HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-7-31, Page 4the 4,xussel 'At RHEUMATISM, [UMBAGO AND
I I8 3
READ it the Fruit Marks t and
t t Ac
thereby have the knowledge fleet heed
Whether buyer or seller. Good fruit,
honestpeeking end a study of markets
is a trio udt (tasty .beaten in caring for
uext Fall's apple crop.
Terme may be some difficulty in . ate
liyeeg at settlements with certain mem•
bers the Doukhobor fraternity in the
West . who moved from their landed
possessions to the U. S. and now wish
to seek repayment of whatever their
investments were in the Canadian
Gi assn authorities, while usually up-
to-date in their usuages, are backing tip
to an old oilstone viz that of administer-
ing corporal punishment to law break.
ers. 'In certain cases there is an
efficacy about the old fashioned shingle,
properly applied, that cannot be at-
tained by sugar sticks to youthful of-
fenders. The hand that wields the
shingle is the hand that often moves the
Nor long ago a young woman, who
was keen to make her debet inthe
scantiest but so called most fashionable
attire, apl.eared on the street in a
certain city after and going a few blocks
had to be escorted home by a policeman,
Some of the onlookers were ready to
assist in sending her homeward minus
Eve's fig leaf wardrobe. The lesson
ought to have had a wholesome effect
both on her and others of her sex who
forget that modest is still a trait of
womanly character,
WHERE boys and girls bave clone well
at school and are anxious to continue
their studies it is usually the best policy
to keep them at it. A good education
is a great asset to young people in
Cauada today and as the years roll by
this will be increasingly the case. No
avocation wants illiterate people in its
ranks and with the opportunities within
reach there is no excuse, especially in
this land, for such a condition. If you
have been handicapped in your life by
lack of opportunity or indifference to
make use of educational facilities see
that your boys and girls get a good
grounding in at least public sober)).
We like the idea of the Old Boys'
gatherings out of which many people
get so much pleasure but when these
assemblings degenerate into a great
•'booze exhibition" their usefulness is
gone. The night scenes in connection
with some of the Old Boys' celebrations
were a disgrace to many folk who were
thought to be respectable. To call
home the absentee members of the
various families for a fete days of
sociality and the knitting together of
old associations is worth a good deal
but a sting is left if the concluding
hours are given over to dissipation and
NOTHING pays much better returns
than public roads kept in good repair.
To attain and retain a highway desery
ing the name the work must be clone
with the bead as well as by the bands,
To allow a road to hollow out in the
centre so that that part becomes a run-
away for water instead of the ditches is
the height of folly. The shearing off of
the sides of the highways by the road
machine is time and money well spent
and if the sides of the roads are nicely
levelled and seeded down the appear-
ance of farms adjacent is improved 5o
per cent, There's room for a studying
out of a Good road system that will
yield good returns.
BoosT Brussels and thereby improve
conditions for yourself, It you are
a property owber every advance is s as
advantage e
growth and in the and
development everybody is a sharer.
Have a good word to say of and to the
people who have invested their money
in concerns that help the place and
without which the town would wither.
Instead of a whine because they dont
do Letter sing out an optimistic note
from the other side of your mouth.
Better to be a "coaxet" than s croaker
anda few dollars invested in sotne
useful and workable enterprise will
change your relatious very materially,
A writer in Farm and Dairy advises
every farmer to have an office properly
equipped oil his farm. In the').equip.
meat is a large writing desk with plenty
of drawers and pigeon boles, supply of
writing material, pens, ink, etc., and
the uecessary account books to keep
track of crop returns, receipts and ex-
penditures, age of stock, etc. The idea
is a good cue and although practiced by
a goodly number of people is not in
vogue in many a farm house, A
praetical, simple, well defined system
wilt prove its worth again end again,
Such aplan will often save hours hunt.
ing for something yob "just laid out of
your stand," 'Fry the plan and prove its
can be euled by the great Mill cid
Brantford, ant., Aug. 18, 1911
'Your medicine, Fee Pills, has work-
ed wonders for me. The rheumatic
pains hove entirely left•'ille and I owe
everything to atom, remedy. on are
at liberty to publish this,
R. ]Ii GATtgAte
At all dealers 25 and 50 cents or
retailed by The Fig Pill '.. Oo., St.
Thomits, Ont. Sold and recommend-
ed iu Brussels by J. Fox, Denggtst,
Wuee are your plans, Mr. Business
Mau, regarding the coaling Fall Trade ?
A good share should come to you if you
hustle after it,
Go to Kincardine on the Excursion en
rllursdny, August cath, and enjoy the
day. It is a day of real genutoe pleas-
ure to the chilersn hence as far as pos-
sible they should be permitted to put in
the day at the lakeside. We like the
family picnic style or a broadening of
the circle Kincardine is an A t spot to
Yieit 0n such an occasion as afforded oe
August 04th. It will be Brussels Civic
Ovlt Foot Ball team for 1913 have
done mumu to advertise Brussels and
are deserving of credit for their pluck.
The members of the team outside the
corporation and their part splendidly.
'1'o prove the interest outsiders felt in
Brussels and their play was evideuec d
by the scores who „travelled zo or 3o
miles to witness the semi-final games.
Had it been possible for our boys to
have regular practices we doubt if any
team in Ontario could defeat them. As
it was they put up a battle royal only
losing three matches in this Benson up
to the finals, Well clone boys you well
deserve the hea•ty support accorded
THE big Fairs viz 'Toronto, August
23rd to September 8th London and
Ottawa each on September 5th to rials
set tate pace for the smaller Fairs.
While this is true many an exhibit at
the so called country Fair will compare
very favorably with those of the larger
circle. This should encourage ex-
hibitors to launch out and profit by the
eonhparisou and the pointers often se-
cured by attendance at the big Fairs
with exhibits. As a rule the prizes are
good and in stock, particularly. it is a
No. i advertisement to be a pile,: win
ler where competition has been keen.
Secure a Prize List of the neighboring
Fall Fairs and show you are trade of
the right kind of stuff by buckling into
it and making, a large and neatly plan-
ned exhibit.
One Of The Saddest Stories
First it was a Bold, neglected of
course and catarrh developed,
Nothing was done and consumption
followed. Watch the little cold, keep
it from growing by using "Catarrh-
ozone." Nothing simpler than inhal-
ing the germ -killing vapor of this
grand remedy. ooldsaud catarrh fiee
as before fire. Every trace of throat
and bronchial trouble yields im-
mediately. Catarrhozone is scientific
and absolutely guarau teed for prevent-
reventing and curing catarrh end kindred
ills. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all
The following list contains the
names of all the candidates who have
passed on one or more parts of the
upper school examination for en-
trance into the Faculties of Education
at the University of Toronto and
Queen's University, Kingston, The
examination passed is indicated after
each name. The certificates of those
who passed and the statements of
marks of those who failed will be
mailed to the Principals and In-
spectors in due corn ee.
Successful candidates who desire to
attend the coaling session of either
letteulty of Education must make u
plicatiol to the Dean of the Faculty
t the University concerned, , front
whom may be obtained the forms of
application anti all other necessary
information. The session of the
Faculty opens on .September 80, when
all candidates must be present. Ale
plicants are required to be at least
uuleteen years of age before October
If Bisset (Pt II) W P Buchanan
(P1 II) O Al Clark (Pt I) A W Dick
(P11) A.0 Dickson (Pt II) V 13 Dirnin
(Pt I) Lr D Ferguson (Pt I) AIM Fisher
(Pt 1) G I Freeborn (Pt I) G W Geddes
(Pt I lionoes) Al el Geddes (Pt 1) 3
Gillespie (Pt I honors) 11i B Hablcirk
(Pt I) N I Barbey (Pt II) n1 0 Irvin
(Pt I) J 0 Jnrdati (Pt I) A le King, (Pt
I honors) M A Knight (Pt I) ltV
Littklater (Pt I) J McClinton (Pt 1) )+
J McKay (P1 I) V J 6JcLeughlin (Pt
II) J B Medd Jlet. I (I Muir (P1 1I) le
Muir (Pt 11) N el Nicholls (P1 II) J N1
Piefyer (P1 II) F A Boss (MI) P Ross
(Pt I) E I•I Scott (P1 I)117 l+ Scott (Pt
II) F el Somerville (Pt I) 0 A Spence
(Pt I)1!' el Spence (1't I) G et Spindler
(Pt I W G Strong (Pt I) T 141 Tho
soft (PThom.
II) el I Tom (P111 G I Wale
nock Pt II) Al Watson (Pt 11) J II
Watt (Pt I honors) J E Windsor (Pt
'1' Armstrong (Pt B) A E Berry (Pt
II) el it Brenchley (Pt 5) L liI Br am
(Pt I) 5 M Copeland (Pt III) W lit
Dowd (Pt II) A 17 Duffield (Pt, I) J \V
Dyer (P1 I honours) 3 '1' Fawcett (Pt I
honors) E I Field (I t 1) B 11", Foreinan
iles (I 11) A iu 14 Gillies (P1 II)
Pt ) It
FGray (Pt 1)DKHall (PtII) E G
1•Ieinbec ter (P1.1) M 11 Hewitt (Pt I)
Ii W lierlbure (Pt II) L 0 Irvine (Pt,
1) 13 B Kenner (Pe I honors) R 1..
Ielinkhamer (Pt I, honor's)' E ICnetehel
(Pt I)) 15 I1 LeckiePt 1 S J Mathews
(111) L Maxwell(11I) 0 11 McKee
Pt I) R J McMillin' (P1 11) L 11 Mel.
vitt (Pt 1) I3 (1 Moore (P1 II honors)
W H11Mose Pt 1)J J Murray Pt I) H
L Orr Pt I G
Reid t
( G P � honors
( 1
and Pt 11 D e Ridley (P - M
Rodger Pt I and Illy A 0 Smyth Pt
II) IC 13 Steele ((Pt)1I honors) C( A
Stewart (Pt I) N K Stewart (Pt I) Ii
R Switzer (Pt II) 13.: 0 •Vogan (Pt I
honors and PMI) A A \Vebete t (Pt I
honors) (, F. Wills (Pt 1) A. V Wyttth
(Pt I).
Be A Strong Man
Increase your vitality and nerve
energy, restore vial and force to your
overworked body. Pet rezone will tlo
this as ft slid for Walter Wood of
Reimport, N, 13,, who writes; "I mut
say Fel'L'ozone has given the a new
lease or life. A year ago I suffered so
from Nervous exhaustion I wits
scarcely able to drug myself around,
My appetite was gone, I had no color
oe ambition and felt used up, One
box of Ferrazane started we back to
health. I took a number of boxes and
my health was completely reslored.
For men who at e tired, pale, nervous
and thin -blooded uathiug eotepeves
with Ferrozotte, 50c per box at all
Consumption the Cause
Six people die every clay in Ontario
from Tuberculosis—at the rate of cue
ppersouevenyfour hours—a total of over
2300 deaths every year—equivalent to
the wiping out and loss to the com-
munity of a good sized town.
An appalling loss of life. The
dreadful pity is thin this continual
sacrifice is quite unnecessary. These
lives, or most of them, night be
Pioneer work lit the Crusade against
Consumption has been done by the
National Sanitarium. Association.
The hospitals at 'Muskoka and Weston
are to -day standing evidence of the
magnificent ecltieventents of the
One branch of the Association work
—a free Illustrated Lecture with one
hundred lantern views—is delivered
by J. B. Watson, the Field
Secretary of the Association.
This lecture will be given on
Tuesdayoveuirt Aug. � 1 ins
t., 5th. 1 at
g >
o'clock in the n n
t � 'eaten Hall.
A collection will be taken at the
"The amount of information which
111x. \Vatson was able to convey to
his hearers in a short time wits
marvellous. His style of delivery
was excellent."
"Those who heard Aar. Watson's
lecture were interested, informed, and
"The wonderful lecturer gave most
valuable information in a manner
most thoroughly entertaining."
"Admirably practical and instruc-
"A speaker of unusual ability."
"A most thrilling lecturer,"
Suoh is the chorus of praise, with-
out any note of dissent, which has
greeted Mr. Watson's lecture during
the past eighteen months.
The lecture explains in a simple, in-
teresting, incl complete way exactly
what the disease is, how to avoid it,
and how to treat it.
Parents especially should know how
to protect themselves and their child-
ren. Every private indivdual—mall,
woman. and child—is in danger and
should know how to combat it.
Ie is net too ntuob to say that this
lecture leas been the means of saving
many lives. It auswers gnestious
everybody is anxious to know. I1 is
simplicity itself—a child 000 under-
'Lo attend such a lecture is a privi-
lege. We heartily commend ib to
our readers.
Dysentery is always serious and
often a dangerous disease, but it can
be cured. Ohambeilaii's Colic, Chol-
era and Diarrhoea Remedy has eared
it even when malignant and epidemic.
For sale by all dealers.
When President Wilson signed the
Kettner bill extending to the San
Diego Exposition the eame privileges
and thetune authority *'anted to
s y g.
previous expositions and Lo eke San
teettneiscn lixposiLion, the San Diego
Exposition at once assumed that
rank among world fair it's scope and
character had prepared for it.
Starting with a comparatively
modest plan in 1000, in a city at that
time of 89,000 people, Lhe San Diego
Ixposition was not taken seeiously
outside the iurthledial5 circle of the
city's influence. Steady work of
preparation, devotion of capital to the
amount of $50.00 per man, woman
stud child in the city, and as well de-
fined plan for the profitable par-
teipaLion of states and governments
have combined to place Lite San Diego
Exposition in such a position that it
now bids fait' to prove its large and
mote attractive than the touch
heralded fair tit San Fa itemisco, which,'
by the tray, is not fifty per cent as
far advanced toward. completion as is
that at San Diego.
Since the ground was bnokeil in
San Diego the city has Mote than
doubled in population, the scope and
clhttfacter of the Exposition has grew it
so that no less than $0,400,000,00 have
been set aside for its completion.
Many foreign governments as well as
rnutny states have made arrangements
to participate, The Exposition itself
le over 50% complete and hunch eds of
Workmen are busy with the buildings
and grounds. Most of the buildings
&reit» be permanent struetares and
all ate to be of Spanish Colonial
aroillteoture, one of the most beauti-
ful lot u s of ell buildings,
Comfort Your Stomach
\Ve pay for this treatment if It
falls to promptly relieve Indiges-
tion and Dyspepsia,
ItoxaU 1)ye Ispeia Tablets remedy
gen eel), troubles they eon-
prop,pto proportion
oportion of Pepsin
and Bien -MIA' end the neenattry car-
minatives that help nature to supply
the elements the absence of which
in the gusttio juices euuaee indigoes
Cion and sipper/site They aid the ,
stomach to'Mean tbod and to quickly,
convert it into rich red blood and:
material necessary for overeomfng
natural body waste.
Carry a paokngo of Rexall Dye-
pepsin Tablets in your vest pocket;
or keep them in your room Take
one after enols heavy meal and prove
our assertion that they will keep indi-
gestipn from bothering you.
We know what Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets are and what they will do.
We guarantee them to relieve indi-
gestion and dyspepsia, or to refund
your money, if they fail to do so.
Doesn't it stand to reason that we
wouldn't assume this money risk wore
we not certain Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets will satisfy you? Three sizes,
25 cents, 50 cents, and 81.00.
You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
in this community only at our store:
F. R. �S�M�pITH.
Brussels The J�� Store Ontario
There is a Rexall Store is nearly every town
and Olt 10 die United States, Canada aad
Groat Britain. There is a different Rexall
Remedy for nearly every ordinory human Bl—
each ee eoially designed for the particular ill
for which it is recommended,
The Resell Stores are Amerlca's Greatest
Drug Stores
The aetion just completed was riot
obtained witlioue tt struggle. It has
been three years since San Diego ffi'st
asked the gover'ninent to take official
cognizance of her exposition project.
The opposition of persons who have
since sten the enrol of such opposition
prevented such recognition almost to
the last, and even in the last few days
the San Fran':isco Exposition sought
to prevent the passage of the Kettner
San Diego has never had a thought
of competing with San Francisco foe
patronage al her Exposition. She
has held all along' that the scene and
character of the two Expositions ere
so entirely different that there can
be no competition. While others
have devoted their time treenttemnpt-
iing to dissuade and tear down the
work she Is doing, Sam Diego has gone
steadily forward with her project
until now, with the governmieut
recognizing her Exposition, placing
it on exactly the sante footing with
that al Sau Framcisoo and with
previous Expositions, San Diego is in
position to extend to exhibitors, be
they government, state, or private,
more. actnal benefit from partici-
pation than Choy elm possibly clerive
from the San Francisco Exposition.
The government will be represent-
ed at San Diego with exhibits from
practically every bureau and. clepatt-
metit. Many states will be represent-
ed with special buildngs, especially
those that offer opportunities to set-
tlers and investors. One of the great-
est of exhibits will be that of the
history and process of the use of
water for agricultural and industrial
purposes. Rome building, farm
building, as done in the Americas
will be shown in sections that will
give each state and country in North
and South America a chance to ex-
hibit what it has best to offer to the
land hungry man from the East and
With a group of beautiful buildings
set in 0 perfect landscape, surround-
ed by a wealth of trees, vines and
flowers never before seen in) America,
each building filled with most in-
teresting exhibits of vital human in-
terest, at the first nailed States port
on the Pacific Not th of the Panama
Canal, authorized by the govern-
ment, San Diego's Exposition is cer-
tain to be one of the world famous
events, and beneficial to all.
New Livestock Department
Everything in Agriculture
Exhibits by the Provinces
Exhibits by Dominion Government
Exhibits by Foreign Countries
Are of Manufactures
Paintings from Germany, Britain,
United States and Canada
Educational Exhibits
Cadet Review
Japanese Fireworks
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
America's Greatest Cat Show
The Musical Surprise
The Musical Ride
Auto -Polo Matches
Circus and Hippodrome
Remail Chariot Races
Athletic Sports
Great Water Carnival
Score of other Famous Bantle
I Twelve Band 'Concerts Daily
Wreck of the Airship
Withington's Zouaves
New Giant Midway
Grand Double Bili of Fireworks
Aug. 23 1913 Sept. 8
The 'Dairy and Cold Storage• *Vela.
meat Commissioner has just issued a
a ciroulttr givteg the reeeut aneuthueuts
to the Inspeetlou and bale AM with the
new.. regulations. • rhe amepdmeuls
Welly concern imported fruit, Here-
after the words "Packed by" most pre.
cede the name and address of the peck-
er 115 marked on any closed package of
fruit intended for sale, A new sec' ion
is added empowering the Governor 111
Commit to make regulations regarding
the breading, marking and iesneeting
of imported fruit. Persons violating
such regulations Lire liable to a flee of
not more then $50 00 a11d 00915 01" i0
default of payment, to iulprisoameut
for a term not exceeding Otte month.
The packages of fruit not properly
marked may be confiscated, In virtue
of this amendment nava regulations have
been passed and were published in the
Canada Gazette of June 28th, 1913.
According to these regulations every
importer of fruit must have all grade
narks found on closed packages cote
tainiug imported fruit erased or oblit-
erated when such marks are not in ac.
cordanee with the Act or the new regu-
lations. This must be done when the
packages are being taken from the rail-
way car, steamship or other conveyatrce
Fall Fairs
Alliston . Oct.2.8
Arline Oot0-8
131'yell Sept.80-0at, i.
Bean] pion Sept,10-17
-Brussels Oot,2-8
Chatsworth .Sept.11-12
Ohesley Sept.10-17
Drayton Sept.30—Oot1
Durham Sept.28-24
Elmira Sept.19-37
Elevate ....... .,.., ...cul 1-8
Fergus Sept.24-25
Fiesliertott OoL.0---7
Gain Oct.2-8
Goderich Sept,17-18
Gerrie._ ....Oct, 4
Grand alley .. Ort,21-2.,
Guelph sept. 18-18
Hautiltol...........:........... Sept. 15-18
Hanover ....... ........ Sept, 18-19
Holstein Oct. 1
ICincardiue .................... Sept18-19
Listowel ....,.,,. —Sept30-17
London (Western Fair) ....Sept, 5-12
llttrkdale ....................... Oct. 14-15
Mildmay Sept. 29-80
llnunt Fo•est Sept. 17-18
Orangeville Sept. 18-19
Owen Sound Oct. 7-8
Paisley Sept, 23-24
Shelburne ...., ...,Sept. 23-2.1
Stratford Sept. 18-39
Se. Marys. ........ ..... ... Sept. 23-24
Tees water.. Oct. 7-8
Tiverton ................... .. .Sept. 20
Toronto (Cal, National) Aug 23 Sept,13
\viatton Sept, 28-24
in touch they stave •been brought luta
Cauadtt. The importer lutist place on
the end of such pttoksges the proper
grade marks, the correct name of the
variety of fruit el 0 bis owe name and
ftddross. Canino Of the eieculer may be
5000ucd, free °t charge,from the
P.tbllcetiou erauoh 1)eplu•ttnent of Ag,
rieultare, Ottawa, or from au Doane-
lel nit Inepeotuf.
P •doehesso/' hent ed wroth.
ut 1 L i Intl 1
ta''ntlure l 1nviolent eateclsr
jolty, there is nothing bet der lhtw
Uhamtberhtiu's 7,iuhucvlL, '17tis 11 n1-
utent also. relieves rheuntalie pains.
Foe sltleIhy all denim 5,
Voters' List . 1913
Municipality of the Township of Mot,
rle, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that 1 have lrt•mina.
tad or delivered to the persons ntetltlol,td ht
Seetlomi5and 0 of the Ontario Voters' list
AO, 1557, end the ametuhuents thereto, the
copies eequirecl to be 50 Ltimemitted or dello-
seed of the Lint made, pursuant to said Act,
of all persons appearing by the last revised
As5esunent Rollof the mitt municipality to be
entitled to vote In the said utnniolpality at
eleotlons for members of the Legislative Aar
[tenthly mid at municipal Electto,a, and that
slid flet was first posted up in my office at
Morrie on the 20th day of July, 1010, and re.
mates thele for iuspeotton. Eleutors are mill-
ed upon to examine Bald List, and if any (oda•
sions or other errors ere perceived therein to
*Mite immediate proceedings to have the said
amore eorreuted a000rdu,g to law.
ALES. Ilia cE W IEN,
Cleric Municipality of 11001 a,
Morrie, Sely tante 1018.
� p)
(11812) 13079
Will stand for the improvement of
stock at his own stable,
Lot 22, Cort. 13, McKillop
Colts off, this horse have won Ise prize
foe the last three years at, Brussels and
Seafottlt Shotes in the heavy draught
class. Terms -1$8.00,
3OHN 1, eloGAVIN,
Lead bury P. 0.
Enrolment No, 805 Not Titepootsd. Porn: 8
Under regulations Ontario Statute,
2 Geo, P., Chapter 07.
Ontario Stallion Enrolment Itt.nrd
Certificate of ltnrolutent of
The Stallion Enrolment Board of Otltnrie
certifies that the Ionto, description end pedi-
gree of the Olydeoda le Stn Ilion, Loudon'a I+av-
o•ite tTmo.) Registered in the (llydesdele Stud
Book as No 11812, owned by ,loin J. McGloin,
of hendbury, and foaled in 1009, lila been en-
rolled in ncenrdanco with Chapter 57 of the
Statutes of Ontario, 2 Geo, V.
This (lertlfloate must be renewed on or be-
fore 11,081st day of December, 1015, and within
thirty days after a change of ownership of the
clod stallion a new oertiflante must be obtain-
1 soca r,
1AiP. Westervelt, `
Tklt Bright, iritoll
D ted at Toronto, Ont.,the
day of April, 1ll.
A.F....••t•♦•t•....••F....t.sa•••t•.•1' .+•+.+......' ,+.+♦+.+,.i-. ',
The a ternFair i
. •
• $27,000 in Prizes and Attractions ••
•j •lsts.J.d.►L•,t►.♦.
• Magnificent 1 Western t Two 4.
• Programme 1 Ontario's Speed Events
• of 1 Popular t Daily
Attractions 4 Exhibition � Fireworks
Twice Daily 1 Sept. 5 to 13 Every Night
Take a Holiday and visit London's Exhibition.
• Single Fare on all Railroads in Western -Ontario t
♦ SPECIAL EXCURSION DATES—Sept. 9th, lith and 12th •
Prize Lists and all information from the Secretary. •
W.J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary •
. •+•+•+•+•+•+♦a'•+••4 •+•+t+ri's 000+0+0+440404.004144+•44 44+
Statements made to patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures
liar No Name. or Testimonials used without written consent
Patient No 10474. "Tho spots are all
gone from my loge and arms and 1 Roel
good now. I am very grateful to you
and shall never forget the favor your
medicines have done for ale. You can
use my name in recommending it to
any sutterer. I am going to get mar-
ried anon. Thanking you ones more,
Patient No. 10701. Age 28. Single.
Indulged In Immoral halts -4 years, De-
posit in urine and drain. at night.
Varicose Veins on both sides, pains In
back, weak sexually. He writes:—"I
received your letter of reoetlt date and
In reply I ampleased to any that after
taking two Months' treatment I would
oonsidsr myself completely Mired, as I
have seen no signs of them coming
back (ono year).
Patient No. 1.5925 "1 have not had
a regular Emission I don't know when
and am fooling ono, Tile lvorld seems
altogether different to- me and 1 thrtnk
Clod for directing mo to you, Yee have
boon an honest dcolor with me,"
0neo No. 10858 Symptoms when he
started treatment:—Ago 01 single, In
dulgog R
Varicose Ien immoral habits several snare
Vartcoso Volae on both Bides months'
the face, eco. Aster two months'
Ureamnent he wrltoa 0.e Sollotva:—"YOaI•
welcome letter to hand and nm very
gond to say that I think myself cared.
My Varicose Veins have completely dis-
appeared for quite a while and it seems
a cure. I work harder and foal less
tired. I have no desire for that habit
whatever and 1f I stay like this, which
I have every reason to believe I will.
Titaeldng youfor your kind attention,"
Patient No, 15522. This patient (aged
05) had a chronic case of Nervous De-
nity and Sexual Weattness and was run
dawn in vigor and vitality. After ono
mouth's treatment he reports as fol-
Inn 1 11 am feeling 901.1, well. I Macre
gained 14 pounds In ono month, so that
I will have to congratulate you,' Later
report:—"I nm boglening, to fool meets
lute a man. I fo01 my condition is
getting better every week," rets last ro-
nort:—"Dear Doctors—As Iteal this Is
the last month's treatment that I will
have to get, I thought at ono time I
world never be cured but I put con.
adet0o in you from the 6tart and you
nave 0u00d me."
pnaultor to m
CONSULTAon.TION FREE, BOOKS FREE, if unable to call Writs for a Question
Blank for Home Treatment.
No fE lCi� All lettere from Canada must be addressed to our Can.
• ` adian Correspondence Department as follows t
DRs.KENN -DY _ ...
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
The Pooplo't Column
MOST 131, 801.1) AT oeleZ -80 00rea 0f
01w4•eluaa hind ., bola the North. Pert of
1,ut 19 Con. 10,'Pi:Wrishlp W 51,07. melee tied
melt e'en, good tankard, abuuntartu. of guild
water. Prtve *0,1100. (1110: ail' 11, 5,
t iso Luton 0 0 Went W'lunlpeg.
5 1,18114 15 P11OI 10ItI'Y 1'O11 SALE On TO
ltnn7,-.The 11011a, 1100001y vacated by
John Ii. Harney, who niuved totinrd1.1, (mown
it the Rug ate property, Turllheu•y nit yeti is
effora,I 0,10 e31tr01• if not sold will Lo rtal Led,
Thuru is a eonttat a le house, geed 811b1u and
13411000000 tuna with a double entrenoo, Fine
gardot, &o,. Por further perticulers app) to
w..8, Itort•,of Tun .1.08.2, who holds the key
It is 0 chalet: emit t0 live hl and Will be Sold
verytetutonable. ^.. .-`_.. 27er
ABMVCR SALE: --The undersigned effort
se hie lite farm Omteletiug of about 1115 oeros
ndjoitling the town of Clinton, for sale. The
011rul loth agood shit eofcultitration, and has
good bu)idlltge, brick 1101150 bank btu•tt, driv-
ing house; pig peri, eta, all °unlearntivulyuew,
A tlr'flt•atnea youn • orchard continuing nil
1, nine ut t 1 fr
Mei n of Prates and nl s. t 1 alts, The
Mein is well fenced and drained and Is n very
desirnblohome. For f0rthor pnrticnlars apply
011 the promisee or add 1.08H
28.10 JO/4N TO1RRANCE, Olintoo.
=ARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 25,
Don. 4, Morris townehitt, Huron Co„ 001t'
(5101135 100 aare9111010 or lase. On the prem-
ises is a L otne Clouse, blink barn, good orchard,
well, wh,du1111, &o, All cleared except about
011 flora. School 151 mules disttult. Only 2)1
,,,flus front Brussels. 11 armee of Vail wheat n
and about 50 cores seeded down. Por prloo,
term0 and Other information , apply on the
111.011111M or if writing 131.115$015P• 0. 'Phope
120. Or 17. S. Soott, Brussels.
11.11 A. L. KERR, Proprietor.
Tl,o undersigned (afore for *,ole hie flue
150lore farm, being .biortil Reif Lot 25, (Jon. 0,
Morris townellljl Enron Co, Fnrnt in Inc good
,,tate oP cultivation, well fenced, and bas (nit.
n rine briett house that cont 98,500. Good lawn
surr0nndtul by cellar hedge. Barn 52 x 60 feet
on atone foundation. Good °relined and 10
mere+•of hardwood bush. Farm is only n mile
front the splendid market torn of enemata
mad 1/31X miles from school, Good commun-
ity. Posee514o11 et otee. For further partfen•
oars, price, terms, &o.. apply on the premises
or to JOHN IdOONEY, Proprietor, Bet:msole
P. 0.
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033 Brandon Man,
is prepared to supply the best
gnosis in \Vindmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such its Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &c. .
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give nue a call
11, HAMANN, Cranbrook
Th(Onnnds of ambitious young peo-
ple aro hist preparing In their own
homes to ooenpy lucrative positions as
stenographers, bookkeepers, telegru-
pliers, civil servants, in fact 09007
sphere or notivities, You may finish at
college If you so with. Positions guar-
anteed. Enter college any doyy. Indi-
vidual instruction. Expert teachers.
Thirty yearn' experience. Largest
trainees in Canada. Seven colleges.
Speeinl course for tenoltere,
Aililletedtvith Commercial Educe.
tor'sAssoetntot or (lunette, Summer
School tit remove Spottot Business 0o1-
Wilghem Business College
Ga", Peant. 71. T. p0r1,
[half ..
Er e d
At your home without
pain, danger or operation,
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
clatter what your ageis
or how long ruptured&
Why' wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait - Fell, in coupon
Age,,.... Time 'Rep
Single or Double .....................err
Nano „ ,,,... ,.
Address ..... .0 .,
and return to
,89 Caledonia Si,
Dept, A Stratford, Ont.
w 9s