The Brussels Post, 1913-7-17, Page 4I beilraxsocts
LOST VITAIITY New Methodist Pastor
Ca►Nlled by KldneY, Sttiknaah
and Bowel Disorders
S(, Jelin, I' :N , 13.,ti
1911—Mr httSu v115 agreat 1
ftl•e1• Hour .kidney, slrinruh mid
hoWel trembles mid was given rip by
',we doctors, He was advised to try
your Trig Mlle, which, he dict, and
after taking five bozos wee ooupletely
restored to health and is better to-
day than he has been for years, You
can't recommend Trig P1118 too high-
ly. J'. W, Alaeiveins
At all dealora, 25 tutu 50 cents of
The Fig Pill (Jo., St, Thomas, Ont.
Sold and recommended in Brussels
by J, Fox Druggist,
11R3 DAY, JULY try Egad, ry
:As • Flinn* ,Tall Fair will be held
tut 13rnssels on Thursday and Friday,
betQber end and ar'l: Valk down the
Hinton County Model School will
open at Clinton on Tuesd.y, Angnst
;0th.. The probabilities Are the Rt-
tendance will he large judging by the
number who are eligible.
WHEN you hear s person bregging
that they never read n nnwcp'•per just as the thet,retical t 0!) is s1., t le
notice the shape of their Med end ;on du the a 'or k The new course nil) be
will know why. .Duel i.1.o feu u(i )watched with no 'a all 'inures'.
them as they deserve your sympathy.
Some folks say the t Artie( failure of
the hay crop this seesou will ia(lure
many a farmer to sow a p'ot of Alfalfa
as an -addition to the simply of feed.
Those Cello have tried it are loud in its
THE Posr telephones are Nos. of and
se. Did you ever kick because some-
thing was omitted from THE PowT? If
you knew the facts and did not send
them to us then you are the sinner and
not us. Get busy.
WHEN you take all the Proviucos 01
tbis Dominion and dismiss the good
features and those not desirable the
summing up will not put C -Marie at the
bottom of the list, 'fink Pu: •r thinks iL
would be ou the top.
A letter from the West says `Crops
look good and harvest will be all right
unless we get nipped by frost." It
takes more than ordinary confidence in
Providence to:rest easy on the question
of .probable visits from lack Frost. We
hope a good harvest may Le reaped
free from any drawback.
THE following notice taken from the
Wallaceburg News is right on the dot
in our opinion :-"All property owners
and tenants must have the weeds cut on
their premises by July 19th Proceed-
ings will be taken against anyone who
has not done so, according to law. CNA..
Howes, Weed Inspector."
IN France what are known as wheel-
barrow patrohnee look after
the high
ways and keep them in A t repair, Al!
the implements they use is a :bowel,
stone hammer and wheelbarrow. The
secret of the success is prompt repair
and the Alen instead of being an ex
pensive one is said to be very economi-
cal. Chairman Bourne, of the Guod
Roads Committee U. S , has looked into
this system and intends to put it into
effect in Uncle Sam's land, sa'isfied
that it is practical and er.sily worked.
We believe such a system in the hands.
of well chosen ,nen would be a big
stride ahead of the present Statute
Labor law.
IN the report of the Inspector of
Prisons and Asylums the sad trnth is
plain that insanity is increasing and ac-
commodation inadequate to receive all
"! ''""""appl.cation is made. Too hot
&'being travelled. Less
worry and probe, iv more work would
relieve some sltuat,aas. You'n1r �.� �+
and older people' too, silonld go to rest
earlier at nights and rise earlier in the
mornings, instead of night -hawking un-
til the small hours and then wondering
why they feel tough that day. These
things dell on the constitution and it
may be depended on that high tension
living will require great care duct wise
coneideratien or:something will smash.
There is room for good solid thinning
along this line.
WHAT'S your handwriting like ? Is.
it readable or are you sometimes bother-
ed to decipher it yourself "when it gets
coed ?" While firs' class penmanship is
a gift therels no reason whyY a legible
hand might t not be written I
g t t y 9 Out of
every to who use a pen. A supply of
good stationery, Ink, pens aud blotting
paper area vols necessary adjunct to
good w orkmen hip and unless these are
within reach you are handicapped in
turning out readable chirography,
Letters written on scraps of paper, with
a lead pencil are no recommendation datioh 1
p o
the o
doing pet u s uipg it, Five minutes a
clay spent with a scribbling book and
pen and ink would make a surprising
difference in oue Month in your writing,
It is worth the attempt.
IT is said the High School curriculum
will have n text hook on
Agricultural added to the course
next Falland plots will be supplied for
the culture of plants, flowers and
vegetables by the pupils. Examin-
ation On the Cotltae Will count as a
bonus to those writing', This plan if
workable should[. lend' some assistance
to an off repeated request, one that has
been made a great handle of st past
elections but little said or done about it
after the ballots were tweeted. Agri -
cub ure is the' biggest, best and meet
interesting study in the World but it
should be introduced by practical then
THESE are some low Stowe th'tv.s fn
Winnipeg oue of whom robbed the alms
b.'x at SL Benefice catlredrld recently.
'('bis fellow evtileutly never heard of
"honor among t'ihvas." fib; nine
was Nickles anti pus ibly a c'ainl ba.e d
upon hi name May have been 10,1lug
through his Head when he raided the
treasury. Mr. Nickles deserved to be
hung up by the toes for a few hours.
If you are 0 11005 lyre you menet
reasonably hope to ie healthy or
beutifil by washing dishes, sweeping
and doing housework all day and
cenwling into bed dead tired at, night.
You must gut out into the open air
andsunlight. If you (10 Ibis every
day and keep your stomach and
bowels in good order by taking
Chamberlain's Tablets when needed
you should become both Healthy' and
beautiful. For sale by all dealers. ,
In spite of the intenee heat which
prevailed, enthusiasm marked the
Conservative rally of Lhe ridings of
North and East Huron held in 'Wing -
ham on Saturday iifteruudn, .line
20111. James Bowman, Al, P. for
East lint on, and A. H. 31nsgtove,
Al, P. P. for Not th linrot, dfboth ad-
dressed the gulheeing and °fritters
the North and East Huron
Conservative associations were elect-
ed. Resolutions were passed c0ui-
mendingthe n40011100 of the repte-
seutallves, and expressing approval
of the respective policies cit' the Con-
servative leaders in the Commons and
Legislature, also c'undeuniting the
recent high-handed action of the
Officers oftl
e Association
nee ;__Ease Bele
ou Piesi •
alCllt P. \\',
Seat, Belgrave 1st vice. Al. H.
Moore, Brussels ; !nd vice, Ur. Arm-
strong, Gerrie; 3rd vice, Robert
llusgiove, Bluevale : Sect etary,
Dudley Holmes, W inghaul ; Treas-
urer, Thomas Stewart, 131uevale. D.
Holmes takes the place of 0. G,
Vanstone, who removes lieu Wing -
ham shortly.
North Huron officers are : Pres,.
dent, De. Redmond ; vice -President,
John Dane;2nd vice, De. Al lust rung
Seeretau•y, J. \V. Atcltibbnn ; Treas-
twee, David Bell. Fortier Vice-
PresidentFeauk Metcalf of Blyth also
leaves the riding shortly to go per-
manently to Medicine Hat,
Ori the conclusion of the election of
officers in the Council Chamber of
the Town Ball an adjournment had
to be made to the larger auditorium
upstairs in order to accommodate the
crowd. P. W. Scott, 13elgi'ave,
President of the East Heron Con-
servative Association, was chairman.
Bowman pointed out that be-
fore another federal election there,
world probably be a change itt 'The
ridings of Huron. The p7ipuluLion of
the c0u
1)1 e.,s'i0bottt 63,000 and there
maid flow three ridings. The basis of
representettion is one to each 30,000
population and this now gives Huron
one man too 1nany. . Just how the
ridings would be altered to accord
with the redistribution be could not
He also gave a brief resume of the
recent session of parliament, paying
particular attention to the history of
the naval bill, the chief event of the
sesiols. Policy of Ale. Borden, he.
declared, met the occasion adequately
and forcefully in the navy bill. If
Sir Wilfrid Laurier had acquiesced in
the passage of that measure he would
have been admired by every true
Britisher. But instead of that, he
moved a counter measure that would
cost much.1hol'e unci be less effective
in aiding the Imperial navy. Mr.
B tvmlul pointed 01l1
pride to the
act 'sl
t nun li nnont
of Lhl, Borden 1(710 at
mi istration ptarticulaly. with 10-
o agriculture and tura maul
66std t tt It l I
dellvery, phe tariff hst came in also
for some consideration.
H. Musgrove, ill
ve 'I
P.P ,'
North Huron, gave a review 01' the
business of the 1015 session of the Leg-
islature, He spent some time 111 ex-
plaining what had been accomplished
partly vh
I byhis etfn
La with
!r tea to
Lhe Ontario .
s Shore
He was in the, hope that
1 sonic day
11ydeo power world be available for
this railroad which at preset is a
yoke on Ashfield tespecially,
that he had worked for a bill to allow
hydro to be used foe electric railways.
Ile had also succeeded in getting the
resources of the Ontario West Shore
road in the hands of a trustee to the
advantage of elle botldholders. Mr.
Musgrove was sorry that the plan of
Ontaeio Government to provide
Imre] with an agricultural expert at
0 cost to the county of $500 had not
been carried out by Lhe council. 'The
CnuityConnell :hed )made a mistake
Mit he thought they would rectify it
aal, the next session. The speaker
dente also with the charge made a-
gainst Mr, Hanna. Mr, ,Musgrove
wolf applause by references to the
policy of the Whitney Government
on the bilingual school. question, and
also hi scoring the terliperaaneo; policy
of Me. Rowell, which bade fair to
d lenrganize Temperance.
Votes of Lhattke and cheers for tine
King eloeed the meeting,
11. c
The following ,
1 n , •sl
g et c 0111 Watts con -
1 rarnhag the new pastor on Ethel
O1rrmit Methodist church, will be of
interest as he opens up hi5.urinistr'y
for this torn) !—Bev.. L'ving A: Me-
Iielvey, S. T. 1,., 11)15 torn iti.Mitchell,'
Perth Co, and is the third son of
Sarhnel, McKelvey, now living in
Stratford. • Me, 3Icltelvey attende(1
the publie school in, Mitchell and
Stratford, Ha Rpent 10 little over a
Chti Ir a
m n Wi ha
m Dr rice
the snbjet t ofthise1(ttt It is au
Engllehuuan by birth and eulercd the
limos! 1.v of the Methodist chiech in
1804. Sinro his inclination he has
r'ender'ed gruel0001 vire at Ne wimpy,
West, horse, Kin love, 'Phnridale and
Gorrietold 0')ts appointed to \Ving-
baun last Coiferelce. The reverend
geltlernaut Is 11 giod preacher, a faith-
fni pastor 10)111 e wise 0111)inistrntor,
Ile looks carefully after his work and
REV. I, A. AleKII1LVEY, S. T. L. I REV. 3. W. HIBBl:R'1`
year in the dry goods business an.
the remainder of the time teas span
in the law Mikes of il'lessrs. Smith 0
Gearing, 1011( '3fessl8. McPherson &
Davit's m•, Siralfott1, During his
spate Bute he Look np Shot them! ant
was for several years a Steuogtapher
He also studied some of the Big!
School subjects as he desired to
matriculate and become a law student
Feeling called to the mrinisli3' he re
signed Ins position and attended the
Collegiate for several years securing
his tenehei's certificate and also
passed his peeliwinttry examinatirin
for the ministry. 'ir. ',McKelvey
travelled the Sombta, Oamnlctelnie turd
Heiman circuits us a probationer.
On the last circuit Rev. W. JD, Kerr,
brother of the Editor of r'Pmc POST,
wits his Superintendent. Alr, 'Mc-
Kelvey attended the 'Wesleyan
Theological college in Montreal where
he took the S. 7 L. degree. He was
ordained at St. Phomas in 1001 and
has since that time been stationed of
the following elecuits :— Wroxeter,
Louisville,'lulallide and Trowbridge,
Two years ago ➢11). McKelveyw
President es dont of the SL•in
ul Dist' lot,
Epworth p League and last year was
S. S. Secretary of the same Dist] ice
thereby giving tum u wide ac-
quaintance with the work of the
young people in which he is greatly
l u tereste(l,
In Oct. 1901 he was married to 'lis,
Lillian M. Trietlel, of Montreal. They
have one daughter, Ieene.
Rev. and Mrs. McKelvey Were pre-
sented with a mantle clock, jttediuere
stand and jardluere when leaving
Trowbridge for Ethel. The new
pastor is genial aid brotherly, is a
p1•aetical preacher, looks well after'
his flock as the under',Shephei(1 and
has had spleh(Hd .sneeess in .evange-
listic work on various allergen. He
is well supported in his work by his
pat tner in life 10)111 the way has open-
ed up (auspiciously on Ethel, circuit
for a term masked by progress.
Ethel circuit people are loyal and
alert and their united tffent, dude/.
the. leadership of the pew pastor', will
enable therm to continue to do praise-
worthy lhiilgs in the cause to which
they' ole devoting head, hand and
heart. We wish all concerned the
Success they desire.
The rev
gentleman is no stt'amger to a goodly
number on acenin1 of being neighbor
to Ethel on the Trowbridge circuit.
e { inspires his congregations l0 new ea-
t, deavors by his opLiniism. About 15
E years two he took Sts Ida part 000. 1)1
life, i31iss Law, of FJaeriettsville, near
Ingersoll and she has done her part
i nobly in every good cause that pre.
, 1 seated itself, Two daughters, Norma,
and Alice lye members of the home,
Rev. 'Ir. Hibbert was chosen as
, 1 Ohairtntui of \Vingbaur District a
yea,' ago and dill his wnt'IC s° well he
was re-elected at Lhe recent Confer-
ence in London. lie has the official
oversight of 18 charges in connection.
with this office. A heatety reception
has been 10000)ded flim 01) his new
charge anerwlth his experience, ener-
gy.amd ability to gel through a 'large
share of work we expect with Lhe
loyal support of a strong.cengl'egation
a term) marked by expansion and
practical helpfulness will result,
Rev. Me. 1-1 item l is 0m 1)11 l(mud nmol,
whose 10 yeti 0 rero•d in the lninislry
has been marked by steady progress
in the vitriol's deplu'lnlents of Meech
life and activity.
Let The Stomach Alone
Yon can't care 010101lh by dosing
the stomach. The disease is in the
throat, 11080 and bionchiol tubes.
Inhale Catarrlwzone it goes to spot
when the disease really is,—it clears,
away foul secretions, stops discharges
at once, pueifes and heals Lhe pass-
ages, literally annihilates every trace
of cater/h. Nothing else is so direct
and certain' as "Oatarehozone." silts gutu•anteed, Two sizes, 25e and
$1,00 at all clealet•s.
t -
1: Order your R
+ +
'1` ✓rj
4. •II•
Fits Right, '1•
t Workmanship Right
and Prices Right
4 .
Good Values in +
I Panetta Rain Coats.
✓r ,l,
✓'1, Call and see them,
W. P. Fraser I
Merchant Tailor
Much Disease
Advice about Stomach Troubles
and how to relieve them.
Don't neglect indigestion, for it
may lead to all sorts of ills and com-
plications, An eminent physician
once said that ninety-five per cent of
all ills have their origin in a dis-
ordered stomach.
Our experience with Rexall Dys-
pepsia. Tablets leads us to believe
them to be one of Sha most dependable
remedies known for indigestion and
chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredi-
ents 500 soothing to the inflamed
membranes of the stomach. Rich
in Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the
greatest digestive aids known to
medicine, the relief they afford is
very prompt. Used persistently and
regularlyy fair short time, thew tend(
to re, s.eattse,',.by stomach
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help
insure healthy appetite, aid diges-
tion, and promote nutrition. As
evidence of our faith in them, we ask
you to try them at our risk. If they
do not give entire satisfaction, we
will return the money you paid us
without question or formality. Three
sizes 25 cents, 50 cents,
and 51,00.
You can -buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
in this community only at our store:
Eressels The Store Ontario
There is n Resell Store in nearly every town
and pity in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. There is a different Rexall
Remedyfor nearly every ordinary human ill—
each especially designed for the particular ill
for which it is recommended.
The Rexall Stores are .America's Greatest
'Drug Stores
Morris Oouncil
'Municipal ()mitten Township of
M.ornis was held in the Township 111011,
Morris, Monday, June, 30th. Al cm -
bees were (All present, Reeve in chair
Athletes of lata, ruee.lingg read and ap-
peov0d. Reeve lul't iau meeting to
attend to Contiey (tad Township worn(
aC \V1ngharn and Counrill0)' Prase)
was appoint ed to the chair.
At the adjonuled (inert or Revision
on the Assessment liol1 1)0 dog was
struck oft the loll foe the following
persona :— lS lllnun Bt 3 eons, vele)
:� 1
lenyand Ed.. Pollard.. \Villittm
Tasker, or Belgravo, 10128 added to
the 1011 ars tenant pt Ltd 1, Oom 5, on
motion by Johnston—Thuell, sol the
Outlet 01' Revision wits then closet(.
o1 ]11
13y -law y v do r x r Dealt] was read
and fl 1
nilly 1 assed o1 motion by
Johnston—Thuell, 11.1110 Ih•ain By -las
10)03 also finally passed on motion by
Laidlaw — Ireasm', lengirtee's 0e.
port nn Lhe Black Drain was recon-
sidered and on :notion` by Lttidlaty—
Fin i' \vas l()visionally retooled
7.'he Fnpgi111er's repo') on the
Bowes 1)ruir) was provisionttli,y ad-
opted on motion. by Johnston—Thnel)
11e following accounts Were paid
-Myth Standard, ad v er using, 51,001
Pedlar People, Osla11001, 2 culverts
5100.44 1 Anson Shaw, 111101.01g Fu)
est, Drain, 518.00 1 Thomas Belly, r,
pairing moulds $1.00 : John 3111) 1
aid. Genteel., 52145; Ed; 31,lllilhu
work inspecting, 511,00 ; A. Iltliweo.
express, 50c and telephone 500 : At tell
Jackson, temporary bridge, 13, C. Di.,
$4.76; Jelin Brown, pnttii)5 in pipe
$3,50 .1, .1. Mc,Oanghcy, 2'l in. He
culvert, $7.0(1; Gro. While, gr1111,
on side line, lots (1a.nd 0 510.50 ; .l(
Tenure, tillingat Gibsnn's bridge, ,'1
C. D. 510.00 ; J. J. McCaughey, flllim
at Phelan's bridge, 55.00 ; J, J,
Caughey, filling at McCaughey'
'bridge, 52,751 3, J. Mn0attghey, filling
aelefolol ntieeFk n l+
Wanted .4
"� .p
„'Highest Cash Price +
t. ,. paid for any quantity
of Wool in p1'inle. +
✓ condition. 4.
4 `'-'11i.1."' -
✓t' +
`. J. Ta Wood, 1
Excelsior Hunting Mills4.
stone melee tile, $1.00 ; Thos. \Val-
lltce, putting in enlvei t, 53.00 ; Joe
McElroy, tvtu.eringbeidge, 51.00 : John
Duekett,land for road, 5185.00 ; W.
14Kere, tteconnt, printing tied
1(1)15,rising, $0.50 W, 71. Keel.; Bylaws,
11oppet., 510, Ellis, 515.011; dames
Pheltllr, cement foe Idle, $27,00; ;itis.
Phelan, malting tile lull gravel,
$53.53 ; John Duckett, i•entovurg Pence
gravel road, 510.01) ; Wm. Smith, re-
pairingrulverl', 51.00; Dai'id Smith,
petting in cement. 111e advt.) t, $3 (1U
Thomas Bolger, tilling washout Ease
(y . 51.00 ; IVilti 0111 Hey, putting in
pipe lots 35 and 10, Ono. 10. 50.00
William 11oy, lifting file and wash-
out, 555 50 ; Prank Smith, work on
side' mut, lots 28.20, $1,60.; A. Mar: -
Ewen, By-laws, hoopoe, aid Ellis
drain, 515, $111'Clerk's
fees, Hopper, 520, inn's,. ,lames
Nichol. work on road, 52.25 : Etirnest
Geddes, repttiring gr oder, $3.60 ; W.
Alt:Murray, 3 days o1 gender, 80.00 ;
3atues Hill, on contract work, 5000.00 ;
Ate hue Cronin, nn Bitd Drain, $75.00;
Duke Jordan, cleaning Alasol drain,
$128.45 ; \Vat., 'Miller•, foe farm bridge,
Blyth creek, and pulley posts along
road, 510.00 b. J. Looter, Snnsliifi.e
(Sha I merits, 51705.00 12x 1.1 font spans,
730 01) 12foot span
5t LMidge,
03 sacks ((resent, to 1)4 ,40
$ 00 Reload de -
;mei a
1xra112 $25 OU )nisi $300 00, kept back,
$10.00. lent nl $8085.60 • larges Tay-
ior, culvert, Col. 4, 540.00 ; R. Vint',
63 yds. cement, at 54 70, 5200.00 ; R.
Vit, 3 yds. at $5.50, 10.50 ; Wm.
130(1, South approach, Olark's bridge,•
3237.00 ; Win. Ferguson, inspecting 4
Midges, $50,00 ; Thos. Clark, stone at
abutments, 52.00 ; 701)1) Parrott,
shovelling gravel and filling ermined,
513.50 • James Al 'cities, approach,
Sunshine bridge, 5200.00 ; Johnston &
Peacock, tile on Peacock drain, $175,
Voters' List - 1913
Municipality of the Township of Orey.
County of Huron.
Notice 10475reby given that Illtave t re nsml t-
ied or delivered to the persons mentioned in
Sections 8 and 0 of the Ontario Voters'' List
Aot, 1887, and the amendments thereto, the
copies required to be s0 transmitted or deliv-
ered -of the List made, pursuant to said Act,
of alt pernons appearing. by the last revised
Assessment Role of 611850111 munioipality to be
entitled to vote In the said municipality et
elections for members of the Legislative As.
sembly and at Municipal Elections, and that
old List n r
a , st w a first posted a in
m officio
11 1 ynt
Ethel onthe lot. dayI
of Jn y, 1018, and re•
ninins there for iusjieotiol. Electors are onlG
ed upon to examine said List, .and 1f any omis•
siona or other errors ni•e perceived therein in
talcs immediate proceedings to have the said
errors corrected according to law. .
Olerk ltfanioipelity of Grey.
Ethel, July 15th, 1018.
>om seam
New Livestock Department
17t•orythh,g in Agriculture
1'xh,bits by the Provinces
I': 1itils by Dui'ninion Covoritruent
Lxil,bits by Pcrelgtt Countries
1 -12; of 3ianufnctures
":ii'1C 1.J An l;: ililii'I' 1
. Paintings fie tal Ge. nut 0y, l'ritttin,
United States and Canada
Educational Exhibits
Cadet Review
Japanese Fireworks
Canada's biggest Dog Show
America's Greatest Cat Show
1 The Musical Surprise
The Musical Ride
Atlto-Polo Matches
Circus and Hippodrome
Roman Chariot Races
Athletic Sports
1 Groat Water Carnival
Score of other Famous Bands
Famous nn s
Twelve Band Concerts Daily
Wreck of the Airship
With Zouaves
New Giant Midway
Grand Double Bill of Fireworks
Aug. g 1913 Sept. 8
Al. O. P. R. brakeman was inn over
and killed at Guelph Junction,
Crop reports front Eslevam, Sask.,
show thee the wealltet' is favoring
the highlands,
For5oeeue81) of th0 uniseles, tvhcLh-
er hulueed by violent exercise 0)' in-
jury, tmozl Is nothing lichee than
Chamberlain's Liniment. This liii-
t1 O relieves Lil el
nn«Lic pains.
Foe sale h3 e
(11$12) 13070
Will stand l'or the improvement of
stock at his own stable,
Lot 22, Con. 13, McKillop
Colts off this horse have wen 1st prize
for the last three years at Brnesels and
Settlor ill Shows in the heavy draught
class. Terms—$8.00.
' Leadbuey P. O.
Enrolment No. 868. Not Inspected. Form
Under regulations Ontario Statute,
2 Geo, are Chapter 67.
Ontario Stallion Enrolment B, mrd
Oerttileate of Enrolment of
The Stallion Enrohnent Board of Onhn'io
certifies that the name, description and pedi.
gree of the Olydesdals Stnliion London's Fav-
orite Imu.)Re•iaterento theJohn J.
SIe Stn,,
Book dhiirR No ]1tod owned In John 1. rybeen in•
of Leain a10 and foaled in 166,,1 has been he
rolledee 00 Onto'
net. thnptm' 67 of the
Statutes of On
t0 lo, 1)0) 11 V.
This Certificate nips) be renewed odor be-
fore the Hist day of Deeectber,1618, and within
thirty days alter achalge of ownership of the
sold stallion n new certificate leeet be obtain-
A, P. Westervelt, Secretary,
esen John Bright, Chairman.
Dated at Toronto, Ont
the 14th
{ da of ,r
April, 1018.
y I ,
How many young men
'can look back ou their
early life and regret their
misdeeds. ''Sowing their
wild oats" 01 various ways.
Excesses, ea violation 0 ofut-
tare's laws,
woe 1
O1 C,
and song' X11 Hnvc their
victims. You have re-
formed but what about the
seed,you 1.100e sown—what
about the harvest? D
trust to luck. If yonare
at present within the
clutches of any secret habit
which is sapping your life
'see by degrees; if you arc suf-
l� vsv' feeing from the results of
past 1
ndfscrc '
lolls' '
v '1)r, i
p f
vet � t Cll
�a• e r
W y p
e - SORA r blood has been taititerlfrau
any private disease and you
dare not marry; if you are married ancl live in dread of sytuptoms breaking
out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of n misspent
life—DRS.K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Tray your case before
them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable.
eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Mon.
CONSULTATION FREE. Books Froo on Diseases of Men. If unable to call, write
fora Question Blank for MOMS TflEATMJ j1,1T .
N .::
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
ingift.NOTICE All 1ettes front Canada must be addressed to our
sismesessie Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor,
Ont. If you desire to see us persobally call et our Medical Institute in
Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which ere
used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only.
Address all letters as follows:
Write for our private address,
The POthnleoe Poit:Ntn
S'11tAx au 7101)31 1110N1'`1(YN 00 July lot
e{.rea son 0 teats nt
0414 Not. Alt l 211110 ll (11(1 0 hence
rising 11(0spurn, reddlnh Munn u,nl ul)flu In
color.01AUY ,limpsNIIl 1200101 .o thth 1)u•
wvrl win bu llanhl t 1)l
u y { ally 1 1, (vt
1°1)0011 J)1 N t3 tS (OI 19 Jtlli el,_
S'1it111 01) on 1 111 premisee of the undersign.
S nil. Lel Ie, tem. 1'), IloStllup, a 11.y ear•olci
red, 1.1n,4c and white Meier, Owllo,' 15 re.
(111040(1 191 111)000 property, pity expenses sad
tont, her away, 0114011, (311811,
Pho)e'(Hill - wnllon P, 0.
111501 1rl)1( 0Af,1'4 --'.1)0 n.hdarsigned otters
F lily Term Por nolo, hulng hot 21. (len. 0,
tiro, , titm,I' !toren, . tlt,ttIAh1111 105 Weft's,
Alt 11100111 t•x<•npt.1 001,0 or hard WOW. On
Ux7U prusnll'irs NhIN d111n tat x01g1 1, fl 011uluu.4 hunsu : n bora
nvw rph t,11o5 aldbt'-
aenta 1'hnru 1N a spt,nd 111 1)11,11/1 111, 2 no'ol•
railing ,veli,,luld n 0111.1114 at tear. 2iti miles
n•om. ,ho 1'llhlg 1 111 n
1)'). This rut 75 hfc
good/4'111101111 1,1011011. iS 11)2)'0 mill ph 0.
rl(uthi>topp1S iu 1115 A 11t1011N8 on the
p, runlets n 1111.1' 11 u
1 1. , 5).0
E—1121110 Pittil'llatTY 13)11 SA LE OR TO
tt ltlev•1.-'1`bn luunn rure,l ly viten led by
Sol) U Review, who Weaved I0 (1ul it h (known
ins Shu l(tlgurp propel L,', '1.1:1)11C1,1‘11,'1'11"1.(5)
''o eb01)y 51 vett is
nflorttiror o le u1) nl nut use, will Ls blee nd,
'(`here Iva eenmIar•ln Mc house, gaud stable end
I% nems of 11)1111 w lt,ll 0 11011 1)111 en ti untie, Vino
g,rdnn dip, 1Pnl lurtherperilut1nl's apply to
W, 11.1ton•, of Loa Poser, who 1.01010 So key,
ft is 11 0110100 8)100 t0 tivu 111 111:0 will 11e sold
very relwonnblY. 27.1 f
�A1(5610010ISA1.11,-''lbauudrratghvd etfrrs
nth, Rac f,°•n, ,pool"rn)g or about 1115 erre,
atljoittinit the town of (11)) ion, 1 u ,ole. '1 he
Yore is to 1 good stn le of etult l vol ton, mud hos
good buildings, in felt house, brad, barn, driv-
ing,louse, pigpen, etc , ell compare llv,ly.Ilea'.
A fl)s(olors young preload contenting all
lauds of 1)i tins and 111-n hmn11 1,1111,, 1Le
Nem IN )1'e11 2e1i1. 1 n1101 111 alned and is a Wry
de•Irnbie hence. 11'01) (u V( 1100 pat'Herinrs apply
ort heireun11Neo 11(1
4011N TO1tJ(ANCID, Gunton.
FAna FON 851,70, being South half Lot 25,
(Ion. 4, Morris township, Moron (1o., eon•
tainting lee novas more or lose, On the prone
Mew 1(1 n frame Louse, bink burn, good orchard
well, whtdlniil, Se,- A 1) cleared except about
an 11000. school 111 miles (l.lstutt. Only'2
miles from Brussela. 11 nal•0a of Full wheat hi
and. about 50 name, needed down. 3l'oi' pride,
terms told other Information apply on the
Premises or if writing Brussels P. O. Phone
126. Or 11• s) $cott, 131.100181/1.11 If A. LdcInu0. Proprietor,
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants, Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033 Brandon Matt,
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pwnps and Stehle
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &c.
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to,
Give me rt call.
A, MANN, Cranbrook
occupy 1 tf { a 110111)100, as
bookkeepers, telegra-
phers, of nctivitl y finish 1
Enter collage any do Iudn•
Thousands ofmeinMous their peo-
ple pie a'u Post prepnring. in )hair own
homes to occas uerfl '
phers, civil servants, in fact every
es, on may. Il s l at
nonage 0 .you so wish, Positions gnnr•
anieed' yy
vtdaal instruction. Expert teachers.
Thirty years' experience. Largest
trailers in Oonl,de. Seven colleges.
. Special course for teachers.
AfHllated with Oonnlw'einl Educa-
tor's Assooletim, of Canada. Sunt me•
.School et fn111oue Spotton Business Col.
lege, London,
Wingham Business College
Geo. 81,0,1VON, W, T. (fol sno.
Presuton t. Principal.
our home e Wllll0. Ut
pain, clanger or operation.
My method Will cure ap-
parentlyhopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait o
until- Lut'. rup-
y l
lure becomes strangillated
when you. can be cured. ?
Do not wait Fill in coup on
Age 'rime Rup
Single or Double
and return IQ
88 Caledonia St.
Dept. A Stratford, Ont.