HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-7-10, Page 8-Fs gsi.f sae • Paris Violet Dike Green 'ialCUIE Powder The time Got using this is right at band and the sooner yea ialefs your potatoes an ftm,11ciation the fewer bugs ,tpttvi will be to kill. Our aris Green is 4re and Strong and we bey the best that is to be had. It is a certain amount of work iu puttiny, mParts Green, and in oi der not to be disappointed with the work it is very necessary to use good stuff. Ours is a dependable grade and it will pay to use it. Price 35c a pound e-Vola-tibeauidnier made even more so by the use ot this high grade Powder, Without doubt there le no better Talcum Powder on the market then Violet Delve. Con Mining- the best of ingredients and delicately perfumed it will appeal to yon at once. Refreshing, Cooling and Antiseptic. Destroys the Odor of Perspiration. Stops Prickly Heat. 1N TWO TINTS Flesh and White 25 Cents per can. rhe ,eaa store F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. focal It tus CUT the weeds. THE Maitland river is very low. Sc000s. Board will met Friday even- ing of this week. MASONIC Grand Lodge will open next Wednesday at °trews. POOLE vs. Brussels Friday evening of this v eel: on Victoria P.ttk It will be a dandy game. A rink of Bowlers from Brussels may attend the Tournament at Mount Forest next week, A block of cement sideealk, oppo site the Backer butcher shop, burst up last week, caused by the heat it is sup posel. It was relayed this week. Taz great heat of Saturday was succeeded ou Sunday by a decided cool spell in t hich overcall's were brought into use and fires were rekiuellect itt stoves not frequently used in July. Esrreatece Examination re,urns are not to hand yet but are expected for next week. If the "slow coach" de- partment thought of the anxiety boys end girls are in they'd get a bigger bus- tle on them. WOMEN'S IrisTeruTit.-The next meet- ing of Brussels Women's Institute will be held, in the Public L brary audience raom. Friday afternoon of next week. ath iust., at 2.30 o'cicck. Mrs oin) Holmes will introduce the topic "'nee value of oure air, sunshine and the bath." You me iuvited. BASE BALL. -Listowel Base Ball nine played a game here Saturday eveuiug on Victoria Park with tue local cli niond dusters Score was 7-6 in facer or the visitors. It was not et rorless ball but Cor the little practice our lads get it was a good game. A return match was on the program Ibis week at Listowel. WORD was received here of the de- cease of Thos. Knechtel, ouneest sou of the late Jno. N. Kueclitel. He lived at Alsask, Sask., and bail been in poor health for some time. His wife and family survive, I: is it good many years since Mr. Knechtel vas here. Brussels was his birthplace. His wife was Miss Reid formerly of this local,ty. SEWING Csacre.-A Social evening will be given, under the auspices of the Sewing Circle of Melville church, on tbe Manse lawn, Thursdzy evening of next week, rith inst. Good program and retresliments. Should weather conditions be unfavorable entertain- ment will be held in Melville church basemeut. Admission x5 tents ; child- ren so cents. HURON OLD Boa:a-The following s`taaatss ys visited Brussels Monday after- s touring Huron Co. by noon w .t Sloan, IS, Floods', Maj• Hodson, Roger Crock- eadjek, N. W. Heron, W. I. Tim s, Robertesms,s,11.-S. Sheppard, Chas. 'ffei7 11. 1. McIn- tosh and W. T. Packenham. With flags flying and horns tooting they cut quite a dash. To THE Puthao -The Postoffice door is left unlocked after 6 3o p. tn. and the wicket is opened for a few minutes on distribution of the night mail as a privi- lege to box holders only and not for a lounging room to eat peanuts and litter the floor with the shells. If the patrons of the office appreciate this privilege and wish it continued they want to drop the peanut game. F. S. SCOTT, Postmaster, GARDEN PARTV,-The Garde Party held at the home of Mrs. lames Wilsos, . Elizabeth street, under the auspices of St. John's A, Y. P. A , turned out very pleasantly. After supper program consisted of Gramophone selections ; vocal umbers by .Miss McGregor, F, O. Gilroy and J. G. lobes ; Instru- mentals by D. Taylor, C. Richards and Misses Bryans ; Reading by Miss Berva Bryans ; duet by Bobs and Marjorie Campbell and short addresses by Revels Messrs. Mann and Wren. The chair was occupied by Mr. Payne. !Thanks B. E. Oaten were retorted to Mrs. Wilsoa for the L. M. Sperling use of her grounds. . W, H. Work. OBIT. -After an illness of 5 months THE Poss' congratulates the scholars on Wm, Edwards, of Gorrie, .brother to George Edwar.is and Mrs. Heist and Mrs, Doll, of Brussels, paid Natere's debt Thursday ot last week, aged 65 years and 2 monthe, Funeral took plate Saturday afternoon to Wroxeter. cemetery, conducted by Rev. Mr. 'Ackland and Mr. Gee, of Lietowel. Mr. Edwards was born in Markham townehip-and came West in /863 living on Lot 3, Con. 6. Grey. Associated with his brother he followed sawmilling for yea's; and afterward was 'in business at Belenore before moving to Gorrie his son succeeding him, Mrs. Edwards, who was Miss Margaret Lynn, of Grey township, 3 Sees:Mtn., f Belmore George of Listowels and Jag. at home) and 5 datighters .(Elizabellt, of Van- Ceirtver, B. C. ; Emma, at home • Mrs. Barton, Belmore ; /ane and Mabel is Toronto) survive, Al, were present At the fatieral except daughter in the West, A daughter, Sarah, died 1 years ago. Relatives from BtuSgels, and Mrs. Churchill of McGaw, a niece, sittelided tile leg Sad facia motor or Beck, F. er, N. B. C A broken plate glass was removed from S. C, Wilson's grocery and a new one placed iu its steed. lloase races at Listowel are the attraction of equine fanciers this week. Brussels is represented. F °UNTIL D:Visloo Cour' was held Wednesday aftet nt.ou of last week before judge Holt. Docket was a light one, Irersestermeax Foot Ball Fridev even - ing of this week. Poole and Brussels will contest tu the semi finals, Return match at Poole Monday evening next. LIGHTNING rather upset the telephone business last week. 72 Iittts were burned out, Milton Lake, the busy lineman, soon had them put to rigbls. LA -T week W. W. Harris made a shipment of creamery butter from his factory for which 25 cents a pound was received. Recant showers have :lone the pastures good thereby assisiing in the sup; ly of cream. Two cars of tile have arrived front 'reroute for the Johe street sewer They cost over Seim which is consider ably over the eugineer's estimate. We suppose this will be occasioned in the in- creased cost of wages, &c. -0 Loses -A sum of money with elastic bands around it, lost on Alain or 51111 streets, Brus- sels, on Saturder. June 28th. Pinder will he rewarded by leaving same at Tog POST. ERE/. cal for the Deering and Prost & Wood implements. also for the Fleury and Cook. shutt plows, sold by E. G, Pitu, Brussels. TWo litters of choice young pigs for sale. Lot 10, Con. 7, Grey. CHAS. LAMONT. Phone 2111. Brussels P. 0. WA NTEO -A Kitchen girl at the American , Hotel, at once. Mos. JAMES. W000 WAISTED. -60,000 lbst for cash or trade. Highest prices. Bring along your butter and eggs. IVe want them. KING BROS., Mitcham, DR. IL P. PARKER. Osteopath and Eye Spec- , Joliet. at Mr. S. T. Plum's, Brussels -Tuesdays 7 to 10.80a. m. 47-tf i SHARE, boy wanted to learn the printing. One who has passed the Entrance preferred. Apply at emu Poss.. SEE AlcGregor about lawn mowers. 0 12TH or JULY Luexteow.-A spec- ial train will be run to Lucknow on Sat- urday, in connection with the Orauge Celebratiou there, for which the time end fares will be as follows :- Henfryn ...7 35 a. m. Fare $t 05 Ethel . ....7 so " " r oo Brussels 8 " " 8o Bluevale 8 2,1 " " 6o Arriving at Lucknow at 9.15 o'clock. Returning train will leave Lucknow at 7 P. in. Dirt Nor COME. -Many were disap- pointed last Friday evening nt the non- appearance of Poole Foot Ball teat'.' Shortly after 5 they telephoned her -1 that owing to rain the automobile 'yellers did not want to come and isas-a's too late for train or livery service. Referee Mc. Cutcheous of Stratford, WAS on band and all were annoyed et the non-atrival. Since then new dates have beeu arrang- ed aud the match comes off Friday even ing of this week. Poole has a strong team stud will no doubt give a good au- couut of themselves. Go and cheer Bressels to victory. BatisSaLs PUPILS Do WELL. -In the Lower School examinations the pupils of Brussels school nearly swept the class, only one failing out of re who wrote and 3 taking honors. Following is the list arranged alphabetically :- HONORS W. S. Armstrong G. Deadman F. A. Roe VASS A. L. Ballantvue W. 3, Hoover C. W. Lott E. F. Lowry W. 14. Lowry M. R. Machtin al, 1. McLatichliu J. McLennan G, I. McQuarrie their success. LAWN PARTY.- Thursday evening of last week an enjoyable time was spent at the Methodist Parsonage lawn, After lunch was served a short pro- gram was presented consisting of Gramophone selections by S. Carter's machine ; two solos by F. Il..Gilrov ; Addresses by Mr. Payne, of St, John's church, and Rev. Mr, Mann, 13. A., of Melville church ; solo by MiSs Minnie Walker ; humorous recitation by Miss Berea Bryant; ; Introduction and words of welcome to new pastor ; duet, Miss Alta Pryne and Mr, Gilroy ; Address by Rev. D, Wren. M. A. W. 1.1. Kerr presided as Chain -eon, Ice Croon, lemonade, etc., were dispensed. The proceeds atuounting to $43 oo went to the treasury of the Ladies Atth Lawn was illuminated by electric light. Rev. and Mrs. Wren met a goodly nnte. her of their new parishiobersfor the Si -at them. The words of kindly, wel- come float Messrs, Paytte and Mann were very heartily reeiptoeitted by the neat pastor, tv.,:sttp. The Matropolitan Bank! gaplital Paid up Fund • • Undivided Profits . $1,000,000.00 1,250,000.00 ,181,858.20 HEAD OFFIOE - TORONTO „loint Deposit Accounts are a convenience 'w arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town, Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH P. H. GILROY. MANAGER swielmoN06•04•~0~~.•~10.1101~•••••••WWW•04141~01108. •••=nmooms The PosT is thankful to a number ot suiscribers who are squariug up sub- scriptions, Slow is your sub, gentle reader? SATURDAY of this week will be the ' glorious 12:h" when the Orangemen of Brussels will go to Lucknow for the day's celebration. A rink of bowlers, consisting of D. C. Ross, A. Strachan, R. F. Downing and Jnu. Duticau went to the Tourna- ment at Goderich last Tuesday. ABOUT a dozen members of the Orange Order went to Walton last Sun- day morning to hear the Funnusl set, mon preached by Rev. R A. Lundy. They prouonnced it a fine service. Last Sabbath evening the members of Brussels Orange Lodge and visiting brethren attended Melville church, marshalled by M. H Moore, Rev, Mr. Mann preached a sermon suitable to the occasion deding with Peter -the tack. Mrs. Addie Wright rendere 1 a choice solo. On return to the Lodge room a resolution of appreciation was passed to the pastor, choir and trustees of the church, alas, HARK1IIK AN:AVERS THE ROLL -Tuesday of this week Bessie Nig- Donald, beloved wife of. Wm, Habkirk, Teeswater, form- rly of Brussels, passed away. She was married 18 years ago and is survived by her husband and two daughters (Nlisses Bessie and Mary,) Mrs. EIabkirk had been ill Si 1,Ce Febru- ary with anaemia and her demise is re- gretted by a wide circle of friends. Fuueral took place Tbuesday afternoon. Robert and Mrs. Henderson attended from Brusselg. Mr. Habkiik is R 00515111 of Mr. Henderson's. ADDRESS AND PRE,ENTAT1ON. - Wednesday evening of last week mem- bers of Melville church choir and rep- resentatives of the School assembled at the home of S C. and Mrs. Wilson to enjoy a social hour with L'. F. Ruther- ford. who was removing from town to 'Voronto. The following address was read by Lorne Eckmier and A. Mc- Dermott made the presentation :- Ma O. F, RUTHERFORD, Brussels, Ont., DEAR SIR. -We. your friends and associates in the Church and Eucleavor choirs, and the Sabbath School Teach- ers of Melville church, Brussels, having learned of your removal from town, have met here this evening to spend a social hour with you, before your de- parture. While we deeply regret the loss we are about to sustain we heartily Miss Jessie Elliott hes gone to Ed. 10001.011 011 a holiday trip. J. Kyle wag here from Clilfora last Sunday for a short visit, Miss Stele Wiltou, teacher. is home from Elmira for her vactitiou. Nliss Maud Brvans leas been spending 0 few days with Pillsouburg relatives Miss Lily Pethick, of Swift -tab, was visiting Miss Laura Bateman storing the past week.. Miss jean Armstrong Is home from Toronto. where sbe hits been teaching tar her vacation. • George Colvin jr., is here on a vaca- tion treat St, Marys where he is em- ployed as coatmaker. Harry and Mrs. Grainger, Moles- wottla were visitors with J and Misses Grainger, Mill street, Miss Liva Ritchie, of Marton, is 5 visitor with Miss Grace Stewart, Queen street, The ladies are cousins. Miss Nellie Vipond. of Atwood. is visiting tier cousius, Misses Beatrice and Allis Curry, Queen street. MisS McCormick, ot Trowbridge. was a visitor wi-h Miss Rine Hunter and other frienclt for a few days this week Mrs, Alfred Strowger and little daughter, Dorothy, of 11£1011H110, visiting Mrs. D. M. Scott, Elizabeth street. isS M uriel 'Brothers, of Toronto, is enjoying her vacation at the home of her grandmother, Mrs, James Wilson, Brussels. Miss Helen Robertson, of Clinton, is holidaying with her uncle end aunt, (runes and Mrs Batten' yne, Queen street. A. L and Mrs. Porteous, of Seafortli, were visitors at the home of Geo find Mrs. Lows., Princess street. The ladies are sisters. Miss Hamilton. of Erin, Out.. is the guest hi Miss Annie McQuarrin The latter has been filling a position as mil liner in the same village. Wm. Wilton h's been on the sick list this week, taking cold lest Sunarte when he and Mrs Wilton drove to Sea - forth to visit a re'ative who is ill. Mrs 1. C. Cooper, of Chicago, is here assisting in caring for her brother, Thos. Newsom, who is 011 the sick list Nurse McArthur has charge of the case Jno. and Mrs. Ferguson and child- ren are holideving itt Chalmer's church misuse at Armiew, the home of Rev B. McRae and family. Mrs, Fergnson is a dim bier Jno. and Mrs Landsboroa of Win. congratulate you upon your well istersapeg. are here on a holiday visit evih - ed promotion. During the two years the Leatherdale family and other old you have spent here you have labored earnestly Feud zealously by the giving of your time and talent in promoting the interests of the church as well as of Society in general and for this devotitsi, to duty accept our graitude „ 1-•"e- trust that the influence of youts iate and con- duct will be au incetstaie to other young men to set up higher Idea's for themselves. -As a slight recognition of ottrreaard and esteem for you as well '..s of our appreciation of your valuable services, please accept this gold -headed umbrella and as this gift unfolded may protect you front storm and rain, so may the Everlasting arms be around and about you to guard and guide you through life. Signed ou behalf of the Choirs and Sabbath Shoot Teachers. LORNE W. D, ECKM1ER, JEAN MOJR-E, Laza: Ross, JAMES Fox. A McDentstorr The recipient made a short appropriate reply. Short speeches were made by Rev, A. J. Mann. 13 A , F. H. Gilroy and others expressive of good services rendered by Mr. Rutherford while in town and wishing him the best ;hat was going. People We Talk About Athol McQua--rie, 01 Goierich, was home for the week end. Miss Cartie McCracken is home from She securscl her ticket from H. L Toronto for her vacatien. Tackson, local C. P. R., agent, Mist, Bechanan will be absent for a couple of Miss Alice Richmond is a visitor at the Methodist Parsonage, months. Miss Nellie Irwin, of Toronto, svas . Miss Carpenter, of Winona, was a visitor with bliss Flo. Buchanan, renewing old friendships in Brussels Miss Irene Barkley is here on a visit for a few claY'• coming on the 11;x elusion of Huron OBoys. She wasld at the parental home front Toronto. Miss Margaret McLauchlin returned a former resident being a daughter of to Detroit with W. and Mrs, Leslie, - C. and Mrs. Scott, of Toronto, were guests at the home of S, C. and Mrs. Wilson. Miss Edith Deaclman is here for her vacation, She is teaching in Middle- sex CO. Mies Potter, of Goderich, has been visiting Miss Jessie Cunningham, her cousin Miss Rebecca Sherrie is visiting her sister, Mrs, Walter Sharp, at Goderich and enjoying the lake breezes. W. E flaist, of Atwood, was here for a short visit with his parents. He has been off work with a sore arm. Mrs. Mast, of:Hespeler, a cousin of David Heist, Brussels, died Thursday of last week. She was past 70 years of nge, hars. lames ShaW has gone on a holi- day to Butmis, Alta., to visit relatives. She was accompanied by Mre. W. E. Duncan and daughter'Who wereyreturn. lug home. Mns. T. W. Kerney and daughtere, o Guelph, are here tor a few months, living io their cottage, Terubsrry street. Mr. Kerney will come at the week end and put in a few holidays as Weill friends. The eneasasyears are dealiug kindly syish. them. mesS Garfield McDonald and son, William Gordon McDonald. of Niagara Falls, are visiting at the home of Wm and Mrs, Gordon, Flora street. Mrs. McDonald is a niece. Miss Belle Henderson, spent a week at Port Colborne with her brothers end from there goes this week to New- ark. New Jersey, where she will visit relatives and friends. Mrs. H. B. Churchill, of ' McGaw. was here attending the funeral of her uncle, Wm. Edwards. of Gorrie. Mr, Churchill drove over for her Saturday evening. Mrs. Robert Strachnd and daughter, of Grev, are visiting at the home of M. Buchanan, Brussels The former is me having any too rugged health and hopes by the change to gain in vigor. Dr,Mrs and Miss Wilson and Mrs, Follics, of Mildmey 1 13 and Mrs. Hicks, of Gorrie 1 and 3 D and airs. Miller, of Tarnestown, were visitors with S C. and Mrs. Wilson, Flora street. Charles flartliff, of Clinton, was a visitor here for n few days, Mr. Bartliff resided in this If/Calif,' for several veers Rad consequeutly- his visit was an enjoyable one in meeting old friends This week Miss Flo. Buchanan left for a visit at Victoria. B. C., and neinerous other pointe iu the West. James and Mrs. I, win. . Wm. 13atetnan, Joshua Bateman and wife, Misses Florence Ftnd-Phyllis Free man, and George and Frank Atwood, of Toronto, were visiting relatives and friends for s few days. They came on the Huron ota Boys' Excursion last Sat urslay. Last Saturday our veteran towneman, David Ross, celebrated his 87th birth. day bv working in his garden, Which is a model for thrift and care. Along with a host or old trimils Toe POST joins bit hearty eollgrrittllationS to 8'r, Ross over the annivetsery. Druggist Frank Smith and Miss Dora Smith left last week on a holiday trip to.the West, They will go as far as Edmonton and will cell at Borden, Sask., and visit their brothers, They will also spend some time at Winnipeg, Brandon and other points with relatives and will be away for several weeks. S Y Taylor, of Calgary, was re. visiting old scenes in and about Bros - gels. He is a sominaew of George and Mrs, Crooks, and taught sotto& in S. 5, No. 3,- Grey township, -in the early clays of his pedagocic life, Mr, Taylor 15 in close touch with the life of Calgruy and thieke it Ali Ideal city., ....salestaieseaaes easeets, assaSsaal.1.1.eserese,Asia.....ass eseasese. 111E STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRT14N PER CENT. PJR ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending 81st July, 1913, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1913, to shareholders of record of 25th July, 1918, By order of the Board. Toronto, 17th June, 1918, eesemeseeseeseeteeeem, Our townsman, Thos. Newsom is not Al Prldliam, N RatIfoitt, Et Ronnie, I progressing healthward se fast as old H Robertson, M L Redtnond, M 1) friends would wish but we hope itn- Robertson, A Rodaway, F A Roe proyemeut luny goon follow. Dr, Alex. McKelvey, who has been to Germany and England on a trlp, is expected lieme on Tuesday or Wednes- day of next week. He has had a fine time which be enjoyed very much. GB*, P. scHoLvIELD, General Manager. 149 el CO NI : 6 : * ".. IA * • y i o ! • •e t, .... .=. * • • 'TkOhOCO I ates : • '-- . 1. .9 . . . 2 me only wits, te-atldree art Y : . • s ; brand 01 ConfectiOner0e- le o O try the goods when they are o fresh. Yon will pass favor- • able juclgmenS upon a • 0 LOWER SCHOOL EXAMINATION The Department of Education Tues- day announced the results of examina- tions en teance into the model schools, seniM. high school entrance, sentoe public; school graduation diploma, lower school examination entrance into the Normal schools and faculties of education, The certificates of successful candi- dates and the statements of Intuits of those who failed will be mailed 1.0 Principals oe inspectoes in the course of a few days. HURON COUNTY - 31 Adams, la S elekiii, AI L Altaciii, .3 L Allan, 81 E Allen, ill 1 Andereor, W 13 Artosteong, (H), A L 13alltent ytie, la L Barber, 0 Beacom, la A Brad- foed, G. W Buchanan N L Butalier, J J Campbell, 13 V Oarbeet, E I Carr, BRUSSELS MARKET M Case, 0 13 Oohs Maude Cook, Kb -- Cowan. 110 Cowan, W RIO Cox, 1-1 711014 * 91 07 D Cumming, R W Cunningham, H R ;;',:g 00 Currie, I Ill Currie, M G °caste, Mar- Earley 48 jorie Davidsou, G Desch/Ian (11), P F ?latter 20 Doyle, Al, Elliott, 'V R Evans, L W ijg,g, , 8 75 21 Vinkbeinets Al 0 Galt, al J Garvey, - Wool washed 20 Et 1 Garvey, K A Gibbons, C M Gil- ; wool rilwaPheel 18 kinsou (11), 14 A Gilkinson (In E (H), B A Ross, M Ross,M. Shackle- ton, H Budlike, Susillle, N L Smith, 1111 Sperling, L Stewart, R. isi Stoddart,T.TStottehouse. V A. WEI- ers, 1 IL Sweet, F A Taylor, 0 E Taylor, P Taylor, Thomson, 0 NI Tichboeite, A. L Tierney, ;0 E Toll, 111 P Teueumer, 13 11 Walker, 14, E Walters, 13 J Weeniest, 3 I -Webb, "In Welsh, L 13 Wilkinson, A 1 Wil- son, 1.1 \Vise, W I-1 Work, 3 0 Young, MARRIED LITTGE-MIL0Toa.-•0" July 8rd, at 2 o'olook, 50 the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. D. T. h. 01oKerroll, Miss Mary, youngest daughter of Mr. and Aire. Robert Miller, 411 Central avenue. West Toronto, to Mr. Perey T. Little, Vancouver, B. LI., Hall of Air. Wiltiste Little, Prince Albert, Snsk. PERav-Conal E. -On July 8rd, at the rest. donee of the bride's uncle, Rev. R..7, Cur- rie, Bothwell, Ont„ Alice Dunn, daughter of Mr. and Airs. George Currie, to Mr. Gladstone Perri°, of Alit cheil, Ont - DIED CANTroN.-In Morristosvitship, on July 4th, Peter Cantlon, in ilia 85th year. EDWARDS. -At Gorrie, on July Brd, William Edwards, aged 05 years and 2 months. I Horn, 14 I linkmen, V Hearn,' S G Henry, 11 R Hinchley, A la Hoare, H S Holmes, Ve3 Hoover, M G Isard, G ler Ivison, G JefferSon, T Sordati, E F :Joyce, L 15 Kaake, La Kteake'T 14 Kerupton, R Laird, la 81 Little, 0 \V Lott, E 1 Lowry, R Lowry, I11 It Meehan, E Man- ning (3-3), J Middleton, 0 R Miller (H), P 13 Moffatt, E al Moss, A. 21 nom°, W 3 Nlutiro, A McKay, A H macEarcher (13), 38 E aloPheison, A. 13 MacRitchie, 13 n alcAt thur. N E McCaughey (13), G McDowell (H), M. I McLanchlin, 3 McLennan, E Mc- Michael, G I McQuarrie, E G Nairn, .1 Nairn, W H Nelson, B E Oaten, W E O'Brien, L Oestreicher, 10 111 Phelan, GA. Plunkett. P I Potter, E s 98 40 92 50 21 21 8 75 20 18 The People's Column r,TRAYED PROM RENPIIYN on July ist, a red now with 0 tents and n calf 2 menthe tis at foot. Also a % bred Hoist ern heifer rising 2 years, reddish brown and while in color. Any information leading to their re- covery will be thankfully received Phone 854 S. S. COLE, label. TWO CHOICE YOUNG SOWS for sale, will I farrow last week of July. Lot 211. Con, 18, Grey township. W..1, PATTERSON, 2-2 Phone 4015 idolicrieff.P. 0. TEACHER WANTED for S. S. No. 5, Morris Is township, duties to commence September 2nd. A pplicanta to State salary, qualifications and experience. Not -manta preferred. Ap- plications received up to August 4st. RICHARD PROCTER, 2-4 Seoretary,Eelgrave P. 0. 2 Nylo Chocolates 0 05 purchased from OS beCallSO of this facts The Nylo Ohoo- • o Mates aye as pure and delie- 0 2 Wes as can be found and we 411: w have them in great variety • • front 25o tip to $1,25 per box at • • S • ® 0 X'Si • • 0 • • DRUG STORE • O 0 O 0 seecaoassoesoses000susess• Q11.ADLI DURHAM BULL, 16 months old, for sale. Call at Lot 22, Con 10, Grey township, or Phone 0016. Terms to suit pur- chaser. CHAS, CLEAVER, Ethel 5.0. mupirr.ezns.1.02AT OEM -80 acres of tot 14, 00a. ICTOWL:S4iIngfteigltgea:tend bank barn, good orahar , abundance of good I water. Pric,es$08L,0001;1m. nAvLeBI‘OvReTsbrw0 iEn,apeg, 2-4 TEACHER WANTED for S. S. No 10 M Hs township, DIIS011 00., Milli. to, won't: mence September 2,11, Applicants to state salary, qualification and experience. Normal. Ito preferred, CHAS. B. FORREST, Jr. 1-8 Secret Jaarrn...Tsit.oea,,snu rer P.O.. IC XPERIENOED TEACHER wanted for 5.8. 11 No, 11, Walton, cluth s to commence after Sommer holidays State salaryand,expeir. !once please. Applies Monti received up o Jily 12511. THOMAS H. BOLGER, Secretary, Walton P. O. I i" 100511 LAWN PARA]." FOR SALE.- .., The undersigned offers for sale Ills line MO acre farm, being North Ball Lot 26, Con. 0. Morris tow aship, Enron Co. Perm is Inc good state of cultivation well fenced, and has on it a Rue brtok house dant coat $11,500. Good lawn surrounded by wader hedge. Barn 52S 60 feet on Stone foandatIon, Good orchard and 10 sores of hardwood bush. Perm is only a mile from the splendid In !What town of Brussels and is 1K miles from school. Good commun. ity. Possession at once. Por further particu- lars, price, terms, 50.. apply on the premises or to JOHN ittOONBY, Proprietor, Brussels 3.0, SSISOSessaSsa2MagGatalass.16.s.7.4.saS 6 t ; Ustowel FirsBusiness College Your first step toward success. Pall term opens September 1, Send for new free catalogue to iOVVIN G. MATTHEWS, Prin. 'IM'Al'AVAVitAYektitSitfi'M;WPAYAV Brussels Daylight Store h.„,„,.,„,...„.„..,...,„,„,,,;.,‘„,.„..,„.„,,,.,„,,„,„,,;„,,,,,.,,,,..i.,,,..„.,„..„,,,.„,..„„,..,„„..„„„,,„„,.„,.,...i.,„,„„„,,..,„„„„„„„„,.„„,„„„,„„,„,.„,..„,.„,„„,„,.„,.„..„„,„,,,,„„„,.„„„„„.„..„„„,.„,.„,.„..„„,.,,, • 4. • + i: A..... .Sa...l.e.. of Wash Dresses ... ... +:•: 4. a, • + Ladles', Misses' and Children's Sizes • 4. : We are clearing out all lines of Wash Dresses, all sizes in light and dark colors, : G. R. McLaren • • • • • • • • .1. • • • 44 • • • • • • • • 4. • • • • Ladies, Misses and Children 20 per cent less than Regular Prices. This is a snap worth while • 4. • ....... • • • A Complete Assortment of Cotton Hosiery • • We are showing a complete line of Cotton Hosiery in Ladies', Misses', Children's and • •ft Boys' sizes, all at lowest prices. • • • coots aau iinees We have a splendid stock of Boots and • Shoes for Ladies and Men, for Boys, Girls and Children -the best values to be had. Also a number of odd lines -Canvas Boots, Strap Slippers and Oxfords -at Reduced Prices. • I 0 5 I Ready. • 4, 4.• to Wear Z Only a few Ladies' Suits left, in Black, Tan and Blue Serges and Heather Mixi. - ed Tweeds, being cleared at 25 per * cent less than regular prices. Also a :- few LadiesWash Suits and Linen Coats going at Half Price. r, Men Ready-to-wear Claiming for and Boys The largest stock and be,st :values we have ever shown. -Men's Suits at 6.00, 7.50, 10.00 up to $18.00 Boys' Suits at 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 up to $6.00 * Every Suit extra good value, made by the best makers in Canada. Call and see theth and compare prices and qualities. You will find it worth while. • Prices for Produce. O. 14. McLa.ren Always the Highest ••••••••••••••••+•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••