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Selected Recipes,
Eggless Cake.,Cream together
one cup sugar tend one-half cup but-.
ter. Add one cup sour milk, one
ou,p dry Cocoa, one even teaspoon
soda dissolved in hot water, pinch
of salt and flavoring. Mix with
enough sifted flour to make stiff bat-
ter, Tv make a good spiced cake
use brown sugar instead of white,
leave out the caeca, add to the flour
a. half cup or more of seeded raisins
or currants and flavor with tea-
spoon each of ground cinnamon and
allspice. Beat very thoroughly.
Jtrhnny Cake. One cup flour,
one-half cup corn meal, one.table-
spoon sugar, one teaspoon salt, one-
half teaspoon baking powderone
tablespoon butter or lard, Sift all
together, then add one and one-
fourth culls sour milk, beat until
smooth, pour into a greased pan
and bake for about twenty minutes
ill a quick oven.
Soft Gingerbread.—One-held cup
butter creamed, one cup brown
sugar. two eggs, one cup molasses,
one cup sour milk, three cups flour,
one teaspoon soda dissolved in
Milk, one teaspoon ginger, one tea-
spoon cinnamon. Bake in a made"-
ate oven. This will make two.
Sour Milk Griddle Cakes.—One
egg, wet.beaten, one cup sour milk,
•half teaspoon 'soda dissolved in a
little of the milk, half teaspoon salt,
and flour to make into medium
thick batter. Beat thoroughly and
cook on hot greased griddle.
Brown Bread,—Two cups sour
milk, two-thirds of a cup dark
brown sugar, two level teaspoons
socia, pinch of salt, three cups gra-
ham flour. Bake one hour.
Cottage Cheese,—When curd has
separated from whey in souring,
turn the curd into a coarse cotton
bag and let drain in a cool place
for twenty-four hours, or until free
from whey. Adel salt and sweet
eream to taste, and shape into small
balls. Process may be hastened by
heating thick. sour or clabbered
milk first, but the cheese is
Cheese Cakes.—Nice to eat with
stewed fruit or preserves. Ore and
one -halt -cups cottage cheese, one-
third cup sugar, two tablespoons
cream, grated rind and juiee of one
lemon, three eggs, one-half cup
juice of one lemon,. three eggs, one-
half cup currants and citron, one-
fourth cup sherry wine, nae table-
spoon melted butter. Press cee3Fe
through colander or uotato rioor.
Add sugar, cream melted mutter,
juice and rind of lemon, eggs beat-
en light, the wine and .fruit; cut in-
to small bits. (Both wine and fruit
may be" omitted.) Line small tins
with pie crust, fill with this mixture
and bake about fifteen minutes. or
longer if necessary. When done
sprinkle with powdered sugar and
serve while warm,
Frosted Peaches: —Select some
peaches that are not too ripe, and
dip them one at a time in water
,that has just, boiled, so that the
skin may be easily removed. Then
cook the peaches in a syrup until
they arc soft to the fingers. Strain
them and plunge them into the
whites of eggs beaten to snow, roll
them in powdered sugar, and leave
thein for a few minutes in a gentle
oven. Hash some macaroons and
angeliques, and on removing the
peaches from the oven roll them in
this haeh,
- Old-fashioned Almond, Rings.—
in s.—Rell one-half pound of uff paste
very thin, and cut out with biscuit, -
cutter. From each round cut a
smaller one from the centre so that
the ring'will be about an inch wide.
Beat the whites of six eggs to a
stiff froth ; add one-half pound of
pulverized sugar, and stir with the
dish in boiling water until the mer-
ingue is thick. Slice one-half
pound of blanched almonds very
thin, Stir thein into the meringue.
'Cool. Then with a silver knife
place this mixture on the rings,
Bake at the temperature proper for
cake, These almond rings will keep
!fresh for several weeke,
Scotch Short Bread. --{Mix to-
gether one pound of flour and one-
half pound of butter' stir in one-
quarter pound of sugar, and the
. yolk of one egg. Work with the
hands until ,stiff; cut in two por-
tions. Sugar the board instead of
flouring it, an<l mold the dough,
pinching the edge like pastry ; prick
with a fork to prevent its rising in
•blisters, Mark it before baking,
wed break it when serving. Put on
a tin or in a round tin, ungreased,
and bake a long time in 0 very slow
oven,, It is of a fawn color when
done, and is soft until cold, It is
improved by putting the dough into
a cool place kr an hour before bak-
Spinach Pate. ---Finely crumb the
"inside of one-half of a loaf of stale
bread; soak the ertumbs, in water,
and squeeze them dry, Out the
Meat into small :squares, and fry
ahem to a golden brown in hot but-
ter or pi], To the bread -crumbs
add a small onion, cooked soft in
tbtttter and chopped fine, ono -hale
of a peek of spinach, .ptoked over,
washed, and shopped, a teaspoun-
ful of whole-wheat meal, a pinch of
salt, and the fried cruets, To bind
the mixture, add two eggs; form
it into small pats. Just them 'with
bread -crumbs, cracker -crumbs, or
fine flour, and fry to a golden bruwn
on buth sides in a fiat frying -pan.
The pats are particularly good serv-
ed with baited ham,
Baked Eggplant. --Cut in halves
a medium-sized eggplant, from
stem to tip, leaving the half -stem
in plaee. Put the two halves in
boiling water for about five min-
utes, until the meat can be readily
scooped frum the skin. Chop this
meat fine, and adcl to it one gill of
(raw) pine -nut or one pint of (boil-
ed and (hopped) chestnuts, one-half
pound of chopped boiled chicken
(or any kind of meat preferred),
one-half pint of boiled rice, 000
tablespoonful of chopped celery,
one large onion, one large tomato,
one-half green, sweet pepper (all
chopped), salt to taste, and add
four tablespoonfuls of olive oil, and
two eggs (well beaten). Mix these
ingredients thoroughly, replace in
the egg plant skins or shells, and
bake one hour in a slow oven, pre-
ferably in a dish in which the vege-
table can be also served, as remov-
ing it from the baking dish is likely
to spoil its appearance..
Household hints.
, Use boiling water for tea stains.
Use salt and lemon juice on ink
Mud stains should be soaked in
Rub grass stains with
and wash.
Turpentine or benzine
move paint stains.
Scorch stains, remove by expos-
ing to sunshine.
Tar stains should be soaked in
warm millc and salt.
To remove acid stains use ammo-
nia or chloroform.
Perspiration stains will be re-
moved only by boiling.
Fruit stains should he soaked in
milk er use oxalic acid.
Chocolate stains, soak in kero-
sene and wash in cold water.
Blood •stains should be soaked
when fresh, in cold water.
Put clry salt on fresh wine stains
and warm milk on old ones.
Coffee stains should be treated
with boiling water when fresh.
Taps of old shoes, cub into shape
and covered, make excellent iron
A cont lemon will remove the mark
made by striking matches on -white
Never allow a mirror to hang in
the sunlight, or the backing will
become clouded.
Equal parts of beeswax and tur-
pentine rubbed on dull floors will
brighten them.
Cook carrots and beats whole,
then skin and slice,
.Avoid cooking vegetables in an
iron kettle.
Save a ham bone to cook with
dried peas for pea soup, and thus
add to the flavor of the dish.
A teaspoonful of ammonia, mixed
'with half a cupful of cold tea is said
to be excellent for cleaning black
felt hats or men's black coats. Ap-
ply with a bit of cloth.
Some housewives believe that If
the pitcher containing milk or
cream is put into a pan of water it
will ,he more likely to keep sweet
during an electric storm.
A pinch of soda added to a berry
pie before the upper crust is pub on
will keep it from running over.
Pieces el wood soaked in cedar oil,
and laid in drawers el an ordinary
chest, closet or bureau will impart
all the virtues of the. most costly
cedar chest.
Stains fromtinware, agate or
crockery may
he removed by
bing with ad mpctokhand sifted
wood ashes.
When the nickel chafing dish be-
comes dull, wipe it off with a soft
cloth moistened with ammonia, and
then polish with another soft rag.
Sew a small button to the corner
of a dish towel. This will prevent
the necessity of getting a knife to
scrape a dish or plata.
To prevent custard dishes or cups-
uspsfrom cracking when pouring boiled
custard into them, place the dish
or cloth ori a clamp cloth.
If hot vinegar is used instead of
cold when Making meat sauce, it
will greatly improve the flavor and
give the sauce a better color.
White enameled furniture can be
cleaned by dissolving one table-
spoonful of baking soda in one pint
of warm water. Saturate a soft
cloth -and wash the fnrnituro.
A quantity of quicklime put into
a dampoupboard for a few days 'will
absorb the dampness.
When the hoL-water bag starts to
leak do nob throw it away,. but heat
clean white aand and put it into,the
bag, The sand is hotter than wa-
ter, It retains the heat longer,
The best way to cook an egg is
to.'do it ono's:'•self at the breakfast
table Take a quart of,boiling wa-
ter and carefully drop the egg in,
At the end of five or she minutes it
-will be 'beautifully cooked.
A delieiotus hot weather sandwich
is mads of whole 'wheat bread,
stale, buttered with unsalted bet-
ter, and spread with chopped olives
and welnlrts. Raisins also make a
good filling,,
Spiced j.elly for decorating meat
'dishes IS
made • with. gelatine;• --a
boxful soaked 'in a cup of these -
will re -
Private Hawkins, photographed just after winning the prize.
mime. Lot the liquid simmer and
add a cupful of tarragon vinegar,
two tablespoonfuls of fruit juice,
any kind, and two of lemon juice,
and a teaspoonful of salt. Cook
five minutes, strain and chill.
Swiss eggs are a good luncheon
dish for summer. Butter a pie
dish, cover the bottom with slices
of cheese, break the eggs over the
cheese and sprinkle with' bread -
crumbs. Bake until done.
0' .
British Savant Describes Fatal
Surgeon -General Sir David
Bruce, head of the Sleeping Sick-
ness .Commission, who was sent to
Central Africa nearly two years
ago, reports that the work will.not
be completed for another year.
The object of the commission was
to study the relationship of the Af-
rican fauna to the spread of sleep-
ing sickness in that continent, The
work has been carried on in a -wild
and remote region about fifty miles
from the shores of Lake Nyassa,
where the members of the coniinis-
sion lived and worked in mosquito
proof huts. Sir David Bruce finds
that the so-called sleeping sickness
in Nyassalancl is not the same as
that of Uganda or the West Coast,
although it belongs to the same
category. It is more rapid and even
more fatal. There has been no
case of recovery.
It .is now established beyond
doubt that the disease is carried by
glossing morsitans, a fly which is
widely spread over the whole of
The disease in Nyasaland and
north and northeastern Ithodesia
has been given the name of sleeping
sickness, but the work of the com-
mission went to show that it was
the old tetse fly disease of South Af-
rican hunters, which was formerly
supposed only to. attack animals,
hasnowread man. r
but s to S
David Bruce does not believe that
there is any danger of the disease
spreading. He is of the opinion that
it has probably been in these areas
from time immemorial, and that it
Swill never assume the terrible pro-
portions of the sleeping sickness of
the Congo or Uganda,
The Dress and Ornaments Aro
Heavy With Gold.
Brides all over the World like to
make the best display possible on
their wedding day, and the bridal.
attire of the various countries is in-
variably both costly and beautiful.
For sheer gorgeousness, however,
says a writer in the Wide World,.
it would be hard to rival the wed-
ding finery of the helloe of the is-
land of Sumatra. The dress is wov-
en entirely of gold thread, and its
weight is so groat that the wearer
can hardly move; oven standing up
requires a distinct effort:. Apart
from this • shimmering;, golden gar-
wont, the bride is loaded down with
gold ornaments, rings, .bangles, ear-
rings, pendants, girdles, end neck-
laces, and sundry ornamental pur-
ses of the same molal, The huge
ornaments hanging on chains round
her sleek are hollow, but all the
smaller charms are of solid native
gold, mast massively wrought, One
"night almost think that the natives,
having heard something about a
good wife, being worth her weight
in gold,' had .sot out to prove the
fart by loading their. quaint little
brides with the aetual"equivalent of
their weight in the precious meth],
Professor Bakhmetileff Makes ; a
Bold Assertion.
Professor Bakhmetileff, Of Mos-
cow, announces that he has been ex-
perimenting to determine the source
of life and has obtained some re-
markable results along a collateral
line, the suspension of life, by the
use of a substance which he calls
He has .been a specialist for seven-
teen years in the study of hiberna-
tion, and the results of cold upon
animals, particularly bears, and his
discoveries are in this fiell.
He has progressed to a point, he
says, where he can place an entire
herd of cattle in a state of suspend-
ed animation during the severe
Russian winter, thereby saving the
cost of fodder, shelter and attend-
ance, and revive them in the spring
in good condition,
The treatment, which he has ap-
plied suoeessfully to several differ-
ent kinds of animals, reduces them
to total unconsciousness; respira-
tion and digestion cease completely.
They are kept for months at a uni-
form temperature, regulated by a
thermometer, and when they are
brought into light, humidity and
warm they recover eoneciousness,
apparently not weakened by their
Professor Bakmetieff has not -yet
been able to apply "aniebiose" to
human beings to determine if
healthy persons could be transfer-
red to complete suspended anima-
tion and then restored at will to
their previous health; ,but he is in
negotiation with the prison depart-
ment to obtain volunteers among
condemned men who will submit
themselves to the treatment.
The other clay he brought back to magpie, after a decent lapse of
full life a large sturgeon which he
had ice t under "anaboise" since time, admitted the stranger to its
winter without any kind of nourish -.L companionship.• The wild, larder -
meet and in complete stillness. It , less bird, however, had little time
proved to be perfectly healthy, with
h roe in fine condition which
to e w
would not be the ease with a fish
kept frozen.
Graphic Recount of Its Work in the
Turco -Italian War,
An interesting eurnsnent on the
progress of avistien and the influ-
ence it is exerting on evident meth-
ods of warfare is furnished by 011
account of the work (,f a dirigible
in the 'Turco -Italian War, publish-
ed in the Stamps of Turin.
The dirigible left its hangar at
six in the morning, with the com-
mander and two pilots. The object
was to carry .out an offensive recon-
econnaissance, Rising over the sea to
the height of one thousand meters,
the balloon turned eastward toward
Koefia, and passed over that oasis.
The crew could see that, for the
moment, at least, thorn were none
gible turned south toward Sidi
Mufta, in the neighborhood of
which were scattered the tents of
the Turk and Arab camp
Lettson XL -Israel at Mount Sinai.
I,xod. Chap. 19. Golden Text,
Ifeb. 12,28.
WEARS 1e-. (1tOWN.
"If Only They Spare, iiy Boy,"
Says, "I Don't.
Tho narrative intervening be- Ferdinand, self-styled Czar of
tween our last lesson and this ono the Bulgars, is,in perpetual fear of
includes a number of important assassination. Night after night he
events. At liephitiirn the people , stays up, `afraid to go to bed, When
murmured against Moses because members 'of his suite urge him to
of lack of water, which, after' get sleep he replies;
Moses's earnest intercession with! "History tells me that a monarch
Jehovah, was mirevelously sale: surprised in his bed never gets,
plied. Then came Israel's war with; away alive."
on thek, familiar to Bible readers; Rio equerries, who include Ger
principally because of the incident' mans and an Englishman, but no
mountain top in which AaronBulgarian, take turns sitting up
No sooner had it, reached the edge and Her supported the hands of ] with him. M
of the encampment than numerous
little puffs of white smoke were- bb-
semved on the ground beneath, and
the unmistakable crackle of rifle
fire made itself heard above the
roar of the air -ship's motor: The
Turks and Arabs had begun a vio-
lent fusillade against the dirigible,
which promptly answered by drop-
ping its first bomb. A flash of fire
and a dense cloud of smoke rose
from the middle of a group of tents,
and men were seen to rush out and
away from them.
The Turks, realizing the futility
of their rifle -Tire, brought their ar-
tillery into action. From the edge
of the sand -dunes came two flashes,
soon followed by others. Evidently
the Turks had prepared the artil-
lery beforehand for this purpose,
for the shells took an almost verti-
cal line of flight, The Turks had
posted their guns on the slope of
the ,sand -hills, and buried the tail
of the carriage deep in the sand in
order to prevent the recoil from
overturning the gun. In spite 01 all
the preparations, however, the aim
of the gunners was wild.
The dirigible, on the other hand,
let fall other bombs, which seemed
to be as effective as the first. The
aeronauts, moreover, while carry-
ing on this aerial combat, which
lasted almost en hour, accomplished
also the chief end of their yoyage—
an exact reconnaissance of the en-
emy's camp. They took numerous
photographs, which, when put to-
gether in proper order, gave a per-
fect plan of the position. The diri-
gible returned to its hangar at
eight o'clock; it had been two
hours in the air.
A Magpie and White -eared Fly-
, catcher Have .Some Fun.
A young magpie came into the
possession of Mr. E. 7. Banfield,
who, in his book, "My Tropic
Isle," gives an interesting account
of the bird's accomplishments. It
went in and out of the kitchen at
will, and if by chance food was not
spread out at the accustomed
place, it protested loudly, and al-
ways effectively.
The bird spent many hours en-
deavoring to sing. No cultured
relative was present to teach the
notes of its kind, so that in default
ib learned the complete vocabulary
of the domestic poultry, besides the
more familiar calls and exclama-
tions of its mistress.
A white -eared flycatcher took up
its abode near the house, and the
What It Was.
The small boy was the first to an-
swer the telephone. The person on
the other encs of the wire was a
friend of his ,mother, and the fol-
lowing conversation ensued :-"Is
this Mrs. Blank's residence?" "No,
ma'am, it's Mrs. Blank's little
Speed and Endurance.
"Money went a whole lot further
in the old days than it does now,"
said the Old Fogy.
"That's s because it didn't go so
fast," explained the Wise Guy,
The Difference:
He stood beside the altar,
And his face_ was grave and sad;
She stood beside the altar,
With a smile both sweet and glad.
.Once is Enough,
Groh—They a� s lightning never
strikes twice in the same piece.
Kohn—Well, what's the use 1
No man is happy unless the thinks
he is,
But there is little marrow iu the
bone of contention.
Lots of failures 000 be trained 'to
the belief that other people are tot
uniteas smart as we aro.
But why this awful ciifforenee
Between the man grid maid l
I3er clothes were made to order
While his were reedy made,
to play. All its wits and energies
weredevotedto e ser
the serious busi-
ness of life. It knew none of the
games that the magpie invented .ex-
cept one—s. kind of aerial "peep -
bo," to which the more intelligent
bird lured it by means of a prize.
The magpie found a moth, big of
abdomen, fat and brown, a tempt-
ing morsel to any insectivorous
bird. Envious of thedainty, the
wagtail fluttered and skipped about
the magpie with cheerful chatter;
but the fluttering moth, daintily
held by the extremity of its body,
was alternately presented and de-
nied. While they danced about a
bush, the magpie tantalizingly held
the moth for acceptance and hop-
ped off as .the wagtail was about to
snatch it. To the. tante bird, :forti-
fied by the knowledge that its
meals were provided, it was all fun.
To the hungry wild one, the meth.
dangling teonptingly before it and
whipped disappointingly away, it
\vas a gams equally .sincere, but of
varied interest. The one assumed
a whimsioai air, chuckling in sir
eouraging tongs; the other took it
all in earnest,
At last, unable to restrain an ex
olamation of delight, the magpie
unwarily ,slaolcened its hold, and
the moth fluttered off, to be snap-
ped up on the instant by the wild
bird, and gulped without ceremony.
After this the game was frequent=
ly played, but the magpie had in-
variably to make it worth the while
of the wagtail by offering it prizes in
the shape of ootoa tit -hit,
A suooesful man is not eeeesear-
ly, a cleverer mat than the failure,
Ito may merely have worked a little
Moses while he prayed for Israel's He refuses to sen ns misters,
victory.Not ion afterward, Jeth-
!but transacts much business during
ro, thpriest off Mi•dian, Moses's these vigils, reading reports and
father-in-law, visited the camp of dictating orders. Sometimes, over -
Israel in the wilderness, giving come by fatigue, he dozes over his
Moses wise counsel concerning the writing table, but starts up dedar-
way is which he might best admin j ries
to enter the revolpalace.tioaIt is someit me
later the important affairs of his :before he can be assured all is
difficult office (chapter 18), Our
of the story immediately following
lesson passage takes up the thread quiet.
Inieie the morninghe takes refxesh-
merit, his hath nd sleeps aa few
the departure of Jethro. terra in an armchair. He often
Verse 1. In the : third month— talks of Prince Alexander of Bat-
parturAccorde o to raei f o2. 1, 2, the des tonbur his predecessor, and the
pasture of Israel from Egypt was g,
commemorated :by way the Bulgarians entered the pal -
tion of a new calendarthe :inaugura_ "This ace at night and dethroned him. He
month shall be unto you the begin -
mentions Mancini, the famous
ning of months; it shall be the first fortune teller, who once told' him
month of the year to you." But that he would have unexpected glo-
the first month of the Jewish calm ries in 1912 and a terrible catastro-
dar corresponded approximately Phe in '1813. Be complains that,
to our month of April, which would though gifted with second sight, he
fix the time of the year for the cannot tell what his own immediate
events of our lesson .as midsummer, future will be.
The slime day --Three months to Thinking of 11i6 DQy-
a day after their departure out of
Wilderness of Sinai—The unhab-
ited district iu the immediate vicin-
ity of the mountain. Sinai itself
is usually identified with Horeb,
and located near the southern point
of the peninsula between the Gulfs
of Suez and Akabah.
Rephidim—Somewhere in the vi-
cinity of Sinai, perhaps just north-
west of the mountain itself.
3. Moses went up unto God—
Went up the mountain to be alone
in med Cation and prayer.
The house of Jacob—Jacob's de-
scendants, the Israelites.
4. Bare you on eagles' wings—A
beautiful -figure illustrating solici-
tude of Jehovah for his people. The
habits of the parent eagle were not
unfamiliar to the desert pilgrims.
This king of birds is said to hover
mind 'and beneath its young when
these make their first attempts to
fly, ever ready to support them on
expanded wing when they become
Brought you unto , myself ---Sepa-
rated you from other peoples wor-
shipping other gods,
5, 0. My covenant—From this
time forward Israel's relationship
to Jehovah is to be a peceuliar
covenant relationship. Israel be- burg -Gotha, his mother, refused to
comes Jehovah's own possession, a give it to him, saying that it was an
kingdom, ofpriests and a holy na- ambition which ought not to be en -
"I'll stay with My people to the
bitter end," he remarked one night
recently, when he had recovered
after a false alarm. "But something
warns me it is close at hand. Il only
they will spare my boy (Crown
Prince Boris), I don't mind."
When Ferdinand had himself
crowned as Czar of the Bulgars,
great indignation was aroused in
Russia, especially as the coronation
robes and diadem are copied from
those in the Kremlin at Moscow.
The vain glory of the ceremonial is
partioularly apparent in cbntrast
with his present position of discre-
dit and abasement and the Slays
are superstitiously inclined to at-
tribute his misfortunes to his set-
ting himself up in competition with
the Russian Czar.
The Brown and sceptre in his por-
trait in his coronation robes have a
strange history. They were order-
ed by him twenty-five years ago,
when Bulgaria had only just begun
to develop after .its independence
and he was a Prince whom neither
Austria nor Russia would recog-
nize, The Munich goldsmith . who
made them refused to deliver them
till $1.00,000 was paid. The Prince
had not so much at his disposal and
Princess Clementine of Saxe -Co -
tion. "And strangers shall stand
and feed your flocks, and foreign-
ers shall be your plowmen and
vine -dressers. But ye shall be nam-
ed the priests of Jehovah" (Isa.
61. 5, 0). •
Verses 7 to 15 inclusive record
the preparations made by Moses
and the people for the further
manifestation of Jeh vah's will to-
couraged. The angry goldsmith put
them in his window with a notice
"Regalia, to be sold cheap; the
Prince of Bulgaria refuses topay
for it."
Czarina Without Fear.
Huge crowds flocked to see, them,
qq so Princess Clementine felt oblig-
ward'them, in harmony with Jeho- ed to pay to stop gossip. They have
been worn by' him only onset at lois
vats announcement to Moses. recently coronation at Tirnova,
16. The voice of a trumpet ex- Bulgaria's ancient capital, recently
seeding loud—Jehovah's summons destroyed by On earthquake. After
the battle of Lille Y
Burgas the were
taken to T hi'ace, as Czar Ferdinand
hoped to be crowned .with them in
Constantinople ; but circumstances
were against him. They are now
supposed to be in Vienna as part
security•for an urgent loft for this
impoverished eonora, country.
Czarina Ellobo fears no
plot, never leaves her hospitals,
where there are now 18,000 wpand-
ed, She snatohes a nap from time
to time in the refeetory of the Cle-
mentine Hospital, where she has
placed German nuns.
The two young Princesses work.
hard with her, returning to the pal-
ace to sleep,
e. le dcernible beta s
to the p op
cal oi thunder,
17. Gat of the camp—Anel nearer
to the mount.
18, ,Smoked . . . quaked — The
whole manifestation was awe-in-
spiring and overpowering in its ef-
£aot upon the minds of the people.
The language throughout is that of
the early prophetic narrative,
abounding in expressions in which
the actions of Jehovah are brought
within the range of human compre
21. Break through unto Jehovah
--,Approach too near the sacred
To gazetain,—Merely for the purpose
of satisfying their curiosity,
Mascot Ring for Duchess
The mascot engagement ring is.
the latest thing in jewelry. It is
said that Prince Arthur has given
the Duchess of Fife a delightful old
ring, which belonged to the family
of the Iced Prince, to which house
Ids mother belongs. This jewel has
a history, It was given by a for-
bear of the Duchess to her flanee, a
soldier prince, when ho was going
to the wars, Itis in the shape of a
nine, within which are nine magni-
cent diamonds taking the form of
an anchor, 'indicative of :faith and
trustfulness. For years the mascot
ring has been in theposeessioh of
the Duchess of .Connaught,, ..
Cor ugal Amenities.
ICnicker-- Tou must take me for a
bank, you are 'always asking for
moy •
Mneir. Knicker--' ou mutt take ma
for a railroad; you are always
thinking ]:.cm do with less:
Low Deaill-Kato and. Population on
the Increase.
Ireland is 'improving in popula-
tion and other vital respects, ac-
cording to the report of the Regis-
trar -General for the year 1812, pub-
lished on Tuesday.
The salient points are :—Lowest
annual death -rate for Ireland since
1871—viz., 16.46 per 1,000; lowest
annutal death -rate from tubercular
disease :on record --viz., 2,18 per
Iuei•easo of 1,1.02 in pp. opulatsbn in
the middle of 1912, there being 1,-
102 more births than deaths and
emigrants during the year,
Decrease in ihhfant mortality froln
04 per 1,000 births isa 1911 to83
per 1,000 in 14111. This fs the 1.08t
infant mortality recorded for Ire-
Tito birth rate was 23 Per 1,000 of
the;poptlletioti, being 0.2 hinder that
of the preceding year,