HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-8-21, Page 4r*moods il'7t
THURSDAY, Mots al', 1919
WATois out for the bogus the ue yen -
MONTeeSe is hot after the dirty milli
IIMV6sT will be well nigh wound up
this week as far as Ontario Is concerned,
excepting by the afternoon tillers of the
soil. Crop results will average fairly
Is hand slinking going out of fashion
and being replaced by a nacre or less
elaborate bow ? We like the old
fashioned grip and would be sorry to
see the custom die, "Haw-de-doo ?".or
"Hello! there 1" dont take its place.
SUNNY Italy is having a period of
cramps following the recent war, in
which they were successful. It costs a
pile of money and the shedding of a lot
of blood to carry on these legal murders
and even the winners pay dear for the
JULY'S cold weather is credited with a
great slaughter of the fly family. No
one will don much mourning over this
fact, not even second mourning.
"Swat the fin" was a comparative easy
contract for 5913 as compared with
some other years.
BETTER Farming is to be practically
taught Quebec Province farmers Cy ibe
travelling exhibition train. Lectures,
exhibi s, experiments, live stock, seed,
machiuery, etc., will be on the program.
Considerable interest is being aroused
and no doubt great benefit will accrue
to those who desire to be helped by up -
to -elate methods,
"DRANK by mistake" and "the didn't
know twas loaded" gun are still clipping
off their regular quota of victims. The
folly of guess work in the former and
the lunacy shown in the latter calls for
drastic treatment. The foolhardiness
of pointing firearms at anybody in fun
should warradt a ticket of admission to
an asylum without a doctor's examina-
Beget:elm new yatitlie who ricmotl)nes fon
get themselves and overstep the bounds
of propriety and it they received a dose
of the "medicine" administered at Ham-
ilton no one would be blamable but
W11,LIAet T. O1lORNa, of Newbutg.
N. Y., is a lively lad of lot years told,
along with five generations celebrated
the eveut Suuday of last week. He
went to church in the morning, ad-
dressed the Sunday School later advis-
ing them to be clean in their hthits, to
stick to the "sprinkling cart" and Dever
dodge work. The old gentleman
neither uses tobacco nor liquor ; writes
a good hand, has acute hearing, good
memory, walks a lot and is as bright as
a dollar. This is a lessou to the Youth
of today.
GET ready for school opening on
Tuesday, September end. Nothing like
a good start for both teacher and pupils.
A scholar who misses this often has a
bard row to hoe for the balance of the
terns and has blame attached that should
rest on other shoulders. Trustees
should not forget that one of their duties
is to visit the school and back up the
REDISTRIBUTION of coistitneucies and
important tariff changes were sup-
posed to be two of the pressing items ou
the program of the Dominion Perlia.
ment but there is said to be a disposi-
tion to give both the shunt at next
session and devote all the time to hold-
ing on to office and drawing if not in-
creasing the indemnity while ordinary
business is dealt with. Verily they
than have their reward. It is quite
natural to desire office, both parties do,
but there should be no shirking of re-
sponsibilities incumbent on the Parlia-
ment of the land,
SOMEBODY in speaking of the out-
landish outfits worn by some women,
supposed to be leaders in fashion, says
they are not adapted to the kitchen, the
nursery, the street or the polls. Web
what difference does that make if
they are stylish and make ordinary
people stare? In certain cities
the authorities are requesting
some of these wearers of scanty
watdrobes to get a few more clothes on
or run the risk of being arrested for
indecent exposure.
Teta dogs of war are growliug between
Mexico and the United States. Possibly
the former dont care which way it goes
as they are in such an insurrection snarl
aneoutside enemy might possibly cause
them to drop their petty differences and
woo.,combine against the intruder. If the
Mexicans were under the wing of
Uncle Salm. for a few years it might be
the best thing that ever happened as
they have proved inefficient in self
government, President Wilson is a
man of Peace but we would advise
Mexico not to.too be insolent uuless they
are anxious to get well spanked.
To cleanse Gine system of undigested
food,foul gases, exasssbilein the liver
and waste [natter in the bowels will
Impair your health. The best system
regulators is PIO PILLS. At all
dealers 25 and 50 rents der Tee Fig Pill
0o., St, Thomas, Ont. Sold and ree-
omutended in Brussels by Jae, F ux,
JAPANESE statesmen who were visitors
to Britisb Columbia and Califoruia
studying the complexity of race issues
and legal enactments have returned
home to present their report. They
recognized the fact that the solution of
these problems depend a great deal on
the Japanese home seekers in the new
land but, of course, desire fair play and
a spirit of moderation by Canada and
the United States, While the Japs are
noted. for their perseverance they ere
also credited with great care in working
out solutions in intricate international
questions. These friendly conferences
cannot fail to bring about a better
A numbero f�artists are busy
these days throwing stones at the
Liberal Temperance policy and urging
its abandonment and matting clear of the
Dominion Alliance. It's just such
scribes trod such screeds that do the
party more harts than can be reclaimed
for many a clay. If instead of truckling
to the liquor traffic. whose support they
cannot take from the Government, they
would stand by the principles of Liberal-
ism and heartily endorse their worthy
leader, G. P. Rowell they wouid more
speedily aid in winning the day and
command the respect of the great
body of Liberals in Ontario, Thele is
no retreating from principles and the
sooner somebody calls the attention of
these "regulators" to this fact the better
for them.
ToaoNTo's Health Department has
one eye open at least iu guarding the
interests of Queen city residents. Dur-
ing the past month their inspector con-
, damned and in numerous cases destroy.
ed carcases, poultry, fish. fruit, vege-
tables,' etc. 583 short weight loaves
of bread and 45 pounds of butter were
disteibeted to various public institutions.
There is evidently room for a vigorous
and rigorous enforcement of the law a-
long these lines.
SOME "hot" things come from the pets
of the Khan, in the Toronto Star. One
of these is a criticism of pulpit work.
He sage :="We could put up with some file Was built and over sixty people
delegates Anti the tatty of grinch will
longe remembered.
trite proceedings were bilinginl itt
character the megrim being given in
English for the meet part, and lieu
translated iota German, which is
spoken by 71 per cent of the Swiss
people, Beery hour of the Coneeutiott
was full of service for the great cause
et the Sunday School.
AllssioseeT t:NnitA Nett
Great emphasis Ives laid on 51issioo-
try eudeaver by the Convention a' d
cent -
missions appointed l to sed tudy l
dythe e (present
- { couditious, needs and opportunities of
Sunday school work among ell people.
and On every continent, were presented.
The weever
ceiaugurs well otkdrng
the coming
three Nato's. 'Cha conluli:-
sion to the Orient reported on [bele
work iu Bewail, japan, Koren and
China. They spent four mouths stride. _
_ ___ _.•
ing couditious tar ttltot ti untrie&cond ` j
were the recipients e
from high official ill the vorlons EAVII ITE
tee fl g L�UnO�I
Y n 1
(Imp !
•.,i bier
countries, The addtesaes were 1
trated with fine slides. At the close of (11812) 13079
the meeting Dr. Ibnlra presented the )Vial stand for the improvement of
invitation from japan to hold the stock at his own stable,
eighth world convention in 'Tokio In Lot 22, Co.rr131 MoKillop
1955. The invitation was accepted wilt
enthusiasm. Oolts oft` bile horse have won let prize
CONVENTION IN GARDEN for the last three years at Brussels and
The Convention was held in the mo s' Seam 111 Sitows in the heavy draught
bane, which is located in the midst orclass. Taints -$8.0i1.
a beautiful garden overlooking Lalt" JO11N.1 Dtc(dAVIN, • U.
Zurich. The decuretieus of the hall Leadbury P.
were simple. Above the platform was
suspended a large globe to remind Ile
delegates of the world scope of the as-
sociation's endeavors, and above the
globe was a blooda'ed cross, which
when lighted was an inspiring sight,
Back of the platform and against the
organ in the centre wits the white cross
Flag of Switzerlatll, with the flags of
Great Britain and America on either
.side. Two large pictures of the Zwing-
li and Pestalozzi monuments were
reminders that Zurich wits the scene
of the labors of the great reformer and
the birthplace of Pestalozzi, the lotted-
er of modern educational methods.
The Couveuliuu placed in the heals
of the executive committee pledges
amounting to let25.000 for the expand-
ing and mmlortnnt work of the asso-
ciation, which as President Bailey de.-
Oared, "rel resents a large constitIseuc'�
covers a more extensive territory, and
has a wider reach of influence than any
other association of men and women
the world has ever known."
'rhe Sunday school army of 28,700,000
in 295.000 Sunday schools, is the larg-
est Christian army in the world march-
ing under one bander.
Auoth.er great aet:ompllslintatte to-
wards the opening of the gates of the
San Diego Exposition at the appoint-
ed time, January 1,1915, has just been
made in the passage, during the last
month, of additional issue of Munici-
pal bonds to the amount of nearly a
million dollars, all of which is avail-
able for Exposition uses. At the
present time the Exposition manage-
ment finds itself with mete than Iwo
millions of dollars cash on hand with
which to build its Exposition, now
nearly one -mile completed. San Die-
go's great faith in the immense pro-
ject. She' is carrying out is shown in
contribtLious Ibrongll bond issues and
Cash subscriptions to the stock of the
exposition to the ttuonntof three and
one-half millions of dolials, up to Ole
present time. President D. 0. Collier
of the San Diego Exposition, murices
the positive statement to -clay that the
buildings will be completed by the
middle of 1914, and that all of the
parkings, roadways and general
ground work will be done by Novem-
ber of next year. All foreign coun-
tries, states and counties of the United
States, and all exhibitors wllo are to
provide buildings of their own, at'e
compelled to have their structures tap
and ready for occupancy by August
1914, leaving ample time for the in-
stallation of all exhibits and exposi-
tion features by the time the Exposi-
tion gates will open ou January 1,
1915. It is anticipated now that in
its entirety the San Diego Exposition
will involve an expenditure of ten
millions of dollar's. Added to the
three and one-half millions already in
hand, and less than one-third of which
has been expended to elate, the parti-
cipation of foreign countries and the
states and counties of the United
States, together with that of corpora-
tions and private concerns who will
have buildings of their own for exhibit
purposes, will be a total of not less
than six and one-half trillions, thus
bringing the grand total to Len mil-
Remarkable Cure of Dysentery
"I was attacked with dysentery
about July 15th, and used the doctor's
medicine and other remedies with 110
relief, only getting worse all the time.
I was unable to do -anything and nay
weight dropped from 145 to 125
pounds. I suffered for about two
months when I was advised to Use
Chamberlain's Onlic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. I used two
bottles of it and it gave me perman-
ent relief," writes B. W. Hill of
Snow Hill, N. 0. For sale by all
IN the Christian Guardian an article
on the scarcity of pastors in the Metho-
dist ministry, written by W. G. Brad-
ford, calls attentiou to the fact that 94
ministers asked to be "left without a
station at their own request," last
Contereuce and he wonders if real
estate and financial (natters have first
piece. Mare than Mr. Bradford has
had "wouderiugs" over present day
Itappe ings and noted the increasing
tendency in clergyman to dabble in
things pertaining to this mundane
sphere more than to a high and holy.
calling to which they promised to be
true, . There's room for good solid
thinking over this question and a con-
sideration of it at manual Conferences
The trouble is not a few of the brethren
would take it as personal if asked to
explain how the ordination vow and the
real estate "hustle" mixed. The laity
will not travel much in advance of their
sky pilot.
Rev. A, 17. M. Thomson, wife and
family, of Aylmer, are visiting at Lite
hnrue of the reverend gentleman's
parents, Geo, and Mrs, Thomson,
North street.
The pulpits of the town, were. Sup-
plied Sunday by clergymen attend-
ing the Yresbyterian Smmmer School.
A patty of Board of 'Trade men
went to attend the Hamilton Oeutem'
nial celebration at the special invita-
tion of the H.ttinilLon Board of Trade,
On a recent evening the guests of
Hotel Sunset gave a cern roast on the
beach below the hotel. A huge bott-
of the wtetohedpreaching we are cont-
peile i. to listen te, if these men could
only read web. It does not matter much
about their sermons but it matters a
very greed deal whether or not they
road the Bible or the service as it t,ught
to be :read." . We would .advise tiro,
khan to leave the city mot visit some of
totvnsand villages if he wishes to hear
the 'l'r.utll ably expounded anti tire-
Sotiptnree Well read.
ONE evening nin in leamilloli, during the
Celellratl'on a crowd of smart Alice jollied
a Mau aced bis wife as they were passing
'rise indignant hubby
alien the street, 1 g
g peg on the
ave it cotipie of literal "a t ..
snug the old Southern songs to the ac-
companiment of banjos and violins.
There 18 an increase of 46,924 over the
the assessment of last year. Popula,
tion is 4,900, an increase of 132 over
the figures of 1912, which for lastyeitr
were 4,774. The canine popuhttion is
returned as 88.
trioN.-The Signal says :-After Itav-
itt the
nig been deposited
officeansirelmltining open Ln inspec-
tion there tot' the required limo, the
Hpetition for a vote Of Lhe eleetot's of
3.tu•on (looney under tato Canada Tem-
iseranee Act is note being ptopared for
submission to the Secretary of State
at Ottawa and Will be forwttrdad in a
few dive. The petition is said to con-
tain 800 or 400 more signatures than
the required orle'tonrth of the bomber
W. Ii. Hicks, excise officer, has
been transferred from Listowel to St.
Phonies, W. 3. Dalton, of Goderich,
succeeds Mr. Hicks here.
Boy Geach, Toronto, son of Rev.
and Mrs. Gesell, town, has been peo-
tnoted to the position of eashiee at the
head office of the Stirling Bank, l'ot'-
on 10.
- M. Neil Hay, a former stndeut of
Ole Listowel echool, who wrote at
Toronto, has passed his final examina-
tions on eight subjects of the junior
matriculation requited for applied
J. M. Campbell, who has again
taken change of the head branch of
the llauk of Hamilton, has purchased
the residence of J. A. Hacking, and
with Mr's. Campbell and family will
reside there.
A number or the members of (elitist
church eougeegation called upon 33.
Bon's at his residence one evening
and ort behalf of the congregation of
Ohristchorell presented him with a
gold headed walking cane.
P. J. and Mrs. Weaken left on a trip
to tile, coast. Mr. Peskin bets been
ranted six months leave of ahsence
trout Lite I3ltuis owing to poor health,
after which time lie will again enter
Lhe employment of I.he Bank,
D. A. Katy, of Toronto, has been
added to the stuff of the eoumnerreal
department of the Banner anti com-
menced 11 18 ditties as Lypogt'ttph
operator, ?l r. Kay was et former
•" lend is a son
' e lie Batumi:a
amp vt, r I
of Andrew Kay, of J.,istowel.
During the elertriortl sterni the
tower of the Town Hall was struck
by lightning. The residence of Sant'
\Vetlge, in the lt'itst til'the Hove twits
glen street:, The lightning event
down the chimney and across the
kitchen fluor tearing up the linoleum.
Owing to 0otllinued ill health Itev.
J. 0t'ac!1 is resigllillg his position its
Natio. of the U. 13. Onngregatiuiral
church and will give up his duties at
the end of the Church yew., Septem-
bee 30. Rev, \it', Bleach is going to
take it year's mesa in the hope that his
health will he roamed. He will con-
tinue his rP4111 Ice in Listowel,
ryinofftwvra4h ¢:.F'K M6 WtF�f4..C,iacka�,, h1Y, liw,Yu+'.•t yf ,n,
ry{ 1>F,-.. •: ,•,,,1111.,....+,.+.-
- FV;.Y•'M lrq.M/.pdkRri�D�tliYY,Pa,I/1.;. nn.
tot -anon roe hit hone lit 1lat•rtetln,
previous to sailing rue the Old Countl
Where be will spend 801111. mouths.
.1.r. -
Before the dawn td history a eave-
loan wet ehe 1 a busy bee ttuil Lhuug{,hl,
"Wily does the Ily Oita st:h,gs huts
tool around these Il toyed things whose
httlm,v odors please 101' nose F -it hitt;
sante reason 1 suppose ;" and as the
bee pursued its way tutt'uee Lhe utettd
with Bower gay, the man, Itis mind
nn Inwtvledge belts, tagged Itl'l'i u'hitf-
soe'er it went, At last. It peached a
hollow tree, and elralght inside flew
Dir. Bee. The cave -nem, 111 et or all
the raue all ieseet's- wandet.'iegs Ln
trace, was frill cif wonderntell t to lemon
What. 'mule the bee act. than and so,
Costly Treatment
"1 was teonbled with consLipal'on
and indigestion and spent hundreds
of dollars for medicine and treat•
Inert," writes 0. 11. alines, of Whit-
low, Ark. "I wont to a St. Louis
hospital, also to a hospital in New
Orleans, but no cure was effected.
On retnrn'ng hone I began taking
Ohaulberlain s Tablets, and worked
right along. I used them for some
time and ant now all right." Sold by
all defilers,---
Miss Mabel Strasser spent the week
end with friends in Goderich,
Roy Everett left for St. Thomas,
having accepted a sitnatinn in that
citea •
W. E. Hinchley, who had a rusty
nail con in his foot recently, is able to
get around again, though his foot is
still very painful.
5 to the
Pose" that tort of woke them up bf electors in the coixnty. It is eltpect-
danger of carrying so-called fun to fere eel that the vote will take place in
There's a moral in tide Note to 'a few 1,N'uvembee.
[enrolment No. 880. Not Iospeeted, Forst 8
Under re1,•nletiens Outer'to Statute,
2 Geo, V., Chapter 87.
Ontario StsIHou Enrolment Board
UerttRonte ol'Enrolmetnt of
The Stallion Enrohnc'1, Board of Ontolo
certifies that the name, drecriptl on and pedi-
gree of the Oledesda le Stallion, London's Fey -
°rite titan ) Regietered in the Clydesdnls Stnd
Book an No 11812, owned by :1°1111.1. M°Gavin,
of Lendbury, end reeled in 1004, stns been re.
tolled in accordance itilli Monitor 07 or the
Statutes of Ontario, 2 Geo.' V.
Tide Oertideate const be renewed 0R or be-
fore.tho 81st day of Deeeinber,1018, and within
thirty days after mehange of ownerside of the
said stallion a new certificate must be obtain-
A. P. Westervelt, Secretary.
1 'aa.r Jolm Sriglit.Ahit 11 an.
Dated at Toronto, Ant., t!te ldtd1
do of April, 1918.
Miss Haien Larkiu has been select-
ed as organist in. the First Presbyter.
inn chureh during Mrs. Binder's ab-
sence at Thorold for her vacation.
Oluts. and Sirs. Layton, Mrs, Chas.
' and H,
R. Scutt
the Rebertch Lodge and Grand Lodge
I. 0. 0, F. held in Belleville last week. -
Mc's. A. A. Naylor tend little son
reframed from their visit to 'London.
afr, Naylor was attending
school there, but was through last
At the liereuten's Convention held
iu Hamilton, Seaforth Brigade was ..
represented by Messrs. Smith, Bell and 1
Onghtott, who succeeded in landing ,
the Convention and Tournament for
Seaforth in 1914.
The post°Moe department his placed
a street letter -box itt the emitter of
John and Lonsia streets, which will
entice it nlnre eon veniene rot, the res-
idents in that diseru t. The town has
now thirteen boxes.
3ohn'1'ruesdale, an employee of the
Hydro-eleetrie Co. had itis leg broken
while unloading poles at the station.
A lh•. was snurnoned and reduced the
!mature, removing him to the Dick
lin tse, and later to Stratford 1Iospi-
Samuel Dickens, postullsttn', lath
returned from Edmonton, where he
llaaspent Lhemuse two months with
his son and daughter. ile retorts thee
country looking exceedingly well
Olio year told prospects are bright foe
a tremendous yield,
A. P. Meetens, of the Dominion
Bank, has so far recnvtted from his
ttncident, as to be able to rel nen to
his home In Torotlto last week. Ile
Wits 1tccontpaltied by his sister, who
came to take Utas home, The Mallet
Was extended and Me, Mei 1005 is
convalescing nicely.
The bylaw granting (.Ire Olinton
Knitting Company Ole Ruin of 101011
annually for a period of five venue,
was not carried as L1was short of yoli•s.
company agree to employ 1$ {rands at
the start and wiil employ 50 halide as
sone as they learn the work.
Master Harvey Jacobi, of EgIll ond-
ville, met with a noel aceidenlnn
Friday evening, when ha tramped 011
a beolten bottle, cutting a deep gash
in.his font and severing an artery.
He was rushed to the tloct Les office
where the cut was dreseeil, live
stitches being requited to hold it te-
get her,
thereesbytetian Church ohnir"gave
a pleasant surprise Marty Irl .1, l..
Yule, former lt'ailt'r, at the tnanxe, nu
L/'riclay evenii'g Rev, le, H, tend 5115,
kin proved 111e best of hinds, noir
1tnostenjoyable evening was spent,
The event took the place of the Minh 'n
Amount picnic ie Mtyihld. held Olen
year on the 10 vivid of Me, Tele. This
you, iliWe'ele his ';Icy itt ton'h «115
brief, as he left again on Saturday at -
d II I ilf Ily" ell'l,l The leteofslete OttthbpYill
told a hl a he Jut
ggn e 1
('tote I n the opening he er'eet and beer.
et' tri 1 n t Lir' busy hive -toy goodness
graeions sakes alive 1 you should have
sero that t'al'e -luau ship when swarms
ul' heox cue
with it el p, anis speeding
1111 t•evelegel'ul lungs, they. filled his
lnekot full of slims. Yet while he
relwuuetl thus, "i here's 201118 gilod
rause 1'ur Lill this fuss ; 1 int resoivim
Lhat.1 utast sou ow buttons of 11118
mlysLery," He spent mein days lu
eitrel'ul Ibought',, thee irnm a nearby
critter brought a pail of testi gni wing
red which vetted that. Yea's dty base
Ire emend, and when it toppled to the
gionnd it stare o1' hidden sweets lie
foetid, The rtwral nl' this Lai,. . is plain
though what it is i ea Wt. explain,
Fall Fairs
TltATillt from bot 1.1, tut, 0, Morrie,110t
W :rNiel'oldNhrt,re1uttactor 11110 nu
hornet!. Any tel i eieti n lend leg lo fix re-
ruverY will be Ih1u11011111'rru Ise 1.
,."dhoan1141). ---1V61,51111tAH1tItN,-
E L,IUlllldi t i(Ol°Iilt2?Y Fou. Lao 011 TO
ltttnr.-Tho borne repenl11' vevelfl by
Jolla 11 Berney, who moved 10 (1m4ph now it
ae the loot err properly, Tot sherry etrc01 lx
offered en• stile ur 11 not suld 0111 Le rented,
There le a eoulferteble hoose, geed ett,blo and
l; nares of laud with adouble en rar nc ill Fine
Sru. For further 1
W. 11. Derr, of Tan Peas!, Who beide the lieyy.
It tx a 010100 spot to live in and will a eol4l
very reasonable.
- ARM 1'011 SAIJ1,-the eindereign DS users
his tine oust coisitting of about
itdleining Lhe town of Clinton, for sale,
farm is in it geminate of onlblvntion, and lies
ood buildings, brick house, honk butes, driv.
LfY I new.
A !lest close young orchard emrielelng all
{Rg ) 1,
tae pigpen etc, allcolltpara ey t
kinds of finite :and also email fruits, The
Wen is well reseed and drithtedl lad is a very
1)0..2-3 desirable home. Iron farther peu•tleulure noels
Sept,3O-OCb UUt,9-8L ont2lite1tieitilaescrnddrree
,IO11N TORRANCE, Winton.
Sept,10-17A1tMFon3A1,18, befog South half f.ot25,
0ol,2-3 e- 000.9, Morris township, Huron Go., con-
Sept,11-12 bathing 106 acres more or less. On the prem-
SepL1.0-17 thee
liswiiltdmill&house, IAil cleared exonhb about
nn more. School 15 utiles distant. Only '1158
linen froth Ilimaple , itilei'ex of Fell wheat in
and nbmn, UU a°rex si tI ti down, h'or price,
berms cued other ingDr ebion optth ml the
pt'ontl0os 0l' if u't'ibttl Sensate P. 0• 'Phone
128,1 OeF. S. Hunte, Helmets.
1iRR, Proprietor,
Ditty ton-.
Durham .teept,23-'L•1:
Elmira • Sepe.10-17
Jillnyttie O0,.1-3
Fee us Sept.? L-25
Flee melon 7
Galt ... .....,.
(-learned] ...........
Grund Valley
G u el 1111
Hanover ,
Listowel .....,..
London (\Vesterhl
Mat kende
eiildtnity 1111..,
Moon l Portia
Seltt,l.7-13 66'+EDAR LAWN PARAe" FOR SALE.-
- ,(IcL.4hconderstgNe111oetti,ouluhleflis
lU8 INCno'e farm, being Kurth Reif Lot 28, Con. 8,
, Oot.21-22 Di0•fii township, Harms Co. Farm ie inn good
.Sept, 1(1-I3 tate 0f initive runt, well (paced, and has on it
Sept•, 15-18 aut°.nulided bye derhedgu�8'Itarn62x80feet
Sept, 11.-11) en stone foundation. uo0d oreherd and 10
Ui t, 1 m o9 of
bawl wood bush. Flinn is only n mile
,,1,,,11,1. Se t, 13--19 free the splendid market town of larusele
P and is 134 adios from echonl, Geod eommm�-
"Sept. 111-17 Ity, Pox,ession at 0005, 11'05 further] >perttcu-
Fair) ....Sept, 5-12 ]ere, pries, terms, &o,. apPply on the Druseels
Oct, 14-15 P �0 JOHN htonNEY, Proprietor,
.......... Sept, 29-30
Sept, 17-18 .. _
Orangeville ......'lept. 13-10 r
Owen Sound Oct. 7-8 �i11 �-����
Paisley .Sept. 23-21
Shelburne 'Seel. 23-21 proved
Stratfurel dept. IS -19
St. Marys ..Sept. 23-2.1
Teeswnter,.Uct,7-8 Farms
Tiverton, ..........:..........Sept, 28
Toronto (Gan. National) Aug 23 Sept.13
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1083 Brandon Mau.
There closed recently in Zurich,
Switzerlencl, tine World's Sunday
School Convention, which was attended
by 2 400 dlelegalei, represeuting 70
rt ' S!ttte in the
fel'e,It countries. Ever
Urtlott except Utah and New Mexico,
and every province of Canada except
111 Anil:obe was represented in the North
American delegation. 'Thousands of
visitire from n11 pares of tele wort.] at-
tended the meetings durfrg the eight
days of the Convention 7 ile gathering
Was remarkable to many respects, the
attendance being large tat all of the 45
sessio,s t Ibe 1itYStnges dsltVet ctl wen I.
important ; the intellectual and spirit'.
u Il q 1W'ity of tite ed lreeeee w^s ex
eelleut and the impress made cu the
To Our Friends and Neighbors
You know us. You know we would not - that we could not
afford to- go back on our word. Nor can you afford to ignore
this moneyback -if -not -satisfied offer on ties splendid laxative.
We honestly believe we have the
best bowel remedy ever made -the
most pleasant -to -take, most per-
manently beneficial laxative for relief
from the miseries and dangers arieieg
from constipation.
We wouldn't say this if we didn't
believe it to be true. We wouldn't
risk our reputation by making such
statements did we not feel sure you
would find them true.
Our faith is built both on the
knowledge of what Rexall Orderlies
are made of and on observation of
very many severe cases in which they
have proven their merit.
Try them at Our Risk
If they do not abundantly prove
their merit with you also - if you
are not entirely satisfied with them --
we will refund your money - and we
will do that on your mere say-so.
We don't ask you to risk a penny.
Isn't that fair?
Just let the bowels fail in properly
doing their work -lust let their
action be delayed and incomplete
and the entire system and every
other organ suffers. Wastes that
ehoull have been d;r'pelt d remain
to poison the syotein.
Headaches, biliousness, nervous-
ness and other tormenting and seri-
ous iUs are common when the bowels
fail to act daily as nature intended.
All this tnay bo avoided, if you will
accept our advice,
taste lust like candy. They are
soothing and easy in action. They
do not cause griping, nausea, purg-
ing or - excessive looseness. They
tend to tone and strengthen intestinal
nerves and muscles. They promptly
relieve constipation, and help to per-
manently overcome it.
Rexall Orderlies promote better
spirits and better health. In all of
these things they are vastly superior
to old-fashioned, harsh salts and
other purgatives, which are not only
unpleasant to take but which usually
leave the bowels in worse condition
than before, We particularly recom-
mend Rexall Orderlies for children,
aged and delicate persona.
Roxcel Orderlies come in vest-
36otabl tin boxes.
0X1. 80 tablets, tablets,
CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Rexall Orderlies are not sold by all drug-
gists. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores.
You can buy Rexall Orderlies in this community only at our store:
Thee' a1 Store
There is a Rexall Store in, nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. There is s. different Resell Remedy for nearly every ordinary human M-
eech especially designed for the particular ill for which it le recommended.
The Rexall Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores
The nervee control all actions of the body so that any-
thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs of,
the system Early indiscretions and Excesses have
ruined thousonds of promising young men. Unnatural
Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never develop
Loa proper condltionof manhood. They remain weak-.
]logs, mentally, physically and sexually. How you feel?
Aro you nervone and weak, despondent and gloomy,'
apeohs before the eyes with dark circles under them,
weak baely kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart,
bashful, debilitating dreams, sodlmeut In urine, pimplee
0n the face, eyes eunken, hollow cheeks, oareworu ex.
pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, tick energy
abesemooile,prematuredea mornings, tired e,bonpains, hair loose,etc.
Thie a the conditiononr New Method Treatment is
We have treated Diseases of Men for almost a life-
time and 00 not have to experiment. Consult Int
and we will tell you whether you are curable or not.
Wo guarantee curable caeee of
Free Booklet on Dice we to foMen. If unable to call
f9 r; s t
Cor, Michigan
Ave. and Griswold St,, Detroit, Mich,
,All' letters from Canada must be addressed
to our Canadian Correspontl'eftce Depart.
saseleweillemmen cent in Windsor, Out.. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
510 patience 411 ottr Windsor offices which ate for Correspondence and
ttaboratoty for Canadian business only. Addressall lettere as follows:
DRS. KENNEDY & KENNZDY, Wiatltiore On`.
Auto our pie -vete address
is prepared to supply the hest
goods m Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wa-
al! Bowls for stock, etc.
Depths Lo Pntups promptly
attended to,
(live One it call,
Ar HAVMANN Cranhrook
Thousands of snit tions yonhg pen'
tt>lo are fast preparing In their 05111
tt01)1e8 t0 oeonpy lucrative positions es
stenographers, bookkeepers, 'telegt'a-
pliers, civil servants, in :feat every
spllerabf activities, Youmay fl,>iell at
cellege if pon so wish. Positions gmu•-
anteeit. Enter college fitly ring, Indi-
vidual instruction. Expert tt•tichern,
Thirty yea•e experience. Largest
brahtete in URneda. Seven eoltegee.
Special oonrse for teesltere.
Af2tinted with Goin n>eraiul F,duos-
tor'sAnsacintio> of Cn»n011. Sun er
shoot et (5)000s Spattot 20 einemCmul,
lege, Loudon,
Wingham Rosiness College
„,° W T. Molise.
Seo i s N
U o
• tl nL
Pr stile >t, Fri
e i t
u r° e d
At your home without
pain, danger br operation.
NIy method will 'cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
natter what your age. is
or how long 'rupttu'ed.
Why wait until your rtip-
ttlrebecomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Bo not wait -. EiII in coupon
Age R 1.
Time 111 1111
.. i
Single or Double 1111 .... . ..........
Mune . ..... .
and return to
J. S. spVMMq�I1'I
se Caledonlet St.
Dept. A Sts11rtfo"d, Ont.