The Brussels Post, 1913-9-25, Page 4tbe $vastis WS/
anfiUUR3DAY, SEPTEMBER as. rola
Tganxsoaittere Day has been named l
for Monday. October loth, and will be a
Statutory holiday,
Loan STSATBCONA, the High Coon.
missioner in Loudon, is a wonderful
,old man. He is 93 Years of age but is
still active and alert in attending to his
A few Doukbobors at ,Regina jail
were playing tbe starvation role but
forcible feeding brought them to time
and the usual bill of fare was dispatched
in the old fashioned way. The Douks
peculiaritiesneve their bad lot of folk after all. but are not a
COST of living is still mounting up
and along with it the tax rate in scores
of municipalities is also climbing.
!roubles never come singly and every-
body usually thinks taxea high enough
no matter what they amount to. More
steam will have to be turned on and the
track well sanded to make these grades.
Tara promoters of the big Fairs in
Canada would do themselves credit it
they cleaned out the so-called Midway
and substituted something that would
be clean, educational and praisewortby.
Permitting a gang of toughs to see how
close they can run to the indecent or ex-
bibits of distortations of man or beast
is debasing and in opposition to the
trend of good morals and better days,
Toronto and London people should be
ashamed of the Midway belonging to
tbeir Fairs.
WE notice that Austria is going to
put a stop to the emigration of Galicians
and the plan is to arrest all male persons
from re to 36 years of age who attempt
to leave their homes. The Northwest
has had large numbers of them in the
past and will miss this hard working
class of people who were looked upon
at about the best of the non-English
speaking settlers. Too rigid discipline
will not work very well however and
probably there will be other ways GC
seeing Canada.
IT is said a co-operative agricultural
Bank may be established in Saskateh-
eivan, modelled after such In s totiODS
in Germany.
The plan is for each
farmer to guarantee the bonds of the
proposed Bank which will bear interest
atithe rate of 5% redeemable on 5 mouths
notice. Provincial Government will be
asked to supervise the first issue. It
may be a success but we would
imagine with so many mouetary con-
cerns looking for business there is no
•--particular necessity for such an institn-
tion as the desired benefits could prob-
ably be attained by some other route.
Morris Council
Council meeting of Mortis was
held in the Township Hall Monday,
Aug. 25611, Members present,
Minute of last meeting read and ap-
proved. Township rate for the pres-
ent year was fixed at 8i mills on the
dollar. Contract for the construction
of the Black and Ellis drains was
given to W. A. Stevenson, of Brus-
sels, at $100 mora than the Engineer's
estimate on each drain, being Ellis
$2,940 ; Black 83,168, both drains to
be completed in 1914. Following ac-
counts were paid :—J. J. McCaughey,
stone at abutments centre sideroad
38.00 ; Ingot Iron Co. culvert, 390.00;
R. Bloomfield, gravel, 5.90 ; Wilson
arks, gravel, 7.90 ; James Fermier-
so gravel, 9.50 ; James Lawson,
gray .7.80 ; Win. Wilkinson, gravel,
9.30; Wen. Taylor, gravel, 4.80 ; P. J.
Kelly, gravel, 4,80 ; Geo. Pierce,
gravel. 9,20 ; ,hos. McCall, gravel,
3.00 ; Wm. Salter. gravel, 4.20 ; Thos.
Miller,; gravel, 7.90 ; James Peacock,
gravel, 5.80 ; Jno. '14ichmoud, gravel,
2.40 ; H. Kirkby, gravel, 1.50 ; Jno.
McDonald, gravel, 11.10 ; R. White-
man, gravel, 70c ; James. Gibson,
gravel, 9.60 ; Frank McOracken,
gravel and day's work 1.70 ; Duff &
tdtewart, cement 10.50 ; William
Abram, deviation road, 5.00 ; Thos..
Abratn,lispantisg GiAtte'
3 Bridge,
48.00 ; R. [3. Gazettes, culvert,
Wiuham Times, advertising 2.50;
Walter Forrest, repairing culvert,
5.00 ; James Campbell, filling at cul-
vert, 4,60 ; Chas, Pollard. 3 loads
gravel East Boundary, 8.00; W. H.
lnerr,ppact of printing
Jno. Vauctn cleaninbrancl,l
on Grasby drain,
71.50 Thos. Miller,
2 farm bridges, Nichol drain 30,00 ;
A. MacEwen, telephone, 60e ; Re-
pairs on grader, 4.15 ; John Phelan,
digging on Blyth Creek drain, 5,00 ;
Albert Kelly, repairs to Johnson
drain, 6.00 ; Solomon Shannon, fixing
washout, 1.50 ; Robert Newcombe,
farm bridge on Blyth Creek chole,
15.00 ; Albert Oolclough, work on
road, 5.00 ; Victor Jerrnyn, gravel,
8.60Edwaed Irwin, gravel,
3.10; John Vadcamp,ravel 5,50 ; C.
e. Campbell, gravel, 4.10 ; Wm, Gray,
gravel, 70c ; Jos. Breckenridge• gravel
2.40 ; A, Pollock, gravel, 7.20 ; Ed.
Nichol, gravel, 4.70 Geo, Jackson,
gravel, 5.20 ; Thew, Wat'wick, gravel,
12.00 ; Chas. Agar, gravel, 6.10 ; Wm,
Salter, gravel, 5,90 ; Garet Maxwell,
gravel, 50c ; Bert. Jackson, gravel,
2.40 i Annie McMillan, gravel, 4.601
XL, Newcombe, gravel,5.60 ; Won,
Skelton, gravel, 5,50 ; Thomas Haley,
Pavel, 5.10 ; Geo, McDonald, gravel,
11.00 Wnl. Ferguson,- inspecting
49.00 Win, Fe uson, repairing
Rattanbridge, 25.00' Geo. Pierce,
gravel, 4.00 ; Satnes Mieie, balance
on filling at Suns1111M bridge, 18.00;
Gilbert Meoallurn, fixing waellout,
2 00 1 11. Vint Rattan abutments
1008.00 ; Doff & Stewart, Grace's
ilbettifente 1010,001 J7eardi Altibek on
The above picture of illiss Rut 1
Rector of New York is taken from
life and is on the label and carton of
every genuine bottle of Sageine hair
tonic. It is a guarantee of quality
aud excellence and we urge our ppat•
rows to be sure to look for Ibis label,
Sageine is guaranteed to stop the hair
from falling out, to cure dandruff in
two weeks and to bring life and
beauty into coarse unattractive hair.
Sageine brings out the natural
beauties of the hair and makes it
rich in color. Sageine is not a dye.
It is not sticky or greasy and is
daintily perfumed, Mr. Jas. Fox is
agent in Brussels, Ont., for Sageine.
A large bottle at a moderate price
awaits you there. Other stores don't
have it.
Nichol drain 1000.00. Council meets
again September 29th. Note.—At tie
meeting held on September 5th the
By -Law on the Inglis Drain was
finally passed. The Court of Re-
vision ori the Bowes drain decided to
reduce Jobn Potter's "benefit" assess-
ment by 860 and levy this aum pro
rata on the lands and roads in the
drain scheme in Morris. The Olerk
was instructed to notify interested
parties. The Court of Revision then
adjourned to meet on September 291h.
A. iIAoEwAN, Clerk.
Youth's Vitality Sapped Away
Your child looks poorly, is tired and
fretful. You would like this boy or
girl to be mote robust, more energetic
and vivacious. The "something" that
is wrong is simply this, Stomach and
bowels need attention. Consti-
pation and indigestion must be re-
lieved, e
' •v d'grew life and are r
in theWood, slight assistance is need-
ed for the kidneys and liver. Noth-
ing isms effective as Dr. Hamilton's
Pills, They put new life into yoting
folks as well as the old ones. Every
child should use this medicine regu-
larly because ics benefits are not to be
had in any other way. 25e at all
Death of ex -Reeve Henry Mooney
A Former Well known Morrisite
ex -Reeve Henry Mooney, e. former
well known .and highly esteemed
resident of Morris township, who
filled various posts of duty in the
lluuiciptlity and sat at tbe Council
Board as Councillor and Reeve for
rnany years died on September IOth
at Weyburn, Sask. He was also
County Councillor here for a number
of terms. In the Methodist church,
Brussels, he was a member of the
Official Board and by earnest effort
land generous contributions did bis
part well. General regret was ex-
pressed an receipt of the news of his
sudden demise and deep sympathy
voiced with the surviving members
of the family. The Weyburn (Sask.)
Review of Sept. 13th speaks as fol-
lows of deceased, who is a brother to
John Mooney, au old resident of the
5th line of Morris :- Henry Mooney,
one of the best-known and must
highly -respected citizens of Weyburn
passed away at his residence on
Fifth street, oil \Vednesday morning,
the 10th inst., after a brief illness of
but a few days duration. News of
his death came as a surprise and
shock to the entire community as he
had been in good health, and many
had not even heard of his illness.
While assisting with a binder on his
sou Robert Mooney's farm, he re-
ceived a slight scratch on one of his
litigate, which was thought little of at
but s sore and develop-
evelu -
the time
g P
and i
u spite
of the best care and medical treat-
ment, caused his death. MI ,'looney
was fn 1,15 73rd year of age, having
been born in Kitlsy township, Ont.,
on March 171h. 1841. He removed to
Huron Co. in 1858, where eight years
later he luarrietl Miss Alice Sheridan.
He came to \Vestern Canada with his
wife and family in 1898, and took up
land a fesv miles North of what is now
the city of Weyburn. At that time
there was not, even a village here, and
he WV'S one of the first settlers in this
part of the country. In the Spring
of 1000 he was called to bear the great
sorrow of his . wife's death, after a
happy wedded life of 40 years. Three
years ago he retired from the farm
and tools up his resideuce in the town.
He had watched the town grow' from
its earliest beginning, taking a keen
interest in every factor that made
foe its true progress, and he passed
away on the very day when the flags
were flying and inaugural ceremonies
taking place which proclaimed the
town a city. Mr, Mooney has for
many years been an honored official
member of the Methodist church, It
was by his wife that the corner stone
of the present Methodist church in
this city WAS laid.. Hie lose to the
oburch will be felt' very keenly, anti
is one that will "not be easily filled,
for he was one of the pioneers and
pillars of the ohm ch in Southern
Saskatchewan, Ile was one of those
time, faith nl, unostentatious men,
who could always be depended upon
to be be 00 the right side of every
Moral isette, and whom life ° apeakll
:Ms1Ww'+ta+¢+cauetb+n' '4r"aa+. _
Court of ReVi5MOfl
Vlpatgy tIM tlra Niall a111 'YOUNG COWS in good oO idttlott for
Tirana where yutl'il find "Nervillnen len sale. 8 with olsoesa l feetral and head of ethers 100
ju every ,veil regolatetl 1louseetaie nttletot•Na e61.0E24,00114, Norrin, Pltone Niottoolehorabygluon that nCourt 01111 be
_ ... .. ++"+ aSo pleasant to take that even. 11ttle 6A4, ALLAN SPEIII, Brussels, P, Q. 2•t, ,told tnrsu0uh to Gbe Outnrio Vaturs' ListA0t
children will cry for 11. So eerlain by itis t4 iii y the Judge of the County Court
' � FF EUAI' LAwN�lARAt" ROIs SAfdO.- '1Gh0llmnit at ,inion n1. tbU Vonrt lJoiso
to c ii' conglta, suddt'lt colds told ftnih Illyth, un rho 20th dtiY of K1' tumbm',10)0
Li Flit chest L11nL UlnnxwntlY ul' bel Iles G 1115 undurslgleli otIa'S for role hie 13,10 pts u'ulouk ll, 111„ to hanr and ale ei mi S 5018'
;, niswlctlstu Ina Yoto•x'
•e sed V011 iia , N@1 V11)nL duce Form fa file w of the municipality 11 t
E � ! � � al U @ y j morels towus5rlp, Soren 00. geed �,f t
lNEYO t.101q.
�A L M!L!� � epq,
n it n N
I Upuo•e fano, being North !•loll' I.oG 2q,
hits et to re ail o Al. orris for ]til U.
prevent thtless, it does ease polo and write of oultiva ties, well fancied, and hos o Dated t weevils,
inflammation, tion by :being bandy a tine Work bootee that cost 90,6UU. Good lawn A. MSOSWoe Diorris,
will save worry And keep down the xnrruanded tv cedar hod 140%a Barn 62 S W feat
, uustony. tonnpatiot, Good a h nd td 10 __ .. ._.
Fridayand Saturday (patter atatll denials,
1 miles splendid market town of Brussels
and is 1% miles from school, Good commun.
Noseesalonntonue.Forfnrb pt
on' a
doctor bins, Lau ge bottles sold fora , ere, of ardwood bush. Farni is only a elle
September 26 & 27
E. Inman
Belmonte Millinery Parlors
so clearly that it needed not to be
supplemented with words. The
funeral services were conducted ab
loIs late residence on Friday the 1211t
inst., at 2 o'clock by the pastor of the
church, Rev. J. H. Toole, and were
attended by a large concourse of
people. He leaves three sons and five
daughters .—W. T. }looney, of Grand
Coulee, Sask. ; J. Hendry and Robert,
of Weybutu ; labs, Ames, of Mile-
stone, Sask, ; Mrs. Spafford, of
Rainton, Sask. ; Mrs. Peacock and the
Misses Clara and Minnie, of Wey
burn. -
THE POST was pleased to receive a
souvenir letter card from Jno. D.
Ronald, formerly of Brussels, who is
holidaying in Scotland and wrote front
Edinburgh. He wrote :- Dear
Friends.— Please accept this little
souvenir from Old Scotland.
After my dear wife passed away
my sister here, who is a widow of
many year., urged me to come and
spend the Summer with her, which 1
gladly did. Have much enjoyed my
visit In this beautiful city, said to be
one Of the handsomest in the world.
Visited Holyrood Palace, the home
300 ars ago,
of Maryueeu of Scuts ye g ,
yet in a good state of preservation.
Was also at St. Giles Cathedral svhicli
is over 1000 years old but well pie -
served and preaching in it. Went
through the historic home of John
Knox, the great reformer 300 years
ago and saw his memorial pulpit.
Crossed Forth bridge on cars. It
is only 5 miles from Edinburgh and
a most wonderful structure of modern
engineering, built by Sir Wm. Arrol,
a townsman of my own from Paisley.
He should have been secured to hufid
the Quebec bridge. On my way from
Glasgow here we visited the famous
field of Bannockburn, where King
Robert Bruce fought and won the
great battle of the 18111 century that
made Scotland an unconquered
Nation against King Edward of Eng-
land with three times a greater army.
"Old Scotland yet forever." The
castle is always full of soldiers, most-
ly Highlander's, in kilts and bare
tl'ar s golden crown is to Queen l i y g
seen there, eou•efnily guarded with
iron railing and soldiers.
I leave for home, per Anchor Line,
Glasgow to New York, on October
4th, ou the same steamship I came
over on, Sincerely Yours,
Jere. D. RONALD.
Beautiful views of Edinburgh, St.
Giles Cathedral, Jno. Knox's house.
Sir Walter Scott's monument, Edin-
burgh castle, Holyrood Palace and the
Forth bridge enclosed.
Caught a Bad Cold
"Last winter' my son caught a very
be4 cold and the way he coughed was
s 'i es Mrs.
'n reaulful vt t
so metal g d ,
Sarah E. Duncan, of Tipcon, Iowa.
"We thought sure he was going into
consumption. \Ve bought just one
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and that one bottle stopped his cough
and cured his cold completely." For
sale by all dealers.
business with marked expedition. In
the fraternal societies, and he belongs
tonal, hedtas filled various offices, last
year being Deputy Master of the
Orange Lodge and this year child
Principal in the Masonic Chapter. In
church he has been an active member
and for some time Rectors 'Warden
of St. Paul's church. The state .also
has had a share of attention, being
Captain of B Co., 33rd Regiment and
as Secretary of the East Huron Con-
servative Association, has rendered
yeoman service to his party, in fact
his Worship had been freely spoken
of as timber from which candidates
for parliamentary honors ate made.
Li Mayor Vanstone, Wingltam is
losing one of its brightest young busi-
ness men, whom we can ill afford to
part with. His better half, formerly
Miss, Grace E. Martin, to whom he
was married in 1905, has proven her-
self to be a real helpmate and, will be
greatly missed by her lady friends 113
town, with whom she is a general
favorite. His Worship and Mrs.
Vanstone will take up residence in a
beautiful hnrne recently pulchasecl at
446 Indian Road, Toronto, about Oct.
1st, with the best wishes of Wingham
citizens for continued success.
ter 1 rtiou•
The People's Column lars, price, terms, 1o„ apply an the pretnlsos
1 - p n r to JOHN AIOONEY, Proprietor. Brusnels
P, 0.
STOREi30USID YOlt. SALE OR TO RFaltV.- Alilt FOIL mule, signed offers
No. 1, Produce wa'ahatu a at Brussels F lits tltte rut" oonstating of about 125 nares
Station. G. T.11. For particulars apply to
adjJilting the town of Oilmen, fursale, '1110
J. LEOKta, 14ruaeele, farm is in a good state of cultivation, and has
FARM TO RENT -Un derstrued offers bar jgpg bonne pit: pets, eta, nil coinpa'uaively not•,
cod buildings, brink hence, bark barn, 111)5 -
March 1et,014„uithprivilege 01 plowing this
Pell. For further particulars write
Alas. JOStlra RAYNAttp,
f tf. Lucknow,
farm, being Lot 16, Con. 5, Grey township A nrabah,:s ymwt; utrdu,nl oclUd+iing Oil
amen Co., for rental. Possession kiven
term 18 well feinted and draiuutl and is r1 yarn
desirable ,tome, Ire' farther par Couture apply
011 the premises or address
284f JQfia TQRRANCE, Clinton.
part Lot 24, Con, 9 Grey, 10 mores, nit
cleared and well underdrained, Frame house
and balk barn, well watered. There is also
0 n. of
for Gate 100 aeras ole a Lote. 9111
, n. oo Grey, 501 oJ! which 1 are cleared. Both
, properties to be sold to close- out estate.
I Apply to Atha, MARY GILL, Ethel P. 0, Or W.
AL Sit,OLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, Ont. tf.
3, F dersigned will sell the South Halt of
1 Farm Lot No. 10, in the 0111Concession of the
Township of Morris, at a bargain, to the first
buyer. On the farm le a good mudern brio],
house and first -clans bank .barn and is a well
Huron Presbytery
^Yheld its
The Presbytery of Huron e
regular meeting at Beucefield on Tues-
day, Sept. 9111There were present
31 r. Smith, moderator, ,Messrs.
Fleechei, Woods, Carswell, Larkin
Johnston and Hamilton, Ministers
and Messrs. Moodie, Tough, Moir,
Audetson, Strung and Bell, elders,
Mr. Sharp woos elected Moderator for
the ensuing six months. Commis-
sioners to Assembly and members of
Congress pave their impressions of
these meetings, Me. Sharp is to rep-
resent the Presbytery at. the Presby-
terial of the Women's Foreign Mis-
sionary Society at their next annual
meeting. 11 was agreed to call the
attention of sessions to the Assembly's
remit on churcthunion and to request
that any suggestions sessions, congre-
gations or individuals, may . have to
offer'. as to further amendment to the
basis of union, or any alternative pro-
posals, be in the hands of the Clerk
of Presbytery by Nov. • 1115, 1213.
and Smith
Messrs, t
and their elders were appointed to'
consider the Assembly remits, to re-
port at a special meeting to be held
at Exeter on Nov. llth. If the dis
cession then is deemed sufficient all
other business on standing orders
or otherwise arising will be consider-
ed and the December meeting of
Presbytery withdrawn,
The County Oonference of the Lay-
men's Missionary Association propos-
ed to be held in Gode•ich 011 Nov. 7th,
1913, Was heartily commended.
The next meeting of Presbytery is
to he held at Exeter on Nov. 7th,
1918, at 10.80 a. tn.
Will Remove to Toronto
Last week's Wingbatn Advance
pays the following complimetaty to
Brussels old
bo :—Mayor U. G.
a Bt a
Vanstone ryas bmw for Brussels 81
years ago and received his education
in the schools there, colupletfhg at the.
Hil;h School in Medicine Hatt, Alta.
With his parents, W. IP, and bit's.
Vanstone, he. moved to Wingbam 13
years ago and about 10 years ago be-
came assistant 10 his father, who was
general buyer for the Win. Davies
Co, for Western Ontario, and two
years ago assumed the full manage -
:trent. In this he has proven himself
to be capable and efficient, with
enough business sagacity that Out of
the whole staff of buyers, he bas been
selected as Manager of the Buying
Department, which necessitates his
relnovatl 10 the Heacdoffice at Toronto.
This should be an inspiration to
young men to be faithful over smaller
that they may be called
things sot}a n y up
to higher things,
At the age of 27, leis Worship was
elated to the Public School Board
and in the following year, 1911, was
chairman of eatne, ib 1112 he was
elected to the Council, heading the
poll, and the following year was
chosen Mayor, As Mayor he has had
nn superiors and few equals, being
diligent in attsudaece at cernmittees
and direfully watehing in detail the
business of the town, As a presicling
officer' Hie 1Votshi has been tactful
find . eoUrtebile att11 ha6 [ ispatched
fended farm, consists of 100 acres and is well
situated for markets. Owner now in West is
the reason for sale. Apply for further p,Fr-
Mortars to 0. 8.130005, Brussels.
sTRAYED on the premises of the undersign-
ed, Let 0, Cot, 0, Morris, on or about .Aug'
est 14th, three red heifers and one grey steer.
Owner may have same by Proving p'roperty
sndpaying expenses. ALBERT JACKSON,
h. k,
TRAY100from Lot 22, Oon.0., Bowick, 7
yearling calves. Among theta one grey
heifer,1 red steer with white spots, the Others
chiefly red in color. 'No horns. Anyone find.
lug them please notify R. GRA INURE.
=ORle what ,ehkno known 80 she Jamestown
Hotel. House is in good repair and th<re 1s a
large stable and open shed with hall upstairs.
There is one acre of land attached upon which
is s good well, fruit trees and small fruits.
Building will be sold separate from land if it
suits purchaser better. Timber frame
to stable and driving shed.- Posoeston in the
Fall, Por further -particulars apply on the
premises or write to THOS. MCBWAN,
4.11. — Jamestown, P.O.
Parisian Sage is la discovery of a
celebrated scientist, who spent the
best years of his life perfecting this
great hair tonic.
In giving his recipe to the Oanadian
people he said : Parisian Sage is the
most delightful hair dressingh.
in the
150110." Itcuresdttada•ufi by killing
the germs ,.hat infest the roots of the
hair ;itstops falling flair; it gives
vigor and strength to the Moir Foote,
Jas. Fox sells Pau'isian Sage in a large
fifty cent bottle—and gnaw'antees it to
d0 ail that is claimed 1'o1• it, orsu'
• yn
money is refunded. It stops falling
hair, dandruff, itching scalp and re-
stores life and beauty to dull faded
hair in two weeks,
Fall Fairs
Alliston .....•............... „ Oct.2-3
nether ., O000-8
Blyth 9ept,80—Oct;,
Ile u00,2-300,2-3Draytonssels.......... .... „ Sep t,80-0(.1.1
El nvate ,., Oet.1-8
Irlsslrerton Oct.O-7
Galt........ ...........Oot.2-3
Goole .Oct. 4
Grand Valley..Ort.21�22
Harrietotl .. ............. .....:Sept. 26-26
HnlsLein ,.,.., Oct. 1
Kirlrtott .......„. ..............Sept25-213
Mar -Hale .,, ,..Ori14-15
biialtnay 'amt. 20-811
Milverton Sept.26--26
Owen Sound Oct, '7-8
Tee6Water,n, r,iioet.10011116m, bia„ Obit 7•-8
ktodsof finite an also small fruits, The
=ABM FOR SALE, being Beath half Lot 25,
Cm,, 4. Morris township, Huron 00„ con-
teltdng 100 sores more or less. On the peen•
well �windmillt,1house, All clearebarnd good
eut about
an acre. School 1f miles dtetaet. Only 215
miles. from, Brussels. 0 aei'es of hall wheat in
and about 60 acres seeded down. For price,
terms and other information ripply on the
premises or if w,'llnl; Brussels P. O.'Phone
120, 0r F. S.. Scott, Brussels,
11-tf A, L, %ERR, Proprietor,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter et the estate of Tltmnns
Uav:dson, late of the 'fowusliip of
McKillop, in the County or Huron.
Farmer, decease&,
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sec, 66,
Ohne. 25, of the Statutes of Ontario. I George
V.. that all creditors and othere having elaime
against the estate of the said Thomas DnVid-
son, late of the Township of McMillen, in the
County of Huron, Partner, who died at the
Township of biattllon, in the County of Bur -
on, on or about the twenty-sixth day of tiny
1gt8, are required on or before '1,0 eighth day
of October, 1018, to send by pout prepaid or
deliver to the undersigned ed f�ull particulars
the nature ir of theyaeourdlty,tif tiny heldand
And further take notice that after sash last
mentioned date the assets of the estate of the
amid deceased will be distributed among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims of which notice shall then have
been given.
Dated this 17th day of September, A. 0.1010
Solicitor for Exocutors.
The Easy Laxative
In justice to yourself you should try Rexall Orderlies, -- your
money back if you don't like them. They are a candy con•
faction that really do give easy relief from constipation.
Good health is largely dependent
upon the bowels. When they become
sluggish h ha waste material
that is to
u t
thrown off by the system aecumu- _
Cates. This condition generates
poisons the body, mtendingu to create ch cirulate coated
tongue, bad breath, headache, dull
brain action, nervousness, biliousness
and other annoyances.
Avoid harsh cathartics and physics.
They give but temporary relief.
They often aggravate the real trouble.
They are particularly bad for chil-
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Come in tablet form,taste just like
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They don't purge, gripe, cause
nausea, looseness, nor the inconven-
iences attendant upon the use of
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ant that the taking of Rexall Order-
lies almost becomes a desire instead
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Children like Rexall Orderlies.
They are ideal for aged or delicate
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They act toward relieving constipa-
tion, ndaloto
s overcome its cause
unnecessary the Pro-
d to make ace
an Y
quant use of laxatives. They serve
to tone and strengthen the nerves
and muscles of the bowels and asso-
ciate organs or glands.
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We guarantee to refund every
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Rexall Orderlies come in conven-
ient vest-pocket size tin boxes, 12
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CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Rexall Orderlies are not Bold by all drug-
gists, You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores.
You can buy Rexall Orderlies in this community only at our store:
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Thera is a Resell State in nearly every town and city in the Unryited States, Canada and
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The Rexall Stores ere America's Greatest Drug Stores
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comes clear, ulcers,.pimples and blotches
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"eTHE GOLDEN MONITOR” for Booklet on DIrearea
If unable to earl, write fore Question List
for Home Treatment
Cor, Mich.,an Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
.11 letters front Canada mast be at/dteeeed
NOTICEtassormismaismen Correspondencepart-
ts went fa Windsor, Out. If you desire to
to our Canadian
see 116 persosnally tall at our Medical Institute iu Detroit as we see and treat
foror a ondenee tied
bo dtienb in our Windsor offices which are C. rap
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:.
DRS. KENNEDY & KENiNEDY, Windsor. Ont.
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is prepared to supply the best
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Thousands of ambit)
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President, Principal.
At your home, without
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