HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-8-28, Page 6Inas failee jesfy himself' and he IIETEN'T1ON 0.11"131E IlEiLTIL RVENO[ RUINED A QIIEEN to ti un'et die." 'Dhe good pried dropped on his Rules for the Preservation of Mind IlEenntilll -n- WANDERE" A.F1211. "I have gain the words," answer1 Prof. Vinton% Czerny, 4)110 of the Then she left the ruom, and 3non. ion cencer, ie leaving his post this ' t st month, having -atteined the age, of 31arquis Wee Faithless and Paid ' Court to Anothee at Same Time. knees Were lier anti prayed thee' tine Body. she would have mercy. LOVER'S MURDER. ed the Queen, "and no tower under greatest of the :Heidelberg (Ger- lieeveu can naeke me tinsel them." Imany) surgeons aud au authority aldesehi was le 1, with THE WORLD ll REVIEW every nine, Innen one meets in Can. rude has come to the A1111111110U 4401111 Chu past wa yenre, A tourist iu the train o a ',leiter to any city or town ,rom coast to coast if ha has his eYes nee 10 sure le be impressed with the 'minim, of nee, ea the three exemitioners. lie grovel_ seventy. lle has lesion a 111nd o sees that plainly ahow le iin . . JaIlleS, and imploiet t e pres Queen Christina ef Sweden, only make one mere effort. So the priest • body and mind, slaughter of the great and geed went to Christina and begged for 1 1. Look after both body and Guatavus Asti:delete, kept all the the wretched mau's life, but she 1 mind in a, rational way; divide the gossips of Europe in a ferment for was adranaut. • day reasonably between labor and ' many years. After .holding down Le Bel returned to the gallery , recreation; eat. healthy ,foust; obi - the throne of her father ter four and announced that his errand had i serve ail rules a oleanliness am years, she voluntarily abdieisted 'te been useless. live in a dry, sunny and well -aired favor of her cousin, in order that "prepare yourself to die!" cried house. she might travel and enjoy herself. the chief of the executioners, and "2. Work eight lsours at your At that period she was young and the Marquis and the -priest prayed calling, take eight hours for recrete beautiful and the most learned an•d together. Then the butchery be- tion, exereise and self -improve - accomplished woman of her time, gan. The Marquis wore a stet of and it was not strange that the , call under Ms clothes and thus turn - "Welcome To Our City" edge silts' ed the swords of the executioners, hong mit whenever she deigued to so that they haeked him over the visit a burg. s 4 1 head and neck, and -he dragged hisn- Towneds the -close of the year 1654 : self over the floor like a wounded she honored France With her pre -1 snake, and sence, and the palace of Fentaines Called on Cod for Mercy. bleau was turned over to her with! But there was no mercy for him in the compliments of the season. She heaven or on earth. One of the but - was attended by a royal retinue of grand chars finally stabbed him in the servants, and also by herthroat and ended his misery. equerry, the Marquis MonaldeehT. At that period murders were not This gentleman, as his name nig- ;regarded seriously, but even cal- gests, was an Italian, and for a loused France was indignant over considerable time had been this barbarous crime. The Cerdin- The Queen's Favorite. al Mazarin, whose coiescience was- n't at all sensitive, wrote officially They Were recognized as lovers, and to Christina saying, "a crime so since the Queen had andicated, it that atrocious must be considered sun seemed more than possible te"' fitient excuse for banishing your they -would be married and gt:s s Majesty from the court and domin- housekeeping. The Marquis ions of the King, who. witb. every extraordinarily handsome and gwift".- honest man, felt horrified at the ed in all the graces and polite men- lawless outrage just committed on nerisms of the time. He was the soil of France." Charming man, but entirely unscrua- The reply of Queen Christina is pulous. When duty took him away one of the finest examples of pure from his royal mistress they emote itonsroylence in all the archives of his - love letters, just as ordinary pee - It is too long to be reported plc do, and the letters of the Mar - here, but the following paragraph quis always breathed undying de- • indicates its sentiment :— notion. And, while thus convinc- "Understand, all of you, servants ing the Queen that he lived for her and masters, little people and alone, he was quietly laying siege great, that it was my sovereign to a young Roman girl of wealth , measure enact as I did. I neither and beauty. owe nor render an account el my In his letters to this girl he ridi- adieus to any one—least of all to cutest the Queen shamefully, apply- actlons bully like you." ing contemptuous names to her; But she left France in a hurry and, not satisfied with this base- just the same. Three years later ness, be sent several of the Queen's the cousin in whose favor she had love letters to her, that she might abdicated died, and she returned to enjoy a goon laugh. But Nemeeis Sweden with the intention 'of wear - was on the false lover's trail. ing the erovsn again. But the brave There ',vas a certain cardinal who and honest people of Sweden refus- had long been jealous of the Mar- ed to be governed by a murderess, quis, and who was anxious to be and she was told that she would be the Queen's favorite. The Cardinal_ deprived of her revenues if she re - had his spies, and soon learned the f M ld hi's treachery- mained in Sweden. So she became f the earth moral testament in the shape of ;eminent 1100 1.10(4011111 tlie great melting It1(101 1" ed on his knees iu a eickening way, sueler�tte tirlio't1v4 %%0 niA•mirleset(litaavteivrensruelolti like Monmouth at the feet of King eoveu injunctions to those wno svish Ito go through life with healthy ninety different nations settled In Can. Fula in /912. In that year the number who tame from the British Tales was 145,969 and from the United States 144143, the ilivit time 011 record when the British im• migrants outnumbered neap from the Vetted States. . I ndustrtai Progress. The report of the ensue of 1911 dealing with the manufactures of Canada during the year 1910 has just been tainted, and is a striking moot of the advance this (101111' 911 has made along industrial lines Com- pared with the °e0900 01 1911, which gave the figures for 1900, there line been en in. ----... creme in she ten years of 4,668 in the num- ber of working establishments. of $800 We unhesitatingl•y recommend Magic Bnking Powder as being the best, purest and most healthful baking pow. der that it is possible to produce. CONTAINS NO ALUM .All iggredients are plainly printed on the label. ER EMILIE T TORONTO , OT. -WlesTNEPEG -1MONTREAL „ „,-..441111111h. an • ment and eight hours for s eep. 667,122 c the capital ittrea.ed. oi One gets best rest when asleep be- iu the number or persons employed. of $127,769,066 in salaries awl wage% and of $654 922 264 In value of producte. Shrinkage In Building Operations. tween two hours before an is hours after midnight. In the other eight hours you may count two. for the three meals of the day, two for are or reeding, two for family in- tercourse, or for public works, and two hours for some exercise or sport—walking, climbing, riding, rowing, swimming or gyirmasties. "3. Food must be both sustaining and easily digestible. You should not consume more than a pint of food and drink at each of the three meals; anything more than this overloads the stemech. In conse- quence observe moderation. "4. Yon must -not be a slave of enjoyment. Aleohol, coffee, • tea and tobacco have no nutritive qual- ities, but through the usages of generations they have become al- most necessities and are not easily repleced. They are all poisonous, but through customary use they have lost some of their dangers. By injudicious use of there you will shorten your life. "5. From childhood up see that you are clean. Have at least a sponge down. with cold water every day; twice a day clean the teeth and wash both hands and face. Take .s, hot bath once a week send see that you change your linen and bed linen regularly. Your rooms must be large, dry and sunny and the bedrooms especially must be large and well aired.. "6. Bring only as many children into the world as you can feed and educate; and, "7. When ill do not delay to con- sult a really capable doctor and follow his advice.” - details o ona ese ' a, wanderer on the face o By some means he secured posses- and died at Rome, a bitter and siva of the entire correspondence lonely old woman. She wrote her with the Roman girl and turned the own epitaph, which is unsurpassed Banding permits is Canada for the seven months of the present year have showed a deareatie of eight ner cent. 0000 those for the same period last Year 1:5110 decrease has been due chiefly to Quebec and the West. In Ontario and the Mari. time Provinces large increases have been recorded. The amount of money expend. ed this year on buildings in Ontario howe an inerease of 16 per cent. in the Mari. time Provincee an increase of 87 per cent, in Quebeo a decrease of 4 per cent.; 1n British Columbia a decrease *9 77 per cent. In Alberta a decreaae of 23 per cent,. in Saskatchewan a decrease of 63 per cent., and in Manitoba a decrease of 61 per cent With only three exceptions, North Battle - ford. Medicine Hat, and Nelson, the west, ern cities are very much behind their re- cords in 1912. Por the month of July, this year, the general deerease le 26 per cent. Coed Beads and Country 1.116. letters over to the Queen. Chris- for stern brevity: "Christina lived 72 Tears. • HOW TO READ THE 3100N. The First Rule is Not to Believe What it Seems to Say. tine must have had a bad hour when she read those letters in -which her love and trust were riclicuk,d. "Rand Me The Papers." On Saturday, November 10, the Marquis was summoned to the Ga- lerie des Cerfs, a long and gloomy apartment of the palace. He enter- ed, bowing and smiling in his ae- eustomed manner. The Queen was there with Father le Bel and three armed strangers. Christina's lace was as cold and rigid as marble. As the Marquis advanced, smirking, her silence brought terror to his heart, although he had no inkling of what was in store. Turning to Fa- ther le Bel, she said: "Hand nee those papers." He produced the letters, whites had been entrusted to him by the Queen. She in turn handed them to the Marquis. "Do you recognize these 7" she asked. There was an icy sweat on the brow oi the Marquis and his legs trembled under him. "I have never seen them before," he stammered at last, "Look again," said the Queen sternly. Are those not your sealer He could say no more, Helpless, speechless, trembling in every limb, he could only look imploringly at the mereiless woman. The three erten closed around him and drew swords "Yoe are a traitor," said the Queen, and turned her back on him, The three armed men drew closer. Tho Margins saw that his hour had come. He had been known as & man of courage, but in this exteernity he was si picture of ab- ject terror. He seized the Queen's gown and entreated mercy. He wailed and wept and howled. And she looked clown alt hen with unfor- giving eyes and lashed him off with her riding whip. "Father le Bel," she said, "you are & witness that I treat this dog feirly. I•give him all the time he needs to yestify hiteself, if he can," Tried to Apologize. Hearing these words, the Margie's lessen is long plea, teeing to ex- plain, trying to epologine, trying to tonnince the Queen that Ms repent - 511110 was sincere. She glood like is etetute arid listened to it all. When ho had said all be could think of, the Queen turned again to the priest, es calm and inexorable as ever. "Father," she orien, "do what you can for the good of his scan, THE TORN TICKET. The public improvement most needed to. day is the Vmprovement of our roads, and there is reason for optimism. Persistent animals accumulate effect, but better than a century of propaganda le the spread of the automobile and the motoroycle. It is the poseession of these for practical use and pleasure that is forcing the gooa roads movement. And together 11107 will still further transform the conditions of rural life They will take up what the telephone and the trolley began and give to life in the 001111917 new BOOial Te610100011. Isolation is passing completely from the country, and with its departure one of the profoundest eocial and economic changes m the history et the country will take place. Forests to be safeguarded. now a Gentleman Befriended a Lady.Traveller. • In an East Coast train a gentle- man noticed that the lady opposite seemed ill at ease. She was seereh- ing through her bag and her gloves, and then made au investigation of the seat and floor, apparently without auteess, says the Liverpool Post. "Can I help you in any way 7" he inquired after this had been going on for some time. "I can't find it anywhere," she re- plied; "it's my ticket from London. I've lost it." "Well,'' he said, "I think I can arrange that for you. He tore off a corner of his own tie - ken gave the ticket itself to the lady, and put the fragment in his pocket. On arriving at their des- tination the lady neve up the tick- et and passed through the gate. Later came her fellow -passenger. Him the collector stopped and ask- ed for his ticket. "I gave it you," said the passenger. Thereupon an altercation ensued, the outcome of which was that the stationmaster was called in, and the case was laid before him. "Will your collector kindly go through those tickets and see if he has one from London with the corner missieg," demanded the passenger courteously. • The ticket was found, "Now," he oorminued, "see if this piece fits it." It dict fit, and the collectiov was too much surprised to venture any further remonstration on the moment But there was a twinkle, in his eye which showed that he was not with- out a eense of humor. WHERE TO EAT Al TORONTO EXHIBITION. Few people can tell at a glance whether the moon is waxing or waning. Here is a whimsical rule to remember by. It is very simple to those who know Latin and is not difficult for those who do not. The first thing is to notice svbether the moon is like a D or a C—that it whether the fun semi -circular curve is on the right or the left. If the moon shows a Li that naturally stands for decresit, "It wanes." But then comes in the great prin- ciple "The moon is always deceit- ful," and one has to understand the opposite of what the moon says, so that a moon which shows a D is a waxing moon, while a waning moon is like a C. Those who have to Latin will no doubt look to see whether the moon says it is "decreasing," in which case they will understand than it is waxing, while a waning moon will deny that it is "decreasing." ERS AND CONSIK RS PRUSSIAN WIVES SOLVE THE • MARKETING QUESTION. Consumers May Attend Meetings at Which Producers Fix the Priees. Tho quality of food consumed in Freesia, the chief satate, of the Ger- man Empire, has been considerably improved by the Housewives' League. The League is comp of producers as well as consumers, and in the case of the principal league in East Prussia, the 2,400 members are divided almost evenly between city and country. Of the country women, 600 are the wives ,of the owners of the larger estates and 600 are peasants' wives. A. M. Thackara, reports that the organization has two forms ,of aoti- vity—market houses and schools. The Market Hall. Arising out of the reorganization of the Forestry Branch of the' Ontario Depart- ment of Lands. Forests and Mines, it le understood that an important ineve 31 shortly to be token by the Government to more adequately safeguard the forest wealth of Ontario. Prof. E. Z. Zavitz, Forestry Commiseioner, has been com. miesioned by Hon. W. H. Hearst to studY the whole question and report with a re- commendation of a plan to he adopted, It is likely that when the Legielature meets next session a comprehensive pro- gramme will be laid before the House. The fire-proteation programme will co-ordinate with the reforestation scheme now under way, Not only is the fire -ranging force to be maintained and strengthened, but it 10 gated that Are belts will ' be cut through the most valuable stretches of pine forest, a more efficient patrol will be kept up, and. severe prosecution of those who violate the forest regnlations. The fire belts, it is hoped, will prove a buffer, and where a fire starts to gamed it will strike these bolts and. stop for lack of com- bustible material. Thousands of Hindus to Come to Canada. Secret reports that have Teethed the Department of Immigration at. Ottawa of a scheme 011 Foot to bring thousands of Hindus to Canada, bye a direct line of steamers from Caleutta to Vancouver are causing the officials considerable concern, One rumor has it that a co-operative scheme, embracing one hundred thousand Hindus, will shortly be launched. Pro - teats have already been received from the Pacific Coast, and it is reported that a special officer will be sent to 001111011 to make representations to the India Office. Hitherto it has, been. possible to ere. vent an index by the order in amnion which stipulates that immigrants /111109 COMO by direct passage from the. land of their birth. Another clause that may be used, and has been used in aimilar casco, is•the one prohibiting the immigration of persons belonging/to a race deem unsult- ed to the climate or requirements of Can- ada, but the Hindus have waged a cam- paign againet this barrier, and point to their . brethren now in good health and comfortable circumstances in British Col. =bin. Hindu women and children are said to be included in the new coloniza- tion scheme. If despite .warnings the Hindus attempt to land in Canada a serious situation wOlt develop for feeling among the white pop- ulation In Britieh Columbia is very stiong. Despatches from the Canadian Pacific, 00809 say that white farmers aro already clamoring for similar laws, in British Col- umbia to those recently paseed In Call - ferrite, ansi against which. Japan so strongly protested. the beginning their home will be metier than that of the old folks ever was. But we shall miss our guess if Henry at the end of. the first year shall have anything in the bank. Or at the end of the second or third or tenth. Henry's father used to make a very satisfying meal on mush and Catch Henry doing that! He might, for sometimes men do have old-fashioned longings. But Efenry'a bride wants sirloin steak for hers. A ride by rail for even a Icy miles, especially for pleasure, was an event in the lives of Henry's pa and me. But we are willing right now to go on record with the prediction that it won't be long before Henry and his f mu will be whizzing three& town and country in an -au- tomobile. It may not be paid for. And it may cut alarming holes in Henry's $25 per. But the Joneses and the Smiths have autos; and the Browns are going to bo every whit as good as they. Of oourse, it is right that the young generation should be better off than the old. That's whet pro- gress is for. The wonderful achievement in wealth production during the lest two SeOTE of years would be 'ghastly preenedl jokes if young Brown and the young Mrs. Brown that is to be couldn't start their home -making on a higher economic plane than their parents knew in the scantierlong ago. But not that we said better off. What is better offl Is it to be in debt eight at the edge, with no cushion for an emer- gency. 'Or, is it bit use hard, practical sense and self-denial in the spend- ing Of an ineonse, so that what's spent brings in a tolerably durable return; and so that, no matter what's bought, something is always saved Custom, the most cruel of tyr- ants, makes spendthrifts of most of CHINA'S FIRHT ON 014111 DRASTIC MEASURES FOR SUI?' PRESHING 012 DRUG. smuggler is Shot Conflseated Stook of $23,000 Burned at Tientsin, From Lanclowfu, the militia of Raise province, comes the report of a men named Hsi who was ar- rested last February with two can fins in Ilia posseesion containing the remains of near relatives, around which were packed 4,000 ounces of opium which lie was tak- ingwith the corpses into Shansi, It is the custom of the Chinese to take their dead in huge wooden cof- fins back to the place of their birth. The prisoner was tried and sen- tenced to ten years' imprisonment. The ease then was referred to the central government in Pekin, and the nein was sentenced to death. The execution has just taken place, the prisoner being shot instead of being deca,pitated; as was the prec- tice in the old days. In connection with the supeens- sion of the use of opium news reaches Pekin from time to time of some drastic measure which the government is able to enforce in spite of the disorganization it is experiencing as a result of the re- velation. Reports tell frequently of fighting between farmers Who have formed bands and armed themselves with the object of suc- cessfully harvesting a crop of opium. $25,000 Celebration. - Sometimes the reports tell of Christians being made special ob- jects of attack and even murder be- cause they oppose the growing of the peppy. The rile of keeping hands off the missionary and his property; however, is still gener- ally observed, as itwas throughout the revolution. Other reports tell of proclama- tions threatening death for a third offence in selling or smoking opium. Still others tell of great stocks of the drug being burned amid festi- val celebrations. Some $25,000 worth of confiscated opium went up in smoke in Tientsin a few weeks ago while bands played and people drank tea, and listened to speeches telling of the harm opium had done the Chinese. It is believed by foreigners and 'Chinese alike that such drastic measures would not be possible at this period of reconstruction if the f eeling of the nation were not in favor of the reform. The restriction of the importa- tion and growth has caused the value of opium in China to be en- ormouslyenhanced. Those who per- sist in limn it must now no so only in secret, but at prices which Only the Rich Can Afford. "The market hall," he ;says, "cormists of one or more moms centrally located, and thither the -country, or producing members, bring their geode for sale to the city, or consuming members. They must pay yearly clues of 70 cents to $1.20 each, and must agree to sell all their products through the hall, with certain exceptions as to per- ishable goods or those which are very bulky. "Inferior goods may not be ship- ped under any circumstances and may be Sent back to the sales- woman. Eggs must always be therm and bear the stamp of the nailer. NOW laid eggs must be stamped with blue or black ink, older eggs with red ink. All other Reticles al- so must be stamped or otherwise marked to show their origin. Pre- pared meats, such as sausage, ham, ete., must be accompanied by a cer- tificate ,of the official meat inspec- tor. Fresh meat must be stamped by the local veterinarian or slaugh- ter house authorities. Selling Prices. TO SAVE TROUBLE. Mallel—"1 vendee why they al- ways have a rooster and never a hen on steepleel" entek—"1 expect it is because it wrens' be difficult to collect the eggs, Meant Regardless of (lost. Bess Something that Sack said last night didn't sound just right. , Tess—What was that 7 3s -'I told him if he &taut me pet, names I wouldn't speak, and he replied nett he would call ma dear at lent price, That is the annual problem at the big Toronto Fair, but this year a tasty meal may be had in the large, airy dining rooms of Nesmith's, Limited, situated tinder the East and West ends of the big Grand Stand, where, with noise and heat and dirt screened but, one may en- joy a well -cooked, full -course meal on the American plan for only fifty cents. For those desiring a more elaborate service, the European Grill, at the extreme west end of the Grand Stand, is recommended, it which one may order according to the dictates of fancy or appetite, and be assures' of treatment equal to the best hotel. The Connortalile Mao, Grendpa—Are yet getting along nicely at school, Freddy 1 Freckly—Yes'gtandpa, rye of the best place in the clase. Grandpas—And what it thae—at the top 7 Freddy -11o; tear there 011 Fuel for the Royal Navy, When Mr. Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, announced that oil will supplement teal in the case of large as well as small ships of war, lie nailed at- tention to another of the long aortae of changes that have revolutionised oeecn transportation. This last is by no means the least, for the use of oil will bring with it not, only increaeed speed, but a muchlarger radius of action and easier and faster replenishment, ,The admiralty has not, however, 001110 to this momentoue decision without 1101 adaeurance that it le Justine& For more them a 'hundred de- stroyers are built or under construction dependent entirely on oil tad, and the experiment of building a division of fast battleships and battle cruiesre and ber of light cruisers burning oil fuel only, Churchill farmed, bee proved suc- cessful. Coe, however, will not be entirely abandoned, becanso, as the Drat lord ex. plained, oil la only required in large ships when an eitceptional aimed bee to be reached With a vessel of emotional qUalltY. Whatever may ultimately hap- pen, coal will continue to be the 1111011 un - es or British ace power in line of battle at present. But the stake In oil ships is already so important that Britain must have the oertainti qt a steady supply Of oil ra a steady price end the admiralty us. Whereas, 40 years ago custom was rather on the side of thrift—it was fashionable to save. If custom as like a pen u um, "The producers or sellers set the swinging between extremes, prices at whieh the goods are sold, in monthly meetings, which the city members are at liberty bit etteeld. The prices range, as a rule, some- what higher than in the general markets, but it is claimed the greater purity and general superi- ority of the articles sold are more thaoi an offset. Outsiders are not allowed to participate inethe selling or buying. "The object of the market hells is not only to enable the farmers' wives to have a ready market iu which to dispose of their wares and the city wives a centre in which bo buy goods of assured value and purity, but also to bring the pro- ducers and consumers into better mutual understanding, to let each gain an insight into conditions of production tend eonsumptiort." The Housewives' League has membership in the provincial &am- bers of agriculture and promotes poultrynaising and vegetable grow- ing. Its schools are intended to provide better economic education for young women. The schools are equipped with model kitchens and with libraries, cla,ss-rooms and dor- mitories, with experimental vege- table gardens, with equipment for poultry bre,edin,g, ete, There are five af these scheols, and there aro twenty-eight of the market halls in Feet Prussia,. wouldn't it be a pretty good idea for the newlyweds this fall to give it a push toward frugality 1 recognizes that it must becOMe 9910 M. dependent owner and prancer of Its sup- plies. In Britain itself are great potem MR1411019, since the Scottish shale deposits mono, if developed, can yield between 405. COO and 600,000 tons a year for 100 years. The problorn, remarked Mr, Churchill, is not one of quantitY, but of price. No Such Animal. AN OLD NURSE. It is now said to be beyond the reach of the poor man, selling es it does for many times what it cost before the suppression began. In consequence there are great induce- ments to carry on the trade illicit- ly, end much smuggling and grow- ing in remote hill countries is at- tempted. The cleverness of the Chinese po- lice in discovering smuggled ship- ments is shown by the instance given above of the big burning at Tientsin. But in the weary they are not always so clever, and many reports of fields of growing poppy come to government notice directly cm indirectly through foreign mis- sionaries and their converts. An American missiolialry, E. W. Timing, representing the interna- tional reform bureau, has been de- voting practically all- his time fox a member of years to the suppres- sion of the opium habit. He has been leading the campaign for the Chinese where it came in conflict with foreigners, and as a result he has acquired many enemies 'among those foreigners interestee • in the continuance of the trade. Thwing has shelve the Chinese how to organize *Persuaded Doctor to Drink An old faithiZslt71:r.se and an ex- perienced doctor are a pretty strong combination in favor - of Postern, instead of tea, and coffee. The doctor said; "I began to drink Posture five years ago on the advice of an old "During an unusually busy win- ter, between tea, coffee and over- vsork, I became a victim of insom- nia. In a month alter beginning Postern, in place el tea and coffee, I could eat anything aid sleep as soundly .as a baby. "In three months I had gained twenty pounds in weight. I now use Postern Entonether instead of tea, and coffee; even at bedtime with a soda cracker or some other taa''llYabviisnaguita. little tendency to Diabetes I used a small quantity of saccharine instead of sugar, to sweeten with. I may and that 110 - day tea, or coffee ere never present in our house and very many pas dents, on my advice, have adopted Postern as their regular beverage. "In conclusion can .rmsure, eny- one that, ZI,S 41, refreshing, nourish- ieg and nervenstreegtheeeng bever- age, there, is twining equal to Namegiven by Censolien Postern Co., Yirindser, Ont. Write for boolclet, "The Hoed Wellville." Postensi comes in two forms. Regular naust, be boiled). "She has an !steal husbenet, ebe says." ''Deese just shows her inexperi- enee. After she's been married a few years she'll know there isn't any such thing.), Marked. Mother — Don't, ery, dear. which of the twins hie noir 1 Dent—The one with the black eye, TIP TO NEWLYWEDS. ---s Prom Those Who Married 'When It 'Was Eashiremble to Save. Henry Brown's father and mo- ther were, merriest When the senior Brown was earning $1.25 day, with occasional layoffs. They started housekeeping in two TOOTOS. She did the housework, made, and mended the clothiers, took care of the babies and by her capable ways mane it possible for her husband no lay something aside. Out of those earefelly painfully tsecumu- lated savings Henry was educated. Henry expects to bo married this fall. Ile draws a enlary 0±$25 st week. His girl is the sweetest creature on the fano of the eartn--- in IIeery'e epinion—but she tan't eook, sne has to have s main, and she and Henry are planning to stein in a elasey apartment. et • • Instant tonere cloteret require beririnTrrms s is prepared instantly by stirring to level •tea,epoonful in an ordinary cup Of not sealer, which snakes it right for most persona. A. big oup requires mores and some people who like strong things •• put in it heaping seem -nut end teen per it with a large supply of ,cream. Experinone until you know the amount that pleases yeur palate, and hew; it .ttented that way in the 111eure, 'glistens et Reason" for Postern, •' ' ' sentinflpinin Societies, and how to deal legally end to the best advantage with the white men in the business, who are subject -to no Chinese laws, but only to rho jurisdiction of their sewn consular courts. Thwing recently stated in Is pub- lic speecii in Shanglue that while Chinese officials and people Mere suppressed the greeter part of the tree& throughout the tountry, and stamped it out altogether in some provincee, the foreign smarter of ea Shanghwas licensing more opium shops each 70003'.The suppreesion what is Joe n as the native city had feeces1 the opium neuters and the smokers in- to the .fereigri seetleinents, control- led by the foreign consuls subject, to the orders of their governments. This, Thwing conteuds is con- trary to The Hague opium conven- tion, where allnlie interested Pew' ere agreed 1,0 reenacts the Member 4f Olean shops in the Chinese terri- tory controlled by them in eropor- tien to the reduction made 'by the Chnoste government. Two heals are nob bettet 111)111 one if- it the morning suttee the nig before, eel