HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-6-26, Page 4be .trusts.iCti Ai#t Tt-lUR3JaAY, JUNE. 26, 1913 99 Yes ! .it's este to take theta off time. Goon Mot•uitig 1 Have .you t1 newsy itegt for Tent Pose ? i7 is no oornpilmeut to the red Paan so designate the "close off" puttinga 2000 ou the Indian list. 'WA're0 out for the changes or tem- perature, dress itecorllingly and thereby avoid the ride of catching colds, le you are it swearer bow much do you get a day for it? Maybe you work cheep, It sounds that way anyhow. S1iost•rait church services are iu fashioo and will continue during the Summer with better prospects of doiug good than the long metre variety, Agree a years no docked horses will be purcbaeed by the War depnrttnent or Great Britain, thereby .dealing a hotly blow ngaiust. a fad that is 'tot by any Means humane. `1`ttasr, are 60 pulp mills in Cainuln and last year nearly two million cords of pulpwood were cut. 53% was exported to the United States. Canada has a great asset in her pulpwood. .WAaaler weather and school va• cations are stirring up the tourist busi- ugss. Weeder bow people got along When there were no Holidays ? Many of the folk in those days lived to a good old lige and thought they had a flue time, They evidently had eot been bitten by the Summer resort "bug." BY the end of jelly the nucleus of the Australian navy, cousisting of a battle ship cruiser, 2 light cruisers and a flotilla of torpedo boats, is to be com- pleted at Portsmouth after which they will sail in Australian waters. No one will doubt the log alty of Australia to Great Britain iu the course taken. DR. HELEN A1ACMIRCNY, of Toronto, has been appointed to a new office in the Province of Ontario, viz :--Inopector of the Feeble Minded. She is a lady of marked ability, a great student of 1lumaunature and has made a name for herself aloug a better order of things for just such people as her work will bring her in cuutnct with. jonotxo by the proposed United States tariff the Jamaica banana grower is bard hit. It is a great iudustry in the land of the black man and as the U. S. has been an A 1 customer the tax is a serious hatter to the island planters. It may mean that Uncle Sant. may have to pay more for his bananas as the practice of high tariffs is to raise the price whether grown at home or a- broad. Other Markets may open up that may prove of great benefit to Jamaica ff the U. 5. gateway has bars across it so it's too early to do much weeping yet. Warren of coutinuiug to rent n horse why not purchase a property if you have an intention of making your home here for even a few years? Owner- ship means inlpro0enlents; in ninny instances and these mean increases of value to your possessions and the better ment of Brussels as a whole. A few fruit or ornamental trees set out, a lawn, good chicken house or a garden means the cultivation of taste and edu- cattou to the whole fatuity and when all is done it belongs to yourself and no one can oust troy out of it. Buy a propelty instead of being a tenant. Tits Synod of Huron gave a turn- down to the resolution proposing '10 give women a vote in the vestry meet- iugs, vote stanching 4l to go. It re- quires a 1 vote to change a canon Lay delegates voted 20 to 17 for lb e resolution. A very lively vel debate, f b u Witch so pawns took part preceded the voting, The prover of the reso (anon was John Ran ford, of Clinton, Who put up a strong p'ea for w 121, in our opinion, should have received the unanimous. suppJrt ot the Synod. It is a recogaltiou well deserved ou the part of the sisterhood of the church for well deserved and abiy directed work in many departments. It will come. A'r Calgary Artbar Pelkey, the pug wild was engaged iu a prize fight with Luther McCarty when the latter was killed by dislocation or the.ueek, was up for trial.. Referee Smith, stated he had seen many fights in 23 years, both amateur end professional but 11e was uu- able yet to distinguish oily difference between a boxing contest and a prize fight. And yet in the face of such testiinony some cities mud towns still permit such indefensible performances to be put m1 tbe program and grow very indignant when objection is taken to them. Surely there is wickedness cuoagh In the world, that unmet be a voided, without courting something that is debasing in tite ,extrema. Sotne, people'e standards are very near the ground, Hair ` Slaughter KILLED BY N6041QEHOE Ian'l 1181 hays m l:E a non is} t oe t 1met 1 die. If it does qoL have pvupct nourishment IC will lose its viLahiey, grow weak, ttntl become an easy prey to the ravages of the vicious unci destructive germs of dandruff. PARISIAN Sage is tt hair nourish- ee ; 1L le the mesule of sincere study fail experiment by one of the world's Wading scientists.` It should be used regularly an et hair dressing, because It never fails to prevent dandruff, falling hair, or any scalp (Ramie. PARISIAN Saga not only pptowen is but is a certain cure for dandruff ; it stops Itching of tite scalp instantly ; it makes hair grow thick and 111xnrianb. It is especially in de- mand by ladies, because ie snakes the }fair beautiful, soft and Buffy. Sas. Fox the druggist, sells it under a positive guarantee to do all that is chime for claimed Ltd fc t tt, or money bock, 50 cents. "Goa bless our 'broad Dominion" on the arrival of her 46th birthday next Tuesday. On no fairer lard does the sou rise and set and like nue of old "the half has not been told." We may know much of Canada's wortll but tbe future wilt be great beyond compare if her sons and daughters are true to the trust reposed in such citizenship and alert to throttle anything that would lead to her debasement. Let the young people be instructed in the rich- ness of this heritage and also in a wide field ot usefulness iu guandiug and guiding its destiny, "The linea have Fallen unto us in pleasant places." Ii everyyutly Went to church on the pattern you 0 on would the congrega- tion a• e e l p y t; g g tion bebiglittle 7 Some eo • s al le le a p t v "its none of )our business whether I go to church or not," but we are ant so sure about that. We ..re our brother's keeper in a larger sense than We often imagine 211111 whatever will tend to the uplift of the 01 nvnolity by both precept and example should be performed if we desire to be goal citi- zens. Supposing the four churches in Brussels were to close up tight would it be better or worse for the nowt ? Al. most a unanimous vote %voted be cast to keep the doors open and hold reg( lar services. If that is true it should be incumbent upon each individual to do their share, both In attead:lnce mud M3211621 support, toward the (Lurch or their choice, thereby increasing the force for good and withstanding what should be suppressed. Would you think there are people enough in this community who absent themselves from church to nearly fill either of the edifices ? Sit down some day and count up the list and you may be sur- prised at the total. What a splendid impetus it would give the churches if this company could be prevailed upon to lend a hand and push forward the good work. There is no real need of anyone being troubled with constipation. Chanlberlahl's Tablets will 'cause an agreeable movement of the bowels ivithout any nupleasant effect. Give thele a trial. For sale by all dealers. MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCES SINCLAIR-LAIRD Oi Wednesday of last week at the residence of the bride's parents in North Dresden, Ont., the marriage of Aliss Irene Alice Laird, only daugh- ter of Thomas and Airs. Laird, to Ronald. \I. Sitlolair, son of Barrister Willinrn Sinclair, Brussels, Ont., was solemnized by Rev. Norman Lindsay. Miss Grace Laird sang a solo, Al iss Bessie Evans, Toronto, playing the march. The bride ' was given away by her father mid wore a beautiful ivory duchess satin 1211:1 shadow Mee, the bodice having some lovely Indian embroillely worn by her grandmother. A tulle veil W85 arranged in cap fashion, awl a shower of lilies and roses was (tarried. She wore a dia- mond ring frim the groom. The tna- tt•m% of honor Was Mrs. John But gess, in Dresden brocadedin a and s t a i la re and Aliss 1101 a Sinclair Was bra a C J d e. maid in pale lase color and pearls Deeeunet was served 00 small tables, these and the rooms being decorated with pink and white flowers. Laser ale. and Airs. Sinclair left for De- troit, the going -away dress being blue \v101 1011011 of revise, anti toque to match. Mee, Laird Wore mauve brocaded satin and embroidery. A. mong the guests were Mr. and Miss Sinclai1, Brussels ; Mr. and Miss Cliff, Str atford ; Mrs. S. A. Laird, Chatham ; )Wallace and Mrs, Lai( d 'Windsor ; �Miss Daisy Boyd, Gttlt. 151r, and alts. Sinclair will -reside in Detroit. Hearty congratulations are extended. ALLIN-DAi-TE5 On Tuesday afternoon, Sane lith, at two o'clock in St. Paul's 31et11ndist Church, Avenue road Toronto, the marriage took place of Blanche Alma Davies, second daughter of L. \V, nod Ales. Davies, and Arthur Everett ABM, M, A., sen of Rev, and Alta' S. J. A11in, of Clintotl, formerly of BIOS. sets. Rev. De. Rankin officiating assisted by Rev. 5, J. Algin, father of the groom. The bride was Wen away 1168 father, and was attended by her sister, Aliss Kathleen Bevies, The best roan was Frederick R. Turner. Wedding (1)11210 Was played by' G. ii, knight, )Ales. Bac., organist of Lhe ahlmch, mid while the register wits being.signed, Aliss ABM sang DeKovetts "0 Promise Ne," After the ceretnony tt )'eception Was held by 711x, Daviesaat10 x.artnflt)Ih leardens, glad at five o'clock Mr. anti Mrs. Algin left for a trip down the St, £oswz'ence, Brussels friends extend best wishes, STRACRANx ARRIS Knot cure 11 h Af lclutu e1e rt i t tl , e 1 tilinaol 1t pretty wedding. un \Vett uesd(ty of last week (rt high noun, when lianoult A., yenngesr 1ai517ter of Mrs, L. Harris of ltlildn* ty, %vras worried to 301n1 Taylor SU'lwIllnl, 13, A.,, of Toronto, Rev. G. A. lttc- Donithl of ll'lilclnnay, officiated in the presence of imntediate relatives, The bride, tv1,o was given away by her brother, looked charming iii 11e1' wedding robe of cleats duchess satin trimmed with Oriental Ince and pearls and wore a tulle veil with wreath of orange blossoms, She carried white roses and lilies of the valley, and also wore a peat') peeklet, the gift, of the gg000011. The bride wits assisted by Aliss Emma Lanz, of Clifford in inn sills and with pitmen lace, with hal, to match, The groom Was assisted by Stanley Vogai, of \Voodstock. The bridles attendants Were Miss Innes and Miss,. Eat kliegs, the wed- ding m'o'ck being played by Miss Poole Morrison, of Alikhnay. The gift to the bride's attendant was a silver card 1(120, to the groomsman rt pule or gold coli links, and to the 105120191 a rnby n001le.l. Dejnener was served at the home 01 Lhe bride, and later Mr. and Airs. Sit achan left for Niagara Falls, the goleg-away dress being of navy blue, blue hat with pretty blue mount, A barge nivel° of rehttives and friends in this vicinity are a unit in extending good wishes. Wednesday of last week at high noon Rev. Do. Oaten tied the matri- monial bow between Fred. . \lee, of Stratford, and Mise Vent Gladys, only daughter of Walter and plte. \Vilbee, at the parental home, Turn - berry street, Brussels, in the presence of 85 guests. The bride was given away by her father 111111 '.yore a be- coming gown of satin striped voile, with elubroi (leredul bt alell and a tl a wreath,f t ''lies n • P the n1ie e i Sh tat 'tell t I 1 110 lleC ow hie rose 1 4 s an( carnations, After enngtattllations the company sal down In a wedding feast prepared in Mrs. Wilbee's best style. The presents were numerous, useful and well arisen. Ah'. and Ales. Mee left on the 3 p. 01. express, the bride wearing it snit of blue el(if- fun bl•nmdelnth with hat to match. After tt visit to 13uifa.ln, Oakfield and other points they will take up te8i- dence in Stratford with the best Wishes of many friends. Among the guests were Horace Wilkiee, Mrs. Robt. Hay. Miss Copeland and Miss Aiillcr, of Stratford ; W. 11. and Mrs. Morklinger, Hanover ; Hn,ry and Martin Taylor, Hairistnn ; Atrs. R. R, Bau•lviek, Leadbnry i 3. 7', Nichol- son, Ethel; A. nt(d Ales. NTehnlson, Milburn ; and Mr. anti Aliss Mann. Clinton. The bride has spent several years in Strafford so will be quite at home in the Olassic city. STRAOIIAN-MITAGGAR.T Ht. Andrew's church, Chatham, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, Thursday night, J,ene 12111, at 7 o'clock, when the marriage was cele- brated of Miss Helen illrTaggart, only daughter or Mrs. Mary MoPagg)u't, Raleigh street, Chatham, to Dr. Jas. Strachan, of lint t William, son of the Mite :lames Stl•nehan, Brussels, The sacred edifice wits artistically decorat- ed with ferns, palms sad tt ;mansion of Spring blossom. .Tile nuptial knot was Lied by the Rev. J. R. Vau \Vyek, pastor of the church, in the presence of the relatives and intimate friends of the bride and gr00(tn. The bridal peaty entered the church to the 51111(112 of the Wedding Marc)) played by Ales. A. E. Jacks, Toronto. The bride was looking partictilnrly lovely' in a dainty gown of white ratine ehtborated with lace. She wore a wt'eti.th of orange blossoms in -het hair and carded a shower of Amei.'i' call Beauties. Her bridesmaid wile Miss G'raee Rankin, wearing a hand- some gown of en)beoirl'ered voile and carrying pink roses, The grooms 128 supporled by. Mr. Metzler, of • Winni- peg, and the mshels were 111r. David- son, Port William ; A. 111. Jacics. Tor- onto ; and Garner Mackin. During the signing of the reg[sl et Ale. David- son sang e0 Promise Ale." After the ceeemony a reception was held at the bride's home, when Ahs. McTaggart was wearing black silk with ]avemlar hat mid corsage bngnet of mauve sweet peas and lily I o 1 1 f it e p ) )ally. The rooms were enhanr511 with palms, ferns and cut flnliels and a buffet lunelleol was served. The gr0uit's gift to the bride was a dia- mond ring, to t'(8. bei1esnntid and pianist pearl her pins and to the ushers scarf pins. Later ill 111e even- ing Dr. and Ales. Strachan left on a 4.44+.1-4.+4, oleeealeleleleeeelelelee+++ •e +I' 000 k Wanted . el' 14 't' .2 k '1- J. T. Wood, Excelsior Nnitting Mills BRUSSELS ,�'�, , + 3� +++++++++++++44++++++++++;-. Highest Cash Price paid for any quantity ofOO in prime' Wool ' l "n e' 'condition. 1 .4 s1' trip to 13rnssels, 'repaid() and 1,time leeisteropoints, Where they will. spend some time before leaving for their home in Fort William. hit's. 51rtich- an unveiled in a snit of sht•111eid's plaid, with crepe Idolise tend Plulnnla hat. The nub of tutu guests were Airs. Ileney, Detroit ; D. crud Alias Sleeel'(te, I31'lls2518 ; 111 iss Aiken, DI'ee. den ; Miss lefeDonnld, Windsor and 1)1,. and Mrs. \\'. Shackleton, t.11eve- lancl. Aliss McTaggart has for a llnnl- ber of'e •a been , y a1, n du•relor n' 1' I !b( 11a ICeon gh sellout 1 ludee 11 n 111 and wilt g g a v it be notch ,Hissed she hiving been trios t successl'ltl in the 11.0) ic. WORGAN-ST.ER'AR'r The Ogenta Aelvarnle sl(3's :- "A prelly wedding was solemnized 111 the Methodist ehnreli on Saturday even- ing when Miss Mary Stewart noel ry L- \Volgiul, 0111' popuHu veple- sentative of the R. N. \l', i1i., [vete united in the holy bonds of male). - mon y, Rev. Air. Armstrong perform. img the ecrcmnny, :\t 8 ei clu(lc the bride 1()11 51011)11 111)11 their places, In the strains of the wedding mnreh )Eyed by kJ is:: U. Patterson. The bride was at110,11,<1 by her cousin, Align Nellie Frazer, while\V. 3. Scott petformed the clunes of glouuls- Man. A Ittege nuulbee of friends were present, dm ins the ceu'mnmy and the young couple Wel e the re- cipients 111' Many beun111111 • and cast ly presents, showing tholt igh esteem in which they are held by the citizens of Ogeme. The Advocate joins their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous voyage ever the sen of life," The bride is the eldest daughter of Hugh and Ales. Siewert, of Gilbert Plains, Ma11,, frnmerly of Grey ovuship, Ont. The Girl's Auxiliar'T y ot 58, A'ndrew's church, Gilbert Plains, held a mis- cellaneous shover at. the home 'of Airs. Andrew Prayer on Friday even- ing in hon0,' of Miss Ahoy Stewart in view ,nf her nppeouchiner nuarilige. A splendid program had been 1)) ranged foe the ncrasion and the gii Is spent as very eejoymble• evening to- HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 28111, Inclusive,. Winnipeg and Return - S35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Other points in proportion RetumLlmit-two months. HOMESEEBERS' TRAIN leave - Toronto 2.00 �.m each Tuesday, May August,to'. inclusive. Best train totake,as Winnipegt reached early morning, enabling passengers to mak ail branch one connections. • rlxrougs.trsfns Toronto In W1pi71pee and Weft Perdeulata anent Canaan' Mlea.Agents 40write ef. . D.P,A.. C.F. Ry.. Tomato H. L. JACKSON Agent, BRUSSELS ...........................,................„........ • •• • Emporium , • S.Carter's♦. • Brussels • •• • • • Is the spot • • for 1110: a r i•• •• • I handle a full r•ange of Farm• • o •Implements, eream Separators, &c.• s •• •• a ro Five ditferentfirms rept'esented-the best inthe market. • Buggies A novelty is the electric lamps attached to the rigs.. • 7 See befoe'e you boy. • •• pa Janos, g e A.ND GRAMOPHONES • ) Janos.. Drgans •sold Ltt prices that represent money • I u� saved when you Beal with rue. . • f/t� Cleaners t��!s)rt" in 0(010118 makes 'guaranteed r Vacuum Cleaners to wort, - 01' (1( S'it'e.' 0,111 111. and see them. .. i' • Cali at the Store and •see our Goods. • • • • • •• • • • • • ♦ r • e • • getlter, Putener old friends in Hoven Co. wish that and Airs N'nt'g,ui 1(111clr teal elleoymen1, 111 X11 I i LL -• IDAvzs u 1S + + G fd (Nie ,1 n it of a leen d 2 r It t Y o'clock, et happy event tank place ut 1110 eesldenue ul \V. U, 11111 111x,:, Davie, Howell, when their only 1 daughter, Ai is.; Ltla wits milted in uaartinge wilh a :to)ular' business ratan A, 110. ll, Hemphill, of Lilo dune place. The e(Id1lig = was es a quiet one.. be[15 att.1nded by the ilruttedlitta relatives (11 the enn1tneting parties,, Rev. 14. 1\Je1.4 Smitlt peefnrinetl the ceremony Mem. whieli Ihe' hal,py ennple teoeired the t'uugt'lunl,ttiuus of those pl'e85112. Little Ola Cook niece of the Limon' 'lube a charming flower eh1. .1110 hn'ide Was Retired in a 11/10(150We tram -113(15 22211. After a. dt r )11 4 1 2 so'i' mt Iu r e t y t 1 u.ht a Uty hol'l'y couple lift. by motor ear for it wed- ding 1010 to various points, \Vetldin gilts Wert' lnaler0us, handsome and costly. 'i'331( I'os'r joins With thele Maly friends in wishing illy. Hemp- hill aid 111'iche a joyous married Hs. It 1s now wen ll known 11181 nut• more Cines ons 0115e of rhuuuutisul [u len r0(Im1re8 1(1)>' ill tevital h1•atill P11 O'httl- Orel'. All that is 110/111011 is a free (()- pliention. 'fry it anal see holy quickly IL will relieve the pain and sol'en?ss. Sold by all (1(alens. Vigorone den umeatintl of the liquor traffic and 0lnld111111 demenel foe pee- hibitoey legislation, tree features of most or the representative religions gatherings which have been held due - Kidneys Wrong?--, If they are you are in danger. When through' weakness or disease the kidneys fail to filter the impurities from the blood, trouble comes at once, Backache, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are some of the results of neglected ludo eYa Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pill n 0 t 9 contain a most effective diuretic e whleh strengthens and stimulates the kidneys so that they do their work thoroughly and well. Try Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills 05 the past fele weeps, Presby- le1eans, Methodists, Cnugrega- tiouttllsts and l3apelsts have been specially nut •token in the elellunela I of h bar -room 1 the l t roma s •ate end ' A ! system a 777 tea r 'ut of t desirability ul U e J s i lu l 1 7 of t Irl al supplermine, They Give Wonderful Health None are so healthy, so buoyant and Colt of 11 Es as those who regulate %vitil1)o, Hamilton's Pills. lever) in ane night. !hey work 1v(utle(5. Fur teed coaling Ihey take from the 10ogue, Ileadalthes they relegate Cr) the past, bltinusnees and ;tnlnuub dis- orders .they peevelit uutl Absolutely earl•, 1'h1/113 what it al@uis lit Have the systotn cleansed and pnelfled by He. L11uuiltnu'8 Pills 1 A true laxative, it I'rt mile, hu•llesv and wholly I1) vegetable im composition, they will do you goad. T11 feel and 10016 your best, use De. Hamilton's Pills, 250 at any dealers, [OVOON'S' FAVORITE (Imp.) (1 1812) 18070 \Vi11 stand. for the improveu)enl• o1' stock at his own stable, Lot 22, Cos. 18, McKillop Colts off this !nese have iron lot prize for the 1aseLh(•ee genus al, 13eusseis and Seam all Sloe's in the heavy draught clus8. Teri us-iiIS,00, J011N T. arcaAVLN, Leadbney P. 0, Enrolment No. 808. Not Inapooted. Forel 8 Under regulations Ontario Statute, 2 Geo. 1",, Chapter 07. Oeterio Stn}11o» Enrolment Bland Certificate of EnOolment of PURE BRED STALLION' The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario certifies thatthename; description olid pedi. gra° of the Cigdellir,lc StnIlion,-Loudon'sFav- orite Ilam 1 Registered rathe CIy&testi els Strad Book lin No 11812, owned by John J. Sloan ria, of IJendtipry, end folded in 1004, hes been e11• rolled (11 accordance , 14h (hr)t :ter 07 of the 1 e of all• E St This s O ui1 GeoV.(' This 1,l an s e 1, nmi•od on r be- fore Thi e8tst Itcl to must b n n the env! of 8ohssso 1 o1018,and within1'110 thirty env! after n 01111 lige of ow nernh in 01' the said stallion n new certificate most be obtain -i ed.. 0, P, Waet0rvelt, Secretary. i 'aEAL - ,Tobe Bright. Qheinnnil, I entad rat')ar011t0, Orit , 2110 14111 Tn Y 11.11 101. I1. , a o A 0 To Our Friends and Neighbors You know us. You know we wotild not -that we could not afford to- go back on our word. Nor can you afford to Ignore this money-back=i.f-not=satisfied offer on th!s splendid laxative. We honestly believe we have the best bowel remedy ever made -the most plensant•to-tanto, most per- manently beneficial laxative for relief from the miseries mud dangers arising from constipation. ▪ We wouldn't say -this if we didn't believe it to be true. We wouldn't risk our reputation by malting such statements did we not feel sure you would find them true. Our faith is built both on the lenowledge of what Rexall Orderlies are made of and on observation of very many severe eases in wl0ch they have proven their merit 'Try tlteln at Our Risk If they do not abundantly prove their merit with you also - if you are not entirely satisfied with them - 'we will refund your money - and we will do that on your mere say-so. We don't ask you to risk a penny. Isn't that fair? Suet let the bowels fail in properly doing their work= just let- thew ' action be delayed and incomplete and the entire system and. every other organ suffers. Wastes that ^hound have been dispelled remain to poison the system. Headaches, biliousness, nervous - 11031 and other tormenting and seri- ous ills aro common when the bowels fail to act daily as nature intended. All this may be avoided, if you will accept our advice. roottleAllerao taste just like . dandy. They are soothing and easy in action. They do not cause griping, nausea,purg- ing = or .excessive looseness.: They tend to tone and strengthen intestinal nerves and muscles. They promptly relieve constipation, and help to per - all of dition ecom- Rexall Orderlies come in vest- pocket tin boxes. 12 tablets, 10c; 98 tablets, e5c; 80 tablets, See, reanently overcome it. Rexall' Orderlies promote bettor spirits and better health. In these things they are vastly superior to old-fashioned, harsh salts and other purgatives, which are not only unpleasant.to take but which usually leave the bowels in worse con than before. We particularly r mend Rexall Orderlies for children, aged' and delicate persons. CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Rexall Orderlies am not sold by all drug- gists. You eau buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores, You can buy Rexall Orderlies inthis community only at our store: F. R. SMITH Brussels The ed/..c.ate Store Ontario There is e Resell Store in nearly 00ert' town andcity in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Resell Remedy for nearly every ordinary humse ill -- each especially designed for the particular ill for whtoh it is recommended. The Rexall Stores are-Asnerlca's Greatest Drug Stores e Sr CARTER , BRUSSELS .i• , R ▪ tio'Corefortabie hoose for stile, with stable, .hill se, JJ1•mssels. e.: ••.♦N••♦•••••.♦N••N♦w•♦•1♦•♦,.♦•♦♦♦••♦•♦••h•♦••• MEN -YOU NEED NERVE EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER MANED. YQUR SYSTEM The 1005 conte I' e n a 0 tl a ttons of tlio hod so hat an - a s t .Y thin tht debilitates a o hl1 r of a will alien organs g .. _ t themW g We *steal, a y A , Rnrly Indiscretions and Excesses have ruined t1ouseeds of promising young men. Urinates* Dreinisap their vigoraud vitality and Elm never develop Ion proper condition of )manhood. They rental0 weak - Hugs, mentally, physically sad sexually. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak, despondent aid gloomy, specks before the eyed with dark circles- under them, weak bac':, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex• pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tiredmornings, restless nights, change- able moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, etc, This!. the conditiononr New Method Treatment is GUARANTEED TO CURE Wo have treated Diseases of Men for almost a 111e. time and do not have to experiment, Consult us - - FREEOF CHARGE and we win tell you whether you aro curable: or not, We guarantee curable eases of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES,GLEET, BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booldet on Diseases of Men.. If unable to call write for wonderful Ncrrous Srstcm QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT D �CKENNED �s,�ENNEDNNNNNN�Y Cor,' Michigan Ave. and Griswold St , Detroit, Mick. X101t c Alf letters final Canada must be addressed ! 10E to our Canadian Correspondence .Dpart: 100 Yt1ltE1 ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us petsonally call at our.iledicat Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no, patients in -our Windsor offices which ate for Correspondence, and iraborglory for Canadiate'business ,only. Address all letters as tenches:' !NIS. KENNEDif & KENNEDY..Windsor, Oat. Write for our DiivateaddreSS, " - , ,. •.:, ' Tho People's Oolumn - T A YID on the ramie a of theundersign- ...7 de 1 e 1 n r 11A u sl 1 • S p g 4 rd hot 10. Con , 0WnoGrey , Is June ted n red 2•ylnrroW heifer, 'Owiiarlsreq nosted to. 1• property r 1 1 , x o n 1,s 11 ova 1 F v, h d la a a1, 1 I l y h b tsyu y1' DtJNCa1Q luot7ilUNZlm, Walton P, 0. FMFOR 8A1.10.-100 acrefortn and. 0005 IFfor alt's, 227 ()lila•) youth of Yrro:cotar, Lot, 11 and to QUO 0, 'Pownah100 tp or Howlelc, 'e(, elites build inga, windmill, hard 1)1H1 Nott water in heady, 111 ru204.y 11101 bath grooms, Yu)wutoa, neer Con Limn tion yohoot, Wroxet or. Amply to JAMES A. EDGAR, Wroxeter, Out, 90.4 COat8'OICTAB1.E etOt7S111101,0111 or for mle oft 8011211 Tnru101•ryp ,treat, 0ruasele, wltb mire of haul 1(1200 'ell. Small rrulte, tip. plc (reek, &o. flood culler, hard and Hort wilt <+r, Illln,lea120 p011°esslo0, Por 111rtherpar- 21un1nre n1(51y 10 27188 21AUO110 KELLY, 1001101250. Phone 1717. Or allay Jn,w)0 fly, et 11(8 omen, Boma, lmaesele, EI.lidl0Lla P1tOPIRTY 1001'4 101.E 01(•50 11,2x; T6° lime.reeently vitiated by .Jobe lie Kerney, who moved to Guelph (known 08 the Regent property, rl'urnberry etreetl Is offered for satin or if not sold will be rented. '11(000 I, 11 comfortable house, 500d stnn10 and 1ki nclwn of hind with a doable entre-lice. 'rine wird en, &o, For further pertfenlers apply to W. 0, Ker, of 1'11 is Pon', who bolds (he levy. I t ie 11 chore' fleet to live in and will be sold. very ransminby, 27.11' FA14)1 L0ti SA. LID.-Thoundo'Sig+ted ?Pe his Ituo fn rot 000$10th t sill (beat 70$ porus 5(lj0hlillg the 2(0011 of 0111(8 n, for sola, The faro' le inn good state of en ll ivotion,'aind lilts good.: buildings. inlets house, lbank barn, driv- ing 1.0,158, pig pen, eta., nil commulti irely now. A first -ulnen young or011nrd (mtloining' all kinds of frnits and also small (Hilts. The Limn Is well fencer' and drained lied is a very (t ornbl0home. For further particuls(5apply O1111u promisee or !Adroit 28-ti JOI1N TOR1RANCE, Clinton. FARM. FOR SALE, being South hnlf Lot 25, Con. 4, 210(11s township, 3120001, O0., eon - Mining 100 acresmore or less. O)1 the preen- ioso Is a (('5(5e !louse, bink bairn, good orchard well. windmill, 00, All cleared exoepDtabout no AW'n. Son 001 1jl In ilos distant, Only 21.4 miles from :Brussels. ,l acresof ball wheat hi mud about 00 neves seeded down. For pries, bootie and other in formallon apply 0)1 111e, 1premises or if writing 13ruseels P.O. Phone 28. Or li, 8. ycott, Brnseele, I1'tf A. L. KERR, Proprietor, AYMAN N is prepared to supply the beet goods in 1Vhulmille, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Vittings, snub as Piping, Wat- er Bowls Vater.Bowls foe stook, 60. lt,epairs 111 Pumps promptly :attended to.. Clive (ue a rail, fIVMANN1 Cranbrook Manitoba improved Farms For sale on easy tern's or will rent to desirable ,tenants. Write for par- ticulars to John E. Smith (Owner) Box 1033 Brandon Mats. lO® COLLEGE AT HOME aeoufntdaiinEgl$ople preprng 1rpeo- plee homes bo o0ompy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegre- pliers, elvtl servants, in fact every sphere of activities. You may fin lah rat college if.vonsoWinn. P01520215 pnnr- an20ed. Eu ter college any day. L1di• victual instruction. Expert teachers. Thirty yearn' experience. Largest trttinors In Canada. Seven colleges. Special course for teachers, • A ililinted with Commercial Educe tor'. Assoeta tion -of Cunoda, Summer Sehuol et 1011,0aa Sp0tt0n Business Col- lege, London, Wingham ' Business College G.a. SPo'r'os, '\y. T. Meus8, Pi•csident. 011101. 1 P pr). ElaiffleMatereeraffleleileMIIIPAIRIREiRIMIMPIRSI RUPTURE u red At your home without pain, darter or operation. hay method' wilt cui'e ap- parently hopeless cases no matter- what your 'age Is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture ture becomes strano'ulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - fill in coupon '1"ilne kip Sitlglout• Double Name. Address'' .... • enol relhIn to " J. S.. �S MiTI 88 CatteeOnf l at. • tl Dept:A - Stratford,'Oht. _q