HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-9-18, Page 4w.mM�'✓, El)e seta Vast '1: H[TR 3DA,V, SEPTEMBER 18, um • Tele Post' gives the news. Pot'uz.AR reading for the daughters of Eve is entitled "How to make mixed PieideS," p ,TACK FROST IS taking a pla4@ t II old Nature's program. He .usually en- geges in a role called "Havoc" end plays his part well. There's generally an empty house on the second appear - eine. HARRY IC. THAW, Colebrook, New Hampshire, U. S. is the present post. office address for feminine oddities who have boquets and peppermints to spare. Canada sh c ne in .. It will likely be cooler Thaw left, LIFE is still worth living as an odor- less onion has been developed by an Ohio grower that will 130 doubt bring joy to hearts and homes in Ontario. The discoverer guarantees it to botb young and old. A "funny" stunt was -put on in New York city the other night when a young gang went out bent on demolishing straw bats, Tbey had such a big time playing the rowdy that they did not ap- pear to care wben the Magistrate flied them $5 or $to each. Children and fools are sometimes easily amused, ALREADY the Toronto Mayoralty can- didates are commencing to line up. Nothing like taking time by the "fet- lock." It will be no easy chore to oust Major Hocken out of the coveted big chair at the next election. There's al- ways a host of things a fellow thinks he could do until he lands on the job and f teen be finds out propably that promis- ing is easier than performing. What's wanted in every municipality are men of energy, activity. honesty and good judgment. Big head bas shortened the Municipal life of many a man. BRO. PHIL. BOWYER, editor of the Ridgetown Dominion, and a former seatmate at Ridgetown, with THE POST scrip claims s to have a stalk of corn e in9inches lop feet. hisoffice 14f; That's pretty tall corn, Phil., old boy, but if you get another sample 6 feet, 3 inches taller we will still stand by you and Ridgetown. We would not care to go beyond zr feet though unless the usual statutory declaration was ap- pended. Kent and Essex Counties are not easily outdone for tall corn. DST VITALITY ()tweed by Kidney, Btotieseh add Bowel Disorders Se, John, N. B., September 1801,1011 —My brother was a great sufferer front kidney, stomach and bowel troubles and w[ts given up by two doctors, Tae was advised to try your FIg Pills, which he did, and after taking five boxes was completely re- stored to health and is better to -slay than he has been for years. You can't recommend Fig Pills too highly. J, W, MANVh'Rs. At all dealers, 25 and 50 cents or The Fig Pill Oce, St. Thomas, Ont. Sold and recommended in Breesels by 3, Fox Druggist, THE Simcoe Reformer, edited by Hal. B. Donis?, is credited with saying "The Rowell temperance policy can- not win." We dont agree with the Reformer and are quite positive that to swing to the other side in the hope of political advantage would be suicidal in the extreme. If the dear Bro. Is not favoroble to this one plank he has surely sung verse enough already from that tune. There are thousands of other intelligent men who stand by the tem- perance policy of G. P. Rowell who are just as much interested iu Liberalism as the Simcoe Editor. leis always safer to keep within the bounds of the law as when you begin to excerise too great freedom with what does not belong to you there the trouble begins. Two Chatham township men out dw down a bee tree on another er man's re off o them o to square n f ret and it cost aQ3 q with hint and $g.5o to pay court costs. That was the dearest and sourest honey they ever secured, in all probability. 01 course $40 was an upset price, to say nothing about the chopping practice for which they received no pay. It would be cheaper to keep a bee of your own, ri uat THE Women's 'esthetes various places are into very practical efforts to aid the general wellbeing of their re- spective localities. Some are improving the cemeteries, en oft neglected piece of property ; others purchasing town clocks or bells ; and others yet beano. •--Meer taken parks, setting out flower beds, buying vacuum cleaners or other household necessities for use of mem- bars, aiding Pall Fair prize lists, etc It is astonishing what can be accom- plished when people set about it. A few active spirits, well supported by a loyal membership can accomplish Wonders. known Fax Concert Co., of 'Toronto. who always draw good houses. A bumper crowd at Brussels Fair in 1913 means a number of improyements to the Agricultural Park for the coming year. Get a Prize List or a copy of the pro- gram and if not now a member support the Directorate by handing in your membership fee whether you becometan exhibitor or not. Brussels Council EN'1'R2ES are already, in the hands of Secretary Black for Brussels Fall Fair. Have you got yours ready ? Two weeks from Thursday and Friday are the dates of the Show, viz October e & 3 so there is not much time to lose, There is a long prize list with liberal awards, in some oases 4 and 5 prizes being Offered for one item. The way to make a Fair go We11 is fee everybody to give a Helping hand. This Fair bas effete name and is worthy of the hearty support of both town and countryside. Two great Concerts, in;the Town Hall, will conclude each day's eti;ercises. Programs will be put ott by the well The regular meeting of the Munici- pal Council was held Monday evening, Sept. 1st. Reeve Leckie in the chair. Councillors present Muldoon, Hewitt and Pryne. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Following accouuts were present- ed R. Oliver, salary $40 00 Wet. Rands, work at bell tower 4 60 F. S. Scott, insurance on Rall41 00 Angus Campbell, work on street 1 76 Moved by Muldoon—Hewitt, that accounts be paid. Carried. Gerry & Walker offered to cover' bell tower with galvanized siding and ridge•foe four corners for $185. Mov- ed by Muldoon— Hewitt that tender be accepted with rock faced brick siding, to be completed as soon as possible. Oart'ied. Application was made for an incandescent light at corner of King and James streets and on motion of Pryne—Hewitt, it was ordered to be placed there. MovedbyPryne—Hewitt that Street Committee arrange to level Victoria Park and that Tindall Ritchie do the woxk at 50c per hour employed with team. Carried. Council adjourned after discussing the sewer work being done. ltaaps Bavkshlee Maine, A number of t taeshow"ppigs Gook let end 211(1 prlees at the Brandon e>tilibition, 1 six months old brood sow he sold for $100. It went to Dakota. I also went to eats Gordon Mooney, formerly of Brussels who has 200 acres of wheat that he expects to avers a 30 bushels per a0re. lie also has durge field of oats that will yield about 00 or 701 bushels per acre. The farm 6401 is owned by Wui, Montgomery, a former Brusselite, who tatted to work for W. F. Vanetous and also for Stewart& Lowick. He has retired d from) farming and will reside for the Winter in Vancouver where he has bought a private residence. I ar- rived at Deloraine Aug. 25th and found the wheat all cut, some fields of oats to out yet. Threshing com- menced in this district on Aug, 27th, and grain was up to the average here. Respectfully Yours, A. RAYMANN. Deloraine, Aug. 26tb, 1918. Tenacious Form Of Systematic Oatarrh, cure, and a Not thingto c e, N t an easy remedy that makes good deserves the credit. Oatarrhozone cured Chas. H. Webb of Woodstock, N. B., who writes : "Fol' a number Of years 1 was troubled with systematic catarrh. It was a very tenacious form of the disease and nothing helped. I used Oatarrhoxoneand got relief. To build up my system I used Ferrozone. This combination can't be beaten. They cured me." Your ease may be °bronie but Oataa'ohozone will drive out catarrh and keep it out. Two sizes, 25c and a $1.00 at all dealers, sold nndei' guarantee of satisfaction. Mr. Haymann Writes Df The West 'flit. EDIToR.— Since last writing you I have travelled about 1,000 miles of Prairie. Leaving Edmonton in the Nest by C. P. R. to Saskatoon on Aug. 21st passed through a fine farm-. tntr of whatyou could see b lug cot y y trait) but the crops were quite green in places yet, only e. very small portion cut. After leaving Saskatoon there was a change in the scenery as harvest was well started as far as Yotkton and apparently about 60% of the crop cut. Judging from the stooks there will be a good average crop and from Yorkton to Miunedosa, another divisional point, we were in a very fine farming district. ict. Ever y thing looks prosperous as improved buildings were seen on every side and t better state of mid - vadat', land u 1 a to liinnedos to Raid vation From t a City we passed along_a river and did not see much farm land as we were along the fiats with high hills on either sides until we got to Rapid City where we entered a fine farming eonntry. . Some veryl g 1 lar a and fine looking fields of wheat, about Ali cut and in stooks but here we also rode through a district which had been hailed out just as the crop was ready to cut. Sotne appeared as if cut and hauled to only stubbleleft but was only what was left after the hail. Fields were so completely hailed out that not even stubble Was to be seen. They say district hailed was from 3 miles to 30 miles and about 125 miles long running South. Leaving Rapid I reached ched a place lace called 'Wheat- land land and it is certainly a land of wheat. Here I was met by one of Wtn. Browns daughters, of Oar- inunnock, a Mrs. Linklatee, where I stayed over Sunday, 24th alt. Mon- daymorningtook the train Per Brndon whre I had 4 hours to wait on traits, I called on another of Mr, Brown's daughters, a Mrs, Dietwieler, and saw a good deal of the city, Here as everywhere else we find the schools excellent structures and to no the magnificent churches you look mag would be lead to think there was no yal people in this countrybut wben ou psee the lockups, risons and police foree there meat he a few bad ones left. From 13randon to Deloraine is a fine farming country, water a little hard to get but the wheat fields are immense and over 50% of all grain cut. The half le not told yet .about this wonderful land as I find a man must see it and be is sure to say like myself 'tI never heard the half of the vastness and possibilities of this ;land." Tipon ar- viveJ at Deloraine, Man., I met our old friend, McNaughton, fiend Dan, McNau hton look- ing hale and hearty as ever. Ile showed me around the town aleo took No out to a dairy farm which is own• ed bY Ohas, W, Weaver, Ile has a fine herd of Hotdtetn sows and Alin You May Be Blok To•Nl•ht. Without a moment's warning pain springs upon us, At the outset it Is instantly cured by Nerviline. Sur- prising what fifteen drops of this mar- velous medicine will do. It's external action is no less certain than it's won- derful effect when taken internally. Of course Neiviline is powerful or it couldn't be so penetrating. But not so irritating or caustic. There are other pain remedies, but when you use Nerviline you see the difference. The difference is this,—others relieve. but Nerviline does cure sprains, strains, swellings, earache. toothache, neuralgia, lumbago, in fact all mus- cular pains. Large bottles 25c at all dealers. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA San Diego, the first American port. of call on the Pacific coast North of the Panama canal, doubtless will have the honor and the glory of enterprising the navies of the world, soon after the canal is officially open. Whether this will be during the year 1915, when San Diego's great Exposition is in operation, or before that time, is not yet determined, and will depend altogether upon the time of the of- ficial opening of the canal, The San Diego Exposition manage- ment is responsible for the movement which has now resulted in definite an- nouncement that the representatives of the navies of all the governments of the world that maintain navies will be invited to come to. San Diego on board a warship, and take part in the greatest naval pageant the world has ever seen. San Diegohas o tatbor of sufficient an to contain such t 1 im proportions meuae fleet as this event will cause to assemble here, and all conditions sur- rounding it are favorable for such ma- noeuvres and practice operations as may be fitting such an occasion. It is to this harbour that the war ves- sels of she Pacific squadron come for target practice with their big guns, and here the torpedo fleet of the Paci- fic, the submarine fighting vessels, and the army and navy airship corps, have their practice the year around. No estimate can yet be made of the number of war vessels that may gath- er here nn this occasion, but already San Diego and the San Diego Ex- position officials are preparing to en- tertain the world's officers and men of the world's navies in a fitting manner, and to make of their coming here a great world event ; the greatest of its kind ever known, Cioasorinn BMWS APPLE O1toP.—D. F, Ham link, H. H. Stoan, of Purtees $ill, anti H.'i', Bence, of C1ieton, met in the omue of Co. Clerk Lane last week to consider the possibility of melting a lltlroll exhibit of fruit : at the Horth, cultural Show 'Toronto thla Fall. It was deckled to prepare as large and find exhibit as etln be collected and the usual details will be worked out as before. At Winnipeg, on Oct. 10 to 18, will be held what is called a Capadit Land and Apple Show, antler 1 auspices f the •\ int i e In- dustrial a ppfees o V t p g. ciustr'ial Bureau, and among the prizes offered are the following for five boxes of apples : 1st, $200 ; 2nd, $100 ; 3rd, 850. The Huron Fruit Growers' Association will see what can be done to collect an exhibit of five boxes which will stand a change in which will undoubtedly be a con- tinent -wide competition. - To Improve 111 Temper. Relieve the physical suffering of corns. Quickly done by the reliable Putnam's Corn Extractor. Beware of acid,—flesh-eating substitutes and insist on "Putnam's ;" it's the one sure and painless cure. JEwalery Iiirwassis Repairing Have your Watch, Clock and Jew el- • • ry Repaired at J. R. WENDT'S, • Wroxeter, and you will get satisfac- tion. • • All Work Guaranteed elm J, RWendt • 4' ••• • 4' • •• • •• • • •• • • • • s • • • • •r • • • •• • • • • ,j Jetveller and Engraver Wroxeter Fordwloh Geo, Holt has returned Route from a trip as far Vest its Edmonton, Wm, Chapman, of Newbridge, con- tinues in a serious condition of health. Mrs. Adam Spence, of Newbridge, is visiting with relatives in Philadel- phia. Saturday, October 4th is the date of Howick Fair. It will be held at Gerrie, Mrs. Neil' McDermitt, 2nd eon., is seriously ill at present and under the doctor's care. Arch. Halliday, Toronto, arrived at the home of Jas. Mutter awing to the illuesr of his grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Hunter, sr., who still continues in rt serious condition of health. Wingham W. J. Deyell has received the con- tract of altering the tower on the Post -office preparatory to installing the town clock. Independent Orcler of Odd Fellows attended the Anglican church Sun- day evening where services were. conducted by Rev. Bee. E. 11. Oroley, B, A. 011 information laid by Inspeetor J. T. Mitchell, John Shaefee, proprietor of the King Edward Hotel, wits fined $10 and costs for having the blinds drawn in the bar during prohibited hours. Harvest Home services in con- nection with St. Paul's church will be held the first Sunday in October. Rev. Dr. Boyle, of Toronto, will preach at both morning and evening services. W. H. and Mrs. Green have re- turned home to Ratiny River after a few weeks in town. Their many friends were pleased to see them looking so well. Me. Green owns and operates the Electric plant in that toG\v 110, George Baker dru !; clerk at 3, J. Davie' storewas badly burned. The bottle containing the acid fell hem) the shelf, striking ren ammonia bottle, both being smashed. The acid splash- ed over the young man's face, chest and arras, barely missing his eyes. At the Public School little Nellie Boardman met with .what might. easily have been a fatal accident. She tripped at the top of the back stairs and fell to the bottom. The chill's right wrist was broken and she ivas cut about the head. Wingham 'Methodist church ohnlr has arranged with the Canadian Lyceum Association, for a series 01 high class concerts during the com- ing season. The first of the series will be given eatly in October and the committee has arranged for season tickets to be sold at special prices. imMeabligairidassimuise The pariah hall of Chola Oluwrh wits the mem of a moot pleasant event when the members of Christ Ohulolt oougl'eglttiou held a reception in honor of Rev. H M. and Mrs. Lang -Ford to welcome them on tlielt' return front Welt. Summer vaoaticn, There was a meei001 pvogratn and lunch. Atwood Thnisday and Friday of this week are the dates of Blom Fall Fate. The proceeds of lite Presbyterian anni verstw`y amounted to aver 5200. Thos. Dickson tetut'ned home utter being on an extended trip to the West, Itev'. alt. Autos and Michael Little were in Stratford last week attending Presbytery. Rev, Mr. Shaw received the sad news of tate serious illness of his father in England. Wynn Price is having a cement. silo built, 12 x 40 feet. Freeman 8t Graham the or tta store. ' a mare o t a Anniversary services of the Metho- dist ohurol will be held on Sunday and Monday, Sept. 21st and 22nd. Elena Cheese & Butter Mtg. Go. shipped their make of cheese for the last part of August to 0. H. Olawson & Co., Ingersoll. Nurnbee of cheese 812. Amount realized $8213.13. S. H. elitcheil rnoved into the house lie recently bought, and was occupied by Nesbit Hamilton, the latter mov- ing into the rooms vacated by Mr. Mitchell iu the 0. 0. F. block, Listowel It was decided to inaugurate a 24 hour electric service after Ortober 1st, 0. Tabberner was appointed tax - collector for another year by the town Council and his salary fixed at 8100. R. H. and Mrs. Stafford left nn a trip down the St, Lawrence. They will also visit; in Montreal and Quebec. Ws. John Watson is visiting her son, R. J. Roth, manager of the Sterling Bank at Mille Roches, On taric. Noir service was given b. Annual choir the vested choir of Christ. church on Sunday evening, prom A a 1 gni of sacred music consisting of anthems, etc., solos, e was rendered, Miss Erie T. Hawkins teturnetl Miss Ha home last week. 11 fa Mins was a W m member of the company of teachets who toured the British Isles in con- nection with "The Hands Across the Sea Movement." Four fernlikeiles on Alma s e t Listnwe1, home been under qUaram tins for small -pox for some days past but the placards have been recently removed and clanger of the disease s dg is over, ]resin 1 The choir of the Methodist church with a number of friends, held a cleligheful picnic Tuesday afteinonn and evening in McDowell's bush. The entertainment included an ex- citing baseball match and supper in the wands, fnllnwed by a torn roast amend the camp fire. The Listowel High Schen1 football team held their re-nrgatiizittg meet- ing when the following nffiners were elected t lion.Presidents, the School BoardPres, 11.. 0. Paul : Manager, W. J. Morrison ; Sec.-Treas., 0. Long ; Capt. 13. 0. Rnns. A.. St. Gen, Hawkins, Dominion Immigrating Agent for Northern On - thrice left for New Liskeard. Ile will also go to Sudbury, Sattlt Ste. Marie, Kennett, Fort William, Rainy Riven' and Cochrane. He is selecting grains Nom Northern Ontario for the Dominion Government for exhibition purposes in Great. Britain. Steps towards the making of a lean by the town of possibly 56,000, to the Perfect -Knit Mills of Listowel, wore taken when a eornmittee composed of Messrs. Featherstone, Watson and D111s, was appointed with instructions to interview the members of the com- pany, being also given paver to pre- pare a draft by-law, Mayor Olinda explained that machinery to the value of potently 510.000 was being inst iled that'Henry Tend er,p resent °Whet' of the building ha[i given an option of 132,500 on the premiers, at the aanle time agreeing to take nut kee ould be in n ed o4 possibly 58,000. HEADACHE is caused from the blood being thick- ened with uric acid poison eireult- ting in the head. Anti -Uric Pills cure all forms of kidney trouble. They are so good and so sure :hones Fox guarantees them. Bo sure ynn get Anti -Uric Pills. B. V. Marion ou every box. Sold only at Fox's drug store. Fall Fairs Alliston .... ,...,.Oct,2-8 Arthur . Oct,6-8 Blyth Sept,80—Oct.1 Brussels Oct.2-8 Diayton Sept.30=0ct.1 Durham .Sept.23-24 lilmvale Oct.1-8 Fergus Sept.24-25 Flesherton Oct 6-7 GaltOct.2-3 Gerrie .Oct, 4 Grand Valley ...,......Oet.21-22 Harristo n ...., ....................Sept. 25-20 Hanover . Sept, 18-19. Oct. 1 Holstein ...Sept. . 25-26 •rkton Ii1 P ....5 t. 18-19 Iiincardiue Sept. 1larkdttle Oct. 14-15 Mild may Sept. 29-30 Milverton ................. Sept.25-26 Orangeville Sept. 18-19 Owen Sound ..... Oct,. '7-8 Paisley Sept. 23-24 Seafortll Sept. 18-19 Shelburne .. Sept. 23-24 Stratford Sept, 18-19 St. Marys ....Sept. 23-24 Teeewater.. .• Oct. '7-8 Tiverton. ..... ...... .... .. .Sept. 26 Wiarton Sept. 28-24 Wingham Sept. 25-28 Microbes in Your Scaly Authorities say that a microbe causes baldness. 1f you are losing hair try our remedy at our risk. Professor Unna, of Germany, and Dr. Sabouraud, the great French Dermatologist claim that a mi- crobe causes baldness and their theory has been verified by eminent scientists. This microbe destroys the hair follicles, in time causing the scalp pores to close and the scalp to become shiny. Then, it is believed nothing will revive the growth. 11 treated before this occurs, baldness may be overcome. We know of nothing that has given such universal satisfaction in treating the scalp and hair as Resell "93" Hair Tomo It has been de- signed after long study to overcome the cause o of fulling haw as discovered ,ts u urdscot d g byProf. Unna Dr. Sabouraudand ether scalp start hair specialists, and a P A we believe It i l do •othan�. n any- thing w1 me ny thing else can to remove dandruff' anti stop fulling hair; and if an hum tp >, , y an agency can promote a mete growth of hair it will do that, too. We want you to make us prove it. We illpayfor a month's treatment. \l vn tm of Iicsalt' 3 Hair Tonic used duo. 9 in a trial, if you will use it ac- g cording to durations and are not thoroughly satisfied. When we will do this, you surely should not hesitate to at East try 1t. Sart the treatment today. Your Start o y mea request will got your money back if you want it. Two sizes, 0100 and 61.00. You aan buy Recall "93" Hair Tonic in this community only at our store: F. R. SMITH. The &Ore 1. Ontario Brussels There is s Resell Store t` nearly every town and any in the United States, Caeede end Croat Britain. There is a different Remail Remedy for nearly (vary ordinary human ill— each especially designed for the particular 01 for Which itis recommended. The Raul! Stores ere Amerlce'e Greatest Drug' Stores Court The p'eople's ColuVrt O011OIt111i11I.111 ()anise ell stone founds. We for axle, ,,t'urnlurry Street, North. ---.--. Good drilled well, small atubla and garnet. Will h Hold at very rnnemmlble Ilgm'e. It not STORPIROUSel Foto SALMS OR TO RB1431.— N0. 1, Prednee warehouse at Brussels Statlen G,1,12, leer particular,' IBI'uI1: 15 FA11111 TO 111211T.--Unrleralgned offers liar farm, being Lot 10, Con, 0, Grey township Boron Co , for real at. Possession glvrn March 1st, lint, With privilege of plowing this ('011, For further pertiuulnrs write M118, 4081(P1! RAvNAan, tf. boohoo w. CIR3T CLAS'( 'PARK molt SAT.8,—Th0 ulr dorsignod ,v111 sell the South FMB of Farm Lot No.10, in the Ott Concosslon of the ToWnihil1i� of Morris, at n bargain, to tate first Muer, On tea farm Is Al good niut10 l brief, heuu, n' l fir•t•oln+s bink boe•n,u„l Is n \yell Penns'rlfauau.eon mists of100aorta nrd fa wo11 situntedfurmiu'kets. owu,•rnow in West i9 the reee011 for sale. Apply for further par• Gaolers to F. S. Soomm, B1'1189018. STRAYIOD on the pis tui,ec or 1henndorsUuo- ed, Lot 1,Oen. 0,tlorris,onol'nUontAug. nst 14th, three red heifers and ono grey stem' Owner only have some by srsvine 1'rcpe•ty and 4paying expenses, ALBERT JACKSON, tt, STRAYED from Lot 22, Con 0., Howick, 7 le 10 th in el enr'e calves. Am11 e X X g g t Ut�lel'9 heifer, r red s color. IN )torn °Anyone0y5ER And• ing then please notify R. GRAINoxste Wroxeter. SIE YOUNG COWS in good condition for ante, 2 with calves at foot and others to come in soon. Also several heed or heavy 644tlALLAN'SPHIR, Brussels Morrie. Phone P2-5,c 08 ISDAR LAWN FARM" FOR SALE— C The undersigned offers for sale his fine 100 sere farm, being North Half Lot Keen. 0, Morris township, Huron co. Farm is inn good state of cultivation, well fenced, and has on it n flue brlele house that cost 58,200. Good lawn surrounded by cedar hedge. Born 62 x 00 feet on stone foundation, Good orchard and 10 acres of hardwood bush. Perm is only a mile from the splendid market town of Brussels 8,161811/41111105 from school, Good commune ity. Possession et once. For further particu- lars, grim), terms, &o.. apply on the premises or to JOHN 250033111, Proprietor, Brussels P. 0. FAR(I FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers his ane fain ooneisthng of about 186 nom adjoining the town of 01lnton, for sale. The farm !e in a good 'Ante of cultI080Io p, and hos pod buildings, brick house, bank barn, driv- ing house, pig pen, eta., alt comparatively new. A first-class young oroksrd containing all kinds of fruits and also small frtttys. The tarn Is well fenced and drained and la n very desirable home. For further pertiollnrs apply on the premises or address 28•tf JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. FARA'I FOR BALE, being South half Lot 25, Con. 4, Morris township, Huron Co., cow raining 100 acres more or lees. On the prem• ieeo is n frame house, bank barn opal orchard, Well, windmill, &s, All cleared except about an acre. School 114 miles distant. Only 21f, miles from Brussels. 0 acres of Fall wheat in ,and about 50 acres seeded down. For price, terns and other information apply on the premiees or if writing Brussels P. 0. 'Phone 120. Or F. S. Scott, Bruseeta. 11.01 A. L. KERB. Proprietor. FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers, for sale, what Is known as the ,l,unestown Hotel. House is in geed repair and th,-re is u large stable and open shed with hall upstairs. There is one acre of hind attached upon which is n good well, fruit trees and small fruits. n it a Idseparate lin if it Bondi will so fromd Building suits urehnser better Timber Game A in lea driving nod. Possession n the i tab and r l el a i t g Fall, furtherdo I apply n the e For par u tars 12+ y o 1 premises or write to THOS. MOEwAN, 9•91. Jamestown, P. O. ^0013 FARM FOR SALT,—Farm Lot num. V1 her North Half 4, 6th Concession, of the Township of Morrie, for sale on easy terms. On the faun is a good house in shape for vene- ering and a good batik bait. Farm le well watered with wells and never failing spring and in all workable. Ia In within 1,4 n mile of the Village of Belgrnve. For fuller pnrricu- larsapply to F. S. 50000, Brussels P. 0, or W. G. NroaoLsos, Bel grave. 8-4 t. 1 1 The Regina Watch Holy about that old watch ? Is it nob giving satisfaction 1 Have it exchanged for a REGINA and you wilt always be sure of the right time. They are sold at the following prices : 7 -jewelled 20 -year Banner Goll -filled Case • - - $11.75 15 -jewelled 20 -year Banner Gold-filled Oasts - 18,75 17 -jewelled 20.year Blunter liold•fllled Case - - 16.75 Waterproof 7jewelled Nickel Cttse - - 8,20 15 • jewelled Waterproof Nickel10.20 NI .k Case - 17 -jewelled Waterproof ? ct d i Nickel Case - - - 73.20 These Watches are all guaran- teed L tees) for three years. L. BLAKE 0 1 0 sold )privately it ,vitt be offered for solo by Aueb'e" 0o tintardny, September 2601', at 2.10 p, up, For 30111101' pnrtieulnrs e1 t0 pidco, ter, Apply to A. P.,10YN33. Pp y 44, Sea forth. W, H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and care= fully attended. to night or day. Phone 228, 1 E7-HEL, ONT. Brick and Tile At Henfryn Yards in abundance, Guaranteed to be First- class. All Sizes from 3 - inch to 7 -inch on hand. 8 and Io -inch made to order. PRICES RIGHT S. S. Cole Manitoba Improved Farms For sale on easy terms or will rent to desirable tenants. Write for par- ticulars to John E. Smith (Owner) Box 1033 Brandon Mari. W. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fleeings, such a8 Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &c. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. A. RAYMANN, Cranbrook COLLEGE AT HOME Thousands of ambitious youngpet). pie are fastpreparing he their own homes to occupy luerstive 'middens as stenographers, bookktopera, 1olegra•, Plzen, civil servants, in fent every sphereof activities. You may finish at college if youao wish, Positions guar- •" anteed. Enter college any dny. Indi- vidual instruction. Expert teachers, T hirty years' experience. Largest trainers h,, Monde. Seven colleges. Spain' (mem for teachers. Affiliated with omeraixl m a tor's of (Meade. Sun leer SchoolatMelons Seaton rBusiness Colo lege, London. Wingham Rosiness College.. Gnn, 63300000, W. T. M01tsa, President. Prinalpnl. Walton - Ontario e 1 idmodommommosammtib •-F ,++.11++++++++++++++++++ +++ Order your • • 'l' • 4* all uit of Revision + EARLY AND AVOID Noting is hereby given that n Court will be hold, pursuit u t to I he Ontari o Vo tors' List A et by His Honor, the Judge or the County Court 03 the Celle 1Y 01 Here!) at the 'town Hall, I3ruwels, 1011 Ole 23,3 siny of Septeinber, 1010, et 0 o'clock 11. 111. to hear and determine nnm- lein68or eri ors and otniseiels Itt the Voters' 'List of the MM310ipnlily 11 the Vtlinge of Brus0elo for 10116 Dated the 31[11 dny ofSopt, 1010 F 33. SutIso, Ole .1 1 the Viilaa.e of Brussels. Court of Revision Notion is hereby given that n Court Will bo held pnrsnnnt to the Ontario Voters' List Aot by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court Heron the curt n of the Mint of lit 1 at t ftept Son e Y C v 158 Blyth. on the20th dny d (eters boo, sto- at loblool[rr ro to hear and'dotermiun corn• feints et errors and nmieslons in the Voters' lot or the Mttedai elite of Morris for 1s111 Dated at Bluevallo, Sept. d, 1010. A. M(Berk of Monts. 4, • • • 4. THE RUSH .p f. Fits Right, Workmanship Right and Prices • Right t • Gooti Values 171 • Panetta Halo Coats Oall and see them. + 4. W. P. Fraser I 4. Merchant Tailor +4,44.144.40144+14++++++++.11+1.4. RuriuRE cared At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure:ap- parently hopeless cases nb matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can' be cured ? Do not Wait - fill locution Age,.,... 'feline Rep Siegle or Double Neale • 44.14,*we • Addle• .......V44•441444444. .....• and return to J. S. SMITH ed Caledonia 8t, Dept, A Strat$5o+dt Ont,.