HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-7-3, Page 8a1dY
Gree n.
The time for using this is right
at hand aud the sooner you give
your potatoes an application the
fewer bugs there will be to kill.
D!'6r Paris Green is
PAdre and Strong
end we buy the best that is to
ee had. It is a certain amount
of work in putting on Paris
Green, and in order not to be
disappointed with the work it
is very necessary to use good
stuff. Ours is a dependable
grade anti it will pay to use it.
Price 85c a pound
Violet Dolce
Talcum Pounder
Glorious Summer trade even more
80 by the use of this high grade
Powder. Without doubt there is
no better Talcum Powder on the
market than Violet Dulee. Con
tinning the best of ingredients and
delicately perfumed it will appeal to
you at once.
Refreshing, Cooling and Antiseptic.
Destroys the Odor of Perspiration.
Stops Prickly Heat.
Flesh and White
25 Cents per can,
The Store F
Arra' Betus gthrcs
STRAWBERRIES were a short crop this
COUNCIL will meet next Monday
dreT. Ross' store front has a new
ss of paint.
CUT the weeds and prevent them
from seeding.
1'. BARR took a shipment of cattle to
Toronto this week. Market was not
Hoesre and rigs were at a premium
on Dominion Day, showing that many
went out of town.
BRUSSELS took a r'ade•up Foot Ball
Lestn to Wingham last Monday and
played a match with the town eleven.
Jar boys won by 2 to 1,
THREE ri ks of Blyth Bowling team
teere here Thursday of last week,
I• Ain interfered with the afternoon
',lay but an enjoyable time was put in
after supper. Brussels had the victory.
School Board has engaged H. R.
Henderson Toronto, as Principal of the
Continuation school, as ,nccessor to
B. S. Scott. Mr. Henderson is well
qualified and has A t recommendations.
He will assume charge in September at
opening of the term.
CARD of Txemes.-We take this
opportunity sr thanking a wide circle ot
friends for maty kindnesses and words
of sympathy iu connection with the ill-
ness and decease of Mr. Cardiff They
made tete pathway a good deal smoother.
Yours gratefully,
John Kyle, wbo has been G. P. R agent
at Brussels for nearly 5 years, left for
Clifford where he will be in charge.
Airs. Kyle and daughters will remove as
5000 Ra a house can be obtained. Re-
lieving agent Coby, of Breslau is holding
the tort in the meantime and s new agent
will likely soon be appointed We
wish the Kyle family an enjoyable terns
a' Clifford.
PRESENTATION.- The boys in Miss
Martha Smith's class, assembled at the
tescher's home, Princess street, recently
for n social evening. One of the
features was the presentation of a brief
aldrees to Beverly Oaten, a member of
tee class removing from town, ac-
companied by a pair of gold cuff links
and a tie clip. Beverly's reply was
nicely done. He was a faithful mem•
ber of the class and took an active part
and carries with him the good wishes
of the Sunday School.
I)FAR SIR, -Would you be kind enough
to insert the following in this week's
Pose' as an explanation, which I trust
will be satisfactory to all parties. Last
Saturday afternoon my son Fred, lost
some money on the street and the blame
appears to be attached to Emil Berfeltz
for having fottnd same and Win. Ma -
Nair is said to have been with him.
How this report got circulated 1' tet••
thinly cannot tell. my son seems to have
been told certain things and then to
have said certain things and so the
matter got mixed up. Mr. Berfeltz
and Mr. McNair have. been to see me
and have fully denied any knowledge of
the finding Y of the atone and I am
bound to accept what they say and am
heartily sorry any reflection should have
been cast upon these gentlemen end I
do hereby exonerate them from all guilt
and trust the community will accept this
as my honest c0nvictiol.
j,'1', Woon
13AcX FROM THE WEST - Last weelc
(', R. Bennett arrived back to town
floe Stoughton, Sask., where he bas
aro acres, after an absence of 4,mouths.
lie says the prospects are A r for a
good mop as they pact plenty of rain.
New railway buildine is going to
make conditions lunch better there al-
..lhoegh too much propertyis held by
land owners. There has been quite an
emigration from that part of Sasltatche-
wan to Montana, U. S., where home-
steading regulations are broader than
Canadian, one illustration being that
320 acres may be homesteaded instead.
of 16o with us, There were many
auction sales in co se t ence of these
t•einotrals. While live stook sold high,t
horses from $450 to 2600 a pair and
cowe from $8o up implements went
sometimes for a mere .song. Steam
plows are being worked by some of tine
big farmers but seme farming is done
on a very poor scale: There is a good
eo"tntry round Stoughton and many of
the rasiclents are doing well. Money
ie light and interest high bet a good
crop should . loosen things up. There
have been some greet bargains in farms
ow• tothe stringency and a person
with a few thousand drillers could. strike
F01110 snaps if on the . spot to :ave first
hand information, Mr. Bennett looks
es if his trip agreed well with him, He
end his faMily Will continue to make
melt honetu Brussels, Robert David-
son, Mr, Bennett's brother•fn-law, is iu
Charge of the latter's ferht and should
handle it all right.
Quite a number of Brusselites took in
the sports at Wingbam on Dominion
FRIDAY of this week will be the
"glorious 4th" on which our American
cousins usually jubilate.
AN Italian violinist and harpist visited
Brussels Wednesday and discoursed a
large quantity of music.
BRU8S1;Ls Volunteer Company arrived
bone last Friday evening from camp at
London, coming by special train The
bnvs say they hal a good time,
BY R new order from the department
no advertisiug matter will be permitted
to be placed in the poslofece other than
that relating to postal affairs. Post
master Scott has consequeutly made a
GARDEN PARTY,- On Tuesday even-
ing, July Sth a Garden Party under the
auspices of St, John's Anglican young
People's Association, will be held on the
lawn at Mrs. Jas. Wilson's, Elizabeth
street, Brussels. Refreshments, good
program, booth, etc. You are invited
to attend.
DONT forget the Lawn Party at the
Methodist church Thursday evening of
this week, Choice program of short
addresses, vocal and instil" nleutal music.
Rev. and Mrs. Wren, the new pastor
and his wife are expected to be present,
Refreshments will be served Rad a
booth will also be on the grounds.
-o --
GENTS' gold buckle ring with two rubies
lost between Brussels and Joseph Oster's,
Grey, Will the finder kindly leave it et TND
Pn8 e.
Loag,-A emu of money with elastic bands
around it, lout on Malt or 51111 ptraeta, Bras-
ses:', rdettby leaving Jaue 28th. Plndor w111. be
rewarded by leaving sante at TAD POST.
REPAIIte for the Dearth g and Frost & Wood
fundaments. also for the Fleury and Cock.
shlitt plows, sold by E. G. PLUM, Brussels,
SWAT TOR Rooswea,-Note to your time to
clean up your 1212 roosters and old hens that
bring you no returns. Save feed and turn
them into cash. Broilers from 138t,, to 2lbs., 22
aerate pper lb jar 125, Delivery Monday and.
Tuesday of each week,
52.2 RolT, TUWtsoN,
Two litters of choloe young pigs far sale.
Lot 10, Con. 7, Grey, CI(A0. LAMONT,
Phone 211s- Brussels P. 0.
WANTED. -.A Kitchen girl at the American
Hotel, at once. MRs. JAMES.
WooL WANTED. -10,000 lbs. for cash or
trade. Highest prices. Bring along your
butter and eggs. We want then.
ZINOBRos., Wingham,
Nostirso nicerthnn City Dairy Ice Cream
Brieks for speoial occasions. All flavors at
GaEWAR'e. -
QUANTITY of first -Wass potatoes at
Dn, R. F. PASBna. Osteopath and Eye Spec-
ialist. at Mr. S. T. Plum's, Brussels -Tuesdays
7 to 10,80 am, 47 -If
SMART boy wanted to learn the printing.
One who has passed the Entrance preferred,
Apply at Tau POET.
Sat McGregor about lawn mowers,
POOLE, (a village about 4 miles from.
elilverton) Foot Ball team will be here
Friday evening. They trounced
Listowel and thereby won that District
and are now, like Alexander of old,
looking for new worlds to "lick." At.
tend the game and nee Brussels twin an.
other victory. The visitors play a
strong gone nevertheless.
GONR TO HER REST. -On June 26th,
the many old friends of Mrs. Jno,
Lawson, formerly Miss Clara Blanche
MeQuariie, daughter of H. and MIs.
plc uarrie. g
of this locality, were
much sorrow by the sad news of her
demise at Denver, Col., where she had
been visiting her sister. Mrs, Chas.
Pringle.Six •ears ago Miss McQuarrie
g1 g
gave her heart and hand to iehn Law-
son, of Goderich and about three years
later the latter's health began to fall and
despite change of air and 8oene and the
best attention ile passed away at Sum.
merlend, 13, C., on October 6th, 1912,
and Was buried at Goderich. Devoted
ly attached to her husband, Mrs. Law-
son not only cared for him with greatest
solicitude while in life, (which some-
what undermined iter nervous system)
but she grieved over his demise and to
such an extent that it soon began 10 tell
on her. She went to Denver end she
and her sister took a trip to Summer.
land but of no avail so far as return to
health was concerned. Mrs. Wriglit, of
Melrose Sask,, spent the month of May
with Mra. Lawson at Denver but it was
plain to be seen thenew strain Ott . t a was
doing 115 work and the end came no As
above stated The remains were
brought to Gocletich accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Prin le and interred
alongside ler liusbaecl, after a brief
separation of 9 months, Revels. Messrs.
Boss and Hatnilton conducting the ser-
vice at Goderich. All the members of
the deceased e family were present at
the funeral except Mrs. Fallis. of MAO.
ehesler, England, W, L. McQna•rie,
of Saskatoon, rind MIS Wright, coming
from the West, We remember the
bright facets sunshin
Clara Mr uarrie
in iter girlhood a5 she sang let Roe's
church choir and shared !u the League
service and watched her clevelonment
of eheraclet' as site grew into young
won aul M
t no 1 but her race was soon rrtn.
Her fine Christian ebm•acter, and lady-
like demeanor will ever live in the mem•
ory of old friends who deeply syrnpathise
with the bereaVetl.
The Metropolitan Bank
Capital Paid up 81,000,000.00
nesorvo Fund - - • - 1,200,000,00
Undivided Proflte - - - - •181,888.20
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those livingout
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened,
Misses Niue Rogers one 'Belle Me•
Lauchlin, who had been visiting here
for the past month or so, left for their
house ie Portage le Prairie, Man , on
Thursday of this week,
'1'ENNte.-Iu the Ladies"reunis Com-
petition Miss Florence Buchanan hetet
Miss Isabel Strachan in the finals with a
score of :--4.6 6 3 6 4, 'l'be tourna-
ment tor gents was won by Stewart Fox
who beat Jas. Fox by ti -9 6 g, The
games have been most interestiug,
HURON Co. CousTs.- The non -jury
sittings of the Supreme Court of
Ontario opened at Goderich on Tues-
day of last week. Chancellor Sir John
Boyd presiding, The Autumn assize
court sittings in Goderich will be as
follows ; September 30, non -jury, be-
fore Justice Lennox November 25.
jury, before 'justice Britton,
LAST Saturday afternoon n meeting of
East Huron Agricultural Society Dir-
ectors was (held to amend and extend the
F1 Fair l Fn r Yrize List for r
o 913 and plan
other preliminaries. The date of the
Fair will be Thursday and Friday,
October kid and 30d. An effort will
be made to cap the climax this year.
That will be no easy matter as East
Huron Fall Fair has been a fine one for
many n day.
CARD or THANxs.--We have been
nigh o'er tvhelmed with our bereavement
its the demise of our daughter and
sister, Mrs John Lawson, but kiudly
sympathy, tendered by people near and
far, coupled with companionship of the
"Friend nigh at baud" hes tended to
sweeten the bitter cup. We are grate.
ful for the kiudly sympathy and ap-
preciate it very highly.
Yours sorrowfully,
C. 7'. Rutherford, who has most ac-
ceptably tilled the post ot teller at the
Metropolitan Bank for the past 2 years,
has been moved to Toronto and L N.
Meelorinne, of Milton. appoiu"ed in his
stead stere. We welcome the latter to
town. Mr. Rutherford made himself
very usetulin the Presbyterian church
choir and Sabbath School as well as
lending his services at social funotions
as soloist. THE POST wishes him sue
A RousER.-Goderich Township Old
Boys' Reuniou at H0ltnesville, Tuesday
was a great success, attendance 3,oro
and receipts$600, Weather was ideal
and program splendid W. Prouclfoot,
M. P. P , Robt Holmes, ex- M. P., T.
McMillan, clergymen and many old
boys s oke. There was As A tremendous
prize list and everything went off well.
The camp meeting was largely attended
Sunday Robt. Holmes, formerly 01
New Era, Clinton, preached in the
morning and Rev. A. K. Birks, of Dun-
das, in the evening. Four Old Boys
spoke in the afternoon • Everyone was
well pleased. Rev. R 1. McCormick
is•the hustling pastor of the Methodist
'T'Hos. TRAVIS DECEArPD.-Word was
received on Tuesday of the decease of
'T'hos. Travis, of Flint, Mich„ brother-
in•law to Mrs. D. Ewan and the Misses
Holmes. He had been bothered with
thentnatism for about 5 years but was
only ill for a week. 30 years ago Mr.
Travis married Miss Marin Holmes
who survives him. They have no
family. Deceased was a cheerful, joy-
ful man who made the best of his ail-
ment. He belonged to the Methodist
church, Mr. and Mrs. Trevis spent lis
wears in Brussels, malting their home at
D. Ewan's. '11110 latter and Miss
Rebecca Holmes attended the funeral.
Mrs. Travis is deeply sympathised with
in her sorrow,
Era of last week reports the wedding of
F, R, 'Turner and Miss 'Fernie Alliu as
follows :•- "Ontario Street Methodist
Church was the seeue of s very pretty
wedding 111 110011 Wednesday when
Alice Fernlee, eldest daughter of Rev,
S. 1, and Mrs. Atliu was married to
Frederick R. 'Punier, of gegina, The
neremouv was performed by the father
of the bride assisted by the Rev, 1. E
Ford, of Wesley church. The bride
wearing a gown of cream satin chante-
use with tulle veil and orange blossoms
and carrying a shower baguet of lilies
of t vorchids, the alto and mauve orcht
d, entered
the church with her brothel. A, It,
Alliu, of Toronto, and Miss Mavfrid
Allis Was bridesmaid. Miss Mabel Me -
Ewen, of Toronto, and Miss Hattie
Levis, of Clinton, preceded the bridal
party from en ais'e with ribbons. D
W, McIntosh,, of Brandon, wee best man
the other attendants being Jack Mc-
Ewen, of Toronto and V. W. Allin, of
Detroit. The ladies of the eb
I oi r had
cor to
t e
decorated d th church for the oecasl0n
a very prettyeffect being secured w
ferns daises end minis The wedding
, l d ng
music twee played by Mrs. W. 1 Tre-
leaven, o'genist of the church end while
the register was being signed Miss Bea
White, of Windsor, sang DeKoveu's
"Oh Promise Me." After dejeuner
Mr, and Mrs. Turner lett for a short
trip to Muskoka before going to •their
home in Regina, the bride travelling in
Et Stilt of bleak and gold silk With silk
'Pagel -braid hat to match, Gtteuta Were
present from Toronto, London, Detr il
Cleveland, Windsor, Stratford, Brandon,
Parkhill and other points." The
church choir presented the I,i'ln1 with a
choice piece of out glass and the Board
sent ber a note of apP rect oa lou f
vocal services rendered. Mrs, Turner
was a former Brmsselife and known to
many readers of THE Poem who extend
non gratulatl'oba,
People We Talk About
Mrs. P. Ameut was visiting in Lon-
Miss Gallagher is visiting relatives at
Misg Elsie Platt spent ;July rot at
Mrs. (Rev.) Mann and Alan are visit-
ing in Brampton.
Robert Dark was visiting in London
for it few days.
Mies Minnie Edwards visited at Blue•
vale over Sunday.
Miss Winnie McGuire is visiting eu
London and Detroit,
Mrs Joe. Hanna and babe, of Hen
salt, were visitors in to 11.
Ernest Miller, fireman on the G. T.
R„ was in town last 1oudae.
Albert aud Harry Lott are enjoying
the lube breezes at Kincardine.
Reeve Leckie was iu Goderich this
week on County business,
A. Denny of Buffalo. is a holiday
visitor at W. Outlay's Brussels.
Miss io Ross, of "Toronto, was 5
visitor with -relatives
iu Brussels.
J 12. Mallough, of Dungannon, ty2s
a holiday visitor et P, A211111'8.
Miss Berva Bayous, teacher of Tor
unto, is home for her vacation
e re, T. fMeFadzean spent several
days visiting at Palmerston and Listo.
We are glad to see Will, Antent able
to get out after his attack of typhoicl
George Rauhin, of Elora, WHS holi-
daying at Councillor McGuire's, William
W. J. and Mrs. Hunter, of Oshawa.
are renewing old friendships in Brus-
sels aud locality.
Carl Holmes ie home from Toronto.
where be is pursuing the study of drugs
iu connection with a store there.
af. and Mrs. Parker and Miss Marie
daughter, of. Elora, were visitors at the
home of Chas. Howlett, 'Queen street.
H. Drage, who has been working at
Hamilton for some mouths is home on
a holiday visit, He stay remain bete.
bliss Nellie Kilgour, of Blount
Forest, was here for the holiday visiting
Miss Nina Rogers and other friends.
Miss Kate Antent is home from Lou-
don where she bas been attending Bust.
cess College. She returns to assume a
Will. Long, of the Metropolitan Hank
staff, Milverton, was here over Sunday
visiting at the parental home. He's
always welcome, •
Glen Armstrong is here from Tor-
onto and will assist in the Frank Smith
drug store while the proprietor takes nn
Y>u•tiug to the West.
Mrs, and Miss M. McICenzie. of Dur-
ham, have been visiting Mrs, McCall,
Mrs. A. Smith kud other relatives in
Brussels and locality.
Mrs. V. Staadacher, of Seattle,
Washington, and Mrs. (Dr) Elliott, 01
Lucknow, were visitors at D. Ewau's
during the past week.
Mrs. Kenny, who was here ou a visit
with old friends, left for .Detroit on
Wednesday. She purposed calling at
St. Thomas en route,
Avon McKelvey, of Goodwster,
Sask , is ill with ty photd fever. We
hope he will soon be restored to his
usual health,
Miss Emma Colvin spent Dominion
Day with her brother, George,. in St
Marys, who, is coat -maker for J. 1.
Cardwell, of that town.
Rev, and Mrs. Wren aud sou Stewart
arrived in town on Wednesday and will
soon be settled in the Parsonage. We
welcome theta to town.
Miss Rosie Knee andMiss Margaret
Rutherford, of 'Detroit, have been..
of G C. and Mrs. Manners.
guests r..
'1•urnberry street, Brussels.
John Livingston, of Detroit, is here
ou a brief visit witlt his mother and
sister and other relatives and ell friends.
He came to Goderich by boat.
Percy'1`huell, of Loudon, is here re-
newing old •frfeadships. He put in 10
days drill with Brussels Company at
!Ake:. and came back with the bo, s.
Miss Bessie Edgar, of Toronto, and
Will. and Mrs. Leslie and son, Murray,
ef.g .
D troll are nests borne the hoa 0 t
Robert i
b t std -Mrs. Thomson., Queen
Miss Stella Gerry is holidaying with
kr sister, Mrs. Merklinger, in Hanover,
►. „W. and Mrs. Gilroy, of Mount
Forest, spent the holiday with F. li
and Mrs. Gilroy, of Brussels,
Percy Watt wife and child, of Tor-
onto, were holiday v Biters with the
format's sister, Mrs. Will. James dur-
ing past last week. Mr. • t
Wal was a
former t esoleal of Brussels.
11 and . R Mrs. McQu:•ri0 and 4V. P.
tied Mis, Stretion were at Goderich
during the ,past week, attending the
last sad • rites in connection wilh the
burial of the late Mrs Joh n Lawson.'
Wm. King, of, Ethel; is visiting his
daughters, Mrs, J. Beteman and Mrs
A. E, Hersey of town. The old gentle
man is, past 83 years of age but real
smart herringIt little rheumatism
Mrs J. le. Beveridge end deughter
Alice, who were Isere owing W to the illness
and subsequent demise a the former's
father, the late john Cardiff, left for
their home in the West this week.
Wm, and Mrs Goodwin and son, of
Chesiev, and Miss Simon
Buchiu ham of H ntil were a lon, w le guests
at the home of j, and Mrs, Kyle. Mill
street, Mr, and Mrs, Gootletle are the
tatter's parents,
Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91
Notice is hereby given that a dividendat the rate of THIRTEEN
PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has
been declared for the quarter ending 31st July, 1913, and that the
w 1 be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches
on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1918, to shareholders
of record of 26th July, 1913.
By order of the Board,
Toronto, 17th June, 1918.
General Manager,
Alex. Anderson look a.holitlay trip to
Dundas and Hamilton to visit relatives
end old friends.
Alfred and Mrs, Lowry were visiting
in Guelph aud 'Porout0 during the pest
weep with relatives. Mr, Lowry eon•
stilted a specialist in the Queen city
relative to his health which has not been
env loo good of late, Mauy friends
hope fur speedy inlproventent.
Miss Clara McCracken and Miss
Mattie Downing 011011 a few days in
town before leaving on a trip to Cali-
fornia. They will retu'n by the Pacific
Coast calling On relatives and friends
en route. We wish them a fine time
and a safe return.
Church Chimes
Next Sabbath's Sunday School lesson
is "The child Moses saved from death."
Seethe notes on another page.
Monthly missionary program in the
Methodist Sabbath School will be pre-
sented by bliss Ida Bailey's class meet
Su 1381', 13111 lost , is designated
"The World's Sundry School pat •" in
view of the great Convention at.Zurice,
Swiizerlend. A special order of
service has ween prepared for the day.
Children's service 8505 held in the
Presbyterian church last Sabbath morn-
ing. It was along •1temperarce lines
and the address was given by the pastor.
Evening' subject was "The place of the
church iu the world."
Rev. Dr. Oaten concluded his pastor-
ate of 3 years iu the Methodist church
last Sabbath evening. He did not
preach a farewell sermon hut, gave a
stirring discourse on Christian Citizeu-
-ship, from the text "Riglfteousness ex-
telteth a Nation, eec " in which some hot
shot was firers. lie and Miss Alta
Prrue sang •t choice duet and the choir
rendered two fine an hems. Dr, and
Mrs Oaten left on Monday far their
new home, 157 Melt Park, Toronto.
7,10a few months Dr, Oaten will supply
I`oronto pulpits while pastors etre holi-
daying and about September tat will en-
ter upon an evangelistic campaign, to
which work he will devote himself dur-
ing the coming tear, Ilii program Is
already filled. Old friends here wish
him success in his labors A number
of friends went to the depot to see them
off and wish thein God -speed,
a�uu�niv��Wt .� ,u�o.wc�.o'v �auwvn�x�
Rev. D, Wren. M. A., the incoming
pastor of- Brussels Methodist church,
will occupy the pulpit next Sabbath at
it a. in and 7 p, m He will also be in
charge of the monthly Fellowship ser•
vice et to a. m. and introduce the topic
"What 'are the essentials of a great
Nation 2"
The sixteenth anneal Convention
of Huron Co. W. C. T. U. was held
tulle 26 and 27. in the Methodist
church, Win hare, and was well at-
tended by the officers and supeeiti-
tendents of the seven Unicns of the
County, A number of delegates from
each Union were also present. Pro-
gress wits noted along the ahoy dif-
ferent lines of work taken up during
the year,
At the evening session, which was
held in the auditoriumofthe church,
Mrs. (Rev.) McAllister, of Exeter and
Rey. Powell addressed the audience
on different phases nt Temperalce
work, which were both iustrnetive
and interesting.
Thursday forenoon was taken up
With a few minutes talk of the Local
Presidents and -11 splendid paper given
by Mrs. Fitton, Exeter, 00 The
White Slave traffic."
Electioh of officers for the coming
year closed a very successful Coleett-
LI011• After a vote of thanks to Mrs.
Pollicis, of Exeter, the retiring Presi-
dent for her faithful work clueing the
past three years the following officers
were elected :-Miss Bentley, Blyth,
President; Mrs. McGuire, Brussels.
Vire-Pres. ; Mrs. Fitter, Exeter. Core
Secretary ; Miss Allan, Goderich,
liecordi ng - Secretaey ; Mrs. (Rev )
Sharpe, Exeter, Treasurer ; Repre-
sentative front the County to the
Provincial Convention to be held in
Stratford this year, Mrs. (Rev )
Shatpe, Exeter.
MIIRRAY.-At Ethel, on July 2nd, to Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Murray, a son,
PORTER - BENNETT. - At the home of the
bride's parents, Walton, on Wednesday,
Tune 25111,1w Rev. R. A. Lundy, Mr. Lloyd
E. Porter, of Grey, to MISS Mim,ie daugh-
ter of Air. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett,
1'he only way I ;fridge, any
• Mend of Confectionery Ls to
e try the goods when they ate
03 fresh. You will pass favor -
p able judgment upon yr
Nylo Chocolates
m purchased 19'on na because
® of this fact. The Nylo Choc-
0 olates are as pure and delic-
Y•• ions as can be found and we
• have them in gimlet varlety
0 front 25c up to $1.25 per box
• its ,
• ee
;F ;
0 0
LA 1yeON.-In Denver, Ool„ on Tuno.26tlt, Clara
Blanche McQuar rie, beloved wife of the
Into John Lawson, of Goderich, in her 2611.
NORMAN -In Grey township, on July let,
Mary J. McCall, beloved wife of George'
Spehmn, aged 411 years and 10 months.
Whoat $ 112 E 08
Oats 07 40
Burley 00 SO
Butter 20 21
Eggs 20 21
Hog-. 8 75 8 75
Wool washed . 211 20
Wool anwnshed ........ 18 18
The People's Column
stamina mina WANTED for 8 8. No, 10, Mor•
rie township, Huron Co., duties to com-
mence September 2nd. Apl>liounle to state
salary, quslitonti on and experience. Normal-
ite preferred, CHAS. B. 30RRE8T, Jr. '
1.0 Secretsry-Treasurer.
Jamestown P.O.
STRAYED on the premises of theundersi en.
ed, Lot 12, Oen, 14, MoKtllop, a 2•yea•-old
reel and white heifer. Owner is requested to
prove property, pay expenses and bake her
away, CHAS. CASE,
Phone 9810 Walton P. 0.
'VS Wood Working Factory.
51.2 Palmerston, Ont,
t"rEAOBER WANTED fee S.S. No'4 Grey
township, Huron Co. Salary up to $800
according to qualification. Duties to Som-
menee on Sept 2nd. Applications received up
to July Mh. State experience and qualifies -
tion. B. PAYN,
Secretary, Jamestown.
G` No, 11, Walton, duties to commence after
Summer holidays. State salary and ex -per -
fence please. Applications received up to July
Soevetary, Welton P. 0.
t••t••a•♦+••1.+40+•a•••a♦•t•♦a•♦•t•♦•r♦+♦+•+•+♦+•••••••+♦+♦+♦+♦+♦•h 0•t•♦•r•sa•♦•II•♦4•♦k♦s•♦+♦•1•♦a••a•♦+••Nt
+ e
• Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren
♦ 1' 1'I' 0,I 'I 'I '1", 0,1'1' ,1 I 1 1'1 '1 'I '1 ,, '1'' nq, u,1,
iIPI'I I'1, IIIrD 1'11 1'I 'n , , n,e„ I n q 4' ,1 I:' A 1'Ir h 1 1 1 IIN "n
, Nbel,b uthtphn114t LLLLLe ltli bba,N, In'lusn6 61e ht42"t I uuhr4'I,ebtblibpl o,t L I�LV,LLtI hl, l„ Ut • •
t i f
dale Wash Dresseso as +
• M e®rw ,
• Ladies', Misses' and Children's Sixes
e We are clearing.out all lines of Wash Dresses, all sizes in lig ht and dark colors, for
s Ladies, Misses. and C:hildrel T
+• 20 per cent less than Regular Prices. This is a snap worth while I.•
A Complete Assortment of Cotton Hosiery
We areshowinga complete slur 'n a
f lineofCottonHo l L files Misses',Children's and
Boys' sizes,e8 all at loweststprices.
Boots and Shoes
We 'have a splendid stock of Boots and
Shoes for Ladies and Men, for Boys, Girls
a -
and Children -the nest values to be had.
Also a number of odd lines -Canvas
Boots, Strap Slippers and Oxfords -at
Reduced Prices,
Re d
tathes SLIItSta
•. V4/ear
Only a few Ladies' Suits_ heft, in Black,
Tan and Blue Serges. and. Heather Mix-
Tweeds, being cleared at 25 per
Cent .less than regular prices. Also a
few Ladies' Wash Suits and Linen Coats
going at Half Price.
Pa-to-wer Clothing
for Men
and - Boys
Every Suit extra good value, made by the best makers 111 Canada. Call and see them i
and compare prices and qualities. You will find it worth while, i
The largest stock and best values we have ever shown.
Men's Suitsat 6.00 7.50 10.00
, ! up to $18.00
Boys' Suits at 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 up to $6.00
Always the Highest
Prices for Produce.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4444 •t•••s•••t•••t••"r••a•••l.••t•mo••••e'•••••