HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-6-19, Page 1ritz VOL. 41 .VO. 5t BRUSSELS, O V 7'A RIO. THURSDAY, , UNE 19. 1913 W. H. KERR, Proprietor New Advertisements Loonl— {InQ. 'Bros. - I Curr• x Tat o, an e j 30 in Short an . Tenches wanted 9'1m .1.Iolger Auctid. on wanted -9'1m.. ho=. bill! Bolger, s Auction sale—Mrs Dt A M1loIDwen, Rev. and Mrs. l), Regime, St. Thomas fo1'meel of Bluevale, to le 11 0 •e t 110 L lh I 1114 Y the en it =Plunk• of their Ind • ehunh- g b > tet, Lillian, to le'. Medd ; `Inrhitt, o sn t' 1, D. ar AIM only t of l rl' • Jail ..iars, .,irit rpt Y , nil of SL, "u' tum , 1 as the rl rrii • r t m tgt t take place the latter part of this Month, MoncrlefE hn W. P. Betty has been lergp1'a helping proud with J. \'V..+Dullard, bliteksmitlt, Ethel, ales. D. K. Livingsron and Miss Marie arrived home prom to holidayy visit with the f liner's mother, Bel - move, last Idseitclay. Mrs. Murray is 83 years of nage, Quite a nflunbee hem this locality were at j,I.raLfnrd last Saturday to see the../Barnum—Bailey circus. A few ethers took in West 1•luruo ex- cui•. n to Guelph the saute dray. 'ii a tare sorry to eepn: L that Reeve P ollert Livingstone has bee;) quite ill ,h1ith an attach of pneomunia but 1n s• - making good progress now and will 7 soon be all right we hope. It, is ono of the wonders to hear of Mr. Living- stone being sick. O orrle Dr. MacLean left for kis home, in Walkerton and front there will pro- deed to his new place of business in Welland. • Robt. and Mrs: Douglas and child- ren, of B,edvera, Sask., acre visiting airs. Douglass' !mother, ales. James, and other relatives. Wm. and Mrs. McKersie. of Salem, moved to the residence they recently` purchased from J. 8. Foetid, where they purpose spending their remain- ing days. Rev, 7, W. Ribbert, who has spent. a very successful term here as pastor of the Methodist church, has been appointed to 'Winghtun and will re- move there the first week of July. He 'vas re-elected Chairman of the District for the coming year. The semi -Annual meeting of Dis- trict Orange Association met in Gerrie, June 10th. A good number of delegates were present about 40 brethren representing the District, also a deputation from Lneknow who conveyed a hearty invitation for one District to celebrate with them on Jnly 12. After routine business and a thorough discussion on where to celebrate, it was unanimously agreed •to accept the invitation to Lneknow. A pleasant meeting was concluded by singing God Save -the King, Bluevale &liter Blake Duff, of Welland, is likely to become a millionaire, a daughter •worth A a Million arrived last Friday. Congratulations, Excursion to the Model Farm Mon- day of next 'week, 23rd inst., by speci- al hale. Return fare for adults only $1.50 good fa• two clays. Children e price. Train leaves Bluevale at 7.45 a ni. and on return trip starts from Guelph at 7 p. m. This affords a trip of edneation and tecreation. The farm is well worth visiting. Rev. Me. Onoke, Methodist minister, was appointed to Florence, Kent Co., at the recent Conference and will only be here two Sundays more.' The new pastor will be Rev. Mr. Kitely. who ware ordained at the past Confer- ence and comes highly recommended, The Day for Buying BadEggs i s Over In accordance h wit the Canadian Produce Assooiatlon I have deetd. ecl to buy all my egg frau Ude out on the "loss off" basis. This meanie that the producer tvho looks after his eggs, ,gathers there regu- larly and markets them at least once a week will reap the benefit. Robt■ Thomson Produce Emporium, Brussels 4•44 •d•44-144 l leeleieeletee+++++++++ *• Order your .8 summer •1- ,1, •1- N + suitEARLY AND AVOID 3 'I' ISE RUSH 'N Fits• Right, • Workmanship Right $ and Prices Right ght 1. may.,.... o • Good Values in • p a Rain Coats i'n as +i Cell and see them. W P. Fraser Met`cllall t Tailor +3 O'•hiN+4.1• d"dei'•II..i+. 4 elelel •e + +4 1$ ols Belgrave A Gat den Party will be held, nit the grounds of Thos. Seandtett, on Tilers - day, 261.1: inst. \Vingliant Bandl has been engaged for tate oeeaeion, Next Sunday Rev, Mr. Stewart, of Whilerhurelt, will occupythe pulpit of the Presbyterian elm volt and after that men will be heard lookitig towtued becoming the pasture, The Garden Party aL the Presby. terhtn church grounds Weduesdny evening of last week in: iced nut very succeeefully. Nearly $141) 00 were realized. The Sunday Belied and Guild shute in it Rev. Ah•. Ferguson left T'ueetlay fore Norval, Out„ his new (harge. He preached his closing disconrso last Sabbath morning.. He and ales, Ferguson letrve many w'ivan frh•ntl5 who will be glad to hear of their suc- case. Oranb o 4k r Misses E. Melanie and A, Menzies sire visitors at the manse at Armow. Rev. and Mrs. Ross, or B. 0., are Visitors with I+, and Mrs, McNeil, 14th con. Mee. Irvine Hunter has a Capital ei•etun separator which she wishes to dicpteae of. Miss Minnie MONai1, of Toronto, ut- teuded the MOJ'aggart—Porter wed- ding last week. Rev. and Mrs. McCulloch returned on Friday evening last lin::: Toronto Cung)eese WO Assembly meetings.; Mrs. Geo. D,• Campbell and little daughter, Phyllis, are visitors at the house of Jacob Long. •.afr. Campbell is expected later. Remember the Methodist Garden Party on the t•hnreh Lawn, Friday evening, June 2001. Bring your•lady. and have a good time. Reuternbe:-the date of the Gausden Patty at the Methodist church grounds on Friday, June 20th. A choice program wilt be presented and a brass Band supply• instrumental bill of fare. Ethel. NomiOtc.•-Ethel Ohoppins Mill will onlyrun on Thursday, Friday an Saturday of ooab. week until further notice. Flour, toed and oats kept in stook and may be obtained any week day. Tuns. Vennwe• 50.2 Proprietor. Mrs. Jameson continues to improve in health we are glt.d to say. Mrs. Howlett has been on the poor- ly list. Mrs. Skelton, of Brussels, has been lending a helping hand. Council met here on Monday, Reeve Livingstone was unable to be in attendance owing to illness. Eight pupils froth 'Ethel Public Scholl are writing at the Entrance Examination at Brussels this week. Township Clerk McDonald and amity were away on a brief ticdlday t Wiarton. Mao sticks close 4 s 4 se to to t h !vet k. The Presbyterian Sabbath 'School annual) pis -nit will be held in the Dilworth grove on Friday, July 40 his year. We regret to state that Mrs, Wm, Routley, of Torontn, formerly of Ethel, keeps very poorly despite the best medical attention. The partes who have the spoons belonging to the Presbyterian Sun- day School are asked to leave them at W. Spence's store as early as possible. Jacobh s Tauter K a net enjoyed usual good health foe the past year but we hope be will pull up during the Buettner weather to his old time vigor. Owing to the illness of Miss Bessie Moses, assist.atit teacher in our school, Miss Tenie Yuiil, of Brussels, has been supplying feather and getting along nicely. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. IVr'en will RRill.Attniversary sermons at Orange ill. leis evening. service here will be taken by Rev. J. L. McCulloch, the Presbyterian minister. Monday Wm. King went to Wing - hest) to visit with his sear - The old gentleman is 83 years of age and 'is re- covering from a severe illness which gave him quite a wrestle lest Winter. l tAt ehie and Mrs. ' McDonald and family have moved to their new home. It has been greatly improved since Mr..McDonald bought it and is it cosy, convenient, comfortable rP t . Bence. The President of the Canadian Club has secured a promise from [Inc. McKenzie King to come to lftlhel. in October to deliver an ad- dress before the Club, Daae will probably belheP da' b 2nd n of t1 p Y t that y month. Last week Mrs, Dresser, slaughter if Airs, Isaac Gill, arrived ,bene from n'kel ie4 England, a t t 1 for a visit g .tvith t'lat a and fries . 1 9d v s ds Ste is well pleased with the Old Lnttd and lucks as if it agreed well with her. Mr. • Dresser will Come later. Next) Sunday afternoon, at the Meth- odiet Sabbath Schooi special emphasis will be pact o11 'the Tetnporaoce ques- tion, Speeiul music, &c, On the fol- lowin Sundai instead - of the ar tt - iy review a totoughoing Missioh ary rogrein will be given. All inler- estnd aroAsked- - ai t to take 1ualtea 1 yon Guarani Molest, FAItlIta ll TOnclay 23rd inst., the alnuai excursion to the Experitnetntal Farce will be titin by ,special train, which ieaves Ethel at 8,15 a. in. The return ticket only costs 1 ,15 good for two days and ch11dten half fare, It is an outing of ednea,tjan, "inspire. tion and recreation. t P Dear nnstrat 1 will be tail. given after Muth is seraed. No dotilit a big crowd will go Mini Ethel etatiotl. See the faille. Station Agent Murray injured his left foot while riding on his new 1 VLI Y rail- velteepetle 1'l( hits beri!Oilite work assisted by a 11cuof erntd es. Hoe he t will retort on be . k. and able to Boor pilot his ie t n tv three seated racer, A SIroCatee,— The Gal den Party held at D. \V, Mother's hast Tuesday evening, was well attended and was a decided staceess, In addition to au A 1 program of music by the Scaforth Band, Miss 'Florence Whitfield and Rev. Mr. McCulluoh contributed well sung solos and the choir rendered good trumbels. The eveniitg was fine and ample prnvisio: made Inc all, Mr. Dunbar's is a tip-top spot for snelh a gathering. Jamestown Mrs. Jos. Godwin told baby daugh- ter, ,.1 Brtul(foul, ate visiting her patents, D. and Mrs. Badgiey, Crawford told Alin Annie Strachan attended the wedding of their broth- el. at 11 ildrnaty nn Wednesday. Mrs. J. AleOnsh was here of a holi- day visit from Kincardine. She is a d :melt ter of Alts, ;fillet Strachan and is well known to the people of this locality anti always welcome. The settee) pie -air. Inst Salm day in T. R. Bennett's grove, Grey liourttl- ary, attracted a big crowd. A fine time Was spent with games and jo spoyertsdand the day was greatly en- . -.The Jamestown blanch of the Won- eu's'esthete will bold their Sumnrrr meeting in Viet nriaHall on Sill lard a.y, lune 21st. The delegate, Miss G11- ludin, will he there and the snhject chosen for leer addioes is, "Will the 'dairy cow remove the ntnrtgage." We would' like a good attendance. Everybody is invited. Lunch Will be setved by the Instituto. Pxounszox To 0uaLPlt.-1fonday, 23rd inst., is the date of the annual Excursion to the Mndel Farm. Tick- ets telly cost $1.25 from Brussels for adults and half that for children and is good for two clays. -Special train will leave Bluevale at 7.45 ; Brussels al 8 and Ethel at 8.05 and Will get to Guelph at 10.45. The farm was never in better shape for sightseeing turd demonstrations in various (lepatt- inents will be given, Many a pointer worth dollars may be picked up. Wroxeter Sherds Gibson, of Loudon, is spend- ing 0 few days here, Jno. Rutledge leas returned from a week's visit at Cochrane, New Ons dario. Donald Pope and Archie Moffittmade a business trip to Waterloo last week.• Thos. Iloperof1. has returned from Toronto and taken a position in Hemphill's mili, W. G. Elliott, 01 Tugaske, Sask., is the guest of his brnther+ln-law, Wm, Mitchell, of Howlett.. Reeve Reis and family autoed to Milverton on Saturday end spent two days with relatives. T. G. 'Hemphill, W. S. Ryan, W. J. Mather and J. N. Allan aide» ded the circus in Stratford last Saturday. Mrs. Steen, of Balthusi' M aah. vis' - 6. IC ed her sister. Mrs. W. , h f 'e 1 II 1 cher and ntleet relatives bore last week. The Ladies' Aidof the Methodist. church met at the (home of Mrs. R Elupfer, of Tuenberry, last Friday afternoon.. T: G, and Mrs. Hemphill went to Henault on Tuesday to attend the wedding of the former's brother, Alvin, a former resident of the vil- lage. ates, Edwards and children, who have been visiting the formei'ssister, AMrs. G. P, Jac:kanm, left on Saturday Inc Bayfield where they will spend the Summer. John Smith was taken to WJngham hospital hret Thutsday whefe he underwent an operation for appendi- citis. At lust reports he WAS pro• gressing favorably. emus' OP THANjrth.—We desire. to record our thaulte for the kindiy in- terest surd helpl'oll acts clueing the illness and subsequent demise of our father, Charles Simmons. It will livelong in our memory. • Yours Grattefnlly, TIIE SIMMONS Bemuse, The Wroxeter Presbyterian church is preparing to hold It Garden Party on July 1st. Footba)1, baseball and foot races will be included ill Lhe afternoon's programa along with a titer-cless tea. Im the evening a higth- eliass Concert will be given in the 1•Iail by the Twentieth Cleanest Vat•lety Co., of Toronto. R. BLAOIe, Chairman. OHHAs. SIMMONS ANSWERS TFSE Cams— Early hast. Friday morning Lhe spirit of Charles Sitrnoons, aL well known residept of Wroxeter, was beckoned .away. While in poor health aneFall e last hetva s o lv c mn- on Sy bed L for three days. Acute oumon Iiaee the 1 tv a cause of death. Deceased WAS been in Leeds Oonn1y, Cameo w h n V CLO 18 Na also maned , 8 I Ia tl It -Cl Mama 51yeasts ago to Miss Julia A. Powell, who died Decetnber 1910. Mr. Simmonsand family'located in Howiek 'township about 48 years ago and resided in Wroxeter for 29 ears. He tvaas 'ht ' y allot c dost in church relaationshi pI, end Conservative Siu pnlitios. Orviviilg children ate r— C. NV., of Howlett ; J. W, Bros els G. G., Tnrebcrs'y 1 Rev. )3, C., Mr - fold ; Mrs, T. B. Satitiders, Van- couver, and Miss Victoria at house. The ferment took plane Sunday after- noon Rev, Mr, Lacklandconducting the service: Palibeerera were, P. McEtven, M. Sanderson. .7, Ruther- ford, W, IC.. Greg., W, C, Hayle - wood and A. WA iebatl. 'The in-' torment was made in the mildewy here. Jho, Pnt rll n v , a br thot-in:laty, of London, attended the funeral, l n of t Ula S Sn to is vas. in hisZ 7 ndea•. Ile did not suffer duringhis litanies.m Bereaved have the sympathy . ceimm(101ty, Y pathy of the • Special Notice! As I may have to close my Susi. 'less for a time on account 03 Changes about to take tlaee 10 my family I will reduce the price of all my best Cabinet and Half Cab- inet Photographs eler dozen from June 181h to July 18th. Thanking yon for' patronage al- ready extended. Yon es respectfully, G. F. Maitland Phone who come early will have flcst choice of Mounts and Folders. T. W. anti John J. Gibson, of Tor- onto, and G. F, Gibsot, of Venom:wee, sons of the late Alex. Gibson called on friends here on Tuesday. On June 5th there passed away at Saskatoon Catharine S. Wright, relict of the late Behest Laing, formerly of Wroxeter, aged 57 yetirs, 7 months r k s and 6 days. Surviving child! en are Robert, Nesbit and Miss Nellie, of Saskatoon. George was diuwued some years ago at Wrox- eter. Mrs. Laing was highly esteem- ed by a wide v' de chole of friends. Sha Wile tt worthy member of the Presby- terian chtn'cih. Bereaved share in the sympathy of old friends here. Grey Mrs. Wrn. Rands visited friends at Gerrie for a few clays. W. AM, Stephenson is in poor health but we hope he will soon be 0. k. a- gain. Dougald and Mrs, Hutchinson, of Ethel, spent Sunday with Dongald A'IcDonald, of Morris. 1[rs, W. H. Cole and two Wittman tire away for a visit with husband and sons, at Mowat, Parry Sound. Jahns, Serachan ji., is buck Econ Toronto feeling very ranch improved and we hope iie.will soo1be as well as ever, o M Oay llth James McInnis, form- erly of Grey township,, died at Davidson, Sask. He had been an in- valid for 10 -years, A Garden Party will be held at the home of James Pearson sr. Thursday evening of next week. Good program of addresses, music, etc. lIiss Stolle Lamont, 11th con., has gone to visit her sister, Mrs. E. E. Campbell arid other t elatives at Gay. Iced, Mich. She will be away for a month o1• so. \Ve regret to state that Mrs. Geo. Speiran's health ie not good. Ap- pend icitisie threatening. Many old friends ,hope- for a change for the better speedily. Contrite -tor Avery is busy with the cement foundation for the new Union eharch, 110 con. Corner stones will. be laid on Dominion Day under • hth- g auspices. to s. p e Reuben McInnis, of Davidson, Sask., is renewing old friendships in this locality, The family were fo Pe residents of the 1st con. lir. Mc- Innis is a, bachelor but that does not say he always will he. S. S. No, 8 will hold a pie -lie in Archie McLean's bush, Lot 23, Con. 16, ou Friday afternoon .27th inst. The ladies are expected to .provide the refreshments. A program of sports is being mapped out. Mr. and Mrs, Graham, of Htigers- vine, were here for a week visiting relatives and friends. They made the trip in their motor car and enjoyed it very much. The folk here who shared the auto trips put in a good Lime ono. ()MINER STONE LAYING.— On the afternoon of Dominion Day the forte corner stones of the proposed new Union eburoh, 11th con., Grey town- ship, will be laid by the following qquartette :—•Jno. McDonald, Ethel ; F. 13.'Gihroy, Brussels; Mrs. Spading, Winghann : and 3. K. 13aker, Me- lvyn, the ceremony colnrnencing'al 2 o'clock, Addresses are expected from J, Bowman, el. P., H. 8, Morphy, M. P., W. Proudfoot, 111. 1'. P., and Reeds. Lundy, Walton ; Mc- ()delnch, Oranbrolk ; Moorehnnse. Monittob ; Reeser, Alwood ; Bather, Listowel ; McKelvie, T:uwbeidge ; and Ilitibert, Gorrie, The latter will pl.re- side. Supper from 6 to 8 on Whit- field school lawn. acmes the road, Concert in the g a enin v 1 Keep the date clear as n gnat cwvdnq expect- ed, - ed: QUIET WEDDING.— A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home .of Ibobet•t Carr on Tuesday evening of this week uvhe bis vol est daogh let Miss \l o t R ut t hecale the beide of Ceuc1 't Phlp peri, of SVingbaan, At 0 o'clock, to the sI: ilius o the tV died ' f t nl ll mantis, 1 played by Miss Idea Frain, ttL' he beide •and groom took their places on the lawn under an evergreen arch banked with ferns and flowers. The bride, -who was given away by her father, was beconungly attired in a dress of white voile trimmed with guipure Lace and si1Liil ribbon and carried a boquet of menatiols, lilies of the valley and ferns, Rev. D. Wren, ll, A, of Ethel, spoke the mystic words milting is'tern in wedlock. Aftet congratulations were over he guests, nun:bering50 repahed to the dining room where a smnpttous repast Was done ample justice to,, Bridle's even, lug dress was dark ercam silk trim - Med with whitttt net. The evening was spent in music songs and social intercotrac, :The guests demise ed wlshibg Mt', and 1'fts, Phippen a tang tux, happy iifs:, Aflo' a nip to Tor- onto they Will vesicle in Lower Wing - ham. Woddin gifts were useful eoetly Mad tidal os, , Autedating a matrimonial event Pilate Maggie e Cat woe the X4c' . o t ofa"I£eC• then Shower" nu Thursday evening of last week by the choir, League and Sabbath School of Roe's church: Miss Cater was a useful work. e#,. Wen:ewe BELLS, --A very pretty wedding took plane on Wednesday, llth lost•, at high noon at the home of lltigh and Mrs, Porter, "Maple - dale" .when their only daughter, Margaret, was united in marriage to Donald McTaggart. Promptly at the bour appointed, to the strains of Lohengt'in Wedding March, played by Miss Minnie McNair, of Toronto, cousin of the groom, the bride enter- ed the parlor on the atm of her father who placed bee under a beautiful arch of cut flowers and ferns prepared Inc the occasion, She looked ex- tremely pretty in a dress of cream J up Taffeta silk, beautifully trimmed with silk embroidery and lace, wear- ing, uo jewelry but a pearl crescent the gilt of the groom and carried a sheaf of cream roses and maiden hait fern entwined with lilies of the valley. ]:ler only attendant was her aunt, Mrs. W. May, who acted, as matron of honor and was very becomingly attired in pale blue sills with silver trimmings. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. R,A.Lundy, of Walton. Immediately after the ceremony a solo, entitled "0 Perfect Love" was suitably tendered by Mrs. May. After congratulations the {guests, who numbered about 60, 1epahh'edto the dining room which was beauti- fully decorated with cut flowers and foliage where a dainty luncheon was served. Teases were proposed by the officiating clergyntau and responded` to by a number of the guests, after winch all repaired to the parlor where a pleasant time was spent, After the bride changed her wedding gown to that of navy blue chiffon broadcloth with hat to match, the happy couple left by auto, amid showers of con- fetti and rice accompanied by a Ittrge number of friends to Brussels G. T. R. depot taking the 3 p. m. train for Preston, Toronto, Niagara Falls and other points. They will reside on the groom s fine farm on the 16th col. of Grey. The very pretty and useful gifts proved the popularity of these two young people and a host of friends juin in wishing pent 0111011 happiness and prosperity ut the years to come. Morris Short bay crop. Statute labor is on. Township Council Monday, 80th inst, Albert Oeooks, 4th line, has a fine barn, having added 20 feet to the centre, Betiding is now 60 by 70. Mt. and Mrs.Olubb, of Morris, Man. are renewing old friendships. The latter was formerly lyliss Jeanie Mor- rison, of Belgeave, John T. Pickett, of Maple Creek, Sask., a fnvmet resident of the 5th line, Morris, is calling on old friends. He is a welcome visitor. Miss Jennie Cole has gone on a holi- day to the W day v eat. She will visit S t her h braLelsAtRsgina torsi Saska- toon and call on nurnerous. other friends. UVe wish her a fine time. A nninn picnic of Morris S. S. Nos. 8, 5, 7 Morris and U. S. S. 17 Wawa - nosh will be held at 0. B, Wilkinson's grove, 4111 line. on Tuesday, July 181. Keep the date in mind. Tenders are asked for' filling and widening the "Prairie" road South of Winghattt, work to be completed before Sept. 30111, Tenders to be ad- dressed to Reeve Shortt•eed, Walton, before 28th lust. The plans and specifications may be seen ab Town- ship Clerk 1(IeEwen's, Farmers' Excursion to Guelph Ex- perimental Farm on Monday, 281d ntst. The special train will leave Bluevale at 7,45 a. n1. and Brussels at 8 o'clock. Return fare is $1.50 from the former and $1.25 from latter, Tickets goof.' to come back on Tues- day. Children half fare. Demon- strations will be given at the Farm by the Professors and others and an effort inade to give everybody a good time. Arrange to take the trip. Noth withstanding that le happened on Fricla, and the 131h at that Reeve Shot treed thinks he has the finest boy in Huron Go, In the shortage of labor there's nothing like growing yam. awn. We would suggest that the Township Council present Master. Slinrtreed with a aliver mug by way of marking dile more than ordinary event and that it be made a precedent for all future Reeves undersimilar s pilar circumstances, uc e W a'lton Mrs. (Dr.) Neal, of Peterboto, is the gue.t of Mrs. Neal, Walton School trustees are ad- vertising d- tee i rns' ng n for a teacher. ex. Read the advt in this issue. to St. Geoe ge a church is being snpphed for o few Sabbaths bya u e baa student. tronh London, lir. Payne. Last Saturday the Excursion to the Model Foul was runt nn Lhe 0. P. R. A few free' this lnraNty Locit it in. The people of Walton appreciated ver highly the williu 'less on the part of 13iasselites and gSeafortit folk o aid us when fire threatened. LAWN PAa,T.Y.—'file Ladies' Aid purpose holding a Lawn Party on the Methodist church grounds Tuesday eveningof eext week When a good time is expected.* After supper Which will be from 7 to 8 o't:loclt, a Brass Baud Will supply mrtsie which will be supplemented by other musical selee- tions, Keep the evening clear and go and enjoy this gathering. U,YstsxabAL.— By notice elsetvbere ine tui! issue tss it will be that obaery d 1 e at Miss 'Ethel bCel,snd, fnrmt'tly of Wettest, became the bride of F1'iank, Kirkby, of Toronto, on 30no 3rd• On the 28x0 of alay Earl McLeod, sol of Rory McLeod, of this place,. 'tine united fi marriage 111''moott,er, -r+++4.4.•F'i••P'•t'•'C•i••E•tE'Ci••t€'•i•'t4 t1•'i••1' N MILLINERY Prices Reduced ,, For the balance of this season alllines of Millin- ery will be sold at Re- duced Prices. This will afford oppor- tunity to secure fashion- able stock ata lots fig- ure. Call and see. M 4. + + 4. 1- 4. + + 4. + -t d- + Mr , Miss Hunter r . Dilworth Block ETNEL to Miss Nellie Davie of the same city. We Nish both couples many joys and few sorrows. OBITUARY.—Mies Josephine Chris- tian Rea, daughter of John and Mrs. Rea, of near Walton, died on Wed- nesday evening,Jume 110, at Strat- ford, whete she had gone to visit her sister, Mrs. A. R, Small about a week previously. Miss Rea had beensin 'p'oor health since she returned, last Match, from Toronto, where she had been engaged as tL stenographer, but her Mertes and relatives all thought she was getting better. So death carpe -suddenly and unexpectedly. "Christian" (the name by which she was generally called) was born on the old Rea homestead on the 14th con, of McKillop 31 years ago. She was a clever, earnest. sympathetic girl, whose many splendid qualities of head and heart were thoroughly ap- preciated by those who knew her well. The funeral was held on Tues- day, 17111 inst., from the residence of her parents, and interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Her two brothers, John and William Rea, of Edmonton, Alberta, came home for the funeral. The pall -bearers were her three brothers, John, William and James Rea and Frank, Joseph and Thomas Hackwell. t.eadb! uiry AUOTION $ACID OH" A VIDNIDaAL 9moRE Axa DwsLLtso.— Thomas Brown has received instruotionaProm the si nod to sell by Public adntion on the premises at °2 p. m. 00 Thursda ,dune 26, 1918, the property known wn sthetat on they StSime and Post Office. B It is 734 relies on the mash stage(orllh mato to Brussels tot,mites nhdc orchesor hind it convenient y to ec of the churches. It is surrounded tiatt10by one le ehe beat farmhe ding is reostna in the Prall mode. oonvenlsee fe almost new with all modern termsnienoes. Property will be knoldwn on easy terms. Farther orparticularsapplication ti n to Mrs. 55 21 time of sale by application or Mrs. M. E McEwen, Leadbnry, P. O. Ont., or Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, Seatorth, Ont. COUNTY COURT Of HURON A docket of 12 cases was laid before His Honor Judge Doyle when he opened the County Court on Tuesday of last week at 2 o'clock. Four of these wets for a jury. The fleet case was Northern Motors Limited vs. Wright et al, an action on two pt onnissory notes given for au automobile. This was postponed to a later date to be fixed by the Court. Miller vs. Potts, an action for the price of a horse took up most of the afternoon and evening and after a- bout half an hour's consideration the jury gave a verdict for plaintiff for $245, and the Court added costs of the action. J. M. Best, of Seaforth, for pltf. ; F. H. Thompson for deft, Haggitt vs, McLeod an action for malicious prosecution, was settled by consent, with a verdict for plaintiff for $1, without costs. TV, Proudfoot, K. 0., for plff. ; Chas, Gamow for deft, Massarut vs, Door et Grain Door , Co.,an oder the Workman's , a c u 2 t s Compensation Act for in cries re- ceived while at work, This ease lasted two full clays, a- bout 20 witnesses being examined, and after less than an hour's de- liberation he jury gave a verdict foe $500, to which costs axe added. W. Ptoudfonefo plaietiff, Chas. Garrow for defendant. Church Chimes Temperance Sunday in the Sabbetl Schools next Sunday. i' Read the Sabbath School Lesson notes on psge 6 of title !sone, Mr. Payne, a student, is supplying St. John'e church for a month. - Tee annual Synod or the Uioeese of Huron opened in Loudon, on Tuesday. Rev Mr. Fisher, of Davidson, Sask , preached in Melville *Much last Sale. bath eveningi in good is g v g a gdto eorrse: Auuunl union Sabbat1 1uhool Seems S L cl s x inn will be run to Kitten) dine this Sum leer es usual. Date will be announced shortly. Next Sabbath evening the members of St. Johns Masonic Lodge will et- end service in Melville church. Visi- tors will be matte welcome. Members are asked to assemble itt the Lodge Room, Garfield block: at 6 3o t0 march to the church, ReV,`A, J, Meant, 3, A„ Willpreaeli, PLEASE SIGNING IN S. •--'/.' 1 of I g out Ontario, Sunday, June eend. i s Temperance Sunday in the Suedes., - 0 1andi is suggestedtr t a Soh u s t Wet a start be made in the effort to secure zo oo0 pledged abstainers by Ott, eve.Every Sunday School Superintendent is asked to take the matter up and have an ad- dress on the subject et "Pledge Sign- ing," It is also anti.cigarette day le the Sunday Schools and the International Double pledge is suggested. Sample literature can be secured by addressing the Ontario S. S.'Association„Toronto, or the County Superintendeut. IN Tun SEVENTIES —From the Strat- ford Beacon of Saturday we clip the following which will be of interest to . . our older readers:—•`The send annual Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist church in Canada commenced its ses- sion et Hamilton on Wednesday. 'rhe appointments for Goderich and Welling- ton districts -were ; Goderich district— Goderich, Jas. Graham ; Clintou, 'Thos. Brock ; Londes/eons. Isaac Crane. (Clin- ton) ; Holmesville, Chas. E. Stafford ; Searortb, Charles Level!, M. A. ; Mitchell, Samuel Wilson ; Ashel Hurl - hurt, superannuated ; Fullarton and Hibbert, Coleman Bristol, M. A. • Idonkton. R. Pinch ; Stratford, W. G. Henderson. M A. ; Harmony; D. W, Thompson ; Bayfield, Luther O. Rice ; . Dungannon, Tas. Broley ; Kincardine, Geo. A. Mitchell, M, A. ; Bervie. An- drew Millikin ; Teeswater, Jas. Laird ; Bruseels, Rolert Davey ; Wingham,. Henry Kellam, Samuel Sellery ; G. H. Kennedy, superannuated; Lucknow, J. S. Fisher. ADDITIONAL LOCALS PAs'ruxss are badly dried up and the quantity of milk and cream going to factories necessarily reduced. EAST Eluron annual meeting of the Farmers' Institute is in session at Bel - grave 'l hnrsdef afternoon of this week. Women's Institute is also meeting in the same village. Tun haying season has opened- in this locality by the mowing of several plots of orchard grass and other early varie- ties. If the timothy pans out as welt the farmers would be satisfied. FARMERS' Excursion to Guelph will be held on Monday, June 23rd, Special trainaod tickets good to return on the fcllowing day. This makes one of the best outings of the year. Make up a party and have a big day. DoN'r forget H. M. S, Pinafore in the Town Hall, Brussels, Friday evening of this week. Half hour piano recital at the opening. On the conclusion of Act I a Concert program will be given so that a big quarter's worth is in store for all who attend. Mrs. Wright is in charge of the entertainment. See program for further particulars and dont fail to take it in. RED COAT s AWAY TO CAMP.—Monday, at 0r a. m. Brussels Volunteer Company left for camp at London, 3o strong. This is the best showing for years al. though many of the number on this occasion are of the youthful variety. The Company is in charge of Lieut. R. R. Sloan, of Blyth, They will be -away for z2 days and if the weather continues as warm as this week there will be some m tired soldiers. QUARANTINED.— Robert Davidson and family went West to take charge of C. R. Bennett's farm, the latter going along to assist is the Spring work. Miss Bessie Davidson took the small pox and while of a mild type the family was quarantined, Mr. Bennett being held a prisoner also until the danger was passed. It was an experience that will not soon be forgotten. Mr. Bennett will return to Brussels as soon as the Medical Health Officer lifts the etnbsrgo. POSTMASTER KAY'S HOME BURGLARIZ• RD —A daring burglary, the first and the most nervy that has been reported to the Stratford police for some time, took place on Saturday evening at the residence of Postmaster A. M. Key, 174 Church street, Stratford, At about 3 o'clock Mr. Kay had gone to the circus and Mrs, Kay and daughter went to call ou a neighbor three houses down the street. When tbey got back to the house everything was literally upside down. Bureaus, desks, etc, were all dumped with Chair contents in the middle of the floor. The btirglars did not do the job by halves, There was not a receptacle which might have bell anything of value that was not examin- ed. Mr. Kay immediately notified the eoliee, who as yet have not been able to discover the investiga- tion btu lers. On ti - g tion Mr. and Mrs. Kay found that three walcbes, $07 in cash, two pair of boots, d`! one pair of trousers and jewelry belongingto Mrs.q Kay- and valued highly for associations, g Y ss oats were missing, besides a n t 1 st g es bot o0 old corns, owned by Archie Kay. The house bad been carefully locked but the back door had been forced by a spade found in the Summer kitchen. A maid in the house next door had seen two mon enter the house ata little after eight o'clock but as Mr. Kay bad been having some Work done in the house and workmen . r ere frequently about, she thought nothing of it. The Supposition is that the burglars are hangers-on'of the Barn um Rc Bailey circus who make tresusiness of entering houses while people are away from their homes,. Mr. Kay is a brother of Mrs,. W. H. Kerr and was a former Brusselite. "Skidoo” For Yoltr Hoadacho Ascertain its cause and the euro isn't bard to find. Look to the stomach and bowels. Aren't von con•' st pitted, isn'e yottr livet• sluggish, i s o tr the stomach felling in its mission 2 What you need is the cleansing tonic iblitteece of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Their' effect is lasting because they aid all the ailing organs hush out all ) u healtit nl matter, and y a, tone up the stomaoh, With Dr. I tnillton'ttiii P s your stomach gets a chance to re• en erata, and does so quickly. For real buoyant: health use Y lir. Mural - ton's Pills regularly. 25o per be* at all deatere,