HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-7-24, Page 7a •
It was the nearest approach to a
nicknaane that was even remotely
saitable for the two old-world
ladies who, years ago, had drifted
into the factory to earn their living.
In spite of a total look of "uppish-
ne,ss" on We part of either of Wein,
it was firmly believed that both had
seen batter days, And es neither
of the old dears objected to their
nioknames, the mance ,on the pay -
sheet were in time forgotten, says
London Answers.
A strong friendship existed be-
tween the two. They lodged in the
same street. Sueh mild =mac -
meats as they indulged in were
taken in oommon, And it was on a
plea.sures jaunt to Richmond Park
that Miss Dot caught her foot in a
rabbit hole and fell heavily, injur-
ing the knee,
For an hour she lay in agony,
while Miss Dash returned to the
town to fetch a, cab. Medical exa-
mination Showed that Mies Dot
would be a cripple for the rest of
her life, She would have to resign
her employment.
Strangely enough Miss Dash
seemed to feel the blow more than
her friend. Every evening after
working hours she would hurry to
the invalid's lodgings with the dous
ble purpose of attempting to cheer
her up and discover what plans she
had made for the future.
Dub Miss Dot was extremely reti-
cent. And the old-world dignity
which each preserved, even in their
relations with one another, pre-
vented Miss Das h from inquiring—
until one evening when unable to
bear the suspense any longer, she
asked her friend bluntly how she
proposed to live.
"I havegiven a month's notice to
my landlady this morning," replied
Miss Dot.
"And at the end of the month V'
"There is no need to dismiss it,
Ararsinta," replied Miss Dot, with
a shudder.
"Don't you think, dear," said
Miss Dash, nervously, "that in the
cireumatances it would really be
excusable if—if yell—OT perhaps if
I—lvere to write to youa uncle?"
"Aramintal" And the look of
horror that accompanied the excla-
mation kept Miss Dash from visit-
ing her for nearly a week.
At the end of that time she again
"Elizabeth," she said firmly,
"you must come and live with me.
We can faire a tiny flat in a poor
but respectable neighborhood."
After anther week of futile pro-
test, and Miss Dash succeeded in
gaining the .a.coeptanee of her of-
fer, But for a month es more Miss
Dot insisted upon paying her rshare
of their expenses out of the tiny
remnant of her savings.
"Araaninta," she said one day,
'"iny money is nearly exhansted.
But 1 have been thinking that
iniglit perhaps be able to make V.
little by mans of fancy -work."
"Of course, my dear," replied
Miss Dash.
The materials were purchased,
and Miss Dot set to work making
odd little fancy mats that were in
fashion forty years ago. The deal-
ers did not actually tell her that
she was wasting her time. But,
without exception, they declined to
purchase. .
Miss Dot took her failure heav-
ily. All her life she had struggled
to be independent. And the thought
that she was a burden to her friend
preyed upon her mind. It made
her ill, so that she was physically
unable to carry out her resolve to
go to the worIchous:e.
"Elizabeth," said Miss Dash one
day, "I have found a dealer who
.would be -likely to buy your work.
But I think it would be advisable
to interview him in person. Will
you give me some of the mats to
take to him?"
A couple of hours later Miss Dash
"As I thought!" she exclaimed,
triumphantly, laying a few shillings
before her friend. -
Life took on a new aspect for
Miss Dot. Every week "the deal-
er" bought just enough to enable
• her to pay her share of their ex-
penses, She seemed to grow
younger. She was positively happy.
The mats are "delivered" every
Safiraday, And every Saturday at
a certain time, you will find Miss
Dash leaning over the parapet at a
secluded eorner of the Itanbaulr-
=out. '
• When, she is quite sure that no
one is 'looking, she stealthily dreps
A package into the aushing waters
b elven th
Bub Miss Dash is happy, too.
' They are little. aces like this which
make for happinese,
Some people have a way pS say,
ing things to hurt the feelings of
' othereaust as. if they were getting
pay for it,
"Well, George and Gladys are to
be married •text rola and we'll
have to give them a preaent. What
will it be and how much alusla wi
imenal" "I don't know. 1I1 go
he deepas ydu." "Let' nd Wein
sea:lathing that will make a big
show for our money!" "All rights,
tow about a load of hay V'
Superstitions of
the Orient
Among eastern nations the ani
versed craving for the supernatural
finds its expression in a belief
which, if not of the loftiest kind, is
not devoid of a certain piceuresque-
nese. In most of their religions we
find the two principles of good and
evil. Thoughwe seldom hear of the
good influence, no doubt it has its
share in the workings of creation.
Tho evil spirit faith is found in one
form or another along the. entire
coast of Asia.
To the. mind of the Orientai the
air is peopled with beings marc
powerful than he is, and he seeks
to guard himself against their at-
tacks. The rule of reason gives way
to the plia,ntasans of fear, and su-
peratitien supplants religion. To
these Orientals the evil spirits are
the personification of ill -luck. They
are forever roaming about seeking
a closer intinrut.y with humanity.
They people the air, they haunt the
fireside and in the unguarded free-
dom of the domestic circle they be-
come capable of infinite harm.
' Thg, fresh air is not favorable
to their workings. In the impure
atmosphere of a room are they
most dangerous. Having effected
an entrance they proceed to attack
the individual. If these evil spirits
are successful in gaining access to
the house the Coreams believe
The Family is at Their Mercy.
Therefore, the most ingenious ef-
forts are made to keep them out.
This is effeeted, the Coreans be-
• lieve, by placing on the roofs of the
houses a row of figures, -which to
call simply grotesque would be to'
belittle them. Percival Lowell
says: "The first thing to catch
your eye, if you laced in front of
one of the royal buildings, would he
a row of bronze figures, squatting
in Indian file. Your first glanoe
would suggest a pack of mischiev-
ous boys in the act of :sliding down
the roof. The procession is headed
by an animal that looks like a. mon-
key and is called a sonokong, seated
on his lisatriches, with his arms
akimbo, as if ho were impertinently
quizzing the passersby from lais safe
vantage ground. Behind him sits a
figure suggestive of a pig. Rather
more stolid and indifferent than the
first and also, if possible, uglier,
Behind him another pig, and so
they go travelling up the ridge.
Betysen the virtuous and the Vi-
cious is a third clam of spirits that
are neutral. They inhabit the
earth and are very inoffensive.
They frequent all sorts of places,
but prefer the mountains: The
klorea.ns have a legend in which one
of these spirits beguiles a roan to
the summit of a mountain, where
be finds four old men engaged in
playing the game of gobang. They
are seated in a circle, the gobang in
their midst, while around them on
the grass lay flagons of aul.
As the man approaches, the play-
ers how with civility, offering him
o cup, of sul, which he drinks.
Tarrying but a short time to look ,at
the game, he starts to cles:oend the
mountain. Mindful of his wife and
children, he hurries towards home,
arriving in safety before sunset.
On Entering His Own Abode
he is surprised W find it occupied
by people he had never seen before,
who look upon him as an intruder.
Questioning the inmates of the
hous,e he learns that the present
incumbent was his grandson. The
wanderer had returned to another
A Sweet,
"Bite -To -Eat"
Dainty bits of pearly white
corn, perfectly eooked. and
toasted to delieate "brown."
Usually eaten direct from
package With cream and
sugar. „
a's aassat°
• Or, sprinkle Teat:Lica over a
baueor of trash berries—then
add the cream and sugar—a
dish to ramemlacia
Po• st Toasties ' are Sold
by Grocers everywhere.
oankdimilt Poidum Cereal Co,, Ltd,
• Windeor, Oat:trio,
world, his wile and children bad
long siaee passed away and his
name was but a memory in the
lasuseh.old, What seamed but a
moment in reality was a hundred
yews, It is rather curious that the
itip Van Winkle myth should find
its parallel in distant Corea,
Tho household superstitions -of
Japan are very munerous. • Every
section has them; they are many or
rare, according to We degree of in-
telligence possessed by the people.
They are harmless, often exciting
laughter, yet so entronthed are
they in the household that religion,
argument, even ridicele, cannot
destroy them. Some of these su-
perstitions have a moral or esluea-
tienal purpose, inculcating lessons
of benevolence, neatness, habits or
clean li n ss.
A room is never swept immedi-
ately after the departure of the in-
mate for fear of sweeping out the
lack. At a marriage ceremony nei-
ther the bride, nor the groom wears
any clothing' of a purple color lest
their marriage he soon dissolved,'
purple being a aolor most liable to -
fade. If the cup of medicine is up-
set by accident during the illness of
a person it is the sure sign of his
recovery. This looks as if the Ja-
panese had faith in our proverb,
"Throw .phyaie to the dogs."
•There are some curious ideas in
regard to the finger nails. They
must not bo cut before starting on
a journey, lest disgrace falls upon
the -person 0± his destinations Nei-
ther should they bo cut at night,
lest eat's claws should grow out.
Children who throw the parings of
the nails into the fire are in danger
of some great calamity. If a piece
should fly into the fire while the
person is eating them the person
will die.
The Howling of a Dog
portends death. If a woman steps
over en eggshell she will go mad ;
if over a razor it will become dull;
if over a whetstone it will break.
If a MAD should set his hair on fire
he will go mad. Children are told
if they tell a lie an oni (imp) will
pull out their tongue. The whole-
some terror of the oni, standing
ready to run away with his tongue,
has emceed many a Japanese youth
W tell the truth.
Ghosts are very popular and are
not limited to apparitions of human
beings. The she badger and the fox
love to return to their former
haunts. Foxes play practical jokes
of every description. They follow
their victims, who are usually mon;
while the badger follows girls in the
guise of a handsome youth. Ghosts
are raised in various ways. The
most popular is to put in the elation
(the lantern burned at night in
every Japanese sleeping -room) 100
rush lights, repeating an incanta-
tion of 100 lines. At the end of
each line one Of the rug' lights is
removed until only one remains.
The ghost seer takes this one into a
dark room and blows it out, when
thegheet should appear. The Jo-
patese have a horror of the dark-
masathey always keep a light
burning to ward off the ghosts.
•The junkmen believe in a ghost
who comes to them and politely
asks to .borrow a clippex. • The an-
swer decides the fate of the junk-
men, If a dipper with a botioan is
bestowed he -uses it to bail water
enough to swamp the junk, but if
the bottom can be knocked out and
thrown at him he disappears. In
this last ease the act must bo so-
companied by an incantation or the
ghost turns into a sea kappa—a
many-eltswed monster — who will
drag the junk to the bottom.. '
The strange superstition exists,
founded upon the belief of the
Xenia visibing vengeance upon
those who destroy their trees or for
whom they aro desecrated, called
the "Tjahi toki mairi," which
means liberally, "Go to the shrine
at the hour of the ex."
Tbe Japaneao are a gentle, sen:si-
tive races very mach under the in-
fluence of their emotions. Love
!with them is a serious matter,
Often One of Life or Death.
Disappointment in love or deser-
tion frequently ends in suicide.
Sometimes the girl becomes an
avenger and implores the gods to
curse or visit with death the de-
stroyer of her peace. She makes
a straw image to represent her re-
creant Lovers and at the Hold toki
(hour of the ox -2 o'olock in the
morning) she goes to' the shrine of
her family deity,
Clad in white, her heir dishev-
eled, her eyes flashing passion, in
her right hand the &1±0w image; in
her left a hammer, her girdle stuck
with nails, she reaches the sacred
,tree which is encircled by a garland
of doe straw. To its trunk oho fa,s-
teeethe straw image. On her
knees site prays the gods to save
their trees to impute the, guilt of its
desecration to her betrayer and to
visit him with their direst von -
cense, „ This visit is repeatocl
nightly until her victim dies.
These treee, 411(146d with mile—
theaoply imperiahable part of this
asit of iefigasnice—are to be found
ell overithe cesant,nyttaineanoriala of
„. . •
pissaiosl aiss'ai»ca oaf, of lears-
butiatai4e-tatilitair-lat4 dance mom-
plished, Could these rusty nails
have • hioguage, what taloa they
I would tell I Of love and desertion,
! jai I on sy and vengeance. love
strong as death, jealousy cruel ad
the grave, are common to buman
its,. The pasaknie which thrill the
torment of human Poole are as in-
tense in faraway heathen Japan as
in those lands whica boast a higher
Corea, "The land of the ohosen,"
"the land of the morning esam,"
as it is alleti, is full of strange
superstitions which have peopled
the realm of foamy with numerous
good and evil spirits, such as spirits
of the harvest, the spirit of the
morning star, the celestials, eta,
Of partioular significance is the
worship of the tiger, long believed
to be a divine beast, anal s.,ften re-
preeented on the national flag as
having wit.gs like a dragon.
The Harem Of Burma make sac-
rifices to the earth and build a
small house, two or -three feet high.
Some fowls are sacrificed by cut-
ting off their heat% and the feathers
are daubed on the posts of We
house to keep off the evil spirits.
And not alone in Japan, China,
and Corea are to be found all sorts
of superstitions,. but each of the is-
lands off their coast in the P11/CifiC
and even in the more enlightened
English settlements of Australia
and New South Wales, but in the
latter countries the beliefs take
more of a human turn and many of
the superstitions of European couns
trios prevail.
"D omin ion" Notes.
Superintendent J. E. labgers, of
the Ontario Provincial Police, re-
lates an amusing ineident,of his ex-
periences in passing Canadian
money in the Illinois metropolis.
It was about the time when he was
despatched to Chicago to file the
extradition papers in the case of
Dr. Beattie Nesbitt. He sought to
pay his hotel bill with Ca,naAistn
bank currency, but was informed
that a five per cent, discount would
he charged on all bine, with the ex-
ception of the Dominion one ansl
two -dollar notes. Mr. Rogers had
tendered the amount of his account
in Bank of Commerce bills. Some-
what exasperated, he began to
thumb over his "roll." The clerk
Inspector Rogers.
watched him meanwhile.
"We will take those without dis-
count," ha observed, pointing to a
five -dollar Dominion Beak bill.
Mr. Rogers smiled, paid his ac-
count in Dominica.. Bank bills se -
cared his receipts and then had his
revenge by pointang out the ridicu-
lous ignoramoe of the wise accoun-
tant of the metaropolitam hostelry.
No season of the year is so den-
gerou,s to the lite of little ones as
is the ,summer. The excessive heat
throws the little sto-mach out of
order so quickly that unless prompt
aid is at hand the baby may be
beyond all husnao help before the
mother realizes he is 111. Sommer
is the season when diarrhoea, chol-
era infantum, dysentery and colic
are moat prevalent. Any one of
these troubles may prove deadly if
not promptly treated. During the
summer the mother's best friend is
Baay's Own Tablets. They regu-
late the bowels, sweeten the stom-
ach and keep ,baby healthy. The
Tablets are sold by medicine deal-
ers or at 05 oaths a box from, The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brock-
ville, Ont. .
Holy Lake Is Refilling.
A quairit legend attaches to the
tract of lam? about 15 acres in ex-
tent which has subsided in Wag,
plutli,A, Germany, According to
the old tale, a cement stood on
this wooded. heath sono conbmig
ago, and one night Was building
was suddenly swallowed up in a
subsidence svhieli was followed by
the foamakton of a lake, to which
was given the name of the Holy
Lake. Gradually the waters dried
up and finally disappeared, but
even when the lake no longer ex-
isted the ground still hore the name
of the Bbiy Lake. Now the lake
has reappeared. .
koward—"Wlay o you team your
Wife an angel ?" dotr ittd—"Be.
canon she's always ready to fly,
she's continually harping, and she
hasn't an earthly thing to wear."
Minard'a • LinlMeht COOS Distetriper.
ikiso on Face, Began to Ooze Water -
like Matter. Torture of Itchiness.
Pimples Festered and Enlarged
Cured In Two Weeks Thanks to
Cuticura Soap and Ointment. •
Mt, Elgin: Ind, Institute, Muncey,
tario.—"I suffered from skin trouble for two
months before taking Calcine, Retnedleaq
The trouble started from.
011 0110 back of the;
hands. When Irritated, this
itchiness turned to ilimpleS,'
These pinlifies Soni begun'
to spread up the arms, from
the arms to raY whole body.
They also came en OA the
face. Rating spread over
MY body they became irri-
tated by my clothing, They began to 'ooze
water -like matter. Then began an almost
killing torture of itchiness. When' scratched
1 seemed to scalp the pimples and make
them extremely sore. They festered and
enlarged, then they opened and left sore
spots. These spots became scabbed and
sore beyond expression.
sent for a sample of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment which I received quicker than
expected. I was ranch relieved at the
first application. I continued applying the
Outicura Remedies for two straight weeks,
then I was completely cured, thanks to
Optic= Soap and Ointment.". (Signed)
John Jamieson, Mar. 0, 1012.
Outicura Beep and Outicura Ointment are
sold throughout the world. Bend to Potter
D. & O. Corp.. Dept, 55D, Boston, U,S.A.,
for free sample of each with 32 -page book.
Here Are a Few Simple Rules On
What to Do.
If you should be bitten by a dog
suspected of rabies, don't get
seared, but act promptly.
Immediately apply a tourniquet
above the wound. No tourniquet
being at hand, use a handkerchief
or necktie, twisting it tightly with
a dick,
The poison should then be sucked
out and the wound cauterized as
soon as possible. If it is believed
the dog was mad the Pasteur treat-
ment should be resorted to. Only
two-tenths of one per cent. of those
who take this treatment develop
Although the germ of rabies has
not beea demonstrated, it is gen-
erally conceded the disease has a
specific geran. Rabies never oceans
in the human spontaneously, but
always by inoculation. It is also
moderately well demonstrated, that
dogs and other animals likewise
contract the disease through inocu-
lation. Many more male than fe-
male dogs go mad. The reason
given for this is that male dogs
fight among themselves, but a tale
seldom bites a female. The pro-
portion is seven mad males to one
mad ,female. Contrary ±0 popular
belief, rabies is more oomanon in a
temperate zone than in the tropics
or the Arctie regions, and in
spring and fall than in summer
and winter.
The only sure preventive thus far
found for rabies is through muz-
zling, which is another proof that
the disease has its origin in inocu-
There is a disease called lysso-
phobia, which closely resembles
hydrophobia, and is brought on by
nervous dread. It has been con-
tended by some that theta is really
no difference between these clis-
eas.es, and that—hydrophobia is
imaginary. -This claim is refuted
by the fact that animals and very
young children, knowing neither
imagination, dread nor fear, do
succumb to a disease exhibiting the
unmistakable symptoms of hydro-
Those symptoms are first, a fear
of water, from which the disease
derives its name; then the muscles
stiffen and an attempt to drink wa-
ter brings on convulsions; next the
mere sight of water is sufficient to
bring on a recurrence of the con-
vulsions, fever seto in and death en-
sues in about a week, generally
from exhaustion.
There is no known remedy for
rabies, though opiates are freely
used to alleviate the pain.
Liniment Curet Comet In Cowl
Man Wanted.
"Father," said little Ruth, ap-
pealingly, "why don't you stay at
home W Work as other little girls'
fathers dor
Father, who, as the business mans
ager of a great corporatism, has to
travel extensiveae, nailed fondly at
his little daughter. "I'd love to,
Ruth," he answered, "but you see
have to earn a lot of money to
take oare of my little girl and her
mother, and 1 can't get enough
Work to do here at heme,"
"0 father," tried Ruth, reprov-
ingly, "I don't believe you've ever
tried hard enough 1 Why, I have
seen a sign out, 'Man Wanted,'
lots and lets of times. There was
one over in front of our grocery -
atom this very morning,"
The an'elents believed that tho
world was squareaabut that was be -
fora polities -was diseoverod. all). 7.
Man Who Lost Himself and Was
Found l'brce Timers.
A remarkable story of a duel per-
oonality is told by the famous brain
specialist, Sir George Savage, in
the Practitioner,
• A men who had passed a brilliant
school and anivereity career enter-
ed the government service, He
started for the East in good health,
but on the .voyage he, was lost at
Port Said, and as ;wain); was
heard of him for months he was
supposed to have been killed.
After many months bis friends
heard that he WAS in a state of .des-
titution far from where he had
loaded. He could give no account
of his conduct or his experiencee.
Ife returned to England, and after
careful nursing and rest he was
ready and willing to work, He had
lost his government appointment,
but family interest got him a pri-
vate secretaryship in the colonies,
where has rapidly showed his abil-
ity, and was valued: highly.
Suddenly he was lost again, arid
was absent for many mouths before
he was discovered in poverty and
distress in another quarter of the
world. A second period of rest re.
stored him, and once more he start-
ed to make hie way. This time he
started a raneh, and with a, bailiff,
made it a great suoce,ss; bill once
more be was lost, and turned up
weak and ill in another part of the
"It was then," Sir George Sav-
age says, "that I was consulted,
and I was to see him on his return
to England. I next heard that he
had been placed in an asylum. The
(lector who eon:suited inc died, and
I never heard the sequel."
Very Quarrelsome Neighbor s
Names of the parties are Owns and Toes
—both were unhappy till the trouble was
remedied by Putnarn's Corn Extractor.
Any corn goes out of business in fA hours
if "Putnam's" is applied—try it, 25e, at
all dealere.
Needless Expense.
"Father," asked the girl who was
going to marry a poor man, "do
you think I ought to take a course
in household economics? They of-
fer a lovely One at college for three
hundred dollars."
"No," replied pater grimly.
"You will get one for nothing after
you, are married."
Digby, 588.
Minard'a Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen,—Last August my horse was
badly cut in eleven plaees by a barbed
wire fence. Three of the cuts (small ones),
healed soon, but the others became foul
and rotten, and though I tried many
kinds of medicine they had no beneficial
result. At last a doctor advised Ma to
use KINARD'S LINIMENT and in four
weeks' time every sore was healed and
the hah, was grown over cash one in
line condition. The Liniment is certainly
wonderful in its working.
Witness, Perry Baker.
Some Reasons For Boasting.
"What's he bragging about
now 1"
"Something somebody else has
just done that he could have done
so much better."
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Ees
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 250, 50e.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25e, 500. Eye Books Free by Mail.
An Olio Took good far ASEYO. that Napa Cara
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Unwelcome Caller.
"Opportunity really knocks at
many a door."
"Then why don't more of us suc-
ceed better V"
"The trouble is that opportunity
wants as to go to weak. '
Mltlards LinIniont Cures Diphtheria.
Sir Walter Scolt's Faith.
In Sir Walter Seott'a diary for
1807 them is this passage, Amid his
terrible misfortunes, when he se-
tually contemplated taking refuge
in the Isle of Man or in the sanc-
tuary of Holyrood to escape relent-
less creditors, he wrote :—"But I
will nob let this unman me. Our
hope, heavenly earl earthly, is
poorly anchored if the °able, parts
upon the stream. I believe in God,
who can Changs evil into good, and
I am confident that what befalls us
is always ultimately for the best,"
The easy way. Ae aPPe,
tising dish ready to serve.
Deliciously ccoQoakoenidhen.nid
—Inaist on
IV. CLARK, 121'r., Nonined.
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
1. Famins in all aections of Ontario.
Some snaps.
Railway trackege, in Toronte,
Brampton and other towns and cities.
ill, Brampton and a dosan other towns.
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto.
YOUNG .12k1,7 BE A BARBER, 5 Tamar
you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly and
furnish tools free. We give you actual
stop experience. Write for free cata-
logue. Dialer College, 219 Queen St East,
!erect Foreign Stamps, Catalogue.
Album, only Seven Canto. Mario Stoma
Company, Toronto.
4,..1 TAMPS FOR SALE—Send us 25 oenta
and receive a set of 30 different foreign
atamps. This is an exceptional offerfor
a limited time only. Address Nova Scotia
Stamp Go., Frankville, Nova Scotia.
Internal ait externalissenred with -
ant rain by our borne treatment. Wilt*
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Swedenborg's great work on Heaven and Hell
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fer these exoelasnt
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give perfect igeis
tion and will give
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Vacation Trip e
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Low rates for tickets including meals
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CAPs rarer, .
A Distant Prospect,
The tourist travelling in the vest
ern part of Ireland WAS trying to
have sonie fun at the expense of a
native of the coulary.
"You have it very fine view from
here, nar friend," said the tourist.
"ase," replied the guide, "we
aan sanletianas sea a long way."
"Ali, I suppose you 000 800 Amer-
ica, when it's clear?" I.
"Farther than that," replied the
guide, without a smile,
"What 1"
"Yes; if ye11 will just wait
you'll sae the moon," -
Two classes of people avorry,
about money—those who have too
little and thosewho have too mach,
• Mlitard't LIIIIMent Mires CONN, eto.