HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-8-14, Page 5RUNINERR OARDR, WM, SPEN CE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER 01?' MARRIAGE LICENSES thioJr 4 the Posto1n1)o, Ethel. a.0 . 4 JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED Irrlsattakes OVANZPVZ aJYr2s.�i1i do AUCTIONEERS. �A 1 B. SCOTT S AN AUOTION- i• uan, will sell for er prices,to better men, in )era time andIone charges than any other Auctioneer East Huron or be won't charge aytbing. Duoo and orders eau always be arranged at this oliloe or by p . none! applloatlon, ,LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. S1510LAlIi— C I • Barrister' Bullonor, Conve sneer Notary Public, &o.U1600-Stewart ay Block 1door North o1 Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. 1.30011DPOOTHAYS.& 13ILLORAN eLlBARRISTERS, SOLICITORS,' NOTARIES 1'(113 LIC, ETC , W. Ynouoeoor,1 E. 0, 1.1 O. Have J. L,ICJ nnoae3 UlUaeo-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron trr Bolt, Boonl(1ae, ' ONTARIO.' L A N o LIVERP00 A5GOW-L0NDON44R ' Large, comfortable stn amers--every convenience, every luxury. Forinform- ation apply agents, or 8 :95 Icilrig et W 4141 TORONTO. INE ROYAL MARL STEAMS P • Jr W. H. KERR. A gent Allot Line, Bruseelo. r„vA c rAvaYAr rpv� `v ``ypc gAOb d 1; Fall Term opens September Ind 5 Make your Decision between • Success and Failure. A course in the Popular ELLIOTT roc int TORONTO, ONT. y� • Will prepare you for au excellent posi- • tion hlthe Business World. Tho 91st • step Is important -your choice of a School. Our eatalogae explains why g, G1118 College minim among the best on v4. this continent. Write for one to -day, • Enter now. r, Cor. Yonog an(1) W. J. ELLIOTT, Y Alexander Sts. f Principal. '?*1.74/4 of aa7 v 9e:g ZrN'9ZWgArsi err (ra 6a'4k gaitseS1rra4iEalllica4afli real , Fill TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 2nd CENTRAL STRATFORD• ONT. Canada's Best ort Business College Is OA We have threeDepartments-Com- 4 nlereinl, Shorthannd Telepaphy. 3f Warne ore thorough and4 F� t t p e 111 Ol trot We have t strong 01staffrofgraduates experienced .. g y,4 iI i tl mimosa. and .our for our free moat pf with euoaosa. Write our frGo tlntn- p„ logue and lentil what we are doing. R $ ' D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. . . 6,...M1>' ..vd.Y.S.VAA'SMAS.41185..7aSt.lcasAvzstagesej4P '1vpx.yt�v oz..?A ,r;Avaotro.2= • First r 0 0 Listowel Business College Yourii7, 1,e .toward aucaees. ,- ;\ 13'elt term opone Seplon,bet 2 SendEor new free ontnloi,ue to EDWIN Q. MATTHEWS, Prin. p. �Pt;rmi xsta'9,(r�'6,(s'a'4ce'a1r�;a`s fsea�PacaA1�PRLa �l THE Best:Brain's in Oap114a havepaeipn ted, in (lie pro' paraben ox Dur splendid 'Home Study (0tgay in Banking, Economies, Moller llet Aoonttng UopnuerolaArt. Show , (atWriting,Photography, Jo�nnl gm, Short .yGa,yW�horEhnna and BookkeepIing •Select the wear; ,vhioh most intm'e9Ee you and write us, for pnrtfouln,s: Address • THE SIM CCRNESPRNHENCE SCHOOL 391.7 Vongo St., Toronto taississiiiguirsosamisixesaimansisimams G. M. ;Verral's, stable' at Sanford', Mari„ leas burned, uiueteen horses being destroyed. The loss is 87,000, Albeit Walker, aged 5, son of W, Walkel•,"WIlo resides three miles out of Ailsa Graig, had his left eat' torn off when he was trying to separate two dogs which had started to fight, He II:'d gone over to a neighbor's place and tock iris pet clog 99111( him. Soon after his arrival hie dog and the neighbor's' got into fleteo tight, and when the child tried to seperato iholii Otte of the Animals flew at him anti tote his ear right off, He is 4oi(tg nicely at present and unless poisoning(,levelops no serious results are anticipated, Mee • .8111>�.•4l(.,ai4•.Aw�t..i�,.(a.�+ W. H, LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer Order promptly r Orders )'OYrI 11 and Cafe- 1 ! ) 'all attended O 1' 1 1 Gtct (l L eight f i Y b day, Phone 228, 1 ETHEL., ONT. • TTT`ITT7T'7771'• Business Cards OR, T, T. M' -RAE Bachelor of Medlofne, University of Toronto ;. Licentiate and Graduate of the College of PRP 810101,0 nod Surgeons, Ont, . Post -graduate Chwago Evo, Ear, Nose. and Throat Headed, (Aicago, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to St. Mirth. sups Hospital Toronto. 0(210e over Ir. B. Smith's Drag Store, Tele- phone connection with Oraribrook at all ,tours. DR. F. T. BRYANS Healthier of Methane, University of Toronto ; Lioontiato of College of Physicians end Sur- gomre, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Wheat of late Dr, A. Mo5eveY Smith Bloat, Bruesels. Rural phone 45, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL. ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London (Ong.), New York and (lineage, Hos- pita l& oa•pitals, Speo(al attention, to disease of eye, ear, nose and threat. Eyes tested for glas0e0. OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ur to Veterinary Coll,6 and night onuo, Moe oppositee Flour Mill, �hel. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personalraduate Departmentf g o Ophthal- mology, inuln McCormick Medical College, gy, M O K , I (lir is prepared to Ergs eyesHca and at glasses see at her hui' over Friday 0 $nstl ts,'da, Brussels, en Thursday, Friday and p. 191, er of every week. Office hours 1 to 8 p. m; arorenoon. by sppob,tnlent, Ph011e 1219. T. R. BENNETT Will give bettor satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other Auctioneer. and -only aharge what Is reasonable.' Sales nondnctod anywhere I0.On to rio. Pure-bred stools sales n specialty, Write or 'phone 213 Wroxeter. 67.6a.4eD `2'fe!dk'.f3` lid IA wwR r BRUSSELS 00100 SOUTH..(10100 1(011319. Moil 7:Oi a Express 1005a 11, Express 11:25 n m I Mal.- ......... 1:59 p in Express 2:55 0 m Express 8:62 p m Camattrs.lb' ?aF,'ir.r WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express 7:52 a mExpress 12:10 a 111 Express 2:47 p m I Expraes 8:85p 111 WROXETER Going East - 7:05 n. In. xnd 8:55 p. ,n. Going West - 12:40 end 9:47 p, in. Ali trains going East collect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. Seaforth Miss Bate Brdedfo(it, of Hamilton, spent 11 few days with her mother aud 313lt(1(!e1'. v. 1111(1 Ml's. A. W. Barker, are in \Vallaceburg, where they will spend their holid0ye. Dalton Reid left for Loudon, where he has secured a good position tvitll a lithographing firm. Barrister and Mrs R. S. Hav H s sailed 1 cl on the 9th, via steamer Teutonic, from Liverpool for home. Rev. l+' H. Larkin has. returned from his holiday trip through the West looping and feeling benefitted, Mrs, W. G. Wilson add grandson Kenneth, of Detroit, are in town visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Willis. The Canadian Order Of Foresters, accompanied by the Band attended service at the First Presbyterian church Sunday evening. 791e following are the prize winners in the Field Competition held in con- nection9vith the Seaforth Agricultur- al Society. Thomas Creighton of Moo•etowu acted 'as Jucige :-lot prize -A. and J. BroadfOot, Tucker - smith, 08 points 320.00; 2,1.0 prize - A. P Icoat .Curiersuuth 901 pante, 1600 ; 31 d 1 ize— R A.Octtu (ell p Mr Killp 87 poluts 312 00 Stir pviiye John McDowell 111eKillop 83 points 310.00 ; 5t:h prize -11037. Doig, lucket smith 82 points 38.00 ; 0th 'prize -Pett. Alt:01 1th, Tucico'suiitll 81 points 7th prize -James Finletysnn TuOlcet- sunth 80 points $4.00. The crop was wl ite (rats. How Tho Trouble.starts .Constipation 19 the cause. of'wally ailments and dlsulders , that make life miserable. lake 01111r0berlabl'e' 'I"af)lets, keep your bowels regular and ' Yen will' avoid these diseases, :For side by ail dealers. • Blyth' h .A1 ios Muriel Pt>welil B. A, (if Lnli- tion is the guest of Mrs. R J 111.. 13au: ' Rev, 1D. W. J'ewilt, who has Ibeelt wh111 his navel]ts '1(L thiol.•p(u'sonage; :I fl tesi 1Y i1 the Mclhid101 chinch ab 9tMarys for foto 811nchtys Tile Erten ds of Rev, and MIs '1'11 viler; will be pleased. to learn that 3tlxr41 little d(tilgh,te), Alice, who has been quite seriously ill, is iulpeoving. Of 5 pupils tlyiilg the .examinations •far entrance in the Normal schools, the folln9viu(feet,' 131y111 school were successful : ,Almi(..1W/tine ' (honors) Glodis- 1). Laundy (helloes) 'Willie \l aius, id, Morale wits selected, ns repro, se11ht11 e. to the Grand Lodge..at13cllevillle, this week. S. .1.; 1 - aUule,-aritud Representative to 'the .Sovereign. Gland Lodge which Will be held in Minneapolis next it(inth,, is a1 - 'so i1) attendance at Belleville. , Prank Metcalf left .131x111 for ,Medicine TIM,W•elbeeta, where he *ill :take ttrilis duties as Dominion Fruit L Ttispretor. Al r.•Alel•enlf 4vi11 be moon Missed in the business and social life of Bly(h, baying for the pest 35 years conducted a book and stationery bt sines here. Mrs. Metcalf and Miss 1.71111, Will, we tindetstand,: not. leave for the West fox a few Weeks. At the lent meeting of (Jetta Ivy .Leaf, do OO , )eldest Order t lot of ores 's 1 Grit an u h I ( arose 11 sa was 1100( 1 and presentation made ade to Mr. Metcalf, A HardOasts eo G.erco o. v m r Nolonger necessary to sutler Nom Every ,muscul(u' rheumatism.,.,very rase can be (ureal, 1+'el rosette is unfailing its proved by David Johnston et Ormond, On, ''51y wife witsa dreadful sufferer" be writes. ^'Fur two yea1S she could s(:al'cely do any week. Bee 1(01101(1es anti .111111 111 swelled, causing torture. To get up or down emirs was impossible, She took box after box of 1+'errOzo(0 and rubbed the 0010 places with Neevi11ue, Improvement started and she Mended fast. Today she Is quite 1)18(04 and we thank Ferrtz0ne foe her recovery," No remedy more popular with doctors than Fel l'0'/,1111('; it does cute, 500 }lee box at all (leak's. Ooderich „ There are some 15 families camping at A(17'111'0 Point, Hlu'huld Keefer, editor of the Nor- wood Register. is on it visit co ills uncle, A..1. 1?allridge. Rev. John Pullout( has resigned I'1orn the pastorate of t1(1 Uudel•ioh Baptist church, eesignation Laking effect September BM. Hugh Al. Pulley- of Winnipeg, is o1) u holiti(ty visit to the old Joule town, looking; its LheughWein bhe'big \\'est- 4,n.tiLY age1)l with 1(199. Bell Telephone 4). have 4 e scull' of when at Wurk'diggiug tile (1I ellclh (111 the Square preparatory to putting (111)11- Wil'ed 1(1 conduits underground. Ales. \V. Dawniug(nee Mlis 51 intik) Al'ulstroim) and n geand-dna, ghter of Mrs. Carrick,,who with ,her husband rare vislling here floor \Viiinipeg, un- derwent an «Ideation at Stratford Hospital mid is progressing favorably, he1'2110uds will be pleased to hese, Thus. and Abs. DO 111 rived in town Prem their honeymoon trip Thuesdav night of lost week mid by the looks of (lei . residence nee 1, 100111- iug 0(11(10 0f their friends 911(11) met (117 1)1 were well 0111.1111ie4 With (lee 11114 01(1 shoes. ' Thomas Oreighlon, ' of Mom eLowu, L21111131 1111, County, the Judge appoint- ed by the Department of Agriculture in t1e Stan(111g Field. Oeop Competi- tionhas aWiu'ded the prizes as Fol- lows for oats : Points 1st, 1-1. L. Salkeld, Guderich Tp.....8i3i tad, John Sowerby .,..82 31.d, 1I. Keith Revell 81 4111, R. 3. AlcA1a111 804 50i, G. 11. 11111, Colborne .....78 0th, Isalle Salkeld, Godeueh Tp.. 771 7th, Gen. LaiLllw,tithe .,.77 Pity The Busy Office Man. lie feels half dead, (Lsellse 01' nausea, headncheand nerve Arabi. Ile is on the verge of le ealcdown (11('11*(glh Over- work and lack 0f exercise. These difficillties are best overcome by Dr. Hamilton's Pips, which make the bnwels active, 81inlulate kidneys and liver and thereby five the system of impurities. To revitalize and stimulate your whole being, to shake off lethargy and tiredness, nothing compel es with De. Hamilton's Pills, which du make good looks,cod spirits, gond health. Sold everywhere in 25c boxes. Atwood Bert. Wilson, 0th con., is having a cement siip erected. Win. Holman slipped 10 horses from Monkton to Rosetotvn, Sask. Anniversary eel'vt0e9 of the Metho- dist church will be held Sunday, Sept. 21st. R. S. Ballantyne is at Stratford hospital where he underwent 'an operation. Rev. \V. A. Amos, B. A. left Mon- day of lust w..eelc for his vacation, t pi'. 1 t ' Dining nL his absence the ( t the 1 pulpit Presbyterian alurelx will be occupied by Rev. I. W. Pierce, of Montreal Quarterly service at Donegal Sun- day morning August 314 931113 well at- teuded. Monday, afternoon Official Board met. Luke Lucas was•appOitt- ed to attend Financial District meet leg to be held in Stratford in Septem- ber. It was decided to Melte ex- tensive P oil t(.+ church. Len ive (n rovements I l arch. Building is to be rinsed; basement put ander, new entry bnllL aa11(1 111e entire outside re bricked Interior will also berent) veted. Committee consisting of A. Robb,\V, Boyd and H. Paler wits appoinYed to obtain estimates of cost. • A Case In West .Arlohat , Mrs. A Ferguson 114 wall known P. 1 (.i gn t (i Cape 1310toit0r ...has curet, asthma by V1Calarehozrule." Her statement Is annvin0ing1 "Although I Was troubled for years tC 990,8 mily'1Ocently I tried (lnlnt,lit teem. \'Nide' en attack stented ,gut 1,11,1 lay hamlet. ami Mein iably got milek 1(•1305. Fueling satisfied (,(ttiu'rlozotu' a oul(1 ems., I cuuti,nurd the treatment 1i11 rutt vtt 3 (1 +40 1 ase 121010• begans( I wits ('nr(11 anti 1110- 00(111na has 1109(1 .rot tuned (alar rhozono 1s 0110 death to asthma and bliiuiiltitie I.ry i6 ((ild be 011(1Vineed. 'Cwo sizes, 25c and 31.00 at all deitlere. Wingham Fuurdi1,11(lno Nitrite' will be ..111- stall'e(i on Allain street, Gns, Uo1r.nohl"11 It f(iriliee \VIng.- 11(tu boy, who now resides in 11e `Vest, ie l'e.1lewiilg ((oq(lal((1(1(111(00 111 tow la. A, and Ales. 0090115 (uul little (laugh tel, Mut}, (use spending' it couple or 9900'1(0 in Markinaw. tllelma(A.Johh Ken. and silt has disposedof then' business . to.. Jos. It avid. who ie now. 111. possession. An Old Boysl•e•uni(nl may be held - early next Angnst, edit alis \Vorsl3(1 Mtlynr'V01'81(91(0 wilt Gull a meeting of 1 heed hens to dismiss sane:. Arunlal Snudny School aud (1(11- gleg14tiomtl pieni0 in 00011(.01(111 with (Anglican') (1m)eI w4' St, h0u11's (Aux u ) 1 as 1(113 on 7110 Lnwrr'ITwn Mite 1(11 \\'('dnev- 01m', The " r Mai , ( Ile, en el d'y I1(. Ind lel 1 f Own Cana(lian' 1.1 Av n ) 10'10 I`ri,np 1(1'; $ y.pooute, intend .to g( for e1 Glneul diva0OI0)inCherIll+'1v frrin'Atlg, tial,330L1twSeptember ' jtsi ; • Sallow Camplexin° Incicttto nodies tina euns I0 n oe liver teoublFRI PILLS will i regulate your syeteUJ and built} up the ' 1' I 1 ( Ot L'ee O 1117 you V f e tl V 1 call sleep 11 and enjoy life. I dealers 1) d ff AL n 1 21) 0115 jF 1 Fig 50 cons or The 1 7 Pill f bCo.,C)St, .1'houut0, Ont. Sold end recommend.. ed 31) Brussels by J, Dox, 1)rngglst. Clinton Miss Aittyfeld AIM, is visiting 111 Cleveland. Ohio. Fietnk O'Neil returned from Moose Jasv and reports the outlook gond in the Western Provinces, Up to date 31 80('vi0es have been. nutde this year to the \Vttterwol ks system and 0 more applications have been made for connection. Rev, J, Greene will supply the Alet11- (Mist pulpit in Galt 1.1 tieing the month of August while the pastor, Rev. Mr. Wooten, takes a vacation. Jun. and AIrs. Peacsuu, of 01111 - Lon, announce the engagement of Limit: daughter, 1\3, Irene, to \Valter G. Holmes, Edmonton, Alta., sou of Rob - me and Mrs. Ilo11111', Tm'onl:0, form- erly of Clinton. The marriage will take place the hatter part of August. While W.Lobb, 16 con, Hunan', was busy doing something to the barn he stepped throng') a trapdoor or feed hole and fell to the floor of the stable below, 'meek Mg ,his eul114r bone and otherwise tujnrnlg himself. He was llIl1(Ili r U > 1s .i us t l en picked i v c 1 r ). Medical (Gid was at (ince 0nn tnouell laud he is getting along all right. When That Oold Comes. ]low 1s 1t to be cured? This tnetlnd is simplicity itself. Rub the. chest 111and throat well with Ne1.911111e, use it as it gargle mid take some in lot water before retiring along with one of 11(•. IlamilUM'S Pills. Next mor'1- iug finds you refreshed, free from eol(1 441)(1 bright as tl dollar. These household remedies 711'0 wonderfully successful, end certainly won't fail in your case. For sale at all dealers. Listowel Rev. \Vo, Kay, of Ebe'Ls, spent 14 few days the guest of Audeow Kay. F. S. Hove is still eouflued to this house as the result of it sprained anile sustained 8 weeks ago. Request, of Agriculture' Society foe 11e use of the Town Hall for fair pur- poses on September 10 and 17 was geaulted by Council. Jas. Hardie, of town, threshed 20 tomes of fine Fall wheat fur J. F. Aitchesun, 401 con. Of ll1ua. 018111 was plump and yielded 43 bushels to the acre. Airs, Adam Pollard ami family, of Leddinglon, Mich., wilts have been visiting W. A. and _Airs. Pollard for several weeks left, for home Wednes- day of last week. Stratford Presby [my will be held in Knox church Listowel, Thursday, August 1401 at 2 p. 1)l., for purpose of considering call to Listowel of Rev. 3. M. Nichol, 13..A.., of \Vilu'ton, J. W. Scott & Son are already in receipt of it check for $17,,440 nom Idle Merchants Five Insurance company as their 01(111.0 of the loss sustained through the fire at the Queen's. R. A. (Annie and George Bray left this week as delegates of heal lodge, No. 160, I. 0. 0. F., to attend the Grand Lodge i1) Belleville. They were accompanied by Mrs. Cliulie and Mrs. Bray. ' Listowel citizens will receive with regret the news of the Intended de- parture (eP. T. Faskin, manager of the bank of Hamilton, who plans with 111111. Faskin to take a six weeks' vacation at Vancouver and other points on the coast, prior to again entering upon active duties elsewhere, Proved After Fifty Years. The test of time has }proved that Pu Ham's 00en Extractor 01110 quicker, with less discomfort and more thoroughly than any thing else. ()entail's no acids, is purely vegetable and absolutely guaranteed. Insist on "Putnam's" only -it's the best. Fordwich A hew telephone line is beingbuilt 9 between hue and Gerrie. Miss Lulu Jackhu of Ethel, is visit- ing with friends in and ai•Own(1 town. 'Workmen were busy building the cement walls between the two bridges here. Geo, Bolt, 4th con., left here Tues- day morning of last week with a West ticket flat will take Lim as i')1)' Rest as Edmonton. He Was accompanied by his father, A. Holt sr., and his uncle, Wm. Holt, of I(,Ltzville, who �...,.w ,.. .ter will go its Petr as F3otu'le, Mau, and d1 oaten la 1 Alta.,Pe'11C ' 1)t vol . 1 Y Aire, ,I. 1 1 e I ubu areceived t ale sot Yt l lute Iel '+ I Ig Inc that her brother's little girl had been (frowned In a tub of Y1L 1 1 Lo Alix lI ndul 1 en lo I al went Y ' \Vie o Ott 11L)atLtll the I e )•ll tlel•ILI ht! tSuuu'> t 1(417(1uto1els Supper 41)mr wee observed In the Methodist chinch )sere Sunday of last week. Hey. A1.'. Spence, of Ylilludelphilt, 991(1) 990.8 9(01110 r relatives at Newbridge eon - ducted the service. Morris Council Council met 11) T'owusIip Miall Mon- day July 28(114, The minutes of last Meeting were !read and approved on 1011tiun by Laidlaw- Nretolr. On motion by Johnston -Laidlaw the 00(struclhnl of the hopper thetiu was awarded to John Happel' at t1e sum of 3025.00. Report on the Inglis drain WAS read and -un Motion by Fraser- Mizell Wets provisionally adopted, The 13y -late on the Black drain was finally adopted on motion by Johnston -Laidlaw. At the Court of Revision on the Mack drain A. Speit's appeal 99119 not sustained. Following amounts were plaid :- Beach Alcock, scrappers and gravel, 310;00 ; James Clark, gravel, 30.30 Geo, Keel., gravel, 30.30 ; \V. Oakley, gravel, 34.70 ; 0. Pollard, gravel, 32,00 ; James Darier, gravel, $5,00'; James Hall, gravel, 37.20 ; Alex. Cloakey, 41 .11.17141 I a l s (10 011' 1(R . 31125; Alex. Russell, gr v el 11( shovelling, 33.00 ; Tn( Burr, grovel (1013) 31.00 also 33.40 35 30 ; Prank Martin, bal. account; 50e ; Thos. Piero°, opening draln Lot lie, Con, 8, 3),(10 ;Class. Pointed, 1111111;, Itpproae Il 8 i.11's 111 t dlafu.U U 7 1) `h a914 S1°101, g11901, `78,10 ; Margaret 811e11deli, gravel, 35,40 ; Ww, Kerney, Wolk «11 ,tr15(01, �4 OU` Ro l ( i lilf. 41Ovet- ling and gravel, 30.05 . James ((11N1, putting " i t t ;, 1(1 .culvert, 312.00 ; Jaulea Phldult, dee wing gravel and moulds, 34.55 ; Alike licitly, cleaning 1137111, 34.00; 0. hopper, drawing expanded metal, 7Gc ;. Russel Fear, 4t'awing planks and 2 life culverts, 312.50; Win. Phelan, 2111111 (midge 13, C. dealt', 315,110 ; AI rn. Olin h, gravel, 34.00 ; 1) Milker, gravelling North 1201111411y, 315.00: \irin. Bernal d, pules and shovelling, 32.75 ; Linde Jewitt, dile( inti tile, 310.30; Pat A ren, shovelling, :13.110 ; James Niichol, shovelling and gravel 312.00 ; James Peaco+'1. gravel, 311.40 ; Geo. Peacock, gravel 32.4(1 ; 12, 810101, gravel, 34.10 ; Jas. Kerney, gravel, 30.00 ; Gilbert McCallum, 5(0¢•10 bridge, 315.00 ; Peter McAeter, clewing ditch filling washout cement well and cement pipe, 342.00 : Cleo, Stevens, cleaning ditch, 30.7551 Joel Sellers, gravel, 30,40 ; W. 13. Preset., Neer, gravel, 33.30 ; 1t. J1lulet4nl, pave', $0.80 ; Jos. Ileeekenlidgo, gravel, 3.1.40 ; David Jewitt, gravel, H3I3.0 34n1;•1111)1's' f1o11r, sGlrGa3sv , lg l aye0, 8 11i1( 7P0; 31. Kelly, et 'I 1 l y t, avel, .`60110, Wm, Moore, damage to auto 111000 Johnston & Peltuork, o1) tile, 3227.00 ; John HOP - pee, gravel, bG411 1JHopper, 81, •1i] l[ t. 1 . Il *ZOO • B4'h 7..:50(1 soo�. gravel, 8,50 1 .1, 1C(lly, shove lin 001 3 1 $. .1, Dunbar, shovelling, 31.50 ; Greens :away & Breckenridge, Peacock Drain, 33)0.00; Jos, Gueenaway, 141agee Drain, 3459.00' A. (Tonin, an Bird Drain 3800.1)0; J. J. AlcOaitglley, watering bridges, lanterns on two bridges 318.00 , Jos. (trashy, stone at Clegg's bridge 310,00 ; Jae. Alruhie, 50(1(1, approach tiueshine bridge, 3110.00 ; A. 0101110, cleaning Clrasb drain 37,10 ; .1. 3. McOau he , Wing- 11010 in - 11010 road, 3800.00 ; A. MaoE ver two le.)epllo,1ee. 050, ; Hoe') .A.leook, .Me- Caugley chain, 3120.00 ; Thos, Millet', cowers, 37.110 ; James Davis, repels (whet;, 35 00 ; 11. Vint, abetment 1st line, 3500(1(1 1 W. Ferguson, hlspeet- • lug 335.00. Meeting adjourned to meet again Monday Ang. 251(1, 1913, A. MAcEwiw, Cleric. A non of Hold. Goforth, Pullin ton, fell from a 9v4tgon resulting in the breaking of an al in. 0190•••• ..... •••••••••••••• 0110•1500001110.0•••••••••w••• . • •0 • w so • • • • • • • 0 • lihinieif'iiiiiesil •• s• e Having disposed of my Harness Business to Mr. B. F. Carr, who is now iU possession, I wish to introduce and also recommend him to my customers and the pub• k lie generally. IIe is a practical man of wide experience and will serve all who deal with him in first-class style. 1 I wish to thank the public for 27 years of patronage and Ihope a goodly share will be accorded my successor. Yours Truly, I. C. RICHARDS. t OMAN COULD • NOT WALK I0 • • She Was So 111—Restored to •a Health by Lydia E. Pink• - • • • • • ham's Vegetable Compound. Pentwater, Mich.- "A year ago I was very weak and the doctor said I had a serious lace- llirse)'"11111 i""''1183: ment. I had back- Bur11ll it i ache aud bearing i> IIi down pains so bad j ' ro ,)( sill ill I could not sit sl , .' , ;11, ;1;7 in a chair or walk Ili'((17 1i)t s;l' across the floor and 1 ain sii. iii'14i all theI was xti sevee. re felt +111 ✓ •• 3a ;Sri idiscouraged as I had I// taken everything 1 14 could think of and was no better. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg ctable Compound and now I am strong and 'healthy. "-I9Irs. ALICE DARLING, R.P.D. No. 2, Box 77, Pentwater, Mich. Iioadw11atAnotherwoman says: Peoria, Ill. -"I had such backaches that I could hardly stand on my feet. I would feel like crying out lots of times, and had such a heavy feeling in my right side. I had such terrible dull headaches every clay and they would make me feel so drowsy and sleepy all the time, yet I could not sleep at night. "After I had taken Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a week I began to improve. Mybackache was less and that heavy feeling in my side went away. I. continued to take the Com- pound and am cured. "You may publish this if you wish." -Miss CLARA L. GAUWITZ, R.R. No. 4, Box 62, Peoria, Ill. Such lettersrove the value of Lydia P Y E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for woman's ills. Why don't you' try it? • l 0• • + ♦ JRwHIRrV • • + • + • o • . • 'F • Re sins .; • • w®1® w • ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ♦1'• ±. Order your • • ,i-Have'yo.ut- Watch, • 4 p. Surnmer. a' + Suit ' • Clock and Jewel- • • • ry Repaired at • 4. 4. J. R. WENDT'S, • r 'i+ i + + ' W 1'0X0701' and you .s 4. will get satisfact. - • EARLY AND AVOID 1._ I . THE . RUSH a, • tion. Fits Right, �' • • • 0 0 0 • • • 0 0 e • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • s • • • 0 • 0 0 • • 0 I will keep on hand and manufacture Light and Heavy ® Harness and carry in stock a full line of Trunks, Valises, Sat - 0 chels, Dusters, Whips aucl all -other accessories usually found in an up-to-date shop. •• Special and promptrepairs. attention ill to r s • p ton pa epa • • Will be glad to be favored with your patronage and hope • to prove myself worthy of your confidence. Call and see me. • • • B. F. • • • O • earr • 0 Collars manufactured to suit any particular horse. • • • 1. Ready for Business Richards' Old stand Brussels • • w 0 • 0 0 • • • 0 0 • 0 • 0 • • 61 • 0 • • 0 Q 0 0 LV • • 0 0 • s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • •a • • • • 0 • • • . 1•t 0 • • • •sows•.•0.00.•.0ow00•0006O••0•••0.0•••••0.0••••••es• ••e••••oo•ecesso••oeessee••osooes•eassa000•oo••••••e s • O• "You're / ys r it®��r w/e1�� 1t4y • • • 0 e o, w • • • 1 i The Right Track • E' •It , r:T'.-•;�, 1 1ti if to the • Gra ) 0 • so s ' i' )r lr e t a Ilwa ler+ e� • F(ai kit3lil - • • • • •• ;,,, Link -Blade - • irti• ' You look•for Relief from your w O k e 01st r Troubles. . Cream S o b h ,x p . s°I.1) "4 310:;— • • •••s"'1 'Il't Look at it 1 ' •• • \ Size its substantial construction, • r'!� 1 • 0 i ,�'�.� ;> only n slight indication of 7110 super, • toe wol•li mt(1 endurance of which it iv • capable, • • • • "STAY ON" till you've tried a Simplex -in your awn daily, 1101, you're safe, w o , * Patented, Manufactured and G1a1111teed by the pioneer 1111(1 larg- est mantlfeetnr(a•s of Dairy Supplies and Who first introduced the. Con( • Lrifngal Oreem Separator 111 America ; itis the product of litany years' • work turd study and is the ever increasing "Dairyman's Favorite." 1 M • Nob depelding 011 Gigantic and Costly Advertising Campaigns, • Travelling Salesmen, 1+ree Machines and Free Trips to A1r,erlts, etc„ to rush saleswe are able. to embody ule saving thus afforded ill SllperiOr - • construction and ur11terial and Lhtis give the user more value for his • • money. ( • • Call or Write and We will tell you:181071) shout it, • •• •io Workmanship Right + e 4' and Prim Right s R g All Work Guaranteed • ,l. t + • Good Values in Paramatta Halo Coats *4' •IE®l — • • • :J. R. Wendt: ti 0 • 00.11101d see the ,p. 109901101 and Ln raver W. P Fraser • g d , ..pp.. 't' Merchant 'Tailor .1 + Wroxeter* • y< +++++++.1444.4.+++++++4.4.+++++ ++++.1444.4'+++++++'i' +++++ +e+•+0544'14+++++,+e+•4'+ 4.+++. e a 0 • • i w • A ant • g. o w • w Mctaueb!Jn,, ,. , �r11r3 • cels w •,..............„........,„.............................• • 0 0 0