HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-6-26, Page 2t Meta IWO akattativ4a.464WeeAX VaNaltVIS 41410011 11(111/"' WA(6. 0 e of thc Garrison, IOr, X rlysterious Affair. ' ou-ois,vorvargaislinveris wwa;soivios,-awskAsosisfia/Tefs'ellAblk,,,,, CHAPTER XXV,—(Gant'd.). which Is still Tinging in illY eal'a Aa it• died glowly away triore wee A rasping 9 "Your Miller?" I itelosch "What Of hinif" "lle 'Yes, lie is gone; and ao la CorPeral Rufus Smith. We shall, neve' test eyea upon them again." "lane ithere llama thea gene?" I cried. "Tiltsk± unworthy of you, lieedaunt What right have we to eit here, allowti,g our pte rivafeelings to overcome us, while there is a possibility of euticoring your father? Up. mita! Let us follow hins. To me only what directien he took," "It's no tete," young Heatherstone 'an- swered, burying hia face in his hands, 'Tenet reproaph me, West, for you don't know ell the circumstances. What an we do Lo reserve Me tremendoue and unkuown laws wkich are aoting against us? The blow 1100long been hanging over um and now it has fallen, God help I" "In heaven's name tell me what ha happened!" maid I eematedly. "We ulta not yle,d to deepair. "We ean do nothing until daybreak," he answered. "We Meall then endeavor to obtaiu some trace of them. It is boom less at present." And how about Gabriel and Heatherstoner I asked. "Can we not bring them down from the Hall at once? Your poor sister must be distraoteciatvith terror.' "She knows nothing of it," Mordaunt answered. "She sleepe at the other side of the house, and line not seen or heard anything. As to my poor inolher she lute expected tome such event for so long a time that it has not come upon her tts a, merle°. Sbe ist of course, overwhelmed with grief, but would. I think, prefer to be left to herself for the preeent. Her Sameness and composure should bo a lee - son to me; but I am constitutionally ex- citable, and this catastrophe coming after our long period of suspense deprived me of my very reason for a time." "If we can do nothing untll morning," I said. "you have time to tell us all that hae occurred." "I shall do vo," he answered, rising and holding his shaking hands to the fire You know already that we have had reason for some time—for many years, fact—to fear that a terrible retributice was hanging over my father's head for a certain action of )iia early life. In this le he was assoclated with the man an as Corporal Rufus Smith; so that Ole faot of the latter finding his way to my father was a warning to us that the time had eotne, and that this 6th of October—the anniversary of the misdeed —would be the day of its atonement. I told you of our fears in my letter; and if I am not niietaken, my father also had some converaation with you, West, upon the subjeot. When / ea -w yesterday morning that he bad hunted 0110the old uniform which he has always retained since he sere It in the Afghan war, I was sure that the ond was at hand, and that our forebodings would be realized. "Ile appeared to be more composed in the afternoon than I have seen him for years, and spoke freely of VG life in In- dia and of the incidente of his youth. About nine o'clock he requeated us to go to our own roome, and locked its in there —a precaution which -he frequently took when the dark fit was upon him. It was always lais endeavor, poor soul, to keep us clear of the curse which bad fallen upon his own unfortunate head. Before parting from us he tenderly embraced my another and Gabriel, and he afterward followed me to my room, where he cleared my hand affectionately and gave into my charge a small packet addressed to your. "To me?" I interrupted. "IN you. I shall fulfill my commission Whenever I have told you my story. I conjured him to allow me to sit up with him and to ahare any danger which might arise; but he implored me with irreeiste ible earneetnese uot to add to his troubles by thwarting his arrangements. Seeing that 1 wad really distressing him by eno pertinacity, I at last allowed him to elose tilie door and ,to turn the key upon the outside. 1 Isbell always reproach myself for my want of Ormnees. But what eau you do when your own father refuses your assistanee or co-operation? You cannot force yourself 'upon hint." "I am sure tlutt you did all you maulcl do," my sister said. "I meant to, dear Esther, but, God help me, it wee hard to tell what was right. He left me. and I lieard his footetepe die away down the long corridor. It wad then about ten o'clook, or a little after. For a time I paced up and down the room, and then oarrying the lamp to the head of any bed, I lay upon it without -undress- ing, reading 'St. 71100100a Kemple,' and praying from my heart tbat the night might paps safely over us. I bad at last fallen into a troubled sleep when X wee suddenly aroused. by a loud, sonorous sound- ringing in niy ears. a sat up be- wildered, but all was silent again. The . lamp Was burning low, and my- watch showed, me tbat it was going on to mid. night. I blundered Lo my feet. and was striking a match with the intention of lightleg Ole candles, when the Oman, • vebemeut cry broke out again so loud and so clear that it might have been in the very room with me. My chamber is In the front of the house, while there of my mother and sister are at the back, so that I am the only min who commands a w vieof the apanue, Rushing to the window I drew the blind aside and looked out. You know that the gravel drive opene up so, as to foam a broad etretch immediately in front cif the houee. Just in the center of this atear Space there stood theee men looking ma at the house. The inoon sbone full upon them, gliatening on their upturned eyeballs, and by He light I could flee that they were swarthy -faced and black -haired, of a type that I was familiar with among the Silthe and eareedoes. Two of them were tbin, with lager, aesthete coun- tenanees, While the third wae avid nlialeetio, with a noble flgUre and flowiug beata." "Rani Siughl" I ejaculated. "What, Mt know there," excia_inied stordeata 111 great eurprise. "You have, t tl P" them. "I lteow of em. They are Ilizadhist priests," answered; "but go on," "They stood in line," he pentinued, "sweeping tbeit arms upwerd and down. ward, •wbile their ineved no If te- peat-lug Kettle prayer or incantatien, Sud- denly 11707 eeeeed to. aestieulate. anti broke out foe the third time into the 'wild, weird, piercing try which had r -us. MI 'lee hem iny slumber, Never shall I forget that abrill, dreadful summone, sweillug and reverberating through the and Oreolcing as Of keye and belle, fol. lowed by the olang of an opening door and bile Wetter of hurrying feet. PrOM 'my window 7 SAW 1117 father end COM poral Rattle Smith rusli frantically mit of the ltouse, hatlees anti Inlltelant, lilte men who are obeying a suddeti antl over- Poweriug impulse. The three strangemi laid 00 hande upon them, but the whole five Swept ewiftly away down the 0±771010and vanished among the treed. 7Mn ositive that no lone watt used. or eon. atraint of any eisible kind, and yet I am as sure that my poor father and his companion, were helpless prieonere as If X had seen them aragged away in mate Roles. All thie took little time au the acting. From the Ant, summons which disturbed my sleep to the last shadowy glimpse whieh I had of them between tbe tree trunas could hardly have ow -timed more than five minutee if aotaial time. ao sudden wee it and so strange that O when the drama nate over and they were Mane I could have believed that it was all some terrible nightmare, some delu- sion, had I not felt that the ithpres: ion Was too real, too vivid, to be imputed to fanoy. I threw my whole weight against Tay bedroom door in the hope of forcing the lock. It stood firzn for a while, but I Sung myself upon it again and again, until something snapped and I found 0117- sell in the paseage. My firat thought was .for my mother, I ruehed to her room anti turned the key in her door, The mo- ment that I did so she stepped, out into Ole corridor in her dressing -gown, and help up a warning finger. . "'No noise,' she said. 'Gabriel is asleep. They have been called away?' . They have,' I anewered. "'God'a will be done!' ebe cried, 'Year poor father will be happier in the next world than he has aver been in th:e. Thank heaven that Gabriel le aeleep. gave her chloral in her cocoa.' "'What am I to do?' I said distracted. 1±-. 'Where have they gone? How eau I help ken? We cannot let him go from us like thief, or leave these men to do what they will with him. Shall I ride into Wigtown and arouse the police?' Anything rather than that,' my , mother said earnestly. 'He has begged me again end again to avoid it My Fon, we shall never set eyes upon your father again. You may marvel at my dry eYea; but if you knew as I know the peace which death would bring him, you could not And it in your heart to mourn for him.. All pursuit is, I feel, vain; and yet some pursuit there must be. Let it be as private as possible. We cannot serve hint I better than by consulting hie wiohce.' Butoavery mMute is precious.' I cried, 'Even now he may be calling upon us to rescue him from the clutches of thea -e dark-skinned llendea The thought so mad- dened me that I rushed out of the houae and down to the highroad, but ouce there I had no indication in which directicre to turn. The whole wide moor lay before one, without a sign of movement upon its broad expecte. I listened, but not a sound broke the perfect etilluess of the night. It was then, my dear friends, as I stood. uot knowing in which direction to turn, that the horror and responsibility broke full upon zee. I felt that I was combat- ing againet forces of which I know noth- ing. All was strange and dark and ter- rible. The thought of you, and of the help -which I might look for from your advice and Resistance, was a beacon of hope to met At Brankeome, at least, I should receive sympathy, and, above all. direatione as tea what I should do; for my mind is in such a whirl that I cannot trust 017 own judgment. My mother was content to be alone, my sister asleep. and no prospect of being able to do anything until daybreak. Under thoee circumstan- ces what more natural than that I should Ay to you as fast as imy feet would carry me? You have a clear head, Jack; speak out. man, and tell nie wbat I should do. Tether, what should I do?" He turned from one to the other of us with out. stretched hands and eager, questioning eyes. "You can do nothiog while the dark- i nem Mats," I answered. "We must TO. port tho matter to the Wigtown police; but we need not send our mown° to , them until we are actually starting Upon the march, zo as to comply with the law and yet have a private inveatigation as , your mother wishes. John Fullerton, over 1 tbe hill, has a hardier dog Nvhieli is as f good ae a bloodhound. If we set him on I the general's trail he will run him down ttroate."10 110 liad to follow nn to John o "It is terrible to wait 'calmly here while he may need our assistance." "I fear our assistance could under any ciroumstances do him little good. There are forces at work here which are be- yond human intervention. Besides. there is no alternative. We have, apparently, no possible clue as to tbe direction whioh they have taken, and for us to wander „ aimlessly over the moor in the darknesa, would be to Wage the etrength which' J 111 1 elleet night with ail intensity of eound LEE ji,, 11eifit aefaell? vavaLcaratascapmagsamaxemumLumastr.eusersmasee*C On a Packet of Tea means Freshness Purity Exquisite Aroma Delightful Flavour Try a ,Packet and make the test. on. In Sealed Lead Packets only. BLACK, GREEN & MIXED. I oan understand, but it is poeuible that these who had command over my fate know that such a life is the greatest of all penaltioa to me. Never for an hour, night or dam have they antlered me to forget that they have markea we down as their victim. iheir aeoureed aStral boll bas been ringing ney knell for two more years, Teminding me ever that there is no spot upon earth where I can hope to be in 'safety. Oh, the peace., the blessed peace of diesolution I Come vihat may on -the other side of the tomb, I aball at least be quit of that thrice) terrible sound. There be need for me to enter into the wretched businera again, or to detail at any length the events of the 5011 of October, 1841, and the various c1rouni- staneea whioh led up to the death of Ghoolab Shah, the areh adept. I have torn a eheaf of leavee from my old jour- nal, in whieh you will And a bald account of the inatter, and an independent nar• rative was furnished by Sir Edward Elliott,. of the Artillery, to the Star of India some yean3 ago—in which, however, the names were suppreesed. I have 1810 8011 LA believe that many people, oven among those who knew India, well, thought that Sir Edward wag romancing, and that, he had evolved his incidents front his imagination. The few faded leaves which I seud you will show you thet this is mot the case, and that our mon of ecience must recognize powers and laws which can and have been used by man, but which are unknown to European 710. ilization. X do not wish to whine or to whimper, but I cannot help feeling that I have had hard measure dealt me in this world. I would not, God knows, take the ltfe of any man, far less an aged one, in cold blood. My temper and nature, however, were alwaye fiery and headetrong, and in notion when miy blood is up I bave no knowledge of what I am about. Neither tbe corporal nor I would have laid a finger upon Ghoolab Shah had we not seen that the tribesmen were rallying be. hind him. Well, well; it is an old story now, and there be mo profit in diecuesing it. May no other poor fellow ever have the same evil fortune! I have written a short supplement to the statements contained ill my journal for your information and that of any one else who may chance to be interested in the matter. And now, adieu! Be a good huaband to Gabriel; and if your sister be brave enough, to marry into ouch a devil -ridden family aa ours by all means let her do so. I have left enough to keep my poor wife in comfort. When elm rejoins me I ehould -wish it to be equally divided between the children. If you hear that I MU gone, do not pity, but congratulate Your unfortunate friend. John Berthier Heatherstone. I threw aside the letter and picked up Otto roll of blue foolscap which contained Ole solution of the mystery. It woo all ragged and frayed at the inner edge. with traeee of guan and thread etill ad- hering to it, to show that it bad been torn out of a strongly bound volume. Tle ink with which it had been written had faded 00018701100; but across the head of the first page wae inscribed in bold, clear characters, evidently of later date than the rest, "Journal of Lienteuant J. E. Heatherstone in the Thull Valley dur• ng the autumn of 1841," and then -under- neath, "This extraet contains some ac- count of the eveuta of the first week of October of that year, including the akirm- sh of the Torada ravine and tile death of the man Ghoolab Shalt." 0 bate the nerrative lying before me now, aud I ropy it verbatim. If it contains some matter which has no direct bearing upon Otto clefts -Eton at Mein, I can only say 01100 t thought it better to publish what is irrelevant that' by cutting and clipping to lay the whole statement open to the charge of hating been tampered with. (To be eontinued.) Shoes T'Led 10 Anoos. As coverings fo 111±10 human foot shoes have beon worn from the arliest time f the ews were made sh men or leather. The Romans were he first to set the example of cost - y shoes,. and introduced various decorative adornments of ivory and precious stones, In the Middle Ages fashion played some fantastic tricks with shoes, and in England, about the middle of the fifteenth eentury, shoes with such long points were worn that they had to he tied to the knees for convenience in walking, the dandies using silver thains for the purpese. it was bout 1633 when shoes of the, nre• ent form were introduced, end in 668 the buckle cam,* into use as n ornaonent, may be more profitably used in the morn- ing. It, will be daylight by five o'clock. ln an hour or 00 .70± can walk over the hill together and get Fullerton's dog." "Another hourl" Ifordaunt groaned, "every minute seeme au age." "Lie down on tbe sofa again and rest Yolleeelf," said L "You eannot serve your father better than by laying up all tho strength 7011 CaM, for we natty have IL weary trudge before us. But you men. Monad a packet which the generalhad intended for Tao." "It is here," ho answered, drawing a email, hat namiel from bis peeket and handing it over to me; "yoll will find, no doubt, that it will explain all which haa been so mysterioue," The wicket 'wee sealed OA, eltber cid with blook wax, bearing the imnrevs of a the flying griffin, which I knew to be the s general'e crest It was further secured by a band of broad tape wbith / cut with " thy pooket knife. Acton the outeide isso 11 written, in bold handwriting; %T. gill West, Esq.," and underueatla '70 be handed to that gentleman in tbei event of the dieappearanc,e or &Icon of Major- General 7, )3. Heatherstone, V.C., C late of the Indian Army." So at Met X 11 was to know the dark eocret whicb had cast a shadow over oar lives, Here In my hands I held the eolution of it. With eager Angers I broke the settle and 11 II. did the- wrapper A note and a aamo bundle of discolored paper lay within, I drew the lamp over to me and opened the former. /t was dated from the Pee - ceding aftemmon, and ran in this waye m My dear West—/ Should have Retailed ll Your voty natural cericeity on tlie sub. „ lett which we have had oceasion to tell, 7 of more than once, but 0 refraiued for I: your own eake. X knew ily ead etmerl- n English Ate With Fingers.. 'Forks were unknown in England ntil about 300 years ago. A knife. 1011.5 WW1 to cut up food, but the food was conveyed by the 'fingers to the mouth. The first evidenee of a nee of the fork in the 2001 century fatalism was by a n,oble lady .of By- antium, who, in the 11111± century, ad marrie<l. a doge of Vence and to in that city after her. own ens- onn, tutting her meat very -finely p and tionveying it to .11e7s mouth a two-pronged fork. The act es regarded in Vevice as a sign of xpensive luxury and eetreme esseinecY. Charlotte Perkins Gilman tells te stet's' owhWent r the -wolnan o we g arn IntnmtIo erytng it la a to bo forever waiting for it entotteophe whielt you, are convioced meet befell, and IV wltboh yon earl rtoithor avert, nor flATe'47, ate, TbOugh it &nets me na being the persoii most maneernotl, 1- rim e still coneoleua 11±10 the natural 070)510-007ev1tich X hove olmerved in you, and your regottl For Gabrinto tether, ,..,,,,l.,both . Whig Shoes For Everybody TEIE PERFECT SHOE FOR SLIMMER SPORTS ASE, YOUR DEALER. I eembine tO render ynu enhaePY if you o market one morning to buy some ease and found, five hanging (11113' de the shop. 'I am a boarding - cruse keeper," she remarked, with smile.' "Wfil yeti pick out for keew the bepoleatineee nod ro0 gio vague. t nets of the fate whieh tbrealona tea / feared te disturb roar tilled, end I WWI titer/lame tame emit to si ulyeelf, tor iolation line been not the a lettet of the troubles 10111110/ova Weitehed " nio down. Many Barna, however, anti ebief 03 smong them the preseeco of tbe Tluddhlets rn upon the <Meet As ,deseribed by you thIn mottling, beefs eenvh•ced tee filet the a wenre iveiting le at !eat over med thet k the hoer If vetribUtion ie nt tand. Why I should have been e11070ei1 0 livp uNtrty forks, Yoam after Ma' *Reece, 1, 811110 e three ofthose geese that are eughestl" The than ' laughed nowingly and obeyed. • - "Thar& 011, -the woman briskly, Illl take the other twe." A pions Asplretio.n. Mr. Reginald McKenna hue dis- covered ere this tbet the Home Sec- retary's life is not a happy 0e0 11 these hustling days when sane sec- tion of wernen are insisting on their vote. As a married man of several years' standing Mr. McKenna should be in a posn to give the suffas,gists it little homely advice. Apropos of his marriage to Miss Pamela Jekyll, in 1903, an amus- ing incident occurred in the House of Commons. Mr. McKenna bed just returned from his honeymoon and was •speaking in favor of the Government/s Old Age Pension ' seheme. "It ia reletively cheaper for -Live Rt. Hon. Reginald McKenna. persons living together than one, he argued. "You ought to know, anywey," cried Mr, 'Will Crooks. "Well, I hope it will be cheap- er," said Mr, McKenna, and the house laughed at the pious aspira tion. AN EXPENSIVE TOY., The British Fleet in Miniature— Worth $62,750. The most expensive toy in the world has been placed on exhibition at Northampton, England. It is a real miniature fleet of super -Dreadnoughts, battle cruis- ers and destroyers, with a royal yacht, all fitted with guns and searehlights, the whole being a re- plica, exact in every detail, of ves- sels itt tho British navy. Every vessel is fully armed with 13.5m. and 12 inch gnris—made to seale—that will fire. Each one ie equipped, too, with the correct nuinber of sec,ondary guns and car- ries elettric navigation lights and searchlights, • while the torpedo boats are operated automatically. Here are the names and descrip- tions of these unique toys which will easily carry a boy to act! es cap- tain and a crew of one. Super -Dreadnoughts. • Length (ft.) Tonnage. Xing George V. .... 20 2,710 Thunderer ...... 19.5 2,600 Cs:dosses 18.25 2,400 Neptune 1845 2,400 Battle Cruisers, Queen Mary 25 2,800 New Zealand 19.25 2,500 Destroyers. Swift • 12 1,560 Phoenix 12 -1,560 Royal Yacht. Victoria and Albert.16.5 . 200 Edward W. Hobbs, who designed the fleet, gave some particulars of the model navy. "For nine weeks," he said, 'twenty men have been working at the Northampton works to complete She fleet. Each of the battleships cost $3,000 except the Queen Mary, which cost $3,300. The destroyers could be bought for $1,000 each, while the royal yacht $2,500. The biggest boats carry two,per- sohs and the destroyers hold odes They are prepelled by electrical motors, and all the hoses can travel at speeds varying from 214 knots to 31e; knots for two hours without stopping. tho fleet were bought es a present for a boy," continued Mr. Hobbs, "the generous father would require to build for his son a lake 200 yards by 100 yards and three feet deep. This would cost $20,000, While scenery effects. would OW: an- other $20,000. Total fer the fleet, and the sett, $62,750, ` "The cost of upkeep for the fleet would be about $1.'25 a week." During the review at Northamp- ton guns anti mines were fired, while the grey hulls ,of the battle- ships slid easily and quietly over the water. During a hill in the eonvetsai ion the young man 'who was calling made the annoneeement that he had flitted Le keep abreast of the scientific advance of the age, "For instanee," he said, "I don't ktiow At all how the ineandescent electrie light which is new used, eo mueb. lth peocleced," "Oh, 111 i,s very sites plot," said the tip -to -date girl, "Yoe Test torn a little button and the light appears," • On th-e Farm AMMON 41101164,11016111APAb0 Foot Rot. The ebeepis a highland animal by nature.. Low, wet ground is in- jurious to its . feet. The sheep's toes a,re very flexible. Between the toes of each foot is an oil duet, which pours 'oil between the toee so as to reduce friction.- In low, soft ground the mud squeezes be- tween the toes and °loge this 'duct. The thea will sprea4 quite far apart and so easily that the plate of mud accumulates and hardens and irritation is set up which re- sults in pus formation that finally sloughs off the hoofs if not cured. Of course, this does not happen every time a sheep gets muddy feet. But if compelled to live in mud there conies a time when the mud lodges with injurious results. We are not sure that foot rot is a bacterial disease. It masz be so. Surely a bacterial infection could readily enter after the inflammation became chronic. Sheep have little resisting power over their enemies, so a little ailment does great dam- age. When your sheep get to limping or walking stiff, examine the feet. It may be they cnilSi need their hoofs -trimmed. If dry mud is be- tween the toes, clean it out and rub a little grease between the toes. Then see that they have a clean, dry place where no mild exists. Give your sheep the hilly pastures and not the low land. • Hints For the Rog Raiser. Keep charcoal before the hogs all of the time. The cheapest and best is that made from cornco.bs. Dig O hole in the ground, cement it so it won't cave in, fill it full of cobs, cover with any old piece of metal, shovel a, little earth around the edges and your cobs will char nice- ly. You need not expect big framed hogs from starved pigs. They must be pushed from the time they are able to eat until the finish, and on bone -producing feed if you want strong animals. The farmer who does not feed every pint of waste milk on the farm, sweet or -sour, is not working for the greatest profit. No animal on the farm is expect- ed to turn in more money than the hog, and yet -he is ,generally given the poorest quarters on the place. Potato Diseases._ In regard to combating diseases of the potato, I think the first thing for a planter to consider is the im- munity different varieties of dis- eases, says Samuel 13. Green. We find there is a great difference in this respect. In addition, it is im- portant to have potatoes planted on rather dry soil. The seed should be thoroughly treated with corro- sive sublimate or formalin to kill the scab germs or any other dis- ease germs that may be on them, and then I would recommend spray- ing at least three times after the vines are well developed. The Shepherd and Hits Flock. Cull the ewe flock and get them tip to a high standard and just as much can be accomplished on the flock as in the selection of the ram, except that the ewe has but one or two lambs a year and the ram a great number. A few choice lambs make puitable farm companions for the children. Even the law that like 'produces like, turtle flipflops when 'erase breeding is practiced. Fix a•laanto creep to exclude the ewes, sprinkle a little bran in the troughs and you will very soon have the lambs eating. Poultry Suggestions. A fio.ck of chickens all of one breed is an .attractive sight, It 18 ah easy matter to have stieli an one. A young and fat chicken Makes an' excellent Sunday. dinner, t is hardly fair to expect a hen lat has been laying all -winter to keep up her vitality through the breeding seeson unless she is well nourished before -hand. She. should be fed highly at the end of the laying season se she may be in first-class condition -to enter the nest for a month of inaction, Clever Legless Cyeliet. GeOrtee Anstoy, 5 twelvelear-old cripple, of Leicester, England, is one of the. most remarkablacyclists So- be hened in that Country. Both his legs are withered and useless, but the Leicester Cripples' Guild hits provided! with a tw 'o• wheeler pedal-1hiness reathina, :with a padded tube covering the aide -bar, Across this he lies face foremost, and, with wooden clogs strapped to his hands, he prepels himself along the streets and roaciS in a Marvel. lonslY rapid manhole „ Na-Druto Laxatives accomplish their purpoee with maximum efficiency' and minimum discomfort. Increasing doses are not needed. 25e. a box at your Druggist's. 174 National Drug a nd Ch entice! Co.elCanadmeineted. e seer, ., 11 NAPIER TOURING CAR For sale at a sacrifice. A beautiful finagled 6 -cylinder. 7 -56e0072 - ger oar, fully °quitted and in firatelnee condition. This will make a splendid proposition for any real estate firm or liven% Price $1,000.00. RUSSELL MOTOR OAR CO., Limited, 100 Richmond St, West, Toronto. Phone M. 2072-34 1 ARTS. HOME STUDY EDUCATION. MEDICINE. SCIENCE, Including ENGINEERING Arts Summar Session July 2 to Aug. 16 The Arts course may be taken by correspondence, but students desk - Mg to graduate must attend ono session. Per calendars write G. Y. CHOWN Kingston, Oat. NI\TRS1 KINGSTON 8 8s ONT411:,,,$) VEILED "WIDOW' IN COURT.. Extraordinary SuitWhich Has Just Concluded in India. There has just concluded in the high eourt at Madras. India, what the judge who tried it describes as the most extraordinary suit ever heard by an Indian court of law. , The claimant was a lady who claime.41 to be the widow of a rich Turkish merchant who died in Ma- dras about seven years ago, by name Ilaji Maldi Baghdadi. Mahdi left a will besto•wing the whole of his great fortune th charity, and the estate was taken over by the Turk- ish Consul, with the intention of carrying out the wishes of the de- ceased. Before the prolonged legal pro- ceedings necessary for doing so could be completed, however, the consul's possession was disturbed by the arrival of a man from Bag- dad who claimed th bit the brother and heir of Mahdi, and in order to avoid further litigation the Consul made a compromise by which the newcomer received two-thirds of the eatate, the rest to go in charity as directed by the will. All that took place throe years ago. Now, -However, there conies on the scene this Mysterious lady. Her story iaeourt was that she had left her husband in order to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and, inciden- tally, to 'see her sick mother at Jeddah. She and her mother left; Jeddah together to go th Mecca, but when they had gone only ten miles the mother died and the plaintiff herself fell ill.. Giving up the idea of going to Mecca, she returned to .Bombay, where she lived for two years with her brother, without hearing front her hnsba,nd at all. Then, hearing of her husband's death, she came to Madras and filed the present suit. The lady was present 'iff court, but in accordance with the -Moham- medan 011StOM She was borne in on a closed palanquin and was mit to be seen by anti male eye. The defe,ndant •ut•gect fillet she was a mere impoetor,that Mahdi never had a wife, and that the whole story was a eencoction from beginning to end. Moreover, eoun- sel for the defence averred that he knew who was, in the palanquin and could produce witnesses -tc; prove whe she was. Accordingly, two women residing in the town looked into the palate, quin as it.stood in the court 'room, .and at once recognized theoccu- pant as a lady well known in the town, The marriage certificate put in by the plaintiff W46 alOaely ex - emitted by the judge (Mr. Justice Wallis) and declared to be an utter forgery, and the suit Wan dismissed. Hew stich an elaborate echeme tame to be built up renutins and probably will remain, a mystery, , The palanquin ae used in India is a21 impoeleg affair.—a kind of wood- en box about .eight feet long, four feet 7011 (17 and four feet high, with trodden shutters. Ib is borne on the shouldeas of, four men' by means of projecting poles. RUSSELL.MODEL. "R" For Sale. • 30 hatetigine.pepaemar touritig car, Thai ear is in eplimdid Meaning order, fuly equipped and worse push `mare the-11,th° , prima. RUSSELL MOTOR CAR CO., Llinitode Toronto, MO Richmond tit., West. o. Pante at. 2072.1,4. WANTED--MorenWorkers At once te do pieture coloring for us in their 1,01)0011,01)001With our wonderful (Mene feel ..-roceee. Simple, mechanical rerk, rapidly done, All pat. term! furuUhnd. rosit11'clY no experience required. We furniSh the Preeesh end chonteals god supply you *fib uleturee 0 eolor, whieh you return to int Good prices raid promptly by the wdele or 'Month., No canVaseing or selling—our INV/. &hire cell the goods and the field is uhlImited for our work. If you went clean, pleesant 70011i 7031.1' round for whole or opera tittle, write lei and we will seed 1315 COLLEGE STREET. TORONTO CAN, You contract and the 1)11001 700 Da COMMERCIAL ART STUDIO COMMERCE IS THE LOSER 81,x:um's oF TEA DE 'brAT la,maiat Esows. -• Hodern Seientisis and Meehan!. e,ions Would Give Mitch to Learn Them. -Numerous are the trade secrets handed down geneeation by genera. tion from father th son, and Nrast ha th.e cepital made out of SOMO of them in the commercial world of to- day. Particularly, perhaps, is this the ease among the numerous man_ ufacturers of piquant sauces 1004 thedicin 000uenstless vendors of patent m But there ie also, it must be re- membered, another side to the case. Many, alas! arc the pricelees trade secrets buried far down be- low the mouldering clust of the misty past, and lost to the world, perchance never again to be recov- erTeci. �eite the first example *that oc- curs to the mind of it writer in Lon- don Anawers, for instance, w.hab would a Royal Academician of the present day give to be possessed of the secret held by the Old Masters —Raphael, Rubens, Corregio, Van Dyck, and their compeore—for mix- ing their colors eo as th render them imperishable and impervious to the ravages of time? The red colors, ospecially,,• of these artists of a bygone epoch are every whit as bright MOW as they were Three Long Centuries Ago. On the contrary, the colors of pin. tures painted only a hundred years ago have lost their lustre, and are faded and decayed to a deplorable extent. Again, in the world of music, the manufacturers of violins—Old Mas- ters, ae one may justifiably term them, in another branch of art,— treasured a, recipe for a varnish that sank into the wood ef their in- comparable instruments, and mel- lowed it as well as preserved it. With such extreme, relentless jeal- ousy, however, did they -guard their great secret that it, toe, is lost, to all appearances, irretrievably. Rather more than a hundred years ago there lived in a, quaint, old-world village in 'Wales a work- ing blacksmith, who had managed, by some means' or other, to bring the welding of steel to such a, pitch of perfection that the join was ab- solutely invisible, and the temper of the steel as fine as on the day it left the tester's hands. By his pro- cess he was ablt th join the very finest of sword -blades, and after ho had finished with theln they were absolutely as good and as sound as. when they had left the factory. The Blacksmith's Fame spread far and wide, and, naturally enough, hnattanied a great repu- tation; but he made a point ofin- variably working in solitude. Be was offered large and tempthig sums th divulge his secret, but kept it obstinately to himself, and when his span of life had run its °purse he took it with him to another world. The ancient Greeks. had a sub- stance which we call Greek fire, and whieh they used in naval war- fare, Their inethod ofemploying it Was simply this'—to throw the sub- stance upon the surfece of the We- ber, where it flamed up and set fire to the ships of the enemy. What was it? The only known substance of the present day that would do this is the raetal. potassium, but to sot fire th a ship in the manner de- scribed would necessitate the use of at least half a. ton of the metal Where did the Greeks obtain the subStance ihey need with such ef- fect? Or how did they make itl If, Greek fire -was potassium, the, secret of the prooess is another that must be :limbered with the lost. Yet another perennial and ever- green conundrum. -What were tho pyramids of Egypt intended, for And How Were they Erected With all the scientific and practical knowledge at" the command of ' -the engineers of the present eittei, they are not capable of building the Pyramids 'in the -first place, be- cause we have no machinery of suffi- cient Power to raise enormous blocks of stone such as form them to 0 height of four hendeed and odd feet; and, secondly, we Should, be at a loss where to obtain the said stone: Again, there is no granite within fifty miles ef the Egy'ittien Pyra- Mktg Of the ezerne char/toter as that of -which they are constructed, The man who.,could disinter the buried recipe for. Roman Mortar would be bowed 'down th end wor- shipped by the builders of .the pre- sent day. How they made it is a profound secret, and bids fair to,re- main so: The mortar is as firm as it was two thousands, years agoj 111 has calmly seoffed'at, the ravages of tithe, and weather. • , • The above are but a few --a very few—of the lott, And buried secrets of antiquity which modern •seien- fists andmechanicians would give much'to team,