HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-6-26, Page 1VOL. 41 NO, 52 BRUSSELS; ONTARIO. THURSDAY, , UNL 26, 1g23 W. H, KERR, Frotrietor N'aw Advertisements Thomson, 2'iln-On& Dougherty. Paris Careen- R. Butte, *Teacher wanted -s. Payn.l Plvs for 81110-01 as, Lamont. ,^, Wash dresses -G. N. McLaren. Change of buslnoss-B P'. Corr. hien wnutod-Taylor, Scott & Co. pi$tritt gciu S Moncriefe A Garden Party will be held on the selrool grounds here under the awl- res of h Ladies' e' i the of clic do Knox church on Tiles(leyy, July 8th. 'Pett served in the ohavab basement from 6 to 8 o'clock, The 13rot1bagan 13ttnd and IVlnnerieff o'cheat ea will supply tin instruwee tat program and vocal selections will be given by Rev, AJr, McCulloch, of Craubi'nok, the ehueeh choir end others. You are sure to have agnod time so don't fail to ht - tend. Airs. Geo. McTaggart is President of the Ladies' Aid and Mrs. D, K. Livingstone, Secretary. Walton OONei ,&TULATIONe.--We have great ,pleasure in stating that Miss Jean Ferguson, daughter of Robert and Alts. Ferguson, was awarded the Gold Medal in the graduating class of Victoria, klospilal and Nurses' Training$chool, in the final exatnite talon as a nutee. The graduating exercises will be held in the Masonic Hall London Friday evening of this week when medals will be presented. Nurse Fetgnsou has done splendidly and ib is no small honor to secure the standing she attained. She shaves in the hearty emigratulabions of many old friends who with her success in practicing the healing art. Rntended'for last week) Reeve Shortreed is to happy man these days -a 10 lb. son, The farmers are busy et the annual road work and the weather is very dry. Mrs. Hugh Ramsay had a bee this week to mise hex bar» to build a fine cement foundation. The Rae brothers carte home front Edmonton to attend their sister's funeral on Tuesday. Petitions from the Canada Temper- ance Act in Huron County . are being largely signed this week. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, of Nova Scotia, called cin a number of their friends here last week. Sautes Smillie celebrated his 80th birthday on Monday and is hale and hearty for such an advanced age. flay he still be spared to us. eVe ex- tend congratulations. Rev. R. A. Lundy returned home early last week from the General ,Assembly to officiate at the marriage of Miss Margaret Porter to Donald Mc:Taiggart. eVe extend our heartiest ann istLnlnl.inns, At the Committee)) s•' is t i 0 ntu n i t.i vire in Dein) church ,20 new anenibei's werere- e11' ii and P. very flue Conimmithni service was enjoyed by the Targe congregat}on, Fordwioh OvunIN-BRowN,- A quiet wed- ding took place Moeda), noon at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. Brown, of Ford wide when her y yoinngest daubhLetr, Aliirion, became the bride of Jarvis W. Currie, of Winnipeg only son of the late Rev. Heath+ Ourele, anal Mee. Cherie, rmer foly of Thedford, Ont. The corenintty was performed by Rev. A. B. Dobson, pastor of the Preeby- terian church, Ford with, Bride who was given away by her uncle. was dressed in a gown of wit' Le sail u. lace and pearl tr•itnuting ;trod wore the gr'oom's gift a d)nuunel and platinum pendant and carried to Dunnet of white roses, lily of the valley and Doriden hair fern, The hnhsh was decorated with ferns, carnations and tuyt ale. Later the happy couple left amid a shower of confetti for as trip down. the Sr. Lawrence to Quebec laud miter points, the bride travelilxg' in a navy blue tailored stilt with hill Lo match. On their return ,they will reside in Winnipeg. Morris Additional Morris news 011 page 5. Statute Labor is well nigh over for 'mother year and some of the roads are "horrid." Township Council will be held next Monday. ,Court, Revision on several drain By-laws will also be cout}ucted. School Section No.0 Jot'ris, intend Holding then' pimiile in Richald At'tn- sh rnnget bush on Satuedny, Jane 28th. Mrs, lames Calder and chilclien of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and Geo. Bielbe 13. A., and family of Ingersoll; are welcome visitors at Thos. Bielby's 801 line. 1'snt Brea, Ynr.--The Lawn Parties under the tnauagetnent of the Jack - sou Sabbath School are generally very good but the one held last week at the hone of Wm, and Mre. Taylor; 9th line, capped the climax both as to attendance and receipts. Rev. Geo. Gen. Jewitt, of Blyth, was chairman, and introduced an excellent pro- gram. Choice solos were rendered by . F. Rutherford; Brussels ; Mies Johnston, Westfield ; and John Mc Arthur; Walton. Selections by Blyth Quartette found favor. Miss Johnston's readings were well done. Miss McGregor and Jun. McArthur gave a fine duet and Misses Edna McOall, Lily Jackson and Cora Skelton did well in their trio. Several gramophone selections completed the bill of fate. All did well. The ladies served supper and a booth did a good business. $50 were the clear receipts oe••••••••••••see••••e•eeese•e•e••eseeseoeceseeee•ee.• • AJlAAAAAA.►AAA A L.a. AAA..AA.►A• o i e • 7 e • e o a o ChanBe o su loess•e• • e - C a O • Having disposedof my}farness J3r to es Business Mr. B. d' ® g P na • e • • • F. Carr, who is now in possession, I wish to introduce • and also recommend him to my customers and the pub- t i o• lie generally. He is a practical man of wide experience :' a and will serve all who deal with him in first-class style. o :. I wish to thank the public for 27 years of patronage and : • • hope a goodly share will be accorded my successor. • a w You're Truly, i • Youtel I. C. RICH/1E0S. • • • •• • a • • • • • r • 0 e • 0 0 0 • 0 I will keep' on hand . and manufacture Light and Heavy e Harness and carry in stock a full line of 'trunks Valises, Sat- m • ehels, Dusters, Whips and all other accessories usually • in an n1 -to -d te shop. • Special and prompt attention paid to repairs. • Will be glad to be favored with your patronage and hope • p • to prove myself , of your confidence. dall,and see ire. • worthy • Richards' •♦•earrBrussels • Collars manufactured tosuit any particular horse. y •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ci•CrCC•CtaO••• Ready for Business S a • • B • • 0 • • 0 e • 0 • • i e • • • 0 I Tl t Special The question Lton o ` it , inew .ht of c , a and .✓. ✓.. Il 5 1 $'$ 4•rr +av✓v e v s to 's o it i 11 YOIt l ' t i cu isle e • 1 g lxabe - e"ri 't'0 Htl • As I may have to close my busi nes$ for a time on aeootvlt of changes about to take place in my family 1 will i•ednt•e the prima of all toy best Cabinet and Balt' Cab- inet Phobograplis a per dozen from June 13th to Ju e n July 18th, Thanking you for patronage al- ready exteuded Yours respectfully, G. F. Maitland Those who come early Will have first choice of Mounts and Folders. after expenses wets paid. Mr, and Mrs. Taylor did then• part as ltost and Hostess well and were deserving of hearty thanks, Albert Howlett is the Sunday School Superintendent and was well pleased with the result of 1115 Lawn Party. This week Mee. T. W. Bone, 3rd line, mei ved home from Fergus hospital where she was for 2e. weeks nndergning treatment. Her many Friends are pleased to heat' of improv- ed :cnnd}tions and hope she will be epeecjily restored to the very best heal Dr. Shortleed and son, of Grand View, Manitoba, are here mm a visit with relatives and old friends. It is 21 years sines Dr. Shot treed first went West. He is a brother to Reeve and SV, Shorti•eed, of this township. ,The Dr. came East to attend the great Missionary Congress over which he is enthusiastlo. Oranbrook Mrs. Serle is visiting her daughter Mrs. Naylor in Seafeeth. Liths. Wm. Brown, of Miami,: titian., is visiting friends in the village. Miss Turve.y was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Gen. Sparling hist week. Several from this vicinity event on the Excursion to the Model Faun on Monday. ' Mrs. Irvine Bunter anti' little daugh- ter, Florence, are visiting filends ib Oen Melia, The postoffice hours on Tuesday, 1st of Jnly, will be.l0 to 12 a. tn. and 4todp.m, The showers on Friday last did not keep the people frnin the Garden Party. About $35,00 were cleared. Next Sabbath morning the regular Communion service will be held in Knox church. Preparatory service at 10.30 a. tn. on Saturday. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Dr. Otaten will preach the concluding sermon of his pastorate here. The new pasta' will take his opening ser- vice the following Sunday. A new baby boy has arrived at the home of T. EI. and Mrs. Piggott, of Brigden. The proud Mamma was formerly net Missi3wi zer, t of thialocalit , We extend congratulations. Y Ethel el Tux -Messrs. ss Cis weekoa Dougherty iy hove open- ed i to i tile this meets and have ell sizes from 11 to 8 inches They have overhauled the kilns and the public can depend on a firat•elass article They guarantee all they sell. OOZE & DououanTY. Grey Council will meet Wednesday July 2nt1. SV, E. Sanders has been receiving a supply of coal. Ethel Orangemen will celebrate the 12th of July at Guelph. Public school closes this week for the Summer vacation. The fine showers helped the crops but we could stand more. Keepthe Presbyterian Sabbath School picnic in mind foe July 4th. On the first Sabbath of July Rev. A. I. McKelvie will preach his in- troductory sermon in Ethel Methodist church Nearly ty0 people took in the Ex- cursion to the Model Farm, Guelph, on Monday. It is a 'popular outing and the day was specially fine. Ethel locality will be represented at Union church gathering . on Dominion Day. John McDonald has. the honor of laying one of the stones, The service in the Methodist church hast Sunday evening wee largely at• tended,p Rev. Mr. McCulloch, Pr.de- byterian minister, gave a fine die. cdltrse. A number of delegates were Belgrave last Friday attencl•ing the District Women's Institute. Mrs. S. S. Cole, of Bthel, was re-elected District, Pt'esideut. She crakes a gond one. Instead of review the Methodist Sabbath Seh;tol here will put on a Missionary programa. There will be special music and missionary • num- bers. All the congregation should try and be present. Miss Elsie rand Garfield Dunbar took pert in Mee. Weight's Concert. in Brussels last Friday evening. The former• contributed two ehoice piano solos and Gari., personated 'Dick Deadeye in thepresentation t n F i. N. YI J S Pinafore and also sang in a quartette. Rev. J. L. Stewart, of Ohengtu, China, formerly junior pastor at tithe], the missionary who is support- ed by the Epworth Leagues of the Stratford diste ct, and who has been a' widower for the past two years or more has married ah American ntit- sienary lady. Next Sabbath evening v g Rov, D. Wren, M. A., will close ]tie success- fttl pastorate here and will preach a special sermon to the young people nn the topic "Three young time in a strange land," The following week Rev. and Mre. Wren and son will re- mote" to Brussels their new ]tome Inc' the next Oarkfetefloe teeter n Venso, girder your Our static» fYgeut imus thrown aside his crutches tam gets about almost as lively as ever, Betenteee rs,-• Miss Mabel Latnout and Thus, os Turnbull, lu nbull of tJr• • e• E were united in ruariiage at -3 o'01oo c Wed• nesday, June 18th, at Ohalrner's Manse, Aemow, by Rev. 0, B, Mc- Rae. The bridal chorus was played b • Miss n' 3 Annie Menzies, of 0• nbr I ra C1U L. The brick was becomingly attired in a sl Y silver mea tailored s g cit an black ghat trhmted with plume and bine hyacinths. Mr. and Mrs. Turn- bull will reside on the Turnbull farm. Good luck to diem. Belgrave ex -Councillor Peter W. Scott, of East AVii.wcwt:el), has purchased a Studebaker ituto, The Ladies' Aid of the II'Iethodist elm; oh, Ripley, met at the house of illrs. Buck ill glum), on Tuesday when Mire. (Rev.) Rivers was presented with a set of table linen, Mrs. Rivers is exceedingly, popular with the ntttut-. bets of the Ladies' Aid. She was formerly a resident of Belggrays and. she and her luisbtqud well known. Rev. Mr. Rivet's will be stationed at Gnrrle for the next tenni. Last Sunday morning Rev, Mr. 'Hustle, of Ladner, B. 0.; tools the service in the Presbyteriau church hcreaild was heartily welcomed by the cnugregation over whom he had pastoral oversight fee 5 years, Mrs, Hastie accompanied blur. Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Whitechurch, read the edict relative to the vacancy, Rev, Air. Hestia preached at Calvin church in the afternoon. Wroxeter 5. Rasmussen left for Stevensville on Tuesday, 0. Sievert, Of Fnrdwicb, was in the village last Thursday. 'Miss Victoria Simmons is visiting with relatives in Brussels. Miss L. Martin, of Exeter, is the guest of Mrs, T. G. Hemphill. Mrs. lrnry, of Scotland, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. '4Vm. eVilson. Milton McEwen, of Kindersley, Stash, called on friends hers on Mon- day. Mrs. Bost, of Seaforbh, visited this week' with her sister, Mrs. J. Hamil- ton. R. Mercer, of Markdale, is spending a few days with his brother, G, F. Mercer'. Mrs. McLennan has returned from Seaforth where she visited for several weeks. MisseJ. Ritchie went to Mildmay on Wednesday to attend the wedding of Miss Inglis. G. Paulin and Wm. McLeary, of Wroxeter, visited with A. E. Paulin over Thursday. W. Barton, of Olifford, formerly of the staff of' the Royal Bank, here, spetttlast Thur'sday in the village. The merchants of the village have agreed to close their laces of busi- ness at seven o'clock p, m, or Mon- day, and Friday n y, a f each Wednesday y week except on the evening pieced in a tin}' id ay. t< ay. A. E. Paulin, of Carrick, formerly of Wroxeter, is suffering horn a severe ease of blood poisoning on his left hand and arm, having had his first finger opened in two places. Last reports he was not doing as well.. as he might be, We hope he will soon be n. k. Grey Mrs. (Dr.) Feild and little bliss Beate rice, of Owen Sound, are holidaying with E. and Mrs. Bryant' and other friends. Mrs. Ambrose Stephenson will make her home with her grand- daughter, Mrsi-Dougald IJutohinsnn. Sleets s a wonderful amort lady. for'her age as eiie is in her 90th year. Rev. W. G. .Evans, wife and 2 daughters and sister, Miss Catharine' Evans, of Redford, Mich. ; and Alex. and Mrs. Bowes, of Tiverton, were visitors at John Jackson's, 5th con, They carne by auto. S. S. No. 8 will hold a plc -tile in Archie McLean's bush, : Lot 28; Con, 10, on Friday afternoon 27th` inst. The ladies are expected to provide the refreshments, A program of sports is being mapped out. The old friends of Reuben McInnes, nP Deloraiue, Man., are pleased to be shaking hands with him again. Al. though Mr. McInnes is a thorough Westerner lie still enjoys a visit to the old scenes of childhood. Teasdale Whitfield an old resident o8 the 18th eon., has purchased Senores alongside his own farm from Ray McNaught, paying. $2,200. This gives Mr. Whitfield a dandy farm of 150 acres. Mr, IifcNaught retains. the the East half of his farm. A picnic will be held in A. G. Bishop's grove on Friday June 27th in connection with thetSunday and day school of S. S. No. 8 Grey., Arrangemettts are being made for a baseball game between the junior team of Brussels and the married met o s t of COIt Ela SToN N It LAVING -roads All will lead to 'anion church, 11th Con, on Dominion Day and great crowds are beingprepared for. ke addition to the taent for the 'concert already mentioned the Committee has secured' the well known humorous entertainer Mac. Vincent. Whatever else you miss be sure and get to the corner stone laying on Dominion Day after- noon and concert le thea evening. g One evening recently the W. be S. of Roe's church entertained the mem- bers of the Society with their bands and friends at the home of Jolth Bryaes, After all had done, justice to a bout: tifolly spread table a short pro- gram wag given, Excellent and much appreciateaddressee Were given lay d- 4,' Summer 1 5 al1 alt I. E , ARL* AND AVOID 1. THE RUSH •i' • Fits Right, T. Workmanship Right ht 3 i- * 4. anal Priors Right 4. 4. 4. Wil..-::; 4. or ood Values in f G • Paramatta m a Rain Coats f Call and see them.d - • W. Fraser •1• • Merchant Tailor + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I•i•4•+3•+•b'i- Revels. D. Wren and Jas, Pearson. At a labs hone all separated for their respective homes wishing the Society every success. W Ingham lista AN's SAnirxta Bwwnsty.-The John A. McLean sawmills, established here 40 years ago, were burned to the ground Tuesday night, a loss of $15,- 000 being involved, The fire is of un- known origin. The blaze was discov- ered at10.80 and the entire structure was soon a mase of flames, being com- pletely gutted in a shots time despite excellent work on the part of the Iocal brigade, who were, however, success - halm saving the greater pert of the thoesands of feet of valuable lumber in the yards. It is learned that Mr. McLean will rebuild on a Larger scale than ever. He took over the mills from Fowler & Ballantyne; the found- ers, in 1880. Jamestown Miss Margaret McDonald is home from Toronto for a visit. Miss Rae Moses was one of the, soloists at the Concert in Brussels last Friday evening and did well. We are sorry to state that Mrs.' Tiros. Strachan sr. is not having very robust health but we hope improve- ment may speedily set in. Dr, James Strachan and bride, of Fort William, spent part of their honeymoon at the parental home of the former and received many hearty congratulations. itis f fou mal e o Mrs. Jas, Montgom- ery, of Michigan, fortnellY of this loc- ality, took place on Sunday afternoon from the residence of her brother, John McLennan, '1st cont, and was largely attended, Mrs. Montgomery's illness was of short; duration and the sad intelligence was e t ns a shock to old neighbors and friends as well as rela- tives who have the sympathy of the coin 'noel ty. Bluevale Next Sabbath evening the members of the L. 0, L. will attend service in the Methodist church' when Rev. Mr. Cooke will preach the annual' sermon to the Order,. Be a re -arrangement of stations. .Rev. Mr. Cooke will remain as pastor of the Methodist churches on Blue - vale cirauit•. Any idea of shoving was that he might have a charge with fewer appointments so that his health might be built up. Months ago the official Board invited Mr. Cooke to remain, We hopethe most successful year of the pastorate is before themIte. FA1tMY:' INSTrruTn' HEISTING# Thursday afternoon of last week the annual meeting of the East Huron Institute assembled in the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, There was a good at- tendance, President W. 11. Fraser: occupied the chair and the' usual reports were reacl and adopted. The 't'reasurer's report showed a balance of $23.78. Membership is 255 a decrease of 22 a year ago ,at this tithe. Dr. 3. Hugo Reed, of the 0. A. 0. Guelph, was in attendance as an- nounced anti gate a demonstration on the Dralt horse. Four equines of this class were shown and 3 road horses. The Dr. proved himself bo be thor- oughly ;meted and the men present were greatly benefitted by his practi- cal tialcis„ 011tcere were elected as follows Peesitlent,; W. H. Fraser : let Vice, Amos Sinitb ; 2nd Vice, Richard Procter • Sec,rT +e x ae. P. A. Mc- Arthur c Arthur g Auditors A. D. Grant T. R, nnand PollbBewingett. are the Directors :- Howioic--A. Gibson, A, A. Graham, T.•A. Gibson, Wm, Knox and Jas, Armrabersbroa ry g, -JV. , SW . Tu. King, P. S. Mc- Ewen, .Ewen, Miller Procter. Motrin -J, Clegg, Thos. 3IcCall and W, Stniilio• re G S, J. Oani all n Y p b J o. M. Pearson, Ed. Fupon, and Jas. Mc- Fadzean. Moot illop-Jas. Simpson, A, Gar- diner, Robb, Scarlett, and Joseph Dorrance, Buffett -Thos. McMillan, Jas. Watt, Ano, Brigham, Hugh Campbell, Thos. IL Livingstone and 13) Tontig, Brnsseie- Goo, Thomson, A,; 0, Dames andW , H. Kerr. WOMEN'S 1NSTITUTg The Women's Institute of this District also met in Belgrave on the sante day and out -dict the men's meet - Mgin attendance by a nuc s to 1, Mrs, S, S, Cole, of Ethel, presided, Reports showed progress and indi. cutest it broadening sphere; After x'oetine business 'following officers were chosen efor th o Y ear :-Mr's S. S. Cole PI de est nt • Agra. Jno. Robb. lab VicePres. ,Mrs W. H. Ferguson, 2nd Vice Pres, ; IMIrs, Jas. Arrhebiong, Sec.-Treas. There was also the usual compli- ment of Directors named which should aid in the forward march. An excellent address was rands by Mise Gilholm, of Bright, her topic being "Canadian Women," She very heartily supports and defends women's o•gauizations and thinks they should be a great farce for good, Slie is a good speaker and her address was much enjoyed only too short.. Supper was there in the Hall about 400 being served. A vote of thanks was passed to the ladies for their fine spread. Belgrave men and women dict their part splendidly and proved themselves to be A 1 hosts and hostesses Grey Council Municipal Council of the Township of Grey met in the Township Hall, Ethel, itlonday, June 16th. Present Deputy -Reeve Brown and Councillors Fraser and McArthur. Deputy - Reeve Brown was appointed chair- man. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Oourts of Revision on the assess- ments in the Inglis Drain, Silver Corners Drain, Holland Drain, Pol- lard Drain and 14t11 Concession Drain By-laws were successively opened and disposed of as follows :- .There being no appeals entered against the assessments in the Inglis Drain, Silver Corners Drain and Hol- land Drain By-laws, these By-laws were respectively read a third time and finally passed. The Courts of Revision on the assessments in the Pollard Drain and the 14th Concession Drain By-laws were adjourned until July 2nd for a further consideration of the appeals entered. A petition for a Municipal Drain was presented, signed : by Alex. Bar- ron and others, which, having been found to contain the necessary num- ber of signatures, was received and a copy forwarded to John Roger, 0. L. S. with instructions to snake an ex- amination of the .area described and report to the Council: at his earliest convenience. The following accounts were pre- sented and ordered to be paid :-Wm. Rathwell, commuted Statute Labor, $0.00 ; . Otto Schnook, commuted Statute Labor, $4.00 ; R. J. Pearson, Twp, portion of Award Drain and repairing culvert, $28.00 : Jesse Wil bee, commuted Statute Labor, $3.00 ; P. A. McArthur, serving Inglis ie Dxai n Pollard Drain and Ho1 n Drain By- laws, $2.50 W. H Kerr - printing g Inglis Drain By-laws, $20.00; Holland Dram By-laws v 10.00 Silver Corners Drain y -laws $20'00 ; 14th Cone Drain By-laws, $30.00; Pollard Drain By-laws, $20.00 ; Albert Whitfield to a shovelers .0 1 0 Thos.IV pay ,$ 4 I. Wil- liamson, repairs to culvert bdy. Grey and McKillop, $2.50 ; Dr. Ferguson, expenses to Toronto, re. meeting of Prov. 31, H. O's, $7.15 ; Jas. Shiels, commuted Statute Labor, $11.00; Ed. Jacklin; cedar posts and ;repairing snow fence, $3.00 ; Wesley Somers, filling in washout and drawing grav- el, $18.50 ; Robert Smith, balance on culvert,. $L50; Jos. Jacklin; timber for_ bridge, $5.00; Jacob Fischer, comtnuted;Stabute Labor, $2.00 ; Jas. D. McNair,' repairing oulyert, $1.00 ; Jas. Sair, ' p , tile e .Award Drain, $0.00 ; Jos. Arses, repairing culvert, $2,00 ; Andrew Jacklin, building bridge and grading, $17.50 ; Wm. Duncanson, re- pairing road Con. 14, $1.50 ; W. 3; Heminggway; repairing road Con. 10, $2.00 ; J, K. Brown, repairing culvert, Con. 10, $1.00 ; Garfield Baker, build- ing culvert, sideroad 6, con. 11, $23.00 ; John Brown. "serving 14th Con. Drain By-laws, 53.00 ; A.11. Mc- Donald Clerk's fees, Inglis Drain, $24.25 ; Pollard Drain, $20.001 Hol- land Drain, $10.00 ; Silver Corners Drain, $28.00 ; 14th Concession Drain, $51.80 ; Wm. Fraser, drawing lumber and eepairitig bridge, $2.75 ; Marshall Harrison, delivering cement tile, $7.00 ; Hugh Cunningham, commuted Statute Labor, $20.00. Council adjourned to meet Wednes- day July 2nd. A. I3, MACDONALD, Clerk.. Church Chimes Quarterly Review in the Sabbath Schools next Suedes'. Rev. Pr. Blair conducted the regu- lar services in the R. C. chin•clt last Sunday. Sunday, July r3th, is the World's Sabbath School Day when a special pr o rain will be presented i n many a school. 'L'he Synod of Eluron concluded its annual session last Friday with the adoption of a resolution favoring a cen. trsi organization for young people's work. The 7th World's Sunday School Con- vention will convene at Zurieh, Switzer• land, on July 8th, eotttinuing for 8. days, no delegates left Outstrip last week to attend this great gathering, Three Csnuo s e k are on the program. It will be an interesting gathering. At the Methodist Sabbath Sebool last Sunday afternoon Mrs. John Robb gave an interesting. clear cut address on the. Cigarette question t th at was most at- tentively listened to. It should have results, Miss Ida Rands sang a Tett - pomace sola In good 'eine, Next Sabbath will bring to a con. elusion the pastorates of many ministers of the London Conference who are responsible for work on their new chargee on the first Sabbath of 1yIv, Rev.Dr,Oaten will couductthe con - eluding services of his three Year pastorate in Brussels Methodist church next Sabbath and the following week e t hisnew home e in expects to remove o h m Toronto, The Londondon Conferencece granted his request to enter the evangelistic field and consequently he is not given an appointment. The eongregation of St. John's vhut•eh were greatly pleased to have Rev. Mr. Lang Ford, of Listowel, with them last Sunday. Mr. Payn who was to take the service here went to Listo- wel instead - thereby permitting the former rector to remain In town. He was here on Saturday in charge of the funeral service of the late John Cardiff, of, whom he }vasa particular friend, BRUSSELS SCHOOL Following Is the report of the mitt-`. Summer promotions: - FORM I J Elliott (promoted on term work). Hoxoas 13 Kerr F Wood., G Speiran H Denman L Jackson G Edwards B lecQuarrie PASS G Wilson J Scott L Lovell H Fox K McDonald J Ballantyne R Sinclair Standing of those who failed will be sent to parents. B.' S. Score P. MACPHERSON. ROOM IV Promoted from Ir. IV to Sr. IV. HONORS - D Ross H Stewart PASS H Gerry S McLauchlan R Hewitt PROMOTED ON TRIAL L McCracken W Buchanan D. SMITH ROOM III Sr. III to Jr. IV. Arranged in order of merit. C Best R Moore B Wright P Barkley A Fox. HONORS M Skelton F Hinson H James PA55. M Pawson F McNaughton J Fox C Moore J Warwick A Currie Jr. III to Sr. III.. Arranged in order of merit. HONORs I3 Lott M Ross S McLaucblin 0 Hemingway PASS V Harris M Heist M McLauchlin W Roe M Mulford EJ amieson G ThomP son RCurrie B. HENIIERSON ROOM II From Sy, Ilto Jr. III. Names in der of merit. HONORS M Wilton M Catnpbell C Anderson W Snider 13 Holmes I McNichol E Burgess G iarvis V Lowry PASS or- A Stewart W James L Conley D Currie C Hollinger J Harkness promoted upon condition of regular attendance. t ansa. g From Jr. II to Sr, _II, Names in order of merit. HONORS 13 Walker Lowry F Stewart Es fioifinger C Thompson T. Barkley PAss M Oliver M Wood L Drage M McCracken G Snider promoted upon condition of regular attendance. PEARL BAERER. ROOM pi Front Sr. Pt. II to Jr. II. T Burgess HONORS K McLaren M McLauchlan F Oliver ' E Oliver B Thuell j equal' PASS E Moore H Drage B Hemingway L Platt H Keys From Jr. Pr. el to Sr, Pt. II. notions L Holmes A Ballantyne FABS L Snider C Lott From Sr. 1st to Pt, II. HONORS J Walker W McDowell E atvis C Salter G lamesw1 Milligan B Cardiff L Thuell PAss A Thompson P McLaren From tad to 3rd nit, inmost ll SieveuP iP et 13 Thompson soo. G kmior FromEcist to and 1st. J Keys C Anderson W McFadzean F Oliver L Hollinger G Stewart B alter M Hollinger e o1 ling r K Ferguson E Dennis 0, BencltX1•4A*.