the like- ness than you, Sa you think you'd know it eves papa, nay boy 2" "Oh, yes, Ain'," waft the innocent reply, "Its very m0511 like him aballt the 1S`;Cal 35--•'13 feddlo,." St. Joeeph, Levis, July 14, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, --I was badly kicked by my horse last May and after using several IIALE HELP WANTED. A nourishing, tasty, economical meal, A time and money saver. fA strollgat producer. Pod{ & A. Tightwad. Fred—Brown is is an awful tight- wad. Fred --S should say as much. He won't even tell a story at his own. expense. Minard's Liniment Cures Burne, Etc. , "Oh Shame, Tommy, You're too old to Cry." "Yes, an' I bet I'm too young to have what I'm crying 'for." FARMS FOR BALI, H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. VIRUiv, severe GRAIN AND name .LL'' Parma to all notions of Ontario. Same snaps. 371 simony SITES, WITII Oli wreno0'r• A' Railway trackage. In Toronto. Brampton and other town, end aidor. 31 ERIDENTIAL P15OPF.t1T1Eg., IN Brampton Anda dozen other towns. H. VV. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. STAMPS AND 101NS TAMP COLLECTORS--IIUNDRED DIP• t.., ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents, Marks Stamp Company. Toronto. preparations on my leg nothing would do. My leg was black an let. I was laid up in bei for a fortnight and could not walk. After acing throe botttee of your MINARD'S LIi1LMENT I was perfectly cured, ao that I could .•tart on the road. JOS. DOSES, Cemmeroial Traveller, Puzzled. "I can't understand that man." "Why so ?" "He's a lawyer and a little while ago he advised me to keep out of litigation as long as possible." "It seems to me that was mighty good advice." "Yes, I feel sure that it was, but he didn't charge me a cent for it," Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. ROYAL FEATURES. Characteristic Looks of Some Fam- ous Houses. King Ferdinand of Bulgaria is a Bourbon, and even those who might not be aware of his family connec- tions and yet were familiar with the characteristic features of that famous Royal Howse, could scarce- ly fail_ to connect him with it the moment they set eyes upon Iain„ All,the Bourbons, praotieally withot exception, have inherited the -bony aquiline nose 'of their great ancestor, Henry IV. of France and Navarre. The most familiar example of this nose, so far as British people aro concern- ed, is possessed by that popular young ruler, the King of Spain. Our own Royal family have the "Guelph eyes." It is not too much to say that if only the eyes of pho- tographs of our late beloved King Edward, hie own son, King. George, and his brother, the Duke of Oon- naught, were visible, ninety-nine people out of every hundred weiild recognize to whom they belonged. It is a large and protruding eye, and all Queen Victoria's descend- ants possess it. The King and the Prince of Wales have it in a mark- ed degre, and it is very noticeable also in the German Emperor. Everybody knows the Cavendish lip, and the remarkable way in which it has persisted through many generations, but it may not be its generally known that the House of Hapsburg, the head of which is the. Emperor of Austria, has a similar feature. It is a protnsion and enlargement g i of the lower lip which, though high- ly charaoteristic, is far from grace- ful. It is a remarkable fact . that the young King of Spain, already mentioned, not only has the Bour- bon nose, but he has also the Hapsburg hp, derived from his mo- the.r; Queen Christina, who was a member of the Austrian royal family, q• Too many people spend to -day what they hope to earn to -morrow. You will find relief in Zam-Buk I It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zara. Bull, Means care: Why not prove this ? d1f Dry/row 5tO atom.— .too la1.1, Slam soy s MEN WANTED 7054150 MAN BE A BARBER. 5 TEAOri you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly an furnish tools free. We give you eotna chop experience. Write tor free oats. loam,. 'Molar College, 219 Queen St, East, Toronto. MEN WANTED MISCELLANEOI5S. "(MITE DOLLARS A DAY 0015 BB MADE $' by smart man with 8100 to invest. Write Drury, 45 Moutray St., Toronto. (IAD CER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC„ VJ internal and external. cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical CO., Limited, - Collingwocd, Ont. re ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- lX der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively - cured with the new German remedy, "Soma" price 55.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mellitue, and sure cure, is - Sanol's Anti-Diabotee." Price $2.00 fromd- (tiringstCompanY of s or direct. T Canada, Limitehe Sanol d Winnipeg, Man. The Heart of a. Piano is the Action. insist on the "01-l:0 HIGEH-oa, Piano Action AILROAD • and Telegraphy Courses. of the mostd complete sad modern kind taught right at l7our own home by Shaw's Telegr.a.ph• and Railroad School, 1 Ger- rard St. East, Toronto.. Write for particulars and sample lessons, W. R. Shaw Pres. 3Faes eta t„q yq• Eel ltl. „ I H SPEED t:r i-$/fiMPf bite Washer for a Woman In the first plane, Maxwell's "Champion" is the only washer that can be worked with a crank handle at the side as web as with the top lever. Just suit your own convenience. Another Maxwell feeturo—Lever and Blanco W beet aro so accurately adjusted and workup such ape ed that the washer runs along even when ycu have steppe working the lever. ?hero's no doubt about MasWell's'Chomplona beta¢ the easiest runnl ng Washer on the market. Write for naw ltle'st- ratedbooklet doese sdoal er does not handle hie^Chamxwil1pion'a " 11 Wosher. nxVee &MVS 5t. Mary aSar, 92 dt SP. �E> CI +ill FPlip FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting Suitable for Bltta, Manufacturing Plants, Printing Houa,sta, Gto, 2 Wood Split Pulleys, 12X x 48 int for 3 IMO to. shaft. 1 Woad Split .Pulley, 12X a 48 in. for 9 l9/18 in. shaft. a Wood Split Palley,- Y9k$,4 tt8 fat for 3 7/18 in. theft, 1 Wood Split Pulley, 1oX z as in. for 8 //1d in, shaft. Pulleys of smaller ,sines rafting of various 1aelgtho rill.; m to be sold at very low Apron. Box 23, T'ilscrn Pltbite:dug Co., 1os'onto