The Brussels Post, 1913-9-25, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS,
,Inco a the Post Office, Ethel. 80.4
8rS RgA e
• Run, will sell for better prices, to
better men in lees time and leve charges
than any other Auctioneer in Plast Enron or
he won't obarge anything, Dates and orders
ecu always be arranged et this Moe or by
personal applloatlon,
V 1' • Bar}'leter, Solicitor, Ooureyauter,
NotaryPublic, &o
O afootSaewarfe 81ook
(dooY Nor Eh 01 Oeutral Hotel,
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank,
P013LI0, ETU.
W. Paouu0oo1r,H,0, R. 0, Hese
J, L, EILLOns»
003oee-Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron & Holt,
For beautiful
booklets showing the
luxury of the Targe
Allan Liners • 1
agents, or write
us direct. so
9ng SeW. credo.
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
.i.4.v avaroGI m vsnztuy,4v3y�wiA9
Which School I Shall 1ea
Att d?
gAn important question, All buai.
nese colleges are not alike. CAnESIIL
I Write
today the Catalogue of the iE
This school is conducted on the highest ro
t 1 plane of effiolency. We are proud of
to its record. ,Students admitted at any
time. -
2's Oor. Young end 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, 1'
Alexander Ste. f Princlp .
-' 1
'A9a4Aavea4sta`r,,, Sm39,L\l'st+Br r
Our registratioh again exceeds that
of any previous y ear, The boy or girl
who has not received our free oote-
.logue doee:not know the great oppor-
tunities of Commercial life. We have
three departments, Commercial, Short-
hand and Telegraphy and we offer you
ndventngennot offered elsewhere in
Ontario. You may eater pt .any time.
Write for our f ree catalogue et once.
A. Md,AOH4AN, Principal.
'p i, 4r5Y.AMVul i riwArso`AviO5OSif Y
?+AL'r1id.�.0'�.,1.�1•'tIIv..AYcS1+�tiyp� v,D
Listowel Business Celle a ,
. 9�
your first step toward success.
Fall term opens September 2;
Send for new free cabal ogne to
sou Nommumegmussous
Best Brains
In Canada have participated in the pre-
partition of our splendid Home Study
Courses h1 Balking, Economics, Higher
A000nntin Commercial Art, Show
Card Writing, photography, Journel-
is,» Shoat Story Writing ,Shorthand.
and Bookkeeping's Select the work.
which most interests 300 and write us
for pnrtioulas Addreae
391-7 Yongo et:, Toronto
wL .A.4.46...rL,uub
made provision for employment dur-
ing the Fall and Winter menthe or do
yen Wish steady remunerative work
the year through, Write Its and ware
our agent's twine We offer the heat
in the btt+inesa. Pay weekly, free out-
fit, exclusive territory,
OVER §00 Amis
tinder cultivation. Established over
86 years A reputation Por high g111de.
stook and fair dealing, A salesman
Mitt male mons sato for no. Wo
W c o
y g
b , for
Want an energetic reliable sou
Blssos and vicinity. For tens Write.
Toronto, Ont.
N.13. Free oelelogno on request,
BI4$Inoss Cards
Onteepath, Eye $Peua1llst
, Food
Sla t st
tl}1 1110 cud '1,
ra Nervous Di d ea.
u a s At Mrs. S. 1.
Plunl'n Brsuesc WedeeIIy ft e a m, to I1
a, n1, t'{laesosecieltitlonllq fitted,
$ueooseor 00 M, A. Moore, Office et Ander.
son Bros. Livery stable, Brueeole. Telephone
No, 20.
DR, T, 'T..M'RAE
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Pity
eieians and Surgeons, Ont. Post -graduate
t hloae° Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital,
Ohieago, 111 Ex•Honae Surgeon to 8t, Mioh-
sel's Hospital, Toronto,
Moe over F. B. Smith's Drug Store. Tele.
phone connection with Oran brook at all hours.
llnohelor of Medicine, Unlveroit of Toronto ;
Lioentinte of Ooilege of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto, Offices of late Dr.
A. Mulievey, Smith Biodc, llrueeols,
Rural phone 45.
Physician and Surgeon; Poet Graduate courses
London IEng.), New York and Chicago Moe-
pitsls. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Oollege, Day and night calls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel,
Personal graduate Department of Opphthal.
mology, McOormiok Medical College, Chiang°,
111,, is prepared to teat eyes end lit gleam at
her office over Grewar'g Restaurant, Brussels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. -Office. hours Ito 0 p. m. Forenoons
by appointment, Phone 1219.
Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and
seller than any: outer Auctioneer and only
charge what is reasonable, Sales conducted
anywhere in Ontario. Pure bred stook sales a
Write or
'phone 213 Wroxeter.
GNAW) rr'fffPrY'!1' R71h War
Gorxc Soars Goma Nonni
,Null 7:07 a m I Express ,..10:56 a m.
Express 11:26 a m Mail 1:59 p m
Express 2:55 n m Express 8:62 p m
C rn IDISi'• ARCM('
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 7:52 a 111 I Express 32:10001
Express 2:47 p m j Express 8:80 p m
Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 8:55 p. m,
Going West - 12:48 and 9:47 p. m.
All trains going Beat connect with 0, P. B. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. atetions.
DEO. ALLAN, Local • Agent.
Iiztl`I.Ct dos
The flower display at the Goderich
Industrial Exl '
u as the
best for
many years.
John S. Kernighan went to Guelph
where be will attend the Agricultural
College for tate session of 1913-14.
• Ladies' Aid society of the Victoria
street Methodist.cllurell have decided
to hold their annual hot supper on
Thanksgiving Day.
Jack Holmes, of the Bank of Com-
merce staff, Whlehahl, is spendilig
his holidays at the hone of his grand-
father, Dr. W. J. R. Bolmes.
Vendors of meat in Goderich have
agreed to give no more credit, and
commencing with Wednesday, Octob-
er 1st will sell strictly for: oash,
George Laituwaite, of the Huron
Read, did very well with his exhibit
of Jerseys at the London Fair. In '8
entries he captured 8 prizes, including
1st prize forhie stock bull.
County Clerk and Mrs, Lane were
in St. John, -N. B., where they went
to attend the wedding of their son,
P, Lane,of Revelstoke,
B. C., wholead een vsiting the old' '
for a couple of weeks.
B. B. Bollnes, of the 0. P. It, staff
at Port IdeNicnll, was in town on
holidays. Me. Holmes has recently
received notice of promotion and will
leave shortly for St. John, New
Brunswick to jnin the staff of the big
railway corpoiation there.
lion. Geo. 13e11, peovincial Treasurer
of the province of Saskatchewan, has
been in town fora few days., Ile is a
Colborne township "old boy," but had
not been here for thirty-five years.
He hae done well in the West, and
now occupies an honored'' place in the
government of his adopted province
John Boll, of town, is his brother,
and Mrs.James Wells, of 'town, and
Mrs, Gibbs, of Saltforil, are sisters,
Is often caused by indigestion and
constipation, and
when hamerlain'Tables are taken.
For sale by all dealers.
Alis. Boles left for Crookston,'
Minn., where she will visit her son,`
Dr. J. P Boles
A. J. -Gregg took 7 filets, 8 seconde
and 2 thuds on has game bantams at
the London Fair.
An orchestra has been formed in
connection with the Sunday School of
Ontario St. Methodist Ono eh.
Way Arlin, son of Rev. S. J. Allis,
left last week to attend the Training,
school of the Y. M. C. A. at Chicago.
Chief Wheatley arrested a Gode-
rich man for being drank in a local.
option town and Police Magistrate
Andrews taxed him 320 and. costs Al
80 days in jail.
`- James Fair, formerly of the Olin.
ton mills, is now in Winnipeg, the.
Western Canadian manager of the
Avery Scale Company of North
Milwaukee, Wig.
J. J. Tilley ex-inepeitor of Model
Schools delivered vered a aerie
on the General Principles of School
Management, to the students there
all of which were greatly appreciated,
He gave two lectures each day from
11 to 12 t6.Ito find f'.iom8to4p,mer
•Rev, T, Greene returned illst week
after, preaching fee 7 Sundays in
01313. He has resutlted work at
IN Tltouer.a.- Jiunes Burns was
charge of subornation ofv prejul+y
His counsel, L. E. Dancey, waived
• examine Hon, and the case was
traversed to the Decenber Sessions
at Goderich. The action arose out of
an lamination laid by Inspector
Oliver Johilston against James Rey-
nolds, proprietor of the British Ex-
change Hotel, (loderich. Two Olin-
ton boyo, educate, who tit first swore
that they were not served with liquor,
later made it signed statement to the
contrary, "They have been committed
for trial also on a prejury charge, but
obtained Bail. Burns was 1'o1911o1•ly
of Bayfield, but bee been living in
Clinton. Crown Attorney Seager
conducted the ease.
Mother of' Eighteen Children
"I and the mother of eighteen child-
ren and have the praise of doing more
work than any young woman in Dry
town," writes Mre. C. 3. Martin,
Boone Mill, Va. "I suffered for five
years with stomach trouble and could
not eat as much as a biscuit without
suffering. Ihave taken three bottles
of Chamberlain's Tablets and arta now
a well compo and weigh 108 pounds,
I can eat anything I want to, and as
much as I want and feel better than I
have at any time in ten years. I refer
to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity
and they will vouch for what I say."
"Chamberlain's Tablets ate for sale by
all dealers.
Ford wich
II. S. McCabe has disposed of his
general store business to J. R. Rich-
ardson, of Palmerston.
Miss May Spence, 4th concession,
wllahne spent the Summer in Cal-
gary, Alla., has returned home.
• A Load of wheat which tested 059
lbs. to the bushel was received at the
Fordwich Flour Mills last week.
The semi -centennial anniversary of
McIntosh II tech
Presbyterian church was
fittingly commemorated on Sabbath
21st inst., and on the following Mon -
clay afternoon. Sunday, Principal
Gandier, of Knox College, Toronto,
occupied the pulpit at 11 a. m. and
7.30 p. m. Monday afternoon a social
time was spent by old and present'
members andaclberents of the congre-
gation, when feasting and ' speech
making was on the program.
The anniversary of the Presbyterian
church will be held on Sunday,
October 19th. Rev, John McNeil,
Toronto, will be the special preacher
for the occasion.
W. J. Gordon, Acton, who recently
Purchased the harness business of
I. S. Duret on Main street, has ar-
rived in Listnwel and has taken
charge of the business.
Annual Harvest Thanksgiving
services will beheld in Christ church
on Sunday, Sept. 28311. Rev. W. T.
Oluff, of St. James' church Stratford,
will preach at both services.
The football it team of the Listowel
High School has .entered a challenge
f r 1 e
a tl Hough 'Sup u
held p ow id by Wood-
stock and loet by the local boys this.
Spring after their having held it for
five seasons.
A business: meeting was Held at
the U. B. church, when Rev. T.
Gesell gave it) his resignation. It was
accepted reluctantly after a long
consideration. We all trust that
Mr. Geach-twill improve in health.
Master Berton Clark of the parson-
age, Lebanon, had the misfortune to
fall and
b Halo his area t
1rn between the
wrist and the elbow. He was given
medical aid and the fractured limb
was set,
The Council decided to undertake
the work of extending the water-
works from the 0. P. R. sheds on
Mill street, Southwards to the G. •'T.
R. property, with an extension to.
reach the property owners on Queen
and Richmond streets.
T, H. Hamilton made a trip to
• Toronto where 11e purchased the
standard bred trotting mare, "Lotto
-chimes," This mare carne froni
Tennesee, is a bright bay, five years
old and is by Chimes Echo out of
Annette, 2.211.4 by The Bondsman.
Harold Cameron, the 10 year old
son of Alex. and Mrs. Campbell
mil rowdy escaped possibly serious or
fatal injury on Wednesday afternoon
of last week when knocked down
by an automobile driven by Oscar
Rupple, The accident was caused by
the car skidding when taruieg the
corner at the Grew' Central hotel.
C. B. Hacking, of Listowel, won
first prime of $50 in the Rexall ad-
vertising contest. The United Haig
Company who are the ulanufttetueers
of Rexall Remedies, gives prizes every
year L° the hest adveriietes. Prize
won hy11'ie. Hacking was for the best
series of drug store advertisements
andhe was in competition with all
stores in Canada the size of Listowel,
Freed From Bearing Down
Pains, Backache and Pain
in Side by Lydia E. Pink-
hanfs Compound.
Toronto, Ont. -"Last October, I wrote
to you for advice as I was completely run
down, had bearing
down sensation in the
lower part of bow-
els, backache, and
pain in the side. I
also suffered terribly
from gas. I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's
and am now entirely
free from pain .in
back and bowels and
am stronger in every
way. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's
Compound highly to all expectantmoth-
ers."-Mrs. E. WANDBY, 92 LoganAve-
nue, Toronto, Ontario.
Consider Well This Advice.
No woman suffering from any form of
female troubles should lose hope until
she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, the medicinal in-
gredients of which are derived from na-
tive roots and herbs, has for nearly forty
years proved to be a most valuable tonic
and invigorator of the female organism.
Women residing in almost every city
and town in the United States bear
willing testimony to the wonderful
virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia 1;
. Panlrh+t '
y . m s Vegeta-
ble Compound will help you, rite
to Lydia E.l'inkliam Medicine Co.
(confidential) Ly nn, Ma_ss., for ad-
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman.
and hold in strict confidence.
Wednesday of last week was tag
day fot the High School Football
team. A number of the girl students
of the school sold tags to raise money
with which to finance the tears when
playing for the Hough cup. Over
$50 was realized.
Diarrhoea Quickly Cured
"I was taken with diarrhoea and
Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, per,
suaded me to try a bottle of Chamber-
lain's Colic, Oliolera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. After taking one dose of it
I was cured. It also cured others that
I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart,
Oriole, Pa. Thatis not ab all unusual.
An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can
almost invariably be cured by one or
two doses of this remedy. For sale
by all dealers.
250 tickets were sold at Blyth
station for the London Fair.
S. A. Poplestone attended the
Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 0.
F., at Minneapolis.
Mr. McTaggart, of Exeter, spent a
few days during the week with his
sons, G. E. and Dr. McTaggart.
Mrs. Sho1'treed, who has been living
in Morris with Mrs. John Corning,
has returned to her home in town,
Harvest Thanksgiving services in
cpnnection with Trinity 111tu'ob,
Blyth, will beheld at 7p. m. en Sun-
day, September 28th.
Baxter McArter, who left here some
Wine ago, is now located at Regina,
Sask., where he has a steady position
as photographer at $100 per month.
Good for Baxter.
Mrs. Philip Willows received word
that her son Philip, was in Toronto
Hospital having undergone ala +opera-
tion fot' appendicitis and is doing as
well as can be expected.
The anniversary services of the
Blyth Methodist church will be con-
ducted by. Rev. W. L. Rutledge, D.
D„ of Clinton, on Sunday, Oct. 1211).
Mrs. Wm, Jackson had the 0118101'.
tune to severely sprain her !ankle
while stepping from the sidewalk in
front of Poplestone & Gardiner's
Ooncillor Carr had the misfortune
of getting a rib broken while entering
.4, Wilford's auto, the car starting un
suddenly and throwing him against
the side oft the door.
Thos. Code and his slaughter, Mrs.
Wm. Laidlaw, returned from Flor-
ence, where they had been called
owing to the serious illness of 'Mrs.Kennedy, wife of the manager of the
Grown Bank of that place and daugh-
ter of Mr. Code. The patient is now
eproving as rapidly as can be expect-
Rpples Wanted
On or after September I5th. The highest
market prices will be paid according to
quality. Apples may be . shaken off trees,
Packers' culls, Is, windfalls, etc., will be taken.
Small or Solt Apples. will not.
pp be Accepted
BURCUIEL & CO., Brussels
'PRONE 38x.
Me51iIlan & Co„ who purchased 411
e '54++ 4etele iee+4,4,t•4'•t'4••+++++4•++++++++4,+++4,+$.N3.+++t"i•++++++':,
n •:�
+ ,l,
I h� Miiiinery.�.
v 4 ® 4.
- ,+1. ' 4'
A choice display of New Sea.Millinery+
seen on +
sIorehlulre l'or'Imerly in eminectlo
with the Livingstone Flitx Mi11, ,'e
moved 1 h1+ Hanle 3lar000 the creek 1a
eel: u
week l'
l t
le C, P.
R. tracks
they will use ib es a storehouse.
The Methodist district meeting 1'
Goderich district will be held at BIyt
on Tuesclay, Oct, 7th, et 1 p, nl, 1
the evenhig there will be a rneethl
espeolally for leen. Wednesdi
morning and afternoon spiritual con
ferenGell especially for the ministers
wibe held,
A:pretty borne wedding took lilac
at the residence of Robert Marshall
in past Wewanosb, on Wednesday
of hast week at 4 n. m„ when his
daughter, Mies lf:tttharine Was united
in Marriage to Mr. Hicks, a prosper-
ous young farmer of Centralia, Rev.
W. D. Turner officiating.
Wtn. Davidson, the venerable Clerk
of the county of Perth, celebrated his
80th bielliday, Ile is still hale and
hearty arid has every indication of
litany years of usefulness before film
yet. He has filled netu'ly all the
Municipal offices in the gift of the
people, being for years reeve and
clerk of Fnllaeton, four times warclen
of the county, twice mayor of Strat-
ford and for many years to member of
the school board. 1Ie is also a mem-
ber of tile directorate of many of the
county's sound financial institutions.
He has been County Clerk since 1878,
BlythMI'. Davidsa. ll is father of Mrs. (Rev.)
Fear, now of Teeswater, formerly of
A pretty wedding took place at the
home of David and Mre, Cowan at
high noon, Wednesday of last week,
when their daughter, Aliss Annie
Elizabeth, became the wife of John
Jaynes Dick, it prosperous merchant
of Teeswater, the Rev. W. D. Tamer,
performing the ceremony. The bride
looked charming in a gown of white
duchess satin and carried the usual
baguet of bridal roses. Little Miss
Anna McKenzie, cousin of the gtooru,
made a pretty little ring bearer.
Miss Margaret Cowan, sister of the
bride, played the Wedding March.
Only the immediate relatives of the
contracting parties were present.
The drawing room was prettily dec-
orated with wedding bells, white
tasters and ferns. After the ceremony
the guests repaired to the dining
room, when they partook of a dainty
wedding dinner. The happy couple
left on the 4 o'clock train for Detroit:
and other points. Bride's travelling
snit was of shades of tan and blue
tweed with hat to match. The
groom's gift to the bride was a beauti-
ful necklace of pearls and to the ring
bearer and pianist pearl necklaces.
The gifts were numerous in token of
the high esteem in which the bride
was held. We wish the young
couple every good gift,
e +
Lose of Appetite and Energy
Singly they are a wott•y-combined
they become a burden, telling that
waste has been immensely greater
than the body's power to rebuild.
The first need is to reconstruct the
blood, -make good the deficiency of a•ed
cells. Ferrozone improves digestion,
makes 111aoc1, the kind that nourishes
and rebuilds. Quickly the nervous
system responds to the new power
supplied by Nervilne. Strength re-
turns, ambition revives, energy and
emlarance give the system just what
it needs to maintain the balance of
health. No tonic better than Fer-
rozone, 50c per box at all dealers.
15 pupils from this vicinity are at-
tending the Listowel High School.
A grant of $ 20,00 was trade to the
Erma Agricultural Society by Elmo,
Eima Council will meet at the Ag-
ricultural Hall, Atwood, Saturday,
October 11th, at 10 o'clock a. in.
One of Dickson Brea, heavy draft
horses was taken sick with infiamrna-
tion at London Fair andtvas unable
to be brought home at that time.
1VIrs. Arthur Forman, Oth. eon., was
taken suddenly 111 with appendicitis,
and on 11Ionday of last week under -
%vent an operation. -While she is still
in critical condition hope is held out
for her recovery.
Following is the list of prizes 11011
by Dickson Bros at London Fair :-
1st. on 2 year-old Stallion ; Iet on
Agriculeural team ; 211(1 on draft
team ; 211c1 on best team sired by
Clydesdale ; 1st on draft foal ; 1st
on draft mare ; 1st. on Champion-
ship mare ; 1st. on Clydesdale As
sedation, special of $25 for mare,
Canadian bred.
Do Your Ears Ring 7
When they buzz and seem slightly
deaf, beware of catarrhal lnfianl-
Ination. This grows steadily worse
but can be cared by Outarl'hozone. J.
A. Hatnmill, G1'eenmount, P. E. I„
proved the merit of Oatarrhozone and
writes : "No one could have
worse Catarrh than I had for years.
It caused partial deafness, bad taste,
upset my stomach, macre me sick all
over. Uatarr'llozane cleared my
nostrils, stopped the cough and grave
me a clear feeling in toy breathing
organs. I am absolutely cured."
Doctor's -say nothing is better than
Oatarrhozone. Try it and you'll say
so too. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all
Maitland Presbytery
Presbytery of Maitland met in St.
Andrew'sshoran, Wingham, Tuesday
10111 inst. There was a .large attend-
ance of ministers and elders. A very
heavy docket of business was cleared.
Rev.; 7. S. Hardie, L00110811, was ap-
pointed Moderator for ensuing 0
Among other items disclosed of Was
it call frorn Belgeaveand Galvin to :tl e
Rev, A. 11. Boyle, B. A., ,Kemble, in
the Presbytery of Owen Sound.
Delegates from the two congregations
were heard and the call ryas snet:deed.
Rev, Mr Stewart, Whitechurch, was
appointed to prosecute the call before
the Owen Sound Presbytery. The
separation of Knox church, 1 eevie,
fl'ot t
1 Kh11ou 11 and
Riversdale e tVta9
granted, Bowie will be united with
Knox church, Ripley, tinder the pas.
Wrote of Rev, Geo. Gilmore, The.
chargewill pay the salary of
'$1800, with manse and 4 weeks holt,
days, I in1ottgh and RiVersdale Were
+ Friday and Saturday 4.
�: September26th 27th +
The ladies of Brussels aid vicinity are cordial-
ly invited to call and see the fashionable array.
Have re-engaged Miss Hart, of Berlin, to
assist me again this season.
{+ Will be pleased to supply your needs.
M. E. Ross
Richards Block, Brussels.
formed into a separate °barge, al-
though having only about 20 families
each they agree to pay a stipend of
$800 with manse and to receive $200
from the Augmentation Fund,
Rev. F. A. McLennan resigned from
the pastoral charge of Soutar Kinloss
after 25 years of faithful service, Mr,
McLennan spoke very touchingly of
the kind relation that had always ex-
isted between himself and his people.
Messrs. Hardie, Bradley, McArthur,
Butherford and Perx•ie spoke in 0.3).11'
cola o
tl Mai r
1 iYJ . McLennan and his
long and faithful work.
Mr. Hardie presented the Budget
report laying before the Presbytery
their financial obligation for the year
1014. The Presbytery is expected to
raise for that year for the work of the
church the sum of $24000.
A resolution of sympathy was pass-
ed to Rev. J. L. McCulloch, of Orau-
brook, who has not yet fully recover-
ed from a severe attack of typhoid
Rev. W. A, Bradley, Teeswater,
was appointed Treasurer along with
the office of Clerkship.
Many people have it but neglect, it
until they ate crippled and without
hope of ever being cured, but there is
hope for all in Rheumo and no one
need have rheumatism now. Rheum°
is just what we say it is. We have re-
ceived hundreds of testimonials tell-.
ins us that Rheumo has cared old
standing cases of rheumatism and
when all other treatments had failed.
Rheum° enriches the blood and drives
uric acid from the system, Don't fail
g t a bottle today at James Fox
and you will soon have your health
and strength as in the olden days.
James Fox sells a large bottle for
one dollar, or we will mail you a
bottle prepaid on receipt of price. B,
V, Marion Co„ Bridgeburg, Ont.
Poisoned Dy A Razor
Don't teirn your corns with a razor,
use a purely vegetable remedy like
Putnam's Corn Extractor. No pain,
certain cure, and all for a quarter.
Every dealer Bells "Putnam'°,'
The -
How about that old watch ?
Is it not giving satisfaction ?
Have it exchanged for a
REGINA and you will always
be sure of the right time. They
are sold at the following prices :
7 -jewelled 20 -year Banner
Gold-filled Case - $11.75
15 -jewelled 20 -year Banner
Gold-filled Case - - 13.75
17 -jewelled 20 -year Banner
Gold-filled Case - - 10.75
7 • jewelled Waterproof
Nickel Case - - - 8.20
15 - jewelled Waterproof
Nickel Case - - - 10.20
17 - jewelled Waterproof
Nickel Case - - - 13.20
These Watches are all guaran-
teed for three years.
Walton - Ontario
Canada's Hair
Fashion Store
Glenn =
Hair Goods
Our MISS GLENN will be in
BRUSSELS At the American
on Friday, September 26th Hotel
with a full line of Hair Goods -Switches, Pin
Curls, Bangs, Transformations, Partings, etc.
Men's Wigs and Toupees.
We are pleased to Demonstrate our Goode
89 icing Street West, Toronto.
3i Ladies desirous of having Miss Glenn call at residence kindly leave
address at Hotel.
HeducedT Pricesd'Orhree
Prices on Buggies down to cost ; all home
made and up-to-date.
Farmer's Wagons, all oak, medium height,
24Ni Tires -a Bat -gain. Also a light one-horse
Wagon, just what farmers require, cheap.
A few second-hand Buggiesin first-class
repair and painted, Call and get a bargain,.
Sale reduced in price for three weeks only.
Call and get a snap. Everything our ownmake
and warranted the best.
Get your Buggy re-rubbered at
D. Ewan'sOarria eshop►