HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-8-28, Page 4TI IJR.SPAY, AUGTTST 26, x913
IT is said the Liberals may put a eau•
dictate in the East Middlesex bye elec-
tion and also in East York,
OTTAWA has a population of 1OI,c00
and is growing rapidly, It has a great
Mitch cgw`ill the fact that Parliament
assembles there.
IT looks as if the Democrat Senators
at Washington were possessed of a
"sweet tooth" by the way they engineer-
ed the duty off sugar.
Oux sympathies are with the Kincar-
dine taxpayers from the fact that the
. tate this year is the tidy one of ea mills
on the dollar. That's going some.
BETWEEN the millinery openings and
the big Fair Torouto's fair sex and their
visiting sisters from the outside should
be in clover this week. Both will be
par excellent.
Rleroa'says quite a lively time is on
the program in smuggling from Dakota
and Minnesota into tbe Canadian West,
Horses, cattle, grain, tkc., are among
the articles being "sneaked" in. Fun-
ny how few people think it any barm to
beat the Customs laws.
Gott) and Mica are fresb discoveries
at Saskatoon locality. If some of the
real estatea gents will work up a bootn
over the precious metal they may be
able to unload some of their "outside"
Properties on the gold seekers. The
seekers will be strangers very likely
consequently the boomsters should
"take them in."
ANOTHER feather is stuck in Hon. W.
J. Hanna's hat by enquiries from the
Chicago University regarding the Min-
ister's manner of dealing with prison
reform. The prison farm at Guelph
has a wide circle of interest and the
pians of work are features many are
studying. The Canadian method is
certainly a long way in advance of Si-
berian berian and other schools of cruelty and
Tams isa going age alt right. Among
some of the new things .is an experi-
ment to Basten the growth of young
poultry by electricity. Although in
initial stage vet we need not be surpris-
ed to see an electric wire round a chick-
en's neck or a battery trailing at its
beets. We have run across some varie-
ties of fowl that were evidently a long
time reaching maturity. They were
labelled "Spring chicken" but we guess
they "sprung" some years ago.
CourT STEPHEN TIczA, Premier of
Hungarv, is quite a sport and instead of
saying "You're another" and letting it
go that he has a tendency to settle his
disputes with the sword. He bas had
his third bout in the duelling business
already this year arid 4 mouths left for a
few more. Of course the undertaker
might have a lob before um wanes. If
we were in "Steve's" place we'd "ettt"
the duelling out and travel on our re-
cord as sometimes a fellow's hair is so
well parted with a sword stroke he
never needs to comb it any more.
THE United States is welcome to such
undesirables as Harry K. Thaw. Out-
side of what his millions can do for him
—possibly a good deal—his name could
be spelled with a 0 when it comes to
obaracter, No young man possessed
with an ounce of brains should covet
such a life as he has lived. A spend-
thrift, a profligate, a murderer and a
lunatic with a pnrpose, is a quartette of
blackness in tbe life of any man that
should haunt him if ever he has periods
of counting the cost. It's too bad for
the daily press to give him so much
"Hon deferred maketh the heart
sick" is an ailment Stratford has been
bothered w
ith for a long time 30 waitiug
and waiting for a new G. T. R. depot,
For s place the size and importance of
the Classio city it was a back number of
a surety, a regular Noah's ark. But
the heart of Stratford ise aglad
m d
the promise of an expenditure of e67,-
000, for an elegant new, modern build-
ing of granite, pressed brick and every-
thing else in keeping. Whenever the
G. T. R. makes up its mind to do a
thing, tbey certainly know bow to do it
well, The travelling public will be as
tickled over tbe new depot as tate resi-
dents of Perth's capital. Other places
Will now cheer up and try, try again.
Dr. Robertson, house
surgeon at a
Toronto hospital, has developed small-
Miss Ethel Morand, Forel City, was
seized with a fatal hemorrhage of the
brain immediately after a swim in
Detroit River after a hearty meal.
Drownings Tuesday of last week were:
Percy Olds, of Stmcoein Grand River at
Gait; Tooy'rezone, Cochrane, in White-
fish River; Mrs, W. A. R, Herr, wife of
a University of Alberta professor, in
Nortel Cooking Lake, near Edmbuton;
latd, hi Welland from
, near 7'itorold,
Crumbs of Comfort
The Goderich Sigual sayst—Brother
Kerr, of 'Pile 132WssELs POST, has put
another uick in the post (no pun le -
tended), haviug just passed the thirty-
third anniversary of his ownership of
Brussels' weekly fount of information
and inspiration. Mr. Kerr issues a
bright and newsy ,paper and it is
lower for good in the community.
Another editor who is piling up thu
years is M. A. lames, of the Bowman-
ville Statesman, who announces that he
has entered on his thirty-sixth year in
the editorial chair and says he is still
enjoying his work. Congratulations to
both of them,
Stratford Daily Herald remarks:—
'Phe Herald offers its compliments to
two veterau newspaper men—M. A,
James who has just entered on his 36th
year in control of the Bowmauville
Statesman, and W. H. Kerr, now
launched upon his 34th year in charge
of Tits Baussitts PUT. And tbey are
both young men yet. Mr. James says
he never enjoyed his work better titan
the past year, which bas been a record
year for his business. Mr. Kerr Ins also
prospered. These are among the best
class of weekly publishers. Daily men
need not think they are the whole show.
The Stratford Beacou says:—There
are getting to be quite a few veterans
amongst the newspaper fraternity.
Amongst them is W. H. Kerr, editor of
'rHE BRnasEts POST, He bas been
thirtv-three years owner of TICE PosT,
which is a good local paper, He has
been long enough at the business to
have raised a son and start ihim in a
similar enterprise, the Clinton New
Era being jointly owned by W. H.
Kerr & Son. the latter loosing after the
New Era. Mr. Kerr takes an active
interest in various matters affecting the
public weal. amongst others Sunday
school work. He was a candidate in
the last election for the Local Legislat-
ure in the Liberal interest but defeated,
which was not surprising as things
went. When the pendulum swings
again to Liberalism he may Yet be a
member of either the Dominion or the
Provincial Parliament, a position which
he is well qualified to fill.
Costly Treatment
"I was trotabled with constipation
and indigestion and spent l .uidteds
of dollau•s for medicine and treat•
meat," writes C. H. Hines, of Whit-
low, Ark. "I went to a St. Louis
hospital, also to a hospital in New
Orleans, but no cnre was effected.
Ou returning home I began taking
Chamberlain's 1 n
' 's 'abtets'and
right along. I used tltetu for some
time and aur now all right." Sold by
all dealers.
The Daily Forum, of Toledo, of
August 14th, gives the following
particulars of the sudden demise of
Harry Matheson, formetly of Brus-
sels, whose death was referred to in
last issue :
A very unfortunate accident which
resnited in the instant• death of
Harry Matheson, an electric line -
mal in the employment of The Bu-
cyrus Light and Power Company,
occurred late Wednesday afterunou
while he was at work on a pole at
the rear of the garage of emnuel
Hirtz on Sauter_ Sandusky avenue.
•Mir. Matheson was on pole number
180 and was engaged in taking
down low voltage insulators and re-
placing them with high voltage ire
sulatots. It is believed that his
breast came in contact with a live
wire which caused him . to fall
cross two 2800 volt lines, instantly
killing him, He was thrown orf the
two wires and was hanging in his
safety belt which was fastened to
a cross bar when discovered. It is
thought that life was extinct when
The superintendent of The Buoy-
rus Light and Power Company, L.
P. Mitchell was notified off the
accident. He was brought to the
scene in an auto in a very short
Lime. He at once proceeded to take
down the lifeless fotrn of the un -
fortune Ulan and deserves emelt
eredit for the manner in which he
accomplished the stance. The cur-
rent was not shut off as had been
repotted, as it was entirely u nneees-
saty to do so, The body was re,
moved to an undertaking establish•
meat and- friends at Toledo were
Upon examination of the body it
was discovered that his breast was
badly burned and it is believed that
this point of contact was the cause
of instant death. His hands were
also badly burned.
Deceased had been in the employ-
ment of the The Bucyrus Light old
Power Company foe about tree
months, and was an experienced
iinemai, having followed that voca-
tion for about twenty-five years.
Just how the accident happened
will ver know. 1119
probably no one ve
place where the unfortunate man
was working is not considered hoz-
artions. It is thought that 00 ac-
count of the rvseen weather prevail-
ing, causing a free perspiration,
had so dampened his clothes that
the slightest contact with the wire
furnished the means to lealily com-
plete the circuit,
A Question Often Asked.
Why so many people feel worse
after taking pills than before 11. Tr0•
tibia is that drastic pills are used. No
remedial action is obtained, the bow•
els are it ritateel and dreadful cotsti-
pntion follows, In using Dr,
Hamilton's Pills you are scarcely
conscious of having taken rnedicine,
Although very mild, Dr. Hamilton's
Pills do regulate the bowels, athroulate
normal action of the glands, and
rrente neither n aseau, gtiIitsg Ot
Violetsttuition. Pose tivel ygnitranteed
for biliousness, Indigestion, stomach,
liver and kidney ills. For a safe
family pill rely. on Dr.'Nanilton's, 250
parkin at all dealers.
paptembor 8th to lath
The program of attractions for the
12xhibieiot has been issued and is
a vet'y attractive book. There will be
ten free acts before the Grand Stand
twice daily. In audition to this the
Boy Scoots and Collegiate Cadets
will give a very tine drill each even-
ing, the 7th Mehl Company or Civil
Engineers will put on a very interest-
ing and instructive feature each nil;lie
before the Grand Stand, There will
be six differetlt bands in etitoulanse
giving an abundance of music all tie
time. A program of fireworks, such
as has never been seen in London, lie•
fore, will be given each night. The
Midway will be a sottrte of great at-
traction and will be open all the time.
The management have secured ex-
cellent railway rates, being single
fare from the first day of the Ex-
hibition with several special excursion
days, all tickets good horn September
15th. NVrite Lite Secretary, Lonclon,
for all information.
Huron County.
When Exeter bowling tournament
came to a close the association final
1555 Won by Seldott, of Exeter, who
defeated Hord, or el i tchell, in the final
18 to 14, The Consolation was w011
by Creech, of Exeter.
Reeve HeettfLt, Councillor Doyle
and Gen. Connor went to Frederick -
ton, Ohio, Tuesday to inspect a
foundry. The company is willing to
build a branch foundry in Exeter if
suitable cerins can be arranged.
An electric storm of anusna,'severi-
ty passed over Luck now on Saturday
Aug..l6th about 0 o'clock, accompanied
by exceedingly heavy reale The resi-
dence of .3. 0. Anderson, 1l, P. P. was
struck and several windows shattered.
bit's. Jas. Irving while getting wood
from Ole shed for the fire, received a
shock which paralyzed her for some
time. In the country the barn of
Alex. McKenzie, of Kinlnss, was
struck and burned to the grimed. All
his season's stop was in and is a total
loss. Rather remarkable - was the
sight of a burning stook on the farm
of Kenneth Cameron.
Remarkable Cure of Dysentery
"I was attacked with dysentery
about July 1601, and used the doctor's
Medicine and other remedies with no
relief, only getting worse all the time.
I was unable to do anything and my
weight (hopped from 145 to 125
pounds. I suffered for about two
months when I was advised to use
Chamberlain's Ool ti, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. I used •two
battles of it and it gave we perntal-
ent relief," writes B. W. Hill of
Snow Hill, N. 0. For sale by all
Nanaituo was placed under martial
law. after a night of therm, from
rioting mobs.
For Dyspepsia
If you suffer Stomach Trouble,
and you try our remedy, it won't
cost you a cent if it fails.
To prove to you that indigestion
and dyspepsia can be thoroughly re-
lieved and that Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets will do it, we will furnish
the medicine absolutely free if it
fails to give you satisfaction.
The remarkable sueoess of Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high
degree of scientiftr skill used in de-
vising their formula as well as to the
care exercised in their manufacture,
whereby the well-known properties
of Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsm
hale been properly combined with
Carminatives and other agents.
Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsin
are constantly employed and recog-
nized by the entire medical profes-
sion as invaluable in the treatment
of indigestion and dyspepsia. Their
proper combination makes a remedy
invaluable for stomach relief,
We are so certain that there is
nothing so good for stomach ills as
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets thatwe urge
you to try them at our risk. Three
sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and 61.00.
You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
in this community only at our store:
F. k�. ySwMeDITH.
.^.rnesels Yha Ye& JYore Ontario
There is a Rexall Store is nearly every town
end city in the United States, Canada and
Groat Britain. There is o different Rexall
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human Cl—
ench especially designed for tba particular ill
for which it is recommended.
Tia Rosati Stores oro America's Greatest
Drug Stares
Livor spate, Pimples, Dark memos Under
The Eyes,
®else your
all ..,..
. .
uit .
+ ?
:I:F1rS Right .E.i
+ Worklnan$hip 'Right F
and Prioes Right
tit 4'
4- • Good Values in 4-
Paramatta Rain
W. PIi
Merchant Tailor "I'
Call and see then{.
rite all signs of the syalem being
'logged. Tire Liver twirl Bowels are
inactive and the Stomach is weak
front undigested foods and foal gases,
the great fettle remedy, will make
you Seel tike tt ttew peesou,
Winnipeg, Jttae 27, 1011
After taking three unties of your
Fig Pills for stomach and liver
I roubles I feel ttroitl; tuns well told
able t0 do my awn wnrk.
S01d at all dealers 111 25 nod 50 pent
boxes or !nailed by The lig Pill the,
Se. Thomas, One. Sold and recent -
mended in Brussels by .f. Fox Drug-
DEAR SM.—Before leaving Winni-
peg I neglected welting you re TILE
POOT but as the are new living out of
Louden and likely to remain Here some
time we would like to read the imine
news. This city of 80,000 population,
80 miles front London is the centre
of social activity in .sports, games
and soldiering. No place out of Lon-
don has soot] roads and scenery, If
age counts for Anytlting we have It
here. The castle is so old the records
are lost but is supposed to have been
built 50 to 100 years B. 0. and to have
been partly destroyed by the Romans.
notsay they were guilty but very
likely Many were killed in the taking
as it is situated on a splendid eleva-
Lion in the centre of the city and
shows very plainly the manner it wits
protected. The city purchased this
property many years ago and made
the entire grounds into public play
grounds and park which is without
doubt the most beautiful grounds I
have seen. .11 contains many pictures-
que corners and nooks, terraces aid
walks, bridges and fountains ; but
then the visitor to Guildford wilt find
endless variety 10 walks, drives and
genuinely old English gardens. The
entire place is a walled city with
magnificent Montes and grounds not
surpassed by any place 30 beauty.
But to finish all the interest to
visitors in This historical place are the
calves and underground passages.
They are something to study as to
who used Lltetn and what histol•y was
Iumaking when the subterranean pas•
sitgea were daily male use of.
As to the 111111ete we are told the
past Winter was so mild roses bloom- I
e(1 Out door's ahnoat all Winter and I '
ant Sure we rive ttti'ing Weal her fat1
present 111051 ideal.
I have jotted down it few items
describing}, the laud, and sett journey
here with comparisons with Outarlo
whieh 1', wry send you. 11'fy impres-
sion iu travelling in ninny countries
is that tho Province or Ontario is
tunny times better than 1 and the'
1)1080nt, residents thought and think
it to he, despite the fact things are
not to 1 trt the mark this year. Ping -
land does not centum heLter land nor
• tu•o1
Chao Perth t and 1T
hettel homers tla 1
Counties, The live "stock is not
superior as a whole anti SHUN. mmtey
stili he made in Huron and Perth by
aggressive farthing and is than the
average Euglieh faarfnet is doing, nor
is Ole conetry here better adapted or
so easy to cultivate as 11)11113 01114110
districts. .Let 1119 get through this
business and back to the famn, I
I rrequeetly note 3011 peed: out the
advantage of Ontario over the Weat
(tnd 1 always agreed with you, as 1'
could not see how the average farmer
could do A8 well any place as Cameo
and this trip 0011 yl 110151111)11 of the rapt.
Very Witty Yours,
IV, 11, H> I,nles,
Surrey County,
LiMid rued, July 30111 1018.
For Loss of i-iiir
We will pay far what you ttse id
Rexall "93" flair 'Conic does act
promote the growth of your hair.
In all our experience with hair
tonics the one that has done most to
gain our confidence is Rexall "93"
Hai' Tonic. We have such well-
founded faith in it that we want
you to try it at our risk. if it docs
not satisfy you in every particular,
we will pay for what you use to tho
extent of a 30 day treatment,
If Rexall "93" flair Tonto does
not remove dandruff, relieve scalp
irritation, stop the hair from falling
and promote a new growth of hair,
come back to us and ask us to return
tho money you paid for it, and We will
promptly hand it back to you. You
don't sign anything promise any-
thing, bring anything back, or in any
way obligate yourself. Isn't, that bawl'
Doesn't it stand to reason that we
would not make such a liberal oiler
if we did not truly believe that
Rental "03" Ilrar Tonic will do all
we claim for it — that it will do a0
and more than any other remedy?
We have everything there is a de-
mand for, and are able to judge the
merits of the things we sell. Cus-
tomers tell us of their success. There
pre more satistied users of Resalt
93" Hair Tonic than any similar
preparation we sell.
Start a treatment of Rexall "03"
Bair Tonio today. 1( you do, we
believe you will thank us for this
advice, Two size bottles, 50a and 81.
You can buyRexall "93" Hair Tonic
in this community only at our storot
Brussels The J�'Dora Ontario
There is a Rexall Store in nearly every town
and ally is the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. There is a different Rexall
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human 111—
oach especially designed for the particular 01
Inc which it is recommended.
The Retail Stores are America's Greatest
Drug Stores
4E4111M. MEM,
40,000 FARM
Plus half cent per mile from Winnipeg up
to MacLeod, Oalgaryror IIdmonton.
Plus half oentpermttehrom allpolntsenstof
. MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg
AUGUST 18(1 —From all stations Kingston to Renfrew inclusive and east thereof In
AUGUST 22nd —From Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia inclusive
and South thereof.
AUGUST 25th —From Toronto and North-Western Ontario, North of but not including
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and East of Toronto to Kingston,
Sherbet Lake and Renfrew, including these points:
SEPTEMBER 3rd^ --From Toronto and all stations In Ontario East of but not Including
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay.
SEPTEMBER 5th --Prom all stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive,
and West thereof in Ontario, including C.P.R. Line Sudbury to Sault Ste.
Marie, Ontario, but not including Azilda and West.
One-way second class tickets to Winnipeg only will . be sold. Each ticket will include a
•Verification certificate, with an extension coupon. When extension coupon has been signed
at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing he has engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer, the
coupon will be honored up to September 30th for ticket at rate of one-half cent per mile
(minimum fifty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian
Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not
west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod, Alta.
A certificate will beissuedentitling purchaser to is second-class ticket goad to return
from any station on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific
Railways is Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton
to original starting point by the same route as travelled on going journey on or before
November 30th, 1011, on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up to
Winnipeg added to 018.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the certificate with
the ticket agent on anival at destination, and works at least thirty days at harvestisis
For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write—
M. a. MURPHY. D.P.A.. O.P.R., Toronto
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will Cure you and make a man of
you. Underits influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified sothat all
pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel so that
nervousness bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the
face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and mental
systems are invigorated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system.
ao fee y jtt' you Y an ando, knoll! amareg„ mdarriage cannot be a failure. Don't let (Meeks
Peter 77, Summers relates his experience:
"Iwastroubledwttb Nervous Debility
for nanny years. I lay it to indiscretion
anti excesses in youth. I became vers''
despondent net didnt care whether I
n everybody
I imagined pp looked noG rY t.
imp snaked dr guessed mw scent
cheat nightweakenedikened
me—mq back ached, bad and
to rho
bock of mi heed, handsdgand fap were
cold, tired 1e the sh morning, poor appetite,
fingers were oyes Numbnessd, in
o r eta
loose, memory o
e. Yp
doctor told
he fingers setinis, tlto d
CCo 0
he ficin paralysis, t r I took all kinds of
ybyo)olan and tried many flrsrthree
months, s, 1 recee an ived
liclelt benoOb. 3
months, but received little benefit. I
BEFORE 4REA'FMEN9t Inas lndltaedo poasult Drs. 3ieanedy Et AFTER TREATMENT
Isegnedyt tdhru:he I hdd lost nllfatt(� in
doctors. Lake a drownibg than I commenced the Noy Menton TCEsingest and it
saved my life. The improvement{vaslike magic—I could feel Gm vigor going through
the nerves. I was cured mentallyand physically, heave peat teem many pa1fegl3
and continue to do so.
Peculiar to Men.
CONSULTATION FREE, NOOKS FREE! if linable to call write fora Question
Black for Home Treatment.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold. St., Detroit, Mich.
A All letters from Canada must be addressed.
A �+ Da art-
NOTICE to our Canadian Correspondence ,p
i dsor, Ont. If you desite to
mens in Wih. ,
e us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
o patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
ty s only, Address all letters es follows:
abozato for Canadian business
rlt91sibut privatdasidresa... ., .W ....... ...
The Peoplo's Column
ii`+SDAR LAWN FAIthi" 11014 SALE.—
The underoigeed offers, for solo his fine
100 novo term, beim; Norah Deli' i of 20, Gott. (L
Morrie towilslu p, But on Co. Fume 15 in good
state of cultivation, well fenced, and line 011 It
n fine brick lionise that. cost 03,600. Good lawn
surrounded by cedar hedge. Barn 62 x 00feet
on Ntelle folltidab'eil. Geed orollal d tiled 10
110105 of hardwood bush, Farm is only a mile
from the splottdlt1 market town of Ifru00ela
and 10 1},i miles from Reboot, Good mut un-
lty. Possession at ogles. For further particu-
lars, prise, turine, to ripply on the proviso
or to JOHN MOONEY, Proprietor, Brussels
P. 0,
karve.—Tile Immo recently vaunted by
.101111 H. Kerney, who Moved to Guelph (known
0s the Rogers property, Tuvnberry rtreat) is
offend for stele or of not sold will be rented.
There is a edit Portable bailee, goad- Melee and
1}t acres of land with n double entrance. Fine
meshes, Ste, For further particulars apply to
W..13 Kerr, of Ton Posy, who holds 1110 trey.
It lee ehoissmpot to live ht and will be Fold
very reasonably. 27.11
HOU5E lut'l lot for anlo, Rrusselo South,
Unlllfortublo laude good stable, einr
oto., and i; cure of laud, immediate possession
unit be given A bergain for solnebudy. For
rtu•tilar tam 1 ,111110 Imp ly to 110UHAlt11 1(010,
Jobe Street, Brusools.
ARDf-FOR SA LE.—Tile a ndereign ed offers
his ono ferns eoutis5ing of about 106 acres
ndjening the town of Olint0n, for sole The
farm Is in a good eta tn of cultivation, and 1100
good buildings, brick horse, bink been, drIv-
tltg house, pig pen, etc., alloompar0lively new.
A firstolmes young orchard containing all
kinds of fruits and oleo small frusta. Tie
farm is wall famed and drained and isa very
desirable houlo. For further partiewlura apply
on the premiee0 or address
38.11 30 1314 TORRANCE, Clinton.
FARh( FOR SALE, beingSouth half Lot 25,
Con. 4, Morrie township, Boron Cu., 0011-
tubling 100 acres more or len. On fila prem -
loon 10 A frame {louse, hair hero, good orchard
well, wiedinill, Pc, A11 cleared ex0e /tnboui
011 dare. SOhool 154 miles diotaet. Only 2 e
1111105 from Brussels. 11 flared of Fall wheat in
and shunt 60 mores seeded down. For price,
term. and other information apply en the
remises or if writing lirI,o•rlo P. 0. Phone
O F S. Scott, Brn.
120. r ,,
{!-tP ' A, h. Klc1tR. Proprietor,
FOP. SALE.—The undersigned offers for
sale, what is known es the Janlestnu'n
Betel. Nouse le 111 gond repair and tit re is a
large otabto and open Almed with hall urntnire.
There 15 0110 acre of land attached vprn which
en, welt. reit tree. and wall fruits.
Betiding ul w 1, 4 9
sota-via O, sold tepnrnteimbl rand it
softs pat -chaser better- Timber frame1
in stuble and driving shod, PnsflPN51nn 111 tun
Fall, For further perticulnre imply nn the
premtoos or write to THOS. hioltWAN,
4.11. Jn ms4totv'n, P. 0.
Grey township, Boron county, ant iee to
eotlmtence September and, 10111. Ad dr ('80 Rp-
pllontions, Muting #glory. gn'NRontlono and
experience to I1AA0 LANE, Sea, -Tress„
Ethel P. 0.
STRAYED front Lot 22, C011, 0., Howlett, 7
yenrtieg calves. Among thein one grey
heifer, 1 red steer with white smote, the others
chiefly red in color. No horns. Anyone find.
ing 1110111 please notify R. GRA INGER,
Court of Revision
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
held, pursuant to The (bltnric Voters' List
Act, by Bia Honour the Judge of the Denney
Court of the County of Heron at the Town-
ship Hall, Ethel. on the 8rd dny of September,
1918, sit 10 o'oloek 0,111, to hear and determine
aontpleints of errors and onesselens int the
Voters' Li•'t of the Alnnloipality of the Town-
Rhip of Grey for 1018.
Dated the 18111 day of August, 1010.
Clerk of the Municipality of the 'Romualdo of
Grey. 8.21
For sale on e1ISV terms
or will fent to desirable
tenants. Write for i 111'-
licu)arS 10
John E. Smith (Ow1er)
Box 1033 Brandon Mail.
(11812) 18070
Will stain for the improvelneut of
stock at own stabto
Lot 22, Coil. 13, MoKillop.
Ousts off this horse have won let prize
far the hast three years at. Brussels and
Se11fnt Ili Shutes 111 the heavy draught
class. Terms—$8.00.
30}1N.1. elOGAV1N,
. Leal bney P. 0.
l➢lrot nenb No. 800, Not Inspected, norm 0
Tiede), vegetations' 011 Nolo Stahl Ir,
2 Geo. V., thinner Bq.
0,1 nolo Stallion Enroll ed. 0, ant
Certificate of Enrolment of
'rite Stallion 'Ear Om el1 Ponta of Onlwle
(0rtl)es that then n 1i( d,:edptam, and reel.
gree 0r the Clydeetnle stallion. London's! 0v-
01iso amp 1Rogietered 111 the (11) Obelisk. 1.1 nil
Book AR No 11812, owned by ,john J, l'dGnvde,
Cif headlatr'y, and fouled in IOW, liar been en.
t•nllydin.ticoortltntcti wills 11151.101 K7 of 11,8
Statutes nrArta,lh,2Gen V.
11,1' ('03) lIlestO in 0,41, be 1510051,11 onorl,e•
tore 111e 0101 dny of December, 10111, and Within
1 centime et 111
rt rnvsn111018e certificate
thirty 6
/10111 R111111011 n now curiifinafc mv,it to obtain.
ed, •
A. P. wa,tenvnit, Seere)o'y,
•Joltn Bri011f. Olmtririnl
seer' Datedat't'oronto. Ont, Ilio 14th
i 'ell 1011
1{ do o At
J}! l y
001) SATIN FOR SAL,tr,.—Faint Let 110m.
Nol loo North Half 4, 31)1 1 1111' ee,twl, of Ilia
Township 0! 1(!0rt 1)1,1- solo en easy terms,
011 (he 1a1111 5 d goad 11nn1e in shape for vene-
urin0 lord a gooeld 1,11,111 1111101' 11, fe110x11 to 10011015111(15
weteltil Wit11 w1N 1111,1 1105lag
the Village of1Ro�lgln1s, 1P1' fuller Particu-
lars apply to P. S. 5corr, 8rngsale P. 0, or
W. G. X11 1101,00N, 110110are, 5'1 t•
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of James Max-
well, late of the Village of 111100011,
to the County of Heron, gentleman,
Nodus 1811ere sy given, 1111r0ua111 10 See, 58,..
Chug. 20, or the out tnt00 of Ontario. I George
V., that all et edltme and others having chime
n ttinnt the 1011,51' of the Held Jame Maxwell,
who died on or (boat the eighth thy or Vob-
10017, A,1), 1910, are required ail or before 1110
fifteenth day of September, A D. 1012; to Head
by po.1 propel(' or deliver to the mid et'eigned
Adutfntetrdtore of the Esbete, their Chrlotinn
and eneen see, ,tldreaa0e and deseriptione, an(i
a1 eta batmen t of aceo11lta ngalust the mild estate
and 11100 the nature of theseeneity 11r any) held
by then,, duly verified by a Statutory deem,
And f01)1,0r take notice that after R1101t 1005
1110110311 ad date the .A dm infitrators 0111 pro-
ceed to distribute the Itvsat0 of the cleoensed
amongst the pnrtiee entitled thereto, lowing
regard only to the 0bduls of which they shell.
then linen notice, and that tie HMO Arlminlo-
trntOr will not he liable for the Raid assets or
any part thereof to tiny person or per0on0 of
wlloefl el0t111s notice shall not have hexa re-
ceived by them at the time of ouoh distribu-
Dated this 18th dny of August, 1010,
DOUGALD H. MODONALD, }Admini-atratore
F. S. SCOTT. Br,tsoolo P. 0.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of John
CArtliff, late of the Village of Brus-
sels, in the County of Huron, gentle -
matt, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Soo. 66,
Chep, mut the Statutes of Ontario, 1 George
V., that all creditors 0114 others ha ring claims
(155)001 111e testate of the amid John Cardiff,
who (ted fn Limeade Oil10110, on or about the
18th day o1.11111e, A,' D. 1013, ere required on
or before the fifteenth day of September, A,D.
15)3, to send by posh prepaid or deliver to the-
un:lersign0d Executrix oC the e5tute, their.
Chi•tetien 1111d ntil'llalnee, addressee and e1e-
NcriptIone, and a stateuent or their accounts
npeinnt the PnfdeOtnte nod Oleo the nature
of the 000tillry 111 any)_ held by then, duly
rdn Stty oelntfon.
A 11d iftef arbycher a
to nto rintnrolcee thatrn111101' such teat
mentioned date the Exam telx will proceed to
dletrlbete the sweets of the deceased run ongat
the parties entitled thereto, Roving regard on-
ly to the deifies of which they 011011 then have
g It no'ic-i, end that the Bald lexeentrlx wt{Mot
be liable for the said Besets or any part there-
of to 11nv person or persons or who.o Mathis
notice shall not have been received by her at
the time of such distrlbu lion.
Dated this 13111 dny of August, 1013.
RACHET. 0511 DUI, Executrix.
is peeparod to supply the best
11(111 and
goods 111 'Windmills, 1
'tVnntle.t). Pumps ad Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, \Vat
ee Bowls for stuck, &c.
*Inas in Pumps promptly
attended to,
Give rue a call.
A, HAMANN, Craobrook
T1loneends of =haloes=haloesyoung l
11110 a10 feat preparing in their pwl)
homes to occupy lutu•ntive pooitiolts as
stenographers, booltkeopere, telegra-
niters, etvit eervailt0 in Met every
Apttero of activities. aeou may finish at
etillegn 11701150 wish. Positions truer,A otteed. Enter ooliege any dny. In44
yldnnl lnetruotion, Expert t'ooltera.
Thirty yearn experience Largest
trainers in Gnitada. Seven colleges,
Spaniel 00pr0e for • teach ere,
A(Rli,ted with Connnercfal Educa-
tor's ARsociattan of G0110015 Sun mar
School 01 famous Piton on Business Col-
lege; London.
Wingham Rosiness College
6110. EPOTTOv, 13' T. MOHR%, yI'
President. Pendent.
u re d
At your home without
p111 danger
or Operation,
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter .what your age is
or how long rupttal•eE1.
Why wait until yaw' (till
tirebecomes strangulated
when you can be t'urecl.?
Do not walt - fill In coupon
Age Time Itlip.....,., .,.
Single or T)neblo ,
Naln . •••
Address. .... . . ,.....
and return to
88 Caledonia St.
Dept. A Stratfa'•d, Ont. '
•, , Y