HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-8-7, Page 8alr CAirlyfF IMA
O1= FIoe
Try Violet Hulce Talcum and know
the luxury of the finest Talcum Powder
on the market, Made of the very best
of iugredlents it is put through double
bolting cloths, to insure a finer degree
of smoothness. it has the true odor of
fresh Violets. Use it liberally atter the
bath and you will feel great.
Price ase Tin
the FIy
k 'J' �l''.J`A',N•- 4r7�v'rP•'..'.R,`.1lR�Mi�d. g`AA
'� 'C,•'.nW!MIom-•w
Health authorltit'k MAY state that
it is Its nece5stti'y that a place should
be free from Hies as , hat there are
proper fire escapes. Flies parry
disease. Try every means to get
rid of then. Among the aids we
have are— I
Tangle'Poot or Sticky Fly Paper'
2 double sheets 5e.
Wilson's Fly Pads
toe per package.
Lightning Fly Pads
5 and toe per package.
Insect Powder
50 per ounce.
Insect Powder Blowers 10c.
tfirBring us your Flims to develop and print, We guarantee satistaetiou and
quick service.
he@/1GC..Q.rL Store
rag. etUs tent
SOME cool nights.
DAYS grow shorter.
SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this
FxcuxsloN train leaves Brussels at
8.18 a. m. Thusday of next week,
It you have visitors let Tea Posr
know their names and addresses.
Civic Holiday Thursday next, 14t11
inst. Business places will be closed.
4o CENTS in advance, gets THE POST
to January 1st, 1914, to any Canadian
,/ A metal sided garage has been built
by G. C. Manners at his home to ac-
commodate his car.
THURSDAY of next week will be
Brussels Civic holiday. The places of
business will be closed.
KINCARDINE Pipe Band, consisting of
so members, will provide the music at
Brussels Fall Fair this year.
"ALL Aboard" for Kincardine
Thursday morning of next week, 24th
inst. Special train will leave the
lakeside on the return trip at 7 p. m.
AMONG new possessors of Autos in
town is Walter Lowry. A horse has
been good enough for him up to this but
he has evidently been caught in the
THUELL BROS. expect to complete the
Fisbleigh street drain in the course of
another week. It has been a difficult
job owing to the large amount of stone
they met with in excavating.
LUCKNow has placed their Civic holi-
day cm the same date as Brussels and
will go to Kincardine on the special ex-
cursion train. The junior Base Bail
teams of the two towns will play a game
on the lakeside park at r
A DAY EARLIER.—Owing to Civic
Holiday falling on Thursday of peat
week• and the regular publication day
of THE POST, the paper will be issued on
Wednesday next week. Will advertisers
and correspondents please take note of
this change for next week.
WOMEN'S INs•rITUTE.—Next meeting
of the Brussels Women's Institute will
be held in the Public Library Audience
room on Friday afternoon of next week,
xsth inst., commencing at 2.3o o' clock.
It will be "Young Girls' Day." Roll
call will be answered by Scripture texts,
A cordial invitatiton extended. Re-
member the date.
HURRAH ! for Kincardine on the 14111.
Special train will leave Brussels at 8.18
a. m„ arriving at the lake about 9 45.
Returning train will leave Kincardine
at7 p. m. Make up your party and
spend the day at the lake, Fare Sa,00
for adults and 5o cents for children. ,'
A Junior Tennis company went: to
Wroxeter on Tuesday for a friendly
game with the net and racquets artists
of that place. The score was as fol-
lows :—H. Fox (13) beat McKercher (W)
6-1 7-9 6'3 ; R. Zimmer (B) beat Black
(W) 6-4 6-2 ; A. Fox (B) beat Ballantyne
(W) 6-t to -8 ; H. Fox & Zimmer (13)
beat McKercher & Black (W) 6-4 7-2,
Brussels woo 4 events to o.
I. 0, O. F.—Following officers were
installed for the current term in connec-
tion with Western Star Lodge No. 549,
Brussels t—Jr. P. G., W. J. McCrack-
en • N. G, W. P. Fraser • V. G. W
W iiliamsou ; R. S., J, G. Jones ; F. S„
A. McGuire ; Treas., P. S. Scott ;
Wardeu, James Thuell ; Con., S. T.
Plum ; O. G„ W. Martin • I. S , S.
Wilton ; R. S. N. G., R. Henderson ;
L. S. N. G.,Wm. Baeker •,R. S. V. G.,
F, Hunter ; L, S. V, G., W. Little ; R.
S. S., Geo, Manning ; L. S. S., R.
Oliver Chaplain, R. Leanest/tie.p Thursday meets every evening
in THE Posts block.
Argus of last week speaks as follows of
Mrs. G. N. M¢Laren's father, of whose.
demise THE PosT refused in lest issue ,
-Early Saturday morning death
claimed another of Midland's old
resident in the person ot John R,
Morrow. For a great number of years
past deceased had been identified with
the business interests of the town
having.condected a furniture business
nearly opposite the post office, Failing
health compelled hien to dispose of this
about a year ago and since that time be
bad failed rapidly, A littleover amonth
ago be took to his bed for the last time
and has been sinking gradually until
death relieved his suffering early
Saturday morning. During the many
years that he was in business he was
considered ono of our steadfast careful
men always ready to help Mm any good
work for the town or church, He will
therefore be greatly missed. Mr.
Morrow had teedbed the age of 56 years
and is survived by a wife and two
daughters, Mrs. Geo. .McLaren, of
Brussels and Miss Marie Morrow who
re ides at home, The funeral which
took plane on Monday was dahtivated
by itev; J, 'J t Elliott,
JOAN fl. GsLEaArrilhas disposed of his
Ford ear to George Campbell, who is
here from the West. Jack's time will
likely he filled in with horses until after
Fall Fairs.
FREE CATALOGUE,— To get a good
start in Commercial life you should at
tend Stratford Busiuess College which
is the best business training school in
Ontario. Write the College for a free
AN eighth of a toile track is being
arranged inside of their mile circuit lot
showiug light horses at the Fall Fair,
athletic sports, &c. This will obviate
the danger of people being run over on
the it mile track.
"Aactne HUNTER," the young trotting
stallion recently bought by Jno.
Galbraith, a well known horse dealer of
Brussels, has been sold to Tindall
Ritchie, draymau, of sown, at a good
A RINK of Bowlers from town, consist-
ing of D. C. Ross, A. Strachan 1. D.
Warwick and G. C Manners, went to
Southampton on Wednesday to the
Bowling tournament. They made the
trip in Mr. Manners' car.
1EE:WATER Base Ball nine motored to
Brussels Wednesday for a game of ball
but found many of our experts absent.
A "general purpose" ream was got to
gether and gave the visitors some
practice. For fear Teeswater should
grow giddy we withhold the score.
There was plenty of fun over the game.
—o ---
COBALT silver nugget, watch charm lost
Has hO,O.F. B links in gold on it. Finder will
be rewarded by leaving it at THE POST,
lonrrsmo5'S Shoe and Glove gleaner. No
trouble In cleaning any color. It removes
grease, paint, tar, etc., without injury to
goods, For Bale by Downing Bros„ Brussels.
,Tog seeceea 2 in 1 Ink Iradicato' and Rus -
tine. Removes stains from linen and cotton
and ink from paper without injury to mater-
ial. For sale by Miss A. B. Ross, Fancy Goods
and China, Brussels. .
WANTED.—A Kitchen girl at the American
Hotel, at once, MRS. Units.
Da, R. F. PARKER, Osteopath and Eye Spec-
ialist, at Mr. S. T. Plum's, Brussels—Tuesdays
7 to 10.90 B. ni, 47-11
SEE McGregor about lawn mowers,
evening an illustrated Lecture was de-
livered in the Town Hall, Brussels, by
Travelling Secretary J. 13. Watson, who
very fully covered the case and show-
ing the urgency of greater care and im-
proved methods in fighting Tuberculosis.
Athol McQuarrie operated the stereopti-
con for the lecturer. Tuesday Mr.
Watson solicited subscribtions to the
,!:afire and met with free responses.
33 YEARS Ar THE HELM,—Friday of
last week was the 33rd anniversary of
ownership of THE Posr by the present
proprietor, The years have galloped
past and many changes have taken
place in and about Brussels,
McGillicuddy Bros., who were the .ori
ginators of THE Posr, managed it for 7
years before it was purchased by us.
Today our paper speaks to a wider circle
than in any former period of its history
and we thank the public for cordial
TEACHER ENGAGED.—Brussels Scboo'1
Board has engaged the services of Miss
Sheriff, formerly of Luoknow, as suc-
cessor toMiss Dora Smith who o resig
n -
ed, as Entrance class teacher in Brus-
sels public school. Het' salary will be
165o.00 per annum and her duties will
commence on September and. Miss
Sheriff comes highly recommended and
has, an excellent record for work done.
We wish her success in handling the
important work expected from her
week the awards were made in con-
nection with the Standing Field Crop
competition, the crop being oats, and
resulted as follows :—est, R. J. Hoover
Grey township 94 per cent ; and, Jno
'Ct'erar, Grey g2i% ; W, Moses, Morris,
g2°%; R. F. Patrick, Howick, 9i%;
Win. Work, Grey, gt%a ; 1'. R. Bennett.
Grey, e
G v, 8 8"/° ;Jam s Burgess, Grey, 87%.
The seven prizes range from $2o.00.
'fudging was done by Mr. Lei,nox.
'Fiera were some fine fields, as may be
judged by the percentage taken.
CONDOLE+NCR.—St, John's A, F. & A,
M., Lodge, Brussels. remembered their
fraternal brother, W. S. Forrest, Morris
township, in the time of sorrow end
sent the following kindly note of
svmpathy:• ,
DEAR SIR AND Bao.—We, the officers
and members of St John's Lodge, No.
284, A, F, & A, M., having learned with
deep regret of your irreparable loss in
the death of your little son wish to
lender you our sincere sympathy.
Trusting that the Great Architect oflho
universe will soothe and comfort you in
your sore affliction.
We remain Y brethren,
W. Gillespie. W, M.'
S. Wilton, See,
Wassails l July tµthl, to*
The Metropolitan Bank
Capital Paid Up - - - $1,000,000.00
Resorvo Fund - - - 1,260,000,00
Undivided Profits - -
joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
People We Talk About
Hubert Hlroes, of Blyth, is holidaying
with Brussels relatives.
Jack and Charlie Leckie are speuding
the week in Goderich.
R. F. Downing made a business trip
to Toronto on Tuesday,
M. Robinson, of Toronto, was visit-
ing friends in Btussels and vicinity,
Miss Anna Johnston, of Chicago, is 11
visitor with Miss Inman this week.
'l'om Walker, ot Seal ails, has been
reuewing o d friendships iu Brussels.
Miss Lizzie Murchison, of Glenannan,
is visiting her cousin, M.ss Rebecca
Earl Ament is home from the United
States on a holiday visit. He is au old
Brussels boy.
Ernest Bateman, of Hespeler, is a
visitor at Harry and Mrs. Atwood's,
Turnberry street, North Brussels.
Mrs, J. A.'1'hompson, of Toronto, is
the guest ot Mrs. Robert Thompson,
Queen street.
Miss Sara McNabb is holidaying with
her sisters in brussels. She is teaching
to the West.
We are pleased to state Peter Mc-
Quarrie is making good progress and
will soon be o. k. we hope.
Mrs. John Manning is visiting her
daughters at Palmerston and Flesher -
ton for a few weeks.
J. Leslie and Mrs. Kerr, of Clinton,
were visiting iu to.tu ou Friday. This
was Clinton's Civic holiday.
Stewart and Mrs. P. Scott were visit-
ing Mrs. Brien at Seaforth, 'the latter
is Mrs. P. Scott's mother.
Miss Amy Brett, of Preston. is
visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Mc-
Naughton, Mill street,
Mrs. Robert McKelvey, of Listowel,
was visiting relatives and old friends in
Brussels during the past week.
Mrs. loltu Bateman, Miss Lance and
Mrs. John Kiug, of Ethel, were visiting
friends at Atwood and Listowel.
Rev. A, McKibbon, B. A., of Lon-
don, is visiting relatives in this locality.
He is a brother to Mrs. W m. Armstrong.
Mrs. Nelson Service, of Battle Creek,
Mich , and her daughter, Mrs. S. Kern,
of London, were visitors at F. S.
Mrs. R. McCallum and daughter,
Mrs. Sanderson, of Blyth locality, were
callers on old friends in Brussels and
George and Mrs, Letter and Miss
Ger:rode, of Ypsilanti, Mich., were
visitors at the home of P. Ament,
Brut -sets.
Herbert Bateman, of Hespeler, who
has been visiting with his uncle, J.
Bateman, returned to his home Last
Miss Emma Levis, of Clinton, was
renewing old acquaintances in. Brus-
sels, She visited at the home of S. and
Mrs. Carter.
Mrs. John McKay and, daughter,
Louise, of Newark, N. J., are here on a
two week's visit with Geo. and Mrs•
Reeve Leckie attended a meeting of
the Publicity Committee at Goderich
this week, of which he is a hard work-
ing member,
Miss Margaret Scott, of London, was
holidaying for a few days with her
sister, Mrs. P. Watson. Miss Scott
was a former resident of this locality.
itIiss Bertha Sharpe, of Toronto, WAS
vieiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Lowry
and other old friends in Brussels for a
tgw day.
days, Monday was Toronto's Civic
' Rev, George and .Mrs. Jewitt, of
Blyth, have heed holidaying in Brus'
sets and locality during the past two
weeks. They put its a very enjoyable
time, and so did the folks they visited,
Miss Nellie Creighton, of Hamilton,
is a visitor is of at the home of her uncle and
aunt, H. L. and Mrs. Jackson, Still
street. Mr. Creighton was a former
Misses Bessie Baillie and Lizzie
Goodfellow, of Toronto, are the guests
of Miss Berea Brynns, Qaeeu street.
Miss Nettie Brown, pt Toronto, Will
Murray, of Exeter, and J. L. and Mrs,
Kerr, of Clinton, motored to Brussels
las. Sunday and spent a few hours with
old friends.
N1, Black Is holidaying at the "Soo"
this week. He was accompanied by
Barrister Uriah McFadUen's two' sons
who spent the past mouth here with
D. and Mrs. Walker, their uncle and
G. H. Santis, of Claremont, Ont, is
here on a holiday. His ,vlfe and son
preceded hint by a few weeks, Mr.
Santis was on the staff of the Standard
Bank, Btussels, at one time, so is no
stranger to the town.
Jno. and Mrs, Cousley and daughter,
of Toronto, were Isere for it holiday of a
few days visiting relatives and old
friends, The former is a sou of Mrs.
John Cousley, of Brussels and this
was l&Ir. Couslev's boyhood home.
D. and Elmer Ewan aid George
Thomson and Charlie McMillen nto'ored
to Prestou to see the Owen Sound—
Preston champion Foot Ball match in
the intermediate finals. The latter won
on the round although defeated by I-0
at Preston.
J. F. Rowland, manager of the
Standard Bank here, is away for a
couple of weeks. He is motoring going,
Thursday evening of last week, NL'.
Rowland was accuinnail led by All.
Baeker, J T. Wood and Jas. Anderson
V. S., to the Queen city.
W. F. and Mrs, Stewart, of Brechin,
Siincoe Co., are here on tt visit. The
former's health has been very poor since
last March but we hope •the change will
prove beneficial, Mrs. N. F. Gerry is a
daughter of the visitor's who were form-
er residents of Brussels for a cumber of
George Brown, of Toronto, was its
town for a few date daring the past
week combining business and pleasure.
He has Luilt t so brick huuses since he
went to the Queeu city and takes up
residence in one of them 0ext week.
Mr. Brown is well pleased with 'tor
V. H. and Mrs. Gilroy and son, Bar-
rington, are holidaying 11Ea' Hamilton
for a few weeks, where the former's
brother has a Summer cottage. .N. J.
Fawcett, df Toronto, formerly agent
here, is relieving at the Metropolitan
Bank during YIr. Gilroy's absence.
ivlr. Fawcett is a welcome visitor to
Wm. Accent, of Seaforth. Lae been
elected Mayur of that town as successor
to ex -Mayor Greig, who resigned. •
Mat or Ament is a brother to P. Ament, 0
of Brussels, and has served as Reeve of +
Seaforth for several terms. We wish 1 •
him a comfortable occupancy of the A
chief chair.
Mrs. John Butler, of Perth, Ont., T. •
H. and Mrs. Jackson, ,)f Chilliwack,
13, C., and Hiss Jessie Kelsey, of Clif-
ford, are visitors at the home of George •
and Mrs. Cardiff, John street, Mas '�
Butler 'and Mr. Jackson are brother ••I•
and sister and also niece and nephew to •
the host and hostess.
Wednesday of this week Jiro. Rsi.
len tyne, who has been on THE PosT •l,
staff for the past 25 years, left for a •
holiday trip to the Great West, going •a•
by C. P. R, boat from Port McNichol. •1
He will visit itis brother Will, at •
Emerson and reuety old frietrdships in 4•
cities and towns as far as Calgary and .•t,
Edmonton probably. Athol Mc- •
Quarrie, who is a grackle'e of this office, i
will take Mr. Ballantyne's place on our ,1,
staff while he is holidaying. This is the •
first extended vacation he has taken as .•i'
Ise was "always oil the job " We wish +
him a goocl time, Mr. McQuarrie has •
just returned from Northern Oeta'io •
and Muskoka where ire aceompaui
Artist Sallows, of Goderich, ou one of
his massy viewing expeditious, ile
will resume school In Brussels on the
opening of the Fall terns,
THE business man who has
customers in various parts
of Canada or elsewhere will
find the services of this bank of
invaluable assistance in collect-
ing drafts, etc.
J. F. Rowland, El It Manager.
Milton Lake was a visitor in Tomtit)
last week.
Miss Ruby Plum was visiting• at
Luckuow last week.
Miss Clete Danford, of Clinton, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Lamont.
Miss Annie McQuarrie, of town, will
visiting Misses Steinhoff, of Blyth.
Jas. Danford, formerly, 'of Brusse'e
was here on Wednesday,
Robe, Davidson, of Toronto. has been
visiting relatives in Grey and Brussels,
Miss Margaret Fulton, of Detroit, is
enjoying a holiday under the parental
Mrs. Andrews, of Kincardine, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. R.
Thomson, Brussels.
Mr, and • Mrs, Code, of Winnipeg
and Mrs G. W. Pollard, of Ethel, were
visitors at N. MoCanlay's on Wednesday
of this week,
Mrs. W4'ooel, of Berlin. is visiting et
the home of her son, 3, T. Wood,
Albert Street,
A. E. Forbes, wite and family and
Miss Adams, of Seaforth, spent Sunday
at A. T. Cnt't'le's, town.
Mrs, W. L. Le:ttlterd.tle and son, of
'Winnipeg, are here on a Visit at R.
Leatlterdale's. W. L. is expected next
A. T. and Mrs. Currie and Ivliss
Grayee Casio attended the Garden
Party at A. E. Forbes' 'rhurstlay night
at Seaforth.
Geo. and Mrs. Keys are here from
Toronto. Mr. Keys is regaining itis
strength and will soon be as well as
ever we hope.
Mrs. J• Ritchie and Misses Mary
Currie, Jeattet Murray. and Elsie
Gillespie, of Winghani, motored over
in Mr Currie's car on Wednesday after-
Wednesday of last week the following
quartette spent the day at Goderich:—
Misses Grace Stewart, Mary 'McArthur
and Ina 13ryaus of town ant MISS Lena
Ritchie, of Winston.
Percy Watt, of Toronto, and Miss
Nellie were visitors with their sister,
Mrs. Wnt. James this week. Mrs.
Watt, who spent the past month, here re-
f urned home with them.
13. N. Scott, recently principal of
Brussels Continuation School, was a
caller in town this \week and was well
pleased at the record of the school,
Mr. Christie, of Saskatoon, was
also here.
Church Chimes
• • Pr• tied, gtnnnted, assorted, 6rc
• Per.
package, juvt Ilio thHtg for
• lel oiling ail kinds of fruit,
will eletut vont Hal, malting it 40
look like new, No t oni:le and
will not injure the Hat. 11
/ 14118 9
NNosih Granular lemonade •.
producing in 'Witty a vary fine
quality of Lemonade. A to cent 0
package will make a half gallon,
For picnics and travelling it is •
particularly handy.
1 •
The Housekeeper's
Friend a
Rev, A, 3, Man:),, 13, A , of town,
preached In Kuox church, Goderich,
Ilie;t Sunday morning,
Rev, Mr. Scott will conduct the • gg
services in Melville church for the next •
two Sabbaths at the usual hours. I 9
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr, Budge gave 66"41"."4"."6"a".......two good discourseq in Melville church
Isere. His morning theme was Job
and the evening subject "The wise
Fool." I OALLAN,—A1 Smith's Falls,: Ont., on August
Atl the moulhiy 9•lissiunery exercises tad, to Mr. and Otto. J. 1,. Dalian, formerly
of the Methodist Sabbath School last of Brussels, a daughter (Jean Lealle),
Sunday Miss Carrie McCracken, of
Toronto, gave a very appropriate reed-
ing'; F. H. Gilroy contributed a good --
solo ; and Rev. D. Wren, the new pastor O 6a it 4 90 0 0 40
Barley �' 50 00
Buttor 20 21
El:ga„........... ..... .......... 20 20
HAgq 0 60 0 60
Wool washed 20 20
Wool unwashed 18 '18
addressed the school of "Three
pictures:” '1be school hes set $i75.00
as their stanllaril end have now on
head about $33.ro from May 1st.
"Broken to bless" wee Rev, D. Wren's
appropriate topic last Sabb,'th morning
in coonetttiou with the Quarterly Com-
munion, At the eveuing service a
seeing' sermon was preached to young
ladies on the subject "How a young
woman saved her home." Company of
28 young meu constituted the choir and
rendered two selections in arlditioa to
leading in the hymns, A. E. Hersey
sang the solo in "The handwriting on
the wall."
Next Sunday, St, Tohu's churoh con-
gregation will convene for Divine ser-
vice for morning and evening' prayer at
t a, tit. and 7 ; . m. respectively. Sun-
day tiefloul will assenfble at 3 p, nl,
At the elven o'clock service the sertnoa
will be the third on Fnah, Mope end
Charity in I Cor, KTII 13, while in the
evening the subject will be. "The sign
of God's everlasting Covenant with
:min," On Friday evening the Angli-
can Young People's Association will
meet at 8 o'clock when a historical
sketch will be given by oue of the mem-
bers After the A. Y. P, A , choir prac-
tice will be held,
An acclatnation was given \Vat.
Anent for the office of mayor. IIs
succeeds 3', 0. Greig, the present
division court clerk, who was unable
nutter the flow regulations to keep
both offices.
STRAZED from Lot 19, Con. 6, Morrie, a
2 year old steer, red In color and not de.
horned. Any information leading to its re-
covery will he thankfully received.
Phone 540. WM. M00RACKEN.
To Contractors.
The Council of the Township of Morels Is
asking for tenders for the constraotton of the
Black Drahuund the Ellie Drain, Loth lit the
township of Morris, Plans old specifications
may be seen at the Clerk's residence. A
marked check for 550.00 must eeconpauy each
tender as a gunl'nntee ef good faith. The Low-
est or any tender not necessarily aocopted.
Tenders will be opened on August 25th at 2
p.m., at the Township Hall.
A. MOEwtN, Clerk,
Bluevale, Aug. 715, 1018. 0.85
Tenders for the construction of the Holland
and Dodds drains in the N. W. part of the
Township of 1oIeKillop (the Dodds drain ex-
tending into Hallett) will be received by tate
undersigned up till the 18th clay of August,
1018, or at meeting of Donnell on the 14th at
Seaforth, Pians, &c , may be Been at Lot 24,
Con. 7, MoXiltop. A cheque for per cent of
centring; prfee to accompany tender as seem,.
it). for completion of °entreat, The lowest or
any tender not necessarily tempted.
4-15 Clark Marin op, Winthrop P. 0.
Seven serious fires occurred within 24
hours in Toronto.
••••••••••••••••e'••••••e 0®mss®®•••••••••••••••
• 0
•• We are Sole Agents .for Walker's Over -
• 'ails, made in Walkerville, Ont. •• o
•• We guarantee 10 cents for every button that a
m comes off and 26 cents for every rip, and for •
• every 6 stamped pockets cut from worn garments •
• we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock i
FMB. •e
' •
i 'Get the Habit Savo the Pockets•4.4.
• •
S•old and guaranteed by' e
• C• ]Du ford, Brussels z
Also .by the Walker Pant and Overall old Co., Walkerville, Ont.
.. _ - _ �.�iir.M!4i,A.ii!%��;�1►,fib+ii:�.0bs.0l'i!i4:..,.. ,
•+4134+•3••+0+41+0+0.1-84••4-0+•+ 84.0+94414 44.4.+•44444.•+++,444. P00'i•04•4.4•40•1.01•e4•.•I• ►44fi'0+•+0+•
Brussels Daylight store G. N. McLaren
p,'het"t^I,'II,III,gldhplU!hl'IJ9d4dlt41dIIPIb9lAllrhrlY'L'4,s1,'it'Udllr'Iv'Id4dW'A'!4nat4{del,'Idydll.'t,m,!!IA4d'4d4,'e,'e,'In'hPl,'4d4,'4dtl'yi Ili Udp; Ip9,i Ip'IU'I,'V,'lldlbq,Ph"Id4,et'lli'11'tlMp'tPldq •P
® ® •
1! •1
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Sizes•
We are clearing out all lines of 'Wash Dresses, all sizes in light and dark colors, for ;
Ladies, Misses and Children
iwhile 20 per cent Tess than Regular Prices. This s a snap worth while•
A Sale of V!/ash resses
A Complete Assortment of Cotton Hosiery
We are showing a complete line of Cotton Hosiery in Ladies', Misses', Children's•and
Boys' sizes, all at lowest prices.
Boots and Shoes
We have a splendid stock of Boots and
Shoes for Ladies and Men, for Boys, Girls
and Children—the e
best values to be had.
Also a number of odd lines --Canvas
Boots, Strap 'Slippers and Oxfords—at
Reduced Prices.
Ladies' suits ieadty
73::Only a few Ladies'' Suits left, in
Tau and Blue Serges and Heather Mix-
edeeds being g _]
Tw c nal ed at 25 per
Gent less than regular prices. Also a
few Ladies' Wash Suits and Linen Coats
going at Half Price.
p for
and Boys •
The largest stock and best values we lave ever shown,
Mien's Suits at 5.00, 7,, 0, 10.00 up to $18.00
Boys' Suits at 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 up to $6.00
e .-
'1 -
Every Suit extra good value, made by the best makers in Canada. Call and see them i
and compare prices and dualities. You will find it worth while. •
• •
Always the Highest
ig i
es for Produce,
G. N.
N_ !.40/4.l.0-4.0'Pi4.0,1•11N'04'0•04..44earo.04t0 t,0.'k•' 44.04400'r•'r+•r+ +.44+04.4014444414+044 +0+0410