The Brussels Post, 1913-7-31, Page 1ru ,ct$ VOL. 42 NO, 5 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, fULY 31, 1913 W. H. KERR, Pro/ ietor New Advertisements Leanls--Johnoton Oo, 'relearns -1P. R, Smith„ ' Purse last=rna POST. Voters' list• -A, alncltwen, Teacher won tad -13. Pnyn. Strayed -Wm, McOrneken, Ovoralls fr e -B 0, Dunford. Potash -German Salt Works Overalls free -John McDonald. M mey lout -Alex, BrotJierstoa. a iztr.ict ,leo - Jamestown Miss Dunelda McDonald is holiday- ing at Port Elgin with relatives, Next Sunday evening H. Kopper will be the speaker at Victoria Hall, Airs. Watson and children, of Strat- ford, are visitors at J. D. Miller's Lhie week, Rev. Mr, Tate, of Bluevale lock the service in Victoria Hall last. Sabbath evening. • Bliss Flossie Scott has returned home from a visit with friends in Listowel and Molesworth. The trustees of S. S. No. 4, Grey, 2� miles East of here are askiug for 'a teacher. See advt. in this Issue. Miss Beatrice MacDonald, and Miss Irene Stewart, of Mnlesworth, are spending a few days at P, 0. Scott's. The infant son of Benson and Mrs. W lieeler was quite i11 last week but is doing better now and we hope Will grow into a hearty youth. A carioleload of relatives and old friends from Brussels paid a visit at the home of Mrs. James Strachan last Tnesday afternoon and enjoyed a fine ti toe. We have pleasure in stating that Miss Fern Eckmier', of this place, was successful in passing het examination, Entrance to Nni'mal, taking honors. Many friends join in congratulations, An unfortunate accident happened South of here last Saturday afternoon. The hearse team took fright at an auto and turning round upset Ole hearse into the ditch damaging it somewhat. Fortunately no one ,was injured. The person being -buried was D. McLaughlin, of Fordwich, the interment being made at Brussels cemetery by Gorrie undertaker. Miss Edna licLelland, of Ethel has been re-engaged as teacher of the Ramsay school, ]l miles West of aleestown at a salary of '$576.00, The 3 pupils of this school who wrote at the Entrance were sttueessful viz., lluggie '.ltiehtu'dson, who took horror's, Teressa Robb and George ilfnffate, NVe hope the next term will also bear fruit, Watton. Hos SIT Lose. On Thursday, July 24th, be. tween Net I's attire, Walton and Peter Gardin- .r'a-residence est the 1411r ooneecelnn ot Me. I{chop a pocket book auntnining 0.0 to five Soltar t>ills, The finder will bo liberally re- warded by leaving the sumo at 21011'8401T in Welton. Atex, 131toxu111UPPOl. John Rea is visiting his daughter,Mrs. A. 14, Small, Stratford. Miss Mabel M. Bennett is spending a few days with friends in Wingham. We are sorry to hear of Mrs: David Campbell's illness but hope she will soon be better. Miss Mabel I3nllard, of Winthrop, wits a guest of Miss Mabel Bennett for 0 few days. We are pleased to hear of John Rea's progress. He is now manager of the Customs B'ouee, Edmonton, Alta. Time Table on 0. P, R. is as fol- lows :- Going ]last, '7.52 tt, in. and 2.47 p. in. Going %Vest. I2.10 and 8.86 p. tit. 5. D. and Mrs. Dennison, of Or ch in, ars ]fere for a holiday visit with relatives and old friends. Their home is in the prettiest town in Ontario, Next Sunday Intoning. the Quart- erly Communion service will be held in the Methodist church here. Rev. 51.r. Edmunds will preach and eon- dnet the service. - The Sunday School Excursion over the C. P. R. to Goderich was run Wednesday of this week and at- tracted quite a crowd. Inlanders like to get to the lake for a day occasion-. ally. 175 tickets were sold at Walton. FOOT BALL.- The Walton Foot Balt team journeyed to Seaforth on Monday night and played a glare with the hustlers of that town tvhinh resulted iri the score of 2-0 in favor 111 Wulton. Walton played fast ball chis Summer and have the best de - Vence in Ontario for an intermediate 1 team. The line up was as follows :- Goal. Cleve, McDonald ; Backs, Sam Love and Barrister Dennison ; Half Backs, Lewis Blake, Jack Carter and Dan Wren ; Forwards, Harold Greig, 13ert, Dennison, Howru'd Bolger, John Marshall and Nelson Govenlock, Which Will YOUR Winter Wheat Look Like? Jeeeii �yrr+ t 1y Its 'r) r<t WILL your Winter wheat show the full, thick, large grain of the per- fectly nourished crop, or will: it be thin and shrivelled, or just aver- age—such as may be grown on the average farm by the farmer who does not make a careful study of his methods of grgwing ? You are in the farming business to make money You Want to get the maximum yields from your land, To do this, the most important work pomea at the start and 1Consists in the use Oa high grade i0% POTA$H fertilizer at seeding time. 11'he proper wheat, fertilizer is one analyzing 2% of Nitrogen, 8% of Phosphoric Acid and 8% of POTASH—better still a 2-8-10. Any agricultural authority will tell you that Winter Wheat retnoves from the soli more POTASH than Phosphoric Acid. Notwithstand- ing ing this fact, the average wheat fertilizer contains actually less POTASH than Phosphoric Acid. Potash Pays" Insist that your dealer gives you a fertilizer containing 10% POTASH. If he cannot, you should add enough POTASH to the fertilizer he can give you to increase its POTASH contentto 10%. We will tell you, free, just how to do this. We recommend, based upon actual field tests made by experts throughout Canada, a fertilizer for winter wheat that contains 2% Nitrogen, 8% Phosphatic. Acid and lo% of POTASH.. By applying at the rate of 500 pound9'to the acre at seeding time,. you will secure a good standbefore the commencement of winter and thus afford your crop a greater degree of pro- tection from frost, and insure a rapid and early growth in the spring. Write ns about your partiou1Ar farming protilents. Our • Scientific %ureeu Will be glad to tell ye.11 how to grow a maximum crop of winter wheat, This information is five and it is good. Write,for 8 today') ii. German Kali Works. Inc. Rohm t 846 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont, VO'g",,tt,4 A`4t'a yrY' .1. f� ''•o-yry Eyni„ 1R.' - to ,:1C , x11 Alaska. Jae. Waters, of Detroit, is visiting liIs grandplu'ents, Jno. and Mrs. Beet's,. Nulla Edith Deachnttn, of Brussels, has been engagod ns teacher of the 2nd Deperlrnent of Walton 11h110 8eli001 011d will'eoulmeuce work 011 Septetuber 2nd. Niles Deadman hast prover} herself an A 1 student and at he Al ode/ School stood to the front, We wish hiss Campbell and Miss Deadrnaii splendid snccess, Oranbrook J. ]nether Suncloyed with Wends in Atwood. 3. Hemsworth, of Ethel, is painting the residence of A. McDonald. Misses E. hunter and A. Forrest spent Wednesday at Beechwood. Miss Marion 'Forrest 'visited her brother, John, here driving the past week, Will those hteviug 'phones kindly report their visitor's to Trl'r Pos'v, Phone 31., Mrs. John Hunter and grandson Frank Hunter tun in Oshawa visiting her son Will. HIerb. and Frank 'Jeschke and a friend - front Detroit earn visiting friends here before gning West. Owing to the Sacramental services in Brussels the Sabbath School and. Church service will be withdrawn 'in the Methodist church here next Sun- day. There will be no preaching sorviee in the Met liodistchurch next, Sunday afternoon as it will bo Communion at 13,nssels, Sunday School will also be withdrawn. Probabilities are that a lenge con- 1ingentfrorn Oranbrook locality will lake in the annual Sunday School Ex- cursion to Kincardine ou Thm'sdiey Angnst 14th, We are pleased to hear that Miss Lulu McDonald, of this place', who was attending school at Brussels, passed her Entrance Examination to the Normal School with honors and will now be eligible to attend that in- stitntion. She did well and deserves credit. Morris Last week W. R. Mooney, of Tor- onto, was here On a visit with liis patients, 6th line. Harvest is being pushed along. Spring crops are doing well. Ptts- ulres require rain. .A spacious verandah of modern design has been built at the com- fortable residence of James Taylor Miss Carrie Jackson, 8th line, is home for her vacation i'rotn her mil- linery position at Brigdeu, Laminar) Co. Chas. Wheeler, 4th line, keeps real poorly, despite efforts to aid in im- provement, We hope a change for the better may speedily eerie°. David Bell, of Wiughanr, accom- panied by J. T. and ales. Bell and daughter, Mies Mand, 5th line, motor- ed to Mitchell and spent the day with friends. Jno. and Mrs. Clegg, Miss Irene and Miiss Findlater motored to Godericlt Wednesday of this week, Geo. Ahai- doo11, of Brussels, was the trusty chauffeur. Miss Cora Speir is home for 0 holi- day visit of a few weeks from Toron- to. She is a daughter of James and Mrs. Speir, 6th line. Miss Speir is a stenographer. • `Vers ret to state that Mrs. Chas.- Davis, 40r line, is not enjoying her usual health nor is the baby son any too well. Many friends hope' both will improve speedily.' Mrs. Jno. Brown, 8th line, was in Toronto during the past week visiting her husband who is in the hospital there. Many old friends hope ho will soon be able to cone home. • We are pleased to announce that Thomas Dal k, son of Wm. .Dank, Oth line, has successfully passed his final Pharmaceutical examination ab Re- gina. Congratulations are extended by many old friends. • A letter from B. A. Beam, Kinistint Sask., formerly of 7th line, Morris, says :-Crops are the best in years here, so old tinsels say. We are all well and glad to get the old home - news every week in'lri8 Pon. VOTERS' TAST.-- Tuesday ot this week the 1913 Voters' List was posted up. There is a total of 777 names on it ttrncle up as follows i -Part. 1 046, Patt IT., 04 and Part III, 87. No. qualified to serve as ,lnrors, 889, Aliss Marjory Yuill, daughter of Walter., anis Mrs, Yuill, East Gravel road, is in tile ranks of the whiners tut the 1.eeent Entrance to tate Normal School exam, She attended school at Brunets, Congratulations, Mise Marjory, .Last Sabbath afternoon the ser. vice at Jackson's charch was taken by Rev, Mr Jewitt's son, E. W., who is a probationer in the Meth odistrniDia try ttnd will attend Victoria College next Fall. He gave an interesting dis- course and will be back for next Sun- day's service. The trustees of what is known as the Clegg school, 6th line Alorris township, have engaged Miss Florence Imlay, of Winghuem, as teacher for the coining year, 101 successor to Clay- ton Procter. We wish her the hest of success. She is a graduate of the Normal. Mr, Procter will pursue en advanced educational course. Grey Hiss Pearl Hone, of Britton, is visit- ing at the home of her -aunt, Mrs. Win. Gi1.1, Oth cot. Airs, Thos. -Fowler and sari Orval, of Camrose, Alta., are visitors at the home of R. J. and Mrs. Hoover, for a few weeks. THE Pose congratulates Thos. Armstrong, Oth non. on passing a part of the. Entrance to Faculty, while still still engaged at teaching, John Strath was home from Toron- to on tt visit to the old hone, loth con. He returned on Satutday of this week. Tlie city evidently agrees well with him. Plans are being arranged by a goodly number to take in the Sunday School Excursion to Kincardine on Thursday, Ang. 14th. A day at .the lake will be line. Wilbur Armstrong; son of Wm, and Mrs. Arrn=trong, 901 con. has ac- cepted it school at Prospect Hill, Perth Oo., duties to commence on Sept. 2110. He should fill the bill all right. The "Moon" social evening at Roe's church was a good one. Rev. Mr. McKelvey gave an address and there were numerous contests, ere. on the program. Fair Lona kept dark and did her part fine. MMrs. W. Livingston, I001 eon„ was on the sick during the past week but we hope she will soon be as well as ever. Her daughter, Mrs.- (Rev.) Scott, of Streetsville, is bete on a visit with her. Among the residents of Grey who are forging ahead in Educational. circles are Miss Jessie Menzies, Harvey Hoover, and Wilber Turnbull who were successful in the Normal Entrance exam. They should fill the bill. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Miss Marion Pearl Brant, Henfryu, but hope she will soon be as well as ever, and able to return from the hospital. Wednesday of last week was set as the date of Miss Brant's and Ernest Franklin's wedding, but it bad to be postponed. Ethel Oat crop is being harvested on some farms already. Miss Winnie Barr has been visiting her grandparents, Robert and Mrs. Hamilton, Elma. Eddie Stephenson has been ou the sick list but we hope he may grow mere vigorous than ever. Miss Ella AItc i 'hell and Master I Walker are visitors with their grand. patents, G, and Mrs. Colvin in Brus- sels. Miss Bernice Flood,. who has been visiting at Hamilton, Toronto and Burlington foe 8 weeks, is back home again. 1.1 is said the Presbyterian con- gregation have or will acquire the old school ground to enlarge their church premises. Miss Drilla Msllelland goes back to her school tneatJamestown at a salary of $575. She is a good teacher and a hard worker. Mrs, McDonald sr. menet, of 5. McDonald, merchant, is not enjoying very good health but we hope she will soon lee better. Annual Sunday School pin.nic in connection with the Methodist church is on the mergearn for_'Pliursclay after- orion of this week. Excursion to Kincardine Thursday, August 14th is marked clown by a goocl orowd from this locality las a airy'souting In contemplation, veralls Free we are sole Agents e nts g' for Walker's,Overalls Made In Waikervflle, Ont. We guarantee 10 cents for every button that comes off and 26 cents for every rip, and for every 6 stamped pockets cut from worn garments we will give yeti : one pair of Overalls or Smock -j' 1i'EP,' . • h the .Ha it Save the e Pocket Get h b s Solei olid guaranteed by Jno. 1� o cD raid ETHEL fllso by the Walkerville Pant and Overall alkervIlle, flnt1 Co.,i l arimmiwimmon The new stable bulit by Edward Fleeteher, a short time ago, hasbeen unproved by a di Pea of paint, Irwin Raynar'dwas 1110 bruab artist, Next week Mrs. Ed, Fletcher will leave for a, month's trip to Midland, Michigan, where she has numerous relatives she has not seen for some yeare. We wish het is good time. Hcr sister from Kincardine, will ac- company her. The annual meeting of the W. NI, S. of the Ethel Methodist church was held at the home of MPS. John Mc- Donald. Officers for the year itre as follows :-President; Mrs. S. 5. Cole ; Vice President, Mr's, Chambers ; Rec.-Seoretary, Mrs. 5, Wright; Corresponding Secretary, Miss L, Sanders; Treasurer, Mrs. Ii, Dobson : Supt. 01' Systematic Giving and Asso- ciate Members, Mrs, Cleaver. Bluevale The Sunday School Excursion to Kincardine will be ran on Thursday, August I4th, by special train. A day by old Lake Huron in August is nice to think about, ' Jno. and Mrs, Cross, of Palmerston, were visiting their. sitter, Mrs. A. Bruce, for a week. A nephew, his wife and daughter also made a visit to Mrs. Brace and they visited Wingham friends. Belgrave Miss Mary Ritchie, of WIngham was visiting in Belgrave. Berry picking lids been the work of many during the past week, Weath- er' is too dry to aid the rrnp. That baby girl at the Methodist Parsonage has them all beaten, Rev. Fir. Kilpatrick should preach better than ever now. Next Sabbath morning the quarterly Communion service will be held in the Methodist church here, the pastor officiating. There will also be service in the evening. We are glad to repott that Mfrs. J. Brandon' and Cecil Hill who have been ill with fever, are on the way to recovery and we hope nothing will come in their path. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Boyle, of Owen Sound Presbytery, was the preacher in the Presbyterian church here and did well. Rev. John Strath an, B. A., took the service the Sun- day previous and preached a good sermon. Next Sabbath Rev. Air. incEachren, of Oil Springs, will be here. An old and well known resident of this locality, in the person of Adam Halliday. has been seriously ill with pneumnliia. He is in his 80th year and hence his recuperative powers are not as active as in year's gone by. Tt is 10 years since he moved here from his farm on the 6th line of Morris township. Wroxeter \Vin. McLennan left for Montreal on Friday. Miss Daisy Wilson left for her home iu Brussels on Saturday. Gordon Thayer, of Toronto, is the guest of Dr. G. P. Jackson. Miss May Perrin, of Moorefield, spent Monday in the village. Miss- Young, of Winnipeg, is the guest of her cousin, Airs. 11. Harding. R. F. and Airs. Aitchison, of Dray- ton, called on friends here last Thurs- day. Dr. and Mrs. Wilson of Mildmay, called on friends in the village o Friday. • Dr. and Mrs. Jackson returned on Tuesday from a short holiday at Grand Bend. Miss Mary Parrott, of Hamilton, spent last week with Miss Maggie Earls, of Howlett. Miss B. R. Hull, a former principal of the Continuation School here, is visiting friends in the village. The funeral of the late Hiss Stewart, whose death occurred in Wingham hist week, took place from the home of her sistelein-law, Mrs. D. Stewart, of Turnberry, on Thurs- day afternoon. The death took place on Thursday morning last of Jane Munro, relict of the late Andrew Miller. Airs. Millet• had not been in good health for some months but was able to be around un- til the day of her death when she had a parctlytie stroke from which she did lint rally, passing away five hours later. She was 68 !years of age, of a kindly disposition and will be much missed by het neighbors and friends. The funeral torilt,;place to the Wrox- eter oesuetery on Saturday afternoon From, the home of her sister, Mrs. L e Geo. Towh, with whom she had recently made htr home. Service was conducted by Rev. T. Wesley. ' Made a Horace Ralph, a machinist, m d despaeate attempt to cut the throat or a Dnffevir Street woman, Airs. Betty, 01' Stretford, and then take his own life in the olfiee of Sanitary In- spector Dunseith, at Ibo City Hall last Tuesday. The man fell violently iu love with llis landlady aut1. 'so frightened the woman Lhat he was a'deeed to find new lodgings. The 80111011 accompanied him to Air, Dunseith's office to procarehie help in locating a boarding House for her passionate adinir'er, When he per- sisted iii t•heetuts that if be pnuid not have Airs. Bray and a Borne of his own he would 1011 himself, Mr. Dltlrseit'it hllei'ied down the corridor to get police assistance. 'Rettu'ning with Sergt, ('Donnell, the love -crazed Ralph was found with a knife about to attack the woman, Assessment OorrnnissionersRustorn and Keller were called and it regttired the four teen to take the weapon from the struggling lover, lie ,was rernentled to jail and may be deported to England, as he is considered a dangerous character apd swore to get seen with the woman and AL1'.-Dt0nsoith, NORMAL ENTRANCE The results of the middle acltool examination for entrance into. the Normal Schools are given below, The certificates of the sneessful candidates and the statements of those who failed will be emailed to the Principals or Inspectors in the course of e few days, The Department of Education ru giving the results states: - "The appeal examiners have tulready reread the papers of each candidate whose 11101105 would in former years have j7ustified an appeal. Where such a candidate has still failed, his state- ment of marks will be stamped as re- read and 110 further appeal will be allowed. In all other cases of failure appeals will trot be refused, if made before September let, and ac- companied by the l'ee of 52.00, In view of all the precautions taken. however, it is most uulikely that such appeals would succeed, Successful candidates who desire to attend the coining session of the Normal Schools are notified . that their applications for admission must be made to the Deputy Minister of Edooation not later than Tuesday, September 2nd, The Normal Schools will open on Tuesday, September 28t'd, at 9 a. m., at which time all candidates must present themselves. Applicants are required to be at least eighteen years of age before October 1st. $UaoN N E Amy, A Archibald, G H Arm- strong (13), T G Ballantyue, D J Barr, E 0 Beacom (Hl, E M Beattie (H), E 11 Bower, L W Brown, F I Brown, J W Button (Ii), H R Dante - Ion, E 0 Case (H), F J Clark, A J Clubb, 0 P Gowan (H), G B Cruick- shank (11), J Ii Currie (H), V 0 Out- rie, M .1 Dalton H R Day, M Dor- ranee, R P Dougall (H), A G Draper, SR Duffle (Pt A), I4 A Dundas (H), ✓ F Ecknner (H), L J Edgar, IP 4V II Forrest, A 0 Fowler, N Garrett (l1), L Geiger, (11), E Gray (H), L E Graig, N Griffin, J V Haines (5), W H Haines, L 0 Harvey, P W Hoag, R H Hoover, R E Jackson, T E Johns (II)), E V Jordan, J E Kelly (I1), G E Latimly (H), M E Link - later (H), H M Lowry, AI 0 McAl lister, H H MacKay (H), H MacLareu, \V Maines, A M Maines (H), D J Matheson, R M 'Welled', $ 3 M c0loy, H McCrostie, L J McDonald (H), W McGregor (H). W T McIntosh (H), H A McKay, 0 P McKenzie (H), J 1McKenzie, R G McKercher, J AI Men- zies, M 1I Miller, I3 Al Moore, A E Moss, 0 G Nicholson (II), 1/Patterson A. Patterson (H), T Penhale, W D Phillips, H Quackenbush, E D Reid, Ii B Reid, a1 C Reynolds, A A Rice. (li), AG Hinton], J Robb, (H), J V Ross, E Sanderson, F A Smith (H), S I Smyth, W 1.1 Stafford, L E Stevens (11). 0 E Stewart (13) E J SLothers, G Thompson, E M Tiplin W E Turnbull, G L Walker, A L Warts, J A Wilson, K Wilton, R C Wise, 0 Wood (H) J M Wylie (H), F P Young, M F Yuill. PERTH K S Anderson, M E Barnet, L Barr, N Beanmont, D W Bell (H), F H Blowes, W Gordon Brown, W Z Cade (13), Ii G Chambers, al A Solemau, N D Cloak, E J Dempseyy. (H), B Doupe, E FI Dyer (H), E Edgecombe, B W Eidt (H), P R Ellacott, F Farrant, F r ktFerguson A'[ 11 ar ant J H L W Gray (H), tV E Hailton (H), G S Hammond (H), I J Hance, M 0 Hartmier (li), A S Haynes, M R Hedley, W H1dIerold, AI B Hiles, Al Hislop, G 0 Horne, D D Hurst, F L Hutchinson (H), T N Irwin (H), Mary al Kennedy, A Lennox, 0 S Litt, H J Little, D Love (H), 0 MacDonald (H), N Martin (H), M G McCully, I McFarlane, K AI McIntyre, D hieLel- lan, W 0 McTavish (H), D Muir (H), G Murray, B M' Nairn, A Nethercott, J Nichols (H), B Nichols, T \V Orde, E. Payne (H), N D Perry (H), W L Prueter, F E Riby (13), B Richard- son (H), I M Shears, P Smith, N F Sovereign (H), M D Sparks (H), E Ii Squire (H), J! E Stacey, T Ai Steele, W L Swanson (H), B L Tan- ner (H), B G Thompson, J 0 Tobin, 1t E Walker (H), 0 G Webster (H), E II Wilson (ti), A B Wilson, II 0 Wilson, A R Wren, H F Yates, S L Youngs (H), H A Young. Perth County Mitchell Oivic holiday Avg, 11th. Out of 24 pupils writing on tire. Entrance Examinations tut Listowel 22 passed, t Rev. T.J. Charlton, Mitchell, fell from a step -ladder and dislocatedone of his thumbs. Bev. F. E. Malott of St. Marys, de- livered a course of lectures before the Alma College e Snnrrner School St. Arr g , Thomas. By the upsetting of the baby car- riage off the edge of the sidewalk the infant son of Edward Hewerdine, Water street, St. Marys sustained a fractured arm. The reasons are busy laying the cement block upon tiro new Lutheran church foundation, Mitchell. The laying of the corner stone will take place Saturday, August 3rd. The Foster farm in Fullerton was sold last week to Josiah Skinner, for the sum of $0,500, It adjoins Mt'. Skinner's homestead and makes him now .the possessr of 285 acres, Robert AleCulloii h, Blanshard township, fell front the roof of a neighbor's barn, Both legs were broken and he was hurt internally} dying from itis injuries, a little later. t\n minstrel and, novel sight was witnessed in Mitchell when a traction engine passed through Main sb. and St. Andrew's streets, drawing font heavily loaded wagons with lumber, It looked like a.lreigglrt train' and many' citizens watched the engineer proceed to the,' station with Els lead, A number of Indians arrived at Mitchell from MnlceY Reserve for the annual flax pulling, '('hey tare employed by lir, Forrester, Rev. J, 'V, Abery, Granton, was elected Distt'iet Deputy Grand Mae. ter for South Huron at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Canada A. F. & A. NI. at Ottawa, This is an ex- Celient appointment In every r'espeet.. Frank A. Campbell, Mitchell, has entered an action at Osgoode Hall against Eliza Jane Irwin, as act- rniuistrlx of the estate of the late John Day Irwin, Toronto, to recover. 585,000 alleged due under an agree- ment whereby 5. D. Irwin was to pay plaintiff the valuation of certain uildings on lands mentioned in leases between him and T. H. Ince. The plaintiff is the assignee of the leasee, Church Chimes Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Budge will occupy the pulpit in Melville church, Brussels. Monthly Missionary service in the Methodist Sabbath school next Sunday afternoon, Short program Several persons from this locality 'ill attend the Summer School at Goderioh, opening on August lith, The congregation of Knox Presb%- teriau church Lister el met Monday evening andexlended a unanimous call to Rev, J. M. Nichol, 8. D , of Wiarton. Rev. S L Smith, of Forest, has been appointed rector of the parish of Sebringville, a permanent charge, re- ceiving word Monday morning of last week fror Bishop Williams to that ef- fect, his duties to commence toe. first Sunday in August. Missionary committee of Wiugham District timet to the -Board room of the Methodist Church Winghsm, Thursday afternoon of last week. The com- mittee -Rev, 1, W, Hibbert, Rev Geo. McKinlay, Lucknow, Rev. David Wren, Brussels, John Joyut, Lucknow. Jno. Kerr, Wingham. The Financial District meeting will be held in Gorrie early in September, Rev. Mr. Muir. of Toronto, conduct- ed the services in Melville church last Sabbath iu the absence of the pastor, Rev, A. J. Mann, who is holidaying. Two practical discourses were given and the congregation will be pleased to bear Rev. Mr. Muir again. He was the pa -son who tied the matrimonial knot between Rev. A. j. and Mrs. Mann at Grimsby, Regular quarterly Communion will be observed in the Methodist church next Sabbath. Fellowship meeting et to o'clock the subject of thought 'being The blessed Life," followed by preach- ing service at 11 a. m. and the Sacra- ment. The subject in the evening will be "How one girl saved her home," a special sermon to young ladies A male choir will lead the praises of this ser- vice. A CHOrcue YOUNG MAN.— Last Sab- bath evening Rev, D. Wren, preached a sermon to young men, taking forhis:. text "Saul was a choice young man." In the course of his address the speaker set out five important qualities, found t` in Saul, worthy of emulation viz :- Fine physique, Filial obedience, Modesty, Independence and generosity and religion. A large choir of young' ladies filled the choir gallery. Miss Minnie Walker took the solo part in the selection supplied by the choir and Miss Stella Gerry sang a solo. There was a congregation. large August 3rd, nth Sunday atter Trini- ty, Divine service will (D. V.) be .held iu St. John's church, Brussels, at sr a. m. and 7 p. m. for moruing and evening prayer respectively. Sunday School at 3 p. m. and St. George's church, Walton at 3 p. m. Sunday School will be one hour earlier. In the morning the subject will be the second of the series of three, "Faith, Hope and Charity," while in the evening the subject will be ' Christian Education" as outlined by King Solomon. Every- one is cordially invited to attend the services. All seats free. On Friday evening at $ o'clock the A. Y. P. A, will meet to discuss and have the Sun- day School lesson taught. Immediately after the choir will practice. ADDITIONAL. LOCALS Tae POST Telephones are Nos. 3) and 3s, OWEN SOUND CAPTURED Vax ROUND, -Monday last Brussels Foot 13011 team motored to Owen Sound and played the 4tb and last bout in nasi mediate Foot Ball for 19,3. Early in the game the visitors surprised their oppouents by ria c goal which tied the record,. scoring a . g s g Later on a corner Owen Sound got one when one of our boys in heading the ball bounced it through and the game ended z to r in favor of the home team. Brussels bad'lhe hest of the play fore f au hour but the last. I minutes b a u the Is localeleveuressed hard for a largerg score but our defence said Thos ar shalt thou go and no further." Referee SleLachlan, of Stratford, gave good satisfaction on the field, Owen Sound has a good chance for a Strong- team as they have a city League of 4 teams .to pick from and are able to keep in good practice, The members of the team are a gentlemanly lot and play A I ball. 'rbev had nothing to brag about with Brussels however as the 4 games played netted them 6 goals to Brussels 4 and .one goal in dispute due the latter. A protest was tented of over the disputed' telly but the natter was allowed to drop even if Brussels had a fair ehAtme° to win. 'Owen Sound will now meet Preston in the finals,' at Owen Sound Friday evening of this week and a week later will go to Preston. Probabilities Of victory are in favor of Owen Sound,' wise fellows say. Preston will die hard if 'they have to be the corpse.. Brussels team showed to good advan- tage this season and played &insistent ball all the way through with few °henget in their personnel front the first match, We're proud of you,