HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-8-21, Page 8{ :r Spices. With the pickling Beason at hand you will no doubt needpickling spices. YOU can depend on what you get from ns being pure and strong and the best to be had. Among the many we have are r WHOLE AND GROUND CLOVES PEPPER CINNAMON ALLSPICE Mustard, Turmeric, Celery Seed, Curry Powder, Ginger, Mace, etc. Corks for Pickling Bottles, Sealing Wax, Paraffin Wax and Jar Rubbers. Swat the Fly Health authorities now state that it is as necessary that a place should be free from flies as that there are proper fire escapes. Flies carry disease, Try every mantle to get rid of them. Amoug the aids we have are- Tanglefoot or Sticky Fly Paper 2 double sheets se. Wilson's Fly Pads Hoe per package. Lightning Fly Pads and toe per package, Insect Powder 5c per ounce.; Insect Powder Blowers 10c. iroWBring us your Films to develop and print. We guarantee satisfaction and quick service. '•4�e? store F ■ R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. goal Stbosoto kio'r weather. LocAL news on page 5 of this issue. Read it. THE appointment of a new G. T. R. agent at Brussels is expected in the near future, RICHARD ROE offers his house and lot in Brussels South for sale at a bargain. Read the advt. and see him. THE toot of the steam thresher is nee more beard in the land. r 0 i 93 promises to outdo 1912 in crop results barring the hay fields. TUESDAY morning R. J. Hoover Left for Sarnia to attend the Grand Lodge of the I. 0. F. Order as representative of Brussels Court. SPECIAL BARGAINS. -For the next three weeks special reduced prices will be given on new and second hand Wiggles and wagons at D. Ewan's Car- riage works. Now would be a good time to buy. See Mr. Ewan's advt. in this issue. LAST Saturday a Tennis quartette, consisting of Messrs. McTaggart, Hodgson, McGregor and Beacom. came over from Clinton, intending to have some games with Brussels. The rain and wind storm interfered with the completion of the program. We hope to see them come back again. ELECTRIC Light rates will advance in Brussels on and after September set. So little can be made during the Sum- mer season where the metre is used the proprietor is compelled to raise from to to 52 cents per kilawatt. Mr. Pat- terson says the old rate is considerably lower than the average charge in other places. GooD WORK COUNTS, -Wm, Donegan of Listowel, had his 'bus overhauled and painted at the Carriage Works of D. Ewan and it looked as good as new when he took it home, The 'bus of E. Basset, of the same town, is now being fixed over at the same shop. Front is being changed from the old high seat to a lower one and with painting and up- holstering will look like a new outfit. Wonders are wrought by the painter's brush properly wielded. BAss BALL, -Our two Base Ball nines played two matches at Kincardine on Civic Holiday. The juniors were pitted , against the juniors of Lnoknow and a close and interesting mutest resulted with honors favoring the Sepoys. rhe senior game opened well and for several innings good ball was played but Listo- wel won by large odds. It was an off day with our sharpshooters and our wrUow. w.avers. We imagine. Brussels can trim Listowel at the same sport but they could not do it on Thursday. A New PLAN. -Last Saturday while a company of young men were strolling along the river bank they discovered a fine black bass about a foot and a half in length. Not possessing the usual para- phernalia for capturing the firm P v tribe yet most anxious to land the fish they betook themselves to the water 'and al- t d' though about 5 feet deep one of the quartette made a grab and secured Mr. Fish, Of course bis apparel was soaked but he cared not so long as he was successful in his quest, The fish was a dandy, COLLAPSED.-Wednesda night of last week the foundation under fthe tank from which the supply of water for' street watering purposes is obtained, located at the Electric Light power house, collapsed and went through the roof of the shed over which it stood, For'severaf days street watering was not done.' Saturday afternoon with a strong wind blowing, the deist on. Main street was fairly smothering. Now would be a good time to arrange some permanent plan whereby a constant and never failing supply of water could be had. The purchase of pump and •gasoline en- gine to pump the water would over- come the short supply of the present ar- rangement. If the town owned the out- fit a man and team could be engaged by the Council by the hour, when work Wee required. Dm IIP -Tor.- Congratulations are extended to Harold. Armstrong, son of Wm', and Mrs. Armstrong. 9th eon. Grey, for the success with which be has met at the recent Honor and Scholar- ship examinations. In additioh to ob- taining the Faculty Entrance (Part I and IL certificate, and honors in both) he was awarded the First Edward Blake Scholarship iu Science the gift of the Hon. Edward ,Blake, ex - Chancellor of the University of Toronto, of the value of $204 oo. He also ob- tained complete Honor Matriculation standing at the University of Toronto and ranked in the list of general pro• fieiency dandidates. It is an excellent showing 10d tefibcts, meal, 'credit upon the StratfordlCollegiate as well as upon the Brtj56"oi's Continuation &clhoot whore he tecellidtilills lower and Middle school ilducatit�q;" OWNERS of equines, fast or otherwise, should remember that the Main street is not a race track. The law is Agin' it and the Constable is on the look -out. "THE ole' swimmin' hole" has been worked over time during the month of August. Another year some attention should be paid to fitting up about the place. WATER is being obtained from the tank at the Pryne Milling Cos. mill for street watering purposes which will he utilized for balance of season. Main street people will rejoice in the proba- bility of the dust being kept down. , W. C. T. U -The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held on Friday afternoon, Aug. 29th, al 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Seek- er. There will be a discussion "Medi- cal Temperance Quiz" by the members Of the Union, also a report on Temper- ance work in the Sunday Schools by Mrs. S. Walker. Mrs. Margaret Hyslop Dominion Organizer, is expected to visit the Union is the near future. ELECTROCUTED.- Wednesday of last week Harry Matheson, who was an ex- pert electrician at Toledo, me( his death while working with telegraph wires. A band was badly burned and his body was also severely burned. The funeral took place Saturday. Mrs, Allan Lamont, of town, and Will. Smalldon, of Cranbrook, sister and brother to Mrs. Matheson attending. Mr. Matheson was a former resident of Brussels, some 25 years ago, when he married Miss Dorothy Smalldon. She and a daughter, Mrs, Foster, of Toledo, are left to mourn the demise of husband and father. A DEEPLY LAMENTED DEATH• -The sad news was received here of the death of Mrs. Carey Evans, of Edmonton, on Sunday, xoth inst., leaving a baby boy 2 months old. Deceased was better known in Brussels as Miss Ida Williams, only daughter of Richard Williams, a former well known resident of this place. Deceased was married two years ago snd had recently moved into a fine uew home at Edmonton. She was 27 years of age and was beloved by a wide circle of friends who greatly re- gret her early demise, 0 MAN'e gold ring loot. Emblem of the I. 0, 0. F. on it. Finder will be rewarded by leav- ing it at Tan Poem at once. NOTIOE.-On September let, the Bruasele Electric Light Co. will raise their rates for lighting to 12e per kilowatt. 8.8 t. Joan Pamenneoi, Mgr. CEDAR ladder for sale, 22 feet long with iron hooks on one end. Will be sold at a bargain, Enquire at THE POST. COBALT .silver nugget, watch charm dost, Has I,0,0:F. 8linke in gold on it. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at TEE POST. JonwsTol's Shoe and Glove cleaner. No trouble in cleaning any oolor. It removes grease, paint, tar, eta., without injury to goods, For sale by Downing Bros,, Brussels. JOHNSTON'S 2 in 1 Ink. Iradioator and Raw tine. Removes stains from linen and cotton and ink from paper without Injury to muter.' Mi. For sale by Mies A. B. Roes, Fancy Goods and Ohlna, Brussels, Dn. R. F. PARSER, Osteoppath. and Eye 8 ea. iallst, at Mr, S. T, Plum's, Brueeele-Tuesdays 7 to 10,80 e, m. 47.15 SEE McGregor about lawn mowere, -0--- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. -The monthly n meeting of the Women's I s ititute was held last Friday afternoonan d was a very enjoyable gathering. In the absence of Mrs. Rands, the President, who is holidaying in the West, Mrs. D. B. Moore, Vice•President, presided most acceptably. It was 'Young People's Day" and the program was as follows t -Recitation, Dorothy Holmes ; paper, "What au ideal sister should be," by Miss Mary Dark ; reading, Marguer- ete Wilton ; Roll call, responded to by Scripture texts ; paper, "The ideal daughter," by Miss Jennie Robb ; reci- tation, Miss Rhoda Hewitt; recitation, Miss Dorothy Reid, of Sarnia. The program was worthy of a larger attend- ance and the two papers were well worth of repeating and a credit to the young ladies who prepared them. THOS. GILPIN DECEASED. -'Phe Wiar- ton Canadian Echo of last week speaks as follows of the demise of 'rlios. Gi'pin, of that place, and a brother to J, J. Gilpin, of Brussels :-One by one the old landmarks ot Wiarton are pass- ing away, and Wednesday Morning Thomas Gilpin, aged 72 years, and a resident of this town for nearly 46 years, died very suddenly, heart failure being the immediate cause of his death, For the past few years he has been going around. Tuesday he was on the bowl. inggreen, and slept well Tuesday eight, awakened at seven o'clock went down street ou some business and on nature, ing complained of a path in the back of his neck, A liniment was applied but he expired almost instantly. The late Mr. Gilpin started the first saw mill in Wharton, end the first dock, but for many years had a sash and door factory. dt niter hiefld g Breeldehce was rah up 1 The Metrapolitan Bank Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Undivided Profits •I,000,000.00 1,21fo,00o.00 ,180,888:26 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN AOOCUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H, GiLROY, MANAGER ESTAEUSIiPI 1878 right citizen, always interested in the town, and served many years as council- lor and on the Public School Board. In politics he was a Conservative, and in religion a Methodist. He is survived by a widow, two sons, Herb and Victor, and two daughters, Mrs. W. M. New- man and Miss Olive Gilpin. The funeral was held on Friday; afternoon Rev. Mr. Bennett, of Harriston, con- ducting the service in the absence of Rev. Mr. Flagg, the pastor, who was away on his holidays. Mr. Bennett was a former pastor and friend of the family. THOS, GREENSLADE DECEASED. -Fri• day of last week Thos. Greenslade, brother to Mrs. Hugh R. Elliott, of Brussels, died at his home North Bruce, after being in failing health for a year, aged 39 yrars and 3 months, He was born in Emanuel township, Bruce County and had spent the greater part of his life there. He is survived by his wife, 2 sons and a clsughter, Funeral was held Monday afternoon to Port Elgin cemetery, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott attend- ing. Ing. Deceased was a zealous member of the Methodist church, a good worker iu the Sabbath School and was highly esteemed in the community. A large circle of friends sytnpathise with the bereaved. BADLY 1NIURED.- A telegram from Watertown. South Dakota, last Sunday conveyed the bad news that. George McMillan, second son of George and Mrs. McMillan, Brussels, had met with s serious accident. The message said ; -"Operation, 3 inches square skull re- moved, Breathing and circulation natural, recovery doubtful." Mr. Mc- Millan has been 8 years in Watertown and was employed in connection with a pork factory. He is 28 years of age and a widower, his only child. W inui- fred, living with Juo: and Mrs. Mead- ows, uncle and aunt. Brussels. for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan and Mrs, Meadows and niece left for Water- town on Monday. The injured man is well and favorably known here. He has since died. People We Talk About R. M. Burton, of Arthur, has taken the position of junior in the Standard Bank here. - Mrs. Walker and brother, Judge Mc- Fadden, are visiting at Milverton and Stratford this week. Will. and Mrs. Broadfoot, Seaforth, were visitors with Jas. and Mrs. Batten. tyne, Queen street. Mrs. 3, N. Green, of Spokane, Wash, is here on a short visit with Mrs. N. F. Gerry. The ladies are old friends. Mrs, J. H. Spading and sons Harold and Ernest, of Whiteeburch, spent a few days at Fletcher Sparling's Church street. Miss Linda Colviu, who was holiday- ing here for a few weeks, left last Fri- day for Toronto to attend the millinery openings. Airs. Rich, Roe keeps quite poorly but many friends hope she will soon grow stronger. She bas been confined to -bed for nearly a year. Donald Murchison, of Calumet, Mich,, is here on a visit with the Sherrie families, of Brussels and Morris. He is a cousin, Miss Phyllis Griffith, of Listowel, visited Mrs.. T. McFadzean for a few days. She leaves for McLeod, Alta, next Monday to join her family. Gordon, son of John and Mrs. McCall, of Luckuow,'is visiting his grondmother McCall, in town and relatives in Grey and Morris townships. Miss Vera Ainlay, of Brunnette, Alta., formerly of Brussels, is engaged to teach Pleasant Valley Alta.school fornext year, duties to begin Sept. t and salary $70.Oo a month, W. f. Fawcett, of Toronto, who was relieving at the Metropolitan Bank liere while Manager Gilroy took his holidays, returned to the Queen city on Wedues- day. Old friends here were pleased to enjoy his company for the past two weeks. Miss Annie McQuerrie went to Tor- onto Tuesday to pick up tate latest Millinery pointers and in the course of a couple ot weeks w1,1 return to iter Position at Edn where she was during the past year. The Teeswater News August 7th. said :-Win. Habkirk and Misses Bessie and Maty Belle spent a few bays this week with Toronto and Buffalo friends. Mrs. Wm. Turnbull has been laid aside for the past 6 or 8 months from an attack of neuritis and can only get a- bout by the aid of a crutch and walking. stick. We trust a change for the better will soon ensue. . W. L. Leatherdale, of Winnipeg, is here for a holiday visit, He arrived Tburday evening of last week. It is 3 years since he went to the Western metropolis. Mrs. Leatherdale and sen have been in towu for the past few weeks. Church Chimes The Y. P. S. C. E. of Melville church will tender a Banquet, in the basement of the church, to the young men of the congregation on the evening of Thurs- day, 28th inst. A program will follow the supper. For three weeks the Epworth League meetings, usually held Mouday eveu- ings, are being merged with the regu- lar weekly prayer meeting ou Wednes- day evenings. Services are being con- ducted by the League. Next Sabbath morning Mr Hutchin- son, of Toronto, will preach in the Methodist church in the abseuce of the pastor. The eveuiug service will be withdrawn owing to the union 'Bible Society meeting being held in. Melville church at 7 o'clock, Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., will occupy his own pulpit next Sabbath morning, In the evening a union meeting will be held iu the interests of the Upper Cana- da Bible Society when a representative, Mr. Hutchinson, and the pastor will speak. Offering in behalf of the Socie- ty will be taken. Musical selections by Melville church choir. At the meeting of the Official Board of Brussels Methodist church held re cently Rev. D. Wren's salary was plac- ed at Sn000. He was granted two weeks holidays. R. J. Hoover was ap- pointed to attend the District meeting, to be held at Wingham, Preliminary arraugements were made as to dates of anniversaries which will be announc- ed later. R, A. Pryne was chosen congregational Treasurer for Con uexioual Funds and Dr. Bryans for Missionary contributions. Hattley Menzies was named Treasurer for Cranbrook for these funds. Missionary Committee for this year's campaign ;- J. T. Wood, S. Bailey, S. Carter, A. J. Helm, H. Menzies Dr. Bryans and W, H. Kerr. The pastor was asked to conduct the various anniversaries on Brussels charge this year instead of arranging for outsiders. A year of success is countedupon and the con- gregations enter upon it in good heart, under the pastoral guidance of Rev. D. Wren, M, A., the new pastor. .Meet- ing of Trustee Board will , be' called shortly to discuss the question of new horse shed at Brussels: SUMMER Soaoor.,-The first Summer School conducted at Goderich, cinder the auspices of the Synod of Hamilton and London, wag a great success, Out of 140 who enrolled in the different classes, more than xzo were .outsiders. The studies in the different depart- ments were most interesting and profit- able, which was due to the fact that the leader in each department was a specialist and all were loud in praises of the Sum- mer School. The people of Goderich and the Clerk of the weather (who must have been a Presbyterian) did much to make it a success. The probability is a1•••b444•••00••••••604.•04e A0••••••144v4.0•0•0040040•• •• • veralls Freei • ° ' 6i ZWe are Sole Agents for Walker's Over-: • •alis, made in Wallcerville, Ont. 0 • e • C ® We guarantee 10 cents for every button that e • comes off and 25 cents. for every rip, and for - m eevery 6 stamped pockets cut from worn garments • ° we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock °• • FREE. °g 8 • Get the Habit Save the Pockets s • • • Sold and guaranteed by I • • E. C. Duun.fordw Brussels qq • • Also by the Walker rant and overall Co,, walkerville, -Ont. • •••• OF CANADA vw,pD OFF,c TORONTO SAVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. 155 BRUSSELSBRANCH, J. F. Rowland, 1E1-111!) _ D Manager, 111111111111111, that another School will be conducted at Goderich next year, Owing to the intense heat last Sun- day several of the male attendants at church removed their coats and found considerable comfort in this unusual but wise method. If the preachers would divest themselves of their outer garments on Sunday during the hot spell nobody should find fault. i„i0USE and lot for sale, Brussels South. Oantfc•teble home good stable, cellar etc„ and 34 acre of hind, immediate possession cso be given, A bargain for somebody. For further partionlereappiy to RICHARD ROE, John Street, Brussels. OOD FARM FOR SALE.-FtrinLot num- ber North Half 4, 5th Ooneetaion, of the Township of Morrie, for sate on easy terms. On the tennis n good house in ehnpe for vene- ering and a good bank barn. Farm is well watered with wells and never failing spring and ie all workable. Is in within b4 a mile of the Village of Belgrave. For fuller particu- lars apply to F. S. 800m5, Bruesele P. 0. or W. G. Mammon, Belgrave. 8.4 t, • i ned offers for I- a SALE. -The is k ewdets g sole, what is known as the Jamestown Hotel. House n le in good drepairwill nn&thorn islarn There is 011 and o01 landn a with hd ll upstawhich Thereisone acre of landattachedand s uponllwhich Building a Rood wolb fruit trees and entail druits. suitsu wilchasere s bed separaterTimber land e e edits purchaser better. Timber inane Fall,in le end driving shed. . arPossessionon the Fall. For further particulars applyon the premises or write to 'THOS. MOEWAN, 4.15. Jamestown, P. 0. BORN Lomm-In Whiteehuiok, on August 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott, a eon. CAMPBcr,L,-In Grey township, on August 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivie Campbell, a deught'Or. MARmIN.-At Georgetown, Ont., on Aug. 8th, to Mr. and Dire. Geo. Martin, n eon. (Gor- don Leslie,) OfED RouTLcY.- In. Toronto, on August 18th. Rachel Green, aged 47 years and 10 months. BELL, -In Wingham, on August 12th, Merger. et Farr. relict of the late Alexander .Bell, in her 75th year. GRsnNSLADS.-At . North Bruce, Ont., on August 15th, Thos. Greenslade, aged 89 years and 8 months. MATnseoN,--In Toledo. Ohio, on August 18th, Harry Matheson, formerly of Brussels, aged 46 years. W tws.-In Listowel, on .August 14th, Adeline McOutoheon, beloved wife of John E. White, aged 51 years, 1 month and14 days, Notice to Creditors the restate of ohs In natter of the J Cardiff, late of the Village of Brus- sels, in the County of Huron, gentle- man, deceased. Notico is hereby given, pursuant to See. 60, Chap. 20, of the Statutes or Ontario; I George V, in t 11 die d ti I g l 1 la a Ore 1 019 011 a taro tn vm a n ma against the eatnte of the said John Oardlff, who died in Brussels, Ontario, on or ,,bout the 16th day of June, A, D. 1916, are required on or before the fifteenth day of September, A.D.- 6R USS gLS MARKET 1918, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the - -- undersigned Executrix of the estate, their ,.ileal 8 85 b UO Christian and surnames, addresses and de -84 . 87 earlptints, and astatement of their accounts pets....., 80 88 against the said estate nud oleo the nature .-CasBarl80 • 45 of the eeourity (if any) held by them, duly Bnttep 20 21 .verifledb a Statutory deoleration, And further beim notice that after. such last, $x805 9 88 9 78 mentioned date the Executrix will proceed to Wool.washed _ 20 20 distribute She aseete of the deceased atnonget Wool unwashed the parties entitled thereto, having regard on- ly to the claims of whichthey shall then have got notice, and that the said Exeoutrix Will 110S ' be liable for the said assets or any part there- «p°IDAOHER WANT ED FOR S, S. NO. 10 o ROY ny pet so t or persona of whose olefins s G,'ov township, Huron eouuty duties to notice shall not have been received by her at oonmenoe September 2nd, 1016. Address ap- the time o£ such distribution. plioatione, stating salaryy,� yyualiflontions and Dated this 18th day of August, 1018. expperience - to ISAAC LAKE, Seo,-Treas., RA0 r Ethel P. 0. HIDL OARDIFF IDxeaut ls. , e m The Housekeeper's e'9 0 Friend 0 • 0 144 • IFHWT LABELS 1 0 Printed, gramme( , assorted, 50 0 e per package, jus the thing for t0 0 1 1 ff I e e laheungallitnceo. rat, Stro i n t 0 will clean your Hat, making it o e look like new, No trouble and 0 6, will not injure the Hat. fa 0 is ///i////////� n 6 to 4s Nkovah Granular Lemonade to e 0 producing instantly a very fine 0 quality of Lemonade. A to•ceut 0 package will make 0 half gallon. d 0 For picnics and travelling it is 0 particularly hsucly. 0 e 40 0 0 0 is 0 o 0 di. ''it. 1Sr a 0 G 000000000000000000000008100 DRUG STORE Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of James Max- well, late of the Village of Brussels, its the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, gursuant to See. 65, Chap.' 25, of the Statutes of Ontario. I George V., that all creditors and others having olahns against the estate of the Bald James Maxwell, who died on or about the eighth dal of Feb - diary, A.D. 1918, are required on or before , he fifteenth day of September, A.D. 1018, to send by pest prepaid or deliver to the undereigned Administratorsofthe Estate, their Obrietlen and surnames, addreeaes and deseriptions, and a statement of accounts against the said estate and also the nature of the eesnrity if any) hold by them, duly verified by a Statutory dealer - on. And further take notice that after such Prot anmentioned data the Administrators will Pro- ceed to distribute the aseeta of the deeaied amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the oleims of which they ehalll then have notice, and that the said Adminis- trator will not be liable for the said aeeets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been re- ceived by them at the time of such distribur bion, S. SOOT. Dated thioT18th, } day of August, 1015, DOIIGALD H. MODONALD, Administrators F Brussels F. O. Court of Revision Notlee is hereby given that a Court will be held pm'euant to The Ontario Voters' Llet Aot, by Hie Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Town- ship Hall, Ethel, mt the Ord day of September, 1018, at 10 O'elaelc 0.111. to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' Lieb of the Municipality of the Town- ship of Grey for 1918. Dated the 18th day of August, 1010. A. H. MACDONALD, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Grey. 8.25 STRAYED from Lot 22, Con. 0., Howiak,. 7 yearling calves. Among theta one grey heifer, 1 red steer with white spots, the 011108 ehielly red in Dolor. No horns. Anyone find- ing them please notify R. GRAINGER, Wroxeter. To contractors. The Commit of the Township of Morris is asking for tondo's for the construction of the Blaolc Drain and the Ellis Drain, both in the township of Morrie. Plane and spealfloations may be seen at the Olerk'e residence. A marked check for 850.00 must accompany each tender Re R guarantee of good faith. The low- est or any tender nob necessarily accepted. 1 opened on Tenders will be ns August 25th et 2 p.m„ at the Township Holl. A. MOIDwsN, Olork, Bluevale, Aug. 711t,1918. 0 -at •+o+.4.°x•°+4.4-••h•d••*•*4+•d'°d•°.1•••fi•444'•64>+°•F•fi•*••1'•+•+••N O'I'O.rel..4.4-4.1.••1.•4••i••+•+•+•+•-:-• • • Y • • • • • • • •• • • • •• . • • • .•1•, g•„ • 0' • e • • • s • • •• .1. • • • • °1• • Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren • • • • 4. A Sae of Wash Dresses ••• • • Mini igaimM111110011001010111 tltimarn 11110001.01010 amemaimalmesimimmilimmieN0 4. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Sizes •- • We are clearing out all lines of Wash Dresses, all sizes in light and dark colors, for : Ladies, Misses and Children •- w'h+',,samo ietetiauseadt ltet eli,,l b le,10,h+9A6s heel rtrb01,N 1;..tes; .,,,,,are stir t,ntPt,Itese ,les, itidysAW9i W It WStab et 1,,'t"Ilib'p#1,01,'t"b"a'pFlena'ti'hrlrh 20per cent less than' Regular Prices. This is a snap worth while • • A Compete Assortment of Cotton Hosiery We are showing a complete line of Cotton Hosiery in Ladies', Misses', Children's and Boys' sizes, all at lowest prices. - •°1• • nano. woommosossme. Boots and Shoes We have a splendid stock of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Men, for Boys,'Qirls and Children -the best values to be had, Also a number of odd lines -Canvas Boots, ,;Strap Slippers .and. Oxfords -at Reduced Prices. • vamaaremmvxmosastarm • Ladies'lel Aheadyto Wear . Only a few Ladies' Suits left, in Black, Tan and Blue Serges and Heather-Mix-- ed.T,weeds, being cleared at 25 per cent less than regular prices. Also a • few Ladies' Wash Suits and Linen Coats •a°• • going at Half Price. • °d• • for Men and Boys • Clothin[ Heady -to -wear The largest stock and best values we have ever shown. Men's Suits at 6.0O, 7.50, 10.00 up to $15.00 Boys' Suits at 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 nap to $6.00 • 4, Every Suit extra good value, niade'by the best makers in Canada, Call and see them I i. • r n • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'t'••••••••••N•••••••44•44+.4+•'1''•4S'143•4' 0+ 04.0•b'0d,414444014 and compare prices and qualities. You. will find it worth while, Always the Highest Prices for Produce: a v J