HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-7-3, Page 5• BUSINESS CARDS. WM, SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE L10BNIiE8 91e0 In the Pest •soca, Ethel. 80.4 JOHN SUTHERLAND 108084808, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. �i\ S. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION• ♦ xxn, will Cell for better prices, to better men, In less time and Zees oharg0a than any other Auutio:mor in East liurou or be won't charge anythlug, Date:: and orders eau ala ail bu arracgod at nils ulnae or b7 0 ere mal application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ,/?t1 M. SINCLAIIi— T V • Barrister Solicitor Uuuvoyauaer, Notary rdblie, &a,' Mace-8iowart's Moog 1, door North of Central. Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Sauk. YLtOUDFOOT, DAYS & KILLORAN B ALt81 s'l rHR8, SOLICITU148, NUTABII8 PUBLIC, ETU, Ii W. Lnuunyoo. 0. BATe .1 I I, L• 141t,r,00A2 UNoae !.Lose formerly occupled by Messrs Camerae d: Holt, (Humans, 00'24210. ALLA LINE Royal Mail Steamers TO LIVERPOOL From Montreal Tnniola:1 Jono27 July J2 Victorian; Jaly 438 July 22 (lorsieen .. July 1 t Aug. 6 Virginian July 10 At1g• 12 TO GLASGOW Prebor(an June 28 Grampian July 6 Seandlnaviall .Tuly 12 Heaporian ......,July 10 Joly 21 July 81 Aug. 8 Aug, 14 TO LONDON AND HAVRE Corinthian ,1ole 20 A lip, 11 Stallion July 0 Aug, 10 Ionian .Tilly 19 Aug. Il Pomeralial. July 20 Aug. 24 8co11a1 July 27 Aug. 8) Full information as to rates, etc., 011 nppll at- tion to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. d .vrri ,d "Arno . n'b..6r,;rdr4wil.�" �`', ropens September 2nd ,, fall Terni your Decision between 3 Success and Failure. A course sic in the Popular t'.1.: ELLIOTT ` TORONTO, ONT. fy ° '� tion in tllo lsliainos orWorlle/teoi`The pAral step ie Important—your choice of a $cheoi. Our catalogue oxpluBls why thio College ranks among the boat on ' this continent. Write for one today, I Enter now. Oor, Young and t W. J. ELLIOTT, TE; '"�A'lexnllder $ts. i Principat. •� m gu,gtwAt�'Sgta'ErarAsar6219-t>a'9Aa?b14 CtENTRAL T R LiTR FO D., ONT. Canada's Best Business College y • Wo have thorough courses and Qom: V. patent experienced instructors. We l' do more for our students and grade• a aces Henn other schools do, At proems 3 • we have applications for trained help A • offering from 8000 to 91200 per annum, v Boaines0 men know whore -they get rho 3 best help. We have three departments • Copmet•oial, Shorthand and Telegrs- rct phy, Get oar free Catalogue. D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. • vAvvas® ivy _ Tuesday, Mar. 25 c is ihSopening Spring rm day the Business tr ' Thee I Bowel Calle e Y 9 To r W Courses— Ogln rnarcial and BtonoEraphy L 71� ' EDWIN Cr. MATTHEWS, Prin. ) 7 rfi?t Arl1�0AilSV��ie01,® AL�Q,"t^.A�.tPAi , AtA 4 THE Brains Best In Canada have pnrtioiputed in the else plwnlion of our splendid Ronne Study Courses in Banking, Esmionden,: nigher. Ana:untingB, Commercial Art, Show Oard Wrttiflg; Photography, Journal. ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand nod Bookkeeping, Solent the work which moat Ihtereoto you and write us for parttoitlnrs, Address THE BMW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 301.7 Tonga 8l., Toronto meemoesoommemosse months 011et11- peeing the St -courier g ors of young children should watch for any tt0llatueal looseness of the bowels. When given prompt atten- tionit this time act'ns Llnl le may be avoided. Chalnha110ill's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cab always be depended tiporl, Tisr sale by all dealers. 9.44—tti. ®o a _ d l a Embalmer W. H. L..OV Funeral Director n (Were promptiy and care. attendedfullattendedto night Ul' (lay. (Were Phone 228. ETHEL, ONTOJa at •'p'T'T'IT'T7'T1.7e Business Oards DR, T. T, NI' RAE Baehelur of Medicine, University of Toronto 1 Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy- sicians nod Surgeons, Ont. • Post -graduate Chicago Eye, Enr, NOae and Throat'iiuepani, Chic:mB(0,111. l;x•liouse Surgeon to St, Mich• eels llosphnl, Toronto. Olace over N, R. Smith's Drag Store. Tele. phone oolule)lUon with Uranbruok at all hours, DR. F. T. BRYANS Bnoholor of Medicine, University of Turunto ; bieentinte of College of lrh5 mentos and Sur. goons, Ontario ; ex -Settlor Hoaoo Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Mhos or late Dr, A. setEevesy, smut Vinnie, Brussels. Burnt phone 46. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Yhy oioinn a nit Surgeon ; Pont Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hoo - u ft1 ls. ,1 ieoial attention todlsen a of eye. ear, a nose and throat. Eyes Lusted for glasses. DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night walls. Gtlioe opposite Flour Milt, Ethel. MAUDE 0. BRYAAlS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Opphthal• otology, ilIoOormiok Medical College, Chicago, 111., to prepared to test eyes and At glasses at her office over Grswar's Rest nurnn t, Brussels, on Thursday, lrridey and Saturday of every week. 018oe hours Ito 6 p. m. Forenoons by appointment. Phone 1210. T. R. BENNETT Will give better setteruotion to both buyer and seller than any other Anotioneer and only simile what 1, reasonable. Stiles conducted anywhere In Ontario. Pore bred stoek Rules a specialty , Write or 'phone 2B Wroxeter. blfiN 1 ri2E1WIC E a irrr BRUSSELS 0101a0 SOUTH Goons N01l'l Mail 7:07 a in Express 10:55 a n, Eapreas.. ,. ..11:25 a 111 Mail 1;58 p nl Express 2:60 p m Express 8:52 p m CC.A dlnierY ?JW CIPIC WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express Tal n 103 I Express 11:55a m Express 2:67 pin Express 8:90 p an WROXETER Going East - 7:05a, m. and 9:56 p. m. Going West - 12.48 and D:47 p.m. All trains going Haat oonneot with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. The opening Up Elf A Continent The object of this article is to fulti11 an obligation I owe the Editor and Leaders of THE BRUSSELS POST. Then e is perhaps no more interest- ing country in the world than Africa, and there ore certainly few countries that equal it in resources. No Matter what line of study 434 1m7411 desires to pu10012 he will find abundant scope for all his powers in Africa's Virgin soil. If lie is 00 anthropologist this is 1010 Held of research. 10 Ile is interested in zoology he ha, a field laden with the most interesting fauna the world i leis.im 1 itli iter, possesses. 01 f i 1 9 t P :Limply the most undesirable of all (.MLssey� here is his paradise. From the point of view of the Irian of Ooumeroe here are subterranean beds of :'vast riches of gold, diamonds, copper and iron. All these varied interests appeal- to the Western mind anti while it is quite within the memory of all of us that Africa remained a closed contin- ent, praactically closed to the world at large, but to day her waters an0 plied by steamers while the country Is becoming a network of railroads, Colleges and institutions of learning are springing up in every quarter which are the result of years of labor 1 Missionaries, on the art c P the P e0 that Africa eau1 00 longer be called „ hese thenituleuL with 11 to "Dark U � nnnlerou8 centres of (earning. It is quite true that the popul(t.km of the groaner part, of Africa rine still 111 total ignorance, and civilization, looking ahead is trite which means ] 111 ahead 13 q i 1 there are foreign lc the African yet t g Y ubuntinut sig uslhuL the davit men Is being arousing onb of the lethargy iif the past and assimilating the new spo1L of push and progress with infected every witch ho is beingPe el at, tv e to bpoint. The old days of native travel y which all your goods were packed upon the books of 61e blackt men of Africa, and carried. for [rides "VP being fast superseded by the modern' up.to•date trains, with sleeping etnu- partMents all Lha p(LSSillg away of the 01(1 aystelns and the inauguration or new methods means much to the Tomeans 11 present African, some it; 1 let4t s p a A 1 hardship 100 all these improvements bring. all added X which a1 klel tat v1 ich i9 hut. tax upon the native to the white n114n this only means their training for if they are to tante their place among the races of the world they must matte good. To the missionary, who is closer than anyone else to the native there is no doubt in the cdmmrk omen's abilinyy to stake good. Today with the Ua 1e 60 Cairo r(ttl- 1.o Y 1 road almost 3onpleted and the 13enguelta R. R. progressing rapidly 601001(10 the interior to meet (110 Northern and Sonthern R. R., there. oertltiply 29 a new day of hope and progress for Africa, The one time tnelertous continent, fetal to the tvl,l t0 titan, IS now 1'e00a11Bg salubrious regions, veritable 1)01111,1 resorts so that, Angola with its vast P(osseus is bottoming the centre of lfomeseeleer8 or Iinglishtritm and colonials from t South Africa Vast tracts of land are bang eniLivattl cattle tenches ate being eolttltli3hed Braaten planta Hone ate white which ori)' it few days ago were not, seen anywhere by the writer. • Whon WOTon Su'ffe►. Look out fur weakness or disease, See If there is not a sideltohe, head- ache; restlessness and the "blues," These symptoms indicate that yon need the gentle aasistal of � nil L 1 1, Il 1Ce ,Or, Hamilton's Pills, They are 300031431'8 greaLeet relief, prevent Lune(1011111 deittllge111e11Ls, renew the life of the blood, h purify al (demi u+ y ;' 11G 1 tl JIQ ( )1 the S Nt(11 Y 1 • nu'ghoi L u tonic n potent, till 1 N (U I C a (t 111 10 eesult1 00 marked as Ibllow the use tui' Dr. IlttmilLon'e Pills. Price 25c per box at all dealers,. \Ve have only hinted at a few of the rapid stride that aur taking place all over Aft ice and claiming the thought and attention of the world, At present, England, Germany and Portugal are 01011011 0nuceimed about the timet asslgntneet of the territory of Angola. The English are hopeful that it, swill become the property of Etarla ld and it wunid seen] with the •Pm i.ilgneae 111 great, indebtedness of 80,000,000 and that mostly to mtg- Iand, with the vast expenditure of cap11a1 111 the moist' notion of the bonguelle It. 1't. that England would and should be Lhe rightful aduti11is- I.tutor of this colony end 00 Nation. is better fitted for LIis Wl11 k. 111 every cunlunulity the prim of real eeta4(0 rises LLS the people in any given community reach the ideal in Ieoral'Il and education. In Africa Y 1t in twit: the native's block but Many of ureal become oleo of character that would acid a any community and while the color ed man of A11101•4Ot4 has the tendency to become swell headed there is u7 such tlIt noticed 11600g the majority seen here With all the modern innovations he is seek- ing knowledge Lind they flock to the centers of training viz the 141102ion stations affording to r lob rlpppetunity (3r ethical MD amcl evangel tee thin. ' Among the ]Missions of Angola the American Congregational 'Board of 1\lisei0us take the lead and they have felt the press al' modern movements so much that the are undetstaki 4 1 Y g to built, at Buy's Ins4itllle which will be central to all Lhe work of lite 41issi011 and are also contemplating LL like institution for girls, It seems that in every department of the world's labor there are golden doors of oppoi'tnuity wide open for those who would enter them. Ilission work is usually hindered in Iheir eff01 ts' for leek of money aid men to meet the needs but, we believe there never was tL time when philan- thropy appealed to men as at the present time, which are clearly seen in the gicat undertakings of teen of wealth to support mission stations and rmisslotlal'it's in Chiba and else- where. To this sante need the African stretches out his hands for light and the 1141108ini14 of the A. 0. B. F. M. are endeavoring to meet it in this corner of God's field. The writer is 103 Charge of a little station situated on the side of a lmonut(Lin overlooking the valley a- a'0ea t0 the nlonntains away in Lhe distance. The site was chosen by the medicaal predecessor and every thought was given to hygienic consideration of the site so that the drainage is good which is necessary for utter ex. termination of the mosquitoes that carries off malaria. A 011/1011 stream flows down the mountains, its clear water sparkling in the sunshine which is perfectly pure and unc01talnivated from its source. The most beneficent institution frau the standpoint of the natives is the Eulbezenic hospital in which natives are healed of their diseases. Major or minor operations are pee - formed upon Liu operating table of African snake, something like the one upon which the writer's father used to dress hogs. To the suffering odes there is no limit to their hopes in the medical man's abilty to cute. SelptnZ methods of surgery or risks in under- taking an operation do not enter their uliud 111 fact there is no such word as tnicrobe in their vocabulary so that in a class upon Hygiene the writer in- troduced the word microbe in the hope that they will realize the danger of living in filth and flies. When you stop to think for to moment about the need of Medical 1nen it is appalling, Think if you will of a city like Toronto with but one physician and you Dan understand a medical loan's prltctice in Africa with. much loss to du the work at his coin - timed nnnd ii under mole tryingilg (i - et ul-ta4nces. Twice latelythe writer 1 s Iw has been called to Cunml he railroad station eleven anti a half miles away, travelling to patients who were sick tviI11 black wattle reser, a4 Most .focal disease in this part of Africa, The I difficult part 303043 that L tjourney ' was made at night, through the lou g , g g g1304343 vet, with dew, taking 2ho u s to go with natives 103 0 haul rout, through a region infested with hoes which •h n[takes rt 130110 to safe travelling 1V however the presence of an acetylene lantern illumutaliug the darkness made us feel comparatively safe.e. A native has jut come to say a girl W110 outside dying so that•, a hasty run W113 made t,o t',he'dispensay whore she was 201.111d with a severe attack of mala('iaand upon investigation it was found that she was storing the medicine in a pot instead of taknl€, it 1 , whereupon she was given heroic doses to oveecorne her critical condition. She is a new comet bat I venture to say that, she will be educated tomor- row by the other patients if she is in her right senses as they are keenly alive to the value of the foreign doctor's remedies. . The Educational work of a mission station consists of instruction in all the primary branches in the verntl- culla' of the country. English and Po Ltt taught bythe more gnes e are g a(lvalined class: its Is also Hygiene and 1>,11Hioto ' v KY• With hilt one matt upon a station 05110 has cIIal'ge (1f C01181I'11Oti0,1 1401(1 indushrial wa'10, school, evangelistic and medical Work, y(ui will perhaps appreciate the delay in receiving a ItiLler. Thus forgive the neglect of as there 110 adequate shelter duty .tq roe the writer and family and the task of 'articling a house Willi un - ()pained natives (03rd in field of o par- r l rltion comely 010(2 to thetti was quite ,1413 undertaking full of rich exper- iences laden with 'weary hours. Brick had to be burned, tilt+ made and WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Help LydiaFinds in E. Pink - ham's Y ham's Vegetable Compound. Cape 'Wolfe, Canada,—" Last XYlareh I Was a complete wreck. I had given up all hope of getting better or living any length of time, as I was such a sufferer from female troubles. But I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and today I am in good health and have a pair of twin boys two months oldand growing finely. I surprised doctors and neighbors for they all know what a wreck I was. "Now I am healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies. You may publish this letter if you like. I think if more women used your remedies they would have better health."—Mrs. J. T. Cook, Lot No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P,E.I„ Canada. Because your easels a diir cult one, and doctors having you no good, ood do not i continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, It surely has remedied many cases of female ills, such as inflamma- tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, ch e , and it may beexact] what you need. The Pinkham record is a proud and peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over the ob- stinateillsof women —ills that deal out despair. It is an es- tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has restored health 00,4 0'(8x0 to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need such a medicine? burned for the roof the first of its lc ind iu this part, floors to be cement. in order that they might be proof a- gainst white ants which simply de- vour chairs, tables, Scc. They have a special liking for books. All this work is a great training for the African and one of their ilnperative needs is industry so ive are believers as well -in the gospel of hard wont for the African. Evens sch a center as this there are seem al 1'amificatiotns of the work in different directions all direr- ed r i t from the one point. Wishing all the frieds every hap- piness and prosperity. Ip 1411 fellow fitithfuluess. I remain Yours Truly, R. G. MOFFAT. A. B. 0. F. 144., Cuma, Lobito Bay,. Angola, W. Africa. For soreness of the muscles, wheth- er induced vhetherinduced by violent exercise or in- jury, there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. This lini- ment also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by all fielders. Morris ScaooL REPORT.—Repoli of No. 8, Morris, far the month of June :—En- trance -0 Johnston, L. Turvey, J. Bosman, M. Gmasby, G. Agar. -Sr. IV in Spell.. Arith„ Gram. and Geog. ; total 400 ; pass 240—L. Brewer 817. Sr. III in Arith., Spell., Hist. and Gram ; total 400 ; pass 240—L. 'Pur- vey 800, F. Kerney 358, F. Sellers 880, 0. Brewer 270, 'AC. So1Oh 102. jr. III in Arith., Spell., Hist., Geog. and daily work ; total 500 ; pass 250-11. Warwick 807, 0. Mustard 805, 0. Solidi 4.4.+•+•+•44.4.•+• +4 +.4 1. • What we say it is -- IT IS • • w• o •v 4 edding +ss ,1, • 1 O Gluts + • s A well selected Assort- : ment of June Wedding • Gifts has just arrived in • 0 4. 4. : Fine Cut Glass ' I Sterling Silver and Silver 4. •Plated Ware 4.• + Also a nice assort- • meet of Oaks + Black and Mantle Clocks 4. 4 • • • Engagement Rings 2 • and Wedding + w • t. • Special Prices during June : 4 ® IIIMINSVADMIMESI • • J. R. Wendt •r . and 1903 r • Jeweller a c g aver gr Wroxeter I We Give Steady Employment to reliable energetic 0110(1 001' the sale nP our products. We give all themd• vantages that n rellatle, 3001 udva•tia• ed, established Ilan eau offer. If _you wls11 to represent us WNI4I'E NOW, before it 1i too late, for further infer• aastion, Over 600 Acres c finder 01111Vntiaa and °neer His most Complete Nursery plants in (lmmdp. Established 85year0. Fruecatalogue of Stock on application. PELHAIVI NURSERY 00. Toronto, Ontario 240, C. Bosuatn 818. Sr, II in Arith., Spell., Geog, and daily work ; total 450 ; pass 225—P. Gentles 819, , Fell 211, 7, Gaieties 205, I3. Gorillas 280, W. Kerney 5, *L. Oloaksy 3. Jr. II Int. in SpelI., Arith. and daily work ; total 350 ; pass 175-1,. Forbes 200. Jr, II in daily work ; total 170 ; pass 83—M. Grasby 130, Pt. II Sr.—A. Johnston 180• P1. II Jr,—•F. Brewer 09, Al. Warwick 71. Part 1 Sr.—W. Sellers 44, B• Soma) 30, L. 0811/180 35. Primer —J, McYettie 73, A. 'Purvey 511, F. Mustard 40, 0. Warwick 52, Average attendance 20, I. B. FLLAIN, Tellcher, 'The Deaf Made To Hear H Deafness because usually due to Catarrh, is quite curable, In 0 thous- and erases oris is proved absolutely true. Success invariably attends the use of Catarrhtlznuo which has cured ( 1 etul Tof deaf £ t ve 1 -flv e t J years standing. Penetrating throu h (heassn es of the eat the soothing vitriol ofgCatnirhnzone relieves the in8811111at1U11 destroys the seeds of Catau'h and thereby allows nature to re -assist herself, Try Catarrllozone yourself, 25c and 51.00 sizes sold by all dealers. Atwood Miss Jean Knox passed 1101' Junior Vocal examination with honors at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. MIL John Valiance was at Barrie attending the graduation of Miss Edna Ayers at Berrie Hospital. Trustees of 8. S. No. 5, Elute, have engaged Miss Ada iilcMane as teacher 011 a salary of $585, to commence after Summer holidays. 'Tuesday afternoon of last week an accident occurred al, the raising of a large barn for Jas. Barton, when two men who wore putting up the !rafters fell. Wm. Foulston had his ankle badly sprained and a 8111a11 bone broken, while Robt. Dleoonrt had two ribs broken. 0ltptains were Robt. Mc00url and Wright Irvine, Mr. McOourt's side winning. Sunday eveningJune 2201(1, t1C1 upwards 8 of 50 mtnbers of L. 0. L. No. 030, Atwood, rel117 hied byvisi ti n. n members aC. s from the district, assembled in the 0. O. F. hall, and .from there rnaralled to the Methodist church. The auditorium was filled and ninny had to stay outside. Rev. Mr, i4lc- Kelvie, of Trowbridge, who is a mem- ber of the Order, preached the ser- mon, and gave one of the finest dis- courses the congregation has listened to for some time in the way of an Orange semen. Tris text was from Joshua 2 : 21 ; "She bound the scarlet line in the window." The choir nutlet ed special rmU810. Directors of Eltna Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Go. net in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood Tues. day June 171,11. 411 members of the 1301trd present but Dir. Moffitt, of Logan. Minutes of May meeting read and confil'med. Claim for $55.00 r killed bylightning was re - to cow g g pre- sented from Walker Kerr, Morning• s paid i 1 full. On ac- countwhich was e t { > count of so Much live stock being. killed by lightning adjacent to wire fences the Directors strongly recom- mend their policy -holders to ground. wire all wire fences. Applications for insurance were accepted amounting to $54,700. Meeting adjourned till Tuesday, July 15. If you are a housewife you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beutiful by washing dishes, sweeping and doing housework all day and crawling into bed dead tired at eight, You mustget twit filo rho open air t t 1 and sunlight. If you do this every and keep our tone 11 and daya 1 e s c d d Y bowels in good order by taking Oluunberlaiu's Tablets when needed you should become both healthy and beautiful. For sale by all dealers. Fordwich Morley Y and Mrs. A lesworth and t little donghiter o of Toronto, are vrait• ing with te fotmel's patents here bliss Rands pr inuipal of Gerrie pub- lic school, peesided nt the Entrance examinations Item. There were 18 ctuldidates. \Vm. and Mrs. Goggin left tri through the \'VesterigPfor n rovinces. They intend gniug as far as the Coast and will be away about two months. A cattle beast W111011 was being taken from W. H. Lai1•d's to Bert Cooper's slaughter house went road when near the station here and had to be killed o1 the street. A very pleasing event took place in E, Lester's rooms Monday evening of last week, when II. A. and Mrs. Ald- red were presentedwith: a beautiful silver mounted mahogany tea tray suitably en raver], accompanied by aril address. Geo, ll. Jefferson read the adtir'es&and W. Smith made the 314(30' 0011211011. Mr. and' Mrs. Aldred hav- ing suitably replied other speeches fol- lowed. Mrs, R. E. 111001tllutn, of Tees- wette, formerly of this place, and &legittet' of Mrs. Thos. Gibson, bad a most mir1Len10n8 eseepe from death on Phlu'sday evening 19th ult. 11; 1161118 that a neighbor w0111010 had in- formed bits and Mee, McCallum that her telephone was burning out and they both star ted over to her P 1aoe Heroes the sheet. As they were .pass- hog und(r the (Mhettle ht wires one orthem fell la the ground striking MIR McCallum on thehatid, burning 1 i.t severely trod knocking her un- conscious. Medical old was at once summoned and site was carried to a +4+4.14+++•+•+.+444+40+44.• neighbors wher'o * ti calks to after a time. The fact that it twos t'aining and the lady lead an umbrella up was all that saved her life as the wire 48.651od111,000 volts 0f electricity 'and .Would have fallen directly on her only for the protection o f 1 r 4 1 C a 1 the umbrella wli'1Ceh caused it to glance off. Mrs. Mt alit on was able to he out on Frl- 1110)', Mutt might; have P r0vetl a disast- rous isast- so s fire occurred 'iMiss Bnitro a Jn11121010120ert4h.1Th0e1811100304 oFnr14da2y0 0o3n416 121 4* 0 side window caught, fire from the lamp which was Hitting on the table and were soon (1 Mass of flames, Willing help Was soon on the scene and the conflagration put out of busi- ness, The loss of the curtains end aurae trimming wag the only damage, Vblazeisa .Barltrop had her hands severely burned in attempting to put out the Never Slit Your Boots That doesn't cure the corn. Justf apply the old standby, Putnarn's Corn Extractor, 11 acts like magic. , Kills the pain, cures the corn, does it , without burn or sear, Get the best— it's "Putnam's!' Buy it now. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 10al». most certain to be deeded before the Summer is over, 13uy it now and be prepared for such an emergency, *'op sale by all dealets, Special Notice!onel000meelO oesessieseeseme As I may have to eloso my bus).' ness for a time on account of changes about to take place in my family I will reduce the price of all my best Cabinet and half Cab.. !net Photographs Per dozen from June 13tH to July 18th, Thanking you for patronage al- ready extended. Yom's respectfully, G. F. Maitland Those who come early will have first choice of Mounts and Folders. e••••••••9••••••••♦♦••0••O. 40•4.400•••6••••••••••••••• • •• ♦ • • • • • • • • •• • w • • FRIDAY BARGAINS Dry Goods Shirting, regular 15c, 7 yards 90c. Rock fast Drills, regular 15c yd. for 140. Ginghams, regular 12-c, 9 yds. for $I.00. Boys' Linen Suits, reg. 7.5o for $1.25, Boys' Linen Suits, reg. I.00 for 85c. Men's Overalls, Black or Bluestrip, spec- ial at $I,00. Groceries Raisins, only a few lbs. left, loose 5 lbs. for 25c. Figs, 5 lbs. for 25c. Smoked Herring, 2 boxes for 25c. Good old Cheese, made last July, 18c lb. White Beans, 5c Ib. A full stock of Hoes, i Shovels Forks, Nails, Hinges, Etc, carried in stock and at right prices. I ' I • w • • • • • •' • e • • • 40 • • • • • • • • • • 0 •1 � i 4e' 0, •! •, a3', 41,2 • Discount of per er ce nt for cash R. A. McDonald & Co. PHONE 5210 d" w • a Y, • • ♦l • • • S • 2 • w • • • • • • •• ORANBROOK a♦♦••••••♦••••••••••••♦••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 • • O • if to the a Y { p f The Right Track tofa • • • • �i • S �. t • • wi F li ,�' � ,. e�� : 11434 11'� lC4 � � 3� • tr C k lade pn� B • • a ?' * 7+t ;. You Ieoklfoe' Relief from your • • t ,. • y Y : Cream Separator Troubles. „) "sib" ,. ,(, • Oro li._. "You're • • On"• • . _.._- • • • Look at it 1 •o• f� • µ , • Size its substantial construction, aLrll CtlOn . ••0 U11Y aeli ht indication of the super. : for work and endurance of which it is •a O etapnble, • • "STAY ON" till you've tried a Simplex in your own dairy, than 2 • you're safe.• • • Patented, Manufactured and Guaranteed by the pioneer and 'erg- • • est manufacturers of Dairy Supplies and who first introduced the Cen' • a trifngal Cream Separator in America ; itis the product of *Manyy years' s o work and stud and is the over increasing "Dairyman's Favorite," w • Y g y ® Not depending ldul on Gigantic and Costly Advertising Cam ai ns r•® Travelling Salesmen, Free Machines and Free r1,11ps to Agents, eke., to rush sales we are able to embodythe saving thus asffotded in superior • g p . value or his , � • construction and material and thus. gins the user,. wore f � is Motley. • Call or write and we will tell J+ou:more about it. • • • • •:1 • • A g eat e e C Cil IIS Brussel s s • • i ••••••••••••••••••••••0000 0,•••••••••01•10106041•••••••