HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-7-3, Page 4iPTk.br
At your hoose without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no, -
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
tt'lrebeconmes strangulated
when. yeti can be cured ?
Do not wait Fill in coupon
Age Time' Rom.,......
Single or Double
Address,...., .,....
end return to
S. SIViIT'1-1
88 Caledonia St, k:'•
Dept. A Stratford, Ont. s
rr. e trusseb4, �
. int
H liaD X LY z 1
, ) 3, 9 3
From rho Pon of pr, McKelvey
DEAR Mit t — l to
� I 1)c nis d
, K15E3 , 1 e
write yon a Yew notes no u1y trip
abroad, but up to the present I have
been so engrossed ie the journey itself
it has seemed impossible to recoidl the
many many wonderful places I have
seen, with,people and customs so dif-
fereet. kiowever I am glad to give
you a few little pictures.
We set sail from Boston by 'White
Star S. S. °retie, on a doll, dark,
rainy morning. The sea was choppy
with a light head breeze, bet all were
so busy in arranging baggage to the
best advantage in the cabins, finding
table positions in the dining saloon
and buying to persuade the deck -stew-
ard that the most eligible position for
chairs were just the places reserved
by their home ticket office, that the
weather was unnoticed. Soon, how-
ever the rough sea asserted its pow-
ers and many retired to their cabins
"hors de combat." After all the pow-
erful and happily not serious attacks
of stomach aches had been controlled,
we found a very congenial lot of peo-
ple en board, some on business bent,
others to study, the great majority
of tourists taking a, circular trip
through Europe and all hoping to
derive pleasant and increased world
For the tired feeling of Spring my
prescription for those who may,
would be "The Mediterranean trip."
A few clays at sea and one is in the
baltny waren breeze of the Gulf
Stream. Comfortable deck chairs are
ready to tempt the invalids from
saloon and cabin ; deck garnet for
the strenuous ; cosy corners for read-
ing and rest, the quiet routine and
friendly intercourse of new made
friends making life on the shipboardboud
areal joy. I found on board several
Toronto and Hamilton people I knew
so that with the Boston party I did
not lack Inc company even at first.
There was also on board. the Italian
Opera Oompany of Boston, so that we
enjoyed exceptional musicales. After
a few days the younger people became
acquainted and between shuffleboard,
(1t00)15 and promenades during rho
clay and Cinderella dances in the
evening's time was neve,' heavy on
our hands.
After five days of rather rough seas
we hove in sight of the AZofe Islands
our Hut stopping place. Out of the
misty haze we could first discern a
dark bank which speedily resolved
itself into a series of stenting volcanic
peaks rising seemingly sheer out of
the ,eater, a sight of rare beauty, On
drawing nearer we were charmed by
the wonderful colorings of Luxurious
vegetation to be seer all along the
coast witlt the greet clad hills in the
back ground and the lava cut valleys
leading thereto. Theist/rads, situated
da laid -Atlantic Oeeau, are of volcan-
ic formation, nolt-active but a verit-
able Edeu to the Geological student.
There are nine islands in all, The
population is about two hundred and
fifty thousand. The climate is always
temperate and mild and the people
are most hospitable and kindly, being
of Latin descent, owing allegiance Lo
Portugal whose form of government
they follow. Language is Portngnese
and the state religion is Roman Oath -
Commerce in this little fairy-
land of raid -ocean is limited, exports
being largely tobacco, oranges and
pineapples, the latter probably superi-
or to all others. Tea grows well and
is becoming a profitable industry.
The various other' grains and products
of the soil are largely for horse con-
eu.jnption. Alcohol is also exported
is huge gnantities also pottery.
Apart front the above the export
trade is almost nil, so that the ad-
vancement of these fine people is
We landed at Porta Delgada, the
capital city, situated beautifully at
the foothills of rugged g tc mountam8 and
protected by a fine breakwater almost
one mile in length. The city is very
striking with its medieval type of
architecture. Houses are all white-
washed, the roofs and shutters being
painted in navy hues. The streets are
paved with colored cobble stone in
artistic designs. They are exceeding-
ly narrow, but spotlessly clean.
There is gas and electriolight, a good
water system, daily papers and many
good looking 130116 and stores, with
it all however, they ate It 511 01 -in
little world. Arrival of 0 steamer
is an event and the whole city comes
en massee
o the .
L t beautiFul stone quay
to watch the tourists clisembaok.
They do not lack in business ability as
they have many curio shops, good
hotels cab foe hire,
s c 1 etc., while a
motley throng of post card vendors,
basket weave's and fruit sellas al -
Ways 801'1'0!01(1 us trying 10 inveigle
oar money away,
We took a rapid trip of fonr hours
theough the city, starting from the
public square, which is the meeting
place and promelade Inc the- elite.
We first visited College Church (ex-
tinct Jesuit monastery) and said to be
eight In:indeed year's old. The altar,
of sculptured wood. is very beautiful.
The ceiling 13 wonderous with old
paintings and the Walls are adorned
With sculpturing, some of it splendid
and all of it old. Many beautiful
tapestries were also seen. After
visiting other ehurohes all so poor ex-
ternally but rich in lore and relics of
Fortner times, we paid visits to 8ove1-
al beautiful private gardens and
parks. One garden is said to be the
finest its the world. Here are to be
100111.ovet three thousand specimens
of plaltlife. For almost, an hour we
passed through avenues of palm trees,
t'ettat•kable tree ferns and ],'any exo-
tie trees, then grottoes, one tiny lake
with rustle bridges, though planta-
tions of bamboo alld amidst every
conceivable flowering plant, almost
all full Toot surely a1 1 t bloom, 1(1 the most
, v
wonderful flower shote I have seen,
I also found time to visit the tlity
iiospitad, which proved to be U)Odern,
Well equipped and with capable sister
earns in eherge, The 00811 tne8 they
gimes Spots, Pimples, Dark
d E
Circles Under the Eyes
are all signs of the system being
slogged. The Liver and Bowls are
inactive and the Stomach 18 weak
rime undigested foods and foul gases. •
the great fruit remedy, will make
n „ feel like new leteO1
youk vi 1.
WlI)nipeg June 27, 1011
After taking three boxes of your
Fig Pills for stomach and liver
troubles I fees strong and well and
able to do my own work.
Mits. A. 11. SA—eve=
Sold at all dealers in 25 and 50 cent
boxes oemailed by The Fig Pill 00„
St. Thomas, Ont. Sold and recom-
mended in Brussels by J. Fox Drug-
wore Were startling but not being a
Woman, 111111 unable to describe
After a half clay ashore we returned
tired but happy, each proud i1) the
possession of hnge boquets of flowers,
1t pineapple or two and assorted
novelties of post cards, pottery and
what -not.
o .
Forty hours sail, South and East
brought us in sight of Oap Gitftjau,
the most Eastern point of the Mader-
ia Islands and the tip of the bay of
Funchal. Scarcely had we rounded
the point when one eyes were dazzled
by the beauty of the panorama before
us. We beheld mountains piercing
clouds, all in Nature's most delicate
shades of greens with "quhttas" and
villas nestling among the trees, their
walls and balconies dressed in the
most wonderful of floral coloring
baffling realty description. As we
drew nearer we saw the Lown of
'l'erretin da Lueta, tising away from
the sea and spreading in 0 vast amphi-
theatre to the hillsides, Maderiais also
under Portuguese jurisdiction. It is
much More h widely known than the
Azores, being one of the world's most
famous health resorts, endowed as it,
is by nature with a sunny and equable
climate and unegalled scenery. IL is a
port of call for all Mediterranean
boats, also for those bound to South
Africa, as result it is highly'civilized
also commercialized. Cultivation is
rich and fruits both tropical and
temperate ate found here, the tem-
petlttnre hardly varying. The popula-
tion is about one hundred and fifty
Here again we disembarked and o1)
the quay were met by bullock sleds
and i1) these we toured the: town, a
volulLble driver running by nae side.
A ride in It Malloch sled is esential to
a real visit to Madeira. After 11 tour
of the quaint old town, its (hutches,
stores, (where by the wily beautiful
hand -worked linens were purchased
by the feminine contingent and
Panama hats by the men, we visit-
ed the arsenal and some of the parses.
Then we were driven to the Mountain
railway, an "incline" similar to that
in Hamilton, 011t. Ascending to the
top, three thousand feet above the
sea, through gardens of rare beauty
and finally through a dense pine forest
we alighted and were amazed with
the sight. Literally our hearts stood
still 1 1 have since seen Switzerland
with its snow-capped peaks its waste
of glacial fields, its imposing lakes,
but here before this majestic picture
fringed by the broad Atlantic Nye
were lost in the infinity of space. To
the North, East and West we could
see broken chaff tie of rugged mountains
all in their cloth of pine. To the
South we could see the beautiful bay
with the ships at anchor, the great
Oap.Girao, the world's highest prom-
ontory, rising sharply defined
against its Eastern border and away
on the distant horizon the deep blue
of sky and sett embraced. It was in-
deed one of the 10ost beautiful uatul•e
pictures I have seen.
After a splendid Kutch in a Swiss
restaurant w0 Neale taken 1n coast el•
sleds down the mountain side, a most
novel and exllilaatiug ride of foto'
Miles, ove11(07, slippery cobblestones,
the sled bei,' guided byagile mi-
llets. At interals theystopped l to
rest, always in front of a wine store.
The hint was obvious, the pe•spera-
tion real, but we were ignorant or
rather wise, we wanted to reach the
bottom safely. Arriving at the foot
of the mountain our bullock cart was
in attendance, unasked. One trip
must have been generous, and we
again went into the city proper.
13ere we spent a pleasant hour enjoy-
ing the strange sights, costumes, etc„
Lhe burro team goats, Onea and
POniea, the strange calls 1)f their
ver5 and the untiring efforts of
hucksters to load us with their
In th early evening we sailed away
full of regret. that our stay 18118 so
short and our minds uldellibiy im-
pressed with the grandeur nature has
h1 1181' fellness bestowed over this
!ides! of Edens.
Next morning before I was on deck
we were in the harbor of Gibraltar,
viewing for the first time this most
famous of fortified towns, the key of
the East, it is impossible for nlO to
describe lay sensations. I 1(11ow p.
cueioes feeling of elation passed
through rue, a' feeling of love for 111)
mother country, I was p10nd to he
British born 1' sl at I
S Vh t w was a
huge isolated hill of rock, 1500 feet
high and three miles long, rising pre-
cipitcuisly from the sheaves of the busy
straits below, capped with eltoruous
fortifications of forbidding strength.
The city of Gibralter was perched on
terraces along the base of the clif! and
the bay was lilted with huge ships of
war and merchant refines bound for
the Indies and Australia lying peace-
fully at anchor. We were taken
ashore in a large teacher and spent the
looming wandering through the nar-
row streets, probably the rnnst cos-
mopolitan in the world. 3 -fere we
sate companies of soldier's march-
ing, their bright uniforms lending
cnl01 to the synod, Jews 1)t many
nationalities, Spantetds tall, grim,
Moors, from Tangier with their et
ing 008Lnrne8 and 10118s of yellow,
blue and white .and showing definite
antagonism to the camera man,
'J!ur)e, Levantines, English and many
°1•°1, l l 1 1y,4.m.,i",g p1,0.,'p.g' ,l,+ t1,,;,g.
Order our �jy°
4. W
:i SvmmerIc
+ t
pt 11!
$ •
Fits jaig ht,
+ Workmanship Right +
+ and Prions Right ' r',
• i
y4 G:::�J.:- RRR''
' Good Values in .p,
* Paramatta Rain Coats
'1' 01L11 a11(1 see 111e11, •
,'1 1.:
•, W. P. Fraser
• Merchant Tailor
others. Through the long streets
filed donkey carts laden with produce,
Jehus shouted warnings its they
throve merrily on. The SLOreS were
all attractive (Gibralter being a free
port) llt(len as they were will) the
wealth of the Orient, :The Aloor-
ish and Spanish mantels side by side
lentvivid ccniteast to each other. The
fortifications and rock galleries, the
great guns, the cemetery of Trafalgar
heroes, the old Spanish gateway, the
)l•O111etIa l(` the barracks,
1 twhere over
six thous l 1 1 0
: t c troops are quartered and
the military hospitals all were inter-
esting and one Few hours ashore seem-
ed inadequate to enjoy Gibralter as it
Two days of sailing on the pond -like
Medi lei l•anean, its waters 1)f. deepest
blue and again our pulses fluttered.
It was the white city of the Algict5
tising an the horizon.
Algiers and Naples are so interest-
ing I shall 11y to tell yon of their
attractions later. I have dealt murk
larger than 1 had intended upon the
journey"over" bat as it ivas a little
out of the beaten path I crave the in-
dulgence of readers of TUE Pos'r for
having written at such length about
the ports of call. I found them inter-
esting, I hope you may, fears truly,
London, England, June 12, 1913.
Dysentery is always salines and
often a dangerous disease, but it can
be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol-
era and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured
it even when malignant and epidemic.
For sale by all dealers.
At a recent meeting of the officials of
St, Paul's Anglican church, Clinton, it
was decided to enlarge the building.
Additions will be made to both the
church and the schoolroom, which will
give the needed accommodatiou for this
growing congregation.
The highest mark of appreciation that
the Toronto Association of the Baptist
church could sh se, to Thomas McGilli-
cuddy, the retiringclerk of the Associa-
tion, was paid him when the members
unanimously elected him Moderator of
the Association for the ensuing year.
Rev, A, -W. Groton was elected clerk of
the Association to succeed Mr. Mc-
Gillicuddy who had held that position
for 24 years. Mr. McGillicuddy was a
former proprietor of THE POST and well
known in Huron Co.
Huron County Branch of the Canadian
Press Association me tin Clinton Monday
220(1 ult., with a fair representation of
the county newspapermen. J. J.
Hunter, Kincardine, gave an outline of
the work done by Bruce County Asso-
ciation, and Lorne Eadie. of St.
Mary's journal, gave a very interesting
address on "Foreign and Local Ad-
vertising." A new scale of prices has
been adop'ed for job work, and the as-
sociation has now uniform prices
throughout the county,
Tag C. P. A. FoR HURON.— The
Canoda Temperacce Act is manifestly
growing in public favor. Conventions
of representative temperance workers
have decided to circulate petitions
praying for its submission in Algoma,
Sudbury. Muskoka and Party Sound
c1151yiets also 11) the Counties of Peel
and Welland and the city of Niagara
Falls, Petitions were cireuletetl
la our own County
of Huron and
re -
Ports front venous places show they
were largely signed. Reports from the
other unulicipellties show that this
work buts been pushed forward and
petitions completed.
1Orangemenaf 1\ Ll Pct t wilI
11(North II
celebrate a011111)11 on July 12th,
John Marks 41)) con of Wallace,
while choppttlg hl Lhe bush fractured
his right aim.
Sunday was Oddfellows Decoration
Day at Fairview cemetery. The town
baht etteeded.
During the hot weather of July and
August the public librat•y Will be open
every afternoon front 3 till o'cClea
and In the everting from 8 o'clock Lill
9.30. 1 'p
Isaac Alexander, bachelor, aged
about 70, of Victoria street, Listowel,
leopped suddenly dead with heart 1
(11110re Thursday morning of last 4,
week while standing at his front gate.
5le. Alexander was born at Teale0 4- p
and has been a resident of Listowel a r
for 30 years. Two brothers and Poor' ,.
sisters survive. - 4'
F. 14. Elliott's six -year -Old daughter. +
Margaret, was playing with several Ji'
little girls on a pile of planks and spy-
ing :t
py-lug:1 wild 111,081, she jumped off the
plank to pull it, when the pile toppled 'i'
0vee, C1111511ng iter to -fall. A p1111110
(oiling on het left 11rn1 fractured it,
both bodes being broken above the
44.44444.444.4.444 444.444444.04.
gond el0lhes and a nice borne and he
thanked \Iz•. Pethick and the W. 0,
T. LT. w(,rn8(1 for sending hint t0
's It 1)l 111)1
, r O t
Our Board ci t alt the 1
n l o mer
net u d i I
'n ' 1 e• s 1 I t I
f stinting. l U
wont along the rapidly extending
Nurthal a railroads,
Another Groat Discovery
A well known gentleman in Black
Bay, Ont„ A1, John Cowan, has dia.
?'1 an absolute specific or
Ln{ll l
Rheumatism, and writes 1 was
affected with tieatic:1 and (lemic
lthetn111tism whutll I 1(nlllatt0(1
yearn age. The disease had a great
hold 111 1111' binad, 1111(1 11 wa8 hard 10
untke 11117 fmlpre5sion 1111 it, liettiiing
of 1"eeeezono 1 leas convinced of its
1110111 and it's certainly the best I
have ever tried. Why it just throve
Away' the Hhetimatienl, Evert stiffen-
ed old hlllyerel'e {vi11 expeeiene1+. quiclt
rea0115. rhe !reason is 1hrat 11111 ozone
acts thrm151t Use blood and Iheveby
destroys the armee c11'' the 1is111se.
Price 3011 per box at all dealers.
. A - 0 acre farm ARM slo L1e 1 0 e f t 1 and crop
AR r
'Alt « •1.11,.5 1)l of yY 1•
fur Ie, 3- k eh D1017, Lute
ll and 12, Uotl V O'ownshlp of 1'dvwlvlp IB'lret-
olass buildings, wlodmhl, hard and sort water
in house, levntury end bath rooms, 1urneee,
111)11' 1 08tb,unt1011 Snhool, Wee oter. Apply
H (lA c W 'c x tm•
L JA'{ I A, @U 1 1 o Ont. 778-9
0 1 4
I `'+ONlet1WLTAlit Ir 00US10lorent or fol'/ale
1411herty street, Brussels,
neve 1)l In 84 lmi Dente, 11p -
pe trace, di. (loud cellar, bard and soft wat-
er. Iunna(lhnt, possession, Fee further ppar•
tieulere imply to AT 181.4 11A(0GIJ1 KELh'',
Wa1111 P.O. Phone 1717. Or 51iee Jim, Kelly,
s nun Amuse Brussels,
r 1 1 nit U
Highest Cash Price
paid for itny quantity
of Wool in prime
When Long Breaths Hurt
Yon that tl•O(1b10S exist which
t know
need quick attention, Proper action
11,115ists i11 a vigorous rubbing of the
chest [11(1 s1(1e. with Nerviliue which
sinks into the tissues where the
pain is seated, and gives relief i1) a
fete minutes. No liui1neut so clean,
so strong. so powerful, 1Zesulfs
guaranteed rvllh every trY roc bre tie 1)l
❑ L
rviliue. (let it tarda-.
Watham, the quaint Essex town, is
a thousand years old this year and is
about Ill keep its birthday with a
large celeb1atton.
The *Mil led ICI Ogden) .Band or Hope
has just held its 58th 8111)1ve1sal•y
meeting, at which official re.pol'ls
stated that the girls and buys ander
its snpeevisdon, pledged,In total
abstinence, new uulnbee 3,72,080.
Fume 1 11 Criminal Statistics for
tiro year• 1911, 1L bine book just issued,
we leave lint the total number o)'
convictions made for all offences i1)
the Dom fnion of Oat mein, for 1110
year ending Sepleanbel 30, 1911, wits
118,200. The mtimbe, of con vicliuns
wade .ten years plevionsly in 1901,
was 42,058, Of the convictions oracle
in 1911, 41,379 were for the offence of
drunkenness. Of those macre i1) 1001,
those for drunkenness uuulbere[1
For Dyspepsia
If you suffer Stomach Trouble,
and you try our remedy, it won't
cost you a cent ii it fails.
To prove to you that indigestion
and dyspepsia can be thoroughly re-
lieved and that 1185011 Dyspepsia.
Tablets will do it, we will furnish
the medicine absolutely free if it
fails to give you satisfaction.
The remarkable success of Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high
degree of' scientific skill used in de-
vising their formula as well as to the
care exorcised in their manufacture,
whereby the well-known properties
of Bismuth -Subnitrate ancL Pepsin
have been properly combined with
Carminatives and other agents.
Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsin
are constantly employed and recog-
nized by the entire medical profes-
sion asinvaluable in the treatment
of indigestion and dyspepsia, Their
proper combination makes a remedy
invaluable for stomach relief.
We are so certain that Chore is
nothing so good for stomach ills as
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets timtweurge
you to try then at our risk. Three
sizes, 25 Dents, 50 cents, and 81.00.
You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
in this oolnmnnily only at our store:
Bruesols The !a$Q, 410111 Ontario
Thera is a Resell Store in nearly every town
mad city in the United States, 008011,1 and
Creat Britain. Thera is a different Rexall
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human M—
eech especially designed for the particularill
for which it is recommended.
Tho Reran Stores are America's Greatest
Drug Stores
•••••••••••••••••••••••••0'1••9••••••49•••..crane a 840
iS. Carter's En9�A®riialrlii
• brussels
is the spot
4, for Bargains
• I handle a fall range of Farm
•- Five different firms represented—the best in 111e ulln'ket.
• A novelty is the electric lamps tut:arlled to the rigs.
See before you bey.
9g Y y
• n sold at prices that represent money
Plans organs
saved when you seal with O � � 8 V y C l L 1110,
i1) various makes Lyme/waved
• to worst or no sale, Call in
Vacuum Clcanbr5
o and see them.
• Oali at the Store and see our Goods.
e getrOorefortable }mese for sale, with stable, 51111 et., Wessels.
Implements, eream Separators, &c.
••••••i!•••••••+b••••••••••••••••••••!•••••••i•••••• •
4.44+4, .1.+4.+4.4.+4,44+4.4.1'
4.4+4,•Pr +4.I"1'
Excelsior Knitting Mills
Hall, Ool. Snug. Ilughe8, 51inis-
ter of 511111ia, 18 nlahing n tecoltl in
the enforcement or the military logo-.
lati111s, which prohibits the sale or
intoxicating 111)11111 in 1 1111 11 1 11 5 enures.
To make the rule (1f81Lire he has
ordered thitt no 1111114 liquors of any
11117 ellen be supplied, 09511 though a
(11111111 is made that such liquors eon -
111111 s0 51111111 IL percentage llf alcohol
(is not to be intoxicating,
At a meeting' or the \ U.
held r• the houlm or SI idles lir ran
d (t l e Mrs. C
1 ,
done 101.1ra ul0t interest i rig pen;r01711
wits given, telling of the )11)111 Anne
by Lhis ol'ga111zaltoe among the luul-
bermlerl. IL is abo1118 years Since the
Ontario 1V. C. T. 1J. turned 111(11 03,08
townl(ls 11110 5(0:11 nod then almost
0111(1111)80 teeeilur7 and said ''11hal
('1111 1,1,•(' (In 111 Inset 111001111101111 11111110
1121It1' settlers, lumbermen and
01 0," ,vh1) 891111' fighting 011'i1 way in-
to the forest-eovtired or lock-libhe(1
mends of Algoma, Nipissing, Rainy
River and llaltbnrtlun 1 Two feeds
later 111vs Agues Slit tittle began her
tubers of love. AI iss Sproule endured
many harlshi 1s, 111111 she also letrner
W0111101 1111 lessons 1)f Cxn(1'S 2114111111.
11ess, She has learned considerable
respect fur human 111111110 unexposed
to the bar room. In 1110 ea1tps she
has never been refused 1118 711vilege
of holding se'viee and 11 is quite com-
mon foe them 11) say "Thank. you 1" or
."Plod bless you 1" as they pass out.
The lumberman in the woods is very
di Kellett front tile lumberman in one
towns, Ales. Nellie \Veit•, ofStratton,
says 1)r AI iss Sproule :—Oar Mission -
limy is a living monument 1)1' Faith,
11op8 and Jove. She gives much at-
tention to 111e young people. Young
men are tenpci duke advocates and
the cigarette is nnitnown in the.
schools. 18, J. Pelhiek is another
worker who is laboring in Muskoka.
One write, tells us they could tint 110.80a
Inas better adapted they
the work—
so energetic, earnest duel sympathetic.
He is alert a medical missionary and
mind Melees treatment. wherever thele
is an opportunity. He walks miles to
visit the sick. One man said :—"'!here
is nota minister T know equal to 111111,
I would go miles to hear him as he
carries sunshine wherever he goes."
A5 Mr. Pelhick was leaving a large
camp where he had spent Sunday one
man said : "Yon learned me some-
thing hist night \vhen you told u5
1(botlt Lhe Prodigal Sou. You told us
w 1181 a1 rutin has money ire has friends ;
when the money is gone the friends
nee gone, but Jesus promise was "I
will never leave you nor forsake you:"
The ]read said '1 am not going to
drink airy more and flvnn this out I
will have moan and friends."1{1)
slept his promise
and 1118 wife has
For Loss of Hair
We will pay for what you 1)80 12
Boxall "93" Hair Tonic tloon not
promote the growth Of yot:r inch•,
In all our experience with hair
tonics the ono that has Et .110 11)0.4 to
Bain our 001111(101100...el r0 is rte1 '•9:3"
Hair Tonle, 1\'e have 1„It well-
founded faith in it that w.. wont
you to tr • it et our risk. 0 it dues
not satiny you in every oat t(sdsr,
we will clay for what yeti t to t 11,
extent of a 30 clay treatment. - •
If Rexall "03" Bair 9'unie dors
not remove dandruff, relieve scalp
irritation, stop the hair from fulling
and promote a new growth of hair,
conte back to (1s end ask us, to retur'l
the money you paid for it, and ^r: will
promptly hand it back to you. '(111
don't sign uuytlling, prrnui01 any-
thing, bring anything batt:, or in any
way obligate yourself. Isn't tliet fair!
Doesn't it stand to reason that we
would not make such a librrrd offer
if w0 did not truly nelieve that
Kauai! "03" Hair To11ia will do all
we claim forit that it will do all
and more Mart any other remedy?
1\'e have everything there is a de-
mand for, and are able to judge the
merits of the things we sell. Cus-
tomers tell us of their success. There
are more satisfied users of Tlexadl
93" Hair Tonic than any similar
preparation we sell,
Start a treatment of Result •'03"
• !lair Tonin today. If you Ilii, 100
believe y01) will thank us for this
advice. Two size bottles, 300 and S1.
You can buy Roxall "03" Heir Tonin
in this community only at our store:
Brussels Tho Store Ontario
There is a Rexall Shore in nearly, ever • (01011
rad city in the United States, Canada and
Groat Britain. Thera is a different Rexall
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human 111—
000h especially designed for the particular ill
for which it is recommended,
The Rexall Stores are America's Oreatest
Drug Stores
(11812) ,13079
Will stand Inc the improvement of
stock at his own stable,
Lot 22, Con. 13, McKillop
Colts off this horse have won 1st prize
for the last three years at Brussels and
Seafmth Shows in the heavy draught
class. Terms—$8.00.
. .Leaclbuey P. 0,
Enrolment No. 808, Not Inspeotod, form 0
Under regulations Ontario Statute,
2 Geo. V., Chapter 07.
Ontario Stallion Enrolment B, aid
Certificate of Enrolment of
The Stallion Enrolinent Board of Ontario
certifies that the name, description and pedi-
gree of the Clydesdale Stallion 1,01(1on'5lrnv-
orite ITmn.) Registered in the Clydesdale Stud
Book as No 11812, owned by John .1. McGovht,
of Lendb,sry, and ronled h1 1009, 1,118 11500 en•
rolled hleecor(lnnce with Chapter 07 0f the
Stetates of Ontario, 2 Geo. V. i
T1110 Certillonte must be renewed on or be -
fora the Biot day of December, 1018, and within
thirty nave after a change of ownership of the
said Stallion new certificate must he obtain.
A, P. Westervelt, Secretary.
even . John Bright, Chairmen.
Dated at r
Dnt Toronto, Ont, the 11th
1 de of 101
l � y ! 8.
OVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will euro you and make a man of
you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all
pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as stool so that
nervousness bashfulness and despondency disappear' the eyes become brtgli(, the
face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, ph sinal anU mental
systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from tho system.
You feel yourself amen and know marriage cannot be a failure. Don't let quacks
and fakirs rob you of your bard earned dollars,
Peter 33, Summers relates -his experience:
"Iwas troubled with Nervous 'Debility
for many years. Ilay it to indiscretion
and excesses in youth, I became very
despondent and didn't care whether I
worked or not, I imagined everybody
who looked at me guessed my secret.
Imaginative dreams at night weakened
me—my back ached, had pains in the
bank of my head, bands and -foot were
cold, -tired in the morning, poor appetite,
lingers were shaky, eyes blurred, hair
Inose, memory poor, ate. Numbness in
the lingers set in and tho dootor told mo
he feared paralysis. I tools all loads 0f.
medicines and tried many flrst•class
physicians, worn an electric, beitforthree
months, but received little benefit. I
0EF08E TREATMENT was idduced to. consult Drs. Kennedy $". AFTER TREATMENT
Kennedy, though I hadloot all faith in
doctors. Like ahe improvement
man I commenced gthe. Now Manton Tma.ig o g and it
saved my life. The improvement was like engin—I could feel the vigor going through
the nerves. d was cured mentally and physically. Ihave sent them many patients
and continue to do so.
peculiar toMen.
CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a Question
Blank for Home Treatment.
Cor. Michigan. Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
NOTICEAloluertCerasnfrom Canada pmoundbnecao dDepasretd-
tt.simmanimma meat in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
1)e us arse 811 at
s fi 1 call our Medical Institut u e as see and treat
Institute i Detroit e
n y w
no patients itt our Wiliflsor offices which are for Correspondence and
14aboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as I011ows:
Write for our private auidreas.
=ABM 1'014 SAI I5 The undersigned offers
his rosin for ante being Lot 21, Don, 8,
(trey County Duron, containing 100 none,
(t exceed 2 , 0l'e0 of hard All olntuen 1 1 wood, n
the 10.00110135 fn n large flame 1!111811 1 n barn
88x71) ; straw shed 00xIf, 191(11 stabling under.
/tenth. There la n splendid orchard, 2 never
fnillug 1711 lo 51111110111)115 tet rear. 234 milers
Dem the VillegealEthel. This farm is in
good. Mato ofcul tiveIin11. For 1)1too end per-
lleulat•s apply t0 JOHN A. BRYANS, on the
promises, or Ethel P. 0. 51-4.
RENT.—Tile home recently vaunted by
John H. Tierney, who moved 10 Guelph (!mown
nn t11o1.4o401% 1)1•0110r4y. Tar/Merry street) le
offered for sale °ell! Rut sold will be rented.
There is 11onl1m'nlble bowie, good stable and
1A Rama of land with 11 double entrance. Fine
garden, 1611, For fey they pnrticulnrs apply to
W, 13 !less, of 711 a Posen, who holds the key,
It fa 5 choke* spot to live in and will be sold
very reasonably. 27.11
A1131 1100 SA1,11.--•The uudoreignod offer,'
his fine fern, conMe11,141 of about 185 norm/
111joining the town of Clinton, for sale, (11e
1111,110111 n good state or cultivation, and has
good build Legs, brick 110,18,4 bank barn, Mir.
4(1118000(3)5(3011,1011,1)11 comparatively now.
A fly/beast, young orchard eontn11,tng all
kinds of fruits end also small fruits. The
Mil, 7, well fenced mid (Indeed end is n very
la-ir•n blt hoose. For farther portieniers ripply
on I 11 pr01111105 or address
28•tf .10111 TOR RANCE, Clinton.
fc'A It71FOR SALE, beim; South half Lot 25,
Con.t, Morris township, Enron (10., con -
mining 100 acres more 01 loss, On the prem.
lees t/ o frame 1101100, bnn1c bare, good orchard
well, windmill, &0, All cleared except about
till mare, Seheol 114 miles (distant. Only 2144
1/11100 21'0111 l3russes
lu. 0 ari 0 0f droll wheat in
and ab(nnt 00 sores Deeded down. 1''01• price,
Germs n„1 other information Imply on 111e
1n•eett e, ar If writing Ilrustele 1: 0. 'Phone
20. Or 11, S. 13„ort, lireseels.
11.11 A. 1,..!0151010. Proprietor.
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron anti
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings; sn111 a8 Piping, Rrat-
11• Howls 2111 '1111(•10, &e.
htepaies to Pumps promptly
attended 1.1),
(dive Int tt call.
t A NId Cra br o
� ok
For sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033 Brandon Matt,
AT It ■ O . i. E
Thousands of ambitious young Geo
pia aro fest preparing in their own
homes to campy lucrative positions as
stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra-
phers, cavil servants, in Net every
sphere of eottvlti es, You may, finish at
tr college if you so wiell. Positions guar-
anteed. Enter 001(08e any day. Indi-
videol instruction. sttuatlon. Ex 1)r
Thirty years' experience. Largest
ranin Canada. Se8en colleges.
Speolni course
efor ao
1landh Commercial ea-
torN . l0ogi¢, Association f Canada. Summer
Soho1 ntremeltSPottsnlosinese'Uol•
Wingham Rumness College
Giro. S1'0r I0N, W. T. Mottea,
President, Pel 001)11,