HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-8-7, Page 4w
Vim and Vitality
THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1913 I Are aasurecl if yon will (demise
your stomach of undigested food and
i foul gases ; the excess bile from the
$25,000 Wtll fie the total Of awards, liver and the waste matted' from the
offered at the uext Winter Fair at intestines and bowels by the use of
Guelph. nh.
Fair promises to be a dandy,
Fa'blt reports of the Gideon lou-
vention, recently held in Toronto, we
wonky judge that very practical every
day sort
of fellows are banded together
to do N great work. More power to
"Coma on in the water's fine" is the
popular chorus at the Summer resorts.
There's the "sand bather" who parades
the beach in a gorgeous costume, but
runs 00 risk of the abbreviated outfit
shriukiug by getting it Wet, whose solo
is "Little drops of water, little grains of
ALREADY candidates are setting their"
sails to catch the breezes blowing
toward Mayoralty and Reeveship
chairs next January. Nothing like tak-
ing time by the "fetlock" and getting
your little pickaxe ready in good bine.
Sometimes it is wisdom to fill these
municipal chairs by persons who are
not quite so anxious to reign. A level
headed occupant is not always easily
picked up.
Nor water, red pepper and other
warm applications played their part in
Calumet, Mich , in connection with an
attempted arrest of an Hungarian con-
tingent by the police. By the start cff
it looked as if the Huus. could give
pointers to the suffragettes in the Old
Land. 'rhe trouble commenced over a
strike in the mines It is no easy mat-
ter to retreat gracefully when you have
had you share of a racket -that is if you
belong to the retreating party.
PRESIDENT Woomtow WttgON ie (till
keeping tab on United States affairs.
He's not much on bluffing but he's
evidently a good band at sticking to bis
text when it is once announced. It is
very refreshing to see a man elevated to
the highest position in the U. S. with
moral and mental backbone enough to
say . No with a capital N,instead of
whispering it so that it really means
Yes ! to the fellows who want it that
way. The President is a sturdy man in
public service whose example will be
Produbtive of more sturdiness in both
the republic and Canada. This is one
way to end political crookedness,
THE Yuukon may have auother in-
nings as new discoveries of precious
metal are reported and a "rush" ex-
pected. It is a good time to stage an-
other performance in the far North as
the real estate swindlers have not much
to attend to just now, the city lots, 20
miles from the oen're, having gone flat
since the wind went out of the business.
If people could enthuse over home in-
vestments with the same energy they
display in "anchoring" some of their
wealth in properties more remote there
would be something doing in the home
GEORGE SPOTTON, the Hibernian em•
hodimeut of adipose tissue, who edits
the ;Vingham Advance, should be very
careful with his editorial pen during the
heated spell of August. He has been
running a sort of a "Wild West"
column for several weeks that gives
evidence of a desire on his part to ex
terminate and entirely obliterate Sir
Wilfrid Laurier and Itis followers. It is
not much wonder Sir Wilfrid has been
feeling poorly, if be has read some of
George's "hot stuff." We hope when
Bro. Spotton feels these bad spells
coming on he will apply ice to hie
head, drink cold tea and have toms.
hawks, scalping knives, d+ggers, etc.
locked up in the safe and the key given
u Clerk Groves.
IF ever a case of badly twisted up
attempted railway construction existed
the people of the Westerly municipali-
ties of Huron County have it in the so-
called West Shore Electric road. After
the lapse of several years, the lavish ex
pencliture of cash and the trials and
tribulations of the people interested,
the condition of affairs is really worse
than if a day's work had never been
done. Some think it is a case of firm
firm. There has been a lot of dilly-
dallying over the .case since an at-
tempt was made to clear up the matter
and nobody appears to be sure "where
they are at" even now. Surely the
Governments should lend a hand and
bring to book the crooked fellows, if
there are such. It looks to us as if too
much was taken for granted and
possibly, necessary preceutious were
not taken at the htitial stages, hence
big expense and no completed 'road,
The "I told yell so" fellows have had
their say but about all the good it did
was to add insult to injury. The old
nursery rhyme had something to sae
about this road when it wound off
"There was a crooked men
And he Walked a crooked toile, eta,"
the great fruit, kidney, lover, aLoul:ach
and bowel remedy,
At all dealers 25 and 50 tear. boxer
or mailed by The Fig Pill 0o.. St. C'
ed inBe, Ont, by
and Fox, Drnggglst. ed in Brussels b Jas. Drn ick. Ilan Ever
ake Your Winter
e ., .t Pay
ANOTHER new style has been intro-
duced in tony weddi• ge and was put on
the program by Winfield Burrows Sif-
ton, of Ottawa, who married Mrs, Jean
Doualdsou Kemal], of New York, last
Thursday night. An automobile con-
taining the principals wheeled under an
electric light on Springfield Avenue
and there the kuot was tied by Rev.
Mr, Siebert. It was an elopement and
the young couple may have more
leisure now. Sifton is 23 and the bride,
whose former husband was j. S. Ker -
wan, with whom she eloped in January
rete, is only 20, Groom is said to be
worth $roo,0cc and his lady has $so,000
a year left by her father. We hope they
will be able to keep "the wolf from the
door" and that their sail over the matri-
monial sea will be free from bumps on
the rocks. Mr. Sifton is a clever young
man and is a son of Hon. Clifford Sifton
a well known Canadian politician.
Ooetly Treatment
"I was troubled with constipation
and indigestion and spent hundreds
of dollars for medicine and treat -
meta," writes 0. H. dines, of Whit-
low, Ark. "I went to a St. Louis
hospital, also to a hospital in New
Orleans, but no cure was effected.
On returning house I began taking
Chamberlain's Tablets, and worked
right along. I used them for some
Hine and am now all right." Sold by
all dealers.
The Shoshone, (Idaho) Journal of
July 251h gives the following parti-
culars of the death of a former
Brusselite :-Daniel butch-
er of Hagerman, met a tragic death
at 6 o'clock Monday night %ellen he
slipped on a rock while fishing in the
Mated a a river a shortway pay below
the 'Lower Salmon -Naiad construc-
lion camp, The water at this point
is 8 feet- deep, the stream carrying
8300 inches of water, which flows at
terrific speed, and McMillan was in-
stantly swept from his feet, being
cttrriea about 100and
current, when he was caughtl attd
wedged between two rocks.
His 14 -year old son, Ross McMil-
lan, was fishing a short distance from
his father and attracted by the cries
of his father made a heroic attempt
at rescue. The intrepid lad dashed
into the swift water and at once had
hold of his father's body, but the
current was more than he could
manage and he was;compelled to re-
lease his hold, The father made
frantic efforts to seize hold of the boy,
who was compelled iti self-protection
to let go, He then thrust a fishing
tod out to him, but he was too far
gone to be able to help himself and
with his son within a few feet of him,
turned over ou his back and was
slowly drowned by the rushing
The funeral services of the late
Daniel McMillan, were held from the
residence of his sister, alb's. Frank
Olein on 'Wednesday at. two o'clock,
Rev. Barger conducting. lir. Mc-
Millan was a member of Jerome
Camp No. 459 of the W. 0. W. and
a delegation of members of this
camp accompanied by a delegation
from Jerome Circle No. 721 Women
of Woodcraft attended the funeral.
The remains wee( laid to rest in the
Shoshone cemetery. Those attend-
ing the funeral from Jerome were R.
\V. Burroughs, A. S. LeMay, Victor
Thorp, H. T. Pugh, R. A. Richter and
Mr. Davenport, representing the W.
0. W. Representing the Women of
Woodcraft were Mesdames LeMay,
Burroughs, Pugh, Newman, 'Thorp,
Davenport and Miss Thorp. Daniel
McMillan had a host of friends in
Shoshone and in Lincoln county who
sincerely mourn his tragic ending,
and who extend their heat't.felt
sympathy to the widow and children,
He leaves
to mourn his loss besides
c s
his family an aged father residing at
Goderieh, Ontario I Nes Frank
('leo a sister in Shoshone ; Mrs.
Updegraf, a sister; at Twin Falls ;
Mrs. Albert Coates, of Shoshone, a
sister ; a brother, James and a sister,
Mrs. McFadzeau, in Manitoba ; and
three brothers, at Newark, N. J.,
Robert and John McKay and William
McMillan, Mr, McMillan was born in
Helmets, Ontario and was 85 years, 1
month and 20 clays old.
He was clean, honorable, fearless
end humane ; a gentleman always ;
thoroughly in touch and harmony
with the requirements of this new
and growing country, with moral and
financial strength - enough to be a
powerful Motor in assisting to shape
the destinies of this new empire, the
land of his adoption.
The people of Hagerman as 0 unit
join in sympathy with the bereaved
Wife anti Minify.
Remarkable Ouro of Dysentery
"I was attacked with dysentery
about July kith, and used the doctor's
medicine and ether remedies with no
relief, only getting worse all the time,
I was unable to do anything and my
weight dropped from 145 to 125
pounds. I suffered for about two
months when I Was advised to. use
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. I used two
bottles of It and it gave rne perntan.
eat relief," writes B. W. Hill of
Snow frill, N. C. For sate by all
et der
of ore
F we can prove to you by actual field tests
made throughout Canada that a certain
method of growing
wheat producesmaximum
crops, wouldn't you be glad to have us do sp ?
The information would certainly be very interest-
ing. Why not get it ? All you have to do is
to write for it.
Probably the best fertilizer for winter wheat is one
containing 2% Nitrogen, 8% Phosphoric Acid and
8 % POTASH -better still 10% POTASH. To
make more money out of your wheat crop this year
than ever before, use this kind of a fertilizer.
Insist that your dealer give it to you. If he cannot
furnish a brand containing 10% POTASH, get
enough POTASH to add to it to make a 10%
POTASH fertilizer. We will tell you just how to
do this, FREE.
Anybody that knows will tell you that a -crop of..
winter wheat removes from the soil more POTASH
than Phosphoric Acid. And yet the average wheat
fertilizer contains less POTASH than Phosphoric
Acid, It should contain at least as much POTASH
as Phosphoric Acid. 8 to 10% should be the mini-
mum for all Fall cropa.
These facts should be interesting to the farmer who
wants to make the most profit from his farm.
Write us. Get our advice as to the use of POTASH
and then compare it with the judgment of any
competent agricultural expert in Canada.
You will find that an application of 400 to 500
pounds per acre of a 2-8-10 fertilizer insures a
good stand before the commencement of winter --
assists in protecting the crop from frosts -promotes
rapid and early growth in the spring, resulting in a
greater yield of better wheat to the acre.
Decide now that you' want a winter wheat'crop
that will pay you better than any you have har-
vested before. The first step is to write us, -our
Scientific Bureau will advise you how to start right.
Do that NOW. Don't put it off, or you may forget
it until it is too late. Write Now l
German Kali Works Inc.V
Room 1846 Temple Bldg. T otonto, Ont.
tash Pky
There seems need to again remind
parents and guardians in Brussels and
doubtless in many other towns, of the
law respecting children of a tender
age being allowed t0 remain on the
streets at unseasonable hours. The
following sections from the Children's
Protection Act of Ontario should be
laid to heart by those responsible for
the welfttee of children, even if their
higher moral sense does not remind
theta of their duty ;
Sec, 17.-(1) No child [under 16]
shall loiter in any public place after 9
o' clock in the evening, or be there
unless accompanied by his parent or
guardian or an adult appointed by
the parent or guardian to accompany
such child.
(2) A child found in a public place
after the hour named in sub section 1
unless so accompanied may be wattled
to go home by any constable or
probation officer or officer of tri,
Ohildreu's Aid Society, and if after
such warning the child is found
loitering in a public place such child
may be taken by the constable or
officer to its hone, or 'Thule
Children's Shelter.
(8) A parent who permits his
child to violate this section shall for
first offence incur a penalty of $1
without costs, and for asecotd offence
$2, and for a third, or any subsequent
offence $5. 8 Edw. VII. c. 50 s. 10,
Sec. 2. (k) "Public Place" shall ntetun
a street, highway, or latae, whether a
thnrougltfare or not, and a tavern or
other places of pnblie resort, and,
generally, any place to which the
public have at, are permitted t6 have.
Miss Alice Hibbert, of Whtghatn,
was visiting friends here.
Rev. W. told Ales. Ashton and two
children, of Sarnia, were visiting
friends in and around town.
John Wiggins, of Wolverine,
Mich., who spent his boyhood days
in Howick, is visiting old friend's.
His brother -in -haw, Simon Hicks, of
Bornholm, also a foi'lner resident of
Rowlett, came with Mr, Wiggins in
This auto,
Mrs. \Vileon, of London, is spend-
ing a few weeks with her danghter,
Mrs, Roberts, at the Rectory. Alts,
Roberts and infant daughter are pro-
gressing favorably,
Howici; COUNCIL. -Council met on
July 10th in the Township Hall,
pursuant to adjournment, Membei s
all present, except Councillor draw
ford ; Reeve in the chair. Minutes of
last meeting read and on ;notion of
Edgar and Harding were adopted.
13eit, King presented a hili for
V88.85 fot operating road machine,
Moved by Edgar and Dentis er'lit r
that Council pay Mr. Xing $250,00
and hold the balance until they get
the bertifleates from the different
Pathwasters.- Carried. Moved by
Edgar and Harding that the Cleric be
instructed to have notices printed
and posted up closing that poetic)); of
the Town line between Con. 8 and 4
from Cot. 8 to the blind line North of
the Town line between Howick rind
Minto and that the Council will pass
a By -Law at their next meeting dos.
1 ng stiid road. Carried. Council ad-
journed_ till Wednesday August 2011t
when the rates will be struck.
The Bell Fonndry has been working
over time,
Hubert Hendeeson, left to attend
the Military School in Kingston.
A number of the finishers at the.
Canada Furnihn•e Factory tis laid
off for a few holidays.,
Seaforth Firemen, and Citizmi's
Band are going to Hamilton on Civic
Holiday, August l3tH.
Bet t. Birks, son of Rev. and Mrs.
Birks, Dundas, leaves shortly for the
Fast as a Medical Missionary. Rev,
Birks was a forme(' minister in the
Methodist church here..
3. A. and Mrs. Wilson and two
children, Dorothy and David, left for
Port Arthur, whet( they will spend
their holidays with their daughter,
Mrs. McQna,ig.
Perth County
Mitchell Oivio holiday has been
changed frmn Ilth to 18th of August,
A little son of Jarnes T,Tacksot,
Fullerton, fell and I'tactnlet( one of
Itis at nig.
St. Marys Cement Pt'odurt Co.
are filling a large order of 16 inch tile
for Dun wich Tp. in the County of
John Taylor, Mitchell dug up a hill
of potatoee turd found theteim 80
potatoes. the majority of them being
of a good size.
]hiss Mullet Watt, formerly of St.
Marys, recently passed her examin-
ations successfully at Regina Metho-
dist Lad i ee
etho-distLttdiee College.
Rev, F. E. and Mrs, Malott, 81.
Marys, will spend the month of
Angust at their cottage in \luskolca-
Lake near St. Iiihno.
Owing to business troubles, Geo.
Richardson, girocet' and butcher,
Mitchell, shade an assignment for the
benefit of his creditors.
There is a trumpet vine till the
East wail of St. James' chnrrll Si.
Marys from the ground to the apex of
the roof. Itis a nines of flowers and
well worth seeing, -
While assisting his brother Wil.
Bann of Downie to harvest John Love,
of St. Alarys fell off the horse rake iii
jnring his face to such an extent that
a Dr, had to place several stitches in
Ed. Wessman, of Logan, was bark-
ing a wagon not of the barn when
the pole swayed and he was thrown
against the wall. He received a bad
break of one of his arms between the
tvriet and the elbow,
John Bennewies, J1. P. Pe has
donated $15.00 to the Logan, Ful-
lartou ' and Hibbert Agricultural
Society exhibition, to be held Sept.
10 and 17.
Miss Susie Simpson had a finger
badly mutilated while opetntiug ft
maotine in the uuilenv ettr depart-
ment of the Burrill Hosiery Mille,
M i tcheli.
Provincial Health Oflieer Dr,
Thos, lc
1 (6, !Z N2a11' of Glle 711 ll' e
1 pent til.
Stone Town an official, visit and with
the local Medical Health Officer Dr.
li'raleigh made an inspection of 80111
they cotulitions in '1t, slat' s afte2
which he ad 61.01040d the Town Oouncii
and Board o1' Health in the Connell
Fall Fairs
Alliston Oct,2-8
Artlnrr . , Oet,0-8
13lytlt Sept.80-Oet,1
Brampton Sept.16-17
I3tnssels Or t.2,-3
Chatsworth Sept.11-12
Ohesley.... Sept,16-17
Drayton. Sept S0-Oet,1
Delbert' Sopt.28-24
Elmira . Sept.19-17
lelwvale ...................... ...Oct 1-8
Fergus ........ :..........y Sept.24-25
Plesherton ' Oct,6-7
Galt ...................... ....... ..•..Oct.2-8
Gtiderich ............. .. Sept,17-18
(Annie .001.4
Grand Valley ... Oet.21-22
Guelph .Sept. 16-18
Hamilton-- ... ........ .Sept. 15-18
1lauaivei . Sept. 18-19
1tolstein - Oct. 1
Kincardine Sept. 18-19
Listowel "'Sept. 16-17
London' (Western Fair) ....Sept, 5-1.2
Markdale Oct. 14-15
llfild:nav ................Sept, 29-80
Mount ForestSept, 17-18
Owen Sonud
Stratford .Sept, 18-19
St. Marys ...Sept. 28-24
'l'eeswater.. Oct, 7-8
Tiverton ...... ...... ...... ... '. Sept. 20
Toronto (Otto, National) Aug 23 Sept.13
\Viartou Sept. 25-24
\Ph,ghauh Sept. 25-26
Woodstook .Sept. 17-18
Sept. 18-19
Oct. 7-8
Sept. 23-24
Sept, 24-24
Erfurt{ Reddy of Stratfod l'ell while
playingbitsehtll1 uk Springhauk Ptu'k
London, lust Thursday armament and
trached his kneecap, causing Ito in-
jury 1 ct
t1 I will lay 1 1 1 7 forti
u It it
!t tIX
a I
}cells. The limb was tumpoPnrMy re -
indeed but haul to be wired at Strut -
Neel Hospital. Reddy was one of a
poll `• of Monickers froth London,
a n
St Ih mos told Stratford nvht were
m1101 41'11) 1011 outing held under the
auspices ,' the us t(.es (1 t is 13rutber cod nl' 1' '
l b arc•
well and Rai Iway lib giueers,
For 46 yews Allen Cittlnittll has been
Seer( t ( f
n t u } ) SL 111ttr'ya UOlh:giatC
13nard For neatly 20 }tars though
not eouseeutivcl} he hes keen Sette-
tlu'y of St. James Lodge No, 78, A. P.
& A. M. U)ttil last Pall be was
Secretary of St Marys Lodge No,
393 A, 13'. & A, 11, frau) its organize.
thin, He/ns• secretary James'
Chapter No. 16 about 111 years ago
and he was St'ceettuy of the South
Perth Agricullulttl Society 1'nr 11
(11812) 18079
Will stand for the improvement; of
stook tot his own stable,
Lot 22, Cos. 13, MoKillop
Lolls oil' this horse have won let prize
foe the last three years at Brussels and
Seafot th Shows in the heavy draught
class. Terms -$8.00,
-Leacdbnry1. 0.
Enrolment No. 808. Not Inspected, Form 8
Under 1'e uletione Ontario Statute,
2 Geo, V., Chapter 07.
Ontario Stallion Enrolment Beard
Certificate of Enrolment of
The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario
certifies that the mune, deeerlptloe enol pedi-
gree of the (fly daede le Stallion Loudon 'a lhty.
orite time.) Registered in the Clydesdale Stud
Book es No 11812, owned by .John J. elrGayin,
of Lendbury, and foaled it, 1004, lies been en-
rolled In aceordonce with ('Lnpter 67 of the
Statutes of Ontario, 2 Goo, V.
This Certillonte meet ba renewed on or be-
fore the 8101 day of Deeember,1018, and within
thirty days efter n °Lange of °wearable of the
enid stallion a new certificate must be obtain-
A. P. Westervelt, Secretary.
'slut Joint Bright. C11eb'tnan.
Dated at Toronto, Ont., the 14th
day of April, 1018.
You Know Us
We are in business right here wher:; you live. You are an
acquaintance, neighbor or a friend of ours. This money -back.
if -not -satisfied offer should prove the sincerity of our claims.
When we say we believe wo have ly relieve constipation. They act to
the best laxative and back up our overcome the cause of constipation.
statement with
our unqualified
They tend to eliminate the causeiee
to return without t out duestion or of sick headache, biliousness, bad
formality the money paid us for it, breath, nervousness and other ills
if it docs not prove entirely satis- attendant upon inactive bowels.
factory to you, we believe we are en-
titled to your confidence.
Our business success and prestige
depend upon your confidence in us.
We know we must secure and hold
confidence your 3 donee in.rder t
0 oet and
keep your patronage. Therefore, we
would not dare make this offer if we
were not positively certain that we
can prove our claims for
Our experience with them and the
many reports we have received from
those who have used them prove
that they are really the most pleasing
and satisfactory bowel remedy we
know of.
Rexall Orderlies taste like oandy.
They are soothing and easy in action.
Theydon't cause griping, nausea,
purging or excessive looseness, as do
the usual physio or laxative. Rexall Rexall Orderlies come in vest-
Orderlies seem to act as a tonic- pocket tin boxes. 12 tablets, 10c;
strengthener upon the nerves and 36 tablets, 25c; 80 tablets, SOs.
muscles of the bowels. Theyprompt- Usual dose one tablet.
CAUTION; Please bear in mind that Rexall Orderlies are not sold by all drug-
gists. You oan buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores.
You can buy Rexall Orderlies in this community only at our store:
Make Us Prove This
We want
you to some to our }tore
geta package
of Recall
lies. Uae a few or use up the entire
box. Then, ifou are not entirely
satisfied, some Back and tell us and
we will promptly return the money
you paid us for them.
promise nothing -you sign
nothing obligate yourself to
us in no way whatever. We accept
your mere word.
Don't you now believe that Resell
Orderlies are worthy of a trial?
Could any offer be more fair?
Try Them at Our Risk
We partioularly recommend Rexall
Orderlies for children, aged persons
and for delicate people.
The Xelelt Store
There is a Rexall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human 3U-
each eepeoialty deadened for the particular ill for which itis recommended. •
The Rexall Stores ere America's Greatest Drug Stores
the victims of early indiscretions and later ex.
ceases, who. aro failures In life -you aro the
ones we can restore to manhood and rev ve
the spark of energy Y and vitality. Don't gv
up despair usyou have treated w ed
ver doctors, used c belts ted
various drug store nostrums.
Our New Method Treatment has snatched
hundreds from the brink of despair, has re-
stored happiness to hundreds of bomes and.
has made successful men of those who were
down and out." Wo prescribe specific rem-
edies for each individual case according to the
symptoms and complications -we Have no
patent medicines. This is ono attic, secrets of
our wonderful success as our treatment can-
not fail for we prescribe remedies adapted to
each individual case. Only curable cases ac-
cepted. We .have done business throughout
Canada for over 20 Years.
EADER Ape ey4o. Au rne vi
cutiimenNdae tyoualos
rte your blood Leendiosensed? Hgveoymurayy
Our Now Method Treatment will
euro you, What it has done for others It will
dofor you. Consultation Free. No matter
who has treated you, write for an honest
pinion Free of Charge. Books Free --
Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Biustrat•
ed) 011 DisMtees of Men,
ones, EvaiTthmgConfidential. QuoinoaIistAnd Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
All letters from Canada must be addressed
G to our Canadian Correspondence Depar:-
mirlammeies- meat in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
DRS, KENNEDY tic KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont.
Lwaits for our private address,
The People's Column
•10Ali il1l1 WANTED Yur !i. S. No, 0, htorrle
townelllp, dullto to mneu, 01100 1001)(0111110P
2nd, Appltt•onte to shat' Hain , ton) Mee Won
mrd expel Ieste n. Norm)] it In•el erred, Ap-
pheallotle rani vtel up to A ug net lel.
2.1 Seeretory, Ruin , ova V. 0.
home ' a I nolle
Bial The him no tots t d by
moved. o 'tel :11 nl n 11
Kerney, whot Gl (known
John Ht , 1l
dolt 1 (I
its thoRo ars property, Tm•nbarry Area) is
offered for Hale or if nob sold will be related,
There is uoonifw'tuble hoose, gootl stable and
t;.y acres of land with It double entrance. Foie
garden &o. For reveller psrtleultell apply to
Uh0 ]to
Herr, Till0 ave w110 00108
W. Et l o Pyy.
It las eb °fou spot to live in ttnd will be nodal
very rumennbly. 27-tf
ie�AR,11 FOR SA: 412, -The undersigned offere
r" !de rine farm consisting of about 10 notes
edioining the town or Onntol, for sale. 1•ite
1 tln
cod obitn ofcultivation and
good bbrick bank barn, dile.
g house, pig pun, etc., i11compare' veln new.
Afirst-cryo orchard on Rifting all
kinds of fruits mtO oleo mel leeks. The
fern) le well feinted
and drained and f&apply
Foe furthsrpnt•tfenlarsapply
on e 11n•emise.1 or ncldress
28•tf dOBN TORRANCE, Clinton.
CAR 7i'OR SALE, being South half Lot 20,
Con. 4, Morris township, Huron Co„ con-
taining 100 aeras more or lees. On the prem.
lose ie a frame Itouse, bank 1,5011 good o1'Ohnrd,
well, windtnlll, &o, All °leeead except about
tel acro. School 134 miles distant. Only 2
nlilee from Bressele. 0 no•ae of Fall wheat in
raid about 80 acmes seeded. down. For price,
terms and other inffi,ormation apply on the
promisee2r or Scott,lBrussels.ole P. O. 'Phone
11•tf A. 0. HERR. Proprietor.
The undersigned offers for sale his fine
100 acre farm, being North Eel Lot 20, Con. 0.
Morris tovnehtp Buren Co. Farm is in a good
state of cultivatBurenn, well femu d, and has on 1t
a doe brick house that cost i8,50e. Good lawn
surrounded by(eider hedge. Barn 02x00feet
on store foundation. Good orchardand10
wee of bindweed bush. Farm is only a mile.
from the splendid market town of Bruesels
and is 1F miles from wheel, Good commun.
iby. Poesosalot at once, For further partlou•
do's, price, terms, &c.. apply on the premises
or to JOBN 810ONEY, Proprietor, Brussels
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants, Write fir par-
ticulars to
John -E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033 Brandon Man,
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, fie.
1j:epaii's to Ramps pr'ot1)plly
attended to.
Give me a call.
A. MAK Cranbrook
weireammemen•Strl 161•••••••=0.606
Thousande.of ambitious young pee-
ylo ire feet' preparing in their own
homes to occupy hoorativo positions as
stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra-
phers, civil servants in fact every
'There of notivibiee. You may finish at
college if you 90 181011. Pestilent, guar-
anteed. Enter college any day, Indi-
vidual instruction, Expert teachers.
Thirty years' experience. -. , Largest
trainers in Onnada.-- Seven college's.
Special course for tenehers.
A ill anted with Commercial Educa-
tor's AasesIatton of Canada. Summer
School at ramous Spotton Business Col-
lege, -London. -
Wingham Business College
G ao. t;l'nmPrros,ent. w. T, N[onea,
esid- • Principal.
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pain, danger or operation.
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parently hopeless cases no
platter what your age is
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Why wait until yottr rup-
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when: you can be cured ?
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