HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-7-24, Page 5'Avev�mvx,,p'� Avve ogivdvu:'AmyAK,ytt,oy, ., 8 rel 04 Listowel Business College 0 Your first step toward success. y Pall term, opens September 2, � Send for now Pres catalogue to M HEW Pr n. vt EDWIN O. ATT 8, I 7' 1 1 �a� �rA�o�nte���9Jlzt� ���v��� �� BUSINESS CARDS, WM, SPENOE OON'YEYANCT]R AND £SSUJ1E. oto IvIAT;R[AG + LICENSES Moo in the Poet ontoo, Etuet, 80.4 JOHN SUTHERLAND 199094N08, FIREND A MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS', 41 S. SCOTT 'AS AN AUCTION- -a-. • Ann, will dell for bettor prices, tt• better men, to less time and lessabargat Oban any ether Auctioneer in Rash Boron o bo w0u't charge anything. Dates and olden sun always ho arranged at this: oalee or bl p eraaual application, - LEGA! AND (ONVEYANClNS. 81. SINCLAIR- • Barrister, Bolloltor, 0o»v0yaaoor, Notary Public, deo. Olnoe-Btowurt'e Wool. L door North of Central hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Sauk, 1)IOUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLORAN BA.E1i18'IJi1RB, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC), N'1'U. W, Pnounr000, K, U, 1t U. Hers J. L. KmLonAN Olnoes-1'boeo formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron dt Holt, ' 00080108 o o NLtat . ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers TO LIVERPOOL Fro10 Montreal "Tunisian Juneit 7 July 1 22 y Viatnrlat' July 8 July 29 CorAlean.. .., July 71 Aug. 6 Virginian July 17 Aug. 12 TO GLASGOW Pretorinn .lune 28 July 28 Grampian July 5 July 81 Seandluavlan July 12 Aug, 9 Heape:Iall July 19 Aug. 14 TO LONDON AND HAVRE E A Corinthian - Jane 29 Aug. 8 Sicilian July 0 Atig. 10 Ionian .Tuly 111 Aug. 87 Pomeranian. July 20 Ang. 24 Sootisn Jnly 27 Alig. 81 Full information ns to rates, eto., on appli ,a - tion 20 W H.K ERR. Agent Adan Line. Brussels. Fell Term opens September Ind Make your Decision between > Success and Failure. A course In the Popular ELLIOTT ,r,,, TORONTO, ONT. 4 Will prepare you fm an excellent pool. _l• 1g1411 ht th9 liutihleoa World. Tho flret d •p la Iinporlsn5-ygur phpipo of a 9 isjool. OOur oetatoguo explains why is CO l@gp ranks 54110(1 the bast on fi 7 11 II 1• is oo t} Wilt f� one to•da . g Miter11(5p t a y Om'. Ve2119 a}}1d.t W, J. ELLIOTT, 4lnxnndcr 92s. Principal. ,,r r L 4" r:a'4i+a ssa`4a:A A4A A:'a4 plls"tt4kia2a'F'A20 GCENT1AL sTRATFORD. OPiT. ganndaiH Bost Business College B 1' We havethorough courses and Qom- I'S petent experienced instructors. We C ei go more for oar students and gratin. r6 Miss than outer sohools dei, AtP resent .e �0 vas . nonp »3Etoowno $f1o2r00 toendnnhnelp 7312p09e0Pmot tit" it best help. Wo avethree departments where phey get tm qI4 Omalneroial, 8jlo•thpild pad Telegra• phy, Gat Onr free Catalogue, D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. ray ray r.1 W. M. LOVE Funeral Director' and Bmbaimer Orders promptly and clue- . r folly attended t0 IligbG oe day. Phone 228, 1 ETHEL, •CANT, (,3oeghegatl 475 No, 2, ,&4w Gibson 408, No. 1 (4lett�ys $an,lltnn 46 U, I, Edna 111atuiltol 887, U, I, tilllc bird 207, No. '7, ilobert Park 480, No. 2, Geo, IRennie 470, D. I, 13181,1 Vipond 450, No, 0, Stanley lrorlest 487, No, 10, Nora Alli0ghttnt 891, No. 8, Johu 13o11430, No, 10, Ado Blackwell 458, No, 10, 1 --lard Chapman 805, No, 10, Grace Oilwan 405, No. 0 \Vesiey Gilki119ml 403, No, 5, Bu14ce 11ili'e 413, No. 8, Carman 111(8851 451, No. U Viol; h , ] , (t oIse l l n 453 n N 391E Knox 411, No.lU Harvey Lesli17 e 802, Na U Mittthn R. Little 4213No. 0, Alvin Mitchell 411, No, 10 May film, Business: Cards , • 1Nell SO$,N o, 10, Nernlnn Parket. 412 No. 10, Minnie Pope 807, No, 10, Alex, Robb 458, No, 5, William Stevenson 438, No. 4. • DR, -T, 7'. M'RAE ?• Bachelor or Medicine, University of Toronto ; 1,(cendate and Graduate of the College or Pity- 4etansand Surgeons, Ont, Posl.gBraduato Ohmage Eve, star, Nose and Throws klonpg)tal, •;hicag6o,111, Ey-Rouse Surgeon to St, Ailah- ,el's Hospital, Toronto, • OlOoe over F, R.,Smith's Drug Store, Tele• phone connection with Oranhr ook at all Roars. DR, F. T. BRYANS • Bachelor of Modlohm, University of Tol'uuto ; Licentiate of Oullege of Phystemns end Stu - gnOne, Ontario ; ex -Senior klonee Surgeon of weotern Hospital, Toronto. Oifiero of Into Dr, A. 95e3C8vey, Smith Block, brussels. Silvia phone 48, OR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL., ONT, Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London (10115.), New York and 011100go Hes. pitnls. Special attention iodise:me of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyed tasted our glosxee. DR, WARDLAW Honor graduate of hOntario VeterinaryPinar Oollege. DqY and night calls, O1Rce opposite Flour Mill, hthel. M AUDE' C BR YAM s OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal o t graduate Department sot of Opp thnl• nolo brcUormick MedicalCollege, e .'prepared Gast eyes and 01 glasses at I,or office over Grawnv'(eo BI'lleaale nn Thursday, ursda Friday end Saturday y, y S htdnFy 1' ver week. Office hours 1 to 9 li. 2) Forenoons by eppohitment. Phone 1219. T. R. BENNETT won givebetter satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other Auctioneer and only charge t y nhnrba vbnE is reasonable. elconducted tilywhere in Ontario. Pure bred stook soles n ape2lty, Write or, 'phone 2B Wroxeter. gesi.ND Satz& war BRUSSELS Go1NG Sanwa GOING NOaTIr Moil 7:07 a m Express 10155 at lir 'express 11:25 a In Alali - 1:59 p re 'express 2:55 p ill Express " 8:52 P CeXaDzvvv dCwFIc . WALTON To Toronto To G... 12:h Express 7:52 p in Express .........18;88 p 111 Express 2:47 P in I Express B:SO.p m WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. In. and 5:50 p. m. Goin • West - 12' ,48 and 9' 6 .47P . m. 011 trains going East eonneot with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. - GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. Ielu5 Bluevale The Women's itistitgte'pf'Blilevale held a Garde, Party nil Friday evening, Ifith Inst„ on the 810001 grounds. Proceeds in Odd of cemetery fluid. A good program Was pre- sented, Henfr n Y (Hiss Bella Laidlaw, of North Buy, is ilomte,to spend her ,glllnlnet' vacn- Lion. Hiss Pearl Brandt,Who hag been working 111 Jae. Jackson's store til' e since• A il , has .resigned and Mies Pearl Brer,es has taken her place. Miss J.'3'hompson is home for the holidays. She resigned her Yex .schnnl near Fot¢lwich end �' 1 1 accepted one 9449• f iu:know ata salary of $600. Miss Alice Gaynor, Ohica n is spending the holidays With her 'f)ar- encs, Ino. and Mrs. Gaynor, Aer nista,' 8.118, D. Nioholsou.15 also visit- ing at home. Dysentery is always serious and lifter a clauge'ous disease, bot it can be cured. Ohan,berlain's Colic, Chol- era and Diarrhoetl Remedy'tins eared it even when malignant ad epidemic. Foe side by all dealer's. Brains Best in Oannd9 have participated in the pre- paration of cur; splendid Hone Study Courses In Banking, Boone:01es, Higher • Aceountlo Commercial Art, Bho1v 05511 Waiting, Pltotography, Journal- ism. Short Story Writing, 131torthlulil and Bookkeeping. Selectthe work Which most Interests yell mid write ns for particulars, Address NE SNOW CORRESPONDENCE 'SCHOOL, 391.7 Yong° 8t, Tor,into Curing the SUOI)03er months moth. erg of y0nng children should 15291511 for any 'unnatural lonsenes9 of the N' In )t Lcten- bowels. When given a t < 1 1 is w 1 L14L .."51'141 19 It til) 0 1 '.his time , t lino nt l Y be avoided. Ohambeelain's Co1ie, Ulloleeand Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depended tipou, Per,' by till dealers, Atwood Dinka 00110011 metSaturday. Toronto Mrs. .7110. , , n Knox left lo' Lo reside. Tits Donaldson, se., left for Portage la PI sine, Man. Donegal Oheese factory cominencecl operation 1(L9t week. R. A. Thompson was in Ottawa. attending the Grand Lodge of F1'ee. Masons. Thos. and Mee. Pigeon left on an �. ex tended visit le 1119iuy T;.ive'r, Ont„ and Saskatoon, Sask. _ Norman Acheson has had the frame emelt of a new barn erected and will soon 0195e i9 completed. Miss Muriel Roo was successful in . r )ILssm the recent Toronto Oanserva- 1 1, t -r of Musk: 0nivati n .o Y l It til! n Ig. Miss Ada Mo'tlane, of Donegal, sncces5f)1lly pegged the NormalMhool, Stratford, for permit» ant Second chess. S. C. Baker had pile misfortune .to lose hie valuable cl'ray horse by it get - tin caught in 1110 halter ani. choking to (101(119, Wm. G. Inglis and son George left for a t(O weeks trip 011 the Great Cakes by boat in company with his eldest son John, of New York city. Rev. S. IlnwarWI, pastnt' of Lietowel, and Atwood Baptist clmec Des, has resigned to go to Acton And pt•eltrhed Itis farewell seemon to the Baptist church here of iinday.. 117N0ualeOP RISBUT,TS IN 11:LAfA,- 1i'ollowillg Is a list of the successful candidates at the recent Arnica High School 17ntranre. exatnihiLtinn, The total number 'of marks was 650. t 1 1s 1.1 got 40 o cent on cath Those who ce g P I 0 )('1' cent r. total ,' An) act 1091 0 nt of the tr i c l Meet 3,90 marks are pee pass eett•anre e;etiflcates and those getting 487 Marks honor entrance certificates, Thelona learns 895, i1. I, Lida Coed Corn Sheller For 20c A marvel of eflleaey and peonlpl- lute8, a'l 4(1(0(1,5' that does 0)11.5 1101.110 itlld wnr18, - ILS 1111(114( i9 P11111ar'S (10121 Nxtraelo1. Contains 110 ttetds, never pains, gives lasting eatIsl'aoticnl, insist on "Putnam s" only. ICs the Hest. Trowbridge Roy Tnghen, Toronto, is home for vacation, 8)ise Strachan, 'Brussels, was the guest. of Miss McCormick. Dr. llolrnes, Toronto, was vi8{t{ng 1114 pu er:Ls, lir. and Mrs. Sutton. \Vilbur Collins and hiss Lillian 11clCelvie. Stria ford, welt the guests of Hiss I Code, • MusterBeverly curl Beryl Oatem who.hnvt been visiting lot a week tU iohn Oolas have gone to their home Irl 1'ln onto - Miss lss I hvnbeWl tic U 1 mmrl- o h re- tell -tied r n e tl (tied i home after spending !L yaps• lion with •liar brothers iu Detroit and liohuesville. -• :Miss ill 1• lla 11 n a t C iii s 1 B i lfl, ln and sister Missda Collins, o T 1 flir Lb l lie l v i d have left of a two months' v1ul1Lim1 at 1\1 Minna on 1 b Gem germ Bay, quite .a Monitor from 'i eowbeidge nLMended the Orange celebration, in Guelph 1)2111 hey 1101231. nIl retnen home promptly. Tile exo{tenene was too much for some of them y III and h 18 Inks several Look the Loudon train and had a rather interesting'' ex- perience. Listowel John.\Vatsnt wile spending a few days.' n Oita w'a. - Bloudavi'Angnst 41.0, is 01580 holi- day foe L1lftowel. Over 800 tickets were sold -iia .Listo- wel for Guelph on the 12tH of July, H. 13. Mo'phy. K. 0. M. P., was in Toronto fit. the 12th where he ad. dressed the Oraugeulen. Sunday evenieg preaching service in the Evangelical (hued) will begin et 7.80 p. in., through the Summer menthe While attempting to crank 'a car, George Watson sustained a nt ken wast which necessitated his carrying the arm in a sling for several days. Willie Dickson had the titrget•s of his. right hand badly crushed w'heti WS hand was caught iu the togs of file mixer in the bakeshop of' Al. Lr. Zurbrigg. Dr. and firs. Barber anti Mr. Bar- ber's nobler, 1)109 -. 1810011(15' of last week Yet motor oar for IL_ month's vacn11459•tioPotil t nn]fttheighl. shores of Lake Huron - Peed, Johnston, son of Wol, aid Mrs. Johnston, Inkernletn• street has 0 been t l t 01 -ideally icnl y ill through vnrcirn- tion. Per a time it was.thannght that' he would not recover. Whs. (Rev.) A. Stevenson, Den= villa; Que., and daughter Anna, who have been visiting 181. G; turd firs. McDonald have returned benne. Rev. 915, Stevenson was Jt ropUiel• pekoe at 5!0leswoi'1'Ih - It Actually Destroys The Causa', 'PhaC's why catarrh is invariably cured by inhaling "0atarthozone." 11e healing vapor spreads ends to every Y part of the breathing organs. Germs infecting the Lissiles of the nose, throat endlungs are killed. . Nothing is felt to cause inflammation. ' Spots that are sore are healed. Discharge is cleared away and catarrh becomes something 'of the: past. Use "Oat- ar'I'hokone':' and your recovery is guaranteed. Twossi zes '25 ands ] , , 00 � at all dealers. • Seal Arth Mrs. Charlie BmadPoot and 'three c\tihileh',(ilen, of Moose law, Sask., are visiting her parents,, Jas. and 19118. 19 members of the Fidelity Lodge, No. 56 I. O. 0. P.,tl attended decora- 1{lservices nlat S aLfnl d on Tues- day. Seaforth will hold them next r ett e. Bliss Lillian Wilson, daughter of 13. M. and lire. Wilson, has success- fully passed her Inlel'n)adiate ex- amination 01 piano, 121 ennne0tion with v t to Toronto Conservatory l 1 t.l 1 t i tory oP Music. Arthur' Dlch' s nanny Mends will be 8oiTy to hear that he had Ids 001119e bone broken, while in London with the Cadets. He (7199 119110,1 to Victoria Hospital, where lie is pt'ogeessing favorably. Miss Mar•gnetlle Stewart, daughter of A, al1i Urn. Stewart, a nd Miss Margaret011111)11, [laughter.of A. A. anal Mrs. Cuthill, Winthrop, are to clingl'atlllated upon s(2011,ing 80110111.1'- ships(Lwa1•CiCd to those obtaining the highest number of 1101120 at the recent Entrance Examination. Ben AOo11310NT, .A very serious and probably 1L fatal shooting Peri (lent occurred at Lhe Dominion Bank, Wednesday of last week, about 11 11'elnel(, when M. Mertens, teller of the bank, was shot through the lung, by Ono of the hank staff, who mistook him for (L bnrgla, in the do'ktlese. It appears 11.fr. G{lifes and Mr, Colmer, of the 71(6)175 staff, Wel0 eepah'ing n motor eyele 111 one of the rear 1'001118 of the 01018, and Were not -aware that Mr, Mertens had gone clown cellar to get a drink of water. Hem ing a'' noise, Mi'. Gillies got a revolver, grid seeing the outline of a 1111911, as he. opened the cellar dont' tired, The revolver used was n 38 calibre, d , nn bullet lnllet w5n 1 Ihrnn 1 1 i Ole right burg and lodged under the 2nd and 8rd rib, A Dr. '95489 'immediately summoned and rel(leeed aid, The wounded mall made an'ast1-1pprtom SIG, HEARTY BABY BUY Mrs, Beck's Fondest Hopei Realized -Health, Hap- piness and Baby, Upper Lahave, N. S„ Can., -"I wish lo thank you for the benefit I received by taking Lydia E. y�I Pinkham's Vegeta. Ole Compound f or female troubles from which I was a great sufferer, so that I was com- pletely run down in health. Other med- icine did not help me, b u t Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound made me well and strong. I now have a big, hearty baby boy, and praise your medi- cine for the wonderful lot of good it has done me." - MPs. ISRAEL BECK, JR., Upper Lahave, Lunenburg Co., N. S,, Canada. The darkest a s days husband and and wife are when they come to look forward to a childless and lonely old age. Many s found d herself 'm ea- Pable of motherhood owing g to some de- rangement of the feminine murine . g s stem' Y r often curable by the proper remedies. In manyhomes onto chit 14 80 there are nory children because of the fact that Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound snakes women normal. . 11 you have the slightest doubt- ' that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound tnndwill p help •oury > i rte s toLydra I .Pinkhantl9ledlcineCo, (confidential) Lynn,ltiass„ for ad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read rind answered by a woman, and held i11 strict confidence. • stalemleltl . fully exonerating Mr. Gullies, who,1s prostrate over theat - lair, as he and Mr. Mei Lens are firm friends, Mr.; Mertens many friends are anxiously awaiting his recovery. Al by-law setting,fprth a proposition regarding the: establishment of a knitting plant in Seafot•th will rest with the electors on Aug. 8111 to ac- cept or reject the conditions set forth, In. .-. the- (werlt of the' electors.. assent being obtained, The Clinton Knit -tin Oo." Lirnited Will establish and operate a knitting 'plant 'for the', manufacture of hosiery in this town. Blyth • 'Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. N. H. t'onng, of Tor'onto were gnests of Mrs. M. Young. Rev. E. W. Jewitt, of •Lrdys Mills, has been visiting with. his parents at the parsonage. Misses O'Connor, rvho left- for Grayson, Sask.;` tt few weeks ago, have 1•etnt'ned to town. Nnnlint n Lti ns 101 fl 1 the va f 1 e true Y o Councillor Powell for the unexpired the periit we held inLime Iiiofdinstry IfeseialI, Blybyearh,ill Tbuesday, J)11y 29911, at. 12 o'clock . moon, and • in the event of a poll election will take plane Tuesday, August 5. John Gibson, who has heel) at Fairbanks, Alaska, for some time, el3 a ea n mining and has made cod visited with 1 1 g h ars old mining, (friends John and Angus. McMillan last week and they had a long 01s t 011 the happenings in Alaska they all having been acquainted with that country. What we say it is -- IT IS • • • c• eddIng.1. .t. • GIBS • • o Ieella>®®. • • • • 4. • 4. • •1' • 8• . • A well selected assort- menCof t Suite 1 Wedding Gifts has just arrived in s ••• -Fine Cut Glass Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Ware Also a nice asso t.- ment of Black and Oak MantleC lo cks ••t• • •• • • s I Engagement Pings and Wedding kings t R g '•N • Special Prices during June • a• • • • J R. Wendt: ,99 • r Jeweller and En Lave Wroxeter • 4. +44+++ +++++++++.14+++ ! The Acadia mine dispute has been f Order your L, r • wrr retie rlr •en r,11IIIIIIt:I' 1 -Suit .1, ^'P - J r Jp EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH Ja 41. w Fits Right, Workmanship Right - and Prices Right •Jt• Good Values ill •0 1 Paramatta Hain Coats 0(111 and see diem. 4. W. P. Fraser 1 • JJ •h 7' +Merchant Tailor + ,p ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fi Chari 119 Ild Bakb'' + r] e had the t, mis- 1'0 ltnueo l have v one of his brood males kicked and bee leg broken which necessitated ssltated destroying her. 0. V, Jewitt, B. A., after a visit with th iie pareots here,o returnedeed to Ohatham to take 1 echtr charge of the Outlets of the Collegiate of the city, during Lrainitlg last week on Carling's Heights, s n,. S c Loud elA:Titn(ONIAL.-The &endaed gives the following :-A very pretty wed- ding wee -solemnized at tht 1 home of Lite brill estLl a c pts Arthurand n la 11 r9 lllll Sten' (p 1111 slay St., Blyth, Wed- nesday aftetltoon, when their eldest daughter, Mary lf., was united in marriage to -William 0. Johnson, of Balmoral, Manitoba, The ceremony tools place at 11.30 a. mi. when the bride, becomingly gory -ped in a dress of s(1tiu clot Mame and carrying a boquet of roses and leaning on the arm of het• father, entered the parlor, to the strains of the wedding march played by iter sister, Bliss Enphelnia, and took tip her station tinder a can- opy of ferns. Ceremony was per- formed by Rev. W. D. lnrner in the presence o1' over 50 guests. After the ceremony all partook of a sumptuous dinner and an hour Was pleasantly spent in congeatnlating the; newly wedded couple, end other ! , L o 111 arouse- idents until the 2.35 0. P. T. train bore the bridal pair on their way to their 1,815 home at Bt9lmortL1, 14Iat1., where they will reside. The gifts to the bride were both numerous and costly, attesting the esteem in which she is held by her Many friends, who all exte1111 to her and her husband, best wishes for a,, prosperous and happy wedded life. A Cordial Invitation To Disease This is an apt description of consti- pation. It's an unnatural conditon to begin with, and it's more, because it brings about blood deterioration, interferes with digestion. renders yon susceptible P5,1314 uinfec i nus diseases and causes anae111ia. Not so mach n purgative as a natural stimulant to the bowels is what you need. You get 19 111 Dr. Hamilton's Piller which increase liver activity, restore the bowels to perfectaction acts nand positively P v cure constipation and its attendant evils. Insist on having only . Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut per 265 a box at all , Idealers. W,ngham • Winghnm,s civic holiday ou Friday, August 1st. \Vinghturi Pttu Fair will be held on September 251 11and 28th. Miss Lizzie 77; Johns of this town, has bceii'engaged as Leacher in Simp- son's school in Onh•oss township. Duncan and Mrs. Stewart and son, Toronto, were visiting at the home of Mrs. s. 110• Ste ' hither, lv Ls OtPeter Mc- Laren. ' Geo Spottno, D. D. G. 14, for this district was in Ottawa last week at- tending the 1111 11 91191 meeting of the Masonic Grand. Lodge. At the meeting f t g n the public school board, t 1 A L. Poslkl f leaslecte e d ptinitpal to succeed J. L. Stalker, who leaves shortly for Ingersoll. Rev. I) Petrie, pastor of St. An- dl•ow's Peasby torten church, with his family, left last week ta spend a month at their cottage at the lake. Fire in tL heap of driftwood near \\701. Gannett's bat n gave the firemen amil 1 t ttlo nL flue o'clock onNl Monday afternoon of last, week. The flee Lau along 5.118 ground and fence until it canal dange'ously near the barn. The flee was smolt pot nut with no damage to moque ty. If you are a housewife sewife yon cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or benLifnl by washing dl8hee, sweeping and doing honselvork all day and crawling into bed dead tired at night, Yoii must get Ont into the open air and sniilight. If you do this every clay and keep ynlrl• stomach nand bowels in gond order by taking Ohaurberlaim'8 '.1000ts when needed you should become both healthy and beautiful, For sale by all dealers. ,ianles It. Gordon, (1. in'onlinent Niagara fruit -grower, is dead. Two traintnen were killed in tlif- feeenL (9(101(881319 near Whitby, The Whitney forces caviled North Grey by a majority of ave 800. Four young mel had a narrow escape froze drnwniug'at Sarltia. Mee, Jereul81911 Smith, living near Peewit•k, \Velland county, celebrated her 90 h birthday. a. Tho tl •htnt'se of money mark et has � efteee(1913114 11 1suspension t ( of certain public works at Lachine. Phe In1ercolnnial Railway's surplus was $100,000 hider the esti mate given to the House of Commons, Satisfactorily settled, Two fires in Londo;l did 88110110 damage 1,0 139501089 lllstil11610315, A bal'tt'udel' in tL Bro n6foid lintel Wilk convicted of pocketing receipts. Four men were badly bui'ued In tt coal gas exploeloa on a schooner' in Nova Scotia. The Trades Congress of Canada has agaili opened war on the immigration agents. Tile Berlin police are looking for a young mall who stole 1DG4ey frolit tb .girl be promised to marry. Men Rule by Force, Women by Oha,'m And yet because they 1854 hiss strenuously, womel neglect the early evidences of failing vigor. The wise woman will trot permit her chatens to be robbed by ill'health. \Cheri site' feels appetite falling, nerves getting on edge, eolnr fading, she takes ]`erorono. I]ow 11 sharpens the appetite 1 How quickly rich blood ie available to restor5 color to the cheeks, buoyancy to the step. Better try IrerruzOnp. You'll feel like l a new being, with new vigor and ability to confront life's difficulties. You are sure to bless the day yon rorumencell Ferrozono, Sall 'Svey.' Whet'e in 50r boxes, HOMESEEKERIS`" EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCIREWAN Each Tuesday until October 282114 Inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - $33.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Other points in proportion Return Limit two months. HOMESEEEERRS' TRAIN leaves Tos0010 2.00 pan. each Tuesday, May to August, inclusive, Best train to take, ea Winnipeg is reached early morning, enabling poorcngom to make all branch line connections. Through train. d Toronto 'feinnl t Particulars from Canadian Pact&e Agents ye write M. 13.9..0.. G. MURPHY 114, T soots H. L, JACKSON, Agent, BRUSSELS tabu•••o••toill•••Cmecco•••••••••o•sotoot0000e•oeo®oeseo®•• • o • r• Change•usiness • r• o • sa • • 0 • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Special and prompt attention paid to repairs. • w• Will be glad to be favored with your patronage and hope e prove to • 1 myself worthy of.your confidence. Call and see me. • • ••• • • • • B-. F. • i • • • Having disposed of my Harness Business to Mr. B. F. Garr, WI) ' • l o I' b llory In , possession,. 1 t'• ilBh to introduce 1o nd • a also recommend hint 0 t my customerpub- sand he � a tic generally. Tae is a practical roan of wide experience A and will serve all who deal with him in first-class style, • I wish to thank the• public for 27years ale of • p y patronage and n g • hope a goodlyshale it vv l be accorded• m • B ' ire censor. 5 . Yours Truly,o T, C. RICHARDS. oto • • • • • • • • • • • co 1:i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ••i • I will keep on hand and manufacture Light and Hea"vp ,• 1 • Harness and carry in stock a full line of Trunks, Valises, Sat- - i thele, Dusters, Whips and all other accessories usually found - in an up-to-date shop. Ready for Business Richards' Old stand Brussels • Collars manufactured to suit any particular horse. • •••••••••••••••••••eeeteesl •o••••ssoses nesse••••••••• • • • • to Y .f "You're lin'' • • • • •iIL ai,'• • The Right Track • 0if to the ythr • • • • Simplex •• ® c9 vt sa "2r, i • s ��:: w:.,,, Link -Blade • • " ;. • A, - l S' 4 0 $ You to k`f r • • v' 0 o Relief from your 'yw , , '''2'• N A Cream - Separator Troubles. • °�\s • A • • s •i` 'ate----- • #1 • ,p,Lv,i ,s' 99 co • • �u Look at it ! so• Size its substantial Construction, • • tc lstructiiou • o tl v t asci slight of Y the super- g for work: arkcl P.Udnlan0e of which it is • O capable. i • "STAY ON" till you've tried •• • • you're safe. Y n Simplex iii your oven (1(1iyy, thee • • Y '• Patented, Manufactured and Guaranteed by the pioneer and larg- • est manufacturers of Dairy Supplies and who first introduced the Celi- a trifilgal Cream Separator i0 Americait is the 9)•051705 of many years' • 'wo'k and study and is the ever increasing "Dairyman's Favorite'" • g y a' Not depending o1 Giganticantic and Costly Adve,;i,ke{ng Campaigns, ,t'ravolling Salesmen, Free Maehiues and Free .1 rips 1.0 Agents, etc., to • rash sales 'we aro Able to 00100 iy the savingthus aif0rded in superior p • construction and material and thus give the user more value for Ids le money. 2 Oall or write and we will tell yon;tltore (90ont: it. • • • A e t go• • _. g n • • B rtISS" • • li w Mctauchlin,S aiaaaasmallaso sokatb®M•INt044Mireaosoiosaatilaast(yiisMsoosa rji • 0 is 0a co • • • •