HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-8-14, Page 4`L �ilr
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HURRAHfor Kincardine,
CANADA continues to climb.
Tux .Duchess of Connaught is not
Progressing toward recovery as rapidly
SS was hoped and is quite poorly.
A rumor bas been on the rounds that
the Canada Temperance Act petitions
in Huron County were thrown out on
account of being too tate in their deposit
with the sheriff. There is not a word
of truth in the story and polling day
will probably be announced before long.
No fault would be found by the public
generaily, if Sir John Gibson's term
were extended as Lieutenant Governor
of Ontario. We have had a fine lot of
men at this important post and the pres-
ent occupant is well up to the head of
the list.
A1rlea'a •deb of about 20 years in
Detroit over the question of reduced
street railway fares it looks as if the
people win and if so the rate will drop
from 5 to 3 cents. Some of those
city franchises are a veritable gold
mine to the companies and keep alive
the question of public ownership.
Putvtrs HAwxINS in winning the
King's Prize at Risley recently made the
nth time for this honor to conte Cana-
dianward. The sons of Canada have
scored many a victory of one kind and
another across the briny. Edward
Hainan set the ball a -rolling a good
` many years ago, our teddies have been
playing the game ever since and do not
intend to stop.
FOLics often laugh at any fuss being
made over a mosquito bite but a case
occurred at Toronto last week where a
lad, 73 years of age, died of lockjaw,
supposed to have been caused by a sting
from a mosquito, the danger being in,
creased by the boy scratching the
poisoned place. There are many routes
by which people can go out of this
sphere of action.
RELIABLE authorities say the cause of
Temperance is advancing in the British
isles. There was plenty of room for it
in some, places. Old customs and
systems die bard but in the rising
generation is hope for complete em-
ancipation. A thorough drilling and
training of the boys and girls in good
morals is work that can hardly fail to
bring good results,
THIS is the week of the Centennial
and Industrial Exposition in the city of
Hamilton and old boys and new boys
have flocked there by the thousands.
Villages and towns would often do
better if they took pointers from the
cities and on a smaller scale gave
demonstration that they were thoroughly
alive, Nobody is very anxious to make
friends with a "deader."
tasteful side of house
Bata colo aver the so called dis•
people e
to house -keeping ee to is to be
mitigated by increasing vegetable and
other preparations in tablet or highly
condensed form that will take the place
of much of the time spent in cookery,
especially in the Summer season, The
trouble with most of these innovations
is that you often succumb before you
have proven that the new is better than
the old fashioned methods of cooking
and serving meals.
Orme more the question of permanent
military camp grounds is dangled be-
fore the eyes of an interested public.
This time the property is in Elgin Coun-
ty, uesr St. Thomas, where options are
held on 5,00b acres of incl. We won-
der who has the pull now ? Guess if
the intermediaries bad to "cough up"
the cash themselves they would make
haste slowly but so long as the govern-
ment's long purse foots the bill "Let
herjgo Gallagher" appears to be the cry.
XT is said the Powers will ask for "the
Turkey Trot" from Adrianople. 'l'he
Turks overlooked the fact that they
had signed a treaty but before the ink
Was scarcely dry they noticed the Bul-
garians had more on their hands than
they could attend to so wheeled about
and matched into the city they had
been driven from a short time previous-
ly. The play WAS a trifle "sheeny" even
for .Turk.
RECENTLY a 20 year old woman got
hold of a $3oa diamoud ring and that it
should not return to the possession of
the Ilan tdh'o'eoughtfor' it the jewelry
Was swallowed by her "ladyship. A
policeman's services Were called and by
the aid of'tl'etomach'puhtp the babel' of
gold was restored to the owner, 11
would be wise' tot Mr. f1ad1)a in futttre
to have a string 011 his tlianloud
ring sad this would obviate the
fteeellaity of it phyticlaua Por
xwsurms>�uatv,sar r-�._:•„n•.^rxc•_^ccL�:•e:.ic>m:Jtnwcccaw.•saani•.a!h".na m�•,v-^•° :^•w••• 3�••vu sro,• ;,mtna*_o.4swwwnas+>avxlara, s i�..w., ••.,�,..�_ 7•. w. aw ease.... m eee.eswr,.------,-�
•-...,.. ..'ni+"R' j.,.,... ^•..•.+. �"'`r�.�,:..--„,w„•,v W .. ” �.....�...+�.�.."�".'' ..�
The Peeplera Cplurlrorr
fear EhIa diamond swallower Mirada
visit Canada watch opt for the mune of
IM's, Sabagillia as it will be awkward to
atop her if she has formed tire habit.
IN the past three years Chinese im-
migrants have paid nearly $9,000,000
into the Canadian treasury in the way
of entry poll tax. It takes $500 apiece
for the "John" family from China to
get a look -in on Canada, Over 25000
Chinamen sought our shores 511108 moo.
The lesson Is plain that when people are
determined it requires a very high wall
to keep them out.
Good Reason For His Enthusiasm
When it 111(311 has suffered for
several days with colic, diarrhoea o1
other form of bowel c0mplalu1 and is
then cured sound and well by one or
two doses of Chamberlain's Oolic,
Oholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, as is
often the uase, it is but natural that
he should be enthusiastic in his praise
of the remedy, and especially is this
the case of a severe attack when life is
threatened. Try it when in 1150(1 of
such a remedy. It never fails. Sold
by all dealers.
Canadian News
Contracts were awarded at Ottawa
for part of the Toronto barracks.
Out of I,748 pupils in Berlin public
schools 1,454 ate studying German.
Oil fuel for British ships may be ob-
tained front the tar sands of the Atha-
baska River.
Rev. Dural Dean Taylor St. Marys,
went for a tripdo Port Arthur, Poet
1Villiam and DnluLh
J. H. Downturn', living near
Strathroy, sold a pair of young black
foxes to a \Vyorning firm 'for $9,000,
Two boys, picking berries near. St.
David's Ont., killed a rattlesnake more
than five feet in length, with seven
Mrs. Hilton Storms, Belleville, was
the victim of e, stabbing affair, her
assailant being her father, John
The Conservation Commission re-
ported against any export of power
from the Long Sault, or its develop-
ment except by the Government.
The main exchange of the telephone
system 10 Montreal was disabled by a
fire, affecting nine thousand instru-
ments, and pracLially the entire
business district.
• Noruut Robertson, daughter of T. P.
Robertson, of Plyinpton, •while driv-
ing cows across the G. T. R. track
crossing on her father's farm. was
struck by et train and instantly killed,
Ridgetown Dominion declares there
is room for wedding reform 10 this
province. At the time the overage
young couple start out, on life's
Journey they need every dollar, yet
the wedding is made a most cosily
affair for not only the bride's family
but for the young hasbaud who is
called upon to provide a suitable
home for the bride and to assume
cons tan tlyincreasing burdens. Why
not, tasks the Dominion, have a sim-
ple, quiet wedding and let him keep
an his pocket the money that is sim-
ply thrown away in an attempt to
followed the customs of what is called
"Society." A suitable present is In
order, but why snake the "happy
man" dip into a pocket none too
heavy for expensive presents for the
bridesmaid, file maids turd matrons,
the best man, the ushers and eve y -
body who plays a part in the interest-
ing drama ? All this seems very
foolish and unnecessary,
Costly Treatment
"I was troubled with constipation
and indigestion and spelt hundreds
of dollars for medicine and treat•
men 1," writes 0. H. Hines, of \'Vbit-
o w, Ark. "I went to a St. Louis
hospital, also to a hospital in New
Orleans was effected.
Oa returning but no cure rning hone I began taking
Chamberlain'sTablets,and worked
right along, I used iem
for some
time and an now all right." Sold by
all dealers.
Grey Council
Municipal Council of the Township
of Grey met in the Township Hall,
Ethel, Monday, August 4th. 31rm-
bets all present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and confirmed.
Requisition was received from An
drew Meehan asking to have a pert
of the new tllcTaggart Drain cleaned
nut. Reeve was directed to make 13(1
examination of the (11131(1 and have the
necessary work performed,
A requisition was also received frau
Job L. King and Francis Balfour ask-
ing to have portions of the Ball', til
01.31in cleaned out. The Reeve and
Mr, Fraser were appointed to exam itte
the drain and have the necessary re-
pairs done.
13y -law No. 14 for 1913, levying lite
following rates for 1918, viz : hr r
County purposes,. a rate of .00194 in
the $ ; for Township purposes, tt rale
of,003in the $ ; for Gene al School
purposes, a rate of .00155 in the $ wits
put through its several stages abs
finally passed.
The contract for the construction of
the Pollard Drain was awarded to
Henry Alcock, for the suns of $2819 00,
the contractor to put in all surface -
culverts, iia being the lowest leader.
Contract for the Silver Corners
Drain Improvement Nita awarded to
Daniel Reed for $1285.00, his being the
lowest. Lender,
The contract for the construction of
the Inglis Drain was given to John
Matthews for $2200.00, the lowest
The letting of the 14111 Cclnces:doe
Drain Impro'vement and the Coutes
Drain contracts was deferred as
satisfactory tenders were not received.
The following accounts were pre-
sented and ordered to be paid :-
W, 0. Hudson, gravel;. $2,50 ;, Mts.
1l. Brant, gravel, $3.30: Jno. eNhbl',
nement abutments, McRity's bridge,
$220.00; Jos, Ames, commuted Sultans
Labor, $4,00 ; Ml's. McKiimmn, tier
3111ee l mid lamb killed- by dogs, $21,35 ;
IL Sanderson, ti) -e •drain, Wali,
b0undat'y, $1,93; Win, Ward, p111113 tr,
i1t cttleelt,'isnrllirrg".oti1 'ei't plperl ttnd
Falling, 321.00 i ;lobo Mattlletve on
contract Grant Dealt', $190,00 ; J ohn
Loath d making marmot tile, $15.50 a
R. W..iiviugstou, telephoning, $1,00 ;
A. Iii. Mitedouekl, nOt1008 re meeting
Hall Drain, $1.00 ;' Donald McDonald,
inspecting cement wo'k, bridge, side -
road 1. Oon, 2, $12.00 ; John McNabb,
flor, eleiCtty's btillge; hauling iron
bridge and building by -bridge, $45,50;
James Greig, gravel, 33,40.
The 00011011 now tbda0orned to meet
again 00 Monday, September. 5113.
A. 11, MACDONALD, Cleric.
Remarkable Cure of Dysentery
"I was attacked with dysentery
about July 151.13, and used the doctor's
medicine and other remedies with 110
relief, only getting worse all the time.
I was unable to do anything and my
tveight dropped from 145 to 125
pounds, I suffered for about two
Inotitlts when I was advised to use
Ohtunberlain'e 0olic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, I used two
bottles of it and it gave ate penman -
ant relief," writes B, W, Hill of
Snow Hill, N. 0. For sale by all
DEAR EDITUR.-I in Let w'riting
you a few lines to give you my idea
about the West.. \Veil to begin, the
trip around the North shore nI101e
me feel that I was doing penance to
see something grand at the other side.
After. leaving Toronto we paased
Northward through the getout old
County of S'ot'k whore crops looked
fairly good. Hay appeared a medium
good crop and a good many were
cutting about the 8th of July. Thom
Barrie we saw very little good latid
Saw Pot t William by electric light
and it looped to be a very pretty,
place. Left the EMI; about midnight
and got to a place called Iggnace about
5 o'clock a. un. on July 10(11 and found
it very cold and a heavy frost but
nothing to freeze but rocks and I
guess it did theca no hau'm, however,
I will try to find out on my way back
and let you know. Next stop was
Kenora, a very nice place on the Lake
of the Woods a pretty sheet of clear
water. Our next stop was Winnipeg
where We stayed Over for a day and
saw a little of Lhis Image and busy
city, We entrained again for Swift
Current passing through some fine
prairie country, also several nice
towns. The wheat fields were im-
manse anti ,just heading out. Arrived
just l§ hones late for the train going
South fermi Swift Ourreut to Vail-
guald so had to stay twee Sanday
where we went to Ole Presbyterian
church in the evening. They have
two fine chinches ' e in this place.
, drygoods store, 2restart Pall ts, black -
Were ie both. The coating is (lp.(o
date in each. Monday morn ng,
;July 14113, we 1,0013 tram for Van-
guard, 41 utiles Suu111 from Swil'1.
Uureeut, which we reached about 7
p, in, au(1 stayed there over night,
Tuesday We started to Walk to illy
son's, (Joseph A, HHaymtann's) which
is 24 utiles South. We gut a than ee
of It ride with a young man' delving try
1011141 and ttenooeat with n0 load toll
he left us further away than when the
started suwe w3tlketf and engnh'eil
for the way to Pinto ()reek P. 0, and
we Houle our Way to a n eW' town juet
starting called Ihreenmore, on the
Hee of railway frons \Veybtu'n to
Calgary. No steel laid that fee yet.
but expect to haul the geld u. 7s nines
West of this place a new town is call-
ed Aneroid. \Ve stayed at Hazen -
more all night and laude our destina-
tion on the 10th of July at 1 p. m.,
Western tune,. about 3 p. ill. Gram
brook time. In Hazonmore they are
erecting 2 churches one 17ngiish anti
ono Methodist, also a large livery
hare, a large hotel, barber shop, no
barber yet, but 2 billiard tables going
l'ull blast. Aneroid has 3 large livery
barns and large hotel, hardware etore,
smith shop, laundry (13hng Ling) no
church here yet. A Alr. Sutherland,
a missionary, is stationed Here and
has four appointments each Sanday,
one at Joseph Raynlann's house I1)
tulles South from this tntvn at11 a. 111.
He is in town at 2 p. rn. 10 niilea
Soul h \Vest at 4.30 p. In. and one still
further West. The service held at
ltaymann's' was just 'opened on the
20th of July. This Mr. Sutherland is
;lost out from Aberdeenshire 8 months
speaks pretty broad, is a' gond
pretehel• and not afeaicl to tell potpie
what he th111138 of some of theta whys.
Prom all appearance the harvest will
be started of or before Aug. 20th.
Wheat here is looking, fine and it no
frost conies 1t will average front 20 to
25 bushels per acre.
Respectfully Yours,
211511. July 29110, 1913.
Brussels Council
Regular meeting of Brussels Connell
;vas held Monday evening of last week
Present Onnncillors Muldoon, Hewitt,
McGuire and Pryne. In the absence
of Reeve Leckie at Goderirh A. 'Mc-
Guire voted to the chair. A)h)utes of
last meeting read and passed.
Following accounts were present-
Tarr POST, printing a(c....... ..•$ 20 75
P. Milligan, 4803'13 on street 2 00,
G. T.11 freight Pishleigll street
drain tile 10 50
A. Campbell, John se drain,2 00
R. Henderson, coal Town Hall27 00
Sow Winter
Wheat Like
A Blind Man
OPEN your eyes to the fact that there is a better way to -grow
winter wheat. This way is'ohe which, by actual scientific field
tests made throughout Canada, has proven that it will prodpfje
the largest amount of the best wheat to the acre.
The splendid results achieved through this method dependmostly
Upon the start you make. The vitally important part of the work Is
done at seeding time, so start NOW to learn all about this method.
Our Scientific Bureau will tell you about it, free.
Progressive farmers will apply at seeding time a fertilizer containing
2% Nitrogen, 8% Phosphoric Acid and 8% POTASH -better still a
2-8-10. Such a fertilizer insures a goodstandbefore the commence •
ment of winter -gives the crop a greater degree of protection from the
frosts -promotes a rapid and early growth in the spring, and produces
a bountiful crop of high grade wheat.
But perhaps your dealer cannot furnish .you with a,.lo%.POTASH
fertilizer. If he cannot, don't take a substitute, because a substitute
low grade fertilizer will NOT produce the results you Want. The thing , l
to do is to get more POTASH aid add to the fertilizer your dealer fJ
can give you to increase it to'a 10% POTASH fertilizer. We
will tell you, free, just how to do this, It is simple, easy, and
pays. for itself many times over. - FREE
Or :oil can mixyour fertilizer at home, if you wish, 1 1 INFOR-
Our Scientific Bureau will tell you all about it, /J NATION
Decide now to raise the biggest and best -paying wheat. COUPON
crop you ever had. Why not write NOW ? We /
can help you 1 Simply use the coupon attached. /
German ifali Works
German Kali Works, Inc. % Room Tamils 'Bids.,Telesis
lhoolln' 1846 Temple Building J •
Gentlemen t
kiadlvaenr7-md frac i ntormation
TORONTO, ONT, Conecrning the proper way to
.11 raise Winter wheat ao ae to set t)e
. / largest 9osstble profit from my 8059
We have POTASH stored reedy for filmed.
late dhtpmeat.4t a dentral distilbutins I NAME
POW .Nearvou..
r-nwr1Wiittned, rm.,rn0nla.,a1"401.0.
J. (i, 1luy, Joh ul el reel. l.ile ...,., 491 00
11 Oliver, selevy. . lit) 00
POytl &t'o,con 1. .... .I lin
P. S. Scot I, 1)111,,1)8 (Realm,
1115114 i)utiu.... ., . 82 1331
11uvt'il by George 13Iulduun, metallic!.
ed 11y Jou. Ihetet t Butt above. 1(1 -
counts be paid. Carried.
1: 5 )nlxsler Oliver 111)01.1' l the
proceeds of sea185 foe mouth of ,1111y
to be $31 20.
133•14aw NO, 8, 1013, granted .131•us-
sels, (Ivey & 1111111, Telephone Dom -
111u ,v 311157.12, I o be repaid 111 10
yetws, was rend 111111 bales 11101
11ut611y 111154011.
COMM' 110c 1111vir1 int rndulltl the
question of hii4in5 wall't' f1.''w 1lie
s )1•i L vat 11' - I mirk n rl l of II 1L 1r'`•u•
I Turn.
1 g
berry street and pluelog n chinking
fuuuhtiu thine, the n•aler to be pump-
ed by tt Itydrautit ram. Proposal ems
urged now so that necessary piping
could be putted to the John street
server in emiesti of (OIlStt'llelicnl.
Mlenthe'e of Board discussed the
proposition and Qouuelllors Mnldoo),
Fall Fairs
Alliston O01.2-8
ArLhur Oct.0-8
Blyth Sept,30-Oct.1
BeamptoI, Sept,10-17
Si assets Oc1.2-8
Obatswoel11 Sept.11-12
Ohesley Sept.10-17
Dray tun '30113,30-0e1.1.
13,111131111,. .......................... Sep1.23-24
Elmira '31111,19-17
El myrtle . ,......., .. 0(31.1-3
I7'e'gus Sept.24-•25
FIesherlon Oct.0-7
Galt ............................... 001,2- 8
Goderich .... ... .... ..,.... .,.30(11.17-I8
Gorrie OcL. 4
Grand Valley 011.21.--22
Guelph ..::.....................' Sept. 10-18
1lamil1ou ......:................S1 pl. 15-18
Hanovee ........... Sept. 18-10
Holstein Oct,. 1
Ki [teardine ,Sept. 18-19
Listowel '"Sept.:10-17
Loudon (Western hair) ....Sept, 5-12
A3arlcdale ..........................Oct. 14-15
Mildmay ........................Sept. 20-30
Atom] ] L honest, Sept. 17-18
Orangeville ...-Sept. 18-19
Owen Sound ....................... Oct. 7-8
Paisley .Sept. 24-21
Shelburne . Sept. 28-24
Stratford .SepL.18--19
St, Mat•ys................. ....Sept. 28-24
Tees w a ter.. .. Ocl . 7-8
'1'i verton ..................... .........Sept. 20
Toronto (Oath National) Aug 23 Sept.18
\Vialton Sept. 23-24
\Vit:ghaul Sept 25-20
\Vnodstoek ......... Sept. 17-38
Cause for Alarm
• Loss of appetite or distress after
eating -a symptom that should
not be disregarded.
Itis not what you eat but what you
digest and assimilate that does you
good. Some of the strongest,health-
iest persons are moderate caters.
Nothing will cause more trouble than
a disordered stomach, and many
people contract serious maladies
through disregard or abuse of the
We urge all who suffer from indi-
gestion, or dyspepsia, to try Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets, with the under-
standing that we will refund the
money paid us without question or
formality, if after use you are not
perfectly satisfied with results.
We recommend Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets to customers every day, and
have yet to Hear of one who has not
been benefited. We believe them to
be without equal. They give prompt
relief, aiding to neutralize acidity,
stimulate flow of gastrin juice
strengthen the digestive organs, anrd
thus promote perfect nutrition and
correct unhealthy symptoms. Three
sizes, 25 coats, 50 cents, and 81.00.
You can buy Recall Dyspepsia Tablets
in this community only at our store:
Bnlsaela The .,$Sere Ontario
There is a Rosati Story in nearlyevery to
and oily fn rho United Settee, Canada and
Great Britain. There is a different Resell
Remedy for nearly ovary ordinary human ill -
each espeoially designed for the partloular.
for which it is recommended.
Tho Rexall Stores are America's Greatest
Drug Stores
lletvitt and Pry'n0 111111 Olerk Hetet
8'111. deputized to visit 11 cuupl0 of
111110e8 W1101 11 liyd1Mille rants rue in-
stalled I make uugnity as I their
work tun) 1,l tep019' 131 a s;xu'ittl inert.
1115 of Colwell,
Ue1rgc 311 ild041111 10101 1111)0131 Led 111-
S perior
11Sperlur an the 301111 ali'rel. Sewer, nt
1001 1011 .1.11. A. Prynea and J, Howl 1
\Vital shntltl be 110111 141113 VIM Mitt
Parlt wan before the 130(3.3(1 and the
(10158ity Of having it put in hotter
5hltp1 was rtol. disputed bol holy to
(339). 8001111' the object was not plain,
11 woe moved by 1t. it., Peyote,
sevondtil by duo, Hewitt, that the;
Sl acct Committee be entpotveled to
have Victoria 1'arl3 properly levelled
1 1' ',' ' '1' sports.
curl nit in r rot. 3 111 311n
a til
L f
Oat rd
Ituberl. 7'linel l netted eonetriti ug
Fkltleigh steept 011)1) ue)ions tear
outlet. 11e slated they would have
their contract completed In the course
of a week he expected, if tile 11118 1131
00110011 adjOneued.
Must You Be Bald?
What Have you done to stop your
hair from falling? Have you trier)
iiexall "93" Hair Tonic? if not, WO
want you to try it at our risk.
If you have dandruff; if your ht;_
is falling out and your scalp i5 ne.:
glazed and shiny, if you neo 134'10tl
'ea" Hair To.tia aecoldin3 to d}r: -
tious for thirty days, and at the en.1
of that lista you arranut lhomunldy
1111(41)13 with the mauler and will lu!
us 04, 114 will immediatclylmnd
your m.m.y. We wont ask you w
pro.11ia1 anything. We wuu't owl
question 345, 1\'o will take yew
plata word and return your mono;'.
Doesn't it stand to reason tin.
Resntl "03' Ifair Tonic must he 11
mighty gpod remedy and have Uivc)t
'great satisfaction to our ex:m n:es if.
we 0,1dar33 it like this? \71 los i
no sitl.w re,nedy that is se gaol.i s
is bemused what Boxall "11 i .f ,r
Tonic has d.ma for Milani 1»1.1, rro
back it with our own money.
Why suffer scalp and hair trnubl:'
or be bald, when Rexall "ea" flat..
Tonin will remove dandruff, male'
your scalp comfortable and heaitle•,
promote hair growth and tend 1,
prevent baldness -1,110n we vitt
pay for the tt'0attnont should it fail
to please you?
We don't obligate you to any-
thing. You simply buy the treat-
ment; use it, and if not pleased,
come bock to us empty -handed -cud
we will !rand back what you paid us.
Two sizes, 500 and 81.00 a bottle.
You can buy Boxall "93" Hair Tonic
in this community only at our store:
F. le. SMITH.
Brussels 2Pia J� Store Ontario
Them is a Recall Store in nearly overt' town
and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain
Thyro is a different Re:all
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human }II-
essh especially designed for the particular ill
for which it is recommended.
The Resell Stores are America's Greatest
Drug Stores
(11812) 13079
Will stand for the improvement of
stock at his own stable,
Lot 22, Con. 13, McKillop
Colts off this horse have won 1st prize
for the last three yearsat Brussels laid
Seafol th Shows in the heavy draught
class. Terms -$8.00,
Leaclbuey P. 0.
Enrolment No. 360, Nut Inspected. Form 0
Under regulatidns Ontario Statute,
2 Geo. V., 011apter 67.
Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board
Certificate of Enrolment of
The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario
certifies that the name, description and pedi•
gray of the Clydesdale Stallion, London's Paw
mite (13110 )Registered in the 01yrlosdale Stud
Rook its No 11512, 'owned by John J. Si0G5vis,
of f.eedba'r, and foaled in 1004, has been en-
rolled in accordance with Ohnpter 07 of the
of On r
Statutes Ontario, 2 Geo. V.
This Certificate moat be renewed n»
OP be-
fore the 5101 day of December, 1010, and Within
thirty days after a change of ownership of the
said stallion a 11018 certificate mast be obtain.
1 A, P, Westervelt, Secretary.
saAT, lr
John Bright. Chairman.
1 Dnied at Toronto, Oat , the 14th
day ofApri1,1910,
Cured by the New Method Treatment.
Thousands of young and mi1dle•agedman are annually swept to a peetnatnro•grave
through Early Inblierotions, Excesaos end Mood Diseases. I5 you have any of the fol-
lowing syymptouis don.ult us before :t is: too loth. Are you nervous and weak, despon-
dent and gloomy, specksbeforethe eg5s, with dark circles under .them, wattle back,
kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment' in urine,
pimples on the face, eves sµn3en, 11000N checks careworn expressi58, poor memory,
lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tiro, moreings, restio00 nights, ehnn eabto
moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains; mar loose, -solo throat, etc."
Our New Method. Treatment can cure you and 11101)0 n man of you., Under its influ-
ence the brain becomes active, the btocd purified, so that alt pimples, blotches and ulcers
disappear, the nerves'becomo Strong as steel, so that uorvoueness, bashfulness and des
pendency' vanish,the eye becomes bright, the f000fell and clear, ouergy returnst9 the
body and the moral, physical and sexual systems aro invigorated; all drains cense-no
more vital waste,from the tystoin, Dont lot entails and fakirs.- rob you of your herd
earned donuts, We will caro you or no pay, .
READERI No matter who has Treated you, write for an honest opinion Free oI'Charge.
Bodin Frees -"111e Golden Monitor" (llustr1l1:0d)' on Secret Diseases of Man. '
Cor. Michigan Ave. and' Griswold St., Detroit, Mich,
01rI.All letters frons Canada must he addressed
{C E • to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
trtasltit meet 10 Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see tis personally call at our IYSedical Institute in Detroit as we see arid trent
no patients in out Windsor sates whidlt are for Cortespoadeuee' and
Itaborafory for Canadian business only. Address all 10tters as:, follows:
1 - DRS. KiENNEDY & KENNEDY„ Windsor, Ont.
Wrlte'fei ourphlv&€lf4ltdrJ8S.' c
J,AMIElt WAN'l'100 for S. S. No. 4, Morris
p tow w.Li 1.,du Lir0 to ruunn once 8051018/50
211,1, A Dell vs 11th 111 ht lite el11nl'y, gmtlltle111 lone
end experience. Normality [reader. Ail•
phenol a ur5lved up to A ugus4 lot.
1t11'llAlib P15011153110,
4-d -- 44oe'e1013', 80150385 V. 0.
1M.' Lltilltf.l6 PROPERTY 18Olt 8A).8 011 `f(3
G Ito:'fr- 1'he hone rreently vacated by
John 11.14 ern ,'y , who moved to Welt h (known
111 tilt ttugels property, Tarnborry nu•(etl ie
olfored 8or s5lc 03 38 not sold 14)11 bo routed;
There to a comfortable honee, good Maine min
1fri acres of dull with a double entrance, Fine
ge rden, as. Nor further particulars apply to
W. 11. Kerr, of Toe Posen,who holds the key
It IN n ohoino slot to live in aid will be 0otfi'
very reasonably. 27-tf
FAItln FOIL SA l,E,—filo Undersigned offer's
F f about 18 acres
rel consisting n 61 c es
his Pa 6
adjoining 1,1 the town of Option. for sale, The
feria 7e in a good+'luta of stint vall ion, and has
good Windings, briulr house, bank barn, 1334•
tag house, pig gen, et's., a II eta gaitrill 1 voly 11871,
A flrst•slnhe young uralmrd containng all
'Dads of frank lout 8140 smith fruits. Thu
farm 15 well fenced and drained turd is a very
desirable home. Por further particulars apply-
pplyon the premises or address
25.315 30IIN T0118AN013, Clinton.
FA BM FOR 850111, being!, South half Eot25,
(1011. 4, Norris township, IinroaOo., owe
tabling 100 nares more or less. On the prem.
ices is n frame house, balk betel, good orohard,
%yell, lviudmilt, Ake. A11 cleared exeunt aboub.
en acre. School 0410005 distant. Only 21,4
miles from Brussels. 0 0nr08 of.13011 wheat in
and about 60 acres seeded down. Fer price,.
terms and other information apply on the
premises or if writing Brussels P.O. Phone
120. Or F. S. Scott, Brussels,
11.11 A. 0.1581(13, Proprietor,
18 0130510 LAWN FARM" FOR 55010.-
The undersigned 0133311)501' auto his fine
1o011or0 farm being Neth Bali' Lot 20,,Oon. 0,
Morris township, Huron Oo, Farm is inn good
state of cultivation, well fenced, end has on it,
a fine brick halloo that cost $8,600., Good lawn
surrounded by cedar hedge. Barn 62 x CO feet
on stone foandat)on. Good orohnrd end 133
acre, of hardwood bush. Norm lo only a mile.
from the splendid market town of Brussels
end ie0Y, mil eafront school. Good OMB MUM.
ity. Possession of once. For further particu-
la's, pricy terms, Sc., apply on the premises'
or to JOHN MOONEY, Proprietor, Brussels
P. 0.
For sale on easy terms
or \viii rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owlier)
Box 1033 Brandon Masl,
is prepared to supply the best
Wroods in Windmills, Iron and
ooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, s111(11 as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stool, &c.
33,epttir8 to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call,
A HAVMANN, Cranbrook
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are fast preparing in theft•own
homes to campy lucrative positions as
51,11 servants, In foot every
sphere o, $Pomay /Wish .
college ffyou
sowish. Positions guys'
teed. collegey day. Indi.
vlduatinstruction. Expert teachers.
Thirty years' experience. Largest
trainers 111 Canada. Seven colleges,
Special course for leachers.
Affiliated with Oonmeroinl Educa-
tor's Association of Canada. Summer
Soltool at notions SpottonBusiness Cot.
logo, London. -
Wingham Business College.
Goo. SrommnN, W. T. 4(0l5u,
Presid out. Principal,
ra ®•1
AL your home without
pain, danger or Operation.
My mt;tbod will' dire Ftp-
pareaotlyhOpeless cases 116
clatter whaty O(i1 a e•is
or how y ruptured.
long 481.
Why -wait until your ru )
turel)ecomes strolllg'ulatecl
when you :,call be cured ?
00 not wait - fill in coupon
Age '111111 Roo
S'iilglc of Doable
Name .,,.. ."'
Address ,.,..
andretllri7 to
J. Se SMi1.`1"1-1
110 Coiled on la 8t,
Dept. A Stratfosti, Oe t,