HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-7-24, Page 8take
odak with You
Your Vacation Pictures
The Kodak storey of your vacation is not
complete until the prints are in your Album.
Biting us your Finns and our Finishing De-
partment will brake pictures you will be
proud to show. Should you me to do the
work yourself we will explain how easy it is to develop in KODAK
FILM TANK and print on Velox Paper.
Fust drop in and bave a Kodak visit with us—for your interests
and our own.
rownie Cameras $2 up Kodaks $10 up
'rhe ��sl�,t' L Store F.
. rar etvs I elu
RASPBEERIRs are a short crop.
How is the address label on your
THURSDAY, Ang List IQ.th will be
Brussels Civie Bentley.
THE weather man puts on some udd
stunts in temperature this Summer.
ADVERTISE your strayed stock in TIER
PosT. It generally locates the cattle or
THE Pryue Milling Company is
shipl.iug a car of their well known flour
to Montreal this week.
A new steel bridge has been erected
over the culvert 2 tulles South of Brus-
sels on the gravel road.
A Tennis quartette from town went
to Clinton today (Thursday) to play a
return match with the experts of that
55 Rural Telephones have been in-
stalled in the past nine mouths in con.
nection with Brussels, Grey & Morris
system when Milton Lake took charge
as liaeman,
Civic Holiday Thursday, August
Lith,proclaimed by Reeve Leckie in
response to a largely signed petition,
This is the date of the annual Ex-
cursion to Kincardine by special train.
ANNoUNCEMRNT. — A. and Mrs SIc
Guice announce the engagement of their
only daughter, Mary Winnifree, to J.
Mason, of Merlin, Ont., the marriage
to take place during the month of
ILLUSTRATED Lecture by T. B. Wat-
son Field Secretary, in the "Town Hall
Brussels, Tuesday evening. August
5th, at 8 o'clock. The subject will be
"The crusade against Consumption."
No charge will he made and everybody
is invited,
LOYAL Legion annual pie-nic was
held in the Davidson grove, 12th con„
Grey township. Tuesday afternoon of
this week. Rigs left the Library
Building at 2 and 3 o'clock. A program
of fun was arranged and a delightful
afternoon was enjoyed,
Ow= SOUND Foot Ball team will
"play -another game here Friday evening
of this week and our boys will go back
to the Liverpool of the North the fol.
lowing Monday. Goals will count and
the winners will lock horns with
Preston in the finals for the Inter.
mediate cbampionship for 1913.
THE tile for the Fishieigh street drain
arrived last week from Listowel and
Thueli Bros., bave been getting then
into their place. This contract has not
been an easy one to complete owing to
the amount of rock found in the way,
necessitating quarrying and blasting.
Drain should fill a long felt want as far
as removal of water from numerous cel-
lars on Flora street is concerned,
Fool BALL.—Thursday of last week
Brussels Foot Ball team went to Owen
Sound and played a game in the semi-
finals, Intermediate series, with the
rustlers of that place. It was a hard
fought contest in which the hotne club
bad the best of it by a score of 2—o.
Referee Law was in charge of the
game. Several former Brusselites
wituessed the play.
ODD FELLOWS WILL DECORATE.Next Sunday afteruoon the annual
decoration service of Western Star
Lodge, No, 149, I. O. 0, F., will be
held, The brethren will march front
their Hall to the cemetery at 4 o'clock
sharp, A large attendance i$ asked for
by the officers, Flowers will be sup-
plied by the Lodge, Few Orders keep
up the decoration ceremony as well as
the', 0. 0. F. If you are a tnember
show yottr interest by your lweseuce.
Ho 1 volt TIM L.11CESIDE,— Artauge-
ments have been made with the G, T.
R. to
nun the annual Excursion from
Palmerston and intervening paints to
Kincardine on Thursday, August T4t17,
by special train. This date will be ob-
served as Civic Holiday in Brussels so
as to Hermit a large number to enjoy
the outing, Arrangements are being
Made for a program of sports at the
lakeside, Further particulars as to
time table and rates will be given t
shortly l:ut ie the meantime make up
your parties for August 14th,
Mas, ALF -4, MCAR't'Ires. Decitneen.-
- ISSSt Friday Sarah Galbraith, wife of r
Alexander Al
diedt the ho hotne
of Mrs
Sinclair, air MEII' e
ste t
in her
e r t
7th a atter an 111-
7 Y
tress of about a week Her death was
the result ot a paralytic stroke, She
suffered front a similar shock 6 years 1
ago. Deceased was born in UMW.
Scotland, coming to Canaria about Yin t
years ago. She lived in Halton Co,
before mewing to Seaforth. About 5o
years ago she was married to'Alex. Me.
Arthur, Four children were bora to'
there but 111 are deceased excepting the 1
eldest sou, Peter,: who lives in the West.
Mrs. McArthur was a sister to Mrs.
Margaret McDonald, deceased, who
formerly lived on Mill street, Brussels, A
with Wheal She lived for a time. The
funeral took p,aoe Monday afternoouto 6
Hrussels cemetery, Rev, A. T. Mann, D
B. A. offlei t
alit deceased ceased i
ben J
Member of the Presbyterian church.
She was the last of het''fattlhly,
JOIiN GALBRAITH has purchased a
speedy gray trotting stallion that some-
body will have to take his dust.
lvItss Does SMIT•lt HAS RESIGNNDr-
THE PosT regrets to hear that Miss
Dora Smith, who has taught on Brus-
sels Public School staff for the past 7
years with elwost unparalleled success,
has tendered her resignaion to the
Boarcl. It will be no easy matter to
secare a successor fur the Entrance
class work. Miss Smith is now holiday-
ing in the West, where she will remain,
we understand. The school seenriug
her will have a most faithful, painstak-
ing andsuceessful teacher. Miss Smith's
classes writing at Entrance u ver had a
failure in 7 years and most of them
passed with boners.
Monday and Tuesday 0f ascii week. Market
your worthless fowl now and don't forget that
your 2 and 21 tb. chickens will bring as much
money now no two months later.
4-2 ROHT. THOMSON, Brussels.
A PEW Yorkshire sows for sale. Will far.
row about letter part of August. Lot 27, Can,
I8, Grey township. Phone 450.
REPAIRe for the Deering andProst & Wood
implements• also for the Fleury and Cock-
sbutt plows, sold by E, G. PLUM, Brussels.
Two litters of choice young pigs for Bale.
Lot le, Con, 7, Grey. CHAS. LAtcoN2,
Phone 2118- Brussels P. 0.
Wool WANTED. -50,000 lbs, for cash or
trade. $igbe.st prices. Bring along your
butter and eggs. Ws want them,
SIx6 Baos., Winghsm,
DR. R. P. PARKER, Osteopath end Eye Spec.
ialist. at Mr. 8. T. Plum's,Braesels—Tnesdeys.
7 to 10.80 a. nt. 47-tf
SEE McGregor about lawn mowers,
R. W. 'Ttrcx PA'sss AWAY —Tuesday
of this week Robt. Wm. Truk, a former
well known resident of Brussels and
Cranbrook, died at his home in Toronto,
in his 72nd year. He is survived by
his wife and au admit family. Funeral
took place in Toronto Thursday after-
noon, under the direction of the Orange
Order of which he had been a member
for years. J. C. Tuck and Alrs. D,
Robb, of town, brother and sister to de.
ceesed, attended the ftmerai, Mr.
Tuck had been living in the Queen's
city for some yesrs. He is well remem-
bered here by the older people beiug
engaged in the mercantile line at both
Brussels and Cranbrook. He also kept
the Queen's Hotel here for a number of
Years before removing ;o Shelburne.
He was an active move energetic man and
was known by a wide circle particularly
by the travelling public. Mrs. Trick
and family will be kindly remembered
in their time of sorrow,
Last Monday evening, on Victoria Park
Brussels, and before a very large and
enthusiastic crowd, Owen Sound and
Brussels Intermediate teams met for the
second time this season and a battle
royal was the result. The visitors had a
lead of 2 goals from the previous con-
test at Oweud Sound and counted on
that giving them victory but our lade
tbougbt otherwise and played with a
vim, that even as sturdy and well bal-
anced a team as Owen Sound could not
withstand, Brussels scored their initial
goal in the first half and notched another
in the second half, tying the score and
so the game stood when the notir was
up. Ten minutes play each way was
ordered to break the tie and Brussels
won -another count which set things a.
tingling and victory looked to be ours.
Although both teams had slowed down
considerably after their strenuous com-
bat Owen Sound rallied anal shortly
before time Was called scored their only
goal front a corner kick, once more ty-
ing the record and Referee
Law' whistle Law's w st called a time before
there was shy change. Hence
the necessity of another contest.
Owen Sound play a stoug game in ail
their positions, their forwards being
specialty gooa but Brussels left no spot
unguarded and had the best of the
game all through. Little combination
play was evidenced as close checking
appeared to be the order and a better
contested match i$ seldom witnessed.
Both teams fought hard for victory and
ice visitors worked a long time for their
one goal. While the supporters of the
tame team were SOitteWhet disappointed
at the outcome of the match they
ecogeized the fact that to score three
goals agaiust
g wasno s"+
victory. Home and home oma t
an es have
been arranged et bythe g Association, the
first of which will be played in Brussels
Friday evening of this week to be fol -
owed by a gone in Owen Sound next
Ivlondae and there protnises to be some•
hiug doing every minute of the play.
Tarestou is waiting to play the winner
11 the finals. We hope to see Brussels
get a chance at the doughty Prestoulaus.
The lice up last Monday Was as fol.
OWs 2—
()Wen Sound Brussels
t9, 2. Catnphsll Gael ,, .,J, Anderson
Nratlt 3 Baclte •. •McDonald
mtinepn ( ,,,.. Armstrong
(;arson Walker
lenley - Halves Anderson
r s
( .1 ,,...
n id
WB a
d„MoDeintlaese, tsunamitBaot
sis hnqan
the Metropolitan Bank I
Oapttut Paid up -
Reserve Fund
Undivided Pro4its -
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
— ednesday night that well known
hostiery — the Queen's Hotel, Listowel,
was destroyed by fire and a number of
the adjoining buildings as well. It bad
been the property of the Zilliax fancily
for years.
The Owen Sound Sun gives the follow-
ing report of the Foot Ball game Mon-
day of last week in that towu, which is
a trifle amusing after last Mendav's
game here :—Ry a 2—o score last bight,
the local foothill team trimmed ibe
Brussels lineup in the seeoud round of
the W. F. A. semi finals. The game
was one of the best that has been seen
on the football grounds this year and
was keenly contested trom start to
finish. Judging from the farm the boys
are displaying. they are in a fair way to
bring hone the cup this year, The
Brussels fellows were a husky bunch
but they leaked the speed and from
the first it wee evident that they would
have to go some to defeat their op-
ponents. It Wes Dot until nearly half
time, though, the first gent was scored
when Carson by a neat shot sent the
pigskin between the goal posts with the
force of a cannon ball In the second
half Brussels made a couple of grand
rushes in an endeavor to tie the score
but Owen Sound defence was too
strong and before full time was called,
Owen Sound had scored again. The
game was characterized by some rough
piay on the part of one or two of the
Brtissels men but on the whole they
were a good bunch of sports. Law, of
Galt, was referee and the teams were :—
Owen Sound—G. S. Campbell ; backs,
Heath and Atkinson ; 'halves, Carson.,
Stanley and Seabrooke; fort ants, D.
Gilchrist, J Campbell, J. McDonald,
Simkins and Ed. McDonald. Brussels
—1. Anderson ; backs, McDonald and
Armstrong ; halves, Walker, Anderson
and Jackson; forwards, McMillen,
Scott. W. Stephenson and Duncan.
THE following taken from the Brant-
ford Courier refers to termer Brussel-
ites who recently removed to Burford :—
—On the evening of Wednesday the
2nd inst., a large gathering of the
member's of St. John's cicurch, Cathcart,
and Holy Triutty, Burford, met togeth-
er at the rectory for the purpose of
welcoming Rev. Mr. Cameron and his
fatnily to Burford. The evening Was
most enjoyably spent in pleasaut chat
add listening to the musical program so
admirably arranged by Mrs. J.' Lloy.l-
Jones, the dainty refreshments provided
by the ladies were thoroughly appreciat.
ed. David Secord acted as chairman
and in his usual happy style called on J.
R. Chilcott, the rector's Warden, to
read the following address which was
replied to by Rev, Mr. Cameron, who
interspersed his remarks with some
very interesting anecdotes which were
thoroughly enjoyed. After partaking
of the good things so lavishly provided,
all lett feeling it was good to have been
'ro REV. AND Mas. CAMERON. --It is my
pleasant duty to -night, Sir, on behalf of
your parishioners of St. John's church,
Cathcart and Holy 'Trinity church,
Burford, to extend to Mrs. Cameron,
Yourself and family circle a hearty and
sincere welcome to our midst ; you have
come to us with the highest enconiums
of the past of which you may well feel
proud, your quiet, unassuming manner
and manly traits have eh'eady given us
confidence in vont stability, We have
heard that through your own marked
ability and indomitable perseverance,
you have won for yourself the exabed
position you now hold, .that of leading
souls to Christ ; what ou earth can be
higher or noble,•? Now in order that
you may better achieve this grand
object, we feel that you need the earnest
co-operation of every individual member
of this assembly sod we have met to-
gether partly to assure you of the
willingness on onr part
l0 assist
you in what of nece8sity must at times
prove arduous, With the right spirit of
co-operation there cannot be such a
thing as failure rather your efforts will
be crowned with success. In the parish
of Burford and Cathcart we are proud
to be able to state unhesitatingly that
we have one of the very beet country
parishes in the Diocese. We have the
material that only needs further develop.
meat, In the Womeu's Auxiliary you
will find devoted women capable of the
highest performance, their worst in the
past speaks for itself and is enfficieut
guarantee for tine future. In tine girls
Guild you will find another faithful
little band of workers, needing g the
guiding hand,
Our finances we
to state are in a healthy ea Thy condition, we
have no debt of any k'nci to harper us ;
we have in contemplation, largely
tltrongb the munificent gift of the late
lamented Canon Wade, the ,building of
a suitable ronin for the use of Sund•'v
School, ate well as for entertainment.§
generally, which will be a great boot la
tis all, as Well as befog an incentive to
future achievements. It has been e
pleasure to Its to hear of your marked
sneoees in the Sunday School, the nurse.
ry of the church. I feel sure that your
appeal for volunteer workers Will not
have fallen on deaf ears, Now I must
couciudo my address by wishing Mrs,
Cameron, yourself and fatnily all the
health, lumpiness ritite
SS ati i
prosperity you
could wish for yourselves and may
Burford prove tteougenal home to yoti
In every sense of the word,
OWEN SOUND ve Brussels,' Viotoria
Park, Brussels, Friday evening of this
A CONTINGENT of youthful Tennis
players went to Listowel Wednesday to
return the game played here our repre-
sentatives were C. Leckie, V. Ross, W.
Strachau and S, Scott, The singles
were a tie and doubles not finished but
in Brussels favor.
Bowling rink that went to Goderich
Tournament, consisting of A. Strachan,
3. Duncan, R. F. Downing and .D, C.
Ross put up a strenuous fight in various
competitions, finishing second iu the
Consolation and bringing home with
them 4 Thereto bottles. The scores
were as follows :—
For Trophy,—
Brussels beat Davis, Goderich, Iq—q
" Lochead, Atwood, 23-2
Brussels—McDermott, Goderich r6—Io
Dowding, Clinton, beat Brussels 17-11
Iu Association,—
Brussels beat Humber, Goderich 15—so
" " Best, Seaforth 16-7
McTaggart, Blyth, beat Brussels 14-13
Brussels beat Best, Seaforth • t2-16
Brussels beat Humber, Goderich 16-7
'Pape, Goderich, beat Brussels r
Brussels won 7 victories and 10st by
close finishes,
People We Talk About
Ino. Best, of Seaforth, is visiting with
Jack Leckie.
Mrs. E. J. Andersoe, of Toronto, is a
visitor with relatives in town.
Mrs. J, Leckie was visiting . Ethel
friends during the past week.
Muir Thomson was at London last
week with the Seaforth Cadets. -
Miss Minerva Jones was thelguest of
Miss Laura Chuff, of Stratford.
Miss Jeanet McKay is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Sutherland, in London.
Postmaster Scott wss in Detroit dur-
ing the past week on a business trip.
Miss Bell Robb, of Bluevale, is visit-
ing Miss Annie Forsyth, her cousin.
Miss Elsie Gillespie, of Wingbam, was
a visitor with Misses Ada and Stella
George Backer is home from a holi-
day at his grandmother's in McKillop
Miss Hazel Hamilton, of Gerrie, was
visiting her brother, Dr. Hamilton, in
town this week.
Miss Margaret Harkness, of Tees -
water, hs visiting at tho borne of Robert
Harknese in town.
Slvadrun and son, of Toronto,
are holidaying with Mrs. Yollick, town.
'Pim ladies are sisters.
Miss Sophia Sperling and friend, of
Toronto, are holidaying with relatives
in Brussels for a few days.
Editor George Spottou, of Wingham,
was in town on Wednesday. He
cart ied his usual share of jollity.
Misses Maggie and Hazel and Master
Harry McDonald were visiting at Alex.
Forsyth's, Church Street, Brussels,
Miss Marjorie Sammie, of Toronto,
bas been visiting at the home of John
and Mrs. Galbrsith.Turnberry street.
Mies Hazel Rothwell, and Miss Elsie
Nicholls, of Bay City, Mich., are visitors
at D. C. Ross', The former is a niece.
Miss Gerrie Samuels and Miss Dora
Bothnick, of Toronto, Were visitors at
the hone of Morris Yollick, Mill street,
Mrs, L. C. Near and Miss Tessa
Termite, of Toronto, are visiting their
parents, T. and Mrs, Termyn, Queen
street. .
Miss. Emma Stacey and brother,.
Edgar, of St, Marys, are holidaying at
Fletcher Sperling's. Mrs. Sperling is
their aunt,
Mrs. Abram Coolr has returned to
tawu and line taken up residence ouce
more In her cottage home, Tureberry
street, North,
Dr. Alex. Mc1 elvey arrived in town
week from his trip to the-Conthtent
aid the British Isles. fie enjoyed iris
outing i mmeu5ely,
Misses Little, formerly of .Brussels;
have been visiting at Mrs, Jane Walker's
Turnber'ry street, North. Their home
is now Toronto,
Mrs, J F. Rowland and three daugh-
ters left Tuesday for Pietou, the torm-
er's parental home, where they will
holiday for few weeks. -
Miss Margaret Patker, of Minneapolis,
WAS a visitor at the home of Ronald
MoNatigbtnn, Princess street, She is.a
sister-in-law of Mrs, Ira Parker.
George Keys, of town, underwent ae
operation nu for appendicitis encic
Its in Toronto,
and la expected
to Brussels this
Week We
hope he
will soon fully
regain his usual vigour.
Rev, A. J Mrs Mann and Alan are
away to Goderich where they will so-
journ for a few weeks enjoying Lake
Huron breezes, They will also attend
Summer St hoot to be bald in Knox
°beech in that town.
Mrs. G, H. Semis and sol, of Clare
mon 1, 'Ont., are visitors 'et 'TIM r
Athol," the parental ltotne of the form-
er, Williattt street, Brussels, Mrs.
Santis accompanied her father to
Detroit and Sarnia last woe it,
G. R, end Mrs. Gilroy, of Motet
Forest, and Dr. 0, 5', and Mrs. Gilroy
aufl son Tared„ of Toronto, motored
over from Mount F6t'est on Wednesday
and eu th
s t eda
with P. H. and Mrs,
Gilroy, of Brussels, The visiting gentle.
men are uncle and 0011510 to our towns-
Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91
Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN
PER. CENT. PER ,ANNTJM upon the capital stock of this Bank has
been declared for the quarter ending 31st July, 1913, and that the
same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches.
on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1918, to shareholders
of record of 25th July, 1918,
By order of the Board,
Toronto, 17th June, 1913.
General Manager:tic.
,Mrs. S. Slemmoh, ot London, is re
hewing old friendships in Brussels and
locality. •
Harry and Mrs. Grainger, of Moles-
worth, were visitors at the home of
luta. and the Misses Grainger, Brussels.
Mrs. Wm. Baeker left for visit with
relatives and old friends at Calgary and
other Westerly points, Site tools her
daughter Peart with bei'.
Russell Zimmer, of Toronto, has been
renewing old friendships in Brussels.
He is a nephew of A. C. Dames, of
town and an old Brusselite.
James and Mrs. Duncan have gone o0
a pleasure trip to Moose Jaw and other
towns to visit, for a few months, with
relatives and numerous old friends.
Misses Hattie and Katie Blair, of
Stratford, who have been visiting with
their brother, Rev. Fr. Blair, at Wing.
ham, were callers on Brussels frieuds,
Mrs. Will. Lowry and daughter Reta,
of London, have Feen holidaying with
relatives and old Erie' do in town. -'The
former was Miss Minnie Sharpe of girl-
hood days.
License Inspector Johnston, cf Clin-
ton, wee in town looking up deliequents.
Somebody. who is supplying Indian
listers with liquor, is going to get a
long trip over the road.
Postmaster Key, of Stratford,- re-
covered a good share of the jewellery
stolen front his home and found on
suspects at Berlin, One of the fellows
arrested was sent clown for a year,
Duncan and Mrs, Stewart and child-
ren, of the Queen city, have been visit-
ing at the former's parental home,
Alex. Stewart's, Queen street East.
Mr. Stewart is in the drug business.
Wyman, son of Fletcher and Mrs.
Sperling arrived hone last Saturday
front Loudon, where ice was spending a
weelr with the Seaforth Cadets who
were in camp there. They had an en-
joyable time.
Ivliss Helen Coutts, of Chicago, is
here for her vacation visiting her
gran clnother, Ml's. Janes Menzies,
Wiliam street. The visitor's parents
are well remembered here in commotion
with their former residence,
Rev. Will, Jewitt has been visiting
relatives and frieuds in Brussels and
vicinity.He is a grandson to W.
Jewitt, Mill street, Brussels, and will
We ere sorry to state that Mrs. 1)uit.'
can Taylor has not been as web as 001121
but mauy old friends wish her speedy
Miss Lizzie MoLeuehlin, of Salt
Coate, Sask. is a 'welcome visitor with
relatives and old friends in Brussels and
Mrs. Jim. :.ongand Miss Winnie are
hontefrom at extended visit with De-
troit friends, While absent Mrs. Long
underwent an operation no a disabled
arm which is improving nicely.
Mrs. Alex. Hunter and Miss Myrtle
have gone to Raskin, Illinois, 'where
they will visit Rev. Fred. Hunter and
family, The reverend gentleman iA a
SOD of the former aid an old Brusseiite
who IS makinggood in the ministry.
Some time ago Rev. Mr. Fiukbeiner's
Parsonage iu Saskatchewan, was des-
troyed by fire and considerable property
destroyed, Mrs. Flnkbeiuer was Miss
Lizzie Maunders, of this locality, before
her marriage.
Teo. Lunn has resumed his old job
rf paintlpg with the G. '1'. R. He ens
in Galt locality this week, (airs. f tratu
and family will continue to reside here,
Mr. Lunn getting here at each week
end when not too far away,
MCD0ws 2,.—It, Brussels, on July 17th, to Ml,
and Mrs,. Gordon McDowell, a son (Jack).
PEAaeoN.—In Grey, on July. 201h, to Mr. and
. Mrs. JameBT Pearson, a son.
WHEELER.—In Grey township, on July 21st,
1018, to Mr, and Mrs. Benson Wheeler, a
son, (Norman Leslie.)
)3Uao200.—At Lauder, Manitoba, on July 411,
Violetto \Dn•geret Jane Burgess, aged 24
years,10 months and 4 days.
MOARTDUn. In Brussels, on July 18111, Sarah
Galbraith, wife of Alexander MaArthut',
in liar 77th year.
MOLAUGIIttN —At Fordwioh, on July 20th,
Degadavid OB yeMoLsars,nghlin, formerly of McKillop,
TUOK,—In Toronto on July 22nd, Robert
W. Tuck, formerly of Bruesele, In his 72nd
^cheat -5 02
Peas 00
Barley 48
0 00
course. Wool unwashed - -' 18'
attend College for the next couple of $Butter
terms in connectiOh with his ministerial yyoolwashes
to 90 The Reeve Hud Council of the Township of
02 mortis are asking for tenders on theRe per'
50 drain, Plans and speon:Mations at Clerk'sp
21 residence. Eaolose a good faith" learlred
20 (ho4ue for 250. Tenders wilt be opened at the
0 0020 Balton Monday, side 28th, at 8 o'alook,
10 Bluevale, July 1dth,Ft 18AOID WEN, Cleric.
aWe Guarantee Our
i PariG rex
® to be Chemically
°• pure. Entire sat i
isfaction in every s
• package at o
b it
• ..
9 •i
Per Pound
RADS DURHAM BULL, 10 months old,
for sale. Call at L0122, Oon 20, Grey
township, or Phone 5010, Terms to snit pur-
ehaser, CHAS, •hHAVER, SOthell. O.
•AA UST 1815 801.0 AT ONOE.-80 sores of
1w' first -elites land, being the North part of
Lot 14, Oon. 10, Township of Grey. house and
bank barn, good eroliord. abundance of good
water. Price 00,000, ALBERT FOX,
2.4 780 Logan ave., Went Winnipeg.
TEA OBER WANTED for IT, S. S. No, 2,
Tut•nberry, untiesto commence Sent. 2nd.
A teacher with experience preferred, State
remittent Mots experience and salary.
4,2 Secretary, Wroxeter.
Tenders for the construction of the Rolland
and Dodds drains in the N. W. part of the
Township of MelTillop ate Dodds drain ex-
tending into Bullett) will be received by the
undersigned up till the 18tH day of August,
1010, or at meeting of. Council on the 14t11 at
Seaforth. Plans, &e , may be aeon et. Lot 29
001. 7, MaSillop. A cheque for 8 per cont of
contract pride to noeempeny tender as eeoar'
ity for completion of contract, The lowest or
any tender not irooessa'lly accepted.
]4l. MURDIE,
4 8. Clerk MaMinop, Winthrop P. 0,
PRAYED on the premises of Tho under
S tttgned, Lot81, Oen. 15, Grey township,
shoat dune 1st, a yearling steer, red in color
with little white in face. Owner is requested
to prove property, pay. expenses and take it
Phone 4717 Monerieff P. 0.
TEA.OBER WANTED for S. S. No, 5, Morrie
township, duties 80 commence September
and. Applicants to state salary, qualifications
and experience. Normalito- preferred. Ap•
plications received un to August 1st.
2.4 Secretary, Belgrave P. 0.
To Contractors
•4.4.+434•'1.•444.•+♦4•♦'a.04.01.914*•rA4.•+0♦•4♦.t••444.494.04•0'1'04'91.4'91'1• 01®•Fo:F♦•Neo•••1•••t•♦•1•aa-o•i•e'4♦•F°'N
Brussels Daylight Stare Ge N. Mc[are•n
, e e e u , ,, n i, s t „ n t t t I, I, t 1, q. he'Id'IJ4, ,, Nr'tn+.'tdln'tu'trU,nan,,niM,dA"'ssbalPW'p/4,'sPtal,atN, �,; s,'it's,'+i. iPls"tri'it'uFlr'4i'6N,'w'ur,onir,uaa'6rtm •F
A Sale of Wash Dresses
mom ommimats imems
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Sizes
We are clearing out all lines of Wash Dresses, all sizes in light and dark colors, for
Ladies, _Misses and Children
211 per cent less than Regular Prices, This is a snap worth while
A. Complete Assortment of Cotton Hosiery
We are showing a complete line of Cotton -Hosiery in, Ladies', Misses', Children's and
- ' Boys' sizes, all at lowest prices.
Boots and Shoes
We have a splendidstock of Boots and
Shoes for Ladies and Men, for Boys, Girls -
and Children—the best values to be had.
Also a number of odd lines—Canvas
.Boots, Strap Slippers and Oxfords—at
Reduced Prices. -
Only a few Ladies' Suits left, in Black,
Tan and Blue Serges and Heather Mix-
ed Tweeds, being cleared at 25 per
cent less than regular prices. Also a
few Ladies' Wash Suits and Linen Coats
going at Half Price.
Ready-to-wear Clothing
3 �.
t .
The largest stock and best values we have ever shown.
Men's Suits at 6.001 7.50 10.00 u to 18.
! p � .QZ'®
Boys' Suits at 2.50 3.00, 3.50 up to $6.00
Every Suit extra good value made by the best makers in Canada, Call and see them •
and compute prices and qualities, you will find it worth while,
•• .
Boys °
Always the Highest
Prices for Produce.
G.•.n a
x+1114. 4t 44010'Mrti'0+.4'r 9'4q'ii'!'d'4'N4+0 tai!'.444.i14 .1** '***1'b'l' 444:e'A41N1t•S'14.'1','h tN "A44 !' !1!
ten •
4t 14