HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-7-31, Page 5BUSIKSS CA110L1 WM, SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Moo in the Peat 01heft, Ethel, 20.4 JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED y�7iMS C rrr PAZIAVE AUCTIONEERS, A. 1 S. SCOTT AS AN AIJC'TION • xoR, will Ball tor hotterrioae to bettor men in lees time mud lees charges Ulna auy other Audio nee(' in East Berea or he won't charge anything. Dates mud orders can always be arranged at this oMee or by p ero noel oppuootlon, LEGAL ANO CONVEYANCING. `xT M. SINCLAIR— r * • Iturrieter, Solicitor, Ouuvoyauoer, Notary rubiib, &o, 019oe—Stewart's Blook 1 door North of Oeutral Hotel. bvlioltor for toe Metropolitan Dank. .. 1.)LtOUDFOOT, 1HAI'S & BILLORAN B Altitl8'1Lr1t8, SOLICITORS, NOTAxtl108 PUSLIO, ETU. Pa u0000P Hers W, u K.O. R O. J. L. KrnnoneN Cillees—Tbose formerly occupied Messrs tameYOnh Bolt, OODanrOH, ONTARIO, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers -mac TO LIVERPOOL lPronn Montreal Tninelan Juno 27 July 22 Vioto'lan: July 0 July 29 Oorslcnn.,.July 11 Aug, 0 Virginian July 17 Aug. 12 TO GLASGOW Pretorinn June 28 Grampian July 5 Scandinavian Jul 12 Hope: inn July 10 July 20 duly 01 Aug. 0 Aug. 14 TO LONDON AND HAVRE Corinthian June 20 Aug. 8 Stallion July 0 Aug. 10 Ionian , July 18 ling. 17 Pomeranian July 20 Ang.24 Scotian July' 27 Aug. 81 Pull information as to rates, etc„ on appllua• Mon to W. H. KERR, Agent .Allan Line, Brussels, gr- � t�r;xbt;ar� �.I,-;s fa I Term a ens BB t mbar tad I o p. p Mato your Decision between Success and Failure. A course ln. thoPopular 0 TORONTO, ONT. ,,j Will prepare you for an excellent post - 1 cin ori Ther 4 tion in th0 ou t— World. first Q .� School. ton pOur of—your. choice of a ." School. Our cot anion ex a b+s won this college ranks among tiie host on Iiia continent. rite for one today. t Write Hater now. n t.r' 5 Cor, Young and (,Z W. J. ELLIOTT, Alexander Ste..1 Principal. `Y \ 'P'PttL2 Yfile0 'Gg§, STRATFORD. ONT. g Canada's Best Business College ' We liavethorongh courses and Bono- potent experienced instructors. We Qdo more for our students and gratin. aces than other schools do, At present we have applications for trained help offering from, $000 to $1200 per annum, Business lnen know where they get the best help. We hove three departments —Oommarotal, Shorthand. and Telegra• pity, Get our free catalogue, D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. al. fli�' t;AyA'Z,b.P44.ts9,Ar-VMAtrYtS.ri,7,,f1�Wi.., '0 First SMIRENSIEGIGEMEINSIGI ./ Listowel Business College Your first step toward 0800080. Pall term opens September 2. Send for new free catalogue to EDWIN Q. MATTHEWS, Prin. sa'4itiitWO,rnatiIIIUiv tvi�sratri'9neaak="- r Y Inlltn�rnn� Best THE • II a. rains in Canada have-1>nrti ciliated in the pre. nitration of our splendid 11011:0 Study Oonrsea 111 Banking, Eoonouies, Mahar A000unting� Commercial' Art, .Show Card Writing, Photography, Journal. Min, Short 8toWriting, Shorthand and Bookkeeping, Select the work Whnolt most 1020•esle you and write 115 for particulars, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 301+7 Yongo 8t., Toronto During the &limner months moth. ere of young children should watch for any unnatural looseness of the bowels, 'When give)) n p roa tatte n - Hon at this time sevi00s trouble may avohled, Chalnbel•lainfs Colic, Cholera anti Diarrhoea remedy can always he depended upon, For Salo by all dealers, • W.H.WiWV' l Director Funer a A r Iter and Em i ba mer Orders.roe i n 'c. t CUL toed 1 11) Tully wctoilded La !tight; n1.• day, Phooe 228. ETHEL, ONT. .r► Business Cards DR. T. T. M' RAE Uaahelor of Medicine, University 9P Toroubo ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Pity ilo18,28 and Surgeons, Ont, ' Post•Bgraduate l.hlcugo Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, M. lt`x•Houso Surgeon to St, Miele eel's Hospital, 0001'0100. Office over P. 1r. Smith's Drug Store, Tele• Phone 00111100ton with Urnabrook at all hours. DR. F. T. BRYANS aeoltelor of Medicine, University of Tomlin ; Licentiate of College of Phlsioaus end her• goons, Ontario ; ex -Senior fiend, Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto, Onions of late Dr. A. Muxevey, Smith l;loolr, Brussels, 140801 phone 45, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL., ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- pitals. Special attention to disease of eye, our, 1105011 td throat. Eyes tested for glasses, DR, WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Oe( 5)800 Veterinary College. Day and nightht Galls, Lace a' 051(9 Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE C BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate. Deportment of O 11thal• 111010 Ma or• a y U nil k ediye College, s B M b U Tea o her l ce 098' to tent eyes and tit glasses et her hu o ay, Friday a Restaurant, alit Brussels,oevery on 01.00loe 10.1.0 and Saturday,.'1) Forenoons week. Olttoe home 1 to 0 e 2i,^ 1+'orenoona by appointment, Phone 1210. T. R. BENNETT Will glye better satisfaction to bothbuyer and seller than any other Auctioneer and only uhnrge what 1s reasonable. Sales oonduoted vlyavhe re In Ontario. Pore bred stook sales a Write or 010818lt , 'phone 28 Wroxeter. GNAW? ramie Rirc US W7 BRUSSELS GOING Soiree GOING NORTH Vail 7:07 n in I Express 10:55 e n, Express 11:25 a 111 Mall 1:50 p 111 'txpreos 9:85 p 81 Express 8:52 p m tde h',1121dfJ' tsCIFIC WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:52 a m Express 12.08a 8l (Express 2:47 p 10 Express 8:00 p m WROXETER Going East - 9:05 a. m. and 8:55 p. m. Going West - 12:90 and 9:47 p. 111. All trains going East oonneet with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. .i tr"i'.0 i Trowbridge Wesley Mc0000llck is at Hawkes• vine relieving Dr. Thompson. Alisses Queenie and Gladys Jackson visited at Mrs. Dielvine'slast week. We are sorry to report Will. Tugll- o n is very low but hupe he will soon up g gain again. t 91r. and Miss Leach, Detroit, are visiting their till 11Lie, lire. J11 Code. Mrs. Holmes and sol have returned home after spending the holiday with Mr. and Aire, Sutton. Goderich Hillier, Mrs. H ' li l' Mrs. of town has returned (1'1,111 a lengthened 70501) W9s1. vhic h took 15)er to the Pacific Coast. R. 10. Sclltows left for a ten clays trip through the Teutaganli country to take pictures for the G. T. R. The Adult Bible Class iu connection with North street Methodist ahureh Sunday School held their anneal pic- nic at A.tttill's Point Wednesday afternoon. The Public Works chairman has rna(le a trial of watering the streets with e brine,obtained at the Ransfor' 1.l Snit well, lnd apparently the experi- ment t i to success, fo • ' ter s eceas, 1 it lays the (lust for a mach longer time than with town wal51and the improvement is finite noticeable If you are av housewife you cannot rensouably hope to be healthy or beutffnl by washing dishes, sweeping and doing housework all clay and. OPawli11g into bed dead tiled at night. Yon must get nut into the open) aur and sunlight, If you do this every clay and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking 011a,nberlaill's Tablets when needed you shnnld become both healthy and beautiful, For sale by all dealers. Atwood Elmo, Council will meet at the Agricultural hall, Atwood Satntday, August 10th, at 10 0 (40001. Ablate), Edgar Gray, Montreal, and MastoL Lindsey Donaldson, Stratfoe d are spending their vacation at their tmelcs Hugh Richmond. General Oounty tato for Ebola for 1913 was $5047.00 and tut' expenditure on Gond hoods $2258.00 halting a total county rate of (07,005.00. 'fender of .Tnlun Ctirti0) & Son to coist'net the Coleman Drain accord- ing L0 the plans, profile and specifica- tions thereof ° for the sura of $8,880 was accepted. Tho wolldilig of Mabelle, daughter of Mrs, Robt. Kemp, of Royalty. Sask., to Gunge P. Groensides, son of E. T, land 141t's. Greensides, of At• wood, took place on Wednesday, July 3t g 0 h Congratulations. Directors of Mina Farmers' Mutual Fire Insnran,e Co. (net, in the Agri- enittttal Hall, Atwood, Tuesday, 15th Met, .All membees of board resent, Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. C laies for loss, byli htn- Mg from the following were paid :— M. Krantee, Grey, cote killed, $50,00 ; 1?. H. Mueller, Logan, steer,28; ,las. M. Dickson, Elmo, obW, $551 W, 0, Anderson, Whlihos, Mat* $250 ; ,lila, Rile, 7101501)1 two steel's, $7:3 ; , no, Latlgiord, Mornhlgton, sow, $021 Rabt, Bnehauau, JilIJolOI, calf, $18 ; Jos, Oumutiitgs, (xrey, hoose 1110110(15101, $8, Ap.1b- lleathllle for + 111s5H'Ellel' were aeeepten 15055011 ni» to $ 47,000. Alerting lilt Tuesday, ilIAi19h. Fordwlch \Vuok is being ;melted on the new sidewalks, Will, Adtuns of Guelph, 18528 spend- ing r 4 week t w k t Vi 1.h Mende iu this neigh - bo letres . Rev, Mtn:lea,lallnstol, of Shallow Lake, is again visit Ing his 1ehatives in Ude Ieighborhn(al. A Garden Party under the susppioes of the Willing Workers of the Ford- wieh 1Alethodiat Church will be held. 110 the chute))) geonnd5 Friday even - fog, Aug. 8111. lliss Mat garet Faust, 2nd line, left for Cleveland, Ohiu, w11017e she has accepted a position as teacher .01 5feuugraplty in the Motlopalitltu nosiness aollego of that eity. George 13unstntl was uII'orhlnate tu'fa11 and give his left arm at had 1(5)0(11., splintering the hone between the shoulder and elbow, The iujnvy was 110(2 sufficient, hnwevee, to lay 111111 off w'or'k. Dirs. 3olnm Redlich' and Tittle son, 10th 5000,, were rel urnieg home from town in at wagon with 1.t load of chop when in some 0)nailnet' their team be- come fl'iglitened •IC an automobile ;hive) 1 111 • ' el ly W. (.Alrchael, who was passing them rune > 1110 real mod I t bolted to the 5+495)( road. the 10 t I The V gnistruck a telephone })n1P tweak- ing the axle and nhunving 1ht, 0i•- eupf1111s ant 'the leant then ran a- way but were stopped before they had gone fat'. Mrs, Padfield and little boy were brought hack to the,1ctoe's by 1L neighbor where it \vas found Mat 1,41. 11151112 arm 59110 badly 1'eaetn1'- ed between_._the eibo\v and should(,', end her face era, end the buy, ❑l' though not seriously iu;juled, tl'as severely shaken up. Struck 6—y Lightning • Neatly describes the celerity of Po 1.111, 151's Corn Extractor, Roots 01)81.1.5 out in short Order, Causes no pain leaves no scow, and gives perfect satisfaction. 1letneulbee there is only one 'best"—(harts . Putnam's—fifty your i11 use. Seaforth Alike Olive Laidlaw 010100, of 13ust011, is spending her holidays at her home ill town. 5 pupils from the Seaforth Separate school wrote at the recent High School Entrance examination, mud all passed. Airs. R. Johnston suffered a para- lytic stroke on Tuesday of last week, and at time of writing, is in a very serious condition. The hydro -electric is being extended to Goderich. The poles are on the pound, and n gang ofleu' u 5)51)15 g g g horsy constructing t t the line. \kiss Lillian Faulkenel has had 1.o re- sign her position in 13eattc's variety store, owing to ill health Miss Eva: Chitteudeu has taken he; place. John Maellwan, A'xinticapalis Minn., nephew of E. E. Hellen', met with a painful aceideut while playing with sky rockets in a park near his home. The rocket went. through his foot, and upon being oaken to the hospital, it is thought the foot will have to be amputated. A most lively runaway (wenn efl on Alain St. shortlyafter 1.0 6 d clock, lVeduesday evening, of last week when a fine heavy teats of Mr Reilly, Beechwood, took fright at it passlug, auto, and dashed madly up the street. As soot) as the owr/ea' of the car, 151r. Ameut 00 Brnssels, SatV the situation, he immediately stopped, but the Leann went plunging ou, and in making the ld11',, at the Queen's Hotel, collided with the big twee, inf1•ollt•, of the hotel. This checked their speed, otherwise theywould-have nld•ha u vebeclnniuwitedguests in the bar. Strangely enough, very little. (tannage was clone. The tongue of the wagon was broken and some of the harness, while one pane of glass in the hotel window was splashed. One horse was slightly stunned, but after the tongue. was replaced by a 01.027 one, they jogged off hoarse, 0(p percntly none the worse of their es0apa¢e. Fo•timately, it happened r lust after -Query one had bone to supper, else the results might have been 5)5)1(11 more serious. I5EA7ORT1I 8 111KYOR RESIGNS.—At the meeting of the Seaforth T81ov) Oounatl 14.iaayo' Graig handed in hie eesignatloll, which woos accepted, and Councillor Piapry Stewart was ap- pointed acting Mayor nail the 1)019 inewel-ten tis elooted. The 1(0000n for Air, Greig's resignation is that at the lastsession of the Ontario Legislatere 01) amendment was amide to the Municipal Act, disqualifying division court clerks from holding municipal positions, thelclisqualifieations coming into force on July 1. As Ml'. Greig is Clerk of the Division Court in Seaforth, he was obliged to resign either position, 11)1(1 he naturally chose the 110052 P ernuuerative. Nomina- tions to fill the 412001ncy will be held on August 1, and in the event of an election, it will be on August 8. Listowel W. J. Afoevison, B, Ais taking a ept'dhLI 1081500 of study tat„ the 0, A.• 0. Guelph, Dr. P. A. Parker, Kenlncky, is visiting with Dr. R. F. Parker and assisting him in his practice for to few weeks. Dr, ,Tris. Moose returned Motile from Winnipeg last week. lie was 120100(05- panied by his sister, Mrs. Hewitt, who was seriously ill. At "Hill Orest, 13fsrnerk street, 011 Wednesday afternoon, Miss Irene Fogel, Grey township, wee unite(( 15), marriage. to Arthur G. F0roman, 1518Iia, Rev. T. 3, Smith, of Listowel, officiating, Thos. tale has been engaged to ar- range and plant the flower beds a- round the post office and already leas a fine bed of flowers in front of the building. 'There will be 1•vvn betas in 485)5)( and (lire bods on the East s1. side, Rev. S. Howarth and Alt's. I•iowarth were the reeipient8 of a Ilandsntne present each whet) about20 111o1nbee's of the Baptist ehttt010 Met at the llhstol'IS 13ntno and resented them O!RL SUFFERED ••••4.+•••••••••••••••••••• 1. Order your 1 TERRIBLY •1, At Regular Intervals—Says Lydia: E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound m Cam o d ca . pletely cured her. Adrian,: Texas,—"I take pleasure In adding my testimonial to the great list and hope that it will beef interest to suf- fering women, For four years I suffered untold agonies at regular intervals. Such pains and cramps,severe chills andsieknessetstom- aeh,then finally hem- orrhages until I' would bo nearly blind. I had five lectors and none of them could do more than relieve mo for a time. "1 51229 your advertisement in a pa- per and decided to try Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound. I took seven boxes of it Jlnd used two bottles of the Sanative Wash, and I am com- pletely - 1letelY cured of my trouble. When I began taking the Compound I only weighed ninety-six pounds and now I weigh ' one hundred and twenty-six pounds. If anyone Wishes to address me in person I will cheerfully answer all letters I canna s 0(S t speak too highly ' p of the Pinkham remedies, ”—Miss TEs- Sal; Matsu, Adrian, Texas, Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound has accom- plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinlcbant Medicine Co. (coutl• dentin') Lynn, Blass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. H11,11112'1""4"'",."'2....111111111111' will} a mantel clock and a 5 o'clock tea set given by the members of the eh nosh. ' Andy McKeever Inas so recovered from itis recent serious illness as to be able to resntue his duties at the bank of 7ltuniltou. Fred. Johnston, son of Will. and Mrs. Johnston, Inkerwan streot, who was seriously ill on account of vaccination, is nicely recovering. What might have been to fatal 0ccideut occurred in Wallace. lVhile Norman Billing and his sol John were i1 e taking in the then tons f g Llp g the fm k were accidently t'un into the bowels orf the boy, iufiictinn Serious injury. 11.13. Morphy, R. 0., M. P., and Mrs. Morphy, of Listowel left on a trip to Newfoundland, Alr.. Morphy being a delegate to the Supreme Grend Lodge of the L. 0, L. Order of 13oitislt America which (net in St. Johns, Mr. Mot pity has been honor. ed with an invitation to be the guest of the Newfoundland Grand Lodge for a week. H. B. 114th o p q 17. P. reports that the chief architect will have a neat and presentable little building to provide a shelter for the four rigs engaged in driving mail from Listo- wel, to be built or the rear of the lot to the West, and to be in keeping with the betiding of stone foundation and red brick. There will be a eon - et ete on-acre driveway, 9 feet in width, from Main street to the retend and from e c 5)w there to Dodd street. $80 has been Mimed 101) flower wounds fol' the East side and front of the building.. Awnings will be placed on the feout toedZVe st ids s of t It e public building. • •r•0.1!••F••�•fe•.4.4. •• • •+9••0.0 What we say it is - iT IS ,t. eth1inB Winwzoississznagmersca Gifts 1• samemenuisiese 0 • e • A well selected assort• - •• ment of June Wedding a••• • Gifts has just arrived in • • •• e 0 p4 e • 4. •.14e • • e • e •• • • •• • • •• 4. 4, • Engagement Rings - an;d Wedding Rings • 4. • Special Prices during June IMMIMISIMOMMINIIIII o • •• J. R. Wendt N 4. • • Jeweller a5)d Engraver aver • Wroxeter Fine Cut Glass Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Ware Also 52 nice assort- ment of Black and Oak Mantle Clocks 444.44.4.•••44.1.044444.••••••• 4.1.04'•4a04•••••t'•4'i • 0 ✓✓ Stoner P ^S' • • • Suit EARLY AND AVOID I • THE RUSH * + 4• Fits Right, - F Vitorkmanship Right and Prices Right f¢ 4. ✓4 Good Values in 4•' :.E. • Paramatta Rain Coats t• •1Call fuel see there. • ' 4. d` ..1. • Merchant Tailor w '1' .1. ++++++++++++++++4.4-4.+++++÷÷ W. P. Fraser 118. Morphy regrets that the building of the (1rii1 hall has been Relayed ow- ing to the lengthth of session and the late at which the e su'mates les had been brought, down, but $20,000 has been voted The plans are now pre- pared and tenders will be 001(0(1 for Immediately, and the work started it is hoped this Summer. Select Your Medicine With Care In debility and Weakness medicine should be tun/land far teaching. Many pills and purgatives are too harsh, are drastic instead of curative. Excessive action is til ways followed by depression and knowing this, Dr. Hamilton devised his pills of Mandrake & But ter; t tsoasto Increase liver and kidney activity, 'flush out the elementary mold, tone and regulate the bowels. Thus do Dr. Hamilton's Pills eliuuate poisons (1(1101 the body, restore clearness to the 011(01, bring strength and that sweet restorer of health —sleep, Best »84(1151114 on earth, 25e per box at all dealers, East Wananosh Council The regular meeting of the Council was held on July 15. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. :14easuree's half yearly statement, ent to June 80, show- ing 110 v - t i 1 it la r bit are o0( hand g a 1.l ttG date of general and debentw'e fund of $2170.- 00, received and ordered to be filled. Tax Collector presented his bond, the sante being accepted as satis- factory. 13y -Low No. 9, 1918, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer' to borrow money for general township purposes was react and passed. Following accounts were ordered to be. paid D. Me ill, 1.l in 1 1.t G filling Washout con. 8, 0.00 ; Wm. Radfor 'e $d repairing wash- out, en. 3, $1 50 ; R. 13. McGowan, l e ani 1washout } 1 g con, 3, $4.30 ; Geo. Quinn, cleaning out creek, $1.00 ; Duncan Robertson, raking stone off road, cons. 8 and 9, $8.00 ; G. E. Fitzpatrick, commutation statute labor tax in 1912, $5.00 ; Oliver Ander- son, commutation statute labor tax in 1912, $5.00; Win. Johnston, fenc- in g5)t 1511u'00011river 798 bridge, $3.00 ; McKinnon Bra 'a n Bros., gravelling. e 1 cols, 12 and 18, 48.45 ; W5) a •s - i. A ndet o in- specting, s lectin $325 ; A. , n C T nes n stn yin $. e k 111e toll drain, $20.80; P. Gibbons, grading sideline 30 and 87, tons, 9 and 10, $20.00 ; Rnbt. Scott, grading side- line 86 and 87, cons. 11 and 12. $15.20; Oliver Anderson, giading sideline 39 and 40, cons, 0 and 10, $23.60 ; the Ingot Iron Culvert• Oo, culvert on the tnnl drain, $77.66; Elisha 'Walker, shovelling gravel, $4.50 ; Jonathan Pattison,shovelling gravel, vel $1.50 Foe guavel—a. Campbell, $1.20; R. Shiell 5.10 E. O via 0.110• R. Scott, Or vis, $9.50 ; ;Vm. Fitzpatrick, 60e. ; For Hair Health If Rexall "93" Hair Tonic does not Imr Improvei the health Pv1 Ir of your scalp and hair, we willa f p Y or what youuse during the trial We could not 80 strongly endorse Revd! 93" Bair Tonic end continue to sell it to the same people if it did not do all we claim. Should it not prove entirely satisfeetory our cus- tomers would lose faith in us, we -could lose their patronage, and our business would suffer. If your hair is fatting out or you suffer any scalp trouble, ire behove Roxall "93" Bair Tonic will do more to eradicate the dandruff, give health to the scalp, stimulate new hair growth and prevent premature bald- ness thou any other human agency. We wanty ou to make us prove this,usl V\e 1you torisk n no money whatever, 13uy a bottle of 129x5)11 • 93" flair Tonin, use it a00ordiug to directions for thirty days; (11111 if you are not entirely satisfied, come and tall oe and wo will promptly hand back the money you paid us for it: We won't ask you to sign any- thing, nor oven to bring the bottle bear. We won't obligate you in any way. We trill talus your mere word. Could anything be more fab'? Could we do anything more to prove our belief in Resell "03" Hair Ionic, and our honesty of purpose in recom- mending it to you? Rosati. "03" flair Tonic is aa pleas- ant to 5150 as spring water and has but 1.t faint, pleasing odor, It 0011108 in twe•6i008 of bottles, 50o and 61.00. You can buy Rexall "1)3" Flair Tonle in this community only at our store; F. a.�, �S�MITH. frusselt The J As f+f Ontario There is aexalt Stoll! 0 $. o n sen Canada 0 town 1.y and tit it the 'United intoe Oanaldn and bay S Groat Britain, hot i There a b a y hu n wall Remedy es forcel ly de every ordinary they artnnnir 011.- 11116 which it in 4091155)04 far the particular ill for w6ieh lE to rscomlubudbd, The 1'tnill 9toree era Amortaa'S °Metro Drkg MONe J. 1„ .ilorr, $5.00 1 Herb J.'aylor, $4.00 ;. Alex Patterson, $7. 80 John Ansley, $4.70 ; Geo, Bentley, $11.00; J. Stale` house, $8,10, Council 1Edjotir»ed to Meet lliotelay,. I AugustJ:lth, at 1 o'clock, A PORTURhIPLn Clerk John Liebrook, an old resident of l.asminuloo, 11ears dr (lead 5711014 at159(1 to his wol'ky, 1.050(1.opped o,n4 l>elirt trouble are supposed to have b5et1 the cause. A 170(9 land grown u1t ftunilY 50( 1 IV Ve i R e- bu �as "r e G Q21 m 1 as v. ag5d 452 of Ielle� 5Vellur, wiudsor, fell 10001 an Don't Use Greasy Liniments ,apple tree of the 110100 of Iris unoie, A century ago they were popular. (,:hsrlee 13reunnn, Plictun. street, Lon' Today people want something easy to don, with whomhe is visiting 455)4 apply, ce1•tafn in 1'45111(8, anti above all fractured both wrists, ncletarl liniment, 101195) Nnlviline is I. H. Downham, who P9sides near applied pp ed aches and pains disappear as Strathroy, has just sold a Coit of yoaiaf~ the pores absorb its soothing healing black foxes which he raised on his' farm ' properties. Ner'vrinte peeetratee 10 in l3or'rowmati Bros, of Wvondeg, 1'07 the care of the pain, eaoes hnstantly, 089,800, 13mrowlnan'8 have big can - and leaves no oily bad smelling mem- tracts to fill and lost 010119 of his sell - nil behind. Good to take in, capital sou's puppies. to tub on, and five times more power- J. P. Bryant, attorney for James fat in destroying pain than any oily Wreford, who is standing trial et liniment. Don't fail to got a large 25e Regina for robbing the mails, read to hottae, the court a statement sighed bs' the - ---accused ill which he confesses not Only Canadian News to rol bing mails, but to the theft of • 1 trunks from the C. P. R. baggage room, 41rs. lames Simpson, Claudeboye, a Wreford, to iris confession implianleo lefty 74 years 0f 15,59, sustained fractures + two other Oren, Beu 'Pbotnes and Wm, of 1)0111 arms and 1)01(1 legs when she i lanes, who wes'O arrested after the coo- wits thrown out of a buggy near that ! fessi0u 31sd boen tirade. Wreford iras • village, The horse became friglmeoe.i I been committed for trial at the next at a pa5slag molar -car sod overturned sitting of the Sopreone Court on Septem.. the vehicle iu a ditch, ; bet 453 •••••O••e•••e•••ee•e•ee••• s•••••••e•••••••••••••••••• • • • • •. Cha 9 • � e af usiness • • • • • Having disposed of my Harncim Business to Mr. B. •• • r• • 4 • • • s • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • e • • • • • • IB • • • • • F. Carr, who is BOW in possession, I wish to introduce and also recommend him mm d to my customers and the pub - lie generally. He is a practical man of wide experience and will serve all 59110 deal with him in first-class style.- I wish to thank the public for 27 years of patronage and 'hope a goodly share will be accorded my sucee88or. Yours Truly, I. C. RICHARDS. • • •' • • • • w • • • • • • • 0 • e 0 0 • • • e • • • • • • • Ready for Business • • o I will keep on hand and manufacture Light and Heavy • ® Harness and carryin stook a full line of Trunks, Valises,Sat- i ]� , so • chole Dusters Whipsa and all other acceseories usually found in an up-to-date shop. te 0 Special and prompt attention paid to repairs. g•• • 0 Will be glad to be favored with your patronage and hope : ® to prove myself worthy of your confidence. Call and see me. w o 0 ea • 6 Richards' •13. Fe earr • • �Id sl:aitd • • •� cels g • Collars manufactured to suit any particular horse. a • •• eimeee•s•a•••05.... tmeseseeeesee••seeeseeseeesseeesee ®e••ecce•••ecce•••••••e•s••••c•e••••••se•c••ss•e••••q • • • • • e • • • a O O O r• f} 0 0 O e a 0 R A W m • •• 0 • m e 0 w e • 0 • A 0 0e 0 a Q 0 e e • etc Patented, Manufactured and Guaranteed by theioleer• and tart- • • est manufacturers of Dairy Supplies anti who first introduced the Gen., 0 as tr'ifngal Omen) Separator in America; itis the product of tmauyyears' • e• work and sturdy andis the ever increasing "Dait'ylnan's Favorite," e p Not depending on Gigantic and Costly Advertisingaalnpaigns, R A 'Travelling Smleslnen, Free Machines and Free Trips to Aents, etc., to • • rush sales we are able, to ombody the saving thus afforded in superior a ecot stteuct(oh and material and tints give the user snore • value for his • •Y 00 Call or write and we will tell yolt,more about it. • 0 • o • • • e • • . N. 3 mcLauchlin Agent • 0 Brussels • • • Mctauchliu, .,1.9.1,. • • e sI SOH00.0044NNi*•0Ii,rMr ii ilr00000000 0 ,0•060•0040sise "You're On The Right Track if to the • Simplex 4 rR • L.'nk Blade You look'_for Relief fromour S Y •• Cream Separator Troubles. • ^Roecnu°^'- • �v a� p ■■ Looatllte • Size Ibo 911b8LtLn fiat conatt'uction, only a slighkioidication of tbo super. • wfmk and endurance of which itis• • you're safe. callable. a "STAY ON" Lill you've • tried a Srmplex iu y0tlr 02911 dairy, then - • •