The Brussels Post, 1913-7-17, Page 14.1 Ell VOL, 42 NO, 3 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; ,'ULY . 17 Now Advertiseenents Toronto Pair nodalie-A it. Stnll]t,. P u Is Green -Jas, Pox, II tray -W --101A. Livingston, Tr oo it•1.1Jot01 Y•• -A, Meal/wen. Saws Pct• s4) le -A I beet Whitfield. The Western Pno•-A. M. Bunt. Voters' List•-Townehtn ofGre Grey. Voters' Brussels. tPhoorhic tuiaMnilend, 3tistt`txt ffelus J Henaah TheHENSAL4 7avAtxo'12ATOR BURNS, Tie evaporator owned by Geo. 3oyut, of title place, wipe totally destroyed by Bre on Sattuday flight. The loss is estimated ab 89,000, with insurance of 85,900. 'Cho origin of the Rye is a mystery. The plant was inspected early in the evening and everything was its good order, short- ly before 11 o'clock flames were seen issuing from the building and the brigade was called. When the fire- men et•rivecl the interior was a mass' of flames and .their : efforts were directed to saving Cook Biros.' saw- mill and B. 1Jrquhart's oatmeal milt, ulose at hand. Both were in great clanger' nuwerons- tinter, but ex- cellent work by the firemen confined the flames to the Ono building. The evaporator was totally destroyed, together with a large supply at dried apples. The stock wits insured for $4,000, the building,for•$1,600 and the machinery for $400, It was one of the largest, and best plants in Ontario, and did an enormous business each year. Mr. Joynt announced that he would rebuild at once. Pordwieh PRETTY WEDDINu.-A Very .pretty wedding took place on Monday even. ing at '7 o'clock, at the Bitrsonage, Ford wielt, the home at Rev. 3. W. and Mrs. Andrews, when their daugh- ter, Miss EstellaJ„ was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Walter C. Stringer, foreman of the Recordei office, Mitchell. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father, in the presence of only the immediate relatives and friends. Bride, who carried a boquet of white carnations, was given away by her brother, Russel G. Andrews, of the Bank of Hamilton staff, Gorrie, and rho Wedding March was played by Miss Zella'Whitely, of Gorrie. The bride wore a dress of duchess satin and travelled in a tailored suit of navy blue wearing a large white bat with ostrich bands and mount. After con- giatulations a dainty lunch was serv- ed and Mr. and Mrs. Stringer' left by motet for Brantfeid, 'Toronto and Niagara Falls. The presents received by the beitle were nwinerous and cost. ly. Guests were present at the ntar- riage.from Mitchell, Kingston, Toron- to, Clinton and Brussels. Wingham Mrs. James Walker, who had a slight stroke recently, is improving slowly. Partners all thr'ougit this district have beenbusycuttiu6 their hay, and all report a very fair ct'op. Wheat and barley are corning along nicely and splendid yields are looked for. Fruit is plentiful A strike which was of very short duration occurred here recently in connection with the then engaged it: improving the streets. As soon as those in charge learned of what was doing, the leaders were ordered to. collect their wages and not conte back to work any more. A. number of then from Ripley and from nearby farms came. in and the work is being rushed along rapidly. The machinery has now arrived and is busily crushing. stone. Mrs. Thomas McLean has received a telegram from her sister, Mrs. Mein, of Brune Mines, that their father, Thornas Netterfieid, dropped, dead tern° he was talking to her about' an hone after he arrived. He went. North only a few clays ago with an- othee daughter, Alrs. Drurntnond, in- tending to spend the Summer with Mrs. Flora, Mr..Netterfield was in his 78th yearr and fog the past two years 4.4.4•444.4,4•4•44.4.44++++.1-7.4.444.4.++ .1.. 24 Clearance 4•: of Mid:Summer .e s y� ,v 11Ii 111•y Wo have marked down 't Chi. balance of •aur trim- •i• meditats to,balf regular r,. prieesr .'. '1' OOS7 NOT OON 1 • ERSD ,. S D .e Would ask those ''!' Who are 4.4• not .supplied to this ]hie : 4. ''N to .take atdvantage of •r' these bat' ggal i t s while they haat. - tieimen#e Millinery Mon E. I N MA N 'f 44440,444,44+4+00+44.444,4,44+ had been ailing. He leaves two sans and five daughters. Ire :Ives it ttteniber of the An BeanCh U titch' and for sumo time was; ecretery•teettsntee of the school itt Tmmnberiy Towusbip, Seaforth LICENSE OUaT. Ovr.-.-Ab a ..special meeting of the license coteteissinnets of Centre Huron, held here 'Alooday, the (puerile') of the Kling Hotel license twits again taken 4)p. Pollee Magis- trate F. 1boltnested, K. C., appeared for Alts. Kling and Mayo,' Greig, Reeve Stewartttud Councillors Aber. Mitt and Stewart for the town. It was shown the pnpnlation of the town proper is now 2.115 and a 4t11 license wtts•neeessary to' ,provide the proper • aeeotninodation. The hotel was recently snidely reno- vated and passed by the local •Botu•d of Health and it was shown that no complaint liad been uncle lty the rate- payers oe any recp1iest to close the hotel had been made by the Qonunis- sinners; wiitr were rutting nip 1 b license on their own initiative, After the bearing the Cnn11111ssiotems, Elliott, :of t3oderieh ; Chuff, of Clin- ton•'and Baeker, of Brussels, to- gether with Inspector Johnson, of Clinton, met and decided not to rr- verse their tormer decision, ennse• queiitly the license will be cat off on Aug. 1. Molesworth W. King, of Jamestown, visited III the hungonSunday last. Miss Mabel Menzies, of Oraubrook, visited at S. Stutget'er's last week. isles Mabel and Nitta Elliott of Harvey, y, I11., are visiting at '1'. ElliotCs, A. and Mrs.. McJCee, of Furdwich, called on friends here on Friday be- fore going West for -a twn month's tripp. Congratulations are extended the Abases Lizzie Cummings and Agnes Sangster on successfully pass ing their Entrance exams. 1VOIEEN'S INSTITUTE LAWN SOCIAL. -The anneal Lawn Patty of Moles. worth's Women's Institute is an- nounced to he held on the school grounds on Thursday evening, 21th Inst. Supper will be served from (1.3(1 to 8 and will be followed by a dandy program by Listowe]'s'excellent Band and talent from Ethel, Trowbridge, Jamestown and Molesworth. There's always a big.crowd at this event and a fine time enjoyed. Keep the even. ing free front other engagements. FAMILY REUNION. -Thursday, July 10th, a 'McAllister Reunion" was field at the old' McAllister home, for many yetu•s called "The Alill," only one or two of those present; having seen the place before without the dais being there. Over 75 were present and old as well as young heartily enjoying the fun. Sports of all kinds were enjoyed in such as races by the married women, tug of war and many items. Dinner and tea were served in picnic styli o(i the, lawn. Those reseutfrotnit distance were John and Mts. McAllister, Alex. and Mrs. McAllister, and Master Lyle, of Toronto ; George and Mrs. McAllLer .i s and the Misses Mary, • Y. Emmeline and George jr., of Gueiph ; John attd Mrs. McAllister and Misses Matin» and Gwen, of Berlin ; Alex. and Mrs. McAllister and Misses Jean,, Olive, Marjorie and Master Kenneth, of Bloomingdale ; Miss Bessie I'raser, of Detroit ; Mr, and Mrs. Steddlebeam of Listowel: Robt. and MVJrs, 1110 - Allister and Miss Minnie, of New 1Vesbtninister, B. 0. acid Mr. Stone, of Toronto, Most of those from a distance made the trip in autos. Wroxeter Hire. Alex. McLennan.ietnrned to Toronto on,Mouday. Alter; Duke, of Leamington, is the guest of Miss Beatrioe Howe. Garry Little, of Toronto, ie a visi- ts -iv at t.ite hone of R. Black. Donald Pope has purehased Airs., Iewin's residence on Ann street. Ars. EdGlencoe, of l n e, is the guest of her son. R. Al. 8ldtmisot. John Rae, of Eady, is visiting his parents, 1), and Mrs. Rae, of Howick. Dr. and ales. Jackson have returned from a short visit with relatives in r'otonto. Miss Milly Harris has returned from a abort visit with friends in Winghatn. De. and Mrs. Gillies, of Teeswater, called 011 friends in the village hast Thursday. , Miss Ruby Lewis, of Carrel, .Alan., is spending two weeks with Miss Ethel Stott. fillies Elsie Gibson, of Win einem is the guest or her grandmother; hire. Jno. Gibson. Roy Hamilton, of Detroit, is en- joying a few holidays under the parental roof. Chas. and Mrs, Sanderson and little son, of Hamilton, are visiting rela- tives here at present. Airs.. Irwin aceninpanted her son - in -late,' A. Snider, on hie return to New •Liskeard last weelc. Miss Cassie McDougall has retailed from a two week's vacation spent at. Listowel and ITarrtatnu Miss Kennedn+r Kennedy, n f Toronto, stutg a very choice solo in the bleth'odist church on Sunday evening. )Vire. Elliott and Aiiss Nellie Elliott returned to Chesley on Monday, hes, in p g el ettt several daY s with'the fernPYre'a ter t s.HenrySmith, A iinn our* WOMAN Dute. -It is with feelings of profound sorrow. •that we record the death cif Ifenriella 1tu Jeari Smith (Ile] ) y(pungestdatJgbter of Alts. Smith and the late Henry Smith, which oceur)'ed at her Moyne hem ' i i o Thursday ny eveYrimg at the age of 19 years 8 moults and 4 days. While she had not bee» in robust health for We past two years. It was Brussels uSS I' Fi Photographic Studio d�O Will be re -opened On Monthly, August 4th. Special reduced prices for a short tirne. G. F. Maitland d,ltl and only in the last eight weeks she had been confined to the house, Reila was very popular tvitit young and old and will be greatly missed .10 church work and social circles in which she Lnttk in•owinent parts. She is sur- vived by her aualllet', nue sister' Etta aitd one brother, Oliver of iianna, Ate., who was present -at the funeral which tong place on Saturday after- noon to the ` 1Vxroxetrt• cemetery,, Rev. Ale, Wesley eoticlucting the set vice. The floral tributes of the choir of the Piesbyterten clnn'rh and young friends of the deceased were particularly handsome. Moncrieff Donald Creme, ofSaruie, visited his brnthettin-law, Geo. McKay, sr. Stanley Forest, of Atwood, spent last week with his cousins, Elmer and Johnnie McKay, 1411i con. Leslie Alc1 tttr, youngest son of W. V. McKay, broke his right arta last. Friday by falling onof an apple tree. This is the second lime it has been broken. We hope he will soon be o. k. Win. Kelly and his daughter, Ethel of Bulgonie, Sask., have been here visiting i'riends. He is a son-in-law of Geo. AicKay," sr., 16th can., rind cavae to attend his father's funeral, Jas. Kelly, Mouktnn, who was Untied at Crtnibetok on Friday, Oranbrook Ernest Hunter is home from Mea - ford on a visit. John twirl Mts. Forrest Snndayed with friends at Beechwood. Ars. Aiert of Detroit, is visiting bet- -parents, F. and Mrs. Jeschke. With Otuneron, of New Yank, is holidaying with his parents here. Alias Lillian Dark, of Bamilton, is visiting her parents on the Oth eon. Grey. A. Rayma»n is away on a two int otos trip. through the Canadian tiVest. and Miss Ella, of S ratfosc, daughter, are visitors at the home of Jas. Crerar. Mrs. Henry Carter 'and little 'son trenneth, of Avonton, are visiting be •, ptaeiit's,^,V, enc! flits Aldo::,,,,,, Rev. lir. Mctrn'rtocrn"is still on the sick list. Last Sunday Rev. IVIr. Thyne, of Palmerston, tonic leis' ulpit. The new w min' ester its the} Methodist. ' tet odrst chinch, Rev. Mr. Wren, has spelled up his work here in a most pleasing manner and should do well. The four Cranbrook pupils who wrote at the Entrance Examination were snceessful. They are Maggie E.. Petrie, 403 ; Gordon Knight, 487 ; Elsie Snarling, 473, and Madeline Baker, 433. The first two are in the horror roil. All did well and with their teacher are to be oompllmented, Walton George and Mrs. Ferguson, of Tor- onto, were here during the past week for a few' days. • Last Saturday 113 excursionists went to Guelph from Walton to the Orange Celebration. Special train. got back alma 10 p. 10. Our congratniatinns,go to Miss A.da Gardiner who successfully passed' her Normal School exautirtatine at Strat- ford, Miss Gardine''s success is as. sm'ed. Instead of holding the Women's Inetitntc meeting this weelc it will 'be held Wednesday 'afternoon -'of next week at the home of lire. Jan: Berry, at 2 o'clock. All the ladies will be avelcome. Quite a number fromthis ,locality went to Milvet'toll-last Monday after- noon fio winless the Brussels -Poole Foot Ball match, Nobody scored but Brussels heti 2 goals at former game• so were consequently the winners: • A new cement ettclosed Immo shed will he built at the Methodist church. Mr. Stewart, of Blyth, will do the n'o•k. The Laclies' Aid have taken !told of the. financing attd will make it go, We wish the enterprise suc- cess. In'Ihe Entrance exam. at Brussels three Walton p0;11Is passed :-Ed win sillier with 400 masks; Githert Aic- Callltm. 440 ; and Gnrtlot Wnghoi• :, 402 Congratulations. Donald Ruch- anau and Miss Alice . M. Rnechtel at- tenlittg the 'Union schunl East were !deo winners seating 417 and 400 re- spectively. Tuesday evening the Anneal Ladies' Aid Garden Party tree held o» the lawn of Duff's church tnanse. There wits n•great attendance and aft ht tr•resting program: Proceeds about $245.00. Surt'ess was written over the whole evening in large letters. There must have been 700 people on the ground as $150 were taken at the gate. Mottetieff oroheetia and local talent plus Wingham and Brussels friends did well as did Seaforth Band. Jas. Bowmen, M, P., gave an, address but Mr. Prnndfoot, of Goderich, was nimble to be present. The evenin fine and eve*q was everybody (ied a good tithe, to fol owing not from Pahnerston will be of interest to 1Valtol tt t Ala cmtgeogg,ttional meetlughold in Knox Clumilt the chief business on hand was the disposal of funds' ac- quired by subscription and otherwise dnrhtg the very enceessful jubilee held a few weeks ago, It was Mound that after paying the mortgage on the aural). there teas still a surplus of 3850, and it was decided that Rev. R. A. Crausort be given all increase of sitliu-y ot 3200 per a»unto, to take effect January 1, 1913. One hundred dol]are falling dire now was taicen out of the enrphis, and the remaining 3150 will be used in improving the marefe. Bluovale The Wonen's Institute of Blueva)e Will hold a Garden Party on Friday evening, I8th inst.,: on the School grounds, .Proceeds in aid of cemetery fund,. A goad program will be pre- sented. Lend a hand to this laud - Grey Township Council 'Will meet at Ethel Monday next. Ah's, L. Frain, Bed non, has HI bra tL the hope she Will soon be con- valescent. Mrs. Covet dill, of Woodstock, anent a meek with her friend, Mrs, Robert Cochrane. Airs. Com -lair Phippeu, of. Wing - ham, spent Monday at bee parental 114)1115, 3t•d cots, bllsses KZilcheii, of Wroxeter, were K over -Sunday visitors at tate Moine of Edward 13ryans. Misses Thymus and Johnston and 1t Jas. McInnes visited at the home of Jas: Lynn, Fiedtvich, Master' James E„ son of Robt. Cochrane, has gone to Tavistock and New 'Ramberg for aenuple, of weeks. Alis Weidenhammer, of Deloraine, Man., is :here on a visit with Mrs, Tons. Alcock, 14t1 con. She is a s ueiise. Mrs. James Vance, of New Ham- g burg, returned home after spending a S week with Robt, and Mrs. Cochrane, j 14tH Con. • Miss Lizzie Dickson is home from Arthur where she has been n b teoching, b She will take clu'ge of S. S. No. 1 on b .the opening of the Fall term. We o expect she will do- well. come to Roe s. church at 8 p. 4)t. July 22nd and frolic . by the light of the T moon. A'' moon perigee -in and full t moon cookies and -lemonade for every. t 0110.' The Grey Voters' List for 1913 wait Gist posted up on Tuesday of this n week. There are 1,078 names on the tl list sub -divided as follows : 'Part I, 4 709; Part II, 263; Part III, 16. 503, are al competent as jurors. tv We congratulate Stuart Grant, son of A. D. and Mrs. Grant, 8th coir., on laAlicilsislelcillitil,l,eFergetion Is ho l idayil Miss A es Welker mai DAV 1,9 of Toronto, wore renewing old 4ie1dst/ips in Ethel. At p ublic;meetingheld last week it was decided •i led to purchase 2 acres 9f land lox. sebool purposes from Joseph Raynard, across the road front pres- ent• site, The price is $460,00. A. new modern schoolhouse will likely be erected next Summer and the old grounds sold, School affair's will now likely drop back /to noitnal since the e, has t as been c;hosei#. Lrthol pupils did well at the En trance which is a compliment to them and their teacher, Miss Danbrook 8 were successful ono of 8 who wrote fn order of merit the list is as fol lows :-Della AlcKee, 605; Edit Ferguson, 497 ; Myrtle Bowes, 453 Peat! Dobson, 432; Maurice Me Lellaad, 403 ; and Norman Addle, 808. Misses McKee and Ferguson wer'e'in the honor roll, 1913 W, H5 HERR, Pro/r etor its IMPORTANT LECTURE COINING M Mar MnNaughot .., .. .....5O l k Aon■um Btipnthe subiec! Hazel 9r1 9y 449 d Adu' t Addle lV1 t l , ,.... P Y ., , ,,.,,390 Weare glad to announce ,hat the Advance Agent of the National Sanitarium Association has been in tower this week arranging for a Lec- ture to be repeated byJ, B. 'Watson, Field Secretary ancT Lecturer of the Association an '+Tuberculosis and the Muskoka Free Hospital for Oonsnmp. fives.' Lecture will be delivered on the 5th day of August in the Town Hall. Tose who have been privileged .to heae this lecture will be glad to have , the opportunity of hearing it again. We strongly recommend those who have not heard it to make a point of h doing so. Entertainment, interest ; and education ate its three very out- - standing features, Jamestown Next Sabbath eveniu lames s Pear. sots, B. A., will take charge offthe ser- vice in Victoria Hall. Ile is au ex- cellent speaker. Hiss Mabel Forrest, of Woodstock is visiting Miss illarion Forrest. She came to attend the funeral of Walter S. For'rest's little boy. ' Among.the young folk of this locali- ty who passed the Entrance examina- tion at Brussels were Misses AIag3•ie Richardson, Laura Bryans, Edith ing and Teressa Robb. THE ANNUAL Qu;LTme.-The mem- bers of the W. F. M. S. who Incl their nmol giriltingat. A. D. MiCosh's cer- tainly enjoyed Lhe afternoon: Too mach cannot be said for arr. and Mrs. ivlc0osh's hospitality. A goodly num- ber were present and quilted four milts besides other work as well and net but not least all enjoyed the tipper provided by Alm. M000sb. After such a good time we feel sdm of reaterinterest in our work, 14arwsrT : Lr'r'LL'` SON DIES.- Last unday morning about 4.30 o'clock, osepli Vernon, the belly boy of Vallee S. attd Christina Forrest, 2nd 4)e, niatmie, wits taken away to the osom of the Good Shepherd. The right little !addle was only 11 months ld lint he was long enongh in the orae to endear himself to father and other and many will sympathise f you wish to find out moonshine m ith them in them sore. bereavement. he cause of death was congestion of hebrain,' brought on clueing the eething period. Funeral took place o Brussels cemetery Tuesday after- oon, Rev. Mr. Cook, of Bluevale, onducting a service appropriate to 1e ocettsiou. The pall bearers were cousins :-Teressa' and Hazel Robb id Viola anti Christie McLeod. All ore white and carried boquets which ere deposited on the grave. heading the Entrance examination class at Brussels and taking honors. His total marks were 560. Stuart is is pupil of S. S. N9. 8 in which Thos. Arittstrong is the teacher. - This week W. L. McQuart•ie and sister, Mrs, Wright, left for , their respective !fomes in'iSte West. Their mother, Mrs. Rector Nh narrie, and sister, Mrs. Frank Streit o f Bens- setsper tl . n and relatives andfriends there-title'..�, tnorith or so. They secured their. tickets from 13. L. Jackson, 0, P. R. idca' agent, at Brussels. A welcome visitor was here from Winnipeg in the person of Thomas Turnbull, . He is, the eldest son of Andrew and Mrs. Tut'nbull and has been in the West for Ole past 24 years. Mr. Turnbull is the President of the Pioneer Land Company and does a large business: Tilts was only his 40) time home. Misses Jean and Isabel, c]anghter's, accompanied the visitor. Mr. Turnbull has a good. -acquaintance with Westet'n real es- tate and has dope well. Ethel Township Council will met here next Monday. Miss Florence Walls, of Toronto, is a visitor with Mrs. Wm. Sleminon. Haying is in full swing and wheat eating about ready on Ole farmers' program. We'll be down next Monday even- ing to whoop it up for Brussels at the Foot Ball match. Mrs. Franklin and baby Dorothy, or St.r Geo ge were bore for it visit at the fortner's parental hone. Gent'ge Beuniogtou, of Hamilton, is_ a visitor at his uncle's, G. W. Pollard, Ethel, fur a few weeks. We are glad to report that Audery 'Btemner, who has been ill with pnetnnottn,' is impt•oving and will Bonn be as well its ever we hope. Last Sabbath afternoon Rev, Mr. Thymi, of Palmerston, took the service its the I'tosbyleriau chtn'ch bete in the absence of Rev. Mr. Alc- 0ni100b, who is Ili. 75 Orangemen and their friends went from am lysis hast Saturday to spend the .12th at Guelph. The morning -wets 0npeopitittus but' the afternoon was better. A special train took the excursionists. • "The 1 e malatle of Elijah"' the i t- terestin topic of J 1 r ( t Rev. Ale. 1.1 •- g pc Kelvey's disannrse Inst Sabbath even - tog at the Methodist church He re. ferret. to the decease of the late Ali•, Citn'ke, who bad been a faithful fol- lower of his Master, in connection with the sei'ntm». J1taM>•1 I0 lh.ubecic trh o had a close Pail nom m nn death by falling into the ex- cavation at the G. P 1l.. tinnttable at Kinccnrdine a short tithe ago,' is getting better, Hie soil is a fireman on an engine and the 'father was visiting with into at the time of the accident. IIe feif 8 feet said no: ane noticing hint he was, in danger of serines inimy until he called for help. We trttst he will soon be fully reeter- ed: Morris Are yon oub for contracting? Read the Cottneil advt, in this issue of THE POST. Misses Ethel and Ella Ledgerwood, of Guelph, were visiting at the hotne of S. and Mrs. Walker, 6th line. Welcome vi i s tors are het:e, from Delos ams A]at' aloha, in the : persons of Mrs. Adam. Smith and daughters. -^s Anna and Verna. The former hale^ } fly passed bee 1st; year piano exam„ tiu,ic.L teat class honors. It is 22 years since tat. Smith first went West, _, We are pleased to note that's ta May Wilkinson, 4th line, was success- ful in passing het examination in Intermediate piano, taking ;87 per cent giving her honors. She wrote ati Seaforth. We congratulate Miss Wilkinson' and teacher Aiiss Bain, of Stratford, and wish ler continued success Both in teaching and studying. Taos, OAALPBELL DECEASED. -Thos. Campbell formerly of lot 18,• 8rd line Morris, died at the home of his son, Alex. near Gaylord, Mich., on July 3rd, in his 80th year. Mr, Campbell was the third son of the late Alex- tunder. Campbell and was born in Stnerington township near Kingston. When a young man be came with his 1parents to Tuckersmith ]n the year 851 and wits married to Miss Eliza Ann Johnston and with his young wife settled on lot 18, col. 4, then n bush lot out of which they made a comfortable home. 28 Yeats ago he and family moved . to Michigan, near Gaylord. .6 sons and a daughter were bo'n to them. A son and daughter are deceased. Mts. Campbell died twn;years ago. Two 800s are in the West and 3 are living on good farms near Gaylord, Michigan, Deceased was a nttcle to Mrs. S. Walker, Oth line, Laid Calvin Campbell and the Misses Campbell line, aro- brother rand sistors respectively. Mr. Damp bell had many friends who esteemed hint highiy. Belgrave FINE FIC-NI0,- A goodly repre. sentatiott of the members of the Wit tgham Branch 4)E the Women's Institute joined the Belgrave Branch tntd them friends in a'choit;e plc-nic on the beautiful river park of Charles Wilkinson, 401 litre, Alottis, Thurs- day, July. 10h, Weather appeared eared dteary in • the morning but at noon cioncts disappeared, the tun shone it: all its splendoe, a r'efr'eshing cool breeze cleared the atmosphere end this after the extreme heat had an invigorating nratai g effect on those pres- ent.1 .Lh s wits evident by Lite en- thusiasm in which the sports were entered into. • A game of Base Ball Wee played, the players being diesel: by James Taylor and Clayton Proc- ter and were ropeeseutative of both branches, These were assisted by two or three the hemes , i' members t t the other sox and resulted in a humorous and interesting. game. Daring the after. Croon old acquaintances were renewed while seine of the, niore thoughtful revelled in the beauties of Nature along the river, blink. Hot tea was served, which wasmade on the ground and abundant refreshments were served to the satisfaction of all present. The afternoon's proceedings were brought to close by a brisk game of foot ball which was played by the youths itnd the married men and was entered into by the latter with no small degree of enthusiasm, 411 dispersed to their home unanimous that the grounds were ideal with the Maitland river on the East and North, tp range of hills on the West and South, it beautiful level valley 'beneath; the weather lovely, the crowd good natured, the pie-nic the best that has bee» held here under the auspices of the Institute. RIGN SCRRQR ENTRANCE The following is a list of the suc- cessful, candidates at the recent Junior High Schoot Entrance ex- amination at Brussels and Seaforth. The total number of marks was 650. Those who got 40 per cent on each subject and 60 per cent of the total or 390 marks are granted pass entrance certificates and those getting 487 marks honor entrance certificates :- BRUSSELS ENTRANCE 'maULTS Norman .Addy...........................898 Laura Ament .. 555 Madeline Baker 433 Eliza Bishop ............ ........406 Myrtle Bowes .458 Laura Bryans 419 Donald Buchanan 417 0. Robb. Campbell ...... 510" Maud damming 470 Harold Currie SOT Wilfred Dennis 390 Pearl Dobson 432 Edith Ferguson ...497 Stuart Grant 500 .Edith L. Ting .408 Alice Al. Knech tel. 400 Gordon Khight 487 Gilbert Mo0i1lum, 440 Millie McFarlane427 Adella McKee ...,.... .. 505 Annie McLauchlin 438 Thos. Mc Lauchlit t 479 Maurice McLelland.... ....... 403 Edwin Miller 400 Maggie E. Perrie .493 Ella Rands 516 Maggie Richardson 520 Teressa Robb 429 „kgnes Sangster... 890 't('lorenre Scott..., .... 454 Chas. Sehett a .......... 399 Vernon Siuetacrr. , 412 Ernest Smith `'s433 Marion Smith" ,; Elsie Sperling. 473 Iona Steles 391 Roy Stewart. ...552 Alex, 'Thompson 407' Gordon Wagborn .402 Lawson Wright .534 Sohn Yuil1. ............. .... 497 The following candidates obtained the highest marks in the various sub- jects at the Brussels Centre :- Reading ........Maud Gumming W t•t ti u g......., .Ella . Ramis Spelling Maud Cumming,Ern- est Smith, Roy Stewart and Lawson Wright (equal) Literature.... Laura Ament, Maggie Richardson and ,toy Stewart (equal) Arithmetic -.Laura Ament, .Alex, Thompson and Lawson Wright (100% each) Glrammar Lawson Weight Geography...Stuart, Grant and Roy Stewart (equal) Composition Roy Stewart SEAri ORTx3 ENTRANCE RESULTS Warren Ameut, Douglas Beattie Edgar Beattie Florence Beattie , Wm. 3. Be11 Thos. A.Blancitfor'd Kathleen Burrows. Irene Carbert Alonzo Chapman Garnet Chapman Lewis E. Chesney, .......... ...... .,,...,..488 Geo, B. Clarke ...........................433 Margaret Cuthill 543 'Gantt Daytona .421 Florence Deem ........ ..............452 Thos. Downey. 440 Mavy Edmund., ........... ..................402 David Eyre ...... ............. ...........800 Feed Faulkner :.......:......... .462 Ethyl Gtie Y ve 412 Elton Hoist . .......... 406 Agnes I;Cughes . . 420 Edith Hunt 477 Howard Kerr, .,..;.,478 !late P. AluOhnchey............. ......474 Win. McDowell. 450 Anntt McGrath .•...,.,,.. 474 Margaret McKay ...... ........•442 Jettnte McLean 441 Reith Mclean .,, ,.569 Kathleen McMann ,.450 Margaret McMichael .'t' .... ..........420 4488`22 428 .493 ..;..,417 544 481 443 391 Wm, Nigh, ... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,422 Olive Ranitin., ,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,b25 Reginald field ..,, ..,486 Martha I, Riley,...,,„ •.• ,,,, ,, 428 Marion Scarlett,,.,,,,,,, ,,,. 450 Jaynes F, Scott... , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,491 Marguerite Stewart,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 584> Nerve' Stimo•e ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,410 Agnea Tborntot ,44'7 David Wilson ............. ..... 468 manse's Agnes Curtin ......... ...... ..,.,.447 Hester Godicin 506 Thos. Holland 415 George Iier'r 443 Joseph Mathews. 408 Joseph Aloylen 424 Loretto Roach. 445 The following candidates obtained the highest marks in the various sub - pets :- SEAE'ozecw CENTRE Readies......,.Keith McLean Writing Warren Amen t Spelling Florence Beattie, Edith Hunt, " Wm. McDowell, Anna McGrath, equal. Literatm'e,-,.-, Wnr, J. Bell Arithmetic Warren Ament, Mar- garetOuthill, (10033' each) Grammar Marguerite Stewart Geography +' Composition" The Town Scholarship was awarded to Marguerite Stewart and the Country Scholarship to Margaret Cuthill BLYTH Ioina Stotbers 580 Mary McMurchie 572 Sara Alilue 539 Elsie Fawcett 515 Roy Toll .492 •,Ellen Phillips 492 Leslie McElroy 482 Violet Buchanan .. ..........474 Stanley Mutch... . ....................468 Sylvia Coombs . ,.....,.........,440 Grant Laundy... 446 Walter McGowan 440 Dennis Robertson 438 Grace Stalker .... .. 438 Percy Manning 418 George Brown 895 Carrie E. Sinus .admitted Owing to illness Carrie Sims was unable to write at the examinations, but owing to the high standingat- tained at all the week! examinations. she was passed by,the Board of Examiners. July 12th Celebration LUOICNOW The 1201 of July was right loyally celebrated here Saturda e y at- tendance is estimated to ha eh been over 5,000. Rain in the forenoon laid the dust and laid it well, but did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Loyal Orangemen, In the afternoon the weather was ideal. Some 20 lodges were represented iu the procession. Inspiring music was furnished by the Kincardine and Lucknow Pipe Band and Wingham Brass Bands a d, Sp e were Speeches w ' delivered by Reeve Murdoch, who welcomed the people to Lueknow, by A. H, Mute grove, M. P. P., John Joynt, J. J. Bunter, of Kincardine, Rev. J. W. Hibbert, of Wingham ;Rev. Durrant, Lacknow, S. M. Duyzers, of Kincar- dine and Dr. A. AI. Spence, chair- man of the local lodge. baseball m g be�treerr"' A arch t Luck - now and Wingham-ire til s ted in a score of 10 to 5 in favor ofi'fhe former. 1.etig features of the 1 � o`rragh, of Ashfield, who won the prize offered, for the oldest Orangeman in the procession and the member who has been the longest associated with the Order. He is 89 years of age and for 71 years has been a member of the Orange Society. Other prize winnerswere as follows :-, Lodge marching in the most ordet'- ly'ntanner, (number of members not considered), Maple Grove Lodge 1,644. Best dressed lodge, Wingham ; car- -eying best banner, Belfast. Lodge with greatest number of members iu procession, Wingham. Best fifer and drummer, Percy and Emmet son, of Ripley. Best brass band in attendance, Winghatn. 12TH DN- HENSALL I3eusall saw one of the greatest days in its histnry,last Saturday. Between four and five thousand people gather - ea for the big celebration. In the afternoon a procession head- ed bythe bands marched to Moyer's Park and addresses were given by Reeve Ortwein, resident ministers and a number of other speakers. Hensel! Brass Baud met the trains and played during the day, The following were the prize win- ner's l- Best flag and banner -Exeter, No. 924, Lodge coming the longest distance - Port Albert, g No.2176 distance stance 38 miles. Best fife and driun band -Su -tuner - bill, 925.. Best Lodge e in ora - cl° la Bay- field g P ...4)d B e l r n a .e 3rd t, River - tot No. 141. g , + s Oldest metnber ingood'. standing- Thomas )J1liott, Goderich Township, 90 years of age, 65years a member of g member Lodge,e, NO. . 189 ' Wm. Johnston, OS Years it member of Vr pWuop Lodge, No. 813 ; David Beacom, 08 years a member and 48 years with Blyth Lodge. Theud es of lodes were W' 1 g g 'William Shepherd, Garnet Sinallaconthe. The Wholesale Grocess' G este' Guild went* an independent trade commission. Exemptions of certain lands from taxation in Montreal are impoverish- ing the city.