HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-9-18, Page 5BUSINESS CARO$, WM. SP.ENOE 'CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER t OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Once la the Post Otttoo, Ethel, 50.4 JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED Ia ''t��v 'Me CIE Vim, LPav ®XZ ZUO AUCTIONEERS. III S. SCOTTAS AN AUCTION - A.• EBB, will sell for bettor prices, to better men, in lees time and less Mirages than any ether Auctioneer in End Enron or he won't oharge anything. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at this ulnae or by ereunal application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING.. 7 M 31NOLAIE— V V • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pabllo, &o. Office-8tewart'o Brook 1 door Nortb M1 Central Rotel. lolioltor for the Metropolitan Bank. plt0UDFOOT, BAYS & KILLORAN O ARUISTERS SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PIM WO, ETC. W. eko0DbQOT.'K. O. R 0. Heys J, L. KiLLOlIAN offices—'ih000 formerly occupied by Moser, ()moron & Holt, Cottonton, 0NTA1110, ALLAN L INE ! • o LIVERPOOL"V GLASGOW{. Largest and d fastest steamers on the St. Lawrence route. For information apply 13 agents, or, the Allan Line 0aori ROM MAIL STEAMSHIPS W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Br0esels. „,,....,,,,,,,,,........„......4,,.., Eli' Which School Shall 1 Attend? i,Aar An importmlt question, All bps)- Glc Hees colleges e not alike. CAREpon S�. TODOM001 /a An8OL1JTELY NEORNA ltY. t y Write today for the Catalogue of the TORONTO, ONT. T 19 01 0 1001 la oonduat d of heh �, h o 1 e indult lApplmno of l., S0udo , We Oro proud of pts record. Students admitted at any time, Cor. Young and W. J. ELLIOTT, 44 Alexander Ste. 1 Principal, ( i, rsaaSfe ot'Pt.'Ndeite`4aaY®halt rali t,) giaritheCENTRAL STRATF ORD . ONT. I • Our registration again exceeds that fa of any previous year. The boy or girl -® who has not received our -free mita- 0 logae does not know, the great oppor- tRtlitiea of Commercial 1110, We have three de ertmon ts, Commercial Short- hand re ]mud and Telegraphy and we ober you advantogea not offered elsewhere in Ontario, You. may enter at any, time. 0 t- Write for our free 000nlogoo at once. �, D. A. MoLAOHLAN, Principal. .rhe .vileeruveella a .tantarMarotrat1W ' Firstp 1 .............. t. 1 listowel Business College 9Y 0 Your first step toward success. 1 Pall term opens September 2, AA Send for new tree catalogue to ccSS Sy • EDWIN Q. MATTHEWS, Prin. G, ��2Avs a <rA@,cra'PRv84=c-a aa�.SzaVtma4aa EMENEEMENEMINEEMI THE Best Brains in Canada have participated in the pre- pm'ation of our splendid Home Study Courses in Bunking, Economics, Higher Accounting, Commercial Art Show Card Writing, Photography, Journal - Mtn, Short Story writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. S ole0t the work ninterests o and u which test u writes y forpnrtloutnre Address v TOE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Yong., St. 8Bt i Yo ' Toronto , 1.111 ,.►w,uu.41,41►,uu11 HAVE YOU made provision for employment dor. ing 0118 Toll and Winton lnontha or do you with 800(2101 ren2lllorntve work the yearthrough. Write ns and secure 801ogenf;l forma• We nrfer t11a bus) in 0110 0,18920008. Pny weellly, true mut+ fit, oxcluelve terri0ory, OVER 600 AOREB coiner cultivation, Eetabllohed over 86 yours. A reputation for high grade stook and Yale dealing, A salesman out make money, selling for us, Wo want an energetic 1 • t reliable man for a Brussels and vieitIty,VolF torus v rlt0 RELHAM NURSERY COs, Toronto, Qnt. N'• a, Pres eetIleg0e on reeq't Duelnees Cards DR R. iF, PARKER LISTQWBf , ONT, Ostoo a h t Eye p Spealaliet, Food Sate blot Citron' ari u a n Ny wens a r xos. A Mai, . T' At it alum's, Brussels, Wednesdaysicalyf 7 60 . m, to 11 a. m, (}IasbassolentlBcally fitted. JAS ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. • Sucees800 to 110. H. Moore, Office at Ander- eon Bros, [,ivory stable, Brussels. Telephone No, 20, DR, T. T. M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Lloentiute and Graduate of the College of Phy• miens and Surgeons, Ont. ' Poet -graduate Ohlougo Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital Chicago, Ill. Ex•House Surgeon to St, Mich. +el'9 Hoapltal, Toronto. Ofnoe over F. R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele• phone connection with Oranbe,00k at all hours. DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Madiolne, University'of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Physlglans and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex•Senior Hones Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. °'lees of late Dr. A. McKevey, Smith Block; Brussels, Rural phone 40, 'DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physioisn and Surgeon ; Poet Graduate courses Londe[ (Eng,), New York and Chicago How pitnlo. Special attention todieeaee of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes teeted for glasses. DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night palls. Office oppoaitc )'lour 51i11, Ethel. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of OpPhthe I. eulogy, Mollormlok Medical College, Oldango, ill., Is prepared to teat eyes and tit glasses al heroaloe over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thureda Fridayand o week. Office' bourn a p tIn 1 to 0 day p. Forl' eever)enoon. by appointment. Phone 1418, T. R. BENNETT Will give better eatiefaction to both buyer and seller then any other Auctioneer and only charge what la reasonable, Sales Conducted my where in Ontario. Pure bred stock sales a specialty, Write or 'phone 2B Wroxeter. GNAW) ZYSVAIRi Raiz wir BRUSSELS bump Souwn GOING NORTR Mall 7:07 0 in I Express 10:00 a in Express 11:25 a m Mail 1.;00 p In Express 2:05 n rn Exproes 8:02 p m Ci o"1'.l Sr.$ Aux ux ,P' .IW IPI C WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh ' Express Express 12:18 a m 7:62 a m Expreee t 2:47 p m Express 8:80 p m WROXETER Going Hest - 7:05 a, in. and 8:56 p, m. Going West - 12:48 and . 9:47 9, m. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T. G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. ittoral &vs Items WOMEN'S INSTITVi'E.— The regular meeting of Brussels Women's Institute will be held on the lawn at Mrs. Robert '1'homson's home, Queen Street, West, on Friday, 19th inst., at 2 3o p. m. Ethel Branch will be the guests of the Institute and the visitors will supply the program. A cordial aI invitation on is ex tended to the ladies of the community bytteo officers Hi ors who hope oatoe extend the P membership in this way. Don't forget the date. SHOULD DO GOOD.—Haran Publicity Committee. appointed by the County Council, has been busy issuing the el• agent and comprehensive Booklets, sounding the praises of grand old Hue - on, and have uowabout to.000 on the move. 3,000 went to booking agents in Great Britain and Ireland ; 2,00o to Clergy:nen in the same lands ; I,000 to the Ontario Government ; 1,000 to Do• minion Government ; 2,00o distributed', in Michigan, Iudiannaand Ohio at Fall Fairs ; Iso to local parties. Over 5,000 are still to be sent out. Huron Co. stands good to back up all that has been said about it. Caught a Dad Cold "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreadful,” writes Mrs. Sarah E. Duncan, of Tipeon, Iowa. "We tltogght stirs lie was going into consumption. We bought just one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 'and that one bottle stopped his cough and cured his cold completely." For sale by all dealers. DEATH OF Mks.. HARRY APpLETON.— The Evening News of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.. says of a daughter of the late Wm. Barris, of Day Mills, Algoma. formerly of Brussels :—After an illness of a few weeks, Mrs, Sarah H. Appleton, wife of Harry Appleton, Toe Cedar street, died last night at 9 o'clock, At her death bed, besides her husband. was a son, Irving, and two daughters, 'Dacehelle and Helen. The funeral was held Sun- day afternoon, Rev, lames A. Kennedy, of ',wising, officiated. Death was due to Bright's disease. Born in Morris, Ontario, 48 years ago, Mrs. Appleton had spent much of her life in that country. Her parents were William and Isabella a a Harris,f O those her mother Is 'll vlu end resides A e4 des in gDay Ontario. O Mills,, tar o She WAS married I rt led to Harty Appleton in o890 Besides her husband and 3 children Irving Dace belle and Helen, she is survived by her mother, 4 sisters and 5 brothers. Mrs. Appleton and family were members of the Congregational church but attended the First Presbyterian church while in this city,Mrs, Appleton took au active interest in church and society work; As a member of the congregation of .the First Presbyterian cliul•ch she did mutah. towards'the support of that organization. in the Ladies' Aid Society, Missionary Society and other branches of the church site was ever ready to work for. the benefit of humanity. The severing of )ler connection with the church will be felt by all members, who had learned to love her through her good work. Mrs, Appleton was also active in hospi tal work and. Was connected q n d with th t e institution in the capacity of trusted. Her influence in tlils work was felt op all sides and her death takes front the board trusted whose plane Atilt he hard to li'a , When r s• the news of her demise was oiro9lated through the city, a gloom was spread over the entire community, Although ber illness had been of long duration, it was not regarded as aurins until lately. Friends riends wbo visited her earl' day were assured of an early recovery by the sick woman who maintained wonderful composure even though her condition was serious, '1'be loss to the -com- munity is one that cannot be replaced, and the feeling of the residents of this city is with the stricken family. As a member of the Woman's Reading chub she was engaged extensively in the work which they undertook. In the club she was one of the iuflueutial mem- bers who gained the respect and friend- ship of every member. Leadbury Peter and Mrs. Gardiner spent tt couple of days at the Tomtit() Ex- hibition. Mrs, Wm. Knechtel has returned home aflet spending 11 1)10(59(5110 time with friends at Toronto, Hamilton and Whitby. Wesley and Davit) IHackwell and 41rs. Naylor, of Rochester, who have been visiting their parents on the 14th eon. returned to their homes, Calvin Hilton and W. S. Forbes left on a Homeseokees' excursion for the West recently expecting to visit; the principal places and see the 001111 try in general. Miss Brown, the new teacher in out school commenced her duties .lust' week and bliss Alurdie has been en- gaged to beach the young idea in No. 9. We expect good results will fol- low licit. labors. Miss Core Forbes also left for her school near Oriltia where she • has been re-engaged for this year, which speaks well for her. Mother of Eighteen Children "I am the another of eighteen child- ren and have the pt•11is0 of doing more work than any young woman in my town," writes Mrs. 0. J. Mat tin, 13oone Mill, Va. "I suffered foi five years with stomach trouble and enuld not eat as mach as a biscuit without suffering. I have taken three bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets and am Doty a well woman and weigh 188 pounds. [ can eat anything I want, to, and as untch as I wall t and feel better than: I have at any time in" ten years. I refer to any one in Boone 141i11 or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say." "Ohunbeihtin'e Tablets are for sale by all clearers. Moncriefi= Allan McLean was renewing old friendships at Toronto. Misses Pearl Harrison and Jessie Mann were visiting at'1'oron to. Mrs. Young was tt visitor with her sister, Mrs. Jnn. Robertson, of this locality. Mrs. Stewart and Alex. James, of Detroit, have been visiting at W. F. Schnook's. Quite a number freta this locality have been attending the big Fairs at Toronto and Landoll. U The new teacher in Monct'ieff school is Miss Hiles of Atwood locality. Shahs making a good start. - . Mts. Hanley and her son, Geo. E., were vieitingr'elatives`and friends in Stratfol'd. Brussels school has on its roll this term several pupils from this vicinity whom we hope will succeed well. Misses Carrie and Grace and Noble Schnook attended the anniversary of the Presbyterian church at Atwood on Sunday. Y Mrs. G. W. Mega and Y stn Henry were visitors at Wilsonc M ga 's. brother The latter is a Y c to G. W. Mc- Kay and has not been having good health of late but we hope forimproves, men t. Additional improvements have been made on the Hanley residence. A ver- andah has been built along the South side, with a porch entrance over the front door, which should prove both useful and convenient. Diarrhoea Quickly cured c'I was taken with diarrhoea- and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, per- suaded me to try a bottle of Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of it' I was (mt'ed. It also cured others that 13'ave it to," writes M. E. Gehllaet, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can almost invariably he ctu'ed by one or two doses of this remedy, For sale by all dealelre. • Belgrave LIGHTNING'S WORK. -.Sunday n ighf• 71.11 iust. 1 i bout 11 o'clock,- lightning killed 3 gond wilrh cows in a field on I1iil lid. Procter's fount, East. of bele. The animals Were found close together under a maple tree. Some of the other cattle acted queer the next clary its if they had had tt close rail• The 00W8 were valued at $180 by the v TWO WOMEN SAVED FROM OPERATIONS \Villi the edv8nee of Y innnesthe vital I JUST ARRIVED IS 614155115 ONT The Tremle Of1'1)1101i, ns of the body slowdown. In 1 1 . cou,e:mine° the organs of se0retion Rt e I t I L 1 the action of the o 1 bowels r lessened [mid there's no longus' healthy cu'eulatiou, The brain le congested' with blood, giddiness, trembling and cold exteemitiee aro common, No as- sistance is so 1putent M Dr, kle,uliltou's Pills. By their direct action on the stomach, liver and kidneys they cause Nal immediate change. Mild, flee y Lydia E,Pinkham's 'Vee. faun gripe, stI'eaigtlleningtt �.' tlhe whole system, Do ]nedicindne'is socleans- table Compound—Their ; valing udble 111 old age as Dr. Hamilton's Pills o1' Mandt'ttko & Butternut. Try Own Stories HereTold. these Pills. 26o per box at all dealers. Edmonton, Alberta, Can. —"I think it is no more titan right for me to thank you for what your kind advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have done for me. "When I wrote to you -some time ago I was a very sick woman suffering from female troubles. I had organic inflam- mation and could not stand or walls any distance. At last I was confined to my bed, and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation, but this I refused to do. A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound, and now, after using three bottles of it, I feel like anew woman. I most heartily recommend your medicine to all woolen who suffer with female troubles. I have also taken.. Lydia E. Pinkham's' Liver Pills, and think they are fine. I will never bo without the medicine in the house."—Mrs. FRANK EMSLEY, 903 Col- umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. TheUt O her Case. Beatrice, Neb.—"Just after my mar- riage my left side began to pain me and the pain got ao,severe at times that I suffered terribly with it I visited three doctors and each one wanted to operate on me but I would not consent to an op- eration. I heard of the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was doing for others and I used several bot- tles of it with the result that I haven't been bothered with my side since then. I am in good health and I have two little girls. "—Mrs. R. B. CHILD, Beatrice,Neb. miles from Belgrave, when the horse fell dead in the shafts from a bolt of lightning. The occupant of the bug- gy felt the shock but suffered no in- jury. Geo. Proctor had 2 cattle kil- led recently by lightning. A. year ago this locality wasinthe 'lightning belt" when Charles Wheeler Inst an animal, Ohne. Wilkinson was minus a colt and 2 cattle and Robert .Anderson found 5 head dead: Somebody has said lightning never strikes twice in the same place but it' loops as if it was paying fairly close attention to this locality. Ethel George and Mrs. Kramer were at Corrie over Sunday. Edward and Mrs. Fletcher and Alvin visited Brussels Mends. R. A. Thonlpoon, of Listowel, is home from a trip to the West. - Ali s. Edward Fletcher• who has be- en on the sick list, is better. Miss Ella Hausuld .returned to her school at Charing Cross, Kent Oo, Leslie Irwin attended the breeman— Jo utveddln on Wednesday, last weekat L pc u1 v. 1 of >, W. Sanders dc.rs t E. t was att Lo Iden last week attending the Western Fair and looking after Tray. Council met here Monday of last week and pushed through a large share of Munieipal business. Miss E. Hunter and Miss A. Schmidt have returned to Ethel to preptm'e for tis Fall Millinery Openings. ' Rev. Me. Thynne occupied the pulpit last Sunday in the Presbyterian church as on several prior occlusions. \Vat. and Miss 'Hall have been holidaying at Balmy Beach, Toronto with the former's daughter, Mrs, 0. N. 143uut'o. bliss Mary McDonald, who. has been in Winnipeg for the past 8 months, has returned to her home on account of her mother's illness. 0, and Mrs. Eckmier were at Luck - now en Wednesday, IOth inst., attend- ing the wedding of Miss Edythe Fre- eman and J, W. Joynt, your absent son or daughter would like to have Tea Pose probably. 25c In advance, will seem a it to atm. 1914, to any Canadian postodtee address. Rev. I. A..MeKelvey teas One of the speaker's at the anniversary gathering at Oranbrook in the Methodistolnu'C5 hast Monday even- ing. A number went to Beltsaels Thurs. clay evening of this week to heat' innnds iatdies' Orchestra, who are ety highly spoked or GB brei( W01•111 Delghborulg farmers. Tlie sante night NV In. Implies who . was driving along the 4th line, Morris, if he)tt'I ng. The Library Board has at - ranged a series of good Onnesets and this was the first. Apples Wanted AT THE BRIMS EVAPORATOR On or after September r5th. The highest market prices will be paid according to quality. Apples may be shaken off trees, Packers' culls, windfalls, etc , will be taken. Small or Suft Apples will not he Accepted- BURCHILL & CO., Brussels TNaNE e, Misses Mary McLellaud and Myrtle Bowes are attending Brussels school. Mies Edith Ferguson le going to Listowel High School. We wish then'[ success. We are glad to see that J. K. Brown still keeps !Ethel cheese factory to the front and Is In the fiat' of prize winners at Toronto Fair again Lhie year. He took several awards. Mrs. W. H. Cole has returned hone from her visit to Parry Sound., She was with her husband and 50115 where they ate cutting out a stock of logs but tool[ i11 and had to come home. She is much better. Recently Mrs, George Pollard, of Brussels, died, in hes 78th year. She was an aunt of G. W. Pollard of Ethel. He and firs. Pollard, Bnd Mrs,. Pollard, sr. attended the funeral. Deceased was a fine old lady. The anniversary services at Wilkes - port, to which Rev. Mr. McKelvey went recently, were v. grand success over $100 being the financial outcome. The pastor there is Mr. Lucus whonu:anted bliss Winnie Baynard, of Ethel. They ate doing an excellent work, being heartily backed up by the people. Iotretn e eig services were held last Sabbath in connection -with the anuiversary of the Methodist church here. At 10,30 the pastor oouducted the service and in the evening Rev. A. E, Moorellouse. of Monittou, was in chnlge. Special musical selec- tions by the choir. A Thank -offering was taken. We are pleased to know that Russel Love has secured a position as customs officer in Ottawa. He deserves his success as he used his spate moments in studying and when he wrote for his civil service examina- tions he took an average of 85 per cent. A clerk in a country store does not have Much spare time. WOMEN'S fN8T1'r7TE,—There will be no meeting of the Women's Institute during September as the ladies have accepted tihe invitation from the Brussels Branch to attend their regu- lar meeting held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Thomson on Friday September 19th at 2.30 o'clock. Ethel Branch will supply part of the program. A pleasant dine is anticipated. WHO ARE OUR NEIGHBORS.-- Last eanthet a nxrlutrtes ofthe � YNV. al, S. of Ethel circuit seat a box to 011 12 Minsi0navies at Kolokreeka, Alberta. As Miss Code, of Trowbridge, is stationed there it certainly makes it more interesting when the are ac- quainted with the Missionary. Miss Oode corresponds with some of our members and she wrote saying site could not tell us all the good our box accomplished but as there were over 300 lbs. they were able to give ft great deal of comfort and keeping many a child wap' and std it wase greatly a - PreoiaLed. This year we purpose sendinganother box and we asked opted Miss Code, when she was home,what to send. She said anything trong and useful. Used postal cards are given as prizes at the close of the day given to those who speak English all day and find them very useful when visiting. They try hard to secure the pretty cards. We can use flour sacks for sending goods if washed clean or if any of our friends in either church, have any wide skirts that they want to part with we will make them up intodresses for Children. If the children will make scrap books or send some of their toys they will give some child pleasure. If left at the hone of Mrs. Dilworth any time this month or at Airs. S. S. Cole's they will be sent .on to their destination. Surely every Christian woman will be able to give something. Try and help us to make good Canadians. Invaluable u bio for Nursing Mothero, With ntlrsings tonnes an unceasing strain' on the mother's vitality. The blond is weakened. Nerves are it alta table e tltrough loss of sleep. Anxiety and care a br'eatk down even the strong- est. Experience teaches that nothing is ,more helpful than Ferrozone, What an appetite it brings! No blond- former or nerve tonic more potent, rin medicine known that so steadily brings back the health, vigor and spirit that mothers require. It's he- 1(use FereozOne nourishes, because it does snob pel'nlanent good, 5011 per box at all dealers. Grey George Dunbar and wife, of Sun - ridge, are here on a visit with rela- tives and ftien.ds. Miss ssAnnie re fr on 1d has refuelled d home after to visiting g t t her sister,Miss se Maggio McDonald, ail, of Toronto. :Tames Mrs. Forsyth and baby are hive Lenin the Sliest on a visit. Mee, Forsyth was Miss Lyda Mc- Oallnnl beforeeI t ' - 1 marviage. We are glad to state that Robert Pearson, who tmdeiwent an operation at Guelph hospital 3 weeks ago, is getting along nicely and will probably be able to come home in the course of 'another )week, ANNIVERSARY SERVICES, Sunday anniversary services were held in Roe's Methodist (Meech as f0ilotvs At 10,80 a. tn. Rev. A. b. More- house, of Mbnkton, preached and at 3 p, rn. the pastor ocoupied the pulpit, Special music. 'tuns render- ed and 00Thank-offering taken, AtVNIVEILBAILY,—Tire anniversary se'viee8 of Union :dowel] wag eon - (hided eted last . 9nhdaY , AL 3 A 7n, Rev, A.I Morehouse. E, 1lnrehn a e, nC Mm11r ton, WAS the preacher and at 7ltev. J. A. Mc- ICelvy pastor, preo.ollod. .A. special Thank -offering was. aslted. The choir supplied a choice program of The Sageiue girl le to be seen in Jas. Fox drug store and 011 every bottle of tiageine hair tonic that is genliitle and sold 11110101' a positive guarantee to stop falling hair, eradicate clandritff and to glow the most lifeless, coarse, clay hair to think soft and luxuriant. Hageine ifs clean scientific hair tonic composed of the most modern hair 'seducing and beautifying agents t it s free from greas=y substances, is not IL dye and is daintily perfumed. Sage - i118 is the favorite of particular people and is sold in Brussels, Ont., only at Janes Fox drug store. Sageine is only 50c so as to bring it in reach of all. bliss Orfila Steles has returned home after having spent the past two weeks with Seaford] and Mitchell CI ieo(18. S. Burke was visiting friends its Ripley and Luckuow locality. bit' has not been very well of late but hope he will soon be o. k. His daugh- ter was here for a visit from Ripley. TRAoRD FARMS.—A land cleat ef- fecting two farmers in this township was completed on Wednesday by which Russell Robertson, of Moncrieff, Leaded his farm for the R. J. Shine property, lot 6, con. 12. Mr. Robert eon's farm is lot 27, con. 17. Posses- sion is to be giveiI nu the ist of 3ial•ch next. Jas. Kernnghan is the Present tenant of the Shine farm. Despondency Is often caused by indigestion and constipation, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablete'are taken. For sale by all dealers. Walton fTHE POST to end of 1913 fol' 25 Oon08 in advance. Make use of this trial of. er, A 5 passenger 3'o7d car lute been - purchased by Rev, A. biaNabb, of Underwood, formerly of Walton. We (lope he and his family will slake good use of Linde new &ntenlo- bi ie. HYMENEAL,— Wednesday, Sept., 3rd, Rev. Mr. Lundy tied the matri- monial bow; at the manse, between Wni. Jno. McKay, ofMouth Porcupine, and bliss Mar gal et Smith, of McKillop, May their joys be many. Quite a umber in this locality have purchased Ooutse tickets for the sietie5 of Concerts being arranged by 13r assets Public Library Board. First concert was Rounds Ladies' Orch- estra o11 Thursday of this week, John and Mrs, Bolget and daughters, Misses Hattie and Olive, areaway on a tele of a couple of months to the West, They will visit at Winnipeg, Edmonton, Swift Current, Calgary, Vancouver, and other points. We wish thein a good time and a safe re- turn. Causes Much Disease Advice about Stomach Troubles and how to relieve them. Don't neglect indigestion, for it may lead to all sorts of ills and com- plications. An eminent physician once said that ninety-five per cent of all ills have their origin in a dis- ordered stomach. Our experience with Rexall Dys- pepsia Tablets leads us to believe them to be one of the most dependable remedies known for indigestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredi- ents aro soothing to the inflamed membranes of the stomach. Rieh in Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the greatest digestiveo nide known medicine, the relief they afford is very prompt. Used persistently and regularly for a short time, they tend to relieve pains caused by stomach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help insure healthy appetite, aid diges- tion, and promote nutrition. As evidence of our faith in them, we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not give entire satisfaction, we will return the money you paid us without question or formality. Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and 91.00. You tau buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets in to; rrr.•• • : its, only at our store: F. Ft. SMITH. Brneaele The Ston Ontario There is a Recall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human IB— each especially designed for the particular ill for which his recommended. The Rexall Stores are America's Ouateat Drug Stores Reduced Prices For Three Weeks BUGGIES AND WAGONS Prices on Buggies down to cost ; all hone made and up-to-date. Farmer's Wagons,ons all oak, medium height, 1 2 X-- " Tires—a Bargain. am. Also a light ht �' � one-horse g Wagon, just what farmers require, cheap. A few second-hand Buggies in first-class repair and painted, Call and get a bargain, Sale reduced in price for three weeks only. Call and get a snap. Everything our own make and warranted the best. Get your Buggy re-rubbered at D. Ewan'sCarriageShop BRUSSELS, ONTARIO .,.,...rte SOWING HIS WILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW m How many young men „�,,, f eau look back on their f f, p' early life and regret their ;! ' "2/ {y misdeeds• "Sowing their wild oats" .;''• %/�� 10ori r b O 1S ways. Excesses, violation of ua• d ¢ ture's laws, "wine, women and song"—all have their I l t victiuts. Ylou have re - Q1., formed but what about the jb s. old 4 3 seed you have sown -what ' about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees; if you are suf- fering from the results of past indiscretions;if f your blood has been taited fr oto any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposingyour past• if you are suffering as the result of a misspent life—DRS.-K. 6t. K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable, YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED Wo Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Die. eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. Books Free on Diseases of Men. if unablo to c„ II, write fora Quo,tion Blank for HOME TREATMENT . DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. me -NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to Mur aleesise mem Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Out. If you desire to Geo us personally call at our Medical Thetitute ivDetr it aee w gee and treat no patients fu our Windsor offices which are Used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian busiuesa only, Address all letters as follower DRS, KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Writs for ourprivatc Andras,