HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-8-28, Page 7?v.
Young Folks
Dorothy's Find -Out Club.
Dorotffy stub down on the ground
and 'watched Worker, the an.
"Please tell me what you are do-
ing," she said,
"I am building a door for my
house," answered the ant. "I had
a nide one, but the gardener stamp-
ed it and spoiled it, ...This round
hole is ray new door."
"Where are the windows ?" asked
Dorothy. "We have no windows,"
said the ant, "although our houses
are forty stories high."
"0 my !" excle,imed Dorothy. "I
wish that I could see into your
"If you (multi," said the ant,
"you would notice long, broad halls,
hal.; lead to different parts of the
house, and smell rooms that open
from them."
"All the dwellers of the: garden
build their hooses differently,"
mused Dorothy. "What are you
doing now, please?"
"Brushing my clothes, for you
must know that we aro very clean
creatures. We use our hairy fore
legs as clothes -brushes, as you see
me doing now. Our saliva is our
soap, and our soft tongues are our
.Dorothy laughed. "Now please
toll me about your children," oho
"We aro very attentive to the
children. On rainy clays we carry
them down to the lower etories,
where it is dry, and on warm days
we carry them to the upper stories;
sometimes we carry them out into
the sunshine. But I must go now,"
.And the ant disappeared.
As Dorothy leaned over and peep-
ed down the small round opening,
something struck her on the hand
with a bump( She looked down,
and saw Sir Grasshopper, dressed
in his jacket and trousers and cap
of bright green. He gave a flying
leap into the air.
"Tell me, how can you jump so
easily1" said Dorothy.
"See my hind legs," said the
grasshopper; "they are twice as
long as the others."
"How do. you build your house?"
asked Dorothy.
"We do not build, we make our
home among the grasses. Perhaps
you have noticed that my coat is
the color of grass -the color is my
"Tell me about your babies," said
"When baby grasshoppers are
hatched, they look very much like
their mothers and fathers, except
that their wing -covers are not
wholly grown. But I cannot stay
here a moment longer," he •aid,
and away he hopped.-Youth'e
Expected They Will Make a Four
Months' Tour Through Canada.
Prince Albert is, it is understood,
more anxious than eve to be allow -
td to make the navy his profession,
while what he has seen of the era-
pire has made him, like Oliver
Twist, "ask for more." This desire
is likely to be gratified about 12
months hence, when it is expected
that he will accompany the Prince
of Wales upon a four months' tour
through Canada.
A warrant officer named Brown,
who went around the world in the
Bacchante with the King -then
Prince George -and Prince Albert
Victor, narrated a little anecdote
of that time the other day, which
he said had never before appeared
in print. It happened in the Medi-
terranean, when the Bacchante was
atCavite Vecchia. Brown was told
off to keep in close touch with the
two young princes when on shore.
Soon after they landed Prince
George, with a roguish twinkle in
his eye, slipped a sovereign into
Brown's hands, observing: 'Ithink,
Rrown, you wall manage to amuse
yourself very well in Civita Vec-
ehia." Brown pocketed the sover-
eign and the suggestion, giving the
Prince what is known in nautical
Park:ace 0.4 a little more rope.
Brown, among his other experi-
ences at that time, visited Jerusa-
lem. The party went on donkey
'back .froin the coast, When some
diatan•ce from their goal Brown's
donkey threw him. His subsequent
experience he relates as followe:
tried to mount the donkey on
the starboard. side, and couldn't do
Vt. Theo I tried him on the part,
lout I'an hanged if I could.manage
that, The ond of it was that I got
into Jerusalem three hours after
the rest, 'dragging that donkey."
The two princes :laughed heartily
when they heard why Brown lagged
Superstition never keeps people
from accepting 13 for a dozen.
Many a man • has lest his self-
control and acquired -a Week eye
simultaheeu sly,
Uncle --"What I Itavee't
you a kiss for me ?" Little Girl--,
"No." Her mother--"Oome emee,
Letty, Ides your untie, and tell Istun
bow Ishiel you are ±6 sen
Is Girl -"flub 0 don't wane ; hia
*Poise, slants as tasty! lens, Zimmerman, daa
Awl Thoro Is Nothi
Br, Williams' Pi
Toning Up t
It is said that w
never done, and th
that whether in so
home 'her life ,is ft
cares and moreswo
to the lot of man,
women are oompell
watch the growing
cheeks, the eoming
the thinness that be
leaving every day.
knows that ill-heaslt
a fatal enemy to be
good health gives th
an enduring attract
What women fail
fact that if the blood
rich and pure, the d
ing of wrinkles a
eyes and sharp he
measurably postpon
Hams' Pink Pills are
their weight in gold
girls and women of
They fill bhe veins
red blood that bringi
the eye, tho glow of
low cheeks, and ch
headaches and backa
der the lives of so
constantly miserable
Mrs. William Sone
Ont., says; "I feel
hams' Pink Pills sa
was so badly run do
hardly drag myself
so bloodless that I
a sheet, and' you co
through my hands.
doctor told me.. my
turned to water.
medicine constantly,
benefit, My mother
faith in Dr. Willie
that she bought me
urged me to take
thankful I am that
advice. Before.thes
began to feel better,
ued rising the Pills
taken five more box
again enjoying the b
feet health, with a go
face, a good appeti
sure a new lease of
ways, you may be su
friend of Dr. Wi
If you are weak o
to euro yourself to
rich red blood Dr. 1,
Pills actually inake.
find the Pills at your
50 cents for a box or
boxes to the Dr. 117
cine Co., Brockville,
will be sent you by
Little Heirs to Gres
the British
Who is the, luckies
the kingdom? Exam
peerage reveals ma
cases of boys of tend
will one day inherit v
-bates, and great fami
most fortunate, perk
five-year-old Earl of
Surrey, the son of the
folk, who is heir to bo
and :mother's estates.
Norfolk owns 50,000
of the fairest English
rent roll exoeeding a
million a year, while
Norfolk -Baroness H
own right -owns 18,9
London Tit -Bits.
The Duke is one
great land -owners, o
siderable 1ioe oi th
side of the Strand, a
to a competent autho
roll of this land si cou
ago was 5260,000. Ne
Norfolk and Surrey
immeasurably augme
roll, salloh las probe
a great deal more.
A year previous to
the Lvarl of Arundel
son was born to th
Bute, "the uncrowned
diff," as he has been
father left the enormo
530,000,000. His son
Earl of Dumfries, a
youngster of six years
inherit vast estates,
117,006 acres, in addi
titles, Lord Bute is, 1,
peer in Scotland, alth
not possess quite so m
the Earl of Dalhousie,
to the title, an inc
$250,000`a year and
acres of land, when a
His son and heir is L
who was born in 1004,
Two more instances
tunes which will dot
ypunsseters, not only f
there but also from ±Ii
are afforded by the
Marquis: of lAandford,
Duke of Marlborough,
sixteenyears of age,
Mandeville, eon a t
Manehester, who was
years ago. The Duke
ter owns EOM 70,000 a
and is also posseeser
try residentes, two in
two In Ireland, is
ag Better Than
alc Pills for
io Bloml
man's work
at it i5 a fact
!lay or in the
led with more
,sies than false
!or this reason
1 kegretfully to
pallor of their
d wrinkles and
comes more die-
Every woman
I and worry is
auty, and that
e plainest face
o realize is the
supply is keptthe
ay of the Isom-
id pallor, dull
ditches, is has
ed. Dr. Wil-
literally worth
: to growing
mature years.
health to sale
arms away the
ches, that ren-
many women
Crow Lake,
1)r. Wil..
my life. I.young
en that I could
tround. I was
was as pale as
ski almost see
In fact the
blood had all---
1 ba,oast witatlkoinugt
had so much
s& Pink Pills
aro boxes and
them. How
1 followed her
were FM, 1
and I contin-
until I had
Is when I was
lessing of per-
ocl color in my
e and I feel
de. I will al-
re, be a „rxr,
u•anss, Pink
r ailing begin
lay with •tho
vissams, Pink
If you do not
dealer's send
• 52.50 for six
Lilian& mesa_
).„. and they
all, 'postpaid.
1 Estates oil
, youngster in
:nation of the
sy interesting
er years, who
est riches, es-
:sr honors, the
Arundel and
Duke Of Nor-
th his father's
The Duke of
sores in some
counties, his
quarter of a
he Duchess of,
caries in her
i: acres, says
of London's
ening a con-
ss south-east
ad, according
:Sty, the rant
:le of decades
w buildings in
Street's have
: ted the rent
lily increased
the birth of
and Surrey A
, Marquis of
Ring of Car-
39,11e4, whose
us fortune of
incl heir, the
bright little
of age, sail]
Which cover
ion to many
se wealthiest
nigh ho does
any acres as
who Came in -
me -of over
bout 138,000
boy' of nine.
ord Rainy,
al vast for-
and to luck y
one their fa-
Isar mothere,
cases of the.
on of the
who is now
: ad Viscount
Se Duke Stf
"41 61°M1
of Mantles-
Ores of iana,
,t tour oonn-o
England and
de, Miss Ho-
Ater of en
Amerioan railway magnate, whom
he married in 1900, brought much to the Manoheter
wealth efeanily,
With two execs:Mewl the Duke of
Marlborough is the .secialleet of our
d-oncis. He possesses
dal lenvi
about 26,p00usores Of land, the re-
venue being given at $180,000.
Quitof h • •
a number o eirs to large
estates were born in 1094, the same
year as the Prince of Wales, and
suoh names iie Lord Whitohester,
grandson and hair, after his father,
to the Dukedom of Bueeleuch and
, QueensherrY, occur to one readily,
says Ladies' Fiehl. The Doke se
eaaily the biggest landlord in this
anantrY.' 110 OWES 480,000 acres,
mostly in Scotland, and mach of it
is barren land. The, Earl of Stille-
borough, born in 1894, son of the
Marquis of Downshire, will inherit
sone day 120,000 acres. A great
many acres of his future property
aro in Ireland and some in Berk -
Among the most illustrious•names
of heirs born in 1895 is that of the
Marquis of Devonshire. His filbert
tante will number some of the best
known estates in the country. The
acreage the duke owns is 198,572,
the annual value of which is 5903,-
uNsjoilRy plitpLEs
RHEI,J.IyisoA:9 u!S2/1.,
I .w.tin tolhrov action,
11 ou have
yeumatlem, mute or elmon4o
-no matter what your condition -write
to -day for my PAU Uocas on "11,11EVAIA.
ners-ate Cause and Cure." Thousaude
eat! it "The most wouderful hook ever
1 riften." Don't send G saGUID'^Will A.B.
76, Brookton, Untie., U.S.A.
Sores Spread Until Face Was Cov-
ered. So Itchy Could Not Resist
Scratching, Cured Entirely la
About Two Weeks by Cuticura.
Soap and Ointment.
ono for Tobacco.
' Tobstoce is exceedingly efficacious
in the killing of microbes, accord -
ing to Messrs. Langlais and Sar -
tory, two French experts, who
state their eXperiments have showri
that in five minutes tobacco smoke
will kill almost all the microbes in
the saliva, thus nearly completely
sterilizing the mouth, One of the
ewers/mesas carried eat by MM.
- .
Langlais and Sartory was to place
cigars in water containing
many minims cholera microbes to
equare kelt. The tobacco sled -
lized and destroyed the microbes 4D
twenty-four hours.
Clachan; Ontario, -"My trouble started
with sores breaking -out -on the face. They
mune as pimple; and were unsightly. 'These
sores seemed to keep spreading nlY
fa01.7s. ?cvoeurleddii. 05Trliaoyi vbvere so Itchy that
After trying two or 111:cemecliathienn: att
whieis did not stop the sores breaking out, I
tried a calm of Outlauro. Soap tLia0 Outleura
Ointment. I found that they cured me
entirely of the soros in about two weeks.",
(Signed) Fred E. Meyer, yob, 12, 1012.
Souris West, P. E. Island. -"My little
girl, aged four years, was troubled with a
painful rash on her logs. It began in a
fd:r rash very hot and itchy and after a
si days it looked like little pimples with
a white top on thorn. Eler legs burned and
itched very much and she was very restless
and was also cross and fretful. She used
to scratchandmosores when I was not
. I had to leave her steeldngs
off her as they would irritate her logs.
I used to bathe her l 1
w_ens th warm water
and use the OutIctua Soap freely, thee dry
her legs and rub on the Outioura Ointment
and she was cured in ono week." (Signed)
Mrs. P. J. hltilially, Aug. 1, nut
Outlaws, Soap and Outieura Ointment aro
sold by druggists and deal verywhere.
For a liberal free aafnplo of :achew
, ith 32-p.
book, Bond post cord to Potter Dru'g &Chem,
Corp., Dept. 51D, Boston, U.S.A.'ed
Try murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, 'Weak, Watery Byes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
^Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Bye Remedy, Liquid 25c, 50c,
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25c,50c Rye Books Free by Mail
An Eyo Tsnms io Good for Afl Ethat Flood Coro .
Murine Eye Ran) e cly Co., Chicago
Rushing Work on the Ring's Lou-
don Residence.
Buckingham Pala& is at last un -
dergoing 43, thorough renovation ex -
ternally. For the next three
months 150 men in eightshour shift,
will be at -work day and night with-
out a break reconstructing the
front in white Portland stone.
Powerful electric lights will be used
at night. All the stones to be used
have beem prepared and numbered
to save time.
During the progress of the rene-
vation special pre,cautiong will be
taken to guard the treasure vaults
in the basement, the value of the
°entente of which is almost fabu-
loos. They comprise the vast excu-whes,s-
mulations of jesvelsk armor, pie-
tures, statuary, furniture and ob-careful
jets d'art which have come into the
possession of the royal family in
the last two centuries, There is no
accommodation for these treasures
in the royal residences.mental
The largest of the three 'vaults
measure,s 300 feet by 260 feet, It is
used for the storage of furniture
and pictures. The smaller, which isOf
lined with steel throughout, is 'usedThe
as a jewel room. I•ts contents are
almost .pricelese. 15 contains more
than 6,000 gold ornaments, weigh-
ing considerably more than a, ton.
Many individual items would fetch
thousands of' pounds in the open
market. Most of these jewels axe
gifts made to Queen Victoria by
other sovereigns.
Awkward Age.
Teacher -How old are you,
obby-Aw, ma says I'm too
to eat the things I like, and
too old to cry when I don't get
Will Prince Arthur Be the Next
Ever bed is speoulating as to
•whetheYr theY rt o that Prince
thur of Co n -iml tr willsucceed th Ar-
Duke of Cnrggiht,st ,G/ovrne 0 8
General of Canada, issf u (led. ola.'"
fact. One seciet wemInn
position at the BritishYooiirt en -s
titles her words to some respect,
mites that without doubt he will bo
tlftexTtiloeffiveaiailiooici curt oftiRidesu
• a Arthur a "--•'••
sons which Pr.ince Inas un -
clertaken to almost every country
in Et1P0on behalfof thelate
Edward, as well as King
eorge,have revealed him high
G in•
qualities of toot and diplomacy.•
Like his father, the Prince is a. 1-een
aolcli d is lo eel byh fa"
and alfe'nalii- v t eIo eeris
sty he i -n his reimens'nsa.c -
s au equally popular figure.
u etween the Prince and his fu -
.? re wife these is a sharp contrast
lit • Pew Princesses
mode of hie F
have led ,so quiet a life as the Duch-
ass f File. L d • t 1
o e. an on some y scarce y
knows her. Both her own and the
tastes of her mother have dictated
this oourse. She has led the quiet
home life which her parents . pre-
forred, and has been the constant
eompanion of her mother, the Prin-
ce,ss Royal, and of her younger sis-
ter, Princess Maud. Among the
few young people admitted to her
intimacy, the Princess is very much
liked; she ie remarkably well read,
. life and all outdoor pm--
When the Princess Royal is in
residence in London, a. Highland
piper, clad in his kilt of Duff tar-
tan, and with the sprig of boxwood
in his glengarry which adorns the
bonnets of the Olan MacDuff, is al-
ways on duty. At Mar Lodge in
Scotland, a great deal of Highland
state is always observed, and every
Year: under the auspices of the
Braemar Highland Soeiety, a
peaceful "gathering of the Clans"
takes place, known as the Braemar
Gathering, when the Duff and Far-
quharson men and the Balmoral...
Highlanders march On the ground
with tartans flying to the, strains of
the bagpipes, and beating such ob-
solete weatpons as pikes and battle-
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta.
Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows.
Lead to Strange Results.
Testator's requests often lead to
strange results. A Scotchman,
Thos. Thorp, left all his worldly
goods to his two nephews on con-
dition that they erect a, monument
to his memory with at least one
verse inscribed thereon. These
brothers searched long and
ardently for a verse at once :brief
and apt, but they 'found that -the
poets were inclined to run to words.
They asked the aid of the menu-
mason, who suggested that
the following couplet would admir-
ably meet the 0050
Here lies the corp
Thomas Thorp.
brothers thought this apt, but
-wordy. The mason cogitated long
and deep, and, to the satisfaction
of everyone, the verse found upon'
stone was :-
. ...--.
We learn from a reliable source .
that the Auto -Strop Safety Razor Co.,
Ltd., of Toronto, who are well-known 1
throughout the world as manufactur- :
ere of the Sell-Stroppin •
g Auto-StroP 1
Razor, have arranged a novel and at,
tractive method of advertising which s
will be demonstrated at their booth
in the Manufacturers' Building, at the
Canadian National Exhibition E
This demonstration. will be -con- e
ducted as follows: Mach visitor to the
tiered badge, which will be issued in t
duplicate. By finding the person bear- t
ing the duplicate number and pre- 1
senting same to the Auto -Strop Booth g
each holder will be given a 55.00
Auto -strop Safety Razor free of
charge. i
It is safe to say that this Booth 1
will prove one of the most attractive
at the Exhibition.
N i
,g, ?
ql )
a ,•
• • .111
,F.,fit tatavlar,,
• . Ti
( •
- I
..- "•• A., \''
'1 '
. .1
First Heree--"If this ain't the
hottest day we've had 1'11 eat m,y
Second Horse-"Yess lot's eat
each other's,"
The Difference.
Some men spend their time think -
ing 1113 reasons why others fail; the' ,
wise nien devote all their time to
thinking up ways by which they can
succeed, .
. ...,
Minard's Liniment Cures DiStemper.
True and Brave Women.
To be able to look eheerfully and
hopefully through ckud.s of paver -
-by and distress is an accomplish-
mens bestowed by nature upon
every true and brave woman; and,
no matter how poor or humble her
home may be, tle magic power of
smiles oan brighten its shadows
and lighten its cares. Upon the
troubled mind of a, feeling husband
wifo's smile falls like a sunbeam
a a
on a flower: :And how much more
beautiful ±,5. ulakas, the ,fa.,a,a,, that
, at than a srown: mien a,
wife and mothei;,. forgetting sea -
rows . and headships, miles messy
her tars there is a, lovelinees in,
k '
the act that spots s to IL man s
riLcre eloquently than Words.
. , . , .
Post .
for Lunch
Appetizing and whole-
some these . hot . Summer
days. ..
No cooking - no hot
kitchen. I
Ready. to eat direct from .
i '
the package -fresh, Crisp
and dainty,
. •
Serve with cream and
sugar-and sometitnes fresh
berries or frUit. ,
Post Toasties are thin bite
• Of Indian Corn, toasted to a •
- -
golden brown.
• •
'. A,cceptable at any meal— :
Sas . •
Post Toasties
• .
Oold by Gro ers everywhere
'woman Paola= 0•11074 ,00v 14d•
. Windicee. Sesierki.
• es '
Cat's 'Allowance Continues Though
Cat Is Doad 12 Years.'
About twelve years ago the Paris
Prefecture of police had a pet, a
tortoiseshell cat named Mou.
Poor Mou died in April, 1901, but
' till -t freshinwears
its men1007 gg 0 keP a
way for which the prefect has ayesy
moon to he thankful. An allow-,
an of 572,50 per annum was aim&
f . .
TOM the police treasury for Mou's
keep and the entry figured. in the
books of the- departraent. The en-
try still appears every•year and the
prefect still draws the allover:co of
572.50, although the vacant place
left by Mou's death has not been
ailed. .
.3efore the item oan he steuck out
of the budget it would be, necessary
±,0 have the cat's death legally °or-
tified by a notary or by a State
doeumeut, ancl to cats -have no Civil
status the difficulty is got over by
continuing the allowance.
• '
sessa h •
. ' '
,,• '1;•
' •
a , Y s
ta •
' - ea s
'A ig
:9,.•"' .,el.r
a •
Robby -I think I like you hotter
than any' of the other fellowa that
to • . ,
some see maw, Percy -4 m
pleased to hear ib , Robby. WI Is, do8
you like ago the besbl Robby -Be-
mime cis always lets mo stay around .
nuA line,. mile E ir n11 thlt
ism„„ . 1,. ISSUE
Only Ono Man in Twenty-five Re-
sorts to the Courts.
Litigation is not keeping pace
with population in England, ass -
cording to a, special report on the
:misled by the Government The
number of lawsuits has declined
until now only one Englishman in
more than twenty-five resorts to
the courts. The exact proportion
being 3,959 suits per 100,000 of pop-
ulation, In England there is one
judge to every Immo() persona,
But divorce amits are on the in-
crease, the applications by hus-
bands exceeding those by wives in
the proportion of five to four. One
marriage in every 250 now ends in
divorce, separation or annulment
The average duration of a marriage
that ends in the divorce court is
eleven and a, half years. In 33 per-
cent. the duration was five to ten
years, and in 39 per cent. it was
ten to twenty years; 36 per cent of
the couples divorced were childless.
Divorce is almost unknown in some
of the agricultural counties, there
having been in the year only 11 in
Dorset, with si population of 223,-
000; only 9 in Wilts, with a popula-
tion of 287,000, and but 1 in Here-
ford, with a population of 114,000.
Nottinghamshire County, popula-
tion 604,000, had 183 diverces, and
Lancashire County, 4,768,000 popu-
lation, had 1,287.
Romance ceasee and history begins -and
corns begin to go too when "Putnam's."
ie applied—it aakea out roote, braneh and
stem. Nothing so euro and painless as
Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor; try
"Putnam's," 25o, at, all ilealors.
Poetry and Horse -dealing.
"See here, that horse you sold
me is no good."
"I know he's not perfect, and 1 age. egireirgiiegT,rg; eiLntr,g.
told you so. Don't you remember Toronto.
my iremarkingthat there he was
'with all his mperfections on his MEN WANTED
head' ?"
W. CLARK, 11,41'r., Montreal.
Stull flavored and
perfectly cooked
snake delicious
TWo'roljnAt018. SON, Ninety Colborne street,
B.F.:g.,1,,Tat:Ti2°1111 7,1111.AtT otn't1,11.
Rail way trackage, In Toronto,
Brampton and other towns and cities.
.11 L Brampton end a dozen other town%
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Torontp
TAMP LOU-SW:0So- lioNattn, tar.
1,7 ferent Foreign Stamps. Oatelogaa. ,
Alturn, osis Seven Conte. Marks Stares
romnsnr Toronts
LARGE 40 H.P. eurnalsa osat. COST
23. 34,000. Will sell for 3800, or will ex.
change for a few cows. horses, hay, or
feed. This is n beautiful car and Its in
11nd-class running order. Apply Box 13.P,,
73 Adelaide St, W„ Toronto, Ont.
you quickly, oheaply, thoroughly and
furnish tools free. We give you actual
"Yes, I know you said that; but,
hang it, his worst faults are in his
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