HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-8-7, Page 1i
A' k.
VOL.: 2 NO, 6
W. H. KRRR, Propietor
New Advertisements
Pratt f,abols-Sts. Pox.
To Oontruoiors-A. Me1&wen.
Watch chain Lost -Ton POS'('.
1.l.istrict � •ei
:Chore are at good nuuty of one
young people going West of the first
Me. and Mi's. McGill, of Usborne,
are visitors at \V. R, and Mee,
Stewart's. -
ATrs. Mundell anti daughter, of
Mitchell, are visiting at P. R. and
hire. Gardiner and uthet' friends in
Lhle localiby.
Tile ladies of Bethel held their
monthly Aid at the home of Mrs.
Dougherty'Thurrdaay of this week.
\7e ootgeatulaate R. A. Dundee on
the success he leasattainedat the
recent examinatione, He was ou the
Honor Roll
We are sorry to state that Rich,ar.l
Robnison has been on the sick 114
for the last fete weeks, but hope ho
will soot be arouu(l again.
After 3t year's of service Ales. M. 1e.
57cPweu has tendered ]tee I ilgportiol
to the Dominion Government tie
Postmistress of the Leadbury Post
Oiilce, She lute been a faithful of-
Mrs. Gibson is visiting Aire. Andrew
Pal lock.
Miss Lanett Brvans has been visiting'
oat lies, B. King's.
Sirs. Duncan McDonald :is holiday.
ug at Port Elgin.
Tuesday of this week Ralph Shaw
left for a trap to t duroltl,u, securing
hie ticket from H. Ct. Jaeltsen, iiens-
Plisses Jane McLennan, Maggie
Johnston and Ales. Elijah Jackson, of
Carey township, underwent operations
a short lime age and are Making good
pl'ngl ess.
Exona91ore.-Lttlte Huron's breezes
will be enjoyed by it gond moos) from
this htcali1y Thursday of utrxt week,
Train leaves Brussels at 8.18 a. in. and
Bluevale at 8.38. Return tickets -cost
We are sole Agents
for Walker's Overalls
Made in Walkerville, Ont.
We guarantee 10 cents for every button that
comes off and 25 cents for every rip, and for
every 6 stamped pockets cut from Worn garments
we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock
Get the Habit Save the Pockets
Sold and guaranteed by
. McDonald
n d
Also by the Walkerville Pant and Overall Co,, Walkerillle, Ont,
Union Sabbath School
Thursday, Aug. 11th
Special Train Time and Fares as Follows p �
LEAVE Time Faro, Adults Children
PALMERSTON 7.05 a. in. $1 45 75c
GO \V ANSTO W N 7.211 1 80 05
LISTOWEL '7.80 125 65
ATWOOD 7,45 110 55
ItENFRYN- 7.55 .. 1 05 55
ETHEL 8.03 1;05 55
LIIltUSSI+7LS 8.18 - 1 00 50 ,
BLIJEVALE 8.33 85 45
WING' HAM 8 43 75 40
WI3ITECI1URCII 8.55 00 30
LUOKNOW.... 0.10 50 25
RIPI�I+7Y 0.28
40 2,0
Arrivingatklncardine ate.45
Returning will Leave Kincardine at 7 p. tn.
Tickets good for a clay, except from Palmerston and Owens.
town inclusive, which are gold to 'Timm following day.
nts are being Arrangements g made for
_ . Bowling, Base Bail
Teams town w
andother Sports at Kincardine
Everybody Should Arrange to Go
v v
and Spend the Day at the Lake
Miss Helly, Rev. L J. Mann, - W. N. Herr,
Supt. St, John's S. 8, Stipt, Melville 8.8. Suet. Meth. S. B.
, 7.00 and 50 omits frau B easels I d
S s, s tnr
85' and 45 cents flour 131uevttle foe
adults toil children. Spechtl train
will ran and will leave Kincardine at
'7 p. m.
Next Sunday evening 14ubt. ANA'.
llelee, of Vancouver, B. 0., will don.
duct service 10 Victoria l3iiJI at 7..80
o'clock. Me. McAllister was a former
We aro pleased to report that Ales,
John White, of Listowel, who was so
seel(inely ill, is enmeWhat lutproved.
Many old fn lends in this locality wish
her a speedy recovery. •
The trustees of S. S. No. 4 Grey
township, known as. the J3ryans
school, have engaged the servleee of
Ale, Levy, of Colborne township, for
thecoming;Perin, salary to be 6550.
Wo wiah-hini success.
',lies. Shaw, of Listowel, was visiting
for a few days in 731uevale. -
Rev. Mr, (look and family have re
turned front 111)111 vacation rid are
welcome back.
Alis. Sittytleison, of T'oron1u, titin
has a country residence here, has 1u-
Lurned In her home after spending a
couple of months, much improved in
health. Other relatives were with
her Stir.n
klan(lela n Cy 719 !a1 mnt 'lie .
mon for years with tit lute A. Bruce.
1(0 ! Por 1fX11cARDINE.- Next
Thursday, August 1411, is the date
set. fur the. annual Sabbe,Lit .School
Excursion to KihceId!oe, Special
train leaves31 t
i nealentS.33 u. m
s will and the far n85 t
e u Ile and 45
respectively. Trout is billed to get
Lo the tette at 9.45 and will leave for
hone at 7 in the evening. Arrange
a pie-nic pattt�ty fol' the 14411.
D. McQuarrie was i11 the burg last
ale, find AL's. 51enavy.have taken a
trip through the Oana(ltan Wen. -
Illy, heaver. of W1tighuni, hos built
cement silo Mr J. P. I\IcIulosh,
On Friday evening last the
Stevenson dredge passed through in
sections. They ace starting another
drain near the boundary.
Next Snaulay atm noon the gnartel-
ly communion service will be held at
the Methodist church at the close of
the sermon. The pastor will officiate.
Rev. J, L. and Ides. McCulloch will
spend a few weeks et their cottage at
bauble Falls, the rev, gentleman
being tnutih improved in health.
Mrs. Geo. Baker went to Logan
with her another, Mrs. Nicholson, and
returned on 51.1 nday accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. Anthony Baker, and
daughter, Marie, of Saginaw, 51ielt.
Excursion to Kiitem dine Thursday
of next week. Special bilin will leave
Ethel at 8.08 anti Bt ussels at 8.18
The retnen fare from Ethel is $1.05
and 55 cents for adults and children,
respectively, and 8100_aitld 50c from
n rad Mrs. Taylor and children
mat)) ed to Kluoardioe last Friday
with R. McKay, of Blyth.
quite a crowd went to Kincardine
last Pridaty and (another eeotvtl le
waiting for next Thur'sday's Excur-
aion front Brussels and other. points.
A' former Belgraveite, ln)the person
of Hugh McLean, suffered by Iho fire
that burned
a block w -
1lensall last
i was h❑ the
Better luck next tithe.
Lest timidity Rev. Ms . McEachern,
of Oil Springs, preached a flue serm-
on itt the Presbyterian church, Rev.
Air. Mush, of Springville, Peterburo'
Presbytery, will conduct the services
next Sabbath and on Monday after-
noon at 2 30 o'clock, a meeting will be
held in Calvin church when the con-
rera i
tons tna
g ochoice n
p o•
A fine 'barn 50 x
00 feet,was raised
on the farm of Wm. Neh{V.Lery, South
of here, an Tuesday to 'replace the
barn wrecked by the wind storm on
Good Feitlny. Captains were R. 13.
McGowan and P. W. Scott, the latter
winning. L. Sciimageur, of Blyth,
has chit contract. There was a Marge
attendance at the raising who hope
Me. Nethery may often have the
building packed.
Miss Bailin': Armstrong has been
visiting at Kincardine.
Bliss Iona Steles is vision;; frivudti
at Dublin and ]3rodlutgf,eo this week.
Miss Muriel and Albert Owen, of
Toronto have returned after tt holiday
of ttvo weeks at Harry 8pe1101's,
Hugh and Mrs. Potter left for Alc-
Oantity, Sask., last Tuesday where
they will peobablS' spend several
in otthe,
Bates were. struck M, last Council
meeting as follows i -On. rate, ,00194
on $ ;'Townslhip, .008 ; General school
rate, .00155,
Sydney Arutsteoug, 10th Cots has
been engaged as Principal of the Con-
estoga school at a salary of $750 pet'
year. We wish hirn snceess.
John Lukes, of AutheesLburg, was
visiting with Sydney Armstrong,
1011 con. They were old schonlmales.
at the Normal, -
A thriving shed 24 x 86 fend, on a
cement foundation, is being erected
on the fat 11 of Thos, Davidson.
Dressed lumber is being used, lough
1.1. Elliott, of 13enssels, has the jolt.
"Muni) for Lake Iduron" is what
n lenge crowd is saving in emitter:tion
tv!Itt the annual outing to Kineatdine
Tbirsday of - next week. Special
train tunes cord d and ,t
kucn fare given
this issue.
A, and Mrs. Arnett itnd two child-
ren, of Detroit, were welcome vtsltoes
at George Oxtoby's, 011 con. The
former is Diss. Oxloby's brother,
The U'1 ] was modeo
s bymotor
I a
whit etaenjoyed
while 1110
guests were here. 1
Oit page 4 of this issue of THE POST
May be read the sad story of the
di owning ofDtuticl McMillan, at I'nrni.
er residen1of the Oil) con. of Gi ey,
His wife was Miss ,Tessin Sinolith',
daughter of the late Peter F4iuelair,
1.411 out,
'rho expo( t: Judge was theouph this
mu0ici pall lyhist week adjudging the
illi%ewiiliiel'e int lire Oat Stapling
Field Crop competition, under the
auspices of East Huron Agrirnttnrttl
Society. President Leckie aceonpahr
ic(1 him,
Drain con con beets were let by the
Council Lo the fol loving )-Ptllarti,
to It. Alcock, for $2819, he to put in
surface culverts ; Silver Corners Im-
Iprovement, to D. Reed, art, $1280 ;
nglis, to J. Matthews, at $2206. 14th
and Orioles drains are not let yet.
Mrs. Chas, Burrows, er,, .De. 0. H.
and Mrs. Burrows and their Ltvn sons,
Chas. and Raymond, of Washington,
D. C., John Fletcher, of Toronto, and
John A. McIntosh, of West Summet'-
laand, B. C., were welcome visitors at
the home o(TIi os. 0. Stevenson 10th
Robt. and Mrs. Plenary, Dalen ,
left on 'Tuesday Orn' a two month's
visit in Ute ‘Vest. They took Lickels
to Delnratine ani will spend most of
their time in Saulheen Manitoba,
We wish theta a gond tine. Tickets
were secured from II. L. Jackson, 0.
P. R. agent Brussels.
Frank and Mrs. Baker, of Marine
City, Mich., are visiting Mrs. Baker's
father, Adam Duke,of
Grey. Me.and Mrs, Baker mde the trip b
auto and Aly. Baker says lie found ex-
cellent roads throngh Canada enjoy-
ing Ole trip fine, They expect to re-
turn next week, lir. Baker's two
nephews George and Frankie Baker
accompanied them.
Wow 1ST 1101 BARLEY.- Oliver
Herningwaty, 1011100o., was awarded
theistprize for
Bayle ill t11
I e Stand-
ing Coo competition in 'conn inn
p act
with Blyth Agticnitural Society.
The ptize is $20.00. Judging was dome
last week by an expert appointed by
the Provincial Government,
Grey township cut quite a swath in
prize winning last week in the Oat
crop competition. First prize wars
taken by R. T. Hoover, 9131 con„ who
scored high and captured the $20.00
prize Other r`
Ize winner 1
S who
chased close after were
f Jam.n an
lVr] Work, Voll T. R. Bennett and Jas
Burgess also of Grey;-'
Dan. McTavish spent the week -end
in Toronto.
Noel Dickson, of Toronto, is visiting
with friends here.
Amongst those who attended the
Excursion to Kincardine last Friday
40,000 FARM
Plug halloo/it per ml1o from Winnipeg
to MacLeod, Cukar9.or Edmonton. M aoLod, Calgary
al r ore o n o 0 Winnipeg
AUGUST 18th -From ell stations Kingston to Renfrew Induslve and east thereof in
AUGUST 22nd --Frown Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia inclusive
and South thereof.
-.AUGUST 2811 --Froth Toronto and North-Western Ontario, North of but not Including
Grand Trunk. Line Toronto to Sarnia and East. of Toronto to Kingston,
Sharbot Lake and Renfrew Including these points,
SEPTEMBER3rd-From Toronto and en stations in Ontario. East 0 but not Including
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Day.
SEPTEMBER 8th -From all stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive;
end West thereof ht Ontario, including C.P,R, Line Sudbury to Sault Ste.
Marie,. Ontario, but. not including Azilda and West,
ON • Ad is Otic -e is Wlnnip WILLn55 SOLD TO Each
it Ot w
One -Way certificate,
class tickets toeWinnipeg n. tehe be sold. Gaou ticket will been
c flan ccfttficatc with an couponManed
riff aextension extension ou has benhe
to ,ns10n Coupon. When p a e
at ton by a farmer shoaling plcui engaged the holder to work as a farm lobbyer, the
(minim will 11 nt an to tion West 30th for ticket at rate of one•PaclS , per min
(minimum env cents) to any station ways of Winnipegit, S ska Canadian Albert Canadian
Northam or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not
west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod, Alta.
A certificate will be Issued entitling purchaser to a second-class ticket good to return
from any station' on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific
Railways in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba cast of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton
06 original starting point by the same route as travelicd on going Journey on or before
November 30th 1913, en payment of one halt cent per rano (minimum fifty cents) no to
Wlnntpcg added to 118.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder, deposits the certificate with
aha ticket agent on arrival at desdnanon and works et lesat tbtrty days at harvesting.
For fun particulars see nearest, C.P.R.tAgent, or write
AI. 0. MURPHY. Da'.A.t C.P.R., Toronto.
remit here were 111isses Al, Davidson,
S. Robinson, N. Anderson, B. R,
Bull, J. 'Pow"' (10(1 P. Moffatt and 14,
Pattetsou, 1t'. Retitle and C, Strafford,
Hiss 4110 1 'h• • (•c
I R tl ttf ni 1 ,e holidaying
to lltamllton at present.
Ed, Jacges, of Toronto, Is the guest
of his taunt, Mrs. B. F. Carr.
Alex. Stewart, of Tnrnberty, re -
aimed In Windsor of Tuesday,
MY's.Oauleronleft for het' hone in
Grand Valley on 1'huraday last.
Miss 'Thelma Rawlinson, of Toronto
Is Ole guest of Aiiss Edna Oatr.
Miss Mina Douglas went to LisLo-
>wel this tveetc for a short vacation.
James Allan jr. had his hand btidly
Cut while playing with a saw on
W. S. and Airs, I\7cKercher have re-
turned fron, a holiday spent at
Betmmsvil le.
Mrs. Staples 101(1 Miss Staples, of
Newcastle are vtsitoh•s at the home of
G. Davidson.
Miss Victoria Simmons returned on
Saturday from it visit with relatives
in \Vinghn.m.
Mies Annie Harris, of Toronto, is
spending a fete weeks' holidays with
friends here.
Airs. R. Moffatt and daughter, Miss
Fanny, tare spending two weeks with
gIlam friends.
Jno. Moffatt, of Clinton,spent a
few days recently with his parents,
C. and Ales Moffat, of Turnberey.
Tindall Ritchie, of Brussels, and
Thos. Ritchie, of Howick, spent San -
day with
their mother, Ars
t t
A meeting of the ht U n er Canada
Bible Society will be Upper
in the
Presbyterian church Thursday even-
ing, An address will be given by H.
0. Hutchison, B, A.
Annual Sunday School Excursion
to Kinoardiae Thursday of next week,
14th inst. Special train leaves
Bluevale at 8,80 a, n1. Return fare
adults 85c, children 45n. Train leaves
Kincardine at 7 p. in.
Walton •
.\•faster, Robert Holland has been on
the sick list lately but we hope for his
speedy recovery,
Miss Odra Forbes was visiting her
aisle'', Mrs. Shos. Williamson, for e
few days during the past week,
Junes Broughton,
of Rinds., spout
Sunday evening in McKillop, It
looks as if Noble will be left to batch
it, soon.
Quite a number from this locality
talk of going to Kincardine ]next
Thursday on the annual Sunday
School Excursion from Beussels.
Jno, and Airs. Watt are back from
a most enjoyable trip to the West.
They were as far West as the Rocky
Mountains and met many old friends
in their joutneyings.
Ii, St. George's church Walton, next
Sunday service will be helm at 3 p.
to. Sunday School assembling at 2
p. in. Choir practice on Thursday
evening. Let us all meet together for
Lhe privilege of worshipping God in
I•Iis own house. We who have the
privilege should make use of it. Re-
member what St. Paul said in his
Epistle to Jaynes, 4th chapter and 8th
verse, in the first sentence.
Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Bell, of
Molesworth, preached in Ole Presby-
tetiaut chureh,
Jut:). Lamont and family
will t
up residence t Erel once more, 1 ot-
ing from Listowel.
Last week Mrs. Jim. King, of this
locality, and Mrs. Bateman and Miss
Lama, of Brussels, wete holidaying
with Atwood friends.
Rev. George and Mrs. Jewitt, of
Blyth, were visiting relatives in this
neighborhood. The 1•everend gentle-
man is a brother to Mrs. Win. Hall.
We were pleased to see Rev. Air.
McCulloch in our village the oiler
Ho is d
day. 1 dimproving in health ave.
argpleased to state.
A line time was enjoyed at the pic-
nic Thursday afternoon of last week.
There Wats a program of sports and
everybody enjoyed themselves,
Rev. 3. T. and Mrs. Legear, of
Lansing, Michigan, formerly of Ethel,
are spending at month at Kincardine
enjoying; the lake breezes at their
Alt's, 1). \V. Dunbar continues poor-
ly but we hope as change for the
better may sono show itself and that
she may be fully restored to gond
Bliss Verde Pollard is away on a
holiday trip to relatives in Rochester,
N. In, and will take in the Centennial
industrital lIxhibiten at Han1i11,011
and t 1511 Gnelph trlends.
The Ethel orchestra will take part
it) a Ladies' Aid Garden Party on the.
school giouttds tau Trowbridge Tues-
day evening of next week. Rev. Plt,
McKelvey will also intend.
At the Official Board d (f the Metho-
dist (hutch last Monday $950 was
voted ars 111)1 pastor's :Wavy. Chas.
Oleaavee was elected as lay delegate to
the District meeting to be held in
The gnarteely Oomuunion service
last. Sabbath attnrlling in the Metho-
dist church here was latgely attended.
Paste's topic was "The impor•Litnce
of the spiritual as compared' with the
Last Saturday Mrs. 8. Ames, tin
old and well known vesicleut of Ethel
and vicinity, celebrated her 83rd
birthday, She is a Very smart holy
fora persoti of her age. We wish 7101'
good health trod Iran happy days,
Pro-Nio Po1NTno1os,-While :playing
I he game of "Drop the hiuikorchief
a young couple collided, The ]'exult
was two very black eyes. As the
genLleluan was, of marriageable ago
what shotiltl he do in the case P --'One
loan bo'towed another man's shirt to
go 10 the picnic on cOud11lons to be
back at a eeetaitt,timo and forgot.
resulted in it little coolness. --0. h)d
ruler 0111(1 his partner carried awa
tate Itemize pitching quoits. They
are now open for at challenge fron
Sunday Sehool Excursion to Kin
oardine`l'hursday of next week, 14th
inst. Special tratin leaves Ethel at
8,02 11, In. Return fare $1.05 for
adults and 55c fur children, Trait
is timed to get to Kincardine at 9.45
and to leave at '1 p. rat, affording a
good long day by the lakeside.
Chief Code, o1 the Winnipeg Fire
Department, and Mr's. Code, were
Item 011 a visit with the latter's sister,
Airs. Wet. Pollard. They went to
Guelph to visit the latter's brother.
It is 9 years since Mrs. Code was here.
They have lived in Winnipeg for 89
years during which time Mr. Oole
has been with the Fire Department.
• Henfryn
Excoasiux To KINCARDINE.- A tr-
onas Sunday School Excursion will
be run to Kim:airline 'Thtn'sditY of
next week by special train whiial
leaves Henfr3'rl at 7.55 a, in. A dray
at the lake will be enjoyed in the
heated spell. Tickets for return Ci ip
will be $1,05 and 55c for adults and
children. Take a day ol'f and join
the U crowd.
Excutsi n r tvd.
Farm or
wheat Crop WEI Be The Largest in The
History Of Canada
Next Council meeting will be hold
Monday, August 25th.
=Allanllau Spell. is overhauling his
on his farm 4th line,Morris.
Miss Cornish, whis teaching at
Avon. is renewing old friendships in
S, S. No. 6.
Miss Jessie Lamb, of Harr'istot, is a
guest at the horse of James and Mrs.
Speir, OLh line, this week.
This week Chas. Leslie and Susie
May On1uingham tare visiting rela-
tives at Bluevale•
We nee glad to repol't progress in.
the condition of Mrs. Albert Croats.
She is able to he rap about the house.
Charlie Btyans, of the Standard
Baulk, Kingston, was holidaying at
the parental !roue duripg the past
The contract for the Hopper drain
was let to John Hopper for the 0u111
of $9.'2.5.00 the work to be commenced
fur thwi lh.
Bobett Carrie, 4eh line. has not
been very hearty for ithe past few
months but is regaining his health
and we hope lie will soot be o. k.
Tenders are being asked for Lhe
Black and .Ellis drains. For parti-
culars read the advertisement on
page 8 of this issue.
Wm. Moses, 2nd line, took 3rd
prize in Oat crop competition wliirh
was run by East Huron Agricultural
Society. He also got an award last
year. ,
Mortis will be represented at the
annual Excursion to Kiucardiue
Thursday of next week. Time table
of special train may be read in an-
other column. -
Airs. Albert Sheldon and daughter,
Irene, and Miss Mabel McKnight. of
Utuckeu's, 4th lint,
St Marys, were visiting y,
and D. Sommer -
vine's, 5th line, They are telatives.
Wm. 0. Oulninghaun, 7th line, has
purchased the 50 acre farm adjoining
his 100 acres from M: Kelly, paying
32500 for it. This will give Air.
On tninglo nr a fine property.
Alton Wheeler anis company left
Wednesday of last week for their home
in Detroit calling
at London
on relatives en routes They motored
in Mr. Wheeler's ante. Miss Lena
Wheeler accompanied then(.
Thursday, of next week, 14110 inst.,
is the date a large number in Morris
have narked down to spend at Lake
Huron, going on the annual Excursion
on the W. G. 13, from Palmerston. A
special train will be run that day.
Mrs. S. Crawford, of Brussels, was
her daughter,EtcAha.
Smith, 6111 line. The latter has had t
felon of he right hand that gave her
considerable trouble but is getting
better now we are pleased to state.
Cann OE THANKS,- We wish to
teudet one sincere thanks to neigh-
bors and friends for kindly deeds and
sympathetic words in connection with
the demise of our little son, Joseph
Vernon. They were most highly ap
preeiatted corning to us in time of
great anxiety and deep sorrow and
will never be forgotten.
Yours Very Truly,
W. S. AND 11I11.8. FORREST.
the raising of the frame of Walter
Davidson's straw shed, 2tid line,
\V m, Souch, 8rd line, fell 12 feet to
the been floor dislocating his shoulder
and breaking his rankle. The plate
slipping was the cause of thea eiden1.
It is unfortunate occurrence at any
time butt particularly so at this
basy season. W. S. Forrest had a
close call. Too much caro cannot be
taken on such occasions when 1)1101an
life and 110111 come into the count.
Clifford Shoevie, son of jolty)
Shnt'rie, 4th line, who is living near
Kelfleld, Sask., has blossomed out
into quite an athlete. I3e is a mem-
ber of a Foot Ball team in the West
and is a husky player its he was when
00 the line rag with Bt meets last year,
On July 12th "Cliff" went to Spring-
water to play foot bell but 1t game
not materializing he tools 0hand in
thespot'ts, Ile won' 1st in 100 yard
race 1 1st In running jump, 14 fend
inches ; and 1st in a half mile race in
which there were 12 started. His
Winnings totalled $6;00. So tough for
The dwelling of Jas. Dungan had
a narrow escape from fire on Friday
Tnly 250.
Mrs. W rat, Tlto1118011 1011(1 little
clangdtter, Luella, of Stoney Creek,
Oltt were visitors this week at Jas.
The wheat crop of 1918 will be title
greatest ever. harvested In Mani tribe,
Saskatchewan and Alberta, thus re-
quiring the farm laborers of the
East to recruit and ttesist ill harvest-
Ing the Woz1d's greatest bread
The Governments of the respective
Provinces state that forty thousand
men will be required for this year's
harvest, These w1,1 have to be prin-
cipally recruited from Ontario. and
the prosperity of Canada depends on
securing labor promptly. The Cana-
dian Pacific, on which Company will
fall practically the entire task of
transporting the men to the West, is
already making special arrangements
for this year. Excursions from points
in Ontario to Manitoba, Saskat-
chewan and Alberta will be run, and
special trains operated,- making the -
trip in abont thirty-six hours and
avoiding any change of cars or trans-
fers. This will be a day shorter than;
any other route,
Tele West,"
10.00 tb.Wr
nipeg,. plus half -cent per mile frone
Winnipeg up to MacLeod, 0$lgary •
or Edmonton.
"Return Trip East," 318.00 to Win-
nipeg, plus half -rent per mile from all
points East of MacLeod, Calgary or
Edmonton, to 'Winnipeg.
P g
Going Dates. -August 78th -From
alt stations Kingstonto Renfrew in-
clusive and East thereof in Ontario.
August 22nd-l+rnm Toronto and
West on Grand Trunk Main Line to
Sarnia inelnsive and South thereof.
August 2611.- From Toronto tint13
North 'Western. Ontario, North of but
not • including Grand 'Trunk Line
Toronto to Sarnia and Past of Tor-
onto to Kingston, Sharbot Lake and.
Renfrew including these points.
September 8rd: From Toronto and
01 stations in Ontario East of but not
inchnding Grand Trunk Line Toronto
to North I3ay.
September Ws -From nil stations
on Grand Trunk Line Toronto: to
North Bay inclusive and West there-
of in Ontario including O. P. R. Line a'
Sudbury to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario,
but not including Azilda and West.
Fo' full particulars see nearest 0.
P. R. Agent, or write M. A. Murphy,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Miss Hanna Dufton, of Victoria
Hospital, London, is in charge of the
hospital here in the absence of Miss
Matthews, who has left on a month's
vacation. , •» - '
Jabez Rands had the misfortune to
have one of his knees badly cut
Clinton Model School dL ttlb Y'`'
August 19th A large attendance
g g
looked for.
Mrs. Easom and her daughter, Miss
Margaret left for Lonbon to take up
their abode in that city where two
daughters, Mrs. Albert Kemp and
Minnie Bosom, have resided for some
BAD TIRE. -Fire which brokeoutin
the jewelry store of P. C. McDonald
shortly after six o'clock Monday egen-
ing spread to McLean's drygoods
store, the grocery of George Scott,
and the Bell telephone office. Mc-
Donald's and McLean's stores were
completely gutted and the Scott.store
and Bell telephone office badly damag-
ed. The flames had a big hold on the
M+ Donald store when discovered.
As it was Hensall's civic holiday the
stove was closed and the fire had been
burning for some time and had gotten
well through the plate before tt was
noticed. The Hensall fire-fighters
were handicapped by a shortage of
water, bot did splendid work. When
it was seen that the fire was getting -
away a call for help was sent to Sea- -
forth, and several men hurried over.
The blaze was after the hardest kind
of wort( confined to the block in which
it started. The structure is owned by
R. Bell. All the losses are fairly
web covered by insurance. Owing to
the very diy weather of late it was
feared that the showers of sparks
might ignite score of the roofs. A
close watch was kept, however, by
volunteers and property -owners, and
this danger was averted,
ANNouricooityx,- A'il's. loth Grant
t-kene, of Toronto, announces tate en-
gagement of her daughter, May, to
Prank Leonard Storey, of Bernard
Avenge, Toronto, the marriage to take
place quietly the end ofAugust.
F1tts'r-CLAss HONORS. - We eon.
gratulate Miss Kate Amen t, of town,
on her success: at Loudon. Business
College where she took Fit'st•Class
Honors in her flea] examination. She '
was home during the past week.
GARSIDle-TR, i1,1A,N.-A very pretty
wedding was solemnized ab Cheist
Ohurch, London, at uoou on Saturday,
when Elias Alice. An0ie Tremain, of 8
Horton street, London, became the
bride or At'thut Garside,
Sltneoe street, London. Only lin-
Mediate friends and relatives of the
young couple wore present when the
ceremony was pet'fol'med. Miss Ella
Skinner acted as bridesmaid anti
Joseph Tieuiei'', brother of the bride*
assisted the groom. The happy
couple left for a shore honeytnooti
after which they will take fl resi-
deltee in London Both bride anda3100111 were former residents df