HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-6-19, Page 4tl c tintostio �s THURSDA'lr, JUNE 19, z 9 19 J "Cots on iu, the water's flue" is now OP the program, BACXWAxD weather delayed the straw bat season somewhat. PRTEg E1.soN, the Fast Middlesex, M, P„ is tread, after an extended illness, This leaves n quartette of vacancies in the ranks of constituencies in the Dominion. IT pays to advertise in a paper that is read. What does the public know about your goods finless they come to your place of business ? To iuvite them appears to be wisdom. TUMMY evening of last week the Lord Mayor of London had the Duke of Connaught, Lord Ssrathoona and Hon. W. J. Roche, the latter a member of the Dominion Cabinet, in for tea. We hope the "boys" did not drink their tea out of the saucer, use their knife in- stead of the fork and said "Please" and "Thank you" in the right place. One thing we are srory to notice was omit- ted from the report is that it does not say who poured the tea or what kind of a posey was on the table. People are i the information so forgetful in giving g g1; the great public is dying to secure. Fon 24 years the Caughuawaga squaws have squatted in the C. Y. R. Windsor street depot, Montreal, offer- ing their wares in beaded work to the travelliug public. By a tiew regu- lation they are ousted, owing to in- creased traffic,and w g chave to seek busi- ness on the street. The squaws quaws are after the scalps of the officials for this upheaval. THAT youth, in old London, who threw a bag of flour from a gallery in the House of Commons at Premier Asquith while he was speaking, was wasting his time AS an advocate of woman suffrage. His name was Marvin and his arrest followed shortly after the flour bag burst near the Speak- er's chair. If room is available in ar asylum he should be allowed to rumin- ate .ou a program marked with more wisdom. A political note of interest to ()u- terio people is the fact that Hou. A G. McKay, formerly of Owen Sound, but now of -Edmonton, is the nominee in the West for Athabasca constituency. TE elected he will probably take an active part in the Provincial House and promote to the Cabinet. Mr. Mc- Kay is in his element when dealiug with political affairs and had a good ex. perieuce in the Ontario Legislature, even if it was somewhat strenuous. "CANADA leads the world in union of churches," so says a Boston pastor who came to study the conditions and "found a spirit of fellowship inspiring and de- lightful," We are glad to notice a growing sentiment toward organic union in the churches and the tide is rising despite a few whose objection appears to partake more of selfishness and denominationalism than of brother- hood, concentration and advancement It is a big enough question to move slowly but the tardiness may cause touch blockading of the anticipated work and a possibility of never over taking a big share of it. Do we require an additional Public School Inspector? Here is the hot', shot the Kincardine Reporter fires on the subject :-"The Counties of Bruce and Huron at their meetings in July last refused to be saddled with expenses. of an extra school inspector, feeling that the present staff of inspectors was large enough for the amount of work to', be done. It would appear that the De- partment of Education had no power to force another inspectorate Upon these two counties. It is a well known fact that there is no necessity for an- other inspectorate and it seems a high handed piece of business on the part of the Ontario government to force these two counties to this needless end extra expense. If the councils reject', it again in Tune then the government will use its power and matte the ap- pointment themselves while the counties in question will have to pay the shot." The matter may come tip at next December's session of Home Co.', Council but we think that body should move slowly in an appointment. When the inspeotois were paid so much A 2011901 for their work they apparently could hardly have loo many but when the law was changed the "burden" some of them bad sought was tremen- dous and unbearable. It is altogether likely there would be a dozen property qualified applicants for the present eon- stituted inspectorates if they were thrown, open, `1'he Education De partmentin their lecessant changes 15 the School Lew is largely responsible for the unrest often :net with in L`du cationic' a9iairs aucl it is tittle a test vlar given to new regulatiobs finless cher ewe better Hiatt those presellled for sevaral years, Hair Slaughter gej„b] LE D BY NE KI LIG Q b :1'iCg Hie must ,have nuutis 01' Hale 111then t clic. •. If it does not have propel nonuishtnent11 will Mae its vitality, grow weak, and become an easy prey to the tttvages of the vicious and destructive germs of dandroll:•, PARISIAN Sage is it bale nonrislA- er ,• it is the result of sincere study and experiment by nate of the World's leading scientists, „ Tt should be used regularly as a hair caressing, because it never fails to prevent dandruff, falling hair, or any scalp disease. PARISIAN Sage not only prevents bet is a certain cure for dandruff ; it stops itching of the aralp instantly • it snakes hair grow thick and luxuriant. It is especially in de- mand by ladies, because it makes the hair beautiful, soft and fluffy. Jas. Fox the druggist, sella it under' a positive guarantee to do all that is claimed for 1t, or money back. . 60 cents. WATERLOO County and Berlin will enter upon a Temperance campaign neat Fall, thereby giving evidence of the mill t under the white Ltaut hos flag of Prohibition. "Never venture never win" is a truism And sometimes the unexpected happens iu an easier manner than was counted on. REPORT has it that bigam is cutting quite a swarth among the Mormons in Sunny Alberta. Where religiousious teach- ing runs contrary to the law of the land and the welfare of the people is at stake the stern hand of Justice should grip the situation, People who will not rever- ence the law should be taught a lesson by the lacy, ' THE idea that the Yukon is a portion pion of the Dom'iion of Canada nearly"out of the world" is a fable as an automo- bile roadway is to 1 e establ'shed and wireless telegraphy arranged so that by these two speedy methods tate far re way Northern neighbors will be within reach of regular mail and ex ress Fer- vice during the Summer end iu 1,peak- iug distance for the twelve months of the year, Since some of the gold min- ing claims faded folks are not half so Anxious to view the scenery of that great Northland. If a flesh discovery were made thousands of peop'e would no doubt forsake their pre Ent habi- tations when the gold fever se'x d thein. 111 Imparts Strength Just think of the enormous strengthening power Ferrozone possesses, -consider what it did for H. N. Potter, well known in King- ston, "I was subject to spells of dizzi- ness. For eight months I had in- tense pain in my right side between the shonlders. I was almost incur- able with weakness and Luk of vigor. Often I scarcely ate any breakfast and felt miserable all day. Nervous easily excited, troubled with heart weakness, I was in bad shape. Fee- t ozone restored and nourished me back to health in short order." What- ever your weakness may be Fet- rnzone will cure. Price 50e per box at all dealers. Huron County Council Followingis a summary r of the work donby June session of the Huron Co. Council :- The Road and Bridge Committee re- potted that the Committee had in- spected Chambers' bridge on the boundary between Huron and Bruce and decided to have the britlge built. The contract has been let, the cnn- Crete work Lo Thomas Sauday for $5 per cubic yard including excavation, the superetructian to Hill & Co., for $1,800, these being the lowest tenders, Having visited Barn's bridge on the Lake road in Ashfield it was decided that with slight repairs there will be 2 or 8 years wear yet in it. Having inspected Stanlake, Black Ceeek, and Eleven Mile Oreek bridges, consider the floors should be repaired. The bridge uncle'. contract by Mt', Willert has been completed and open fie leaidie. Onrbelt bridge wars found in a very dilapidated condition and the Lngineer 1 a: been instructed to have it )•ebnilt,tus yea, in conjunction with the County of Siiddlesex. It will re- quite a 20 font span and 10 font abut- ments. The budge is about 10 miles from the lake 911.01 .2 011 the bonudary between Stephen and MWOiiliviay. At Genial Bend bridge the retaining wall has been damaged, but not serinnsly, and will require some slight repairs. Bt+idge at Exeter will also tegnire a new float-. That Alexander Elliott be given $10 for use of his land as asked by motion of Glenn and Cunttaon, providing the use of the land be given until the bridge is finished. Respecting the nutting and enlarging of the water -course at Wingham, that it be left over until the December meeting, That the. Galbtaitits railing repaired at cee hal'hatld tave the !midge between Ilowiek and Wallace be built as soon as possible. Witii respect to the claim of 1,Viliinm Reid of Exeter for damages sustained by his horse getting through the floor of a bridge the Committee ask for power to settle the matter to the best ad- vantage possible if the County is ascertained to be liable. It is recom- mended that the Gulley bridge 011 the boundary between Stephen anti Bosanquet be built, if itis a County bridge, The Committee found that at the Glen bridge the river has eiiangecl its course and sotnething will Base to be done to rtialce a new 0h(ninel in melee to save the South tbutuient, but to do so will entail e,0nsiderable cost; also at Craig's Midge the South abutment has been undermined and bas driven the bridge back on the ltlortlr abutment abouts feet, Tint pdmtrtittee were authote2- 't J. T. Wood Excelsior Knitting Mills BRUSSELS '1. 1 •1 41' Highest Cash Price paid for any quantity of Wool in prime 44+ condition. 4. 1. .i. o'• 4' 4• eleb:leleigl'M9'd .'d• 7.3.0'+3.0'++bt ; i••bo'•3•d' teifseie ed to do the best they can in respect hese bridges. Mr. Lindsaywas t0 C authorized to employ Lwe 11e11 to at - 1 P Y tendHayfeld bridge 1111 the first of July.R11at the fttaiconsidera- tion cn s 410 - tioof the Motion For a grant to the road between Godet•ieh and Shep- ptu'dCou and from Nile to McCaw station be left until the Deoeulbet meeting, also that the application for lights on Salt ford bridge be not grout- ed, In respect 10 the race bridge at Vht nm the Committee consulted the solicitor as to the liability of the tl y Countyt and bis advice 1s that the Countmist assume maintenance of 1110 bridge and the Committee ash for power to proceed to build the bridge at nice •if found necessary, That. in accordance with the metinn of Govenlock and Leiper, Rowlald's bridge on Llte boundary berween Me- Ifillop turd Mullett be made e C11111lt• bridge and be paid for by Comity. It is recommended that a ne.w code of bridge by-laws be prepared, as the present by-laws are vet•y faulty. Also recommended that the iron brid- ges, the property of the County, lie properly painted as many of them rue badly in need of painting and that tenders be asked for the walk. Equalization Committee re9oul- meuded that the egnalization schedule of last year be adopted. House of Refuge Coumlittee re- ported having visited the 'house of Refuge on June 3rd and made the tee - nal inspection of the House and out- buildings, and are well satisfied with the management throughout and that the inmates are well cared for. Ac - muds amounting to $3,087 were gass- ed. There are at present 95 inmates, who appear 10 be comfortable and coutenLed • $100 Lae been received from the Government being Veteran grant for B. Lawrasou null has been deposited in the bank to 1110 credit of the County. In acootdance with i ustl'uctiols at, the January meeting an addition to the barn has been undertaken. The walls have been constructed with the aid of some of the inmates hilt for some reason the frame work has been delayed. The contractor is Matthew Mains and Lite contract requires the work to be completed by June 10tH, County Treasurer reported the estimated expenditure for the current year to be .$88,187, and the l'eoeipts $5,985, leaving the stun of $80,702 to be raised by taxation. Finance Committee after 1ep01;1- tnendIug the payment of sundry ac- counts reported that to i•atse the pe. cessary revenue for the year will re- quire the levying of it rale of 19.10 11 1;119 011 the dollar on the local t gn.tl- ized assessment and that the nacos. eery by-law be prepared authorizing the !raising of the amount required, $80,702.00. County Engineer reported that eluting Spring feesh01 some dam- age was done to bridges : Craig's bridge on the Bayfield river was bad- ly damaged. Two new bridges will have to be erepted pa the bo)Dldal y of Hurtm 'aid 13rnce Comities end one nn the boundary of I7nwiels apd Wal- lace also some on Lite boundary be, tweet) Minn. and Middlesex. Plans Per the et wovii at \1''l ughaiu are here )37 submitted for the inspect, Hon of the >Connell, Mataelal hes been ordered for the repairing of the 81altland and Il:xeter bridges. The orders issued slime last (o n it meet.. iug for work co,e 1 u nle 1 L a $1,289, Executive ve Conlitlittee uncle the folidwing recomuteutlittions That the grant of $00 for special prizes at Lite Guelph Winter' fait be made : that the grant of $50 10 the Mnakolta Free Floapital be not made, as the county has neeer been able to receive any free service ; that the motion for a grant of $800 towards a fruit PE - 11 , 90111 at '1'0' 1 'n 1 ''a ) TJ13 611 11ori it 1 tl 1 Il granted and that the emend thee of last,,yearberequested to take charge of the exhibit that a grant of $200 be made to the Obildree's Aid Asso- ciation, also that a grant of $10U be ttla(10 to the 1H.11r011 Mille Association, Education Ooututi11ee under the following recenuuendll,tious : That 1)i', J.. P. Kennedy, Wingham, be appointed trustee of Wingham High School to fill -tile place of Theo Hall resigned ; that Lhe deinaud front Mast You Be Bald? What have you done to stop your hair from falling? Have you tried t , Rexali "93" HairTonica . If not, we want yeti to try 'it at our risk. If you have dandruff; if your hair is falling out and your scalp is not Wand and shiny, if you nue Roxoll 93" Flair Tonic a000rding to direc- tions for thirty days, grid at the std of -that time you are not thoroughly satisfied with the results and will tell us so, we wilt immediately hand back your ur m onoy : We won't't 11 a le you u to promise anything. We emit even question you We Lyall take your mere ward and return your money. Doesn't ,t stand to reason that lie:call "93" flair Tonic must be a mighty good remedy and have given great satisfaction to our customers if we endorse it lice this? 1\'e kuow of no similar remedy that 10(1.85:x4 It is because of what Roxutl "JS'' tin:r due for other. o s that we Tonic has beck it with our own money. dal and hair trouble Whysurfer s or be ald when ReYal1 93' Hair remove make 0` io will ro a clandruff, on Sour scalp aomfortabla and healthy, promote hair growth and tend tr prevent baldness -when we will efor the thatment should it o fall We don't obligate you to any- thing. .You simply buy the treat- ment; use it, and if not pleased come back to us empty-handed—anal we will hand back what you 08412x. Two sizes, 50c and 81.00 a bottle. You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonic in this community only at our store: F. R. SMITH. Brussels The ° s•Xd Stops Ontario There is a Resell Store in nearly every town rad city in the United States, Canada and Oroat Britain- There is a different Reath Remedy for nearly every ordinary bunion M- eath especially designed for the partioulor ill for whichit is recommended. ` The Rexell Stores ere America's Orestest Drug Stores Popular Stallions Following will be the rnuLes of the horses named for lhe91)1801 of 1013 :_ Cannyman.- THUELL & MILLER Proprietors DIONDAY-Will have lin own stable, Let Meth Line, Morris, and go West to 311 1,10F1 S'ichci'o for soon theft West.. to \Vm. Cue - nine lin ill's for night, TUESDAY -South to Win. 6kslton's for noon • then East to leobt.'Lewson'e for night. WEDNESDAY -East to John A. D1cNoir's for noon;, then to Benne Bros, where he will remain until Friday morning, FRIDAY -North and West to 'Longg's Hotel, 0ranbroolr, for 110011 ; then vin 10tH Can, to Central Rotel, Bros=el+, for night. SATURDAY -Wert to Ell^tat Oardllf's for nowt ; then to his own stable where he.0111 re-•' main until the folio tv leg irtondey morning, Incident NELSON HAypEN, Prpprietpr. DIONAAV'—Will have 111s own stable, Lot 14, Co,'. 2, Leroy, end go West, Smile end East to (leo Entre tee Lot 10, Cott, 0 Mr 110011; lh, m West and South to James eardllf's, Lot 0, Oon. 7, for night, TUESDAY -South and Bast 11 Long's Hotel, 0renb'•ook, for noon' then Best l3_ miles, •t South lee and Ba Zee m11ee to -Joseph Whit• 11e10, 77 __ot 20 Oen. 14, for night. WEDNESDAY —North 2 tnlleo, West, 2 miles non North to 019 •idtlan leek 01)8,'0 g hal for nom! ; then Nast and North to Lewis Heath's. Telt 2, Con, 4, E11nn, for night. TRURSDAY-West along lilt Con ., Grey, 10 Wm. Bremner's for Boat , then Nett& and Wast to his own stable for night, FRIDAY -West to Richard Miller's, Lobed, 0011. 1,. Norris. for neon ; then North along grnyel rou1ue to boundary, then \Vest anti Nortli to JohnMoNaughtanet, Loth, Coe, 2, Tarn - berry, Joe night, RA'L`l:1 RDA}" -Ernst to hlotvleili boundary end South '0 Wm Wall's, Lan Q11, for (lour: then South and Beet to 11 own 0Wd,10tr11ern 110 Will rennin until the following tlm1dn Y. 44•••444••4••4444444.44444 /'••90e0e04•04/9044I1444.0•4e Emporium • Brussels • 4 1 S. Carter's Is the spot: Barg ins for 0 O 4 9 4 4 O 4 4 4 4 - Five (1ilfo•ent fir',npr s teesetted-the best in the nitt)'l(el„ Bu� • Sles Aae befnoveltyoreyotuhisbueleyctric lamps. attached to I he' rigs. • 4 6 s . -_. AND 0RA.MOPITONES sold at prices that le I'esent 11 alley if Planus Or ens i sawed when you deal with 1119, 4 4 p na 911 various stakes gnntc araed e vacuum Cleaners to ,vorlc or no sale, Call in a and see them. 4 • • • • • • • • • • • •s 0 0 • 4 • • •4 ••• s •••••••••••••••••••••••••• s444sseeeeeeseeseeore*•••• s 1 handle a full range of Farm ImpIOments, Bream Separators, &c. 4 0411 alt the store and see Our Goods. • • S. CARTE RIiSSI �..S 8 4 Ely -Comfortable 1101101) for sale, with Stable, 'Mill et., Ilrnssels• v flll'atfoltl Collegiate Ind ltuta -for fees l'nt 11,1101) ('(1111)13' pupils far 1.002-18 nitiouuliug to $57,72 be pnl(1 as the 9)1Ou 18 found 10 Is culIo(•I that 1111' NCI (,omIII ttee of 11 newt meet, lo etnil'er with the lduuutluu Com- mittee of on1mitteeof 131uue, 'Tepee' log 1110 joint 1papeetertue 01 tiered by the Edu- entien Department, pee.vi(11119 the Benceo0uocil 1111 its June Lneet1ug de- cided to orb int this Mattel. Itespeel- tug the appointment 111' an Inept -mine foe the proposed new inspetaolaLi, the Onmuilitye llud;it impossible at the peewit tiuul to conentinicttte with the otter County into vela and Lllerel'oa rt'eotntueed the matter be left over until the December sessioq, when the Committee can report ti) this 001111011 the action of Brurce0onueil, Itis 1'oeomn)en(led that the 210011111s of the Harriston Colleg1ate Illetitute for 1911 ( --I Lie paid when levorev etatenlehLl j are submitted to the tl'rettsutet', and ' that heretiftee High Schools outside e county e notified t e t it Lehr Ih c 1111 bris Ell It Y vomit isyearly Yt uI >• that \V J , Vt1 - deihltutier be u 1)0111tcd 1111 thin High School kII11)1ii o Boatel. O0uu+ cil rtdjourned to meet, on the 11181, Tuesday of December. Sallow Complexion Intliclttes indigestion, ronstipnLitnl 0/' -fiver; I.roebi0, 1?1G- 1'1 LLS {will 1•eguLµe your system 1111d 11)11Id up the 11 (Wee forcer, au (hat yen ran sleep and enjoy life, ,At all dealers 25 anti 50 cents or The Pig P10 Co. St. Thomas, Ont. Surd nitc1 14com- mended in Brussels by J. Polo vrug- gist. g • 411.6. .1_....____.111... Grand Trunk R'y System eq.e.ezge.Ay-ete,:ateoeergev,✓1 .L`novel,,vrly,,irvey,:,y,Cvgr�,vA�. ek,vfs-0 Vete, EAST HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE xeu sion —'1.'C -- t 141 Guelp h MoeI Farm ■ ort °'T7®PP�ll"T'r7`RI'P dYY0T7Tts Monday, June 23rd 1nt3 Following Low Excursion Rates will Apply Fare KINCARDINE $1 83 RIPf.EY .1.1,...... 1,.... 1 719 1,1.JO1CNO \V 1 00 \VIflTCOITUROEL 1111,......,. 1.655 1 V I N CI LI A k1 .......... ........... ......1111.... 1 50 BLUEVALE . 1 50 BRUSSELS ......................... •... 1 25 IITHb:r, 115 11LNG1tYN ...,..... 1 10 8:30 .11a'L'ivitig at Guelph as 10:45 a, in. Train Leaves 0:30 a. m, (1:18 7:95 7:20 7:1.5 8:00 8:05 Children over 5 and under 12 years Half Fare Excursionists Will take Special Exeuraion Train from above mentioned places to Guelph. itet ll:big passengers will leave Guelph places Special Maio at 7 o'clock p. m. 'Tickets :will be issued , from all stations, except HeotS'y'', Which will be supplied by Conductor on linin. All tickets good to return by Regulate 'T'rains on Tuesday, June 29111. A Trip Full of Interest This is the ;)apolar tele of L11e season. Go and see I'. he 18100110 Provincial AgricnlLu'ul College ; 1110llxperimentttl Farm, it place ofnever-ending alb action foragriculeuralisls and horti- cul1urisl0 ; MacDonald Institute and MacDonald hall, two noted 01 (1 nation ttl centres of special interest to women ; the Consolidated Rural School and School Gat•deus ; lion. W. J. 1len 11i 'e Oelide-abed Farm Colony ; and the many- points of. imlustrial and commercial interest within the Oity of 01191 ph. II Day of 1aiuoatio11 miss it Inspiration Recreation, lo not mo p I , W, H. Fraser, R. J. Nelson, Pres. E. Huron Femmes' Inst, Sec. 0, Berme Farmers' List, _ ;�,;., .. • 1111.,,., .. ,.,�.� a, � .Y ..,. Thu tsotS' i1'it!'e Column lSl T2n •0tAaYDt 1o)1 ml r Uobioblfaslrpr7o, UCamWrenyae,l ,,b111:50(10:05,001 t11l adsobud0i oo /rete mewly,puy0421 uu• od end t pco het• 111 r if a 1, SI N D1U 10N uwnv, GEJ UA ,tli.l WnitunP.t7.. • Ge1)9 A1011 SAL10,-100 acre farm end drop rim tin I, 216 1111184 601101 Of Wroxoler, Luta 1 andCul; 0, TOW ,n0111 p ofllovlua. lr unt- 0) e buildings,windmill, end Puff 1,house, lavatory and bath room*, fermate, n0(Continuation kiebool,Veroxeter, Aptly to JA 5008 A, 10DGA1i, Wroxeter, Ont, 90.4 O0MFOR.TA OLE H011810 to rent or for dale on south Turuberry street, Bruseeln, With nerd 1,1 land atLeolted. Small fruits, ep• pie trees, &c. Goad sella', luu'd sod ooft 10111 et', immediate pusseseion, Fee further per. Mouton, apply to MISS elate 1IE 11151,1.X, Wilton P.0, Phone 1717, Or Min Jane Kelly, . et the Great femme, Brnddold! E„ L1t"ISLE PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO 10,n,,' -The 110100 reoently vacated by - John 11. Kerney, who moyee to Guelph (known r101110ti0gul's property, 'Iurnberry street) 1s u0uredeforsale or]11110E sold willbe rented. Thera is tt.comfortable house, good steble and l34 pores of hind with uilouble 011 trance. Fine guedm1, &o. For 1'urtbor pnrtfculnrn apply to W. R, Karr, oP TnS; Pusiwho holds the 0 It Ida ohotoe (pot t0 live' in and wl11 be sold very reasonably, 274f .�,'!•artP':3rb'3fivir^* at:u.:w 019 .':.'919 9' ..9001" �. a U SAY WHE; OURED Keer eke, n Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS fl\� « Cured by the New Mothod Treatment VP- NO NAMES 011 PHOTOS USED 1-V1TROUT WRITTEN CONSENT , a NERVOUS DEBILITY Thotss da. f young 101Q ammo: c me.. pn pan nl1 Y wept, totpPp p,tt1 0gCn v 9through Ea1 Eaaa et onBlood DAsa If you hand :spy ee fobt symptoms conot before It h toe tato. you and weak, deepen—denta a , specks before , eyes, with dark circles under teem, el: back, idneys irritable, palpitationolheart, bashful,dreams and losses, sediment 1n urine, es, ,plmp, on he ewe, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, is, expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful,a lt energy strength, tired mornings, oroin stlese nightschangeable moods, eak manhood, pemnture decay, bono pains, haw loose, sore throat, etc. Y00 WILL BE A WRECK Our New Method Treatment can cute you and make a man of you. Under its lnilu^ enee the brain becomes active, the blood purified, so that alfpilnplee, blotchesand doers disappear, the nerves become strong as stool, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des- onden0y vanish, the eye becomes bright the. face full antt.Clear, energy returns to the ody mei the moral, p117sienl and 6oxual systems are invigorated; all drains.ecase-no eepo. i' t 1,v bio frq tl o sys m. Dol let quacks and fakirs rob you f y of our heed d ,r Y il 'u a Rits3 0 n 1 �}tt Ede @ IIA,t it'V� lY.. E.P.4 f'-.�li•. . IsVgRY'I'liPNo PRIVATY, AND 6oNE1DgiT1414 B18D91lt $lo platter who Iles 1119ft911 roe, write fop alp 114(10 opinion Free of eflarge, Roplte i?roo-"The ¢olden Mocitpr" (Illustrated) on Scsret, Diseases of then, QUESTION lelaT l OR HOME TREATMENT' SENT CHV REQUEST •k' ,.114 ,. R4KENNE Y KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich, NOTICE OTdCE A11letters from Canada mustbe addressed 1 Y ` to our Canadian Correspordonee 1)opatrt. entlineavorienians meet in Windsor', Ont. II you d0sire to pee ue Rersonally call at our Medical Itistitute in Detroit as we sec nncl treat l n4444'114 pQge Wit,dsor offices w11111 are for. Corrgspot1dctico and abl�r> t.*l' far .3881l?i1il• ,ll151'pS11 Pniy, 41)31411 all otters i 1311 ' ' 'DRS, i .. 3 lY_.,R€r�. at`KI�NniElD~r, wltta6wt,'�itt1 41 %Hu for euf Drfvato aifdrege. �AR,\I FOR SALE. -The Undersigned offers. Itis line. Perm ooneisting of about 105 na'ea adjoining the town of Clinton, for este. The farm is in n gond stoteof cultivation, and bee good buildittge, bred, ]rouse, bank barn, driv- ing hone, pig pen, et0,, 1111oomp0Ttt99,,Itvoly new. A ffl'et•ollide young orchard contwening all hinds of fruits and also small fruit . The farm 10 well fenced and drained miLdis a very desirable home. For fu r thee + p0rtlollla s PP1y on I lie premises or address 24.111 J OBAF TORIRANCE, Olinto)' FARM FOR SALE, being South half 10125, Oon, 4, Morris (menthe), Huron Up., con- taining 100 pored moles or lean, On 'the .prem• imea t ntllisnframe ]muse bark barn,good oro a n d well, &e. All eleared except about an Sell n 1 miles dletnut Only2 loofrom tussels ogres oFll wheat inand about 6Uneves seeded down. For price, terms and other information apply on the pram Mei a' if writing Brussole P.O. Phone 120. Oe F, S. Scott, Brtlseels. 11-11 A. L.1HER10 Proprlotoe, A. IIAYMANN is prepared to supply the best guilds in Windmills, Item and Wooden Pnngts and • Stable Fittings, such its Piping, Wat- er' Bowls for stock, &.e, Replies to Proops promptly tiltetlded to. (live )lie a call.. A. HAMANN, Cranbrook Manitoba improve;•: Farms For sale on easy' terns. or will rent to desirable tenants. Write for par- ticulars to John E. Smith (Owner) Box1033 Brandon Man - CL -LEGE T HOME Thoueande of ambitious young -poo• pre are fast preparing in their own poples to 000mpy laa'tltiy°ositiopPs ne stenograptiere, booltkeeperpy, tplfgrg: pi e'rd,. civil eel'VfiIte, in rape pyery uppers of eutipi ties, Yon may finish et aolloge if you. so wish. Pusitione pnnr. nn teed, Bitter college any day. 'mai, vidant instruction. Expert beechen. Thirty years' experience. Largest trshlere in Onnndn. Seven colleges. Spadaloourssfor tonehers, Afltltaed with Continental 10dunn• tor's Assoofstion of Canada, Seamie • :Wheel at lemonsSpotton Euslness Col- lege, London, Wingham Business College fi-100. Ooo'I Ft1N, \V. T. 1801)910, Presidalt, Principal. AISGSZESSESSSISSSIIIIMESEnteMsestlegglIMIIIMI 11 E Cu re At your home without pain, danger or, operation. My nlethocl will CCTe ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. \'1Thy,wait until your ru?: tui -e becomes sti-allgi.ilatef:l when you can be cured Do not wait Fill In coupon Age Tilne Rep Single o' Double Name . 11 11,.,.,... Address tool 10(0110 to tJ. gror 111E a r; .0 _o•l cl ]lit Dept. A Stra'i;fawtl. Citta. M1111iN " Y s 11_