HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-6-26, Page 7,Fashion. Hints
Seen in Paris Shops.
In one evening gown, lemon col-
ored chiffon and' blue chiffon are
.combined; in another, palest pink
and brick red,
Soft draped mantlets .of souple
taffetas and crepon solo harmonize
in coloring with the afternoon
gowns they are worn over,
One of the moat striking new
parasols is scarlet, with clusters
.of cherries fastened between the
-ribsto suggest a border.
Chiffon evening scarfs are bound
at the sides with self -toned satin
.and weighted at the ends with pas-
•eementerie or embroidery. _
A charming necklace is a slender
ichain of gold loosely knotted about
the neck, the ends weighted with.
large precious stones.
The long sleeved conventional
:shirt waist is best for the woman
who plays tennis, but does not en-
joy having her arms sunburned,
'Tiny turbans of dark blue taffeta
.have a single large flaring loop in
the left side and a small nosegay
of rosebuds on the right.
With flowered silk 'and crepe de
chine gowns with bolero bodices
'there is nothing prettier than full
bii hop sleeves of transparent tulle.
Some of the new restaurant dress -
ars seen in Paris are cut square in
the neck, with frills of white tulle
turning away from the neck.
A sort of "echo train" is seen
.on some evenings gowns. A long
marquisette panel hung from the
shoulders in the beak, above the
little satin train.
Cool and pretty afternoon frocks
are made of dhlicately colored
voiles, trimmed with the same ma-
terial in white. Usually they have
white sashes.
No natter how fashionable or
Practical crepe and satin garments
may be, women will buy the filmy
blouses and lingerie frocks because
they are irresistible.
Black and white laces used to-
gether make an extremely becom-
ing gown, a.nd one which has chic
and snap without harshness attach-
ed to -the sharper black and white.
A small black hat, with its brine
dotted with tiny bows of old blue
velvet ribbon, is very chic and at
the same time practical: Often
such hats are held by bridles of
black velvet.
For afternoon coats some varia-
tion of the Russian blouse is first
favorite. If the skirt is draped in
front the basque is cutaway ; if it
is draped in the back the coat front
is not opened.
White pique petticoats are one.
of the new features. They are sim-
ply scalloped and might almost be
worn with a dressing sacque to
make a breakfast costume.
Does 2,1100 Miles on Motorcycle
From Capetown to Pretoria.
Miss E. L. 0. Watson,. who had
the courage to undertake a lonely
2,000 miles motorcycle trip from
Capetown to Pretoria, has return-
ed to London. She is none the
worae for her journey, but she
found when she arrived in South
.Africa that almost every motorist
advised her not to proceed` with
her plan. "You will never do it,"
they said. "Even if . nothing else
'stops you the sand and rough
toads. will." '
She accomplished the journey in
. spite of the sand and rough roads,
which caused her to dismount many
times and wheel her cycle, but the
new .outfit with which she started is
scattered along the waste of coun-
She wore riding breeches, a habit
coat,' high lace -up boots, a motor-
ist's peaked 'cap; and rode a 2%
horst-power motorcycle.
The journey -was not accomplish
ed without some hardships. At
night Miss Watson slept in the huts
belonging to the gangers, who are
placed at five miles, or found re-
fuge with lonely Boer families,
where only the children understood
English, and they acted as inter-
preters, Some of theroads were
impoesible for cycling, and . the
only non-stop run she had was one
of 36 miles from Kimberley to Jo-
hannesburg. In one town a cyclist
came ep to her and told her that
she would never complete her jour -
!ley, for the. sand would keep her,
The only occasion when she 'was
tempted to use her revolver pre -
*onto(' itself on Majuba Hill. A Da-
tive approached her, and demanded
money. She had none to give hint,
but mounted her cyclo and felt for
her revolver. To her amazement
the cycle'reftsea to "spark," but
just as the Kaffir was putting his
hand on the book wheel the eyol'e•
started ,loris aril, and she tore down
the hill: Miss Watson had some
trouble with the etreams, and on
several acce,sione' she "rushed"
there, and landed oh the other side
soaked. During the journey bliss
Watson met the Arab woman in
South Africa who giver used
motorcycle in that country, She
Wag Mrs, Sllttoh, a daughtot of
General C ' enje.
When the Stomach is Wrong the
Whole Body Suffers—How to
Keep It Kealthy.
Indigestion as ono of the most
drstressing maladies afflicting man-
kind. Tho stomach is unable to
perform the work mature calls upon
it to klo, and the result is extreme
pain atter eating, nausea, heart-
burn, painful fluttering of the
heart, sick headache, and often a
loathing of food, even though the
sufferer is half. starved. People
with poor digestion aro prone to
try all sorts of experiments to aid
the process of digestion, and there
is only one way in which the trouble
can be actually cured, and that is
through the blood. That is why the
tonic treatment with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills cares even the most ob-
stinate oases of indigestion, They
make the rich, red blood that
strengthens the stomach and its
nerves, thus enabling it to do its
work. The process is simple, but
the result means a good appetite,
and increased health and pleasure
in life.- Mr. R. Lussier, of Sorel,
Que., offers -ample proof of this,
He says; "For several years I was
a sufferer fromindigestion, and the
torture I suffered after meals was
often almost unendurable. Often I
would go without a- meal' rather
than undergo the suffering that fol-
lowed. Accompanying the trouble
I had headaches," dizziness, and of-
ten a feeling of nausea. All the
time I was taking one medicine af-
ter another in the hope of..getting
relief, but without avail. Finally
I read of the case of a similar suf-
ferereured through the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and I decided
to try them. I took the pills steadi-
ly 'for about six weeks with result
that I was fully cured, and could
eat anything I cared for. I may
add l iat T have not sine had any
return of the trouble."
If you are suffering from indiges-
tion do not waste time experiment-
ing, but begin to cure yourself to-
day with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills,
which go right to the root of the
trouble through the blood. Sold by
all medicine dealers or by mail at
50 cents a box or six boxes for $2
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co.,. Brockville Ont.
Pearls of Truth.
Leisure is a very pleasant gar-
ment to look at, but a very bad one
to wear.—Hawthorne.
Neither days, nor lives, can be
made noble or holy by doing noth-
ing to them.—Ruskin:
The comfort which poor human
beings want in such a world as this
is not the comfort of ease, but the
comfort of strength.—Kingsley.
The only happiness a brave man
ever troubled himself with asking
.mhioh about was happiness enough
to get his work dere.-Carlyle.
Politeness has indeed about it
something mystical ; like religion, it
is everywhere understood and no-
where defined: -Chesterton.
We may know a man by the com-
pany he keeps, we may know him
still better by the books he loves;
and if he loves none he is not worth
knowing.—Bishop Spalding..
The ledger of the Almighty is
strictly kept, and every one of us
has the balance of his operations
paid over to,. him at the end of
every minute of his existence.—
It, is good for us to have some-
times troubles and adversities, for
they make a man enter into him-
self; that he may know that he is
an exile, and May not ' place his
hopes in anything of this world.
Thomas A. Kempis.
Fashion Is Individual.
The fashion in Kiangsu Province,
China, is whatever one wants.
Every man wears what is right in
his own eyes. A panamo, goes jaun-
tily down the street followed by a
fur -covered brim cap. Felt hats of
scarlet and verdigris green follow
along with greys and browns that
really do the, amateur hatters cre-
dit. Eskimo top tapes, a few derby
hats, and the smart military uni-
forms gave the •streets a piquancy
that was inissed..formerly in the
China blue crowds, Of all the no
tires posted on the city gate the one
that attracts the most attention is
the fashion plate that has been ex-
hibited for weeks. Ib displays two
or three of the typical' "western"
suits. There are the "swallow
tailed" and the low front frock for
evening functions. There ono finds
the plaited skirts recommended for
rho women. The silk 'or "stove-
pipe" hat has its corner with the
other felts,
Re•gu1arity -�---
of the bowels is an absolute neves.
sity for good health, Unless the
waste matter from the food which
collects there Is got rid of et least
once a day, it decays and poisons the
whole body, causingbiliousness, indi-
gestion and sick eadaches. Salts
and other harsh mineral purgatives
Irritate the delicate lining of the
bowels. Dr. Morse's Indian Root
Pills—entirely vegetable- regulate
the bowels effectively, without weak.
ening; sickcihing or griping. Use
Drs Mor'so'i to
Indian) Root Sills
Sees French ilaoo Vanishing As
Vieilinc of Disease.
"rho French race is becoming
obliterated; aldoholism, tubereulo-
sis and the absence of adequate hy-
giene decimate the country," is the
opinion of Alexandre Itibot, a for-
mer premier; as expr'eissed before
the Hygiene Social Alliance,
"Our people mustbe instructed
in the perils that menace us," the
speaker eontiniued, "it will require
all the resources and strength of the
government snocessfully to combust
the clangers,"
This peasimietie view was shared
by another prominent Frenchman,
Leon Bourgeois, who also has been
M. Bourgeois declared that al-
though the death rate of tubercu-
losis Lad fallen in England and
Germany to 11 for 10,000 popula-
tion, the rate in France was 22.6.
The general mortality in France,
notwithstanding the progress of
medicine and surgery, was still 18
to 19 a 1,000, while in England, Hol-
land and the Soandinavian coun-
tries the mortality did not exceed
14 to the thousand.
"Indifference to these a ditions,.
and national inertia, imperil the
very existence of the French peo-
ple," was the closing declaration
of M. Bourgeois,
Is Getting Scarce, Ono Good Tree
Selling for $3,000.
The high-cost of Circassian wal-
nut is due to the scarcity of the
beautifully figured variety demand-
ed for furniture and interior fin-
ish, for the tree itself is more wide-
ly distributed than almost any
other of commhereial importance.
The demand for the best wood, how-
ever, has always outrun the sup-
ply, Even in the eighteenth cen-
tury, when wars were frequent, so
much Circassian walnut was used
for gunstocks that the supply was
seriously depleted. Early in the
nineteenth century the wood of 12,-
000 trees was used for this purpose
alone. Single trees, containing fine
burls or choice bird's-eye figures,
have sold for more than $3,000.
The tree is native to the eastern
slopes of the Caucasus and 'ranges
eastward to the foothills of the
Himalaya mountains, from which it
extends southward to northern In-
dia and the mountains of the upper
Burma. It has been widely planted
in America under the name of
English walnut. The wood grown
bore, however, has not the qualities
demanded by the cabinet and fur-
niture maker. Much of the Circas-
sian walnut now used comes' from
the Black Sea and from other parts
of Asia.
No other medicine will so quickly
cure collo as will Baby's Own Tab-
lets, They regulate the bowels,
sweeten the stomach and drive out
every trace of this trouble. Con-
-corning them Mrs. Win. A. Smith,
Rockhaven,. Sask., writes; "I like
Baby's Own Tablets and always
keep them in the house. Whenever
nay baby °has colic I give her a
oouplo of Tahlets and she is soon
well again. I know of no other
medicine for little ones to equal
them." The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Cremation Grows in France.
Evidence that the practice of
eremation is slowly 'growing in
France is shown by the figures for
1912, submitted to the Academy of
Medicine, Last year 541 bodies
were cremated, as compared to 519
in 1911. Crematoria exist at Paris,
Marseilles, Rheims, and Rouen.
One is building at Orleans, and one
is about to he built at -Monaca.
Them were 8,500 cremations in 1911
in America, and 8,858 cremations in
Germany in 1:912, and in Switzer-
land 71583 in 1912.
Barber :—"Hair's a bit thin on
top, sir. Have you tried our hair
tonic 7'
Phil Man :—"No, that wasn't the
And avast amount of love is
adulterated with genuine mmney. •
Have Been An
Untold Benefit
New Brunswick Woman Praises
Dodd's Kidney Pills
She .Suffered for Four Years, and
the Doctor' Could Not Kelp Her,
But Dodd's Kidney Pills Gave
Her a New Lease of Life.
Porton, Carleton Co„ N,B„ June
16 (Special). "I find Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills the best kidney medicine
I have ever used, They have been
of untold benefit to me."
The epeaker is Mrs. John S. Dick-
inson, of this place. She is enthu-
siastic in her praises of the great
Canadian kidney remedy, and not
without reason.
"I suffered' from kidney trouble
that started in a cold," she contin-
nes. "And for four years I was
never free of it. I was treated by
a doctor, but he did not seem to be
able to do me much good,
"I had rheumatism and neural-
gia, and my joints were stiff ; my
miracles were cramped, and I was
always tired and nervous, I per.
spired freely with the slightest ex-
ertion. I was depressed and low
spirited, my limbs swelled, and I
had a dragging sensation across
the loins.
"Nine boxes of Dodd'e Kidney
Pills made a new woman of ma."
Are not Mrs. Dickinson's symp-
toms those of any run-down s.orn-
out woman? They aro also the
symptoms of kidney disease.
Dodd's Kidney Pills give new life
to run-down women by curing
their kidneys.
Rich Russian Thinks Every Man
Should Do His Share of Work.
Parisians who follow the doc-
trines of the late Count Tolstoi are
interested in the example set by a
Russian of great wealth, Alexis
Savaroff, who spends one-half of
his day as a paper -hanger, earning
$12 a week.
M. •Savaroff does not carry his
master's precepts so far that he de-
nies himself the pleasures offered
by his wealth, but he believes, and
tries to affirm by his life, that each
man ought to do his share in the
world's unpleasant work. He ar-
rives .at his job each morning in his
automobile,' gets into his overalls
and begins work. He is employed
by a St. Petersburg firm of can -
treating interior decorators, and
lately was promoted to the position
of foreman.
When the whistle blows at the
end of Lite day Savaroff returns
home and there begins his lite of
social proimtinence. He has been
doing this for six years, and de-
clares he enjoys it.
Peter Taxed Beards.
Boards—Them were regarded as
a sacred possession by ancient
races. The. Jews were proud , of
their beards, and wore them
through the days of their Egyptian
bondage, although the Egyptians
shaved. The Greeks and Romans
of the ancient days mostly ehaved,
and the term "barbarous (beard -
wearing) was applied for a long
period to people who were consid-
ered out of the pale of polite so-
ciety. Beards have been taxed
occasionally, as in Russia by Peter
the Great, and at an earlier date
in England.
Please the
Home Folks
By serving
They are among the
good things to eat, but not
in the cook book, because,
they require no cooking.
Toasties are always crisp
and appetizing—ready to
eat direct from the pack-
age. You save heaps of
time and avoid hot work
in the kitchen.
Some rich creatn--sugar
if you want it—or cool
fruit juice, with these fluf-
fy bits of corn, and you
have a dish that is fascin-
ating for any meal of the
Toasties are sold by
grocers everywhere.
Oanadlan Possum Cereal Co., Ltd.
Wlndeor, (htarlo,
Hair Dry and Lifeless, Almost All
Hair Out on One Side of Head,
Used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura.
Ointment, Hair Coming in Nicely
and Scales All Gone,
170 Adelaide se.; se. John, N• 13,—"I
cured my 0ttq-d asdan-
druffwith Cuticurlsaoy of soaapbaandcOienoftment,
d ou l!1s
beadformesoon after..
birth. The hair
was dry andnfo-
less and almost;
all but on ono
side of bis head.
I washed the 111.
tic beast twice a
day with warm
1 water and OW -
cora Soap, dried !t; and very carefully ap-
pied rho Outicura Ointment and la about.
an hour took a very fine little comb and the
dandruff would lift off In sheets and some
of the bait would come too. Then I would
put some Cutioura Ointment on and. let It
remain till time.. to wash .the -head -.again.
I used, a large box of Cuticura Ointment
with the Outtcura Soap and hie hair was
coming in nicely and the scales all gone.
Today he bas as nine a head of hair and
as free from dandruff us yoµ would wish to
see.': (Signed) Mra. O. F. Koast, May 20.
-A Bincake of Outicura Soap and boa
of Cuticura Ointment aro often sutnclent
when all else has failed. Sold by druggists
and dealers everywhere. Liberal sample of
each mailed free, with 82-p. Skin Boole
Address post card Potter Drug Sr Chem,
Corp., Dept. 82D. Boston. I7. S. A.
Attacks and Wounds Two Men in
South Wales.
For three days it was a mystery.
It was believed a madman had es-
caped and was in hiding in the
woods near the little village of
Carleton, Penrith, in South Wales.
Then it was learned that an owl was
George Lamb, head gardener at
Carleton Hall, was returning to the
village one night about 10 o'clock
when suddenly something struck
him on the head, knocking off his
hat and cutting a gash two .inches
long on the side of - his head.
Thinking comb one had thrown a
stone at him he searched behind the
hedge, but could .neither see nor
hear anything. Ho went home and
informed the police.
Next night about the same hour
Thomas Pattinson of Ponrith was
attacked at the very some spot,
receiving a, deep gash on the side of
the head.
Sergeant Armstrong of the Pen-
rith pollee was directed to investi-
gate. As he was making the usual.
inspection, searching for footprints
or finger prints on the moss and
grass, he suddenly heard an angry
hiss, and before he had time to re-
cognize his assailant ho was struck
on the face, one of his eyes narrow-
1iy escaping destruction. With the
other eye he saw a huge owl, which
was upon him once more, before ho
had time to recover. The owl out
open his cheek with its beak. He
beat the angry bird off, but could
not capture it.
Notto the man who has' to move about,
but a alight application of "Putnam's"
softens the thickest tissue- and cures the
bunion quickly. Just as goodtor warts,
lumps, and callonees is Putnam's Painless
Corn Extractor. tree uo other, 250, at all
"I have a message for the world,"
said the gloomy individual` on the
platform. "Before you go any
further," spoke ep a man in the
rear of the hall, "please tell 'us
whether or not your message is
tdlnard's Liniment CuresColds, Eta
Pat Again.
On, a certain Saturday two Irish-
men were arranging to attend a
meeting together. on the following
day, but each was at a loss to know
how, on arrival, he should tell
whether theotherhad gond in. They
thought about the matter far some
time, and then Pat said, "Well, if
I get there first I'll put a chalk
mark on this wall, and if you get
there first you rub it out."
If happiness ever comes to some
men it will have to do so against
their wills. •
:,.. 11):
7. ISSUE 25•-••'13.
Physical Cu4ur314 Says AlelltalitY
Increases with lf.ttscle,
It has bean stated by Sir John
Cookburn that the boys who were
beat et games were the best sohol-
This question is now being tested
at some public eehoo1s and in a leas
Scientific manner at one of the uni-
In Denmarlc, where almost every
elementary school has a gymnasium
attached, it ie a commonplace that
the hest gymnasts are also the beet
scholars; but with the Danes scho-
larship includes a great deal that
is physical. . Mr. Junker, one of
their leaders in physical culture,
who was et ono time employed by
our education office, told a repre-
sentative of the London Daily Mail
that he could see the intelligence
expand in direct ratio with the
chest, and, he added, in the case
of women, with the waist. This was
in the Daae not of pupils but of
teachers who went to Silkeborg, in
Denmark, to; learn the art of phy-
sical training.
One Oxford don who had studied
the question maintained that walk-
ing was the form of exercise most
often associated with high intelli-
gence. Ho would maintain that all
clever men were good walkers and
that many dons would walk univer-
sity athletes off their legs. There
are certainly a number of remaik
able examples of this exceptional
walking ability among scholars.
Some well known headmasters and
dons will 'occur immediately to the
mind of public school and univer-
sity men.
Great skaters are often clever
men, and it is possible that the fac-
ulty of balance, most necessary in
all games, is associated with intelli-
geaoe and one develops both in de-
veloping one.
Any Headache Cured,
Tired Systems Re -Toned
A Prominent Publishing Man Says the
Quickest Cure !e Dr. Ham
..Ilton's Pills.
lfeadachee never dome to those who use
Dr, Hamilton's Pille. and this fact is
vouched Sora by the Assistant Manager
of the Poultry Success Magazine, of.
Springfield. 0.. Mr. Y. YL. Callander, who
writeeI "No better medicine then . Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. We use -them regular-
ly and know of marvelous sures that re-
sisted everything else, They cleanse the
whole system, net as a tonio on the
blood. enliven digestion. help the stom-
ach, and make you feel strong and well.
For headaches, indigestion and stomach
dlsordore I am confident that the one
prescription is Dr. Hamilton's Pi11s."
Being compelledof natural vegetable
remedies,. Dr. Hamilton's Pills possess
great power, yet they aro harmless. They
.aid e11 organs c0uneeted with thestom-
aoh,. liver, and bowels. In consequence,
foodis properly' digested, the blood is
pure and nourishing, the body is kept
strong and resiete disease, all drugs:eta
and storekeepers- soli Dr. Hamilton's Pills,:
25e per box, 5 for 51.00, or by mail from
the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and
Ktugston,. Canada.
Not the Sante.
"Are you the same man who ate
my mince pie last week?"
'No,r mum. I'll never be th'
same man again 1"
Wtnard's Liniment cures Distemper.
01,1 Joke Bobs Up Again.
Boss—"Where's Jones'? His va-
cation was up this morning."
Fellow-clerk—"Ib was, sir but
he telephoned that lie would have
to ask for a few days rest ftp before
he could possibly go to work."
1 6 sea Try Marine Eye Remedy
NoSmnrllag.-h otelrine-AnteYQatekly.
Pry 11 ter. Roe R eek, watery 1u ea and
®� Ili mob. Package. da,DtU L N19 ele . snook
�YRp o, nd d by oureouliete-nota"stent
.H ��'' �i[edt t,o but 00410 aueuexetnl Phyal•
Need edto rraUoe hfPmany a00oiAw
LrugBgtate nt 21,410, per bottle. Murine
a s e 130 85100 en Aaoptle Tnb05, 1000.52,,
Murine Eve Romadv Co,. Chlcoas
"Go away from lie, said the
fashionably -dressed woman to the
tramp; "I wouldn't have you touch
me for a dollar." "I was only
goin' to touch you for a copper,
lady," came the reply.
Minartes Liniment• Cures OINHlheris.
The Five Great Races.
Chinese students, like other for-
eiguers seeking to master the Eng-
lish language, sometimes make Ind-
icroths mistakes, ,Bishop Montgo717'.
ery, at recenb anniversary of the
'Society for the Propagation of the
Glospel, ,gave some examples of a11-
'aware given bystudents to exaill-
ieetion questions.
When asked, "Whet are the five
great races of mankind 7" a Chin-
ole student gave the following an -
ewer : "The hundred yards, the
htttdiee, the quarter -mile, the mile
'and the three !tilos."
Right in Style.
Mother has a splendid; suit
A 01\'lish tailored gray,
She simply Bowed a red rosette
(t0 father's cutaway,
r 5
Pork &
S' ` WOO'
eLr1Ra mornMP-
Quality, flavour, and
Perfect cooking,
The mw:tns0m
of nourishment
and palatabtfity.
Just heat .-then serve
Mill/MUM trouble
and coot. 4
H. W. DAWSON, tunny Colborne Street,
.L Farms in all motions of Ontario.
Some guava.
Railway trookage, in Toronto.
Brampton and other towns and cities.
Ate Brampton and dozen other towel.
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto
proved farms, ✓^15.00 to 845.00
Trade. acro. PHumbolestdtgrafu,Sack• and mixed farming
country. Write Commissioner,. Board of
lJ right. Learn barber trade; always
sure emplovment for barber. Our ins..
proved methods, constant practice and
instructions qualify you for position In
short time.. Send for ea.talocue. Molar
�-1 TAMP COLLEolORlt-aUNUItEu Die.
1.7 ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue.
Album. only eevea Cents - Marts .Starve
Comnenv. Tnrnnto.
internal and external. cured with-
out vale by our home treatment. Write
es before too late. Dr. Rehman Medical
Go., Limited. Cotllnewood. Ont.
For Sale.
This car was taken in exchange for a
roadster model as it was too large for
the owner, Completely equipped.
Price 5550.00,
100 Richmond- St., West..
Toronto. Phone M, 2072.1.4..
Newedd—Did you spend so much
money as this before .I married
you? Mrs. Newedd-Why, yes.
Newedd—Then I can't understand
why your father went on so when
Ptook you away from him.
• MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Lini-
ment asked for at my store and the only
one we keep for sale.
All the people use it.
Pleasant Bay, C.B.
Wouldn't Dare to If Wide Awake.
Mrs. Gabbleigh (nudging her huts -
band; who is snoring)—William,
you'd make less noise if you kept
your mouth shut. •
Husband (only half awake)-So'd
MInard's Liniment Cures Caeget In Caws.
In London.
The doorbell rings. The mistress
of the, house answers it. A small
clhild, the child of a near neigh-
bor, is discovered on the doorstep.
Tho Mistress—What is it, Cissy 1
The Child—Please, ma'am, moth-
er wants to know if you'll be so
kind, as to lend her your recipe f'r
malun' bombs. The last one she,
made only smelled bad and
wouldn't bust.
Capacity 1,800pomade.
wired sides. Fullygine. equipped.
Prise 01,000.00 each.
100 Richmond St., West.
Toronto, Phone M. 5072.3-4.
RICH W EU.ao i. IO
Vacation Trip
Niagara Falls,'l'oront•o, Thou-
sand Islands, St. Lewreneo
Rapids, Montreal, Quebec and
tho Saguenay River ---ono of
0 ate r o'8 most Impressive
Seenie wonders.
Low tetra for tleiteto inalndiugmoale
and hartbs. Por furor-
matlon apply to Iooal
ticket agents or
lfugh lis Paterson,
Gott, Agt., TOrdn-
te, Ont., cr 1{.
rotor Chaffee,
r s.M., Manta.
Creel. Que.
Cott iiV tw>